I5310: Part II Context-Aware Computing [Introduction to the course] Yun-Maw Kevin Cheng 鄭鄭鄭 Context-Aware Interactive Systems Lab

I5310 : Part II Context -Aware C omputing [Introduction to the course]

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I5310 : Part II Context -Aware C omputing [Introduction to the course]. Y un-Maw Kevin Cheng 鄭穎懋 C ontext-Aware I nteractive Systems Lab. F aculty Introduction. O ffice: 尚志 703B E mail: [email protected] Education P hD (summer/2003), Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: I5310 : Part II Context -Aware C omputing [Introduction to the course]

I5310: Part IIContext-Aware Computing

[Introduction to the course]

Yun-Maw Kevin Cheng 鄭穎懋Context-Aware Interactive Systems Lab

Page 2: I5310 : Part II Context -Aware C omputing [Introduction to the course]

Faculty Introduction

• Office: 尚志 703B• Email: [email protected]• Education

– PhD (summer/2003), Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK

– MSc (winter/1999), Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK

– BSc (1997), CSE, Tatung University (was TTIT)

• Professional Experience– Postdoctoral Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica– Postdoctoral Fellow, National Health Research Institutes– Member of ACM SIGCHI

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Evolution of HCI ‘interfaces’ (1/2)

• 50s - Interface at the hardware level for engineers - switch panels

• 60-70s - interface at the programming level - COBOL, FORTRAN

• 70-90s - Interface at the terminal level - command languages

• 80s - Interface at the interaction dialogue level - GUIs, multimedia

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Evolution of HCI ‘interfaces’ (2/2)

• 90s - Interface at the work setting - networked systems, groupware

• 00s - Interface becomes pervasive, disappearing, and invisible in a way– The world is the interface itself– How to realize this?

• sensor technology, mobile devices, consumer electronics, interactive screens, embedded technology

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From “Resource-Centric” to “User-Centric”

Past Super DistributionSuper Distribution

Are the clients satisfied?

Please give me…

Servants for human and society.


I like…

-Logic-aware-Resource centered

-Context-aware-Resource distributed


Adopt from: “Context-Aware & Yet Another service” Hiromitsu Kato, ubicomp2002

Systems Development Lab. Hitachi, Ltd.

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Context-Aware Computing is hot!• EU Equator Project• MIT Media Lab, MIT Project Oxygen• CMU Project Aura• Georgia Tech Aware Home• Stanford Interactive Workspace• Intel Proactive Computing• Philips Research: Ambient Intelligence• Microsoft Research• NTT DoCoMo• IBM Pervasive Computing• U-Korean, U-Japan, U-Taiwan (e.x. 工研院創意中心


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A message from NSC

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Course objective and format (1/2)

• This is mainly a graduate level, research (seminar) oriented course

• Go through a light-weight research cycle within one term

• Collaborative learning - students and faculties

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Course objective and format (2/2)

• Traning in technical paper reading and critical thinking– Paper reading

• Define problems and challenges• Understand state-of-art techniques and solutions • Identify limitations of state-of-art solutions

– Paper presentation and discussion– “Project idea presentation”

• 5~6 papers on a specific topic/week– Review for each paper before the class– 20mins for paper presentation– 10mins for paper discussion

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My role in this course

• Facilitate your learning– will not presume to “teach” you everything– you will learn most by reading, thinking, listening

to and challenging your fellow classmates, and doing

• Help you consume papers• Try best to help stimulate critical

thinking• Help you form the base for future

research in this area

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How to “consume” and “attack” a paper? (1/2)

• For each paper, try to answer the following questions:– What is the problem?– What is the most up-to-date solutions?– What is the key (new) method and

technique?– What is good or bad about this method?– What has actually been done?

Adopt from Hao-Hua Chu’s Teaching Experience Sharing in Ubiquitous Computing Course

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How to “consume” and “attack” a paper? (2/2)

• Challenge what you read– Are assumptions reasonable?– Is the method similar to other methods in

related work?– Is the improvement marginal or significant?– Are arguments logically sound?– Are evaluation metrics reasonable?

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Light-weight research cycle (1/2)

• Drama: define motivation scenarios (Tell an interesting and attractive story)– Emphasize the parts of a scenario where it

is currently not possible, but with your idea, it will become possible.

• Derive problem(s)– Assumptions (research problems),

requirements, implementation

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Light-weight research cycle (2/2)

• Survey related work• Design solution(s) (new method and

concept) – Differentiate your work from related work– Must answer two questions: What’s new? Why is

it significant?– Rapid prototyping– Evaluation of Prototype Implementation

(Experiments, user studies)

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Must read!

• Mark Weiser, The Computer for the 21th Century, Scientific American, September 1991.

• Mark Weiser, Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing, Communications of the ACM, 36(7):75-85, July 1993.

• Mark Weiser, John S. Brown, The Coming Age of Calm Technology, 1996.

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Related journals, conferences & workshops

• IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine• Springer-Verlag Personal and Ubiquitous Computing• UbiComp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing• MobileHCI: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with

Mobile Devices and Services • PerCom: IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications• Pervasive: International Conference on Pervasive Computing• CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing• HCI: British HCI Group Annual Conference• MobiSys: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and

Services• EUSAI: European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence• MobiCom: ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing

and Networking• SenSys: The ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems• …

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Workshop Q1

• 05 May 2008

• “Share what you’ll have found about context-aware computing”

• 10~15mins presentation and Q&A

• Wrap up what you think of this new breed of computing/applications/services