#17 Q1 2018 IAS INSIDER Pierre VALENTI Managing Director ...... P2 ...... P3 ........... P4 ................ P4 EDITORIAL A privileged relationship CONTENTS Operational activity > Indonesia and Malaysia: first 2018 prospective missions for IAS IAS news > the new IAS Alumni Network platform soon on-line Partner’s testimony Agenda Bolivia, Turkey, Vietnam: three countries familiar to the IAS teams (thanks to a local alumni network both rich and diverse), but above all three countries in which our commercial teams are about to win impressive contracts, for the benefit of major clients and partners of Airbus Group. Beyond their very substantial impact on an order book which is reaching historic levels, these three commercial realizations, significant both in terms of duration and volume, further reflect the special bond between the Institute’s teams and the various operational entities of Airbus Group, regardless of the market segment (commercial aircraft, helicopters, and defense and space). In all three cases, it would not be wrong or excessive to call it a privileged relationship. A privileged relationship is primarily about a commercial approach that best fits the environment, the requirements and constraints of the clients, and beyond, those of their end customers. In all three above-mentioned cases, the service designed and sold by the Institute’s commercial teams is different, best suited to the specific requirements and based on the relevance of a value proposition equally unique and difficult to reproduce. A privileged relationship is also about a long-term acquaintance between teams. Indeed, how could it be otherwise? The various operational entities of Airbus Group and IAS, through a long-term and successful cooperation, have forged a history which for many years has been transcending organizational changes, consolidations, and even fads. A privileged relationship is, last but not least, about cooperation based on values as fundamental as respect and trust. These values are underpinning the history which is being written on a daily basis by our respective teams, in the best interest of the final beneficiaries, such as the airlines, armed forces and satellite operators who are turning to Airbus to establish, strengthen or extend their fleets. It is up to all other stakeholders of the French aerospace industry, regardless of their size, to build up on this privileged relationship, which, although it is sometimes envied, has no wish to be exclusive. The door is always open, they are most welcome.

IAS Insider #17 - Q1 2018 · convinced that IAS, with its well-proven skills and capabilities, is an element which accelerates the changes inherent to the organization/process pair

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Page 1: IAS Insider #17 - Q1 2018 · convinced that IAS, with its well-proven skills and capabilities, is an element which accelerates the changes inherent to the organization/process pair

#17Q1 2018


Pierre VALENTIManaging Director

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A privileged relationshipCONTENTS

Operationalactivity> Indonesia and Malaysia: �rst 2018 prospective missions for IAS

IAS news> the new IAS Alumni Network platform soon on-line

Partner’stest imony


Bolivia, Turkey, Vietnam: three countries familiar to the IAS teams (thanks to a local alumni network both rich and diverse), but above all three countries in which our commercial teams are about to win impressive contracts, for the bene�t of major clients

and partners of Airbus Group. Beyond their very substantial impact on an order book which is reaching historic levels, these three commercial realizations, signi�cant both in terms of duration and volume, further re�ect the special bond between the Institute’s teams and the various operational entities of Airbus Group, regardless of the market segment (commercial aircraft, helicopters, and defense and space). In all three cases, it would not be wrong or excessive to call it a privileged relationship.

A privileged relationship is primarily about a commercial approach that best �ts the environment, the requirements and constraints of the clients, and beyond, those of their end customers. In all three above-mentioned cases, the service designed and sold by the Institute’s commercial teams is different, best suited to the speci�c requirements and based on the relevance of a value proposition equally unique and dif�cult to reproduce.

A privileged relationship is also about a long-term acquaintance between teams. Indeed, how could it be otherwise? The various operational entities of Airbus Group and IAS, through a long-term and successful cooperation, have forged a history which for many years has been transcending organizational changes, consolidations, and even fads.

A privileged relationship is, last but not least, about cooperation based on values as fundamental as respect and trust. These values are underpinning the history which is being written on a daily basis by our respective teams, in the best interest of the �nal bene�ciaries, such as the airlines, armed forces and satellite operators who are turning to Airbus to establish, strengthen or extend their �eets.

It is up to all other stakeholders of the French aerospace industry, regardless of their size, to build up on this privileged relationship, which, although it is sometimes envied, has no wish to be exclusive. The door is always open, they are most welcome.

Page 2: IAS Insider #17 - Q1 2018 · convinced that IAS, with its well-proven skills and capabilities, is an element which accelerates the changes inherent to the organization/process pair






Indonesia and Malaysia: �rst 2018 prospective missions for IAS

It had been more than two years since our teams went to Asia-Paci�c: Valérie Barthe and Etienne Fleury have started the IAS prospective activity schedule for 2018 with

a mission in Indonesia and Malaysia.They attended a total of 14 business meetings held in Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Bandung between the 19th and the 27th of February. Customer and prospect follow-up as well as alumni dinners were also on the agenda. Moreover, this mission provided an opportunity to gather some 30 members of the IAS Alumni Network during three dinners.

Launched in November 2017, the recruitment campaign for the 2018-2019 IAS Annual Master Program is ongoing.The communication campaign for this new session features three members of the IAS Alumni Network willing to share their experience.While the �rst admission panels have taken place, there are still a few places left. The detailed information on the program, the content of the various advanced masters as well as the application form are available on our website: www.inst-aero-spatial.org/annualmasterprogram.

Alumni are contributing to the promotion of the IAS Annual Master Program 2018-2019


2017, a year full of �gures


While some �gures might suggest that 2017 was a year of contrasts for our Institute, a strong commercial dynamic and a number of particularly signi�cant �rst-time events are qualifying this observation, as shown by the following indicators:171. This is the total number of professionals trained last year. With a yearly average of between 100 and 150 trainees over the last �ve years, this �gure alone puts 2017 at a very high level.4. This the number of �rst-time events achieved in 2017, including a �rst speci�c training action in Japan, a country considered as a complex and closed market by experts of the international aerospace industry. This �rst speci�c training action for a major member of the GIFAS Equipment Group allows our Institute to maintain the dynamics associated with being now listed as an entity delivering vocational training dedi-cated to French stakeholders wishing to develop in international markets.3. This is the number of consecutive months spent by professionals of the Asian space industry at IAS premises in 2017, attending the longest training action ever implemented by our teams.76. This is the number of selected guests invited to attend our conference entitled ‘Training as a lever for international cooperation for the aerospace industry’ at Le Bourget Air show 2017. That’s not including our three Alumni who came expressly from Peru, Russia and South Africa to share their respective experience, their voices echoing those of four industrial partners and customers of our Institute.And above all 458. This represents the percentage of increase in our order book between 2016 and 2017, which re�ects very signi�cant contract awards, both in terms of duration and volume.

Page 3: IAS Insider #17 - Q1 2018 · convinced that IAS, with its well-proven skills and capabilities, is an element which accelerates the changes inherent to the organization/process pair



The new IAS Alumni Network platform soon on-line

Winter evening for the trainees of the 2017–2018 IAS Annual Master Program

A friendly event gathered the IAS teams and the 37 participants to the 2017-2018 IAS Annual Master Program before the start of their work placement.Discovering French culture being an integral part of the curriculum, the theme of this winter evening organized on the 9th of March was Chandeleur and its traditional pancakes. Always much enjoyed by our participants, these extra-curriculum activities foster informal discussions and strengthen the links between the members of the IAS Alumni Network.

Newcomers to the IAS family

After the births of Leon and Lucien in 2017, Leonore and Romy joined the IAS family at the beginning of 2018. They are the pride and joy of their respective Dads, Alexandre Sadève, Key Account Manager in charge of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Yoann Ducuing, Head of Operations.Welcome to the baby girls!

Since its inception in 1980, IAS has been striving to ful�ll its mission: creating and building through training solutions a network of professionals working at international level in the aerospace industry. Over the last months, the IAS Alumni Network was able to develop its own identity in order to enhance its visibility, both among its members and the aerospace industry. The project of a dedicated social network stemmed from an initial survey among our Alumni. This year gain, many of them have taken part to a more detailed consultation, allowing us to best meet their expectations in terms of services (alumni directory, news, events, newsletter, etc.). Our respondent sample was representative of our international coverage, with

members from some forty countries, working for, among others, some of the largest aerospace groups such as Airbus, HAL in India, AVIC in China, the Peruvian armed forces and CTA in Brazil. More than 60% of the respondents exercise managerial or senior functions, which illustrates the relevance and the quality of our international network. Thanks to the contribution of our members, the brand-new platform will become available during the second half of 2018. To carry out this project, IAS chose a leader in on-line management of alumni communities: AlumnForce, which enjoys proven track record with more than 150 engineering and business schools, universities, and other company networks. Let’s wager that the success of this platform will re�ect the 38 years of ongoing efforts and investment deployed by our former community manager Didier Feriol, who is remembered by our Alumni worldwide as well as by his colleagues.

Page 4: IAS Insider #17 - Q1 2018 · convinced that IAS, with its well-proven skills and capabilities, is an element which accelerates the changes inherent to the organization/process pair

IAS fast facts

Training of more than 3,700 professionals from more than 100 countries

Portfolio of over 150 customers

10 to 12 training sessions per year

3,6 million Euros turnover in 2017

14 permanent staff in December 2017

Publication editor: Pierre ValentiEditorial content manager: Émilie GenoudetGraphic design: IASTranslation: Leïla Fressy-ParvinPrint:1001 Copies#IASInsider

Institut Aéronautique & Spatial23 avenue Edouard BelinCS 4401331028 Toulouse Cedex 4 - France+33 (0)5 62 17 33 33


[email protected]

Patrick FARDEAUVice President, Global Sales and Market Development, Aerospace & Defence

Dassault Systèmes

Please �nd below IAS working schedule for the next three months, as well as missions and exhibitions our teams will attend :

IAS managed to gain recognition beyond its size. This achievement is based on a combination of various factors: a constant support of the sale campaigns of

the French aerospace industry; a growing in�uence thanks to the almost emotional bond with its alumni; the great quality of the curriculums it offers; a strong presence at all major aerospace events worldwide; and the passion and motivation of its outstanding teams.The current strategy of Dassault Systèmes is to support the aerospace industry in radically transforming its innovation and development model, which will require a quick and signi�cant adaptation of staff and company organization throughout the sector. To ful�ll this purpose, we help regions, countries and very large companies to create their innovation and excellence centers, including by deploying our 3DExperience solutions as a catalyst and accelerator of their transformation. We are convinced that IAS, with its well-proven skills and capabilities, is an element which accelerates the changes inherent to the organization/process pair by placing individual development at the heart of this evolution. The ability to adapt requires more than ever a lifelong training directly related to the future needs of companies, which are increasingly quickly anticipated; this is the reason why Dassault Systèmes launched in 2018 the ‘Workforce of the Future’ concept, in which IAS philosophy and mission are fully re�ected.


Established in January 1980 and based in Toulouse, IAS is the French aerospace industry’s international professional training agency.









BOLIVIA 2017 - 2025 Con�dential Speci�c training Adeline Verdier FranceBolivia

SOUTH KOREA February - May 2018 Con�dential Speci�c training Etienne Fleury Toulouse

INDIA June 2018 Etienne Fleury Bangalore

TOULOUSE SPACE SHOW 2018 June 2018 Valérie Barthe, Etienne Fleury, Alexandre Sadève, Adeline Verdier Toulouse