Val's Tips for the iBT (TOEFL) Reading Section

iBT Reading Class

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Val's Tips for the iBT (TOEFL) Reading


Types of skills

Vocabulary and Reference: Skills 1 and 2

Sentences: Skills 3 and 4

Details: Skills 5 and 6

Inferences: Skills 7 and 8

Reading to Learn: Skills 9 and 10

Vocabulary and Reference

Skill 1: Understand Vocabulary from Context

Skill 2: Recognize Referents

Note: both skills require you to use clues/hints from the 'context'--surrounding words and sentences

Using Context Clues 1a

It is too klemzat to read.

Make 2 guesses for what klemzat means

Using Context Clues 1b

It is too klemzat to read in this room without a light.

What does klemzat mean?

Using Context Clues 1c

It is too klemzat to read in this room without a fire.

What does klemzat mean?

Using Context Clues 2a

The bride bazed the groom on the nose.

What does bazed mean?

Using Context Clues 2b

The bride bazed the groom on the nose to show her love.

What does bazed mean?

Using Context Clues 2c

The bride bazed the groom on the nose when he said he wouldn't marry her.

What does bazed mean?

Using Context Clues in a paragraph 1a

When Auntie Tsu would take him to the temple, Jimmy would have to kneel and pray before the Buddha. He bowed three times and made the praying motions until his aunt would give him a coin wrapped in red paper. He would have to wait until Auntie finished lighting the incense and stick the bunch into the sand-filled holder before she allowed him to go across the street to spend his lee-see. Auntie Tsu stayed in the temple to talk to the round-faced monk.

What does kneel mean? What clues helped you guess?

Using Context Clues in a Paragraph 1b

When Auntie Tsu would take him to the temple, Jimmy would have to kneel and pray before the Buddha. He bowed three times and made the praying motions until his aunt would give him a coin wrapped in red paper. He would have to wait until Auntie finished lighting the incense and stick the bunch into the sand-filled holder before she allowed him to go across the street to spend his lee-see. Auntie Tsu stayed in the temple to talk to the round-faced monk.

What does incense mean? What clues helped you guess?

Using Context Clues in a Paragraph 1c

When Auntie Tsu would take him to the temple, Jimmy would have to kneel and pray before the Buddha. He bowed three times and made the praying motions until his aunt would give him a coin wrapped in red paper. He would have to wait until Auntie finished lighting the incense and stick the bunch into the sand-filled holder before she allowed him to go across the street to spend his lee-see. Auntie Tsu stayed in the temple to talk to the round-faced monk.

What does lee-see mean? What clues helped you guess?

Tips for Reading Skill 1You don't have to know the vocabulary word--just use the clues to select the answer that is closest in meaning. See p. 10 Example 1

Be careful of 'everyday English'--usually a secondary meaning is being tested. See p. 11 Example 2

Sometimes you are asked for the meaning of a phrase--using the clues choose the answer that is closest in meaning. See p. 12 Example 3

Tips for Skill 2--recognizing referents

Referents mean pronouns or adjectives that refer (back) to a previously mentioned noun ex) it, one, that, which...

The rising air pushes against the colder air, and the rotation of the earth causes the air to spin, in much the

same way that water in a sink spins as it goes down the drain.

What does it refer to?

Tips for Skill 2 continued

The rising air pushes against the colder air, and the rotation of the earth causes the air to spin, in much the same way that water in a

sink spins as it goes down the drain.

What does it refer to?

Tip 1: Look BEFORE the referent for nouns that might matchTip 2: Try each of the nouns in the context around the referent

Tip 3: Eliminate any WRONG answers and choose the best answer from remaining choices


Skill 3: Simplify Meanings of Sentences

You need to show your understanding of COMPLEX sentences by choosing answers that expresses all the

key info in the complex sentence.

Skill 4: Insert Sentences into the Passage

One sentence is missing from the paragraph so you need to choose where the sentence best fits in the paragraph.

Skill 3 Example 1

Were Earth to be juxtaposed with the Great Red Spot, our planet would be dwarfed in comparison, with a diameter less than half that of the Great Red Spot.

Break into smaller parts by looking for punctuation and transition expressions.

If reference is made to info outside the sentence, then read the context around the COMPLEX sentence.

Skill 3 Example 1 cont'd

Were Earth to be juxtaposed with the Great Red Spot, our planet would be dwarfed in comparison, with a diameter less than half that of the Great Red Spot.

Eliminate WRONG answers, then choose the best answer from the remaining choices.

Skill 3 Example 1 cont'dWere Earth to be juxtaposed with the Great Red Spot, our planet would be dwarfed in comparison, with a diameter less than half that of the Great Red Spot (GRS).

1. The density of the GRS is much higher than that of Earth.

2. If the diameter of the GRS were doubled, it would equal that of the Earth.

3. By placing the Earth next to the GRS, one could see that the Earth has a much smaller diameter.

4.Because the Earth is close to the GRS, Earth is influenced by its huge size.

Skill 3 Example 2

The outer winds require six Earth days to complete the circumference of the GRS, a length of time indicative of the vastness of the GRS.

1. The Earth's outer winds move a distance equal to the circumference of the GRS.

2. The outer winds of the GRS move more quickly than do those on Earth.

3. The winds moving across the GRS finally change direction every six Earth days.

4.The fact that the winds take so long to move around the GSR proves how big it is.

Tips for Skill 4--inserting sentences into the paragraph

Look at the sentence given for any KEY words or ideas at the BEGINNING or END of the sentence.

Read the context BEFORE and AFTER the 'insertion squares' for any ideas that relate to the sentence to be inserted.

Choose the best answer.

Tips for Skill 5--Find factual info

Tip 1: With this skill you are asked questions about the facts given in the paragraph--Correct answers are usually RE-STATEMENTS of the facts!!!

Tip 2: Find the KEY WORD or IDEA in the question. Then SCAN the appropriate paragraph for the KEY WORD or IDEA.

Tip 3: Read the sentence with the KEY WORD or IDEA carefully and choose the best answer.

Tips for Skill 6: Understand negative facts

Tip 1: With this type of question, you are usually asked to find an answer that is not stated, or not mentioned,

or not true. I.e. three answers are stated, or mentioned,

or true so the best answer to chose is the one that is NOT.

Tip 2: Eliminate the answers that you DO find in the passage.

Take special notice of the NOT in the question!!!!

Inferencing: Skills 7 - 8

To infer something means that the writer ( or speaker) doesn't give the answer directly so you MUST use the facts and context clues given to MAKE CONNECTIONS and MAKE AN 'EDUCATED' GUESS.

Inferencing Example 1

There was no outside light and no moon. Taro couldn't find his key to the door. Suddenly he remembered that he had a small flashlight on his key chain.

What did Taro do next?

Inferencing Example 2

Wakako' s grip on the steering wheel tightened as she quickly changed gears from 2nd to 3rd. She then pushed her foot down hard on the gas pedal.

What is Wakako doing?

Skill 7: Make inferences from stated facts

Questions of this type contain the words

implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know the answer is NOT STATED directly

You must use information given in the reading to DRAW A CONCLUSION

Tips for Skill 7

Tip 1: Find the KEY WORD or IDEA in the question. Then SCAN the appropriate paragraph for the KEY WORD or IDEA or RELATED IDEA

Tip 2: Carefully read the info and draw a conclusion.

Tip 3: Eliminate any WRONG answers and any with NO INFO GIVEN in paragraph

Skill 8: Infer Rhetorical Purpose

In this type of question, you are asked to explain WHY the AUTHOR included certain WORDS, PHRASES, or SENTENCES in the passage

You need to look at the STYLE or WAY the author WRITES, and the OVERALL PRESENTATION OF IDEAS

Tips for Skill 8

Tip 1: Study the highlighted text carefully

Tip 2: Study the CONTEXT around the HIGHLIGHT and ASK yourself HOW they are CONNECTED or RELATED


Reading To Learn: Skills 9 +10

Skill 9: Select Summary Information

Skill 10: Complete Schematic Tables

Note: For both skills 9 and 10, you need to show your understanding of the WHOLE reading passage--you can refer to the passage as you work on the question

Skill 9: Select Summary Info

In this type of question, the overall topic or theme of the passage is given. However, you must select the MAJOR supporting ideas from a given list.

This type of question has 3 correct answers = 2 points, 2 correct = 1 point, 1 or 0 correct = 0 points

Tips for Skill 9

Tip 1: Decide what type of rhetorical pattern is used i.e. compare + contrast, cause + effect, or argument supported by reasons--look at intro+topic sentences

Tip 2: The overall topic is given--read it carefully to confirm your understanding

Tips for Skill 9 cont'd

Tip 3: Read each answer choice carefully--

decide if the info is TRUE, FALSE, or NOT

DISCUSSED. Eliminate the FALSE and NOT DISCUSSED choices

Tip 4: For the TRUE choices, decide if MAJOR

points or MINOR details. Eliminate MINOR detail choices.

Skill 10: Complete Schematic Tables

For this type of question, you are asked to complete a table that outlines the key info but, the info is divided into categories i.e. Major points + Supporting ideas

This type of question may have 5 or 7 correct answers (5 correct =3pts, 4 correct=2 pts, 3 correct=1 pt)(7 correct=4 points, 6 correct = 3 pts, 5correct = 2pts,4 correct=1 pt)

Tips for Skill 10

Tip 1: Decide what type of rhetorical pattern is used i.e. compare + contrast, cause + effect, or argument supported by reasons--look at intro+topic sentences

Tip 2: Look at the TOPICS/CATEGORIES mentioned in the schematic table-- think about how they connect to the main ideas in the passage

Tips for Skill 10 cont'd

Tip 3: Read each answer choice

carefully--decide if the info is TRUE,

FALSE, or NOT DISCUSSED. Eliminate the FALSE and NOT DISCUSSED choices

Tip 4: Match the TRUE choices to the correct CATEGORY in the table

Good luck on the iBT!!!