© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 20 June 2014 IBM Worklight Foundation V6.2.0 Getting Started Custom authenticator and login module in hybrid applications

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

20 June 2014

IBM Worklight Foundation V6.2.0Getting Started

Custom authenticator and login module in hybrid applications

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Introduction to authentication

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml file

Creating a custom Java authenticator

Creating a custom Java login module

Creating client-side authentication components

Examining the result

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Introduction to authentication (1 of 3) The authentication process can be interactive:

– For example, user name and password

Or non-interactive:

– For example, header-based authentication

This process can involve a single step/

– For example, a simple user name/password form)

Or multiple steps/

– For example, it might have to add a challenge after it issued the first passwordS.

The definition of the authentication realm includes the class name of an authenticator and a reference to a login module.

An authenticator is an entity that collects user information.

– For example: a login form

A login module is a server entity that validates the retrieved user credentials and builds the user identity.

You configure authentication settings such as realms, authenticators, and login modules, in the authenticationConfig.xml file that comes with Worklight Server.

An unauthenticated user

tries to access the resource

that is protected by an

authentication realm.

An authenticator is called to

collect user credentials,

that is, the user name and


The Login module receives

the collected credentials

and validates them.

If the supplied credentials

pass validation, the Login

Module creates the User

Identity object and flags the

session as authenticated in a

specified realm.

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Introduction to authentication (2 of 3)

The authenticator, login module, and user identity instances are stored in a

session scope. Therefore they exist while the session is alive.

You can write custom login modules and authenticators when the default

ones do not match your requirements.

In previous modules:

– You implemented a form-based authentication and used a non-validating

login module.

– You implemented an adapter-based authentication without having to add

login modules, and ran credentials validation manually.

In some cases, when credentials validation cannot be run at adapter level

and requires more complex code, you can implement an extra login module.

– For example: When credentials validation must be customized for a

specific enterprise; or when more information must be retrieved from each

client request, such as cookie, header, and user-agent.

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Introduction to authentication (3 of 3)

This module explains how to create a custom authenticator and a login


– You learn how to implement a custom authenticator that collects the

user name and password by using a request to a predefined URL.

– You learn how to implement a custom login module that checks

credentials that are received from the authenticator.

– You learn how to define a realm that uses your custom authenticator

and login module.

– You learn how to use this realm to protect resources.

For more information about authentication concepts, see IBM®

Worklight ® Foundation user documentation.

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Introduction to authentication

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml file

Creating a custom Java authenticator

Creating a custom Java login module

Creating client-side authentication components

Examining the result

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Configuring authenticationConfig.xml (1 of 2)

Add authentication information to the authenticationConfig.xml file.

In the <realms> section, define a realm called CustomAuthenticatorRealm.

– Make sure that it uses CustomLoginModule.

Specify MyCustomAuthenticator as the class name. You implement it in subsequents slides.

In the <loginModules> section, add a loginModule called CustomLoginModule.

Specify MyCustomLoginModule as the class name. You implement it in subsequent slides.

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Configuring authenticationConfig.xml (2 of 2)

In the <securityTests> section, add a security test.

Later, you use this security test to protect the adapter procedure.Therefore, use a <customSecurityTest> element.

Remember the security test name because you will use in the next


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Introduction to authentication

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml file

Creating a custom Java authenticator

Creating a custom Java login module

Creating client-side authentication components

Examining the result

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Creating a custom Java™ authenticator (1 of 21)

The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The init method of the

authenticator is called when the

authenticator instance is created. It

takes the parameters that are

specified in the definition of the

realm in the

authenticationConfig.xml file.

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Creating a custom Java authenticator (2 of 21)

The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The processRequest method

is called for each request from

an unauthenticated session.

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The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The processAuthenticationFailure

method is called if the login module

returns a failure of credentials validation.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (3 of 21)

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The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated

method is called for each request from an

already authenticated session.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (4 of 21)

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The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The getAuthenticationData

method is used by a login module to

get the credentials that are collected

by an authenticator.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (5 of 21)

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The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The getRequestToProceed

method is called only after the login

module successfully validates the

credentials that were collected by

an authenticator.

The getRequestToProceed

method has been deprecated since

IBM Worklight V5.0.0.3.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (6 of 21)

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The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The changeResponseOnSuccess

method is called after authentication

success. It is used to add data to

the response after the

authentication is successful.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (7 of 21)

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The authenticator API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)

– AuthenticationResult processAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage)

– AuthenticationResult processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData()

– HttpServletRequest getRequestToProceed(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserIdentity userIdentity, LoginExtension... loginExtension)

– Boolean changeResponseOnSuccess (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

– WorkLightAuthenticator clone()

The clone method is used to

create a deep copy of class


Creating a custom Java authenticator (8 of 21)

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Create a MyCustomAuthenticator class in the server\java folder.

Make sure that this class implements the WorkLightAuthenticator


Add the authenticationData map to your authenticator to hold the

credentials information.

– This object is retrieved and used by a login module.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (9 of 21)

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You must add a dependency on server runtime libraries to use

server-related classes, for example, HttpServletRequest.

Right-click your Worklight project and select Properties.

Select Java Build Path → Libraries and click Add Library.

Select Server Runtime and click Next.

You see a list of server runtimes that are installed in your Eclipse.

Select one and click Finish.

Click OK.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (10 of 21)

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The init method is called when the authenticator is created.

As its parameter, this method takes the map of options that is

specified in a realm definition in the authenticationConfig.xml file.

The clone method of the authenticator creates a deep copy of the

object members.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (11 of 21)

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The processRequest method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

The processRequest() method takes the

request, response, and


arguments. The method might retrieve data

from a request and write data to a

response, and must return a specific AuthenticationResult status as

described in subsequent slides.

Reminder: the authenticator collects the

credentials for a login module; it does not

validate them.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (12 of 21)

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The processRequest method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

The application sends an authentication

request to a specific URL. This request

URL contains a


component, which is used by the

authenticator to make sure that this

request is an authentication request. It

is recommended to have a different

URL component in every authenticator.

Creating a custom Java authenticator (13 of 21)

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The processRequest method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

The authenticator retrieves

the user name and password

that are passed as request


Creating a custom Java authenticator (14 of 21)

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The processRequest method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

The authenticator checks the

credentials for basic validity, creates an authenticationData object,

and returns SUCCESS. SUCCESS

means only that the credentials were

successfully collected; after that, the

login module is called to validate the


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The processRequest method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

If a problem occurs with the received

credentials, the authenticator adds an error

message to the response and returns


client must still supply authentication data.

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The processRequest method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

The isAccessToProtectedResource

argument specifies whether an

access attempt was made to a

protected resource. If not, the method returns REQUEST_NOT_RECOGNIZED,

which means that the authenticator

treatment is not required, and can

proceed with the request as is.

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The processRequest() method is called for each unauthenticated

request to collect credentials.

If the request made to a protected

resource does not contain

authentication data, the authenticator adds an authStatus:required

property to the response, and also



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The authenticator getAuthenticationData method is used by a login

module to get collected credentials.

After the authenticated session is established, all requests are transported through the changeResponseOnSuccess and

processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated methods.

You can use these methods to retrieve data from requests and to update


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The changeResponseOnSuccess method is called after credentials are

successfully validated by the login module.

You can use this method to modify the response before you return it to the client.

This method must return true if the response was modified, false otherwise.

Use it to notify a client application about the authentication success.

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The processRequestAlreadyAuthenticated method returns

AuthenticationResult objects for authenticated requests.

If the login module returns an authentication failure, the processAuthenticationFailure method is called. This method writes an

error message to a response body, and returns the CLIENT_INTERACTION_REQUIRED status.

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Introduction to authentication

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml files

Creating a custom Java authenticator

Creating a custom Java login module

Creating client-side authentication components

Examining the result

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Creating a custom Java login module (1 of 20)

The login module API includes the following methods:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– boolean login(Map<String, Object>


– UserIdentity createIdentity(String loginModule)

– void logout()

– void abort()

– WorkLightAuthLoginModule clone()The init method of the login module is

called when the login module instance

is created. This method receives the

options that are specified in the login

module definition of the

authenticationConfig.xml file.

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Creating a custom Java login module (2 of 20)

The login module API is:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– boolean login(Map<String, Object>


– UserIdentity createIdentity(String loginModule)

– void logout()

– void abort()

– WorkLightAuthLoginModule clone()

The login method of the login module

is used to validate the credentials that

are collected by the authenticator.

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The login module API is:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– boolean login(Map<String, Object>


– UserIdentity createIdentity(String loginModule)

– void logout()

– void abort()

– WorkLightAuthLoginModule clone()

The createIdentity method of the

login module is used to create a userIdentity object after validation

of the credentials succeeds.

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The login module API is:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– boolean login(Map<String, Object>


– UserIdentity createIdentity(String loginModule)

– void logout()

– void abort()

– WorkLightAuthLoginModule clone()

The logout and abort methods are

used to clean up cached data after a

logout or authentication aborts.

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The login module API is:

– void init(Map<String, String> options)

– boolean login(Map<String, Object>


– UserIdentity createIdentity(String loginModule)

– void logout()

– void abort()

– WorkLightLoginModule clone()

The clone method is used to create a

deep copy of the class members.

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Create a MyCustomLoginModule class in the server\java folder.

Make sure that this class implements the

WorkLightAuthLoginModule interface.

Add two private class members, USERNAME and PASSWORD, to hold

the user credentials

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The init method is called when the login module instance is created.

As its parameter, it takes the map of options that are specified in a

login module definition in the authenticationConfig.xml file.

The clone method of the login module creates a deep copy of the

object members.

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The login method is called after the authenticator returns the SUCCESS


When called, the login

method gets an authenticationData object

from the authenticator.

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The login method is called after the authenticator returns the SUCCESS


The login method retrieves

the user name and password

that the authenticator

previously stored.

Creating a custom Java login module (9 of 20)

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The login method is called after the authenticator returns the SUCCESS


In this example, the login module

validates the credentials against

hardcoded values. You can

implement your own validation rules. The login method returns

true if the credentials are valid.

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The login method is called after the authenticator returns the SUCCESS


If the validation fails, the login method can either

return false or throw a RuntimeException. The

exception string is returned to the authenticator as an errorMessage parameter.

Creating a custom Java login module (11 of 20)

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.44

The createIdentity method is called when the login method returns

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

After the login method returns

true, the createIdentity

method is called. It is used to create a UserIdentity object.

You can store your own custom

attributes in it to use later in Java or

adapter code.

Creating a custom Java login module (12 of 20)

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The createIdentity method is called when the login method returns

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

Creating a custom Java login module (13 of 20)

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.46

The createIdentity method is called when the login method returns

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

Login module

name to set user


Creating a custom Java login module (14 of 20)

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The createIdentity method is called when the login method returnq

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

A unique user


Creating a custom Java login module (15 of 20)

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.48

The createIdentity method is called when the login method returns

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

User display name

Creating a custom Java login module (16 of 20)

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The createIdentity method is called when the login method returns

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

User Java security


Creating a custom Java login module (17 of 20)

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.50

The createIdentity method is called when the login method returns

true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

Custom user


Creating a custom Java login module (18 of 20)

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.51

The createIdentity method is called when the login method

returned true. It is used to create an authenticated user identity object.

The UserIdentity object contains user

information. Its constructor is:public UserIdentity(String loginModule,

String name,

String displayName,

Set<String> roles,

Map<String, Object> attributes,

Object credentials)

Sensitive user

credentials that are

not to be persisted.

Creating a custom Java login module (19 of 20)

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The logout and abort methods are used to clean up class members

after the user logs out or aborts the authentication flow.

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Introduction to authentication

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml file

Creating a custom Java authenticator

Creating a custom Java login module

Creating client-side authentication components

Examining the result

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Creating client-side authentication components (1 of 13)

Create a Worklight application.

The application consists of two main <div> elements:

– The <div id=“AppBody”> element is used to display the

application content.

– The <div id=“AuthBody”> element is used for authentication


When authentication is required, the application hides AppBody and

shows AuthBody. When authentication is complete, it does the


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Start by creating an <AppBody> element.

It has a basic structure and functions.

Buttons are used to call the getSecretData procedure and to log


Creating client-side authentication components (2 of 13)

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AuthBody contains the following elements:

– Username and password input fields

– Login and Cancel buttons

AuthBody is styled as display:none because it must not be

displayed before the server requests the authentication.

Creating client-side authentication components (3 of 13)

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The following API describes how to create the challenge handler and implement

its functionality:

Use WL.Client.createChallengeHandler to

create a challenge handler object. Supply a

realm name as a parameter.

Create a challenge handler to define a customized authentication flow. In

your challenge handler, do not add code that modifies the user interface

when this modification is not related to the authentication flow.

Creating client-side authentication components (4 of 13)

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The following API describes how to create the challenge handler and

implement its functionality:

The isCustomResponse function of the

challenge handler is called each time a response

is received from the server.

It is used to detect whether the response contains

data that is related to this challenge handler. It

must return true or false.

Creating client-side authentication components (5 of 13)

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The following API describes how to create the challenge handler and

implement its functionality.

If isCustomResponse returns true, the

framework calls the handleChallenge function.

This function is used to perform required actions,

such as hide application screen and show login


Creating client-side authentication components (6 of 13)

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In addition to the methods that the developer must implement, the challenge handler contains functionality that the developer might want to use:

– Use submitLoginForm to send collected credentials to a specific URL. The developer can also specify request parameters, headers, and callback.

– Use submitSuccess to notify the Worklight framework that the authentication finished successfully. The Worklight framework then automatically issues the original request that triggered the authentication.

– Use submitFailure to notify the Worklight framework that the authentication completed with a failure. The Worklight framework then disposes of the original request that triggered the authentication

* Note: Attach each of these functions to its object. For example: myChallengeHandler.submitSucces()

You use these functions during the implementation of the challenge handler in the next slides.

Creating client-side authentication components (7 of 13)

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Create a challenge handler.

If the challenge JSON block contains the authStatus

property, return true, otherwise

return false.

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Create a challenge handler.

If the authStatus property equals

“required”, show the login form, clean up

the password input field, and display the

error message if applicable.

Creating client-side authentication components (9 of 13)

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Create a challenge handler.

if authStatus equals “complete”, hide

the login screen, return to the

application, and notify the Worklight

framework that authentication completed


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Create a challenge handler.

Clicking a login button triggers the

function that collects the user name

and password from HTML input fields

and submits them to server. You can

set request headers here and specify

callback functions.

Creating client-side authentication components (11 of 13)

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Create a challenge handler.

Clicking a cancel button hides

authBody, shows appBody, and

notifies the Worklight framework

that authentication failed.

Creating client-side authentication components (12 of 13)

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Create a challenge handler.

The callback function checks the

response for the containing

server challenge once again. If

the challenge is found, the handleChallenge function is

called again.

Creating client-side authentication components (13 of 13)

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Introduction to authentication

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml file

Creating a custom Java authenticator

Creating a custom Java login module

Creating client-side authentication components

Examining the result

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Examining the Result

You can find the sample for this training module in the Getting Started page of

the IBM Worklight Foundation documentation website at


Enter wluser and 12345 as the user credentials

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13 June 2014

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