“Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers”

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  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    1.0 Part: A


    Our aim of this report is to know about different CNG Conversion centers the employee-

    employer relationship. Each organization share/use different types of relationship. Basically

    every organization use different types of relationship for different departments based on their

    organization, organization needs, strategies and their business. And it needs to submit to our

    course instructor Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain of Business Research Methods course as a partial

    part of our course. So in this report we will try to demonstrate about conversion center worker

    relationship with employer.



    The broad objective of this study is to highlight the alternative industrial relations

    systems. The main objective of this study is to identify and familiarize with the organization

    different industrial relation systems.


    To identify the management style.

    To identify employee-employer relation.

    To identify employee rights are maintained or not. To identify is there any union or not.

    To identify the level of job security.

    To identify the type of rule or policy.


    The scope of the study is that, first time we are going to analyzing the relationship among the

    conversion center worker and employer on the field of business research methods and there is nostudy about this till now.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.




    Sources of Data


    The primary data will collect from face to face discussion with the help of the employer,

    employees of those organizations. Interview is conducted with them and they were asked

    relevant questions regarding their Industrial Relations Systems.

    In this way primary information will be collect.


    As we have very short time to conduct this study, in preparing this report, we have faced some

    limitations. For some time we are mainly concerning on the gathering information from


    In addition to that the organization was unwilling to disclose much important information due to

    organizational confidentiality. Another constraints, relevant papers and documents were not

    available sufficiently. Other limitations are:

    Lack of sufficient knowledge,

    Lack of availability of data and documents, Improper combination of necessary information.

    Time constraint


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

    Primary Sources

    Face to face conversation withthe worker and employer ofthose organizations.

    Relevant documents studies asprovided by the concernsorganization.

    Observation of activity.

    Group discussion.

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    1.6 Research Instrument:

    1.6.1 Questionnaire:

    We prepared a questioner with a set of maximum 20 questions and ask the manager and

    worker to answer them. The questioner will be MCQ types which were also yes-no based

    answered question paper.

    1.6.2 Mechanical Tool:

    We used our personal computer all throughout the completion of our research. We also

    used Internet for the more informations.


    1.7.1 Sample Unit:

    We are focusing our study mainly on the worker and employer of those organizations.

    1.7.2 Sample Size:

    We took a sample size of maximum 14 people, so that we can use normal distribution

    with the help of chart for the simplification of calculation.

    1.7.3 Sampling Procedure:

    We used the chance procedure in selection the group of users.

    1.8 Interview Method:

    1.8.1 Personal Interview:

    We took a personal interview with the worker and employer. It would be an arranged one

    because we prepared a set of minimum of 15-20 questions before hand the interview.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    Part: B

    2.0 Organizational Overview

    2.1 Organizational overview of Shanta CNG conversion:

    Shanta CNG conversion established in 2003. Here the numbers of workers at present are 3. Their

    ownership style is sole proprietorship. Here no existence of union and no mandatory to join

    union. They are not member of any trade union and there is no trade union. Their holiday is 1

    day. Leave in Eid in 3 days and Puja in 1 day. There is no government holiday. Their rules are

    informal and flexible. Average working hour per day 10 or more it depends on situation. There

    pay procedure is monthly. They do not get lunch from the company. And also they do not get

    any kind of bonus yearly. They do not get overtime and their overtime has no payment. There

    have no opportunity for training. The companies do not provide safe drinking water. There is no

    separate washroom for male or female. There were no conflicts arising on the organization. They

    workers were not involved in any kind of conflict. Their reason for joining this company ispersonal liking.

    2.2 Organizational overview of Hazipara CNG conversion:

    Hazipara CNG conversion established in 2002. There number of workers are 3. Their ownership

    style is sole proprietorship. No existence of union. No mandatory to join union. They are not

    member of any trade union and there is no trade union. There holiday is 1 day. Leave in Eid 3

    days and Puja 1 day. They have government holiday. Their rules are formal and flexible. Their

    average working hour per day is 10 hours. Their pay procedure is monthly. They do not getlunch from the company. They get yearly bonus in 50% in two times in a year. They do not get

    overtime and their overtime has no payment. There have no opportunity for training. The

    companies do not provide safe drinking water. There is no separate washroom for male or

    female. Here the workers saw conflict and the conflicts reason is behave. They solve the conflict

    by minor case discuss and minor case termination. They workers were not involved in any kind

    of conflict. Their reason for joining this company is personal liking.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    Part: C

    3.0 Findings, Analysis & Recomendations:

    3.1 Findings & Analysis:

    a) In our survey here we found that, age 18-22 years are more than the age 23-27, 28-32,

    and age 33+. Because in a CNG conversation hire young people is needed how are more

    active. Then we see that age 28-32 and 33+ are the same proportion and the 23-27 is the

    less than the all of them.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    b) Here the married and single are the same portion.

    c) No of dependent are 3 to 4 is more than the others. It is 5. 2 is 4, 5 to 6 is 3 and 7 to 8 is


    d) Here we can see that education of CNG conversion is up to 5 is 5. Because here

    education quality is not more important. Then S.S.c and H.S.C is 4 and 6 to 8 is 1.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    e) Here - this sign means their father is not involve in any kind of work. Their number is

    high. Then farmer is 5 and shopkeeper, woodmaker and bus driver is 1.

    f) Here - this sign means their mother is late and others are housewife and there are 12.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    g) Here we see that barishal, faridpur, commila and noakhali are more than the others. They

    are 3. Then the other rajshahi and dhaka are 1.

    h) Here we can see that the earning member of the family are 1 is 2, 2 is 9 which is morethen 3 is 2 and 4 is 1.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    i) We can see that here 1 to 3 years, 3 to 5 years, less than 1 years is 4 and 5+ is 2.

    j) Here we can see that 4500+ is more than the others. Then 3501-4500 is 4 and 2051-3500

    is 2.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    k) Here all are above 4501 in their average family income.

    l) Here we can see that savings is no are 2 and less than 500 is more it is 12. And

    Satisfaction Measurement Analysis:

    m) In work schedule three persons are dissatisfied, two persons are Neutral, five persons aresatisfied and four persons are very satisfied.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    n) In pay procedure two persons are very satisfied, five persons are satisfied, two persons

    are Neutral and five persons are dissatisfied. So the satisfaction and dissatisfaction are

    both high.

    o) In payment of both CNG conversion station, workers satisfaction level is very good.

    According to the data very satisfied were 3 three persons, six persons are satisfied, three

    persons are Neutral, two persons are dissatisfied on payment and no one was very

    dissatisfied among two organizations.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    p) In number of working hours most of the respondents were neutral. That can they were

    not very satisfied about the number of working hour. The data was very dissatisfied

    were one person, five persons were dissatisfied, six persons were neutral and two person

    were satisfied. So according to the data both organization need to work on number of

    working hour that satisfaction level can increase.

    q) The comparison between bonus and overtime is not in very satisfied level. The data was

    in Overtime Payment nine persons were very dissatisfied, three persons were

    dissatisfied, two persons were Neutral and no persons were found in satisfied or very

    satisfied in overtime payment. The reason can be there can no overtime opportunity or if

    there, the organizations were not very concerns about overtime payments. In bonus

    amount payment by both organization the satisfied were eight persons, five persons were

    neutral, one person were dissatisfied. No persons were found in very satisfied or very

    dissatisfied. That means both organizations doing very well in terms payments of bonus.

    r) Level. According to the data from research we found that no employee is dissatisfied or

    very dissatisfied among both organization based on the leave and holyday leave.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    s) Relationship with management and Management style is not very satisfactory level in

    both of the organization. The data shows that in relationship with management

    dissatisfied were four, neutral were five and satisfied were five. No one found very

    satisfied or very dissatisfied. In management style six persons were very dissatisfied,

    neutral were one, satisfied were three and very dissatisfied were four. So both the

    organization needs to think about their relationship with employee and management


    t) Data shows that employee dissatisfaction is very high for job security. According to the

    data very dissatisfied were eight persons, dissatisfied were two, neutral were two. So

    that means the organizations are not very concern about employees job security.


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    3.2 Recommendations:

    There should be training facility to introduce new technology to the worker.

    There should be overtime payment for extra hours work.

    The working hours should be standard working hours.

    The job security should be increased.

    Employer can provide launch and fresh drinking water.

    Women worker can enter this industry.

    There should be more safety kits for betterment.

    The working condition need to be improved.

    Part: D

    4.0 Conclusion:

    At the end we can say from our study that employee-employer relationship in CNG Conversion

    sector is in satisfied level. And the conflict between employee-employer is very low and some

    cases employers are careful about the employer. But also there need to improve the relationship

    among the employee-employer for more output and also humanity reasons. And one think we

    notice that in this two organization there is some lack and employee are dominated by the

    employer very rashly but also the employee are satisfied to their worker.

    Annexure Part

    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

    A Questionnaire


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    (All the information collected from this questionnaire will be used for research only and will be

    kept secret.)


    Position of the respondent....

    (Employee background)

    1. Gender: Male Female

    2. Age: 12- 17 18-22 23-27 28- 32 33+

    3. Marital status: Married Single Divorced

    4. No. of dependents: 2 3-4 5-6 7-8

    5. Education: Illiterate Up to 5 6- 8 SSC HSC . Degree

    6. Parents occupation: Father- Farmer/.

    Mother- House wife/

    7. Birth place:

    8. Earning member of the family: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Above 7

    9. No. of years working with the organization: less than 1year 1- 3 3-5 5+

    10. Average monthly income of the respondents: Up to 1500 1501- 2500 2501- 3500

    3501- 4500 4501+

    11. Average monthly income of the family: Less than1500 1501- 2500 2501- 3500

    3501- 4500 Above 4501

    12. Savings: No savings Less than 500 501- 1000 1001- 1500 Above 1500

    (Organization overview)

    Year of establishment:

    No. of workers at present: ..

    Ownership style: Sole proprietorship Joint venture Partnership

    Existence of Union: Yes No

    Mandatory to join Union: Yes No

    Are you member of any Trade Union: Yes No


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.


    How many Trade unions are there:


    Holiday: 1 day 1.5 days 2 days

    Leave: Eid Puja Christmas Other

    Government holiday: Yes No

    Rules are: Formal Informal Flexible Inflexible

    Average working hour per day:

    Pay procedure: Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly

    Do you get lunch from company: Yes No

    Do you get any kind of bonus yearly : Yes No

    Do you get overtime: Yes No

    How much do you get for overtime: less than100 101-200 201-300 301-400 400+

    Opportunities for training: Yes No

    Does company provide safe drinking water: Yes No

    Separate washroom for male and female: Yes No

    (Conflict handling)

    Have you ever seen any conflict: Yes No

    What was the reason for arising conflict? : ................................................................


    How did they solve the conflict? :


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

  • 8/22/2019 Identify & Analyze Alternative Business Research Methods at Different CNG Conversion Centers.





    Have you ever got involved in any conflict: Yes No

    Reason for joining this company: Personal liking Fathers occupation No other job available

    Satisfaction level measurement:

    Factors of measurement Very Satisfied














    1. Work Schedule

    2. Pay procedure

    3. Payment

    4. No of working hours

    5. Overtime Payment

    6. Bonus amount

    7. Leave

    8. Holidays

    9. Relationship with


    10. Management Style

    11. Job Security


    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)