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ICcakt - NYS Historic Papershollow sounds heard at Ibarra, the grim presagersoftheearthquaketo come, thesepoliticalpremonilonsare* attimes,toounmistakabletobe mis-understood or disregarded

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Page 1: ICcakt - NYS Historic Papershollow sounds heard at Ibarra, the grim presagersoftheearthquaketo come, thesepoliticalpremonilonsare* attimes,toounmistakabletobe mis-understood or disregarded




sum ‘ "gfxusx "MISCELLANEOUS §'Zuci2'y,

From tho Round Table, Oct. 31.


natural consequence, will become

more democratic than ever. The

reconstruction of this country, the

revival of its pristine harmony and

prosperity, is not to be attained

through radical measures. General

Grant has got solid sense enougli to

see the theory, but in practice his

perceptionwill soon beget deeds of

substantial reality. But a little while

and there will beno sign so vile-

purpose so Jienioiw hut tii.e radical

press will impute ij, to him. To tba_radicaljoumais- tlra"r"^(AV“are~s(r’°^'heeping'people

clamorous for his election General

Grant is in heart, principal, habit

and composition obsolulely and irre­-

concilably opposed; and as thi

grj dually find this out their rage

indignation will know no bounds.

They do not believe it to-day nor

will they believe it in any consider­-

able numbers before the 9lh of No­-

vember. But after the fatal deed is

aecompllshed, when their discom­-

fiture is more thoroughly assured

than by any other meansit possiblycould have been, not even by the

election of Mr. Seymour, then will

the radicals call upon the rocks


and the mountains to cover

them. The democratic le-aders have

undoubtedly dealt a vital wound

their parly canvass, but the radical

leaders have been stultified mean­-

while as faction hardily ever was

fore. I t is well that the country

may be congratulated that such fruits

promise to come out of the blunders

of both that they may be estimated in

the retrospectas blessings in disguise.


readinessofresource which enables

themto say the very thing that is

most wanted, to rectify the .blunders

ofother people—of their stupid male

relatives notably—to anticipate and

prevent some threatening contre-

tempts or to counteract its effect

momentafter its occurrence. It en­-

ables them to set the talk goingcritical moments, and to keep it alive

withbtfijfiii^answers and liw iy repar^tee always. I t gives,them -the power

iu' good burner, cr_radicals(r’°^'heeping'people

ing the

is gone. This abundance of ideas

and quickness of fancy with which

women are for the most part so well

endowed, lead them, in certain cases,

to all sorts of good and wholesome

results. In other cases, however,where the capacity is lower, these

same qualities have a different issue,andare shown chieflyin the develop­-ment of an extraordinary power of

running on with talk of a certain

sort, not very exalted in quality, but

quiteunlimited in amount. This run­-

ningon faculty—as enjoyed by the

ladiesofcreation, is certainly worthy

ofnote. They seldom leave off or

make pauses in their talk, but rather

link together tlie differentsections of

theirmonologuewith words of uncer­-

tain meaning, or repetitions ofsome­-

thingalready spoken, apparently with

theobject ef getting lime in which to

collect new ideas, or else of prevent­-

ing any one else oftaking advantageofa pause to cut in.

The angel of time being commis­-

sioned by the Supreme Governor of

the world, made proclamation thathe ^

had a hundred thousand years of

additional life to bestow on the in-

liabitanls of the earth. His trumpetechoed far and wide, penetrating the

cities, the valleys, the mountains,and"

reaching the most extreme .of the

universe. Thepeople ftobkedeigerlyfriira all pqintg the cobopasa,. to

prefer their claims to a portion ofthe

beneficientgift ; but it was surpris­-

ing to see that the crowd consisted of

the aged alone. The children were

enjoying tlieir youthfuT sports, and

paid no altention to the proclama­-

tion *,the youths and maidens were

wandering in the labyrinths of love ;and the men and women of a middle

8ge were too much engaged in the

pursuits oflife to think on death.

The first who preferred his petition

for a few additionalyears, was an old

man of .four score and upwards, bent

almost double with age.


Published on SaturdayMornings,


C on ti n e nta lOld tim es ! old tim es! the gay old t im es!

When I was young and five,

Aud heard tlii-merry Easter chimes

Under the suPy tree-

Sty Sunday p.dra besid>> uio p-laced—

My cross upon my hand—

Ah'-artat rest within iny breast,

And sunstiin'i on tho la n d!

Old time s ! Old tim e s!


Political history is full of the sur­-

prises tlrat in the argot of the daywould bo called“ sells.”—The Rightlion. Benjamin Disreli, as chiefof a

high tory cabinet, bringing in a

measure which for radical liberality,went beyond anything ever dreamed

of by the e.xtremest of the Russels,

may bii regarded as a sort of arche­-

type among thethrowers of politica]

somersaults, Sucli a distinction i«,

ofcourse, repudiated by the acrobat

h::r«clf and by his friends for him.

'I here is always a subtle and speciousline of argumentready to prove that

the broadestliberalism is exactly con­-

sistent with the highest toryism.Extremes touch, that is to say, with

great facility and admirable conven­-

ience, when political c.vpediencyrenders it desirable. Of this facility

are born those strange alliances be­-

tween factionsofapparently clashingcreeds that so often bring about re­-

sults which plain men have called

impossible a liulc while before.These

results, whether brought about bycombinations or by single individuals,

commonly strike the world with an

unexpected and dramatic eflect. Some­-

times, however, they may be pre­-

figured. The trains of causes are oc­-

casionally so clearly in view or are

operating so near to tho surface of

things that average intelligence may

discern what is coming. Like the

hollow sounds heard at Ibarra, the

grim presagers of the earthquake to

come, thesepolitical premonilons are*

at times, too unmistakable to be mis­-

understood or disregarded. There

can be little doubtthat we are livingat just such a lime, and that the

publican candidatefor the presidencyis the Detis ex mnehina who is des­-

tined to bring about the political


That General Grant has alwaysbeen a democrat, by which.we mean

thathe lias always voted and acted

with the democratic party, until a

veryrecent date, is widely known.

That his tastes, habits, and sympa­-

thies are, in a broad sense, demo

craiic, is equally notorious. And it

cannot now affect the issue of this

canvass to say thatmany of the gen­-

eral’s most influential supp-irlers, in­-

cluding some oftho“war democrats”

who signed tho call for the late Grant

meeting in thecity ofNew York, did

so on the express and even avowed

ground of his being a democrat, and

on tho understanding, which they do

not hesitate to say exists, that liis

policy, will be strongly conservative.

I t is now too late to change the re­sult. The current now rushing on

is too broad and deep and swift to

be diverted or stayed. No doubt if

the radical party distinctly saw what

R . H . GILL .

Insurance C omp any


Offic e 1 0 2 B ro a d w a y .

Cash Capital, : :

- - July 1. ’66,Surplus, r

Cash Asset!



$1,6 03,624,00

Office—C omer Gore & Ba y-st., STAFLEroJi!,S I.

(N ext to Savinss Bank.)

Two dollarspor annum, payable in advance

TE R M S :

ipany continues to Insure Buildings

iture, &c.. againstloss ordamage by

This Com]


It is notthat my fortunes flee.

Northat my cheek is pale —

I mournwhen e'er I think o f thee,Singlecopies,five cents.

R a tes o f Ad vertis ing .Participating or non participating po licies is

su ed at theoption of theassured.

jgerDlTlBlona,UJuly of each year as follows:


; native vtilo ?—M y darling ti

A wistr head I hi

Than wh ir l loitered there—

Bu t in m y wisdom thereis w oe.

And in m y knowledge,i

Old times!sl Old tim es!


B u s in es s Cards o f E i g ht L in e s or le s s ,^ 6

p e r y e ar; w it h th e p a p er, |7 .

Advertisements for a oontmuous period insertedt reduced rates.

Fvo lived to know m y share o f joy,

To feel m y shari> of pain—

Tolearn that friendship's self can cloy,JOB BBINTINO

O f ev e r y d escrip tio n ex ec uted w it h n e atn e ss

p romptness an d disp a tch at N ew Yo rkprices,

.MISCELLANEOUSS .B .Ch itto nd o ’n


Loring A nd row s,Charles Cobb,W m. T. Coleman.


Hiram Ba r ney ,Law ronco Turnnro

Shep pard Gandy,

George Grisw old,

lu ol A . r ---

raceB . (

■USG n ^ !

L.Sawyer,T h o m a s S m uil, H or a ce B.C lallin,

0 . i l . Conno lly , Cvrus Curtiss,

W illia m V . B rady , ly iUiam W rig ht,

George W . L an e, D . H. Arnold,Chas. C. Taher, Charles Lainson ,Sam ’l D .B ab cock .L.H .Brigh am


W e llin g to n C lapp, Bradisli Jo hn son ,

Jo hn C aswell, H . P . ispauldin g,Jo hn Paine, H . H. Lam port,Jo se ph B a tt e ll, G. S. .Stephenson;R o bt. H.McCuidy , George Mosle,

W.M.Richards, JohnH.Earle,H enry B yro Chas. U .B o oth


Ed wa rd Martin,

Di rectors : friendship'sTo love, and love in vain—

To feel a pang andweara sm ile,-To tiro of other c lim es-

To lik e m y own unhappy isle,

And sing the pay old tim es 1CITY ADVERTISEMENTS

singpayOld times! Old times!

And surethe land is nothin g changed,

Tho birds aresin gin g s t il l ;

The flowers are sprinuing where w c ranged,

47 Y e a r s Old . .


Incorporated March23,1821.

sprinuing ranged,There's sunshim-on the h i ll!

Th'3 sally, waving o'eriiiyhead.

Still sw eetly shades my Irame-f—

atah, those hapj'y days arelied,

Aud I amnutthe sa me!

Obi tim es! Old tim es 1

age.“Thou doubtless wishest to live a

little longer for the sake of thy chil­-

dren. and the companions of thy

youth ?” said the angel.Alas !’■cried the old man,“ they

are all dead,”

C as h C a p it a l.................$5 0 0 0 0 0 OO

S urplus, Jami, 18C0..........

5 7 8 41 4 40,

A s s e t s ...............................1 ...............................1,

0 7 8,

4 14 14 0


Ve s s els in po rt and their Cargoes, and othe

P roperty , a g ain st L oss or Da ma ge b y Eire.

W illiam Pitt Palm er, P resident.

AgDKEw J. S iiiT ir, Vic e-P resid e nt.

Geo . Hopg sd on , Secretary.. B

Oh, comeagain vi-merry t im es!

Sweet, sunny, tresh, aud culm—

And let meh<-arthose Easterchimes.

And wearm y (Sunday p'alm.

I f I could ery away m ine eyes

My tears would flow in vain —

I f 1 could waste my heart in sighs,

Old times! Old tim es!

“Thou art in possession of wealth,andhonors !”

Alas, no ! I have lost my good

name, and am miserably poor. Yet

I wish to live till I am an hundred,

and enjoy life yet a little longer.”The anglebestowed upon him the

privilege of living an hundredyears,

and he went on his wayrejoicing and

trembling.The next applicant for lengthened

years, was a Leble old man who was

carried in a litter. When he had pre­-

ferred his request, the angel replied :


CTB US PE CK, Eicntanj.

J .A .J A N iN,

A gentfor the Villageof EJgewator.

Of f ic e —Comer o f Bay and Canal streets,

Stapleton,Staton Island.

"William P P alm er

R afu s L . Lord.

Th oma s Barron,

Rich ard T ighe.

H en ry E lsw o r th ,E d w in B . M organ

S idn e y Mason.

An g n stu s H.WardPe ter Cooper.

Jam es C olles.

Jo h n Casw ell.

J oh n Steward.

Henry BayJis.

les B.John sto i

D. R. H itchcock, General Agent for

Richmond County, S. I.

ORIENTAL MAXIMS. The oldest house in th« United

States is belived to be a stone edifice

at Guilford Conn. It was erected in

the year 1640—only thirty-one years

later than , the discovery of New

York by Hudson. The structure has

beenstanding upwards of two centu­-

ries and a quarter. The means of

conveyance was very slender at that

distant lime, as the stone was carried

in hand-barrows from a lodge-at some

distance from ilie site ofthebuilding.The cement used in the construction

is still as hard as the stone itself.

The initial wedding at GuiKord was

celebrated in this ancient mansion,

and the sole dishes provided at the

lanquet were pork and beans.


Of fi c e —N o. 27 W iLu .u tS x.,Ne w Yo k k.

J. W . Sim o n s o n,

Agent forother parts of tho County.

Attachment to the world is the

origin ofall vice.

Old menliave no need ofan)' great­-er malady than old age.

Tlie ignorant is not a man, and the

learned without virtue is not learned.

The Broken Hearted*

About two years ago I took up my

residence for a week in a country

village ill the eastern part of New

England. Soon aftermy arrival, I

became acquainted with a younglady

apparently about seventeen or eigh­-teen


age.Slie had lost the

idol of her heart’s p u r e s t love, and

the shadows of deep and holy mem­-

ories were resting like the wings of

death upon her brow.

I first met her in the presence

the mirthful. She was garlander by

the young year’s sweetest flowers,

and her sunny tresses were hangingbeautiful and low upon her bosom,

and she moved through the crowd

wiih such floating unearthly grace,

that the bewilderedlooked almost to

see her fade away into the air like the

creation of a pleasant dream. She

smiled, but there was something in

her smile which told me that

mournful beauty was but the reflec­-

tion of a tear, and hereye

lids at

times j'ressed heavily down, as if

struggling to repress the tideofagony

that was bursting up from her heart’s

secret urn. Shelooked as if she could

have left the scene of festivity, and

goneout beneath the quiet stars, and

laid her forehead down upon the

fresh, green eaith, and poured out

her sirickeu soul, gush after gush,till it mingled with the eternal foun­-

tain of purity an 1 love.

I have lately heard that the young

lady ofwhom I have spoken, is dead.

The closeof her life was calm as the

falling of a quiet stream, gentle as

the sinking of a breeze that lingerstime round a bed of withered

roses,andthen dies for very sweetness.

I t cannot be that earth is man’s

only abiding place. It cannot be that

life is a bubble cast upon the ocean of

eternity, to float a moment upon its

surface, and then sink into nothing­-

ness and darkness forever. Else whyis it that the high and glorious aspi­-rations which leap like angels from

the temple of our hearts are forever

wandering abroadunsatisfied 1 Whyis it lliat the rainbow and the cloud

come over us with a beauty that is

not of earth, and then pass ofl’ and

j^aV^'urio mu s e on their faded love-

oppor-jg gta^g

| festival around the

arg get above the grasp of our

—Jimiled faculties, and forever mock us

j approachable glory. And

hat forms of human b<i eauty

presented to the view and then

, leaving the thou-

I streams to flow back in an Al-

j current upon our hearts.—[Geo.

| p ; - c 7i/fce.]

I l l s exceedingly bad husbandry to

>harrow up the feelings ofyour wife,

|liisjlo rake up old quarrels.

[ grudge, and to sow discord,

Ayoung lady who is visiting in i

.un-Uounlry that is rather“ difficult” in

Ithe mailer of fences, writes that she

is not yet oceijirnbatized.)



ISTo. O O B O W E B tY ,

E nglish Royal V elvet Carpets,3 -4 ,4-4 and0-1

wide, new and elegant designs at reduced prices

es ofEuglish Brussels Carpet!'.! a

I understand. Thou art enamoured

of the charms ofwoman, of the beau •ties of the earth, the waters, and the

skies, and wishest lo behold them yet

a. few years more V*

“I am blind these ten years,” said

the old man.

EesidencouponRichmondTurnpike Road,, Tom]

No. 100 Broa dwa y . N . Y., to whomn appliea-

near Cebra Av e nu e

tio u can be m ade e ith erin


ter, accompanied b y a fu ll descrip tio n o f the

property to b e insured

.B .—^Farmproperty and a ll iso lated

r isks insured a t r easonably lo w ra tes.


Whatever perfections you hare, do

not boast of them, for you will not

bebelieveduponyour word.

However many friends you have,do not neglect yourself; dhoiigh you

have a thousand, not one of them

loves you so much as you ought to

love yourself..MISCELLANEOUSThree-Ply and Ingridn Carpets,new

10.000 Yards all Wo o lln

grain Carpet. 874, $1 OO

1 Qoc. per yard.

Floor Oilblot

2.000 yards

bloths, 3 to 18ft.w id e!!

Is 4-4 Oil Cloth 62je. per yard.

Cantonmattings at25c.per yard 1!

English Dniggots, 4, yards wide, Embroidered

Plain and Table Covers, Window Sba

and Office Carpetsat reduced Pri<




“Thou art delighted with the music

of the birds, the murmuring of the

waters, the echoes of the mountains,

and all the harmonies of the universe

and wished to hear them a little

longer ?”

D r. B D H T OlS rS

Tobacco Antidote.

11-Soldby all Drageisti

Have no intercourse with

envious person., with one who has no

regard foryou,

witii a fool, an un­-

grateful man, with an ignorant man,

with a miser, with a Jiar, with a vul-

ger man, o ra calumniator.

Life is a dream, and death is the

time of waking, and man flits between

the one and the other like aphantom.

The only Way ofnot being bored in

good company,is to

say witty things

yourself, or sit still and listen to the

willy things ofother jieople.

T h e Co s t o f Mo n a r c h y .—I t is

said that the quondamQueenIsabella

of Spain received from the treasury

during the thirty-live years of her

reign the sum of $89,500,000 in gold,or upwards of $2,577,100 per annum.

It must be admitted that this is a biil-

Jiant salaryfor such a worthless char­-

acter, and that John Bull acts far

more wisely in paying annually to hi.s

irreproachable Queen Haifa million

of dollars more, or 83,000,009per

annum in gold.

am deaf,and scarcely hear the

soundof thy trumpet.”“Thou art fond of the delicacies of

food ?”.MISCELLANEOUSN .B .—As there are other storesof the name of

ANDERSON, bo particular and look forN o. 99

McC A.lSO Sr^S


Alas ! my feeblehealth will not

permit of such indulgences. I have

lived on milk and crusts of bread

these seven years past, and more. I

m a miserable sickly old man.”

”And still thou wi.shestlo lengthenout tliy miseries. What pleasure dost

thou enjoy in this life ?”

The pleasure of living‘” said tho

old man ; and the angel granted him

t few years more.

The third who approached the fool-

itool of the angel was a decrepid fe­-

male, almost bent lo the earth, and

trembling with the palsey. Her teeth

were gone—her eyes buried deep in

their dark blue sockets—her cheeks

hollow and fleshless—and she could

hardly prefer her request, for an in­-

cessant cough, which drowned her

voice, audalmost chokedher.

AGENTS wANT:_n;g.$3010 $200 pcrmonthtn. Iellnllcw mm: pv " �to A;:ric\murt and

the Mecanic ans, l1_rGen. 1:. \Vn.riI|;:, mm. mm mg.

un§?i.s1m1 aulllmr uml ngricullurzd olvgincurof tho

F. . cemmx rm; Sm. Nusnangum. it cvnrpub-Lishvtl; 150 cnfrnnlxga. Sells nt. sight to farmers,mechanic! :|I| urorkinc; mun M"an clzwsvi. Arti �

men um! womencan a|Ixu|_vmn'ke|11t-.nl1o\‘e mom.send [or circulars. nu. Trim: .2 co. lmblislmrs.as; Broadway, N. Y. Aw-us

75TILUARY-st., Brooklyn,Music lu rnisb ed for a ll occa sio ns.

New York Piano Forte

C O M F ^ I S T Y

(O bartcredMarch, 1SC4.)

The crow will become white before

the man who seeks lor knowledgewithout application will become


T orre y ’s P a te n t W e a t h e rs t rip s

.ChappedA clerical correspondent writing

from Philadeljihia, relates that not

long since at the breaking ground for

a railroad in a certain town in the

Southwest, a clergyman, on beingcalled upon to open the proceedings

with prayer, took from his pocket a

manuscript supplication, prepared for

the occasion, which heread. A color­-

ed brother present, leaning uponhis

shovel, noticing the movement,

remarkedwith a grin,“ Golly ! dat’s

dc fust time dis darkey ever knew dc

Lord written to on the subjeck of a

railroad !”

G ran d an d S quare

Agraffe Piano-Fortes.F o r t h e L-v d ie s .—Bridesmaids

without groomsmen are tlie fashion

at weddings.

Fashionable ladies in Paris wear

small gilt champagne bottles for ear-

New fashionedkid gloves forladies

are fastened with small gilt drain.

Tlie newest fan is made in the shapeofa liorscshoe. It is very ugly, but

very fashionahla which is not surpris­-

ing, as the ugliest things appear to be

fashionableat pre-sent.

The round hat is fast superseding the

diminished bonnet,as it should, for

what prettier ornament to the

“temale face divine” could be de­-

signed than one of these bewitchinglittle round hats ?

prophetic eye of Mr. Wcndoll

Philips, for example — they would

move heaven and earth to defeat

Grant’s election. But it is too late.

They iniglit now“ as well try to dam

up the ivaters of tiio Nile with bul­-

rushes,” or to wliislle against thun­-

der, as to prevent the impending con­-

summation. The true policy ofthe

radicals, odd and paradoxical as it

may sound, was to have struck up a

dcmocalic alliance and to have bent

every energy to the nomination and

selectionofMr. Ciiasc. It was their

cue to make extremes meet here as

they have in England. The most

progressive radicalsm and the most

immoveable conservatism can find

comtnon ground for such here as

well as abroad. If JohnBright could

is coming—saw it wiili the clear,

.ChappedHands a ndFa ee, Sorel i ps,&c.,

Curedatonceby theuseofHageman’s Camphor

Ice rrit!! Glycerine, Trbieh keepsthe bands soft in

the coldest weatber. See that yoiSold by aU dmggists. Price 25 c(

by mail for40o.


o bo l

u getthe genuine,i entsper box. Sent

No . 340 and 342 Seco nd A v enue,

(OoRN'E OF 2 ‘1t u St r e e t ,;

N ow Y o i 'lf.

Send for cle.senptivcC atalogueand Priee L ist

A-3m a-11.

315 HuntingWatches. 320

Tbo Collins Oroide Wateb Factory.

S s

piiilliSJ PhiTlips & C o ’,

No. 37 Uaion.St]uare, Broadway, N. Y.

W holesale and Retail Deab-rs in

gAlso , Manutacturers o f Superior Pianos and

Publishers o f Sunday School Music. Send lor

Circular. 3m os A.m-2 2.

I am come,” said she,“ lo ’beg a

score of years, that I may enjoy the

pleasure ofseeing the cypress trees I

have planted over the grayes of my

husband,my children, my grand-chil-ilren, and the rest of my dear rela­-

tives, spring up and flourish before I

die, I am bereft of all that were

near and dear to m e; I stand alone

in the world, with no one to speakfor me ; 1 beseechthee, Oh ! benefi-

my request !”

grant thee lengthere thy infirmi-

They will in-

answered the

cent angel, to grant n

Though I__ned

days, I cannot remov ­ties and sufferings. ...:n

cieise upon thee,”

siuco shall know‘‘

SD H 1 C X A .D N O TI C I G


Fe m a l e Ch a .v c b s o f Ma t r imo n y —

Cu r io u

s Ca l cu


t io n ,—A calcula­-

tor has made out the following esti­-

mates of the chances of matrimony a

female has at difterent periods of her

life. Out of 100 women, 33 are

married hetween 14 and 15 ; 101 be­-

tween 16 and 17; 209 between 18

and 19 ; 233 between20 and 21 ; 165

between 23 and 23 ; lOl between 24

and 25 ; GO between 26 and 27; 45

between £8 ami 29 ; 45 between 30

and31 ; 14between 32 and33 ; 8 be­-

tween 34 and 35 ; 2 between 36 and

37 ; and 1 between 38 and 39.








uiliiT tliilt oiir onln ojjlre in

Ko s .37 J-39 X a ssa u,

S treet, op po site tne

Po s t Office (up sfiiir s} K.York



‘G501’ @131-L5: 6If the ladies would only abandonjpull side by side with the friends of

j the imperious practice of w earing'Lord Derby, Horace Greeley could

pauicrs and high-heeled boots, (which do the like with the friends of JetT

after all, render the Grecian bend a Davis. ’X hercuasthe true opening

necessity.) no one would find fault for the rrdical-s but they have failed

wilh the fashionsofthe present day. to see it. They let the golden oppor-jg

The more elegant ofour fasliion-1tuniiy slip b y ; they took up«ilh |

able callers are notv droiqdng i} ,c f»ru>U, whom the democrats, in truth,

hackneyed P. P..—

P -iw r P re ii J/ 'c >iw«‘inate'l tor them, and in .so doing

Conge—in making farewell calls !have wrought llieir own destruction ji urc | ibc

The phrase«hich is now considered i The success of their caniliilale is cer-j

elegant in tiro corner of the card i-. lain, but, like the gigantic ami

the plain, simple, honestAnglo-Saxon, le^-s creation of Frankenstein, he is ,

as certain hereafterto turn upon andIrend them. j

— Siiij G'li.d-hijc


AdVertlsomeuts forwarded to all Now.sp ijmt s.

No (idvniiee charged onI’ablisbing i.rites.

All lending Newspapers liejit on fib-.

Iiifm-nuitiou ('ost of Advertising furni“b'

f.'uiimries by iftiil nn-swi redpr<anptly.'

lending Newspapers liejitIiifm-nuitiou ns to ('ost of Advertisingfurni“b'

All Orders ri eeive earefal utteiitinri.‘‘ I care not, siuco I shall know

ey cannot kill me before my time.”

“Take thy wish,” said the angel,s m ilin -•“-------.t

..,.niling : go andbe happy.”

“Strange !” cried a learned

lio had come to petition for awh few

years to comple'e an explanation c fthe apocalypse, aud had witnessed

the scene ‘ Strange,’ cried he curl­-

ing his Up in scorn, ‘ that the most

helplvss and miserable of human

beings should still covet a life di-

3ted of all its enjoyments!”

by pr<anptly.Sonjpleti-Print' d Listsof N'r nspup'-rs

Spi'tial ListsAdv ertisemi. t prrii.irrtl for CU'toTin r>.

Written and Koeurfd.I t takes money to buy ink, typo

and paper. Give the printer fair play—it costs something to puff as well

as to advertise. Daniel Webster was

about right when he said ;“ Small is

the sum required to patronize a news­-

paper ; amply rewarded is its patron.

I carenot how humble and unpretend­-

ing thejournal which he takes, it is

next to impossible to fill it without

putting into it something tliat is worth

the subscription,”


Adv ertisemi


.Written and Koeurfd.

Oi’iliT'j from in'-u f iully solicit* d.

.a ’l-iio L is a 'i-iv oiiCr.fX.iNrs4,

With till Cikhmtnl


"V ox l l i m i ii n n .T i 'C m o l o,

I’ltU-nleil ftii'lf-vnd i-nhi in onr Ory.iiix,^ ^ ^ ^ i r i i i v ti Tr 1

au'll, r." Ill'I iiiirii.r ti"-iu

t ui.ntj Eighty-eightF irst Premiums. |v iitj j'-. ir,-'Eighty-First Premiums.

Giutral Grant was a dcOTOci'af | -an'I is a democrat. His army con-

The number ofchiklren who attend

scliool in the I'nited Slates amounts

L 5,000,000. They use 20,000.000 tained democrats by-tens of thou-1

books', which cost 81^,750,000. sands, and by tens of thousands>

confe-ssor of Maximilian has | v o t e s will be cast in liisjloi itn._

............arrivedinMexico,bringingdiamond jbehalf.AmanofliUlc imagination[crosses and uilier pristiUs f

u Me.xicen

Jawyers who defended the late

EmpiTor of Aii.stria to liinies which the extremists are

'Etnpmor at'thc triaV before the c Z 'r\ . un-Uounlry

' ■■ which condemned him to j'I»^slionabIy njecl. IF -I gain tiieir biter hatred

He will thus I.romthe ,t,m great common sense, the fanta.s-

(uc a ll l

“Silence, fool !” replied tho angela voice of ineffable contem pt;

* it

lather becomes thee,la!, to adore the goodness of Provi-

which having ordained thatdence, ^

______mtn shouldlivetobeold,mercifulfydecreed at the same time that the

love of life should supply theabsence

of all its scources of enjoyment;Go ? take thy wish, and finish thy

on the apocommentary 0 B ocalypse.”


irst Premiums.|G. G. mX E , C R n nEIi TS ny.

wgn¢¢.1—~'..l.--«mm m tr.n>:l for n. M mufu tun

lnz1(Io.‘u]n;l nun |n:»*:]‘|nI§rI-I». luln;nl]_\)vu pi.“-..,..1---~.‘ .:-x-~«,\I|A.\uI| . . u my 5.¢,-.,,,x».n::x:x.c».u.uz.«.. 1-5'..|.u1rIpnxu,‘z"i' m

mnw MEDICAL 13001:.

417 JU'i I'lu '-ti' • t.X '-.v V.'iJ ,.“Working for dear life” is defined

to be making clothes for a now baby.

Maas. Circulars H'-utfree, * INuiv York. l y

The world is like an inn, in which

the iravsilcr sleeps to-day and leaves
