PORTOPIA Sustainability repor6ng First European Port Industry Sustainability Report Michaël Dooms, Indra Vonck,Theo No7eboom, Antonis Michail, Mar; Puig, Rosa Mari Darbra, George Vaggelas, Mychal Langenus PORTOPIA European Port Performance Conference “Port Industry Performance: Recent Advances” Lisbon 23 March’16

IAPH/PIANC:(sustainability(reporSng(for(ports(/( … · • IAPH/PIANC:(sustainability ... (Website?(Customizable(PDF)(• Expand(the ... Reference(to(ESPO(guidelines(in(Environmental(Policy

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PORTOPIA  Sustainability  repor6ng  First  European  Port  Industry  Sustainability  Report  Michaël  Dooms,  Indra  Vonck,Theo  No7eboom,  Antonis  Michail,  Mar;  Puig,  Rosa  Mari  Darbra,  George  Vaggelas,  Mychal  Langenus  

PORTOPIA  European  Port  Performance  Conference  “Port  Industry  Performance:  Recent  Advances”  


23  March’16  

Wednesday  23  March  16   2  

Introduc6on  (1)    

•  IAPH/PIANC:  sustainability  reporSng  for  ports  /  guidance  on  the  individual  port  level  

•  What  about  the  industry  level  as  a  whole?  

•  PORTOPIA  covers  the  dimensions  of  sustainability  within  its  6  perspecSves  

Wednesday  23  March  16   3  

Introduc6on  (2)  

•  Need  to  be7er  highlight  the  value  PORTOPIA  could  create    

•  SuggesSon  to  create  an  addiSonal  output,  following  the  “European  Port  Performance  Dashboards”  of  2012  and  2013  (following  PPRISM)  

•  No  other  industry  has  an  integrated  performance  report  

Wednesday  23  March  16   4  


•  Provision  of  general  insights  and  tendencies  

•  Limited  analysis  (to-­‐the-­‐point)  

•  Accessibility  and  transparency  of  sources  and  data  

•  NO  normaSve  or  policy  statements  >  neutrality  is  key  –  Stakeholders  need  to  make  up  their  own  strategies,  acSons,  viewpoints,  etc.  based  on  this  

Wednesday  23  March  16   5  


•  Move  towards  a  more  dynamic  report  (interacSve  document?  Website?  Customizable  PDF)  

•  Expand  the  number  of  insights  (currently  +/-­‐  50)  

•  Integrate  other  data  sources  from  other  stakeholders  (pilots,  tugs,  terminal  operators,…)  –  Make  it  a  real  /  inclusive  industry  performance  report  

•  Repository  by  providing  links  to  best  pracSces,  calculaSon  tools,  as  well  as  promoSng  the  collaboraSve  pladorms  and  intelligence  tools  

Wednesday  23  March  16   6  


•  6  perspecSves  – Market  Trends  and  Structure  –  Socio-­‐Economic    –  Environment,  Health  and  Safety/Security  –  LogisScs  Chain  and  OperaSonal  Performance  –  Governance  –  User  PercepSons  of  Port  Quality    THIS  REPORT  ONLY  CONTAINS  A  SELECTION  OF  INSIGHTS,  THE  FULL  REPORT  IS  AVAILABLE  AT  THE  ESPO  AND  PORTOPIA  WEBSITE  (WWW.ESPO.BE;  WWW.PORTOPIA.EU)      

Wednesday  23  March  16   7  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

GDP  growth  vs  total  throughput

GDP  growth  EU27 Total  througput

Wednesday  23  March  16   8  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  

Wednesday  23  March  16   9  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  

Wednesday  23  March  16   10  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  

Wednesday  23  March  16   11  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  

Wednesday  23  March  16   12  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  Container line performance

Source:  BCG  and  PORTOPIA  analysis  

Wednesday  23  March  16   13  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  

Wednesday  23  March  16   14  

Market  Trends  and  Structure  

Wednesday  23  March  16   15  

Wednesday  23  March  16   16  

Socio-­‐Economic  Indicators  

•  Severe  data  availability  issues:  only  ca.  10  ports  have  annual  credible  data    

•  Former  extrapolaSons  point  to  approx.  1,1  million  FTE  direct  employment  and  2,5  million  total  employment  on  the  EU  level  

•  Consistent  with  other  studies  (OECD,  PorSus)  

Wednesday  23  March  16   17  

Environment,  Health,  Safety,  Security  

1.   Occupa6onal  Health,  Safety,  and  Security  (OHSS)  Research    2.  Environmental  Performance  2016  

 A.  Environmental  management  indicators    B.  Environmental  monitoring  indicators    C.  Top  10  Environmental  priori6es    

 D.  Services  to  shipping    

3.  EU  Dashboard  2016    Conclusions  

Wednesday  23  March  16   18  

Occupa6onal  Health,  Safety,  and  Security  (OHSS)  Research    

Category   Indicator   Defini6on  

Occupa6onal  Health  

Days  Lost  The   days   lost   corresponds   to   the   number   of   full   calendar   days’  where  the  vicSm  is  unfit  for  work  due  to  an  accident  at  work.  The  indicator  is  normalized  by  dividing  it  by  the  Full  Time  Equivalent  value.  

Fatal   work  accidents    

This   indicator   assesses   the   number   of   fataliSes   due   to   occupaSonal  accidents  over  a  period  of  Sme.  The  indicator  is  normalized  by  dividing  it  by  the  Full  Time  Equivalent  value.  

Work  related  accidents  

It  assesses  the  number  of  work  related  accidents  over  a  period  of  Sme.  The   indicator   is   normalized   by   dividing   it   by   the   Full   Time   Equivalent  value.  

Safety  N a u S c a l  accidents  

This   indicator   assesses   the   number   of   nauScal   accidents   in   port   areas  over  a  period  of  Sme.  The   indicator   is  normalized  by  dividing   it  by   the  number  of  port  calls.  


Port   security  incidents  

This   indicator   assesses   the   number   of   Port   Security   Incidents   over   a  period  of  Sme.    

Investment  in  protecSon  

This   indicator   evaluates   the   percentage   of   investment   in   protecSon  divided  by  the  overall  investment  of  the  port  over  a  period  of  Sme.  

Wednesday  23  March  16   19  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

The  sample  of  respondent  ports:  

 91  ports  from  20  different  European  

Mari6me  States  (out  of  23)    


Country   Number  of  ports  Spain   12  

United  Kingdom   12  France   10  

Netherlands   9  Denmark   8  Germany   6  Greece   5  Sweden   5  Italy   4  

Norway   4  CroaSa   3  Ireland   3  Finland   2  Latvia   2  Belgium   1  Cyprus   1  Romania   1  Estonia   1  Lithuania   1  Portugal   1  

Wednesday  23  March  16   20  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

The  sample  of  respondent  ports:  

Wednesday  23  March  16   21  

A.  Environmental  management  indicators  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

    Indicators  2013  (%)  

2016  (%)  

%  change  2013-­‐2016  

A   Existence  of  an  Environmental  Management  System  (EMS)   54   70   +16  B   Existence  of  an  Environmental  Policy   90   92   +2  C   Environmental  Policy  makes  reference  to  ESPO’s  guideline  documents   38   34   -­‐4  D   Existence  of  an  inventory  of  relevant  environmental  legislaSon   90   90   -­‐  E   Existence  of  an  inventory  of  Significant  Environmental  Aspects  (SEA)   84   89   +5  F   DefiniSon  of  objecSves  and  targets  for  environmental  improvement   84   89   +5  G   Existence  of  an  environmental  training  program  for  port  employees   66   55   -­‐11  H   Existence  of  an  environmental  monitoring  program   79   82   +3  I   Environmental  responsibiliSes  of  key  personnel  are  documented   71   85   +14  J   PublicaSon  of  a  publicly  available  environmental  report   62   66   +4  

Environmental Management Index = A*1.5 + B*1.25 + C*0.75 + D*1 + E*1 + F*1 + G*0.75 + H*1 + I*1 + J*0.75.

    2013   2016  Environmental  Management  Index   7.25   7.72  

Wednesday  23  March  16   22  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

•  A total number of 64 ports out of the 91 are EMS certified

•  46 of them under ISO 14001, 5 under EMAS, and 26 under PERS certificate.

•  Some ports are certified under more than one system.

Wednesday  23  March  16   23  

Indicators   2013  (%)   2016  (%)  %  change  2013-­‐2016  

Waste     67   79   +12  Energy  consumpSon     65   73   +8  Water  quality   56   70   +14  Air  quality   52   65   +13  Sediment  quality   56   63   +7  Water  consumpSon   58   62   +4  Noise   52   57   +5  Carbon  Footprint   48   47   -­‐1  Soil  quality   42   44   +2  Marine  ecosystems   35   36   +1  Terrestrial  habitats   38   30   -­‐8  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

B.  Environmental  monitoring  indicators  

Wednesday  23  March  16   24  

Environmental  Performance  2016  C. Top 10 Environmental priorities

Wednesday  23  March  16   25  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

C.  Top  10  Environmental  priori6es    

  1996   2004   2009   2013   2016  

1   Port Development (water)  

Garbage / Port waste   Noise   Air quality   Air quality  

2   Water quality   D r e d g i n g : operations   Air quality   G a r b a g e / P o r t

waste  E n e r g y Consumption  

3   Dredging disposal   Dredging disposal   Garbage / Por t waste  

E n e r g y Consumption   Noise  

4   D r e d g i n g : operations   Dust   D r e d g i n g :

operations   Noise   Relationship with local community  

5   Dust   Noise   Dredging: disposal   Ship waste   Garbage/ Por t waste  

6   Port Development (land)   Air quality   Relationship with

local community  Relationship with local community   Ship waste  

7   Contaminated land   Hazardous cargo   E n e r g y consumption  

D r e d g i n g : operations  

Port development (land related)  

8   H a b i t a t l o s s / degradation   Bunkering   Dust   Dust   Water quality  

9   Traffic volume   Port Development (land)  

Port Development (water)  

Port development (land)   Dust  

10   Industrial effluent   Ship discharge (bilge)  

Port Development (land)   Water quality   D r e d g i n g :


Wednesday  23  March  16   26  

Environmental  Performance  2016  

Indicators   2016  (%)  

Is  on-­‐shore  power  supply  available  at  one  or  more  of  the  berths?   53  

                         If  YES,  high  voltage?   20  

                         If  YES,  low  voltage?   47  

Does  the  port  offer  differenSate  dues  for  “Greener”  vessels?   62  

Is  Liquefied  Natural  Gas  (LNG)  bunkering  available  in  the  port  today?   22  

 D.  Services  to  shipping  

•  It  comprises  three  indicators  on  the  efforts  made  in  order  to  facilitate  a  greener  shipping.    

•  They  were  included  in  the  SDM  checklist  in  spring  2015.  

•  These  results  are  based  on  the  contribuSon  of  61  ports.  

Wednesday  23  March  16   27  

0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%  

CerSfied  environmental  management  system  

Environmental  training  programme  for  the  employees  

Documented  environmental  responsabiliSes  of  key  personnel  

Publicly  available  environmental  report  

Environmental  monitoring  programme  

DefiniSon  of  objecSves  and  targets  

Inventory  of  Significant  environmental  aspects  

Inventory  of  relevant  envirionmental  legislaSon  

Reference  to  ESPO  guidelines  in  Environmental  Policy  

Environmental  Policy  

Environmental  management  snapshot  2016  

Yes   No  

EU  Dashboard  2016  

Wednesday  23  March  16   28  

0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%  

Air  Quality  

Sediment  Quality  

Marine  Ecosystems  


Energy  ConsumpSon  

Water  Quality  

Overview  of  monitored  environmental  aspects  2016  

Yes   No  

Top  3  monitored  environmental  aspects  2016  1st  waste  2nd  energy  consump3on  3rd  water  quality    

EU  Dashboard  2016  

Wednesday  23  March  16   29  

Top 10 Environmental priorities 2016

EU  Dashboard  2016  

Wednesday  23  March  16   30  

0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%  

Is  Liquefied  Natural  Gas  (LNG)  bunkering  available  in  the  port  today?  

Does  the  port  offer  differenSate  dues  for  “Greener”  vessels?  

Is  On-­‐shore  Power  Supply  available  for  seagoing  commercial  vessels?  

Services  to  shipping  snapshot  2016  

YES   NO  

EU  Dashboard  2016  

Wednesday  23  March  16   31  


•  This   secSon  of   the  Sustainability   report  demonstrates   that  a  majority  of  EU  ports  are  working  acSvely  to  protect  the  environment  

 •  There  has  been  an   increase   in   the  existence  of  environmental  management  

components  and  in  the  monitoring  environmental  issues.      

•  The   update   of   the   top10   environmental   issues   is   an   important   exercise  because   it   idenSfies   the   high   priority   common   areas   on   which   ports   are  working  and  sets   the   framework   for  guidance  and   iniSaSves   to  be   taken  by  ESPO.  

•  The   first   benchmark   performance   of   the   services   to   shipping   indicators   is  posiSve   in   order   to   know   in  which  posiSon   is   the   sector   located   and   it  will  allow  to  draw  future  trends  on  those  issues  in  future  surveys.    

Wednesday  23  March  16   32  

Logis6c  chain  and  opera6onal  performance  

•  ConnecSvity  indicators:  –  Ro-­‐Ro  ConnecSvity  Indicator  –  MariSme  ConnecSvity  Indicator  –  Intermodal  ConnecSvity  Indicator  

•  Cost  indicators  (under  the  form  of  indices):  –  Port  Dues    –  Terminal  Handling  Charges  (THC)  

•  CongesSon  indicators:  –  MariSme  Fluidity:  tested  within  2  ports  based  on  AIS  data  provided  by  

MarineTraffic  –  Road  congesSon    

•  Terminal  producSvity  indicator  

Under development (data availability issues)

Wednesday  23  March  16   33  

THC  index  

Wednesday  23  March  16   34  

LSCI  per  European  region  Based on UNCTAD

Wednesday  23  March  16   35  

LSCI  Europe  vs  selected  world  regions  Based on UNCTAD

Wednesday  23  March  16   36  

Governance  indicators  

•  New  ESPO  Fact  Finding  Governance  Study  available  at  the  ESPO  conference  in  Dublin  (June  2nd,  3rd,  2016)  

•  Former  indicators  developed  in  PPRISM  –  ReporSng  of  Corporate  Social  Responsibility  (RCSR);  –  IntegraSon  of  the  Port  Cluster  (IPC);  –  Autonomous  Management  (AM)    

h7p://www.espo.be/media/espopublicaSons/espofacdindingreport2010.pdf    h7p://www.espo.be/media/espopublicaSons/espo_dashboard_2012.pdf    

Wednesday  23  March  16   37  

User  Percep6ons  of  Quality  

•  Only  available  on  the  country  level  via  WEF  and  World  Bank  

•  WEF  indicator  (annual)  on  “Quality  of  Port  Infrastructure”  based  on  a  survey  scale  1-­‐7  

•  Currently  used  on  the  EC  transport  scoreboard…  •  We  believe  the  ports  deserve  be7er…  (although  the  WEF  indicator  provides  some  useful  insights)  


Wednesday  23  March  16   38  

Quality  of  Port  Infrastructure  (WEF)  

Wednesday  23  March  16   39  

Quality  of  Port  Infrastructure    (WEF)  

Wednesday  23  March  16   40  

The  future…?  Portopia’s user perception monitoring

Join  us  as  a  pilot  port  the  next  18  months,  with  free  use  of  the  tool,  and  help  to  build  the  port  quality  community  in  Europe  (and  beyond)  

Wednesday  23  March  16   41  

Concluding  remarks  

•  Is  such  a  report  useful?  

•  For  whom    –  Trade  associaSons?  –  Individual  Ports?  –  Governmental  stakeholders?  

•  How  to  improve  it  in  the  short  term?  •  How  to  govern  the  process?