34 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • May 2018 IDEAS & ISSUES (GROUND COMBAT ELEMENT) I n this article, we examine which Marine Corps initiatives are in the works relative to an active pro- tective system (APS), specifcally, Trophy. On the modern battlefeld, the adversary’s ability to employ ATGMs, RPGs, and recoilless rifes poses a sig- nifcant threat to U.S. ground combat vehicles, up to and including the main battle tank. This advancement in threat capability highlighted the need to add an APS capability to existing passive protective measures to defend against these threats. The Marine Corps’ par- ticipation in the U.S. Army Expedited APS program is the most rapid and ef- fective means to feld an APS capability in the near term. The Marine Corps is currently testing the Trophy APS on the M1A1 Main Battle Tank (MBT) in order to fll this capability gap for the tank and explore APS issues in general for all ground combat vehicles. Trophy’s Background Russia was the frst nation on record to employ an APS in combat, felding the Drozd system in Afghanistan during the 1980s, following over a decade of de- velopment and testing. During the same period of time, Israel accelerated the development of its own APS in response to tank and armored vehicle losses dur- ing the Yom Kippur War and later in the second Lebanese War of 2006. Israel began the development of the Trophy APS in the early 1990s, fnally felding it in 2009 on their Merkava MK-IV tanks. After two years of active employment, the frst recorded use of the Trophy APS in combat demonstrated the success- ful interception of an RPG. Later, in 2014, during Operation PROTECTIVE EDGE, Israeli Merkava MK-IV tanks located near the central Gaza Strip were fred upon by Hamas anti-tank teams on multiple occasions, using various anti-armor weapon systems. Over the course of these engagements, Israeli forces reported zero casualties. After decades of independent testing and development, the DOD determined that the Israeli Trophy system met U.S. military requirements as a commercial off-the-shelf hard-kill system. For the Marine Corps, the Trophy APS pro- vides added protection through a lay- ered vehicle protection system approach in conjunction with the USMC M1A1 MBT passive armor. How Trophy Works APS technology, while new to U.S. ground platforms, has been in use by aircraft and naval forces for decades. Trophy uses sensors to detect and iden- tify incoming anti-armor threats and automatically intercepts and neutral- izes these threats by launching counter- measures without any input from the vehicle crew members. Multiple coun- termeasure launchers and a quick reload capability also enable the system to neu- tralize multiple threats simultaneously. Additionally, Trophy alerts the crew to the direction of the attack, increasing situational awareness and enabling of- fensive action. Trophy Active Protective System A required capability by GySgt Christopher R. Boyette >GySgt Boyette is the MCTOG, Ma- neuver Division Tank Advisor. Problem Statement: “[The Marine Corps’] current and future ground combat vehicles lack the capabil- ity to detect incoming anti-armor threats and defeat the threats before impact. There is a need to engage incoming projectile threats both vertically and hori- zontally. Passive and Active Protection Systems will improve the survivability by detecting and defeating Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs), Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs), high-angle incoming air-to-surface missiles, mortars, low angle trench fred/other close- in munitions, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).” —D-UNS for VPS 15218DB, 6 August 2015

IDEAS & I C E LEMENT Trophy Active Protective System

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Page 1: IDEAS & I C E LEMENT Trophy Active Protective System

34 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • May 2018

Ideas & Issues (Ground Combat element)

In this article, we examine which Marine Corps initiatives are in the works relative to an active pro-tective system (APS), specifically,

Trophy. On the modern battlefield, the adversary’s ability to employ ATGMs, RPGs, and recoilless rifles poses a sig-nificant threat to U.S. ground combat vehicles, up to and including the main battle tank. This advancement in threat capability highlighted the need to add an APS capability to existing passive protective measures to defend against these threats. The Marine Corps’ par-ticipation in the U.S. Army Expedited APS program is the most rapid and ef-fective means to field an APS capability in the near term. The Marine Corps is currently testing the Trophy APS on the M1A1 Main Battle Tank (MBT) in order to fill this capability gap for the

tank and explore APS issues in general for all ground combat vehicles.

Trophy’s Background Russia was the first nation on record to employ an APS in combat, fielding the Drozd system in Afghanistan during the 1980s, following over a decade of de-velopment and testing. During the same period of time, Israel accelerated the development of its own APS in response to tank and armored vehicle losses dur-ing the Yom Kippur War and later in the second Lebanese War of 2006. Israel began the development of the Trophy

APS in the early 1990s, finally fielding it in 2009 on their Merkava MK-IV tanks. After two years of active employment, the first recorded use of the Trophy APS in combat demonstrated the success-ful interception of an RPG. Later, in 2014, during Operation PROTECTIVE EDGE, Israeli Merkava MK-IV tanks located near the central Gaza Strip were fired upon by Hamas anti-tank teams on multiple occasions, using various anti-armor weapon systems. Over the course of these engagements, Israeli forces reported zero casualties. After decades of independent testing and development, the DOD determined that the Israeli Trophy system met U.S. military requirements as a commercial off-the-shelf hard-kill system. For the Marine Corps, the Trophy APS pro-vides added protection through a lay-ered vehicle protection system approach in conjunction with the USMC M1A1 MBT passive armor.

How Trophy Works APS technology, while new to U.S. ground platforms, has been in use by aircraft and naval forces for decades. Trophy uses sensors to detect and iden-tify incoming anti-armor threats and automatically intercepts and neutral-izes these threats by launching counter-measures without any input from the vehicle crew members. Multiple coun-termeasure launchers and a quick reload capability also enable the system to neu-tralize multiple threats simultaneously. Additionally, Trophy alerts the crew to the direction of the attack, increasing situational awareness and enabling of-fensive action.

Trophy ActiveProtective System

A required capability

by GySgt Christopher R. Boyette

>GySgt Boyette is the MCTOG, Ma-neuver Division Tank Advisor.

Problem Statement: “[The Marine Corps’] current and future ground combat vehicles lack the capabil-ity to detect incoming anti-armor threats and defeat the threats before impact. There is a need to engage incoming projectile threats both vertically and hori-zontally. Passive and Active Protection Systems will improve the survivability by detecting and defeating Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs), Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs), high-angle incoming air-to-surface missiles, mortars, low angle trench fired/other close-in munitions, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).”

—D-UNS for VPS 15218DB, 6 August 2015

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Page 2: IDEAS & I C E LEMENT Trophy Active Protective System

www.mca-marines.org/gazette 35Marine Corps Gazette • May 2018

Employment Considerations Understanding the success and dura-bility of the Trophy system has led to its implementation and other upgrades to the Marine Corps’ M1A1 MBT. Given that Trophy is an APS, this may cre-ate risk to dismounted infantry oper-ating within close proximity to tanks employing any APS. Current doctrine outlines the interdependence of infantry and tanks when operating within an urban environment for the purpose of mutual security and support. In order to mitigate the risk of fratricide to infantry operating alongside tanks outfitted with the Trophy system, adjustments to cer-tain tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) employed by our GCE may be necessary. However, it should be noted that the Israelis’ combat experience, with tank/infantry TTP similar to the Marine Corps’, did not have to adjust those TTP when Trophy was employed alongside their GCE. The importance of a developing increased protection against modern anti-armor weapons was made ap-parent during recent conflict in Syria between ISIS and the Turkish Armed Forces. During Operation EUPHRATES

SHIELD, Turkey lost approximately ten German-built Leopard 2A4 tanks, with 60 percent damaged and/or destroyed by anti-armor threats. These tanks were not equipped with an APS, highlighting the risk to modern armored vehicles in a threat environment laden with advanced anti-armor threat capabilities. Although Trophy has the ability to address many of the current advanced anti-armor threats being employed, the current battlefield still poses additional risks to armored ground vehicles. Plan-ners must take into consideration all of the possible adversarial tactics and weapons, to include the employment of anti-tank mines and improvised ex-plosive devices, while the Marine Corps continues to close its capability short-falls.

Potential Transportation Challenges Any APS employed by a Marine Corps ground combat vehicle would ideally maintain the capability to be ex-peditionary, especially via ship-to-shore connectors. As currently configured,

the Trophy APS, when installed on the Marine Corps M1A1, increases overall turret width. This increase in width may prevent the use of the M1A1 deep water fording kits as well as the use of current landing craft utility ship-to-shore con-nectors. Another potential restraint is that the increased weight of the M1A1 may not allow for the use of LCAC when both Trophy and a front-end at-tachment, such as the track-width mine plow, is installed. Making the vehicle wider and heavier could adversely im-pact the expeditionary and amphibious capability of the Marine Corps M1A1. The Trophy APS can only be applied to the M1A1 because of the system’s size, weight, and power constraints and will not be applied to other ground com-

bat vehicles. Although less than ideal in its current state, the Marine Corps continues to improve the integration design for Trophy on the M1A1 in an effort to mitigate these challenges while considering alternate methods of em-ployment. Furthermore, to transport Trophy aboard Navy amphibious ships, a Weapon System Explosive Safety Re-view Board approval for countermuni-tions and further testing of the ARG’s capacity to transport the system would be required.

Fielding and Future In fiscal year 2017 (FY17), the Ma-rine Corps began testing the Trophy APS on the Marine Corps M1A1, set-ting the conditions for a future pro-

The Trophy active protective system would give our M1A1 tanks the ability to defeat anti-tank missiles and RPGs. (Photo by LCpl Timothy Lutz.)

The Marine Corps is looking at the Trophy APS for our M1A1 MBTs. (Photo by Sgt Kassie McDole.)

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36 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • May 2018

Ideas & Issues (Ground Combat element)

gram of record. In FY18–19, the Ma-rine Corps will continue to improve the integration design and procure up to nine systems for continued testing, TTP development, experimentation, system optimization, and integration into the GCE. The Marine Corps currently plans to procure a total of 56 APS spe-cial mission kits, capable of outfitting four Marine Corps tank companies. The M1A1 Trophy APS is a rapid interim solution to the capability short-fall and represents the first increment in this nascent technology. As integration and development progress, the Marine Corps plans to consider additional ca-pabilities, like enhanced situational awareness, laser detection, soft kill, and threat information sharing in an effort to create a more comprehensive vehicle protection system to be inte-grated with the APS capability. The les-sons learned on this effort will mature the technology and create opportunities for the application of like systems on

other ground vehicles in the future. As ATGMs and RPGs continue the rate of proliferation that has occurred over the last decade, APS is essential to any lay-

ered protection strategy to protect our ground combat vehicles against a wider array of advanced threats employed by potential adversaries.

The Trophy system (not shown) would increase the width and weight of the M1A1, thereby impacting loading on the LCAC. (Photo by LCpl Timothy Lutz.)

2018-2019 battlefield

JUN 30– JUL 1250th Anniversary of Operations Scotland II & Robin - I-Corps

JUL 7- 16Spain Military & Cultural Exploration Madrid Post Tour Barcelona

JUL 7- 16WWII Italy - 75th Anniversaryof Operation HuskyInvasion of Sicily

AUG 2– 11 Guadalcanal & Tarawa

AUG 2- 12 Imperial China Beijing - Xian - Shanghai

AUG 19 - 31 50th Anniversary I-CorpsOperations Mameluke Thrust & Maui Peak

SEP 12– 26 Ireland All of the Emerald IsleWWII U.S. “Irish Marines”

SEP 24– Oct 4 WWII Concentration CampsPoland, Czech Republic & Germany for Ocktoberfest

SEP 30– Oct 8Korean Experience

OCT 5- 13 Israel Military & Cultural History

NOV 2- 13 WWI 100th Anniversary Paris

NOV 17- 23 75th Anniversary of the Tarawa Landing

NOV 24- Dec 1 Burma 75th Anniversary Chindits

DEC 1- 12 Vietnam “Delta to the DMZ”

DEC 2-8Pearl Harbor; Ford Island & Arizona Memorial

DEC 7– 15 Israel Military & Cultural History

FEB 9– 21 2019Tet Offensive | Battle of Hue City – 1968

FEB 23– Mar 7 201950th Anniversary of Operation Dewey Canyon

MARCH 19- 25 2019Iwo Jima 73rd Reunion of Honor – Guam & CharterFlight to Iwo Jima

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