IBM Software Day 2013. Making innovation real through accelerated software and systems delivery

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IBM Software Day 2013. Making innovation real through accelerated software and systems delivery

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Making Innovation Real through Accelerated Software and Systems Delivery

Rob Lamb VP, WW Rational Sales

The biggest risk we face is technological. If we fail to anticipate a huge technology step, we might go out of business. Industrial Products CEOTodays connected economy is fullof ambiguity, and the skills required to navigate that ambiguity are collaboration, creativity, and communication.Healthcare CEOTo innovate, we need to take in insights across industries and knowledge from many different people.Electronics CEO

CEOs believe technology-driven business models are key to innovation and growth3

Mobile AppsModern workforce expects constantly updatedsoftware to connect to enterprise systems CloudHigh application demand requires fast, scalable environmentsfor development / testingIntelligent/Connected SystemsThe software component in smart products drives value and competitive differentiation CollaborationDevelopment and Operations teams work in continuous application delivery cyclesBig DataNew applications provide insights by interpreting massive quantities of data

Software Delivery

IBM Confidential4Software delivery is at the heart of todays top technology trends

69%25%6%UnderperformersAverage performersOutperformersThose who leverage it effectively outperform those who dont%believe its criticalThe importance ofsoftware development:But only%leverage it effectively today

IBM Confidential5Organizations who effectively leverage software delivery outperform their competitors yet few are able to execute effectively

GovernanceStakeholdersAchieve predictable outcomesManage riskEnsure compliance Improve software economicsVisibility and transparencyDesign, create, testReuse knowledge, best practicesAddress uncertain things firstBe adaptive to change

EngineeringPractitionersEmbrace MeasurementEnable AgilityThe Speed Of TrustEffective software delivery demands a quid pro quo6


EngineeringPractitionersOptimizebusiness outcomesCollaboratein context acrossthe extended lifecycle

Integrateearly and continuously

Succeeding in the new development reality7

A stakeholder feedback loop for requirements is important


OutsourcingDistributed teamsCrowdsourcingPartners

CustomersLineof Business




3Slow feedback between Customers and Line of BusinessIneffective iteration between Line of Business and DevelopmentInefficient linkage between Development and OperationsINHIBITORS


1Inhibitors to accelerated delivery for IT organizations9

Accelerated Delivery



CustomersLineof Business

Open Lifecycle IntegrationTransparency, Traceability, AnalyticsAccelerated delivery for IT organizations10

Manufacturing & SupportProduct Development& DeliveryCustomersProductManagement



3Poor end-to-end customer requirements visibilityDiverse perspectives among engineering disciplinesComplex network of stakeholders and actorsINHIBITORS



2ALM & PLMSuppliersPartnersInhibitors to accelerated delivery for product & systems organizations11

Manufacturing & SupportProduct Development& DeliveryCustomersProductManagement


Accelerated DeliveryOpen Lifecycle IntegrationTransparency, Traceability, Analytics

Accelerated delivery for product and systems organizations12Topical business needs driving development Integration, Collaboration, TraceabilityBetter control and results from outsourcing relationshipsSupporting mobile devices, and the dynamic change they bringStreamlining the link between development and operations (DevOps) Disruptive technologies (Cloud, Mobile) are driving Outsourcing

Software Sourcing Spend

External Supply Chain (2010-2015): 7.4% CAGR to $361B Increasing to >50% share of spend A Gartner benchmark study found that 55% of global organizations manage their sourcing activities tactically and at an operational level, failing to add a strategic management layer and invest enough in developing critical outsourcing competencies.

Key challenges that organizations face outsourcing include:Loss of control Project requirements/managementLack of true visibility into whats going on Sub-optimization due to a lack of dynamic collaborationRequirementsChangeResource allocationReporting1414Align outsourcing with a well-managed Software Supply ChainIBM Rational delivers consistent business outcomes across the Software Supply Chain

Rational Jazz keeps YOU in the driving seatControl of the projectDynamic visibility into who is doing whatEarly visibility into potential problemsComplete transparencyEasy and automated reporting

In net..Significantly improve project success


IBM Mobile Development Lifecycle SolutionIBM Mobile Development Lifecycle SolutionIBM Rational Test Workbench (Green Hat)DevelopmentBusiness

NEWTestTraceability acrossthe entire development lifecycleDesignCodeTestDeploy

Open Lifecycle Integration

Creating or integrating mobile applications?

The challenges Integrating these devices with existing backend systems

Integrating mobile development with existing tools and processes

Dealing effectively with the constant change in devices, and adding new devices, time to market pressures

Potentially managing third parties creating the mobile interfaces for you

The solution A world class HTML5 IDE (Worklight)

Seamlessly integration into our Rational Jazz platform to extend integrated lifecycle integration benefits 16161616

IdeasPortfolio ChangesDeliveryApplication andVirtual Prototypes


OperationsLineof Business


Target run-time:Application Server, Cloud, Embedded Processor, Mainframe, Mobile, Power, PureSystems, etc.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous OptimizationContinuous Portfolio PlanningContinuous Development Continuous MonitoringContinuous Integrationand TestingContinuous DeploymentIBM Confidential17Software delivery lifecycle: Emerging DevOps

IBM SmartCloud Continuous Delivery IBM SmartCloud Control Desk v7.5IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management v7.5IBM SmartCloud Provisioning v2.1

NEWCollaborative DevOpsOpen Lifecycle Integration



Continuous DeliveryEnable continuous delivery by bridging the chasm between development and operationsThe solution Create efficiencies and reduces errors by automating resource provisioning Delivers automation across the entire lifecycle Development + operations

18181818#1 impact to business is technology

Software is at the heart of technology innovation effective software delivery is critical

Companies with effective software delivery processes outperform their competitorsIBM Rational integrated approach to software delivery is proven to

Reduce errors, foster efficiency, and accelerate software delivery

Make your outsourcing projects more predictable and successful

Provides a continuous end to end integration from business requirements to operational deployment (DevOps)

Allowing you to react to opportunities and threats FAST


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