ICOLD Technical Committee on : Global Climate Change and Dams, Reservoirs and the Associated Water Ressources ICOLD Technical Committee on : Global Climate Change and Dams, Reservoirs and the Associated Water Ressources Status of Work Kyoto, June 2012 R. Lemons (USA), chair D. Aelbrecht (France), co-chair

ICOLD Technical Committee on : Global Climate Change and

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ICOLDTechnical Committee on :

Global Climate Change and Dams, Reservoirs and the

Associated Water Ressources

ICOLDTechnical Committee on :

Global Climate Change and Dams, Reservoirs and the

Associated Water Ressources

Status of Work

Kyoto, June 2012

R. Lemons (USA), chair

D. Aelbrecht (France), co-chair

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CFBR - Climate change implications on Dams, Reservoirs and Water Resources - French Vision - May 20092

ICOLD TC « Y » Terms of ReferenceICOLD TC « Y » Terms of Reference

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ICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 20123

Climate issue : from global to localClimate issue : from global to local

Emissions play at a Global scale

Impacts require adaptation solutions at a Local scale

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Main TC past milestonesMain TC past milestones

TC established in 2009, first meeting in Brasilia

Terms of reference extended to the issue ofGHG emission from reservoirs

Structure of bulletin discussed and established in 2010 (Hanoi) and 2011 (Lucerne)

Chapters outlines and writing allocated to chapter leaders and contributors

African (and South America ?) continent not (or not enough ?) represented in the TC

ICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 2012

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CFBR - Climate change implications on Dams, Reservoirs and Water Resources - French Vision - May 20095




Picture from EPRI (2006)

Define what climate

change means : T & P

averages & extremes,

Observations, Predictions

(GCMs), CC scenarios

(Chap. 4)

Quantify GHG

emissions from

reservoirs (Chap. 8)

Risk on existing water

uses associated to dams

& reservoirs :

- Power, Infustry

- Water supply,

- Irrigation,

- Ecosystems

(Chap. 5)

Climate-induced water

uses evolution and need

of new storage

capacities :

opportunities for new

dams and reservoirs

(Chap. 7)

Hydrological response to

CC scenarios (avg inflows,

draughts, floods) and

impacts on dams &

reservoir operations (Chap.


Risk on structures :

Spillways design,

Structural behavior

(Chap. 5)


changes and implications

on water needs :

- Demography

- Technology

- Regulation (safety, env)

- Economy

(Chap. 6 )

Early adaptation / standby :

- Case studies

- ICOLD recom.

(Chap. 9 )

Intro, Objectives, Issues

(Chap. 1, 2, 3 )

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TC bulletin status of work (1)TC bulletin status of work (1)

Chapter 1 – Introduction & background (1 page)

Leader(s) : R. Lemons (USA), D. Aelbrecht (France)

Outlines : NO Complete writing : NO Reviewed : NO

Chapter 2 – Objectives of present ICOLD bulletin (2 pages)

Leader : C.O. Brandensten (Sweden)

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 30% Reviewed : NO

Chapter 3 – What is at risk ? (3 to 4 pages)

Leader : D. Aelbrecht (France)

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 20% Reviewed : NO

ICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 2012

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TC bulletin status of work (2)TC bulletin status of work (2)

Chapter 4 – Climate evolution: facts, uncertainties(5 pages)

Leader : S. Bergström, C.O. Brandensten (Sweden)

Outlines : YES (partially) Complete writing : NO Reviewed : NO

Chapter 5 – Climate-induced impact and risk assessement dams, reservoirs, and water resources systems (10 pages)

Leader(s) : D. Aelbrecht (France), R. Roy (Canada)

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 60% Reviewed : NO

ICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 2012

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TC bulletin status of work (3)TC bulletin status of work (3)

Chapter 6 – Climate is one of the drivers … among other (2 pages)

Leader : R. Lemons (USA)

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 50% Reviewed : NO

Chapter 7 – Opportunities for new storages ? New resources management ? (3 to 5 pages)

Leader : G. Annandale (USA)

Outlines : NO Complete writing : NO Reviewed : NO

ICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 2012

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TC bulletin status of work (4)TC bulletin status of work (4)

Chapter 8 – Contribution of reservoirs to GHG emissions (8 pages)

Leader : F. Sanchez (Spain)

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 90% Reviewed : NO

Chapter 9 – Adaptation strategies. Case studies (12 to 15 pages)

Leader : T. Jacobs (Australia), M. Airey (UK) + case studies contributors

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 50% Reviewed : NO

Chapter 10 – ICOLD recommendations (2 to 3 pages)

Leader : T. Jacobs (Australia), M. Airey (UK)

Outlines : YES Complete writing : 50% Reviewed : NOICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 2012

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TC bulletin status of work (5)TC bulletin status of work (5)

Chapter 11 – References (2 pages ?)

Leader(s) : R. Lemons (USA), D. Aelbrecht (France)

Outlines : NO Complete writing : NO Reviewed : NO

Chapter 12 – Acknowledgements (1 page)

Leader(s) : R. Lemons (USA)

Outlines : NO Complete writing : NO Reviewed : NO

Chapter 13 – Glossary (2 pages + links to other existing materials)

Leader(s) : R. Lemons (USA), D. Aelbrecht (France)

Outlines : NO Complete writing : NO Reviewed : NO

ICOLD TC Climate change – Status of Work - Kyoto, June 2012