WWF-Pakistan Eco Internship Programme 2013 IBA Sukkur October 11 – 12, 2013

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WWF-Pakistan Eco Internship Programme 2013 IBA Sukkur October 11 – 12, 2013

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Table of Contents WWF-Pakistan ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Eco Internship Programme ................................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 

Initiation at IBA Sukkur ............................................................................................................................................... 3 

Activities ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 

Persuasion activity ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 

Strategy Formulation – Critical Thinking ........................................................................................................................ 8 

Strategy Formulation – Presentation ................................................................................................................................ 9 

One with nature .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 

Green University – Bringing to life .................................................................................................................................. 11 

Say NO to plastic bags – Innovative solutions ............................................................................................................... 12 

Recycling waste ................................................................................................................................................................... 13 

Gifts and Rewards ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 

Certificate Awards Ceremony .................................................................................................................................. 15 

Photo Gallery .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 


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Eco Internship Programme 1. Introduction

For over two decades, WWF-Pakistan has been committed to providing quality environmental education so that future generations can acknowledge and safeguard natural resources in the country. WWF-Pakistan’s School Outreach Programmes and activities have been successful in stimulating student’s imagination and promoting environmental conscious among peers and parents alike.

WWF-Pakistan has initiated the first environment intensive workshop in the country. The objective is to provide individuals with hands on experience on real life conservation challenges. The Eco-Internship provides an opportunity for the youth to get actively involved in environmental conservation.

The sessions give students an insight into the eco dynamics of the region, environmental challenges and offers sustainable solutions to the problems. The modules include in depth presentations by WWF experts on a diverse range of topics including endangered species such as Indus Blind Dolphin, marine cetaceans, poverty alleviation, agriculture, cotton ginning and related fields.

Students get a chance be engage in hands on activities, interactive discussions, creative challenges are part of this programme. They also develop their marketing, presentation, leadership and public speaking skills through this internship.

Eco-Interns receive a participation certificate after the successful completion of the internship. Participants become Ambassadors of WWF and solicit members as part of the internship. Eco-Interns become Individual Members of WWF-Pakistan free of charge for one year. They receive exclusive Eco-Internship membership cards.

Objectives of the Programme: Enable the students to generate an insight into the eco dynamics and the overall challenges to the

ecosystem Broaden students scope as a responsible custodian of valuable natural resources Inculcate and foster civic responsibility in students Give opportunity to students to become official Ambassadors of WWF Pakistan Develop a sense of responsibility of reducing our ecological footprints Develop leadership, public speaking and presentation skills Inculcate a habit of giving Broaden the base of like minded individuals who are members of WWF-Pakistan Become well rounded and well aware decision makers for sustainable future

Initiation at IBA Sukkur

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WWF conducts open registrations for students at a neutral venue during the summer vacations. Individuals aged 13 onwards are eligible to register for the environment intensive sessions. Since the launch of the EIP in 2009, the programme has undergone a metamorphosis not only in the content and structure of the programme but also in the volume of students that it engages.

Since 2010 there has been a four folds increase in student’s participation in Karachi alone. In three weeks of summer this year, the Eco-Internship engaged 930 Eco-Interns from various towns and cities of Sind. The sessions were conducted at a local hotel in Karachi.

Aveenash Chhabria, a student of IBA Sukkur attended the workshop during summer break in Karachi. After returning to IBA Sukkur after the summer vacations, he initiated the Eco-Internship Programme at IBA Sukkur.

Environment conscious management specifically Zahid Hussain Khand, Registrar IBA Sukkur and Maria Imdad Green Office Representative at IBA Sukkur made it possible to implement the Eco-Internship on campus.

With one week promotion of the workshop and a devoted management team, 127 students enrolled for the programme. 100 students from the business department, 6 from the Electric Engineering, 4 from the Education and Management department of IBA Sukkur, 10 from IBA College Community and 6 from Public School Sukkur.

Registration Desk IBA Sukkur’s Management Team Welcome note by Registrar

2. Eco-Internship Programme – Communication material

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To ensure that students get first hand information regarding initiatives in their local area, the WWF team had a range of experienced environmental experts on board. The experts not only provided presentations to students but also came in person to sessions to share their wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. They also responded to all the questions Eco-Interns posed regarding poverty alleviation, cotton ginning and its related equipment.

Experts included:

• Liaqat Ali Khan, Manager, Sustainable Agriculture Programme, WWF-Pakistan

• Ali Mahar, Site Coordinator Global Poverty Alleviation Fund (GPAF), WWF-Pakistan

• Tauheed Ghani Coordinator, Sustainable cotton production in Pakistan ginning SMEs (SPRING), WWF-Pakistan

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Activities Persuasion activity – Role play: One participant acts as a person shopping in a mall and the other acts as a WWF Ambassador trying to convince people to support the cause of nature conservation by becoming a member.

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Strategy Formulation – Critical Thinking WWF representatives conducting the session divided the segregated group of students into well mixed groups of students. All groups were asked to formulate a sound strategy to implement practically in the field.

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Strategy Formulation – Presentation WWF representatives selected group members that were inactive during group work and asked them to present. This helps students in confidence building, public speaking and presentation skills.

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One with nature Eco-Interns sat in the garden after taking off their shoes and socks. Participants were asked to close their eyes and open their minds to the textures, sounds and smells.

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Green University – Bringing to life Students made tags highlighting the eco friendly act people need to remember while working certain objects. Students use recycled paper to make tags for one assigned area of the university. 10 groups, with 10 students each were assigned one department or room each.

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Say NO to plastic bags – Innovative solutions Students brought in their old t-shirts or shirts. Participants were instructed on the basics of converting a shirt into a bag. Eco-Interns then added their creative touch, transforming the shirt entirely.

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Recycling waste

Eco-Interns scavenged the campus for waste materials which can be recycled into useful products. This gives students a chance to be creative with items one usually disposes of, thus realizing the value of all material.

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Gifts and Rewards

Eco-Interns were rewarded WWF branded products including eco-ludo, diaries, t-shirts, frames, key chains and other prizes for their noteworthy effort in various activities and discussions.

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Certificate Awards Ceremony Zahid Hussain Khand, Registrar, IBA Sukkur and Tauheed Ghani, Coordinator, SPRING, WWF-Pakistan presented certificates to all participating students. Management team was awarded with WWF t-shirts, key chains and a hard drive for Aveenash Chhabbria Ambassador at IBA Sukkur.

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Photo Gallery

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Special Mention

WWF-Pakistan would like to Thank a few individuals that made this possible:

Zahid Hussain Khand, Registrar, IBA Sukkur

Maria Imdad, Green Office Representative, IBA Sukkur and

Oshaq Narejo, Personal Assistant to Registrar, IBA Sukkur

Aveenash Chhabria, Student IBA Sukkur and WWF Ambassador at IBA Sukkur

Management Team that facilitated the smooth running of the Eco Internship Programme


For more information:






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