AlAODA NEWS. las I1 THE BACK Wtabbag A&wa in a ear 3com ot a wromt Street maloem. 13M sBRKE CUTS HUGHES *.eult of a Dr ken (t Issi and All Seds Go to Jadi--Th. Wound Not . Neaeasly De oeres, Tet It's in a Bad Place. .Z4)ve Hughes occupies a cell 10 the clt' jail. He is suffering from a severe wound in the back inflicted by a jack- knife in the hands of James Burke. Yesterday afternoon Hughes, Burke 1&d a number of other men of their Class were about town drinking in the jaloons of Pront- street and across the trbacks. They wound up in the rear V4om of O'Keefe's old place, at the cor- ner of Front and Main. streets, where apveersatlon and wrangling were con- tinued. It is said by some of the wit- ,lmsses that Hughes struck Burke v ith his fists and in other ways abused him. Hughes came out of the room and said that he had been stabbed by Burke. Chief White'was called and took both mnen to jail, where Hughes' wound was dressed by Deputy County Physician 'Ivans. Burke is an elderly man and is said to be of a peaceable disposition, while Hughes is regarded as a tough man all through. He recently served out a fine in police court. While his wound was being dressed he continually cursed Burke and only ceased in his tirade when occasionally the doctor's instru- ment touched a tender spot. The cut is about an inch and a quarter deep and about three-quarters long. A little lower and to one side it might have struck a fatal spot. The case will be investigated by the court to-day if the man's condition shall permit of his appearing to prosecute it. The whole gang was so drunk that to get an intel- ligible account of the fracas was next to impossible. A----C---- plumbing and tin roof work. AS TO THE AUDITOR. Chairman Walker Explains the Recent Action of the Commissioners. fro the Editor of the Standard: The county commissioners of Deer Lodge county, feeling the need of an auditor, appointed one under the con- viction that the stattes authorii.ed it, and on that alone. If there is no law for it there will be no atl ltcr. The county commissioners ha!ve no right to appoint anyone without the authority of law, and if there is no law for it, it becomes the duty of the county attor- ney to bring suit and test the matter, and. I hope he will do so. Now, the facts in the case are these: We have the same law in the codes to-day that we had when George Miller served as auditor for two years, and the same law and the same conditions that Mis- soula county has an auditor now, and has had for five years. The case was tried there in Judge Woody's court, and the auditor was sustained. County Attorney Trippet informed me, over a year ago, that Deer Lodge county was entitled to an auditor and the county commmissioners had the right to appoint one, and I told him we would try and get along without,one, -and we have so far, and can still worry along if we are not allowed one by law. A. M. WALKER. Choice wines and lfquors for select family trade at Devine's grocery. CHARMING WEDDING, Two oft Anaconda's Popular Young Peo- ple Join Ihe Old Folks' Brigade. One of the prettiest weddings cele- brated in Anaconda in a long time oc- curred last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William G. M. McClellan, of No. 509 Cedar street. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock Henry J. Ham- ilton and Miss Anna McClellan stood under a beautifully decorated arch in the parlor and faced Rev. G. W. Healy of the Presbyterian church. After the ceremony the party, composed of about 75 guests, sat down to a sumptuous wedding feast. During the banquetting hour an orchestra of stringed instru- ments dispensed sweet music and all, indeed, was as "merry as a wedding bell." The list of presents was large and elegant. The bridesmaid was Miss Gertrude McClellan, sister of the bride, and the groom was attended by his brother, D. H. Hamilton of Helena. Mr. and Mrs Hamilton will reside at No. 619 Spruce street. On new time table Butte, Anaconda at racinc evening train ror Anaconaa leaves Butte at 9:10 instead of 9:20 p. m. "A BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON." To-Night at the Margaret the Play Is to He Again Presented. The farcical comedy that left such a favorable impression here a few' weeks ago will be seen at the Margaret to- night. The sale of seats is now on at the Smith Drug company's store, and the plat is beginning to look all torn up. "A Bachelor's Honeymoon" is de- scribed as a rollicking, lively, farcical comedy, the complications of which are so many that it would take columns to tell of the numerous comical situations. What will command as much-attention as the play is the excellent cast which has been placed in it. Heading the list is George F. Nash, who will he remem- Our New Line " ilverware CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE Ca la ad Exumine 6ds. prices Will Surprise Yak, Keppler Jewelry Co. a) MiMs Stret, Anaconda. bered for his clever work in "Chmnale "adden," and later with Olga Nether- ole:; Robert Paton Gibbs, one of the best character actors in the country; William Winter Jefferson, son of Joseph Jeterson; Hornee Thrum. a clever light oamneeAan: Vella McLeod, an Rag- 3lsh actress of 'somie hote: Virginia J*ackau, one of the best sonbrettes on the stage: Nita Sykes, who has been with Daly for many years; Phyllis Asheon, a clever insenue. and Plor- asr Milford, late of Frohman's fore. With this cosh nation, "A Bachelor's Boneaymoon" should command the at- tention of the public, and it deserves an overflowing house. do - Leo C. Bryant. violin studio, 408 Lo- cust. Hours 12 to 3 p. m. When in Butte lunch at Sherman's ABOUT THE CITY. Green letter sale at L X. L. store. Albert Moag of Cable is in the city. Great orator In M. E. church the 17th. Baths-Montana hotel barber shop, t.e The city council will meet this even- ing.. L. G. Smith has gone to his Bitter Root ranch on a visit. M. . T. Pierce of the Copper City store has returned from the East. Sisson's Business college, Davidson building over Baker's grocery. Mrs. Martin Coonan of Carroll has gone to Chicago to visit relatives. Buy wall paper from the firm carry- ing the largest stock. Mahan Bros. We make any part of a bicycle in our repair shop. Tolan Co.'s is the place. Miss Isadora Dowden will go to Hel- ena to-day and return Sunday morning. Representative Fred Whiteside of Flathead is registered at the Mon- tana. Rugs and carpets woven and for sale at 415 Birch street. First-class work guaranteed. For sale-Furniture and lease of fur- nished rooms in Davidson building. In- quire room 6. There are undelivered messages at the Western Union telegraph office for Carl Meyer and F. Arnold. Dan Birran is in from his mine and mill at Moose lake. His mill he expects will be running early next month. Dr. F. Gattan has his office in the Beaudry building. Office hours: 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8:30 p. m. Tel. 37. De Armo. the aerial artist, did some of the most wonderful feats ever seen in this city at Daly's concert hall last night. Tolan Co., not others, are setting the pace on prices of bicycles, and we sell on the installment plan. Easy pay- ments. Interment of the remains of John Carr yesterday was in the Catholic cemetery. The G .A. R veterans escorted the body to the groave. The St. Patrick's night ball at the Turner hall, to be given by the A. O. H.. bids fair to surpass anything of its kind in former years. John Barry, "Honest John," Is quite ill at his home, rear of No. 304 West Fourth street. He is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Sam Dragidge was picked up by Officer Bosanich yesterday on the streets and placed in jail. He is sick and a doctor is attending him. County Superintendent of Schools Miss Quigley leaves this morning on a visit to the schools of Deer Lodge, Co- loma, Avon and Zosel, to be absent for several days. T.rnant, a.d T sI....a rhvet., wt r 919 Ernest and Louis Christie of No. 712 East Fourth street gave a party to their young friends Saturday evening at their home. Games, singing and luncheon made up an evening of much pleasure. Garry Nugent went to Gregson Springs Sunday. It is reported that he jumped into the plunge head fore- most. but that report is flatly denied- he didn't go near the water. Judge Williams heard testimony and arguments last night in the case of Fraser vs. Perry. a civil action for re- covery of money. There was a full house, and the verdict was for the plaintiff. Marriage licenses were issued yester- day to the following persons: Henry J. Hamilton and Miss Anna M. Mc- Clellan, both of Anaconda, and to Will- iam T. Kuetin and Miss Susannah E. Lighthall, both of Elliston. At the Leland-L. McPherson. Jr., Denver; L. T. Hunter and wife, city; E. Jenkins, Fred Leard, Harraden, Iowa; George D. Wier, John Wenger, Butte; T. A. Love, Dr. Evans. W. L. Wall. city: D. J. O'Donohoe, New York; W. B. Rowland, San Francisco. At the Montana-M. T. Pierce, Chi- cago; J. J. Flanigan, city; J. F. Fitz- patrick, St. Paul; Ike Hellbronner, Butte; George O'Risdene, Lincoln: C. J. Wameke. St Paul; A. I. Weiler, New York; Will M. Davidson. Butte: Louis B. Peoples. Portland: T. C. Cullen. Clendive: George A. Cook. Butte: Fred Whiteside. Kalispell; Charles Hoddicer, Butte: C. C. Mannis. Helena; George Stevens, Great Falls. UNION FAMILY THEATER. Standing Room Only at the Reopeninag of the Play House. After a week of darkness the L'nion Family theater reopened last evening. with the Consolidated Stock company in a clever romantic Irish comedy en- titled "Kittle O'Connor" to a crowded house. The comedy is laid in Ireland and portrays the trials and hardships of the Irish farmer under the yoke of the aristocratic landlords and agents. and is interwoven with pure Irish wit and clean humor. such only as could be used by a true son of the Emerald Isle. The special features were "Little Miss Butte." a handsome little lady, with a phenomenal voice. Miss Butte is a product of Butte City, and if she goes on as she has begun, she has a bright future before her. "Lira." the great dancer, in her marvelous serpl- i tine. kelectopical and fire dances, was- also a strong feature,. as was also Fred W'enan. the phenominal baritone. in the latest songs. The stock company will take the road in about three weeks for a tour of the Northwest. A Buffet Smoker. The Great Northern through train has vestibuled sleepers, dining car and coaches, and it is the •n'y train run- ning a buffet smoker. Meals are fur- ntshedl on the European plan and the prices are graduated according to the order given at table. I llT Al IISAITY CASE Mra• Josephine MoLan• m Beore a Oonmie.ston and Dichasrgd. HER HUSBAND COMPLAINS He esha Ube Is an Unsaib Person to be at Large, ut After Ttsaig Her 8tory, she Doctors iid Her Go at Will. Yesterday afternoon Josephine Me- Lang was before a commission on in- sanity composed of Drs. Lelser and BUlih and Commissioner A. M. Walker, in the clerk of the district court's room. A few days ago Mrs. Melang's hus- band caused a warrant for the arrest of his wife to be issued, alleging that the woman was of unsound mind and not a proper person to be allowed to be at large, Drs. St. Jean. Wood and Evans testl. fled as to the woman's condition. The latter said that the county attorney had asked him Saturday evening to see the woman and ascertain if. in his judgment, she was in fit condition to be left at home until the day set for the examination. He stated that in his opinion she was harmless and could be allowed to go at large. Drs. St. Jean and Wood testified that they had called on her at the instance of her husband and found her in a high state of ner- vousness and excitation. She bade them goodbye and went into another room, and came out again and apologized for her rude conduct. In many ways she exhibited signs of irrationality. McLang, in answer to questions put by Assistant County Attorney Self, said that his wife does little but c~w, I lan; that she is cranky and often fl'.i off her feet and has on divers and pulaury occasions threatened him with great bodily harm, even going to the ex- treme of throwing large pieces of fur- niture at him. She never broke up any of the furniture but often made some fierce lunges at it. At times, he said, she would be affectionate and loving, and at other times she would order him out of the house. William Jefferson, Charles Meler and Miss Kittle O'Brien testified that the woman was extremely cranky at times and showed signs of great nervousness. Mrs. McLang. all during the examina- tion, listened attentively to what the witnesses said, and appeared to be as sane as anyone in the room. She was called to the witness chair and asked to tell her story, which she did in a straightforward, connected way. She displayed little emotion or even ner- vousness. Her husband, she said, had at times deserted her for as long as six or seven months, only sending her, in his absence, a few dollars at great in- tervals. In Salt Lake David Patterson supplied her with provisions and fuel and allowed her to live in the house, for which her husband owed three months' rent; that in the same city the chief of police also gave her and her child provisions. She said that Dave Patterson bought her a ticket and sent her to this city from Salt Lake. Last year, she said, her husband went away and left her destitute, and A. .M. Walk- er "put bread and butter on my table and gave me money out of his own pocket, God bless him. I have earned money by renting rooms, and in this way have paid house rent to Mr. Walk- er." She said that she had a brother in the WarmSprings asylum. "He killed himself drinking, the same as my hus- band is now doing," she said. She said she would be 45 years old on the 24th of this month, and that she was born in Ireland. Her husband, she said, often got drunk and neglected his fam- Ily. There was no deliberation-the com- mission ordered her discharge. Anaconda Steam Laundry, 305 E. Park. Tll trn nrTr,,re I flIVLE bin I lLUiLV Taylor, Harris and Kelly Go to Jail for Stealing From Stores. Harris and Kelly, the two men who stole some blankets Saturday night from Warren's store, were yesterday sentenced to 60 days in the county jail by Judge Williams. George Taylor, who tried to get away with a string of shoes displayed in front of Hughes' store on Main street Saturday evening, was by the same court sentenced to 90 days. Judge Williams heard what John Ley- den and Bert Harrington. vags. had to say for themselves and gave them the alternative, and they took it-went out of town. Meyer's piano store, 117 East Park. NEW DEPUTY SHERIFF. John T. Sehurts of Deer Lodge Is Ap- pointed by Ftapaltrick. The appointment of John T. Schurts to be deputy sheriff will be filed th:s morning. Mr. Schurtz is a resident of Deer Lodge, a young man of excellent character, well known by a large num- ber of citizens of the west side. His parents also reside in the Valley City. Cut in Passenger Rates to Seattle and North Pacile Coast via B., A. & P. Ky. and Connections. Effective at once, passenger rates, Anaconda to Seattle and north Pacific coast points, are reduced to $25.00 first- class. $20.00 second-class. Call on ticket agent at B., A. & P. railway, passenger station, at Ana- conda, for further information. In the Pollee Couot. Dave Halberson, for resisting an offi- cer, was fined $20 and costs; committed. William Bradley. vag. was ordered out of town. John Dunbar, for fighting in a saloon, was fined $10 and costs; com- mitted. Blanche Williams, the notori- ous "Frisco Nell," was-ordered to be prepared to leave town this morning. She promised to go. She is the creature that was carried to the jail Saturday night in a mail cart, drunk. She is an old stager here. Waterman's ideal fountain pens sold at L. A. King's book store. Filed for Rectord. The following instruments were filed yesterday with the county ircorder: Deed--A. C. M. Co. to G;•orge Mate- lick. lot 12. block 59. eastern addition to Ana-onda, $2'0. Deed-A. C. M. Co. to) W. R. Allen, Buekleon' Arnica Iltre. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sor.e. tlc. rs. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Titter. Chapp.-.1 Hla.: s. Chil- blains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions. and rositively cures P:lts, or nr' pay re ilirvd. It is guaranteed to give i' rf, it satisfac- tlon or monry rtfund, ti. [ rie 2t ents per box. For sale by all Druggists. GOLD DUST THE BEST WASHING POWDER lot 15, block 23, eastern addition to An- aconda, $600. Deed-A. C. M. Co. to A. H. Breese, lot 14, block 21, eastern addition to Anaconda. $500. Deed-Katie Shipler to W. P. Ship- Ier, interests in the Free Gold mining claim. $5. Deed-N. P. railway to John Fltspat- rick, 312 acres of land in township 12 north, range 9 west, section 19, $937.47. Deed-John Tooey to D. G. Brownell. one-third interest in the Gold Crown lode claim in Oleson gulch, $500. New Train Service. Commencing Saturday, March 5, the Great Northern Ry. will run their through train consisting of Sleeper, Dining Car and first-class day coaches and tourist sleeper through from Ana- conda to St. Paul without change. Train will leave B., A. & P. passenger station at 8 p. m. daily. The Great Falls Express will also run through from Anaconda to Helena and Great Falls without change. Train leaves Anaconda at 1:40 a. m. daily. Conley Bound Over. In Judge Kennedy's court yesterday, County Attorney Trippet filed a com- plaint against Tom Conley. charging him with burglary. Conley waived his preliminary examination and the court bound him over to await the action of the district court. Conley is the fellow who is accused of having broken into a shaft house at Zosel district last fall. Hiberiansn, Attention. All members of Division No. 1 A. O. H. of Anaconda and visiting brothers, are requested to assemble at their hall in the Standard building on Thursday. March 17th, at 7:30 a. m., to participate in the St. Patrick's day celebration to be held in Butte city. By order of the president, William Kelliher. Ladies' Auxiliary A. O. H., Attention. All members of Ladies' Auxiliary Division No. 1 A. O. H. of Anaconda and visiting sisters, are requested to assemble at their hall in the Standard building, Thursday. March 17th, at 7:30 a. m., to participate in the St. Pat- rick's day celebration to be held in Butte city. By order of the president, Mrs. Margaret McMillan. B.. A. & P. trains now leave Anaconda daily as follows: Atlantic express................ 8:40 a. m Butte express ............... 3:00 p. m. Great Falls and Helena local 8:00 p. m. See time-table on another page for information regarding through service, connections. etc. Commencing Sunday, March 6, the Northern Pacific Railway company will inaugurate a through train and sleep- ing car service from Anaconda over the Montana Union railrcad via Butte to all points east. Train will leave Ana- conda for St. Paul at 8:15 p. m. daily. Train from St. Paul will arrive in An- aconda at 7:55 a. m. daily. For full particulars, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or write S. D. BEEBE. Agent M. U. Ry., Anaconda, Or W. M. TUGOHY. Gen. Agent. N. P. Ry., Butte. St. Patrick's Day Celebration. The United Irish Societies will cele- brate in Butte St. Patrick's day, March 17th. The Anaconda division will go to Butte on B., A. & P. train, leaving An- aconda 8:40 a. m. Returning will leave Butte 5:00 p. m. and 9:10 p. m. Tickets good on above trains $1.00 for round trip. Join the crowd and have a good time. THREE CONCENTRATORS. Arrangements Have Been Made to Put Them Up Thi.s pring. Special Correspondence of the Stantdard Wallace, Idaho. March 12.-Besidcs the Gold Hunter Mining and Smelting company, which has announced that it would build a new concentrator this spring, arrangements are being made tor two others. The surveyors have alr most completed the work of surveying the mill, tramway and flume sites for the Black Cloud, a Nine Mile property purchased by a New York syndicate last fall, and the Mammoth Mining company is now surveying for a flume to furnish ,ater to a mill near the sampling works a mile below tow n. Water will be taken from Placer creek. The Hunter is building to supply the loss of their old mill burned last July, but the others are intended for prop- erties that have never owned a mill, the Mammoth having used the Milwau- I kee mill at Gem for the last six or eight months, and the Black Cloud having never produced any ore except what was taken out in development work. This work has the effect of making a much better feeling in the camp, as it is evidltnce both of the confidence of resident owners and of foreign capital that has been indutced to Investigate the merits of t'lc ('neur d'Alenes. Wrapper Sale-" New Line of Ladies' Wrappers Just Received. ON SALE MONDAY. The assortment comprises all tie latest noveltips in VWash Fahriel. of the season, all marled at ,,ur popular Low Prices. SPECIAL BARGAIN. Cae lot 1. gh l'Preale Wra1ip,.rs, in neat patterns, hrn d oin collar, stparate waist ln- in,. bound a•'uitloles, others ask _ 1.00. Sae price.................. Like 'tt. C. O. D. STORE ... $1.75... Anaconda, Montana. --- iia IIb DELINQUENT TAX SALE. The Northern Pacite Puts in a Protes Jast when the itidding Is Most Spirited-To le (uelinued. According to the statutes, County Treasurer Hallahan yesterday began the sale of property, held for taxes un- paid. The sale progressed nicely and Mr. Hallahan was doing a fair share of the business of the county and dis- posing of several choice cuts of land to willing buyers until Attorney H. R. WVhitehill appeared on the scene and read the following notice, which indi- cates that the Northern Pacific folks are going to protest the sale of any of their land listed as delinquent: "Notice to the public generally and to all bidders at the sale of Northern Pacific railroad lands by the treasurer of Deer Lodge county, state of Mon- tana, at Anaconda, Monday, March 14, 1898: "Take notice, that the whole proceed- ings authorizing such sale by the treas- urer of Deer Lodge county are illegal and without authority of law; and pur- chasers at such sale will acquire no right or title whatever to any of the property advertised to be sold, and now offered for sale, because the realty de- scribed was not subject to assessment against the Northern Pacific Railroad company at any time; or sale at any of the times referred to, because none of the property was ever assessed in the manner described in the notice of sale: and because the respective assess- ments, levies and proceedings looking to sale are void for divers irregularit- ies. And as to the tax of 1894, the lien on these lands was annulled, and held void, by a decree made and entered in the circuit court of the United States, Ninth circuit, district of Montana. Hon. Hiram Knowles presiding, in favor of the receivers of the old Northern Pa- cific Railroad company and against the county of Deer Lodge. "NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY "By H. R. Whitehill. local attorney for said company, duly authorized to give the foregoing notice. "Dated March 14. 1898." After Mr. Whitehill had finished reading the above -notice, Treasurer ITallahan said that he would give the matter due consideration. He con- tinued, however, to call for bidders on property offered for sale and continued to dispose of land until closing-up time. The sale will continue to-day, and just what will be done in the Northern Pa- itflc 'ser will be made clearer when it gets into court, maybe. New Train Service. Commencing Saturday, March 5, the Great Northern Ry. will run their through train consisting of Sleeper, Dining Car and first-class day coaches tnd tourist sleeper through from Ana- ronda to St. Paul without change. rrain will leave B., A. & P. passenger station at 8 p. m. daily. The Great Falls Express will also run through from Anaconda to Helena and Great Falls without change. Train leaves Anaconda at 8:40 a. m. daily. Hlids Wanted I'ntil B p. m.. March 19th, A. C., for ut rock. For plans and specifications 'ee A. Hensgen, architect, Beaudry building. All members Catholic Order Foresters are requestted to meet at Silver hall March 17 at 7 a. m. nomethilg in a Nante. From the Philadelphia Press. Ex-Senator Corbett of Oregon. who was alson knocked out, is now convinced that here murt be something in the name. If there is a history of weak lungs in your family, take Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and invigor- Ites. It enables you to resist the lisease. Even if your lungs ire already affected, and if ,esides the cough you have ever and emaciation, there s still a strong probability of l cure. The oil in the Emulsion eeds; the hypophosphites ;ive power to the nerves; Ind the glycerine soothes and -e ls. So. and $t.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & ULJWNE, Chemsts. New York. 1THE COPPER ANACONDA, MONTANA. S New Soods E ARE opening constantly the new spring goods, selected by 'F our buyers from the choicest stocks in New York. Boston, Philadel- phia and other Eastern trade centers. Goods now on sale include Organdies Dimities Lawns Percales Cheviots Wool Dress Goods Sillks Linens, Etc. We opened Monday five cases Whit. Bed BSpreads, in sises for Infants' Cribs, Single Beds, and up to the large eat sizes, prices ranglng from 8c up. Our new Milliner and her assistants are very busy getting the new styles ready for display at the Spring Open- ing, notice of which will be given later .1T The Copper City Something New. Wall P Is the constant desire of th housewife who wants to t part or all of her home. It i my province to meet this ~ sire, and my large and stock will show how I do y duty. Ba*nk i. F. B. WRIGHT .. , A MUSZJZWTS. fjargaret Theater- Anacus JOHN MAGUIRE, Vaaager One Night Oily Tuesday, March 15 Return of Hoy' Theater Iaughblll Beeress A BACHELOR'S HONEYfIOON It is Really to Laugh I Fuu, Fast. Furious Come Laugh With Us Same Great Cast UNION FAMILY THEATER-Anaconda (kormerty Er ass Ha Disk P. sutnon. Mge KITTIE O'CONNOR 4 Nllhts, Commenclang lIONDAY, MARCH 14. uarat•m rs' Fioace Co. oP PImLAoELPtIA Issaes Pe•des r EmEployers' L.ja- 6tiuty -l;3tMo t-ier, Public Lia bility, Teamu , Eevator a Sprink- ler lasurance. Personal AccidJnt of Surety sad Fidelity Insurance. CAPITAL $1,000,000.00. SThornton & We'COmS, Ape ts Roa• 7. Bank Block. Aaaceada. French Cleaning and Dyeing Plush. Woolen. Velvet and Silk Preses, Gentlemen's Garments. Kid ;loves. Feathers and Furs. Laces and ('urtamns of all descriptions. Silk and I Wuoolen Underwear and Neckties. C Scouring by the French process. All I n ork guaranteed. ANACOBNDA STEAM DYE WORKS 2 4 West Coammercial Ave., Anaconda. 1*vim ANACONDA CLASSIFIED Bus .s J. M. SIGCH. t. D. PHTRICIAN AND EURUD R 818ra Park avean. M Ome s % . 11 m., to 4 andt to p Residence. U7 Cherry stret DR. N. S. BNTDEB. Burgeon to St. Anas L .ag* OS.e mext to Mont ana W Telephoae No. 13. Aae. . , ARCUIVUSIS. P. J. DONOIOR. ARCrTECT. Over Kennedy's drug etore . Bilver Bow block. Butte. Y 1 s - on realty. MICEKLL.AZU. N. N. DONOGHUE. JUSTICE Or THE PEACE. 11 Main street. Asnaaimu. promptly attended to. Ocr. cOPr s r •~l t Seet ws. William L o. og.. . a Nw e . . Chambers. .•egs Sargeant. W. m. HME, DBALY & C, ANACONDA. MOUY Bay and sell Domest•i sit change and transact a GenMea Business. Collections to. Exchange drawn on burgh. Glasgow. DuSl. Hamburg. Berto 5ad a. it clue. of Europa CORRUPlWS. National Park anak.......-""**M Omaha National Bank............. First Natsai g ....... .S.... Wells. Saege & Ca.........a4 Utah National Bank................ Boge. Browanee & Co....... ... :ari rs. Co............Deer i

I1 THE BACK I llT Mra• Josephine MoLan• Beore a CASE GOLD ... · his fists and in other ways abused him. Hughes came out of the room and said ... There was a full house, and the

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Page 1: I1 THE BACK I llT Mra• Josephine MoLan• Beore a CASE GOLD ... · his fists and in other ways abused him. Hughes came out of the room and said ... There was a full house, and the

AlAODA NEWS.las I1 THE BACKWtabbag A&wa in a ear 3com

ot a wromt Street maloem.


*.eult of a Dr ken (t Issi and AllSeds Go to Jadi--Th. Wound Not

. Neaeasly De oeres, TetIt's in a Bad Place.

.Z4)ve Hughes occupies a cell 10 theclt' jail. He is suffering from a severewound in the back inflicted by a jack-knife in the hands of James Burke.Yesterday afternoon Hughes, Burke1&d a number of other men of their

Class were about town drinking in thejaloons of Pront- street and across thetrbacks. They wound up in the rearV4om of O'Keefe's old place, at the cor-ner of Front and Main. streets, where

apveersatlon and wrangling were con-tinued. It is said by some of the wit-

,lmsses that Hughes struck Burke v ithhis fists and in other ways abused him.Hughes came out of the room and saidthat he had been stabbed by Burke.Chief White'was called and took bothmnen to jail, where Hughes' wound wasdressed by Deputy County Physician'Ivans. Burke is an elderly man and issaid to be of a peaceable disposition,while Hughes is regarded as a toughman all through. He recently served outa fine in police court. While his woundwas being dressed he continually cursedBurke and only ceased in his tiradewhen occasionally the doctor's instru-ment touched a tender spot. The cut isabout an inch and a quarter deep andabout three-quarters long. A littlelower and to one side it might havestruck a fatal spot. The case will beinvestigated by the court to-day ifthe man's condition shall permit of hisappearing to prosecute it. The wholegang was so drunk that to get an intel-ligible account of the fracas was next toimpossible.


plumbing and tin roof work.


Chairman Walker Explains the RecentAction of the Commissioners.

fro the Editor of the Standard:The county commissioners of Deer

Lodge county, feeling the need of anauditor, appointed one under the con-viction that the stattes authorii.ed it,and on that alone. If there is no lawfor it there will be no atl ltcr. Thecounty commissioners ha!ve no right toappoint anyone without the authorityof law, and if there is no law for it, itbecomes the duty of the county attor-ney to bring suit and test the matter,and. I hope he will do so. Now, thefacts in the case are these: We havethe same law in the codes to-day thatwe had when George Miller served asauditor for two years, and the samelaw and the same conditions that Mis-soula county has an auditor now, andhas had for five years. The case wastried there in Judge Woody's court, andthe auditor was sustained.

County Attorney Trippet informedme, over a year ago, that Deer Lodgecounty was entitled to an auditor andthe county commmissioners had theright to appoint one, and I told him wewould try and get along without,one,-and we have so far, and can still worryalong if we are not allowed one by law.


Choice wines and lfquors for selectfamily trade at Devine's grocery.


Two oft Anaconda's Popular Young Peo-ple Join Ihe Old Folks' Brigade.

One of the prettiest weddings cele-brated in Anaconda in a long time oc-curred last evening at the home of thebride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamG. M. McClellan, of No. 509 Cedar street.Promptly at 8:30 o'clock Henry J. Ham-ilton and Miss Anna McClellan stoodunder a beautifully decorated arch inthe parlor and faced Rev. G. W. Healyof the Presbyterian church. After theceremony the party, composed of about75 guests, sat down to a sumptuouswedding feast. During the banquettinghour an orchestra of stringed instru-ments dispensed sweet music and all,indeed, was as "merry as a weddingbell." The list of presents was largeand elegant.

The bridesmaid was Miss GertrudeMcClellan, sister of the bride, and thegroom was attended by his brother, D.H. Hamilton of Helena. Mr. and MrsHamilton will reside at No. 619 Sprucestreet.

On new time table Butte, Anacondaat racinc evening train ror Anaconaaleaves Butte at 9:10 instead of 9:20 p. m.


To-Night at the Margaret the Play Is toHe Again Presented.

The farcical comedy that left such afavorable impression here a few' weeksago will be seen at the Margaret to-night. The sale of seats is now on atthe Smith Drug company's store, andthe plat is beginning to look all tornup.

"A Bachelor's Honeymoon" is de-scribed as a rollicking, lively, farcicalcomedy, the complications of which areso many that it would take columns totell of the numerous comical situations.What will command as much-attentionas the play is the excellent cast whichhas been placed in it. Heading the listis George F. Nash, who will he remem-

Our New Line



Ca la ad Exumine 6ds.prices Will Surprise Yak,

Keppler Jewelry Co.a) MiMs Stret, Anaconda.

bered for his clever work in "Chmnale"adden," and later with Olga Nether-

ole:; Robert Paton Gibbs, one of thebest character actors in the country;William Winter Jefferson, son of JosephJeterson; Hornee Thrum. a cleverlight oamneeAan: Vella McLeod, an Rag-3lsh actress of 'somie hote: Virginia

J*ackau, one of the best sonbrettes onthe stage: Nita Sykes, who has beenwith Daly for many years; PhyllisAsheon, a clever insenue. and Plor-asr Milford, late of Frohman's fore.

With this cosh nation, "A Bachelor'sBoneaymoon" should command the at-tention of the public, and it deservesan overflowing house.

do -Leo C. Bryant. violin studio, 408 Lo-

cust. Hours 12 to 3 p. m.

When in Butte lunch at Sherman's

ABOUT THE CITY.Green letter sale at L X. L. store.

Albert Moag of Cable is in the city.

Great orator In M. E. church the 17th.

Baths-Montana hotel barber shop, t.e

The city council will meet this even-ing..

L. G. Smith has gone to his BitterRoot ranch on a visit.

M. . T. Pierce of the Copper City storehas returned from the East.

Sisson's Business college, Davidsonbuilding over Baker's grocery.

Mrs. Martin Coonan of Carroll hasgone to Chicago to visit relatives.

Buy wall paper from the firm carry-ing the largest stock. Mahan Bros.

We make any part of a bicycle in ourrepair shop. Tolan Co.'s is the place.

Miss Isadora Dowden will go to Hel-ena to-day and return Sunday morning.

Representative Fred Whiteside ofFlathead is registered at the Mon-tana.

Rugs and carpets woven and for saleat 415 Birch street. First-class workguaranteed.

For sale-Furniture and lease of fur-nished rooms in Davidson building. In-quire room 6.

There are undelivered messages at theWestern Union telegraph office for CarlMeyer and F. Arnold.

Dan Birran is in from his mine andmill at Moose lake. His mill he expectswill be running early next month.

Dr. F. Gattan has his office in theBeaudry building. Office hours: 11 to12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8:30 p. m. Tel. 37.

De Armo. the aerial artist, did someof the most wonderful feats ever seenin this city at Daly's concert hall lastnight.

Tolan Co., not others, are setting thepace on prices of bicycles, and we sellon the installment plan. Easy pay-ments.

Interment of the remains of John Carryesterday was in the Catholic cemetery.The G .A. R veterans escorted the bodyto the groave.

The St. Patrick's night ball at theTurner hall, to be given by the A. O.H.. bids fair to surpass anything of itskind in former years.

John Barry, "Honest John," Is quiteill at his home, rear of No. 304 WestFourth street. He is suffering from asevere attack of pneumonia.

Sam Dragidge was picked up byOfficer Bosanich yesterday on thestreets and placed in jail. He is sickand a doctor is attending him.

County Superintendent of SchoolsMiss Quigley leaves this morning on avisit to the schools of Deer Lodge, Co-loma, Avon and Zosel, to be absent forseveral days.

T.rnant, a.d T sI....a rhvet., wt r 919Ernest and Louis Christie of No. 712East Fourth street gave a party to theiryoung friends Saturday evening at theirhome. Games, singing and luncheonmade up an evening of much pleasure.

Garry Nugent went to GregsonSprings Sunday. It is reported that hejumped into the plunge head fore-most. but that report is flatly denied-he didn't go near the water.

Judge Williams heard testimony andarguments last night in the case ofFraser vs. Perry. a civil action for re-covery of money. There was a fullhouse, and the verdict was for theplaintiff.

Marriage licenses were issued yester-day to the following persons: HenryJ. Hamilton and Miss Anna M. Mc-Clellan, both of Anaconda, and to Will-iam T. Kuetin and Miss Susannah E.Lighthall, both of Elliston.

At the Leland-L. McPherson. Jr.,Denver; L. T. Hunter and wife, city; E.Jenkins, Fred Leard, Harraden, Iowa;George D. Wier, John Wenger, Butte;T. A. Love, Dr. Evans. W. L. Wall.city: D. J. O'Donohoe, New York; W.B. Rowland, San Francisco.

At the Montana-M. T. Pierce, Chi-cago; J. J. Flanigan, city; J. F. Fitz-patrick, St. Paul; Ike Hellbronner,Butte; George O'Risdene, Lincoln: C. J.Wameke. St Paul; A. I. Weiler, NewYork; Will M. Davidson. Butte: LouisB. Peoples. Portland: T. C. Cullen.Clendive: George A. Cook. Butte: FredWhiteside. Kalispell; Charles Hoddicer,Butte: C. C. Mannis. Helena; GeorgeStevens, Great Falls.


Standing Room Only at the Reopeninag ofthe Play House.

After a week of darkness the L'nionFamily theater reopened last evening.with the Consolidated Stock companyin a clever romantic Irish comedy en-titled "Kittle O'Connor" to a crowdedhouse. The comedy is laid in Irelandand portrays the trials and hardshipsof the Irish farmer under the yoke ofthe aristocratic landlords and agents.and is interwoven with pure Irish witand clean humor. such only as couldbe used by a true son of the EmeraldIsle.

The special features were "LittleMiss Butte." a handsome little lady,with a phenomenal voice. Miss Butteis a product of Butte City, and if shegoes on as she has begun, she has abright future before her. "Lira." thegreat dancer, in her marvelous serpl- itine. kelectopical and fire dances, was-also a strong feature,. as was also FredW'enan. the phenominal baritone. in thelatest songs. The stock company willtake the road in about three weeks fora tour of the Northwest.

A Buffet Smoker.The Great Northern through train

has vestibuled sleepers, dining car andcoaches, and it is the •n'y train run-ning a buffet smoker. Meals are fur-ntshedl on the European plan and theprices are graduated according to theorder given at table.

I llT Al IISAITY CASEMra• Josephine MoLan• m Beore a

Oonmie.ston and Dichasrgd.


He esha Ube Is an Unsaib Person to beat Large, ut After Ttsaig Her

8tory, she Doctors iidHer Go at Will.

Yesterday afternoon Josephine Me-Lang was before a commission on in-sanity composed of Drs. Lelser andBUlih and Commissioner A. M. Walker,in the clerk of the district court's room.A few days ago Mrs. Melang's hus-band caused a warrant for the arrestof his wife to be issued, alleging thatthe woman was of unsound mind andnot a proper person to be allowed to beat large,

Drs. St. Jean. Wood and Evans testl.fled as to the woman's condition. Thelatter said that the county attorneyhad asked him Saturday evening tosee the woman and ascertain if. in hisjudgment, she was in fit condition tobe left at home until the day set forthe examination. He stated that in hisopinion she was harmless and could beallowed to go at large. Drs. St. Jeanand Wood testified that they had calledon her at the instance of her husbandand found her in a high state of ner-vousness and excitation. She bade themgoodbye and went into another room,and came out again and apologized forher rude conduct. In many ways sheexhibited signs of irrationality.

McLang, in answer to questions putby Assistant County Attorney Self, saidthat his wife does little but c~w, I lan;that she is cranky and often fl'.i offher feet and has on divers and pulauryoccasions threatened him with greatbodily harm, even going to the ex-treme of throwing large pieces of fur-niture at him. She never broke up anyof the furniture but often made somefierce lunges at it. At times, he said,she would be affectionate and loving,and at other times she would order himout of the house.

William Jefferson, Charles Meler andMiss Kittle O'Brien testified that thewoman was extremely cranky at timesand showed signs of great nervousness.

Mrs. McLang. all during the examina-tion, listened attentively to what thewitnesses said, and appeared to be assane as anyone in the room. She wascalled to the witness chair and askedto tell her story, which she did in astraightforward, connected way. Shedisplayed little emotion or even ner-vousness. Her husband, she said, hadat times deserted her for as long as sixor seven months, only sending her, inhis absence, a few dollars at great in-tervals. In Salt Lake David Pattersonsupplied her with provisions and fueland allowed her to live in the house,for which her husband owed threemonths' rent; that in the same city thechief of police also gave her and herchild provisions. She said that DavePatterson bought her a ticket and senther to this city from Salt Lake. Lastyear, she said, her husband went awayand left her destitute, and A. .M. Walk-er "put bread and butter on my tableand gave me money out of his ownpocket, God bless him. I have earnedmoney by renting rooms, and in thisway have paid house rent to Mr. Walk-er." She said that she had a brotherin the WarmSprings asylum. "He killedhimself drinking, the same as my hus-band is now doing," she said. She saidshe would be 45 years old on the 24thof this month, and that she was bornin Ireland. Her husband, she said,often got drunk and neglected his fam-Ily.

There was no deliberation-the com-mission ordered her discharge.

Anaconda Steam Laundry, 305 E. Park.Tll trn nrTr,,re

I flIVLE bin I lLUiLV

Taylor, Harris and Kelly Go to Jail forStealing From Stores.

Harris and Kelly, the two men whostole some blankets Saturday nightfrom Warren's store, were yesterdaysentenced to 60 days in the county jailby Judge Williams. George Taylor, whotried to get away with a string of shoesdisplayed in front of Hughes' store onMain street Saturday evening, was bythe same court sentenced to 90 days.

Judge Williams heard what John Ley-den and Bert Harrington. vags. had tosay for themselves and gave them thealternative, and they took it-went outof town.

Meyer's piano store, 117 East Park.


John T. Sehurts of Deer Lodge Is Ap-pointed by Ftapaltrick.

The appointment of John T. Schurtsto be deputy sheriff will be filed th:smorning. Mr. Schurtz is a resident ofDeer Lodge, a young man of excellentcharacter, well known by a large num-ber of citizens of the west side. Hisparents also reside in the Valley City.

Cut in Passenger Rates to Seattle andNorth Pacile Coast via B., A. & P. Ky.and Connections.

Effective at once, passenger rates,Anaconda to Seattle and north Pacificcoast points, are reduced to $25.00 first-class. $20.00 second-class.

Call on ticket agent at B., A. & P.railway, passenger station, at Ana-conda, for further information.

In the Pollee Couot.Dave Halberson, for resisting an offi-

cer, was fined $20 and costs; committed.William Bradley. vag. was ordered outof town. John Dunbar, for fighting in asaloon, was fined $10 and costs; com-mitted. Blanche Williams, the notori-ous "Frisco Nell," was-ordered to beprepared to leave town this morning.She promised to go. She is the creaturethat was carried to the jail Saturdaynight in a mail cart, drunk. She is anold stager here.

Waterman's ideal fountain pens soldat L. A. King's book store.

Filed for Rectord.The following instruments were filed

yesterday with the county ircorder:Deed--A. C. M. Co. to G;•orge Mate-

lick. lot 12. block 59. eastern addition toAna-onda, $2'0.

Deed-A. C. M. Co. to) W. R. Allen,

Buekleon' Arnica Iltre.THE BEST SALVE in the world for

Cuts, Bruises. Sor.e. tlc. rs. Salt Rheum.Fever Sores. Titter. Chapp.-.1 Hla.: s. Chil-blains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions. and

rositively cures P:lts, or nr' pay re ilirvd.It is guaranteed to give i' rf, it satisfac-tlon or monry rtfund, ti. [ rie 2t ents perbox. For sale by all Druggists.



lot 15, block 23, eastern addition to An-aconda, $600.

Deed-A. C. M. Co. to A. H. Breese,lot 14, block 21, eastern addition toAnaconda. $500.

Deed-Katie Shipler to W. P. Ship-Ier, interests in the Free Gold miningclaim. $5.

Deed-N. P. railway to John Fltspat-rick, 312 acres of land in township 12north, range 9 west, section 19, $937.47.

Deed-John Tooey to D. G. Brownell.one-third interest in the Gold Crownlode claim in Oleson gulch, $500.

New Train Service.Commencing Saturday, March 5, the

Great Northern Ry. will run theirthrough train consisting of Sleeper,Dining Car and first-class day coachesand tourist sleeper through from Ana-conda to St. Paul without change.Train will leave B., A. & P. passengerstation at 8 p. m. daily. The GreatFalls Express will also run throughfrom Anaconda to Helena and GreatFalls without change. Train leavesAnaconda at 1:40 a. m. daily.

Conley Bound Over.In Judge Kennedy's court yesterday,

County Attorney Trippet filed a com-plaint against Tom Conley. charginghim with burglary. Conley waived hispreliminary examination and the courtbound him over to await the action ofthe district court. Conley is the fellowwho is accused of having broken into ashaft house at Zosel district last fall.

Hiberiansn, Attention.All members of Division No. 1 A. O.

H. of Anaconda and visiting brothers,are requested to assemble at their hallin the Standard building on Thursday.March 17th, at 7:30 a. m., to participatein the St. Patrick's day celebration tobe held in Butte city. By order of thepresident, William Kelliher.

Ladies' Auxiliary A. O. H., Attention.All members of Ladies' Auxiliary

Division No. 1 A. O. H. of Anacondaand visiting sisters, are requested toassemble at their hall in the Standardbuilding, Thursday. March 17th, at7:30 a. m., to participate in the St. Pat-rick's day celebration to be held inButte city. By order of the president,Mrs. Margaret McMillan.

B.. A. & P. trains now leave Anacondadaily as follows:Atlantic express................ 8:40 a. mButte express ............... 3:00 p. m.Great Falls and Helena local 8:00 p. m.

See time-table on another page forinformation regarding through service,connections. etc.

Commencing Sunday, March 6, theNorthern Pacific Railway company willinaugurate a through train and sleep-ing car service from Anaconda over theMontana Union railrcad via Butte toall points east. Train will leave Ana-conda for St. Paul at 8:15 p. m. daily.Train from St. Paul will arrive in An-aconda at 7:55 a. m. daily. For fullparticulars, sleeping car reservations,etc., call on or write S. D. BEEBE.

Agent M. U. Ry., Anaconda,Or W. M. TUGOHY.

Gen. Agent. N. P. Ry., Butte.

St. Patrick's Day Celebration.The United Irish Societies will cele-brate in Butte St. Patrick's day, March

17th. The Anaconda division will go toButte on B., A. & P. train, leaving An-aconda 8:40 a. m. Returning will leaveButte 5:00 p. m. and 9:10 p. m. Ticketsgood on above trains $1.00 for roundtrip. Join the crowd and have a goodtime.

THREE CONCENTRATORS.Arrangements Have Been Made to Put

Them Up Thi.s pring.Special Correspondence of the Stantdard

Wallace, Idaho. March 12.-Besidcsthe Gold Hunter Mining and Smeltingcompany, which has announced that itwould build a new concentrator thisspring, arrangements are being madetor two others. The surveyors have alrmost completed the work of surveyingthe mill, tramway and flume sites forthe Black Cloud, a Nine Mile propertypurchased by a New York syndicatelast fall, and the Mammoth Miningcompany is now surveying for a flumeto furnish ,ater to a mill near thesampling works a mile below tow n.Water will be taken from Placer creek.

The Hunter is building to supply theloss of their old mill burned last July,but the others are intended for prop-erties that have never owned a mill,the Mammoth having used the Milwau- Ikee mill at Gem for the last six or eightmonths, and the Black Cloud havingnever produced any ore except whatwas taken out in development work.This work has the effect of makinga much better feeling in the camp, asit is evidltnce both of the confidence ofresident owners and of foreign capitalthat has been indutced to Investigatethe merits of t'lc ('neur d'Alenes.

Wrapper Sale-"New Line of Ladies' WrappersJust Received.

ON SALE MONDAY.The assortment comprises all tie latest

noveltips in VWash Fahriel. of the season, allmarled at ,,ur popular Low Prices.

SPECIAL BARGAIN.Cae lot 1. gh l'Preale Wra1ip,.rs, in neat

patterns, hrn d oin collar, stparate waist ln-in,. bound a•'uitloles, others ask _1.00. Sae price..................

Like 'tt. C. O. D. STORE...$1.75... Anaconda, Montana.

--- iia IIb

DELINQUENT TAX SALE.The Northern Pacite Puts in a Protes

Jast when the itidding Is MostSpirited-To le (uelinued.

According to the statutes, CountyTreasurer Hallahan yesterday beganthe sale of property, held for taxes un-paid. The sale progressed nicely andMr. Hallahan was doing a fair shareof the business of the county and dis-posing of several choice cuts of landto willing buyers until Attorney H. R.WVhitehill appeared on the scene andread the following notice, which indi-cates that the Northern Pacific folksare going to protest the sale of any oftheir land listed as delinquent:

"Notice to the public generally andto all bidders at the sale of NorthernPacific railroad lands by the treasurerof Deer Lodge county, state of Mon-tana, at Anaconda, Monday, March 14,1898:

"Take notice, that the whole proceed-ings authorizing such sale by the treas-urer of Deer Lodge county are illegaland without authority of law; and pur-chasers at such sale will acquire noright or title whatever to any of theproperty advertised to be sold, and nowoffered for sale, because the realty de-scribed was not subject to assessmentagainst the Northern Pacific Railroadcompany at any time; or sale at any ofthe times referred to, because none ofthe property was ever assessed in themanner described in the notice of sale:and because the respective assess-ments, levies and proceedings lookingto sale are void for divers irregularit-ies. And as to the tax of 1894, the lienon these lands was annulled, and heldvoid, by a decree made and entered inthe circuit court of the United States,Ninth circuit, district of Montana. Hon.Hiram Knowles presiding, in favor ofthe receivers of the old Northern Pa-cific Railroad company and against thecounty of Deer Lodge.

"NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROADCOMPANY"By H. R. Whitehill. local attorney

for said company, duly authorized togive the foregoing notice.

"Dated March 14. 1898."After Mr. Whitehill had finishedreading the above -notice, Treasurer

ITallahan said that he would give thematter due consideration. He con-tinued, however, to call for bidders onproperty offered for sale and continuedto dispose of land until closing-up time.The sale will continue to-day, and justwhat will be done in the Northern Pa-itflc 'ser will be made clearer when it

gets into court, maybe.

New Train Service.Commencing Saturday, March 5, theGreat Northern Ry. will run their

through train consisting of Sleeper,Dining Car and first-class day coachestnd tourist sleeper through from Ana-ronda to St. Paul without change.rrain will leave B., A. & P. passengerstation at 8 p. m. daily. The GreatFalls Express will also run throughfrom Anaconda to Helena and GreatFalls without change. Train leavesAnaconda at 8:40 a. m. daily.

Hlids WantedI'ntil B p. m.. March 19th, A. C., for

ut rock. For plans and specifications'ee A. Hensgen, architect, Beaudrybuilding.

All members Catholic Order Forestersare requestted to meet at Silver hallMarch 17 at 7 a. m.

nomethilg in a Nante.From the Philadelphia Press.

Ex-Senator Corbett of Oregon. who wasalson knocked out, is now convinced that

here murt be something in the name.

If there is a history ofweak lungs in your family,take Scott's Emulsion.

It nourishes and invigor-Ites.

It enables you to resist thelisease. Even if your lungs

ire already affected, and if,esides the cough you have

ever and emaciation, theres still a strong probability of

l cure.

The oil in the Emulsioneeds; the hypophosphites;ive power to the nerves;Ind the glycerine soothes and-e ls.

So. and $t.oo, all druggists.SCOTT & ULJWNE, Chemsts. New York.



S NewSoodsE ARE opening constantly the

new spring goods, selected by

'F our buyers from the choicest

stocks in New York. Boston, Philadel-

phia and other Eastern trade centers.

Goods now on sale include

OrgandiesDimitiesLawnsPercalesCheviotsWool Dress GoodsSillksLinens, Etc.

We opened Monday five cases Whit.

Bed BSpreads, in sises for Infants'

Cribs, Single Beds, and up to the large

eat sizes, prices ranglng from 8c up.

Our new Milliner and her assistants

are very busy getting the new styles

ready for display at the Spring Open-

ing, notice of which will be given later.1T

The Copper CitySomething New.

Wall PIs the constant desire of thhousewife who wants to tpart or all of her home. It imy province to meet this ~sire, and my large andstock will show how I do yduty.

Ba*nk i. F. B. WRIGHT .. ,A MUSZJZWTS.

fjargaret Theater- AnacusJOHN MAGUIRE, Vaaager

One Night OilyTuesday, March 15

Return of Hoy' Theater Iaughblll Beeress


It is Really to Laugh IFuu, Fast. Furious

Come Laugh With UsSame Great Cast

UNION FAMILY THEATER-Anaconda(kormerty Er ass Ha Disk P. sutnon. Mge

KITTIE O'CONNOR4 Nllhts, Commenclang


uarat•m rs' Fioace Co.oP PImLAoELPtIA

Issaes Pe•des r EmEployers' L.ja-6tiuty -l;3tMo t-ier, Public Liability, Teamu , Eevator a Sprink-ler lasurance. Personal AccidJnt

of Surety sad Fidelity Insurance.

CAPITAL $1,000,000.00.

SThornton & We'COmS, Ape tsRoa• 7. Bank Block. Aaaceada.

French Cleaning and DyeingPlush. Woolen. Velvet and Silk

Preses, Gentlemen's Garments. Kid;loves. Feathers and Furs. Laces and

('urtamns of all descriptions. Silk and IWuoolen Underwear and Neckties. CScouring by the French process. All In ork guaranteed.

ANACOBNDA STEAM DYE WORKS2 4 West Coammercial Ave., Anaconda.




818ra Park avean. M Ome s % .11 m., to 4 andt to • p

Residence. U7 Cherry stretDR. N. S. BNTDEB.

Burgeon to St. Anas L .ag*

OS.e mext to Mont ana WTelephoae No. 13. Aae. . ,



Over Kennedy's drug etore .Bilver Bow block. Butte. Y 1 s -on realty.



11 Main street. Asnaaimu.promptly attended to.

Ocr. cOPr s r •~l t Seet ws.

William L o. og.. . a Nw e ..Chambers. • .•egs

Sargeant. W. m.


Bay and sell Domest•i sitchange and transact a GenMeaBusiness. Collectionsto. Exchange drawn onburgh. Glasgow. DuSl.Hamburg. Berto 5ad a. itclue. of Europa

CORRUPlWS.National Park anak.......-""**MOmaha National Bank.............

First Natsai g ....... .S....Wells. Saege & Ca.........a4Utah National Bank................Boge. Browanee & Co....... ...

:ari rs. Co............Deer i