Page 1 IELTS Preparation TENTANG TES IELTS Penguasaan terhadap tes kompetensi Bahasa Inggris (salah satunya IELTS) mutlak diperlukan akademisi agar dapat membuka jaringan akademis di ranah internasional. Di tahun 2009, tercatat lebih dari 1,4 juta kandidat mengambil Tes IELTS 1 . Hampir lebih dari enam ribu institusi pendidikan, instansi pemerintahan serta organisasi internasional di 135 negara di dunia mengakui dan menggunakan skor IELTS sebagai indikator yang valid dan terpercaya untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris 1 . Sistem pengujian IELTS dilakukan secara langsung. Tes ini menuntut kandidat untuk dapat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif maupun pasif. Materi yang diujikan antara lain  Active Listening, Active Reading, Writing dan Speaking  (dilaksanakan dengan metode  interview ). Tes ini menggunakan kombinasi yang menarik, terdapat 2 sistem pengerjaan yaitu  paper based  dan interview secara langsung . IELTS dapat digunakan sebagai syarat aplikasi studi lanjut, LEBIH BANYAK DIGUNAKAN DI NEGARA BENUA EROPA dan AUSTRALIA 1  The World Speaks IELTS, www.IELTS.org 1  What is IELTS, www.ialf.edu Penyelenggara : Lembaga Commonwealth (British Council,  IDP:IELTS Australia, University of Cambridge) Tipe : INTERNATIONAL Jenis Tes : paper based  dan interview  Durasi Tes : 180 menit Materi Tes : Active Listening, Active Reading, Writing & Speaking (Interview) Band Score : 0   9 Hasil : Max 15 hari TERDAPAT 2 JENIS TES IELTS : Academic Purpose Untuk keperluan studi/pendidikan General Training Untuk keperluan bekerja  IELTS BAND SCORES 9 EXPERT USER Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 8 VERY GOOD USER Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed gumentation well. 7 GOOD USER Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. 6 COMPETENT USER Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations. 5 MODEST USER Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field. 4 LIMITED USER Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent  problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language. 3 EXTREMELY LIMITED USER Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur. 2 INTERMITTENT USER No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English. 1 NON USER Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words. 0 DID NOT ATTEMPT THE TEST No assessable information provided LISTENING 4 sections, 40 items, 30 min GENERAL TRAINING READING 3 sections, 40 items, 60 ACADEMIC READING 3 sections, 40 items, 60 min GENERAL TRAINING WRITING 2 tasks, 60 min ACADEMIC WRITING 2 tasks (150 & 250 words), SPEAKING 11 to 14 min


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    IELTS Preparation


    Penguasaan terhadap tes kompetensi Bahasa Inggris (salah satunya IELTS) mutlak diperlukan akademisi agar dapat membuka jaringan akademis di ranah internasional. Di tahun 2009, tercatat lebih dari 1,4 juta kandidat mengambil Tes IELTS


    Hampir lebih dari enam ribu institusi pendidikan, instansi pemerintahan serta organisasi internasional di 135 negara di dunia mengakui dan menggunakan skor IELTS sebagai indikator yang valid dan terpercaya untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris


    Sistem pengujian IELTS dilakukan secara langsung. Tes ini menuntut kandidat untuk dapat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris secara aktif maupun pasif. Materi yang diujikan antara lain Active Listening, Active Reading, Writing dan Speaking (dilaksanakan dengan metode interview). Tes ini menggunakan kombinasi yang menarik, terdapat 2 sistem pengerjaan yaitu paper based dan interview secara langsung.

    IELTS dapat digunakan sebagai syarat aplikasi studi lanjut, LEBIH BANYAK DIGUNAKAN DI NEGARA BENUA EROPA dan AUSTRALIA

    1 The World Speaks IELTS, www.IELTS.org 1 What is IELTS, www.ialf.edu

    Penyelenggara : Lembaga Commonwealth

    (British Council, IDP:IELTS Australia,

    University of Cambridge)


    Jenis Tes : paper based dan interview

    Durasi Tes : 180 menit

    Materi Tes : Active Listening, Active Reading, Writing

    & Speaking (Interview)

    Band Score : 0 9

    Hasil : Max 15 hari


    Academic Purpose

    Untuk keperluan studi/pendidikan

    General Training

    Untuk keperluan bekerja


    9 EXPERT USER Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.


    VERY GOOD USER Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed gumentation well.


    GOOD USER Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.


    COMPETENT USER Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.


    MODEST USER Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.


    LIMITED USER Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language.

    3 EXTREMELY LIMITED USER Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.


    INTERMITTENT USER No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.

    1 NON USER Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.

    0 DID NOT ATTEMPT THE TEST No assessable information provided


    4 sections, 40 items, 30 min


    3 sections, 40 items, 60 min

    ACADEMIC READING 3 sections, 40 items, 60



    2 tasks, 60 min

    ACADEMIC WRITING 2 tasks (150 & 250

    words), 60 min

    SPEAKING 11 to 14 min

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    JAKARTA US$ 190

    SEMARANG US$ 195

    YOGYA & SOLO US$ 220

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    IELTS Preparation didesain untuk membantu peserta memprediksi skor IELTS serta memahami skill dan strategi

    mengerjakan tes IELTS. Program tersebut melatih ketrampilan peserta dalam menyimak (listening); pemahaman terhadap bahan bacaan atau teks (reading); kemampuan berbicara (speaking) serta kemampuan menulis (writing), sehingga

    mampu mencapai skor tertentu.

    Nama Program : IELTS Preparation

    Pertemuan : 25x 90 menit

    Simulasi tes : 3x simulasi

    Pilihan Kelas : - Kelas Reguler - Kelas Non-Reguler - Kelas Non Reguler

    KELAS REGULER Kelas Reguler dibuka secara periodik, periode terdekat di Bulan April 2014

    Pilihan Jadwal : 3x seminggu

    Kelas Mulai : 15 April 2014

    Biaya : Rp. 1.325.000

    Pendaftaran : s/d 8 April 2015 (biaya pendaftaran Rp. 20.000)

    Kuota Kelas : 8 15 orang (minimal 8 orang terdaftar agar kelas berjalan)

    Fasilitas : Modul, CD, sertifikat, AC Room, wi-fi area, english speaking club (ESC), merchandise, class kit, dll

    Pengajar : Indonesian Teacher

    KELAS NON-REGULER Kelas Non-Reguler ditawarkan dengan beberapa kelebihan :



    Biaya sudah termasuk modul, sertifikat

    Bebas Biaya Pendaftaran -

    Tidak berlaku kuota minimal kelas -

    Jadwal negotiable (jadwal ditentukan di awal)


    Lokasi di Cilacs UII / In house - teacher datang ke lokasi peserta (ketentuan berlaku)


    Reschedule jadwal 4x -

    Biaya Kelas Non Reguler IELTS Preparation

    Jumlah Peserta

    Biaya (per orang)


    1 Rp. 3.985.000 Modul : focus on IELTS (Pearson Longman)

    Jadwal negotiable, disusun berdasar kesepakatan bersama dengan menyesuaikan jadwal peserta dan pengajar

    Tempat disarankan di kampus Cilacs UII karena terkait ketersediaan perangkat audio. Untuk inhouse dapat didiskusikan.

    2 Rp. 3.205.000

    3 Rp. 2.915.000

    4 Rp. 2.660.000

    5 Rp. 2.415.000

    Fasilitas Kelas Non-Reguler :



    Sertifikat / Reference Letter;

    Include simulasi tes



    Ruang belajar yang nyaman (AC Room)

    Wi-fi Area

    Self Acces Center

    FREE biaya pendaftaran

    FREE diagnostic test

    Reschedule 4 x

    FREE Class Gathering

  • Page 4

    Prosedur Registrasi Kelas Non-Reguler:

    Informasi: Adit (telp. 0817 9419 151)

    Email: [email protected]

    Pengajuan usulan jadwal oleh siswa + Pengisian formulir

    proses penyusunan jadwal & persiapan


    ( 7 - 14 hari)

    Diagnostic Test

    Kelas Mulai

  • Page 5


    Cilacs UII adalah penyelenggara resmi (testing center resmi)

    untuk tes TOEFLITP , TOEFL iBT

    serta lembaga resmi penyelenggara tes CEPT

    in cooperation with :


    English Grammar Program

    English Conversation

    Academic Writing

    English Presentation

    English for Job Hunting

    Writing & Presentation

    TOEFL Preparation

    TOEFL iBT Preparation

    IELTS Preparation

    CEPT Preparation

    English for Kids (Anak-anak)

    English for Teenagers


    (1 year Program)

    Non English

    Bhs Arab

    Bhs Mandarin

    Bhs Korea

    Bhs Jepang

    Bhs Italia

    Bhs Perancis

    Bhs Jerman

    Other Services


    Proof Reading

    Language Advisory



    TOEFL ITP (resmi)

    TOEFL iBT (resmi)

    CEPT (resmi)

    IELTS Simulation

  • Page 6



    1. STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong 2. STIE YPPI Rembang 3. Taruna AAU Yogyakarta 4. Dosen &Staf PSIK, Patologi Klinik, Fak. Biologi

    UGM 5. Program Doktor MSI, Jur. HI, ILmu Komunikasi

    UGM 6. Mhsw MM, Cpps. PSEKP, Mhs IUP UGM 7. Dosen-Dosen FMIPA UGM 8. Dosen STPN Yogyakarta 9. Fak. Sainstek, Tarbiyah, Pasca Sarjana UIN Sunan

    Kalijaga 10. Staff/karyawan, Dosen, FE UNS 11. IESP UMY 12. Islamic Business School 13. STIE Mitra 14. FTI Universitas Atmajaya 15. AA YKPN 16. AKINDO Yogyakarta 17. Univ. Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa 18. Staff Arsitek UKDW 19. IP HI UMY 20. Pascasarjana STMPD APMD 21. Dosen FE UTY 22. LPPM UGM 23. Sekolah Pramugari QPTC Airline School dan

    Dimas Airline School 24. STTN BATAN 25. STIKES Jend. Ahmad Yani


    26. SMA Muh 2, PIRI I Yk 27. SMA Internasional Budi Mulia Dua (BMD) 28. SMP N1 Ngemplak


    29. Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Wonosari 30. Dinas Kesehatan, Setda, BKD Kab Sleman 31. Dinkes, BAPPEDA, BKD, Diknas Yk 32. Staf Badan Planologi Dep Kehutanan Yk 33. Staf DPRD Yk 34. LIPI Yogyakarta 35. Pemda Kab Bantul 36. Staf POLDA DIY 37. Kantor BKKBN YK 38. BPKP DIY 39. Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya (BPCB) DIY 40. Balai Besar POM DIY


    41. Hyatt Regency 42. Grand Quality Hotel 43. Staf Jogja Plaza Hotel 44. LPP Convention Hotel 45. University Hotel


    46. Bank Indonesia (kursus untuk warga Manding Bantul) 47. Staf Bank BPD DIY 48. Karyawan Bank BTN 49. PT. BPR Swadharma Artha Nusa


    50. PT. Sari Husada 51. Staf /karyawan RS Sardjito 52. Staf/karyawan Garuda Indonesia (GIA) 53. Staf / karyawan Bank Niaga 54. PT. Pagilaran Yogyakarta 55. Snap Caf Yogyakarta 56. NGO Kampung Halaman, Islamic Relief, Combine Yk 57. NGO Kantata Research Jakarta 58. PT Exlog Sarana Indonesia 59. Ikatan Beswan Djarum 60. Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC) UGM 61. ECC FT UGM, Kerjasama tes rekrutmen pegawai :

    - BRI - PT. PLN (persero) - PT. Hutama Karya - PT. Bentoel (British American Tobacco) - PT. PUSRI - PT. Indonesia Comnet Plus - GAMA GROUP - PT. Latinusa - Politeknik Caltex Riau