Malays. Appl. Biol. (2012) 41(2): 11–18 * To whom correspondence should be addressed. IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE CHROMOSOMES OF Bactrocera papayae (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) YESMIN, F. 1,2 and CLYDE, M.M. 1* 1 School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor DE, Malaysia. 2 Radiation Entomology and Acarology Division, Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, E-12/A, Agargaon, Sher-e-bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh. *Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT The present study constitutes a first attempt to identify the larval salivary gland polytene chromosome arms of Bactrocera papayae Drew & Hancock. This species belongs to the family Tephritidae and is commonly known as the Asian papaya fruit fly. A photographic representation of the polytene chromosomes of this species is provided and the identifying tips as well as most prominent landmarks of each polytene chromosome are presented and discussed. Each polytene nucleus consists of five long chromosomes. According to the position of centromere, the longer arm was designated as left (L) and the shorter arm as right (R). No polytenized sex chromosomes are seen, indicating that five polytene chromosomes correspond to the five autosomes of mitotic chromosomes. Key words: fruit fly, Bactrocera papayae, polytene chromosomes, salivary gland, polyphagous pest INTRODUCTION Fruit flies (Tephritidae) are a serious economic pest affecting horticultural production world-wide. There are over 4,000 species in this family and more than 800 species in the sub-family Dacinae, which are the main species that infest soft fruits in tropical and sub-tropical areas (Bellas 1996). The Bactrocera dorsalis complex contains 75 described species, largely endemic to Southeast Asia. Within this complex a small number of polyphagous pests have international significance. This includes the Asian papaya fruit fly, Bactrocera papayae Drew & Hancock (Drew & Hancock 1994). In Malaysia, there are possibly at least a hundred Bactrocera species, of which only about half have been recorded (Chua 1998). Of these, the melon fly, B. cucurbitae, the papaya fruit fly, B. papayae Drew & Hancock, the carambola fruit fly, B. carambolae Drew & Hancock, the nangka fruit fly, B. umbrosa Fabricius, and the Malaysian fruit fly, B. latifrons Hendel, are major agricultural pests (Chua et al., 2010). Fruit fly pests feed and breed around their host plants and lay eggs in the ripening fruit (Drew & Romig 1997). When the larvae emerge, they feed off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits, losses can be very high. Tobin (1990) reported that losses close to 100% in carambola and guava plantings in Malaysia due to fruit fly pests without specifying the species. Because of the potential losses, fruit fly control is typically carried out in commercial plantings. It involves application of chemical insecticides. The intensive use of sprays in fruit crops can raise growers’ risk of exposure and the potential for long term health problems (Ferrar 1988). However, there is considerable efforts in genetic control techniques which are environment-friendly and species-specific, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT), sterile male technique etc. (Zhao et al. , 1998). An understanding of the genetics of this species is essential for the development of novel control methods (Mavragani-Tsipidou 2002). In many Diptera, polytene chromosomes have proved to be very useful for cytogenetic and genetic studies (Sorsa 1988). The information is needed for monitoring chromosome rearrangements as markers

IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,

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Page 1: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,

IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE CHROMOSOMES OF Bactrocera papayae 11Malays. Appl. Biol. (2012) 41(2): 11–18

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.


YESMIN, F.1,2 and CLYDE, M.M.1*

1School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences,Faculty of Science and Technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia,

43600 Bangi, Selangor DE, Malaysia.2Radiation Entomology and Acarology Division, Institute of Food and Radiation Biology,

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, E-12/A, Agargaon,Sher-e-bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

*Email: [email protected]


The present study constitutes a first attempt to identify the larval salivary gland polytene chromosome arms of Bactrocerapapayae Drew & Hancock. This species belongs to the family Tephritidae and is commonly known as the Asian papaya fruitfly. A photographic representation of the polytene chromosomes of this species is provided and the identifying tips as wellas most prominent landmarks of each polytene chromosome are presented and discussed. Each polytene nucleus consists offive long chromosomes. According to the position of centromere, the longer arm was designated as left (L) and the shorterarm as right (R). No polytenized sex chromosomes are seen, indicating that five polytene chromosomes correspond to thefive autosomes of mitotic chromosomes.

Key words: fruit fly, Bactrocera papayae, polytene chromosomes, salivary gland, polyphagous pest


Fruit flies (Tephritidae) are a serious economic pestaffecting horticultural production world-wide. Thereare over 4,000 species in this family and more than800 species in the sub-family Dacinae, which are themain species that infest soft fruits in tropical andsub-tropical areas (Bellas 1996). The Bactroceradorsalis complex contains 75 described species,largely endemic to Southeast Asia. Within thiscomplex a small number of polyphagous pests haveinternational significance. This includes the Asianpapaya fruit fly, Bactrocera papayae Drew &Hancock (Drew & Hancock 1994). In Malaysia,there are possibly at least a hundred Bactroceraspecies, of which only about half have beenrecorded (Chua 1998). Of these, the melon fly, B.cucurbitae, the papaya fruit fly, B. papayae Drew& Hancock, the carambola fruit fly, B. carambolaeDrew & Hancock, the nangka fruit fly, B. umbrosaFabricius, and the Malaysian fruit fly, B. latifronsHendel, are major agricultural pests (Chua et al.,2010). Fruit fly pests feed and breed around their

host plants and lay eggs in the ripening fruit (Drew& Romig 1997). When the larvae emerge, they feedoff the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to dropprior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot besold. In some fruits, losses can be very high. Tobin(1990) reported that losses close to 100% incarambola and guava plantings in Malaysia due tofruit fly pests without specifying the species.Because of the potential losses, fruit fly control istypically carried out in commercial plantings. Itinvolves application of chemical insecticides. Theintensive use of sprays in fruit crops can raisegrowers’ risk of exposure and the potential for longterm health problems (Ferrar 1988). However, thereis considerable efforts in genetic control techniqueswhich are environment-friendly and species-specific,such as the sterile insect technique (SIT), sterilemale technique etc. (Zhao et al., 1998). Anunderstanding of the genetics of this species isessential for the development of novel controlmethods (Mavragani-Tsipidou 2002).

In many Diptera, polytene chromosomes haveproved to be very useful for cytogenetic and geneticstudies (Sorsa 1988). The information is needed formonitoring chromosome rearrangements as markers

Page 2: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,


of the population composition of the target species(Mavragani-Tsipidou 1992). To conduct this work,good cytology is an essential aid for examiningchromosome structure, behavior and function (Bedo1986). Workable polytene chromosomes areespecially favorable for autosomal studies allowingaccurate analysis of different chromosome regions(Augustinos et al. 2011). At present, polytenechromosomes of more than 270 drosophilid speciesand about 250 other dipteran species are studiedworldwide (Drosopoulou et al. 2012). Bactrocerapapayae belongs to a large group known asBactrocera dorsalis complex. Until now, thepolytene chromosomes of B. dorsalis (Hendel) ofthis complex have been studied by Zacharopoulouet al. (2011b).

In this paper, the polytene chromosomes of thelarval salivary glands of B. papayae are describedfor the first time. The purpose is to present basicgenetic information of this pest that may be helpfulfor species discrimination and lead to thedevelopment of an environmentally friendly controlpolicy.


Fly stockInitial cultures of Bactrocera papayae was

collected from the Malaysian Agricultural Researchand Development Institute (MARDI), Serdang inJuly 2010. From this initial culture, the laboratorypopulations are established and maintained in theUKM laboratory, Bangi. Currently the lab culturesare up to 14th generation. Cultures are maintainedat 25±1ºC with 70±5% relative humidity and a14 h light- 10 h dark cycle. Adults are fed on amixture of sugar and yeast (3:1). Larvae are grownon sweet gourd medium.

Polytene chromosome preparationsThird-instar larvae (6-7 days old) were used for

the salivary gland polytene chromosomepreparations following the method described byShahjahan & Yesmin (2002) with slightmodifications. At least one thousand larvae werestudied. Larval salivary glands were dissected in45% acetic acid and then fixed in 3N HCL for 1-2min. The material was transferred to a drop of 3:2:1solution (acetic acid: distilled water: lactic acid) for5 min and stained in lactoacetic orcein for about 15-20 min. Then the tissues were squashed in the 3:2:1solution mentioned above. The slides wereexamined using an Olympus BX41 microscope andthe clear and well-distributed polytene chromosome

nuclei were photographed with Soft Imaging SystemGmbH 5.0.1054. Well-spread chromosomes withclear banding patterns were photographed anddescribed.

The chromosomes were identified, numberedand analyzed as it is commonly done for thepolytene chromosomes of fruit fly species(Zacharopoulou 1987; Shahjahan et al., 2000;Shahjahan & Yesmin 2002; Zacharopoulou et al.,2011a). The identifying tips of each chromosomearm are detected. Efforts are also carried out tolocate the characteristic features and landmarks ofdifferent chromosome arms. According to theposition of the centromere, the two arms in eachchromosome are of unequal length. The longer armwas designated as left (L) and the shorter arm as right(R). Two criteria were used for the location of thecentromere in each arm: (i) in unbrokenchromosome, the centromere presented a point ofdiscontinuity, and (ii) in case of brokenchromosomes, the centromere was the frequent pointof fragmentation (Zacharopoulou 1987; Shahjahan& Yesmin 2002).


The analysis of the salivary gland polytenechromosomes showed that the B. papayae polytenecomplement consists of a total of five longchromosomes (10 polytene arms). The photographicchromosomes are given in Figure 1-5. A briefaccount of the characteristics and prominentlandmarks of each polytene chromosome is givenbelow.

Chromosome 2: The left and right arms ofchromosome 2 are usually connected to theheterochromatic mass in their centromeric region(Figure 1a,b). There are several weak points (Fig. 1b,indicated as W) in 2L arm which is a commoncharacteristic of the left arm of chromosome 2 ofother fruit fly spp. In addition, extensive ectopicpairing sometimes creates folding or twistingappearance of this arm (Fig. 1a, indicated by closearrow), making it difficult to analyze the bandingpattern along the entire arm’s length. The distalregion 2LA is the easily analyzed region of the leftarm (Fig. 1b). The right arm has a comparativelygood banding pattern than left arm. It can be easilyrecognized by its triangular tip (Fig. 1a-c) with adark band (2RA) and the presence of a constrictionin 2RB. Other identifying landmarks are 2RC regionwith a group of dark bands (Fig. 1a-d) and twounique shape prominent puffs in 2RD region(Fig. 1d).

Page 3: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,


Fig. 1. Polytene chromosome 2 (a-d). L= left arm, R= right arm, W= weak points to breakage during slide preparation.Arrows indicate the identifying characteristics of chromosome arms.

Chromosome 3: The 3L tip is readilyrecognized by the presence of dotted dark bandfollowed by an expanded region, 3LA (Fig. 2a-d).Another important landmark is a unique puff in 3LB(Fig 2b,c). The right arm was difficult to identify.Very few nuclei were found with this arm and couldnot be separated well (Fig. 2a,d).

Chromosome 4: This chromosome is relativelyeasy to identify by a number of distinctiveappearance. The 4L tip is characterized by squareshape with two close dark bands (Fig. 3). The 4Rtip is also square shaped and consists of a numberof thin bands. Regions A, C, D are importantlandmarks of the right arm. The presence of aconstriction at the right arm, 4RB serves as anidentifying tip of this chromosome (Fig. 3).

Chromosome 5: This chromosome is easilyfound in every polytene nucleus. Two tips, 5L and5R are usually seen as free ends, especially the right

tip (Fig. 4). 5L is much longer than 5R. The tip ofleft arm is swollen with dark bands and presence ofpuffs in 5LA region are important features of thisarm (Fig. 4a,c). The right arm has a very clearbanding pattern. In fact, whole 5R arm (Fig.4,indicated by close arrows) serves as diagnosticfeatures in the complement with a characteristicregion in 5RB (Fig. 4a-e). The complete right armof chromosome 5 with centromere is shown in Fig.4b,d.

Chromosome 6: The left arm of thischromosome is longer than the right arm, a similarstate to chromosome 5. Both end of this chromosomeare also free and the left tip is composed of thinbands (6LA). The presence of two puffs in left arm(6LB) and a prominent puff (6RC) in right telomericregion are the identifying landmarks of this arm.

Bactrocera papayae is a sibling species ofBactrocera dorsalis complex (Clarke et al., 2005).

Page 4: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,


Fig. 3. Polytene chromosome 4 (a, b). L= left arm, R= right arm. Arrows indicate the identifying characteristicsof chromosome arms.

Fig. 2. Polytene chromosome 3 (a-d). L= left arm, R= right arm. Arrows indicate the identifying characteristicsof chromosome arms.

Page 5: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,


At present, polytene chromosomes of B. dorsalis(Hendel) have been reported within this group(Zacharopoulou et al., 2011b). They reported fivebanded polytene chromosomes in the salivary glandnuclei. Our findings are consistent with this reportand also with other Bactrocera species, melon fly,Bactrocera cucurbitae (Shahjahan et al., 2000;Shahjahan & Yesmin 2002; Zacharopoulou et al.,2011a), the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni

(Zhao et al., 1998) and olive fruit fly, Bactroceraoleae (Zambetaki et al., 1995). In the polytenechromosome preparations, we did not observe anydifference between males and females. This indicatesthe absence of polytenization of both X and Ychromosomes. So the five polytene chromosomescorrespond to the five autosomes of the mitoticnuclei. This species has six pairs of mitoticchromosomes, including one pair of sex

Fig. 4. Polytene chromosome 5 (a-e). L= left arm, R= right arm. Arrows indicate the identifying characteristics ofchromosome arms.

Page 6: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,


Fig. 6. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes from brain ganglia of third-instar larvae of Bactrocera papayae. Homologouschromosomes show somatic pairing (indicated by arrow lines at both ends). Block arrows show the heterochromatic arm ofX chromosome. (A) Female karyotype. (B) Male karyotype. (Source: Yesmin & Clyde 2012)

chromosomes (Chromosome 1), with the male beingthe heterogametic sex, XY (Fig. 6). This is in fullagreement with previously reported Tephritidspecies where both sex chromosomes do not formpolytene elements (Bedo 1986; Zacharopoulou1990, 2011b; Mavragani-Tsipidou et al., 1992;Zhao et al., 1998; Kounatidis et al., 2008; Garcia-Martinez et al., 2009; Drosopoulou et al., 2010,2012). Also it is known that the heterochromaticchromosomes are not polytenized or under-replicated in polytene nuclei (Rudkin 1972).

Cytogenetic analysis of tephritid pest specieshas been greatly facilitated by the presence ofpolytene chromosomes, which have proven to beexcellent experimental material for studyingchromosome structure and function together withmitotic chromosomes. The identification andcharacterization of the salivary gland polytenechromosomes of this important pest species needsto be completed by a detailed chromosome mappingand by a correlation with the mitotic chromosomes.Such a work is currently in progress under thechromosomal study of fruit fly project.


This work is supported by OWSDW & SIDA as afellowship to the first author and research grantUKM-ST-06-FRGS0182-2010. Special thanks toAntigone Zacharopoulou (University of Patras,Greece) for her suggestions on the chromosomeidentifications. Authors wish to acknowledgeMalaysian Agricultural Research and DevelopmentInstitute (MARDI), Serdang for providing us theinitial cultures of Bactrocera papayae.

Fig. 5. Polytene chromosome 6. L= left arm, R= right arm.Arrows indicate the identifying characteristics ofchromosome arms.

Page 7: IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYTENE ...off the ripening fruit. This can cause fruit to drop prior to harvest, or if harvested, the fruit cannot be sold. In some fruits,



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