Ideal Quantum Glass Transitions: Many-body localization without quenched disorder

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Ideal Quantum Glass Transitions: Many-body localization without quenched disorder. Markus Müller. Mauro Schiulaz. TIDS 15 1-5 September 2013 Sant Feliu de Guixols. Motivation. G. Carleo, F. Becca, M. Schiro, M. Fabrizio, Scientific Reports 2 , 243 (2012). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Ideal Quantum Glass Transitions:Many-body localization without quenched disorderTIDS 15 1-5 September 2013 Sant Feliu de Guixols

    Markus Mller

    Mauro Schiulaz

  • MotivationG. Carleo, F. Becca, M. Schiro, M. Fabrizio, Scientific Reports 2, 243 (2012). Dynamics starting from inhomogeneous initial condition At large U: relaxation time grows (diverges?) with L!

    Glass transition ?! Why how ??

  • Glasses =Systems defying thermodynamic equilibration

    Breaking of ergodicity (rel ) Absence of full thermalizationHow can this occur in general?

  • Routes to glassinessSpin glasses + cousins: (Coulomb glasses?)Usual classical ingredients: Disorder + Frustration

    Barriers grow with size L rel ~ exp[L]

    Structural glasses (viscous, supercooled liquids):Steric frustration + self-generated disorder growing time- and length-scales (Kirkpatrick, Thirumalai, Wolynes)But: Eternal debate without conclusion: Is there an ideal glass transition at finite T: Can rel , before full jamming and incompressibility are reached ???

  • Ideal glass transition? Classical structural glasses in finite d: ??? How can barriers become infinite without jamming?


    Quantum ideal (disorder free) glasses can exist! Extra ingredient: Anderson localization! - Properties:

    rel = (ergodicity broken) Self-generated disorderNo d.c. transport / no diffusion in thermodynamic limit

    Classical frustration plays no role!Glass because of quantum effects, NOT despite of them ( quantum spin glass, superglass)

  • Model: inhibited hopping in 1dH0 : non-ergodic T : potentially restores ergodicity Anderson:Many-body quantum glass:Inhibited hopping modelEigenstate at = 0 Aim: show that for c many-body localized quantum glass!

  • Signatures of quantum glass, many-body localizationNo thermalization

    Persistence of spatial inhomogeneity in long-time average

    Spontaneous breaking of translational invariance

    No d.c. transport

  • Essential ingredientsH0 is fully localized: has an extensive set of local, conserved operators integrable system

  • Simple arguments for localizationHybridization between eigenstates with different i,l;m is suppressed, since energies El;m~ J >>

    Expect: Hopping ~ in the lattice labeled with i,l;m is localized

    BUT: Caveat: El;m does not depend on site i! Spectrum of H0 is extensively degenerate resonant delocalization?

  • Summary of the argumentDegeneracies are lifted at low orders in perturbation theory in

    Near-degeneracies are much more weakly coupled than their level splitting (typically)

    Rare resonances occur locally, but dont percolate

    Perturbation theory [in lifted basis] converges for

  • Eigenstate perturbation theoryPerturb localized eigenstates of H0, expand in That is: Choose basis of fixed barrier positions, do not fix momentum! Lifting of degeneracies?

  • Resonances and hybridization3 degenerate configurations (with li = lj 1): Degeneracy is lifted by hybridization at order O() But: Most configurations remain degenerate at first order.

  • Lifting degeneracies at order O(2)Generic lifting mechanism: Virtual barrier hops: ~2/J In general two eigenstates dont hybridize unless they can be connected by only two barrier hops (matrix element ~ 2/J).

  • Lifting degeneracies at order O(2)But: some eigenstates remain exactly degenerate at order O(2):

  • Lifting degeneracies at order O(2)But: some eigenstates remain exactly degenerate at order O(2):In random eigenstates their density is small ~ 0.034 (barrier=1/2).

    Eigenstates with same shift ~2/J are connected by matrix elements ~ n~30

  • Dynamic localizationIn typical, random eigenstates, perturbation theory converges at small !

    Eigenstates are localized close to inhomogeneous eigenstates of H0

    Initial inhomogeneities remain frozen in dynamics! [Expand the initial state in eigenstates and check!]

    BUT: highly atypical, nearly periodic eigenstates hybridize over large distances and delocalize! Nevertheless, generic initial conditions have exponentially small weight on such eigenstates, and remain localized.

  • Independent, direct check?

    Numerical verification?Make use of translational invariance!

  • Spontaneous symmetry breakingBreak translational invariance by very weak disorder WCheck eigenstate inhomogeneitySpontaneous dynamical breaking of translational invariance = self-induced many-body localization;

  • Susceptibility to disorder?All barrierL barriers must be moved to hybridize the degenerate barrier configurations (rigid rotations)

    exponentially large mass, exponentially small splitting of the band, expoentially strong response to disorderAnalytics: Disorder-response dominated by mixing of L nearly degenerate momentum states

  • Susceptibility to disorder?Linear responseSlope: SusceptibilityLAnalytics: Disorder-response dominated by mixing of L nearly degenerate momentum states

  • Susceptibility to disorder?Many-body problemNon-intercating particles>>Comparison with free particles

  • Susceptibility to disorder?Glass transition?

    No exponential sensitivity to W!Very rough estimate:Ideal quantum glass exists in a substantial range 0 < < c !

  • For the expertsRecent conjectures (Huse& Oganesyan; Serbyn&Papic&Abanin 2013)Many-body localization Existence of an extensive set of local conserved quantities, as in integrable models.These conservation laws prohibit thermalization.??In disorder-free quantum glasses, such operators seem not to exist for > 0 .They seem to be inconsistent with rare delocalized states.

    When is the above conjecture correct? What does it imply when it does not hold?

  • ConclusionsSelf-generated disorder [initial conditions] can induce many-body Anderson localization in closed, disorder-free quantum systems

    Here: Manybody localization = spontaneous dynamical breaking of translational symmetry

    Genuine, ideal dynamic quantum glass Induced by quantum effects BUT: requires coherence = absence of noise/dephasing In reality: ergodicity breaking up to time scale controlled by remaining dissipative processes.

  • Open questionsNature of the glass / localization transition as function of ?

    Temperature dependence? Delocalization due to reduced disorder at low T?

    Relation with Anderson orthogonality catastrophy (if any)?Localization and non-thermalization in strongly correlated systems?

    Interplay between manybody Anderson localization and classical frustration in phase space? Interacting insulator-to-conductor transitions?