DAILY S FLORIDA JULY 15 1IU nWlon J r4 lIweo1 C r iI11 1 r i- 1t 1111 I 5 d 7 L tTAt EV1LLI SOUTH JACKSONVILLE WAS BADLY SCORCHED lEVERAL HOUSES WERE ABLAZE AT THE SAME Timely Arrival of Aid Saved Town From Total Destru lon by Fire Fiend Fire which to destroy entire town of South Jacksonville styg The Metropolis of July 11th rtartcd from a defective Hue in tin I rliidence of Capt Frank Stephens shortly before 11 oclock this morning and It was only the arrival of the big steamer from the Jacksonville lire department wnuli pififmvu nu damage Five or six houses were on fire at the same time and the heroic efforts ot the many citizens who formed the volunteer lire brigade alone saved many of them fu m total tutruc uui The loss will reach a figure of hetwemi A call for aid sent to this city brought out the bin steamer of the central htatlon which was hurried the ferry and pumping water from the river at the old terry slip at the tout of Catherine street South Jacksonville the spread of the Names vas soon stopped Where Fire Started The Ire started In the home of Cat tain Stephens from a defective Hue and completely destroyed this rest dence with most of Its contents There was no insurance either upon the bouse or the household goods Part of the goods were carrfed into the street and saved from destruction- but all of It was more or less dam aged This loss will reach n figure of possibly 2r ni The barn of Henry Hudnall county commissioner which stood between tile residence of Captain Stephens and that of Commissioner Hudnall caught Ire from the Stephens residence and was totally destroyed There was no li e stock In the barn at the time but the carriages and harness were saved No considerable amount of food was lost The loss to Mr Hud nail will not exceed or 400 Besides this loss In the destruct- ion of the barn the residence of Mr Hudnall was damaged on the roof which caught lire In several place GAINESVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY- We are displaying a perfect line of PORCH ROCKERS PORCH RUGS VUDOR Porch SHADES HAMMOCKS CREX and MATTING RUGS REFRIGERATORS- OIL STOVES and best Wood Stoves and Ranges sold in this section Finest line White Spreads Sheets Towels and pillow- Case For one week only we will sell the celebrated SI 5 Oster moor Mattress at SI 350 Fiftypound Creton Tick Roll He Cotton Mattress at 5545 regular price S650 Call Hi see them TAKE CARE OF THE BAIY Brim ir carriage and have oM tin with new on We Give Votes in Roth Contests f r A I I J 5tJOI nUll woos across r 300 I I i l hnlt ref TIME- R tin iiateued lye i i t H anvil ¬ < + This loss will possibly reach 150 or 2 iO The household effects were also iiii il The residence owned by S M Scruggs and occupied by Mrs J X Whitney adjoining the residence of Capt Stephens was damaged by the Humus to the extent of oo Hon also the household goods were dam- aged by tire nnd water The entire roof was burned off this house Several Houses on Fire The residence of H M Reed near- by was blistered by the heat Sparks from the fire carried by the wind set many other houses in different parts of the town on fire Three houses owned by W W Swaim were afire at different times from sparks although two of them are 200 yards away from the residence of Capt Stephens which was destroyed Houses owned by Gerry Hendricks were also slightly damaged Those who viewed the scene of the fire estimate the loss will reach at least 5000 Without the aid of the fire engine and the fire laddies from Jacksonville it Is believed that the entire town would have been reduced- to ashes Tragic Tale of a Tragedian The owfulest and the funniest stage wait I ever through said a uprightly English actress was when a certain well known London actor manager whose moue 1 lure not divulge was doing a tremendous on u darkened stage lIe had the audience spellbound with his sonorous declamation whlh of muse they didnt know depended largely upon his ample mouthful of false teeth At the very climax of his blood- curdling maledictions the entire dental collection dropped out suddenly In the excitement of the moment and bound ed Into some obscure hiding place The tragedians mighty voice died down to an unintelligible mumble as he groped about frantically In search of the miss- ing masticators We were all too from laughter to be of much help In this critical situation At last after what seemed like unit an hour of the most hysterical suspense the stage manager located the teeth with the aid of n dark lantern and restored them to the frantic star who clapped them Into his mouth and began cursing again with redoubled earnestness I never knew what the audience thought and no one ever dared to ask the actor manager York World Quicksilver The ore from which quicksilver Is obtained Is a brilliant red rock known- as cinnabar When of high purity It is actually vermilion in color Cinna- bar is the original source of the pig- ment known commercially as vermil- ion It Is a compound of sulphur an Quicksilver and in order to separate the latter from the sulphur the rock 11 roasted Passing off In the form of it gas the mercury Is afterward con- densed and flows out In a tine stream like a continuous pencil of molten sil- ver Like gold and sliver mercury Is occasionally found iu a native or pure state Sometimes the miners pick penetrates a cavity that contains n cupful or more of the elusive nnd beau tlful tluld Minors suffer much from the i ols nouH IflVets of the quirksUvcr fumes Extreme cicanllnroft is tile safeguard f r workers In this Otis occupation Is also malI of a sort of lemonade which servos to a cer- tain extent ns an antidote a strong acid taking the place of lemon juice In the coiuiMillion of tin drink A Millionaires Baby Attended by the cpdlaliot could not IM of stow ach or bowel trouble any julckwr or surer than your bby If you give It McGee Dohy Kllxir Curl diar- rhoca dysentery sad all dnninK ineBt of the stomach or bowolH Price 2 rents and 50 cents Sold by M Johnson Keep your eye on the want ads There nay be something advertised which a of Interest to you BILIOUS FOR SPEEDY RELIEF livid help- less ew 1 r priced cured W a- M T- y t su tin a jj a I curse- s cne best danger r hixhert baby s < ¬ ¬ ¬ Nature as a Designer the least tiiystfrlotit of sill tin wonders of the earth Is the trnnr- dlnary clowrmjw nf lHinu Nature a n iarver aid tier tools nr nlr niln rivers springs sad fr st Any one who hIs ever S HI the nmr- velous tMuvii ItfH r Mk on Cornish iimst iluir vtn tlirfnl pr s ni men nf Mtoi n IIIMIMHI who Is sent rd so grandly uK n SIM I tnu t pare asked himself the question us ti how much n thing could bare IKVII ac- complished Continuous trickling of water wears nway the of the rock Haphazard It was until at lust a weird pattern Is formed that soniitlmes re- semblcs n mans fare fotintlines an animal All over the world Natun has placed her picture gallery and her collection of statuary the biggest free show In the world Another work of Natures that very often results In extraordinary chances being effected is a landslip And land slips have arisen from the tiniest pus Bible causes A little underground flow of waver had gradually under- mined n hill or cliff until at last the earth became like a hollow nut Thou the soil became top heavy The sea beat against Its foundations and mil lions of tons of earth wore lung Into the sea which proves tin axiom that the tiniest beginnings often produce the mightiest ends London Standard English Luggage Lifters English railway companies surer severely through the purloining of baggage nnd other articles by platform thieves and In some cases It Is a difficult matter to find out the mis creant One of these luggage lifters was on an occasion some time ago seen keeping vigil over a barrow of luggage and In his band be carried apparently a good sized portmanteau- Ho walked up and down the platform several times and at last stopped op- posite the luggage Placing his bag on the barrow for a moment he then picked It up and walked off But the lynx eye of one of the railway officials bad also been watching the barrow and going up to the than had him ar rested and searched It was found that his apparent portmanteau was only a skeleton and Inside had a act of springs etc which when placed over a smaller bag held the latter in position But for the smartness of the official ancthcr travelers hag would have niHsIng I mdon Answers The Hollow Bones of Birds The hollow of birds are fre- quently cited an beautiful Instances of providential mechanics In bulldiug the strongest and largest possible limb with the least expenditure of material and Is largely true and yet birds like ducks which cleave the air with th rpcrd cf an oppress trait have the long Dunes titled with marrow or satu- rated with fat while the lumber horn that fairly hurtles over the treetops has one of the most com- pletely pneumatic skeletons Imaginable permeated with air to the very toe tips and the ungainly pelican is nearly as well ort Still It Is but fair to say that the frigate bird and turkey buzzards creatures which are most ut ease when on tike wing have extremely light and hollow bones but comparing one bird with another the paramount Impor- tance of a pneumatic skeleton to n bird Is not as evident as that of a pneumatic tire to n bicycle Exchange An Earls Duel With a Butler About the middle of the last century the Lord Itoschcry of that time was In Paris and In paying n call one day he was received so rudely by the butler that he complained to his friend of the servants conduct But the butler bud been a noncommissioned officer In the French army and as such ho chal lenged Lord Hoscberj to a duel The earl accepted and two shots were ex- changed without result But Lord was angered at his own con- descension and afraid his antagonist might lay aside his military rank and resume hi duties as a servant thus exposing nn earl to the reproach of having fought with a butler So be settled an annuity of 250 on tbo man on condition he did not return to do- mestic service The condition was faithfully observed on both sides Lord Ruuells Retort Iord Hubsell once presided nt a din- ner given for Sir Henry Irving on his return from America While the din ncr was In progress Lord Russell sug- gested to Couiyus Carr that he propose Sir Henrys health I cant make spoof he you know he sold Sir Henry pttttly replied I heard make fine spo ch before the Par commission To which the pungent Irishman an- swered Oh yes but then I bad to talk about For Feverishness and Aching Whether from Malarlou conditions coW or overrating try hicks Capu dine It reduce the fever and r llQV H the aching Its liquid 10 25 and cents at drug stores Isnt there something which only a watt ad can do for ycu today ot des uer tilt been lames this Uose1 cry n Dell o nnrtb the lice pas- sengers some- thing < > < <> < > > < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > The Kind Yon Havo Always Bought antI which Mil bee In use for over 30 years has borno the signature ef and has been rondo under his per Allow no one deceive you In Counterfeits Imitations but Experiments that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Costoria In n harmless substitute for Castor Oil Drops and Soothing Syrups It is c3att It contains neither Opium filnrphhto nor other Nnro to substance Its ago Is its guarantee H oy Wurntn- nnd allays Feverishness It euros Dhxrrinr i ul Wind Colic It relieves Teething Trouble ir Cn ipi tim and Flatulency It assimilates the l v Hlatcs the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and irititnxl steal Tho Childrens others Friend GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS Si BMH Signature of Kind You In Ue For Over 30 YearsM- A MMTMM MMMMnr T MMY MTMCT MEV ran WTV MI N t- i since Its infancy t- All and are Pare- goric l rOil Panacea Tho the The Hayo Always Bought r V I 7 A sonal supervisIon Justasgood h e < < > The Gorgon The Gorgon were creatures of Greek mythology mentioned by Homer and rent aspect Their hair was composed of serpents their bodies covered with scales and girdled with reptiles with head erect vibrating their tongues threateningly while the lands of the Uorgonu adorned with sharp talons were of brass The gaze of the mon- sters was deadly all upon whom fixed their eyes being turned to stone Om of the three terrible sisters was conquered and beheaded by Perseus and as be took flight In the nit en route for Ethiopia holding the severed head In his hands the drops of blood which fell from it became serpents which- ever after Infested the sands of Lybla New York Telegram Avoided the Conventional It Is a wonderful story says the publisher to the new author whose manuscript has Just been accepted but you have failed In one Important feature You do not describe the way the heroine was dressed when the here first tact her Youd better write In a paragraph about her clothes but try Jo axold tii conventional- The Ingenious author knowing the sameness of costume descriptions In the best sellers and also4knowlng how to make au appeal to feminine heart wrote IIololso floated toward him garbed In a tOO dress a S2CO bat with mantilla over a 375 lace coat Chicago Post Impure blood runs you you an easy victim for organic dis- ease Durdock Mood Bitters purifies the blood cures the you up Too much 0inb lB placed on the n ud of an At urcbantiig n al estate Buying a cat a bug cannot U butter exemplified than by that of the l orcba ol real state without an Ab- stract Ite safth k small by bat- ing UM you fully on the history of that prorty with an Abxtrart made by tin AUCijUA COUNTY AESTRACT CO ts r I EurJllldcli us being of peculiarly abhor I they the a- DS downmakes causebuilds In east poet r 1 A d cats t t- its a r air ¬ > ¬ GAINESVILLE FLA CAPITAL 7500111 SURPLUS S25G6Dfil OFFICERS- W H Thomas President G K iroome First E D Turner Cashier- W i Taylor Second VicePresident CIRECTORS G K iroome J B Padgett H F Dutton J A Maultsby J G Nichols M Venable W R W 8 Taylor 4 Per Cent Paid in Savings Department VOILE VOYIE REAL ESTATE FLA Farms Dwellings Lots For Sale LIST YOUU PROPERTY WITH us Abstracts of Title Mae To all Land in Alarhua County on abort notice Is WliW r WK0 Written in R Jiabl Companies Tur DUlTOn 6AnK Them AF- I GAl SE MLLE Fire i M Vice President l e

I What is CASTORIAufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01455/00109.pdfwater wears nway the of the rock Haphazard It was until at lust a weird pattern Is formed that soniitlmes re-semblcs

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Page 1: I What is CASTORIAufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01455/00109.pdfwater wears nway the of the rock Haphazard It was until at lust a weird pattern Is formed that soniitlmes re-semblcs


nWlon J r4 lIweo1C r

iI11 1



1t 1111 I 5








Timely Arrival of Aid Saved Town

From Total Destru lon by

Fire Fiend

Fire which to destroy

entire town of South Jacksonvillestyg The Metropolis of July 11th

rtartcd from a defective Hue in tin I

rliidence of Capt Frank Stephensshortly before 11 oclock this morningand It was only the arrival of thebig steamer from the Jacksonville lire

department wnuli pififmvu nudamage

Five or six houses were on fire at

the same time and the heroic efforts

ot the many citizens who formed thevolunteer lire brigade alone savedmany of them fu m total tutruc uuiThe loss will reach a figure of hetwemi

A call for aid sent to this citybrought out the bin steamer of thecentral htatlon which was hurried

the ferry and pumping waterfrom the river at the old terry slipat the tout of Catherine street SouthJacksonville the spread of the Names

vas soon stopped

Where Fire StartedThe Ire started In the home of Cat

tain Stephens from a defective Hueand completely destroyed this restdence with most of Its contentsThere was no insurance either uponthe bouse or the household goodsPart of the goods were carrfed intothe street and saved from destruction-but all of It was more or less damaged This loss will reach n figureof possibly 2r ni

The barn of Henry Hudnall countycommissioner which stood betweentile residence of Captain Stephens andthat of Commissioner Hudnall caughtIre from the Stephens residence andwas totally destroyed There was noli e stock In the barn at the timebut the carriages and harness weresaved No considerable amount offood was lost The loss to Mr Hudnail will not exceed or 400

Besides this loss In the destruct-ion of the barn the residence of MrHudnall was damaged on the roofwhich caught lire In several place




We are displaying a perfectline of








and best Wood Stoves andRanges sold in this sectionFinest line White SpreadsSheets Towels and pillow-Case

For one week only we will

sell the celebrated SI 5 Ostermoor Mattress at SI 350

Fiftypound Creton Tick Roll

He Cotton Mattress at 5545regular price S650 Call

Hi see them

TAKE CARE OF THE BAIYBrim ir carriage and have

oM tin with new on

We Give Votes in Roth Contests






5tJOI nUll woos











tin iiateuedlye








+This loss will possibly reach 150 or

2 iO The household effects were alsoiiii il

The residence owned by S MScruggs and occupied by Mrs J XWhitney adjoining the residence ofCapt Stephens was damaged by theHumus to the extent of oo Honalso the household goods were dam-aged by tire nnd water The entireroof was burned off this house

Several Houses on FireThe residence of H M Reed near-

by was blistered by the heat Sparksfrom the fire carried by the windset many other houses in differentparts of the town on fire Threehouses owned by W W Swaim wereafire at different times from sparksalthough two of them are 200 yardsaway from the residence of CaptStephens which was destroyedHouses owned by Gerry Hendrickswere also slightly damaged

Those who viewed the scene of thefire estimate the loss will reach atleast 5000 Without the aid of thefire engine and the fire laddies fromJacksonville it Is believed that theentire town would have been reduced-to ashes

Tragic Tale of a TragedianThe owfulest and the funniest

stage wait I ever through saida uprightly English actress was whena certain well known London actormanager whose moue 1 lure notdivulge was doing a tremendous

on u darkened stage lIe hadthe audience spellbound with hissonorous declamation whlh of musethey didnt know depended largelyupon his ample mouthful of falseteeth At the very climax of his blood-curdling maledictions the entire dentalcollection dropped out suddenly In theexcitement of the moment and bounded Into some obscure hiding place Thetragedians mighty voice died down toan unintelligible mumble as he gropedabout frantically In search of the miss-ing masticators We were all too

from laughter to be of much helpIn this critical situation At last afterwhat seemed like unit an hour of themost hysterical suspense the stagemanager located the teeth with the aidof n dark lantern and restored themto the frantic star who clapped themInto his mouth and began cursingagain with redoubled earnestness I

never knew what the audience thoughtand no one ever dared to ask the actormanager York World

QuicksilverThe ore from which quicksilver Is

obtained Is a brilliant red rock known-as cinnabar When of high purity Itis actually vermilion in color Cinna-

bar is the original source of the pig-

ment known commercially as vermil-ion It Is a compound of sulphur anQuicksilver and in order to separatethe latter from the sulphur the rock 11

roasted Passing off In the form of it

gas the mercury Is afterward con-

densed and flows out In a tine streamlike a continuous pencil of molten sil-

ver Like gold and sliver mercury Isoccasionally found iu a native or purestate Sometimes the miners pickpenetrates a cavity that contains n

cupful or more of the elusive nnd beautlful tluld Minors suffer much fromthe i ols nouH IflVets of the quirksUvcrfumes Extreme cicanllnroft is tilesafeguard f r workers In thisOtis occupation Is also malI of asort of lemonade which servos to a cer-tain extent ns an antidote a strongacid taking the place of lemon juiceIn the coiuiMillion of tin drink

A Millionaires Baby

Attended by thecpdlaliot could not IM of stowach or bowel trouble any julckwr orsurer than your bby If you give ItMcGee Dohy Kllxir Curl diar-

rhoca dysentery sad all dnninK ineBtof the stomach or bowolH Price 2

rents and 50 cents Sold by M


Keep your eye on the want ads

There nay be something advertisedwhich a of Interest to you












M T-


t su


a jj a


curse-s cne



hixhert baby






Nature as a Designerthe least tiiystfrlotit of sill tin

wonders of the earth Is the trnnr-dlnary clowrmjw nf lHinu Nature an iarver aid tier tools nrnlr niln rivers springs sad fr stAny one who hIs ever S HI the nmr-velous tMuvii ItfH r Mk onCornish iimst iluir vtn tlirfnl pr s nimen nf Mtoi n IIIMIMHI who Is sentrd so grandly uK n SIM I tnu t

pare asked himself the question us tihow much n thing could bare IKVII ac-complished Continuous trickling ofwater wears nway the of the rockHaphazard It was until at lust a weirdpattern Is formed that soniitlmes re-

semblcs n mans fare fotintlines ananimal All over the world Natunhas placed her picture gallery and hercollection of statuary the biggest freeshow In the world

Another work of Natures that veryoften results In extraordinary chancesbeing effected is a landslip And landslips have arisen from the tiniest pusBible causes A little undergroundflow of waver had gradually under-mined n hill or cliff until at last theearth became like a hollow nut Thouthe soil became top heavy The seabeat against Its foundations and millions of tons of earth wore lung Intothe sea which proves tin axiom thatthe tiniest beginnings often producethe mightiest ends London Standard

English Luggage LiftersEnglish railway companies surer

severely through the purloining ofbaggage nnd other articles by

platform thieves and In some cases ItIs a difficult matter to find out the miscreant One of these luggage lifterswas on an occasion some time agoseen keeping vigil over a barrow ofluggage and In his band be carriedapparently a good sized portmanteau-Ho walked up and down the platformseveral times and at last stopped op-

posite the luggage Placing his bagon the barrow for a moment he thenpicked It up and walked off But thelynx eye of one of the railway officialsbad also been watching the barrowand going up to the than had him arrested and searched It was foundthat his apparent portmanteau wasonly a skeleton and Inside had a actof springs etc which when placedover a smaller bag held the latter inposition But for the smartness of theofficial ancthcr travelers hag wouldhave niHsIng I mdon Answers

The Hollow Bones of BirdsThe hollow of birds are fre-

quently cited an beautiful Instances ofprovidential mechanics In bulldiug thestrongest and largest possible limbwith the least expenditure of materialand Is largely true and yet birdslike ducks which cleave the air withth rpcrd cf an oppress trait have thelong Dunes titled with marrow or satu-rated with fat while the lumberhorn that fairly hurtles over thetreetops has one of the most com-pletely pneumatic skeletons Imaginablepermeated with air to the very toe tipsand the ungainly pelican is nearly aswell ort Still It Is but fair to say thatthe frigate bird and turkey buzzardscreatures which are most ut ease whenon tike wing have extremely light andhollow bones but comparing one birdwith another the paramount Impor-tance of a pneumatic skeleton to n birdIs not as evident as that of a pneumatictire to n bicycle Exchange

An Earls Duel With a ButlerAbout the middle of the last century

the Lord Itoschcry of that time was InParis and In paying n call one day hewas received so rudely by the butlerthat he complained to his friend of theservants conduct But the butler budbeen a noncommissioned officer In theFrench army and as such ho challenged Lord Hoscberj to a duel Theearl accepted and two shots were ex-

changed without result But Lordwas angered at his own con-

descension and afraid his antagonistmight lay aside his military rank andresume hi duties as a servant thusexposing nn earl to the reproach ofhaving fought with a butler So besettled an annuity of 250 on tbo manon condition he did not return to do-

mestic service The condition wasfaithfully observed on both sides

Lord Ruuells RetortIord Hubsell once presided nt a din-

ner given for Sir Henry Irving on hisreturn from America While the dinncr was In progress Lord Russell sug-

gested to Couiyus Carr that he proposeSir Henrys health I cant makespoof he you know he sold

Sir Henry pttttly replied I heardmake fine spo ch before the Parcommission

To which the pungent Irishman an-

swered Oh yes but then I badto talk about

For Feverishness and Aching

Whether from Malarlou conditionscoW or overrating try hicks Capudine It reduce the fever and rllQV H the aching Its liquid 10 25

and cents at drug stores

Isnt there something which only awatt ad can do for ycu today


des uer





Uose1 cry












< > <















The Kind Yon Havo Always Bought antI which Mil beeIn use for over 30 years has borno the signature ef

and has been rondo under his per

Allow no one deceive you InCounterfeits Imitations but

Experiments that trillo with and endanger the health ofInfants and Children Experience against Experiment

What is CASTORIACostoria In n harmless substitute for Castor Oil

Drops and Soothing Syrups It is c3att Itcontains neither Opium filnrphhto nor other Nnro tosubstance Its ago Is its guarantee H oy Wurntn-nnd allays Feverishness It euros Dhxrrinr i ul WindColic It relieves Teething Trouble ir Cn ipi timand Flatulency It assimilates the l v Hlatcs theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and irititnxl stealTho Childrens others Friend


Si BMH Signature of

Kind YouIn Ue For Over 30 YearsM-


MI N t-


since Its infancyt-

All and are

Pare-goric l


Panacea Tho


The Hayo Always Bought



I7 A sonal supervisIon





< >

The GorgonThe Gorgon were creatures of Greek

mythology mentioned by Homer and

rent aspect Their hair was composedof serpents their bodies covered withscales and girdled with reptiles withhead erect vibrating their tonguesthreateningly while the lands of theUorgonu adorned with sharp talonswere of brass The gaze of the mon-sters was deadly all upon whomfixed their eyes being turned to stoneOm of the three terrible sisters wasconquered and beheaded by Perseusand as be took flight In the nit en routefor Ethiopia holding the severed headIn his hands the drops of blood whichfell from it became serpents which-ever after Infested the sands of Lybla

New York Telegram

Avoided the ConventionalIt Is a wonderful story says the

publisher to the new author whosemanuscript has Just been acceptedbut you have failed In one Important

feature You do not describe the waythe heroine was dressed when the herefirst tact her Youd better write In aparagraph about her clothes but tryJo axold tii conventional-

The Ingenious author knowing thesameness of costume descriptions Inthe best sellers and also4knowlng howto make au appeal to feminineheart wrote

IIololso floated toward him garbedIn a tOO dress a S2CO bat with

mantilla over a 375 lace coatChicago Post

Impure blood runs youyou an easy victim for organic dis-

ease Durdock Mood Bitters purifiesthe blood cures theyou up

Too much 0inb lB

placed on the n ud of an At

urcbantiig n al estate

Buying a cat a bug cannot U

butter exemplified than by that of thel orcba ol real state without an Ab-

stractIte safth k small by bat-

ing UM you fully on the historyof that prorty with an Abxtrartmade by tin


ts r


EurJllldcli us being of peculiarly abhor I










1 A


cats t












W H Thomas PresidentG K iroome FirstE D Turner Cashier-

W i Taylor Second VicePresident


G K iroomeJ B PadgettH F DuttonJ A Maultsby

J G NicholsM VenableW RW 8 Taylor

4 Per Cent Paid in

Savings Department



Farms Dwellings Lots


Abstracts of Title MaeTo all Land in Alarhua County

on abort notice

Is WliW r WK0

Written in R Jiabl Companies

Tur DUlTOn 6AnK








Vice President

