m mmm mmmmm )f*. t? h ..- PLEASE CAI.L AND SETTLE. A l l tho86 owiug me Notes or Accounts will please call and settle the same, as 1 am in want of funds and I cannot afford to indulge them any longer. J. 0. POE. Jan’y 4, 1858. 73-Im NOTICE. r a iH E Copartnership heretofore existing between the JL subscribers, {in thf freighting business,) under the tirm of Lutterloh & Co., is this day dissolved by mu- tual consent. James F. Marsh or Thos. S. Lutterloh will close the business of the late firm. T S Ll'TTEULOn, j F. M.\Rsn, W. P. ELLIOTT, JNO. B. TKOV, Jr. Dec’r 31, 1857. _ C()l\\17TXKRSniP N O riCE. f l l l l E undersigned would respectfully inform the B. citizens of Fiiyetteville •md the surrounding country, tliat they have entere.l into Copartnership AO.MN tor the purpose of carrying on the \Va;;oii-!flakiiis: in !ill its branches, at the old stand on the corner in Franklin and Maxwell Streets, where they would be <;lad to see their old friends ami customers, as they will be prepared to accoramodiite per.^ons wishing any thing in their line on the most reasonable terms, and !it the shortest notice. J. W \VEL(’H. JESSK W. WEISIGEK. Uec’r S l . <li-.5m J W. WELc”!! would give notice that he is desir- • ous of closing his old business, and fo all who are indebted to him to make immediate payment, farther imluliience cannot be given. J W. WKL(’ll. TUOY cV FI I.I.EU, Atlorneys and Counsellors at Law, l . r > I B K K T 0 1 i , K O B K S O . \ « ’<»., If. C. R o b e r t E. TKOV and JOIIN p. f i l l e r , have formed an assotiiition for the practiie ol tht-ir profession in Robeson County. The former will also attend the ('ourts of Bladen and Columbus: the latter will also attend those of Cumberland. The Oflice in Lumbertou will be kept open at all times. Jan'y 1, It'oS. "-'i- More Coupon Bonds For Sale. -m I ' O L l ’ON r>ON 1>S of Count y of <’umberland; ^lO.UOO I'o. ToAvn of Fayetteville. The Western Rail Hoad Com{>any will receive sealed bids for ^10,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of (’umberland, and ^IW.OOU of the CouponBondsof the Town of Fayetteville, until the 4th of January nest, and for like amounts of each on the 1st Mondays of February, March and April. The County Bonds bear 7 per cent, interest, payable on the 1st of June and 1st of December, and are re- deemable ^0 years from 1st June 18o7. The Town Bonds bear t'l por cent, interest, payable 1st Jan’y and 1st July, and arc redeemsbie ’JO years from 1st January 18-50. I These Bonds are a part of the ^ltK.i,l*0'J authorizcl ' by the General .Assembly to be issued by the Town and | County respectively, in payment for their subscription ; (if iltk>,(XK.i to tl.e Capital Stock of the Western Rail Road Company, und are the only Bonds ever issued by either Town or County. The Town Bonds are each. A few of the Coun- ty Bonds are !}>100, the remainder C. B. MALLETT, Pres t Dec. 10, 1857. ny-tf The ija rg ^ t C arriage F a r t a r »f in the SoMth: T\ A. A. M c K r / r i I A . \ K ESPECTFULLY informs hi» friends and I'le public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Ruildinps at his OM St-ind. expressly lor mau- ufacturh.p <’arri(.-es. Thankful for the very liberal patronaee lie has received tor the last J1 _\oais. le hopes by .strict uttentioii to bu.-ine'is. with a < ' to give SHiislaction, to tnerit a coiitiiuiaii'.'e '** * '*■ same. Me warrants his work to be made ot il.e be.M niateriul and by experienced workiaeii in each bi-aiicli of the business. His work tvill t’oiiipare ta\orabl\ with any made in the United St ite-i, l or ne atiiess and duratiility. lie is deterniiiicd to >eil and d>> :in_v work in his line on as good terms as any work dtuie elsewhere that is as well d.nn’. He now has on hand, Finishld. the LARGEST STtX’K tif ( 'nrn Unrtuiches, liock itHii />//!.'i' / ' Ever o3ered in this place, an«l a very large st'>c:v of work nearly finished, which will be tinisheii d-iih. .\I1 of which will be sold very luw tor <’.\sii. or on short time to pnin-tual ciisioiiiers. He ha> on hand more tli.nii U.N K HLNl'KKl* ANU Flll^ Ni'ii- cles finished aiid in courr<e <>r cmi^l ruction. fcj" -Ml W'>ik tu'i'leby l.iiii'-' w:i rra lit ed 1 mt)i;^ h-i withfuir iis ij^o, .and should i; t'ail l-y bad workmaTiship or material will he n fviired tree of' chaiire P e r s o n s wi.-^tiiii'_r ti.i would io Wi-11 to call aM'i examine f'T theiiiselve-* Or iers thankfullyrei'eive I tn Ipr.unj tly ittendedto. Repa iring execute,1 at short mui' fa -snd oii very rcasonalde terms May I'S. 18.'’ .:? tf ¥ DOBHLN HOUSE For Rent or Lease. f I^H E Lease of the present Proprietors of this well i .H known House will expire on the 1st January, 1858: the property is offered fur lease or rent. To a * person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an | excellent opportunity is offered. The building is large, ; well arranged and in complete repair; its location will ; always command for it an extensive j'atronage. .As ] the present Proprietors intend changing their bnsi- ' ness, the Furuiture, which is nearly new and in good j order, can be purchased on favorable ternib The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of. January, remaining open under the present manage- ment till a tenant is obtained. i The fine Store in the same building, formerly oocu- } pied by .Mr. Uni. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK. I Prest. Dobbin House Co ! Dec’r Itl, 1857. tiy.tf DENTAL NOTICE. i D W. (’. BENBOW would respectfully inform this • community that he intends to be absent from ■ thtt 4th of January to the 14th. Those desiring his ' professional services will find him in his Office before ' and after the above dates. . As Dr. B. has been located in this place five years, | he now presumes the community is fully satisfied as to i hiti professional skill, and that there is no further ne- I cessity for the old creJit system; therefore, in fufitre his terms icill be strictly cash. \ Those indebted will please call and settle before the j 3d of January. I Dec'r21. 70-lm j BOERHAVE’S | IIOLLA\i» itUTHItS 1 Nuv. 0, ISO'S. 5Uf THK CKIJ-;HKATKD HOI.LAM) kkmkuy pou DTSPEPSrA, DISEVSE OF Tire KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, \vkakxp:ss of any kixi), FEVER AND AGUE. ■Amf tlie various afTectioin ron«eqiicnt upon r disontcred STOMACH OR LIVER, Surli .'I-. Indi;:esliiin. .Aci.lily of tlie Slomarh. Cnlicky I'alni iieKrtlmrn. I.oss nl .A|i|k tite, I'f'piinileiicy ('ustivene^^, filindnnd Blei’diiie l’ile-(. In nil Nervous, ItheiiniHtiP. :in.l .\eur.t!i; c .ArtVt- lioiis. il h:is in niiiiieroiH iii't.iiiies proved btiiefitiHl, aiiU 111others ettectod a derided cure This is 11 purely vei:eutlile ccmipound. prepared on strictly scien Hfu', i>rin<;i)i\e>, alter \tie manner of the celebrated fli lland Pro- lessor, HoerhHve, llerKtise of its tfreat sucre-.s in most ot the Euro|»**jin >laies, ii.- inirotluction intit the L'liltcd ?'lHtes wh-. in ten-Jod more espei'ially tor thn-,eof our tatfier and scattered here uihI there over tfie l.tre ol this lui^hty country .Meeting ivitti treat success among them. 1 now otl. r it to the ,\inerican putilii , ktiouinff that its triilj wonderlul medicinal virtues must l>e ac knowled"ed. It is (TiirtiruUtrl^ recommended to those pers^jns \vfu»se constitu- tions mny have been impaired by the continuous use ofnrdent spirits, or other loims ol dis»:palion. (lenerally insUuitaneous in ellfct, it linds its way dirertly u, n,.- seat of liie, thrilltnK and i)UickeninK every nerve, r iisins up the driKipIni; spirit, and in lart, intusinK new health and vigor in the system. .N<)TICK—Whoever expects to hnil this a heverace will lie dis appointed; fiut to the sit k. w’eak Hnd low spirited, it will prove a gratelul aromatic cordial, possessed ol ,slnj[ular reiucdial propt rtics t' U T I () N : ■| he iifeat pupularity of this delifihtful .^roma has induced many imilatiiiiis, which tlie piihllc should fiuard against pun hasinR lit- not pcrsii idfil to litiv anythini; else until you have K'veti li.ier- ha\c » lloll.iul Hilters a l.iir trial. One bottle will convince y>iu hoM inliii'lely .su|>crior il is to all these imilutians. iA>“'''"ld at 3I.IKI per bottle, or *i.x hollies lor ii5,(Kl. by the S O L K 1*t t o I* K 1 KT(J R S, ESi:'VJAT||^ l*A«E, JK. A; €0. mani kactcbih # PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PlTTSBURtUI, P a . Samuel J. Hinsdale 80le agent for Fayetteville June 14, 1807. tO^l'lic Presbyterian Fsaltnodist __ Character Notes. A further supply just received. E. J HALE & SON. NOTICE. ^I^IIE undereigned having executed a power of At- ^ ■ -'ioore, he is thereby authorized to make all Bettleinents for me and in my name, and geiierally to transact all business as I might or could do were 1 personally present. J. j. MOORE iayetteville, June 3, 1857. 18tf tons No. by Aug- 28. (UJANO. 1 PERUVLa.N GUANO, for sal« WORTH 4^ UTLEY. 38- T. C. & B. G-. W O R T H , Coiimiission & Forwarding Merchants, Brou'fi^s Building^ Mfuter Street^ Wilmington^ .V , Usual advances made on consignments. Nov. 11, 1857. 6!i-tf T). ;V. T a M O N 'I', Commission Merchant, Wiliiiin;:'toii, C. OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET I’ersoiial attention given to all produce lient to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r tl. r,7-1ypd DAVID M cDri'KlE, H rirkmttson am i Plasteri'r^ L'pared to do all kinds of work in his line, in- .1 _____ i^*;i I and F prej eluding the putting up o f Turpentine Stills in this 1 the adjoining counties. r’ayetfeulle, .April 27, 18->7. 8-l\-pd J. W ILIJAM P\(;E, \ l d ., #• M T T S it O K O ##, V. D K. P.VOE may be found at his ofiice when not jirofessionallv «iigaged. .May t>, 1>')7. ' -W B. F. PEARCE & CO, l»KALEftS IN F()KKK;\ and DOMI-STK’ DRV liOODS. H \ r s . ('M ’S, BOt)T.>^ ,\NU SHOES, L niLrt'/hia (iitil tit-nilt/- ( ’/othiiKj, HAV STRKKT, i'ayetteriHe^ .V. V. Ji i lv -St I. rK.\KCE, JK •Jlj-tf J. \V. lUKKIi N now receiving' iVoiii the North the lar^'e.-Jt, tiut>.>t, auiJ luost i-Hret'ully >0- lected stoi'k of F9 lei: ever ofl'ere*! in this market; which, aided to h;s o-.vn manufacture, makes hi.s assortment rc'tnplete;—all ot which he will seil uu thelowe.st p 'S-uble terms for cash or on time to putictiiul <-U'<Ti>iiier-i Fashionable p.iinte f Cott-me bed-r.Hua Furniture in setts; curled fiair 'in-1 ■^huck. and cotton .Nlattre.s.-^es; Looking Gia-iie-^. Wiib'w Wugnus utid t'radles; Side Boards; IJureau. : S<'cret:ii ic'' ati'i l!ook-(,'ases; U hat- .Nots; Tatiles, ail sorts; W;i>h .■^t.in i->. t':iiid'e Stands; Wurdrobes; Picture Frames an l lilas-;; Win low i It-^; Cornices: Curtain Uiind-;; S. fas in .Muhog-my an! Walnut; Tete a Tetcs; Ottomans; Divans and SiooN; (’hairs of every variety. Fine Ro.sowciod l'i;inos, one with .K"lian At- tachment; Rosewood .Melo'lians, from the fiet manuffn'- tories in New V^rk and Hoston, warrantctl as good :n any made in the country, and will he sold nt N. V^'rk prices—fre’ .ght only addel. Septem'.er 2. 4 j-tf Wo call the altenlioii <»t W HOLI'.’ SAf.i: DKAI.KUS H * our present Stock,—atid we have recently re- -I ceived— 3iUt hags Kio. Lag'iira, M.iricaibo an.] Jhvh t\if)ee, 2U hh Is .“^ngar. asciM-te 1 gradi -i, 1-3 bb s d‘>, Itetined. (’ni'!iei uti 1 Pi w Irred. bo.Kes Sperm, .Adamantine m l fallow fandies, do Fancy and a>sorte 1 ('andies, 100 coils Kentucky, ,Uite and Manilla Ui pe. 7 bales liagginp, Guuny. I)uiiJ^e aud Hurlit-. 30 tons Hoop Irou, 120 boxes ('heeje, 20 half-bbis Super Car^. Soda, 40.000 Cigati, various brands, —ALSO — Pepper, Spice, (linger, ('loves, Nutmesrs. P.orax, Ma'lder, In-ligo, Spanish Brown. P-rim^tone. Fan«'V and liar Soap^, Starch. Powder. Shot. 15,ir [.end. White Lead, Putty an l Linseed itil. Witi l-w CJla-s. Snuff in Boxes. Eagle .Mills .io.. in Half Brjls.; (Jreen and l!l:i. k Teas. Hollow-Ware. Sweden Iron, Mnglir-h, <;ernian, aud Cast Steel; Pl..ws, Sfr.-iw Cu[ter>, tdru Shellerx] Sausage Cutters aud Stufl'ers, Tra.'e t'hains, Sole Leather, ic., *vc. The above Goods we offer ou the most favorable terms to prompt t;iae or cM^-h purchnserj. U X W McLAURlN ,A- ■A (iEO. A1J)EK.\L\.\, inspt ctor of •'Wiral Storea^ WlLMlNtiTON, N C , S ol.Ii'lTS patronaire. Prompt attention an i quick desp it.-h will be given to business entrusiel to h\* care. Jiine2o, lt'.'>7. iy-12mpd A. McRIMMON, Commissiou aud Forwarding Merchant. \vii.mlv(;t().v, n. v July1^'.7. 25itf JOHN I*. S A M l ’SO N , Commissiou and Forwarding Merchant, wilmin <; ton , n . Will give 1 Hriiti’ .lar attention to the sale of Naval Stores, (’i)tton. .vc. F . ' l ’y \1',. 8o tf L()\1:KD KLDltllMit:. • tftorneif at MjUir, ILL attend the ('ourts of Joh’:stou .and Samp- son ('ountic't. .'^mithtield, .April 1o. l.S.j'i. THO. G. FULLER. *ittornetf and i'ounsfilor at JLau'- ft ||l FIi’K at i;<.';les's Bri.lge, recently occupied by M W Jam>w ti'Uiks. hsq , Fayetteville, N C Jaii'y i, l^•'»7. 7 Worth 8c Utley, I'oruardni^ and ( ie n e r a i C,M)ininis.'iioii MEKCllA.N rs, i'ayetti'viite, i\ J \ WOKIH. (72tf'l JOS. LTLlir. W. H. TURLINGTON, I'yiiiiniNsiun Merchant, No. 4 Nurtli Water St., WILML\(JT(JN, X. ('. • M.^'lLL give his prompt personal utteution to th« WW -iale or shipment of all Consigniuents of Naval ,<t TC'or other C 'Uiilry Produce 1 tf o }VnO WOULD HAVK THO TO III IT? .4 new ('<irri<i[’f- K^^tnblishment on thf- MUitnry Green, nppogite th^ M^thxlht Chitrrh, fronthxj fi7i Miim/or<l Stre^-f. (iiiEA r E \ rEKPiusi*:! iM<> i«. lo^liiiic!: ri'^HE Subscribers would - respect! ully inform their friends utid the public, that they liave enterid into copartnership for the purpose of coti luctiiig the general CAHlUAtjE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being l»oth pr.-ictical workmea, fullv un - derstanding their business, they have no r,- itation to compaie woik with any establishment i jtteville as to style and durability. (Jne ot the tirm may b« known by lefi.o.ua to H. Whitfield's iron w n k l,.r tlie last two yeir.-^. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve mi’Uths Repairing done lu the neat est manner low for cash PIER iv BKANIN. J a. mes H. P ike . J amks Bk. nni. n. Fayetteville, J,iu'y Jl, iHo:-!. yoff t,lB arble F a e lo ry ^ liy J.AUDEIl, TWO u o i t c. T. ii.iibii jisd v s sroiiK. Fayoftf _.Ian’y 20. m.')7 *5lypd xo iiumiuk;! ri'^HE subscriber is now prep.arcd to fill nil order.s for Silfterior \%*ater Bnchetn. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em- ploys North Carolina capital an<l labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL is what he wants. Messrs. WORTH ^ UTLEY of this place are Agents for th« sale of the above Buckets. H. MAKEPEACE, ^^ayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. go-y lTKKi> r T v e I{ C ( ) . \ L . B ITU.MINOUS C(JAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. W.M. MoCLANE M.ySl,185ti Mining Engm«r, i>r. K. A. III.AC'K, FFICE Front Rooms, over Ur. S. J. Hiusdale'i ('hemist aud Drug Store. Feb'y 7, l''.3b. , 7b-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOivi. 1' O .?! n 1 !!» S 1 O A K()liW 'A [i\nSG M E liCll AN T, IVilntingion^ .V. C. 4*a^ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 1805. tJ7 JOSEPH HAlvER, J r ., A T T W K A K V A T I. A U , U .VS taken an ofHce next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County aud Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladeu, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, lSo;j. 79-tf “ LAW C01>AKTNEKSH1P.” undersigned, have this day formed a Law w w (copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum- berlaud, Moore, Harnett, aud the Supreme Court. J. H. IIAUGHTON. 1 J^i’O. MANNING. I Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, iSoti. 72tf O. ll()U8TOi\ A ^ OL'LU inform his friends and former customers • • may be found 2 doors below the Cape 1 tear Bank, and d doors above his old stand south side I I'ersou Street, where he intends to keep on hand, j Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars 1 and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully j invites his friends from the country to call and examine ! his stock before purchasing. j He will attend to Repairing of Harness aud Saddles I punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & 0\ hRB\ to sottle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compeileci co settle the firm’s debts. August 2/, 1853. {f Book Wanted. ^ ■IH E Subscriber, having taken the General Agency subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica- tion l>y Messrs. E. J. Hale ^ Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and i-eliable jjersons in each of the .Judicial Circuits, to canvass their regpective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be ready in a few davs. Lndoubted testimonials as to character naust ac- company each application. Address _____________^ W. HORN. G UA NO ES. RAGS PERUVIAN; 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi- ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want- ing iu the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with th« Columbian makes the crop inuch more certain. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN Nov. 6, 1850. 54jf JUST RECEIVED. 1 B0XE3 of that superior ROCK CANDY TO- ^ I- QOLDSTON. Oct 5, 1867. 8HEMWELI. HOUSE, r.4Y ETTB V IM . . E , I>l. East side of Green Street, a few Doors North ol the Market Flo use. HE Subscriber desires through thi® medium to acknowledge the libera patronage bestowed upon his House the piast year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat. on- age heretofore received. Every exeition on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojiTiirn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market afl'ords. P. SHEMWELL. March 2-J. 1855. H(i-tf \ AIJ'AIU.E IM iOPEirrV r o K I OFFi’R for sale, my LANDS in the Town of Fay- etteville, about 130 .Veres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout 80 .Veres of it is fine Meadow Laud, as the Crop now on it will show. .Vlso, the VaEii:il»l<‘ Iti‘i 4 tk and l-ot near the Mnrket Square, occupied by .Mr. .Tihn .V Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and .Muiuford .Streets, known as th« Hotei Garilen Lot.—could be divided into several Building Lot.s -very near the new Female High .School Buildings. .Vlso, the .Stable Lot adjoiniiig, fronting ou .Mumfird Street. Several DESIRABLE Bl'ILDlNd LOTS on both Winslo\: ainl .Muniford Streets. .VIJ this property cun now be purch'ised on favora ble terms, ami ii large pail Can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desire.i Tllo J. CURTIS. Oct. 10. 18-')5. 43-tf uoB E irr I). (; r e i :.\, ( LATE G R E EN .t W EA R ,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYHTTEVIJ.LE, N. C. R D (j - beg>i to letiirn his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind iiatronage so liberally be- stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the intere.-!t of J. S. Wear, and will coutinue the business in all its branches at the old stand, umler his entire superintendence. N. B A'l Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the necessiry repairs [>ointed out to them and a written contract given tor the same, which work will be w^r rantttd for two years. Ou hand aud for sale now, the inos' vaiied and choice selcctiou of ('LOCKS and othe*" '.ime jdeces that h is ever been offered to the public it North Caro- lina, which he will sell at New Vork pri<es, and also w.\ i;j.!ivafor two years. nv > ‘ u 1 by the late firm will be paid R piireceiveii by, R. D. (JREEN .Vugu'it2'>, lS5'i. Hl-tf in iiM c x o r ic E I s HEREBV (ilVE.N’, that Books of .Subscription to the capital stock of the ('entral Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor viu Keiiansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thur.«day, the lOtb day of -\{inl 1 anl remain open according to the terms of liie ('barter until further notice, at the ftdlowing (daces and under liireetion of the following named persons, Coiiimissioiiers in the Charter, viz: In the County of OnsloW, at the office ot the Clerk of the ('outry ('*urt at Jack-onville. and at tlie Post (Jflice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, ii J. \'*ard, J. H. Foy, Robert Wiiite, John .V .Vseritt, Jr.. ('wen Hug- gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret County, at the tiHiee of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. .M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Boll, L. T. ()glesby. .Vt the store of (1 W. Taylor at Caioliua ('ity.—Col. '<Vm. N. Dennis, H .S. Bell. Capt. LeviOgle-Sy, Bridge .\rendell. In Du[)iin county, at the oltice of the ('.lunty ('ourt ('lerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm, J Houston, Stephen Uraham. In Sampson county, at t he oflice of the ('ounty Court Clerk at ('linton,—Thomas I. F'aison, Dr. Thomas Iiunting, Wtn. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the ofSce of \ A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Kandal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow. John C Blocker. Form of subscription: The Lndersigned asiree to take the number of shares of $100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the (’entral Raii Road ('ompan}’; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. Names Residenc>£ ( No of shares I i •i! saCh Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, aud may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi- neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub- scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15. 1856. 13tf HOOkl31i\DI\G O F all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- bouncl in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase ol new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. 1 have the best stock of materials; and workman- ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else- where. Thy undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 1867. 54-T L.\.\D l'01i~SALfc;. 1 1 ACRES OF L.\ND lying on upper Little River, in Haruett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine busine»s. It will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. WM. McL. MoKAY. Sept. 22, 1866. 41-tf NEW B O O K S.' AB ARRIED OR SINGLE, by .Vliss Sedgewick; The Professor, by Currer Bell; Romany Rye by Lavengro; The Athelings; Tent Life in the Holy Land Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia; The Improved Housel wife, by .Mrs. Webster; &c. Also, Bullion’s 1st Lessons in Greek; Payson S- Dunton’sSeries of PENMANSHIP; AJdick's Elements- Key to Davies’ Algebra: and other School. Books .lug. 28, $10 Reward.—Horse I ^HO.M my lot on Tuesday night, the 28th Dee’r a small HORSE, 16 or IGyeara old, originally grav but now nearly white, with a lump on one ofhis hind feet done with a nail, and a swelling of his left wether I probably produced by the collar. Iwill pav the above i reward for his delivery, either at my house, or to ! Dan’l Clark -lu Fayetteville. ' HUGH LESLIE 5 miles from Little River Factory, ) , Jan’y 2, 1858. | I F^ire Insurance. W E refer our readers to the annual statement of the iEtna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This success- ful institution was incorporateil by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1819, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is !5500,000, and its accumulations exceed iJ5800,000 more, making its entire assets ever !^300,- 000, invested as detailed in the statement referred to These results indicate that during the period of nearly forty years since its onsaniiation, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been con- ilucted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its obligations by the payment of about ten million dollars for losses, without asking a day’s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans- actions made. In order to attain as much certainty as possible in such a business as insurance, it has been the pr.actice of the Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insure«l on each class, the amount of pre- miums receivvd thereon, ami the amount of losses up- on each. This classification, estending over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur- nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial liasis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its busiuess. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its |)rincip!es capable of being reduced to a s3’stem, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The ..-Etna Conipauy, by adhering rigidly to its sj'stem, and placing its busi- ness upon a health}’basis, has obtained the confidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its busi- ness and its income from year to ^-ear with a stea'ly growtli. <hie great source of its security is the wide listributiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- ered in each locality By this course it lias passe I. with comparative imj>unity, tliroiigh some of the most sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed uj> other conipanies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stability and soundness to a company, and M the as- Bureil confidence and security. — lialtimore ratriut. .tT \i w m m : (o.m p.i\v, U A irn'O K l), CONN, INCORPORATED 181'.>. CHAl’ .TER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BRACE. President. E. G. RIPLEV, Vice Pre- sident. T. A. ALEXANDER. Secretary. Dikectors —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, .M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Buikeley, R. .Mather, E. 0. Ripley. S. S. Ward, H Z. Pratt, G- F. Davis, -V. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W, Keney. The .-Vssets are mainly invested in .Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with 1^172,604 01 of cash ou deposite in the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid — none Losses adjusted and not due. ^<24,313 95, Losses in suspense, waiting f urther proof, Jtc., •‘j!75,- 8r.O 15. Losses resistec, (suspicions of fraud, ic.) $46,♦>78 72. .Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N (' E J H.\LE. SCHOOL HOOKS. S .MITH’S English Grammar; Peterson’s Familiar Science; Bolmar’s Fables; Emerson’s .Vrithmetic; Bolrear’s Frencli Grammar; Lovell’s U. S. Speaker; Sargent’s Standard Speaker; North Carolina Readers; Mitchell’s Geographies; (juaokenbos’s Rhetoric; Me. E. J. HALE s SON. Sept. 4, 18^7. ^>.11111. ( A .X 'l'W E I .L ’S X. Straim’t Justice Reviseif, jWm; lie vised r jm New (jioods Again! r JIH E undersigned has now in Store a COMPLETR M, STOCK OF GROCERIES AND — ALSO— Negro Kerteys, Blank^tf, Hats and Brojans. All or any of which will be sold low. Those in want call soon. q. w. I QOLDSTON. N. B.—A few Bushels Seed Wheat. Oot’r 19, 1857. a 2-*tf respectfully solicts public patronage. We will spare j no pains to render all comfortable who may favor us with a call. Our Table shall be furnished with the best the Market affords. Our STALLS are in good repair, well supplied, and attentive Ostlers in attendance. We also have a Large Stock of Goods on hand, consisting of a general variety, which we offer low for cash or on time to punctual dealers. STEED, HARRIS & ROSS. Albemarle, N. C., Oct. 28, 1857, 5G-*6mpd VALUABLE LAND FOR S^^\LE7 T h e Subscriber will sell at public Auction, at the Court House, in Elizabethtown, on the first Mon- i pay of February next, a Tract of LAND, recently tlie property of Archibald Smith, lying on both sides of Turnbull Creek, about seven miles from Cape Fear River, containing 440 .\cres. It is well Timbered and has a good site for a Saw Mill upon it—the stream affording a larger and more uniform supply of water than any other in the county, with easy water carriage for all kinds of produce to the River. Terms—Ninety days credit, for an appoved negotia- ble note. II. H. ROBINSON. 7o*2w Eiizabethtown, Jan’y 6, 1858. E X E rrT O irs n o t ic e ! TBIITE sn^.«ci‘i( ht having (|u I’ .ified -it the November Tf'rin of the CoTinty I'oiirt . r' lliaden, as Execa- , tor of ii.»' i“t li Testament of Willie Atkinson. Deed , iier-.'tiy requests all persons indebted to said j estate, to make immetliate payment, and all pert<ous I having claims to pr.-seut them within the time pre- . toribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ‘ of their recovery. i W. A. ATKINSON, Ex’r. Elisab«tht«WB, D«o 14, 18^7. 70« 6t ,, Il , 1 Daniel .McMillan, ,\l:try T apjieari r t.j the C. JLSTlCi:. and adap(e,t to the 6'ix/e. '■lU IS work, invaluable to Magistrates, OfBcers. and JM. all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price $3 50. For sale by E. J. HALE i SON A VALUAIiLE LAW HOOK. t DDIS(^N on ('ontracts, with Notes and References to .Vmerican cases, by Edward Ingersoll. I large vol, 1200 pages. Judge Woodward, ef the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania. says that “ this is the best book ou the aubject I ever had in my hands.” For sale by E. J. H.ALE A SON. THE W ARSAW HOUSE I s NOW OPEN, and the subscriber solicits the patronage of the travelling ccmmunity and the public in general. Every exertion on his part will be used to render them comfortable dur- ing their sojourn with him. His table will be always supplied with the best the market affords. llis bar will be furnished with the best Liquors thai can be bought. He has spacious Stables, and careful Ostlers in at- tendance at all times. Passengers going North can buy through tickets to W’eldon, from the Agent at the Fayetteville Hotel, re- turning can buy tickets at the W. & W. R. R, Office at W^eldon. Passengers stopping at the Warsaw House can have their baggage carried to and from the Rail Road. The Stage arrives at Warsaw at l.J o’clock, A. M., and leaves for Fayetteville on the arrival of the cars at 7it P. M. I have also a Daily Stage line I running to Kenansville, packages I and small boxes will be forwarded to any point on the line. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. STAGE AGENTS.—J. H. Roberts, Fayetteville; G. W. .\tkins, Clinton; J. B. Southerland, Warsaw; John Campbell, >Veldon; Isaac B Kelly, Kenansville. Nov. 6, 1857. BS-^Bm .fT rM jO R.tlj CO liIjEfiE. rw lH E Subscriber expects to receive his Fall and JL Winter Goods in a few days; his stock this sea- son will be found unusually aUraotive, comprised in part of a large assortment of Staple Goods; Latlics’ Dress Goods; Ready- made Clothing; Boots; Shoes; Hate; Caps; Bonnets; Cloaks; Talma?; &&. la fact, everything usually found in a Drr Goods Store, all of which will be sold to suit the tlnics to cash and prompt paying customers. At No. 1, Floral Avenue, is the place to find cheap, good and handsome Goods. Bear this in mind. , EDMUND LILLY. Sept. 4, 1857. 40-*tf ~ ^ f ^ L Y H O l l L L r '■I H E Subscribers having lately pur- -I. chased the above mentioned S'lW TK OF NOUTil I M e ROliE-XON I'dUNTY Court of Fleas and Quarter S( Term, l x .07 Archibald Graham aud others, \a H, Susan Te.i’k.i Petition for a Di\isiu;i of si„v I T appearing to the satisfaction ,1 ^ Hugh Tedder and Susan Tedder t? dants in this case, reside beyo:i l th- lim it is therefore, on motion, ordered v made for six weeks successively V''! (Jbserver, notifying the said detoii laiii, \ this petition, aud that unless they .i , ', term of this Court, to le held lur tii*! r " son, at the Court Hou.se in Luiiil,ui-t, .Monday in February next, thui a; ' ■ ** the petition, the same will ije takeu i,| heard ex parte as to them. Witness, John M. H irt>ii-n;, ('.crk -,! at office, the Fourth Monday in \ . and in the Eighty Secorii) ve;ir ut' \iui ' ' j M. H . U t n i v Lumberton, Dec 1‘Jth l.''-'>7. S I'A'I'E Or NoiM’li - \ U< ( B t S t )N ( , (! , I Court of Plea» liiiu (.Juai 't i Term, Angus D. MrI.ean \s M -'c.-ru Original Attachment, lev'ej oo Land ou Richland 'fitf..-»iot. -• in 1 ' 1, limits of this •■'tale. It s th 1 ,, (.'ourt, that publication be m.i'l- . Fayetteville (Jbsccver. for tijosi . at the next Term . f tl,:» . ouit, • (Jounty of Piohei'11 at liio (' ,., f n on the fourth .Nloiiday '.d 1 , , there to show cause why lu ■ ;, ,-i i' case should n:;t be coL: l.Mii;i;-.l i , , , claim, wherein ju igiuuiit fiii:il v.'il him. and a venditioni expnUHs Witijess, John M. H;triuia!i, 1 at Oflice, the fourth .M . ;iJav iu ' • and iu the bJd year of .\ij; r ,f. ]., 7i*t;t] J M ii^. STATE OF NOU rjl c , K(>BK.'''(>N ( O L M y Court of Pi'. js aii'i (^i^drt r Sy-.; , Term. I'SoT. Wughington .■> J diii« .u v» M . Original Attacliiuent levie 1 on .N ';:: -!' .. .,. ., Land on Richland Sw.iinp. a !i -'.>i,,, Dauiel .Mc.Millan. .\l>-ry (.irah-aru -1:,; .j, , " ' I T aj-pearing to the -atia.-ia'ti-ni . - ,• the defendant. .\l:iloo!ii 15 xt!;, r . i , - limits of this State, it is ttiti'-T .n . (Jourl, that puhiicatioi' 1- m i i- : >r ■ - , . Fayetteville Observer t -r the sii-1 ! ; ■, 1 ■ •- at the next Term of tli » tJouri. i County of Robeson at the t'ourt 11 u,._- jv on the !■.urth Monday in Fi-i.ruirv i;,:--; • to show cause whj the land lifvi- . ,, should not be condemi.ed t'j <.j, , •: wherein judirraent final wi l ii-i;,.- aud a venditioni exp-jnas isiuc t.. Witucss, John M. llarttuan. t. - 4,-.. at Office, the fourth .M •nday in ,vei - aud iu the f?2d year of .Vuieri. u. lii-i • 71*titj ' J, .M STA'l’K Ol-' NOHTU c\,;o\ CmL.NH, OflBce of the Court of Paa.s an i(^; • : - to February Term I' l' James Braswell, Solom n Bur' r lU i uel Butler aud wife ,Milly, ui i' rA / Nancy, Ashlej" Braswell, .V'!eii ;;r;..> - , , neth Braswell, Henr% B.'-isv. .. V . . Lotty Braswell, and the clnlJ.cii u:. Tobi.13 Braswell; doc'd. Thii is a Petition fiie-1 in the . 1,r ^ ; Slaves among the ue.\t o. kin of H,. in: 11;. deceased, late of the (Jouniy ■!' !;.■ I T appearing to the .-iati.'•faction ■: tiu- < Court that sail Kinneth Liraswei,. il.'urv i, Wheat Braswell, and Lofty Braswe':'.. cl.:' i; !, Braswell, deceased, who w is a br ita. r La.,' Richard Braswell, and also the i liiiJr- kin of Tobia.s Braswell, deceased, wbn wi- brother of said intestate, anJ wli o-.- - known, are non residents of tiii> St ' : iLi ■ ■■ said Kinneth, Henry, Wheat an l L)ttv dren of Williara Braswell, deceise i. i'..; dren and next of kin of said T ) ; is r>ri-» -l . whose names are unknown, are L.r< i i i r pear at the next Term of the Court : 1’ - ter Sessions, to be held for tiie (.'i'U;,t} ct' the Court Ho;ise iu Lumberton, ou ti.e on in February next, and plead, ans.ver or said Petition, otherwise the sam ■ wi:! parte as to them, and a decree be rendai. fesso. J- M. HART.\;.iN Deo’r 4, lS-j7. [ \ ( 5|.. \ is I l lM 'l I' 1;; I T' for ti"‘ or Mft-rf - (.’o r ti'<- W.M-k'v (•■■.-r- ,,.h.in.--: M 1 nr * \ I i\’i; KTI sr. Ml ^ > ,,,,..,■0 I'liir I'uM - ■! fill >• r..,,u.-te.l to f . they " i " ...... ■■'It'-' .• \,lvertiseniciits ; ■ ■ rent, extr a. \i:\\ ( i{< * i i;u I I 111'-' crib'f .lost : 1:1 - .1 iti'y ^ i A LCl ,N1!1* :;n i l. in " ;iNo, l*la«teiii:^ i Luiiip Lime. K T I .lan'y 1''. m :\\ I l\IN:.,<lv.N -- Ti: J i :irth •; -..v. r- ••Tlie lli'a>"ii Uliy,' l.y STATE OF XORTil CAROJN a P.OBESON COUNTY. Office of the Clerk and Master in K j>; James Braswell, Solomon Butler and w;:, ' uel Butler and wife .Milly. (liiei .i^ wife Nancy, Ashley Braswell. .Vli;-:i 1'^ Kinneth Braswell, H ?nry Braswcil, Wi- i!; ■< Lotty Braswell, and the heirs it law ; T well, dec’d. This is a Petition tiled in the Ofti;'e of tht ' Master in Equity for the County of said, praying for a sale of a Tract 'i L-.:: in Robeson County, containing about -14" which Richard Braswell, deceasevi. di^'i 5^,..-- possessed. I T appearing to the satisfaction of tl>> ' Master of this Court, that saivi ik.:*--J ■ - Wheat and Lotty Braswell, childrcii jf Well, deceased, who was a broth'T "f K;.' : Well, deceased; and also the chi'dron ‘i ^ , well, deceased, who was a’so a hr ith’-T ; deceased, whose names are unk; o»'u. fied to appear at the next Term <t tii 't/- to be held for the County' of R <!n.'son. ■' House in Lumberton, on the 4th .Me® next and defend said Petition, i.thcrwi* be heard ex parte and a decree 'f * pro oonfeeso as to said parties n jii ruu-. • R. S. FKKM H. I,. Dec’r 14. CLE f T k AND MAS ri:K'S RANDOLPH COrNTY, N- '' W HEREAS, Jesse Marley ha? fi!->’ ^ of the Clerk and .Master in I 1 • ' I dolph County, his bill of complaint (iii’ .ns'-J' ; ley, Thomas Marley, the hfirs »t " Teague, the heirs at law of It- i- 1^ V heirs at law of Polly Branson anJ 1 - ' ' ' ■ wood, Polly Siler, John Stewirf. 1- Daniel, Frankey Beck. Nancey .Vllri li?. - ’ Daniel, and Sophia Wood, praying it'f of the Will of Miriam P. Alston, .‘ind a[' settlement of the plaintiff’s adniiiiist 'i»;i>':- ' ^ as her testator; and it appearing t v I'ev - deHtndants (excepting John and ^ ‘ ' j - ' , ^ non residents of this State, therefore, . given to said non resident defVn iatu-' 7 ‘. the next Court of Equity, to be heM ! ' ' ^ i at the Court House in Asheborougli. ou t;!* ^ . day of March, 1858, then and there to l or demur to said bill, otherwise the ^auu' ■ ken as confefsed, and heard ex parte as t ■ , Witness, J. Worth, Clerk and .Mast''' '• at .Asheborough, this 8th Dec'r. 1?^ " , . 6?*Ct] J. c T7 e RK AND MAS'ri:H > RANDOLPH COUNTY. N ' W HEREAS, Jonathan Worth, a.iwa-* * bonis non. with the will anntS'Y. Neill, Senior, and as administrator of - , has filed in this office his bill ot ' . Jennet McNeill, R. E. Harris and , Martin McNeill, John .McLeau, Henry Flora, and Sarah Shaw, for a cot.?‘t'^'^'‘. _ . testator’s will and for a final settlement ^ j , and it appearing to me by affidavit tliit t . and wife, and Sarah Shaw are not inha < ■ • State: Therefore, Notice is hereby givt’n . resident defendants to appear at the ^ Equity to be held for said County, at ' • in Asheborough, on the 4th Monday of - ^ ^ then and there to plead, answer or d»‘ia’" , otherwise the same will be taken ■- the Court will make such decree therein .’ .s Witness, J. Wortu, Clerk and Master at oflSoe in Asheboroujh, tliis 8th I 68* 6t] J. WORTH, C. »“ l-'iirther 'U] ' . t \1 Painter. Ci; i.-r at; i V » K^iraiii .l.ic-'^ N-t. liicalit s ( "la: ■ i ; o 1 •. C o n v b e a r c '•* l.ii^ 1 1-1 i^t, with -tijil'.* - lit; 1; rcceivo.l .lan'y 1 ' -'- u i : a l F.sr f ■'^H 1 ; suli-'-riloT B. terms, her i i'iiiit 1 ChirU I’I.'ice. -i'u ‘e l .li town, beyoii‘1 the Mil six rooms w'tli tir«'-] i-n. fifteen acn s, in .re or 1 . tached to it. If not 2. it will oil th.'it 'l.iy b the Market 11 ‘U-e at 1. j.rirtieiilar- eii'iuire -f .lan’y I'i. I’resliyterian till Si S ID N E Y Attorney Mild S V I I ’B ' I I m i / - ll.L atten.l r VV (' Mllt- -o U nett, and \\ ii'"ti. \1 ^ will ri'(;eive ( v 'luiit att .lan’y l_’. N CONF rawin', -oi,-, i r ha M lievi - t'. ' bi'st clii.^ir .if JO ' (-ie. live W'll til 1ell I'-i i:i lliiiidred Dol'ar-i jo-r ' to any a liire"- .m tiie mail. letti-r- u 'M l>t .l.iy "f .\] r;;. A h .lati’v i’ noi.t.A T)Y L I V K f vVi:.\ KSK FEVE \ii.t Ito- \ ,r.-- <VnM S-1. h 1, 11. -rll.!,.:,. 1 HI. . .1,-... !• ; 1 : ' II II, 111 r . • .:i 111 i 1 . = . ■ r\ '1 Io . V ♦ _» l till. i.r.iMi|.; . -.It* 1. -nr. l-..„ rl r . . i:* l;'0.i|i. .,11 m l.-n,o .j „ « 'I-. aim III. ri ,\ t .• Tf Kr.'.ii 111,. ■ i'.M -h_ ■ 'J* kiiou 01" ti r i ; r kll‘i» .......... 1*011VII,,t j 'i'lrnv ..r .• .... . ■N ' *1It 1. ... . * - = ur.i:* : . i •* U-. n h‘*v% . '1 i \ ■ ■ r 'II.VItM \ h 1 ' Siinillel .1 .June I 1 i l e \ m : c 4 LL ti: ^ .u;ii eai a. . nn I JLiliiUiva t

I Inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1858-01-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · tirm of Lutterloh & Co., is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. James F. Marsh or Thos. S. Lutterloh will

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    )f*.t?h . .-

    P L E A S E C A I . L A N D S E T T L E .

    A l l tho86 owiug me Notes or Accounts will please call and settle the same, as 1 am in w ant of funds and I cannot afford to indulge them any longer.

    J . 0. POE.J a n ’y 4, 1858. 73-Im

    N O T I C E .r a i H E Copartnership heretofore exis ting between theJ L subscribers, {in thf freighting business,) under the

    tirm of Lutterloh & Co., is this day dissolved by m utual consent. James F. Marsh or Thos. S. Lutterloh will close the business of the late firm.

    T S Ll'TTEULOn, j F. M . \R s n ,W. P. ELLIOTT,JNO. B. TKOV, Jr .

    Dec’r 31, 1857. _

    C ( ) l \ \ 1 7 T X K R S n i P N O r i C E .

    f l l l l E undersigned would respectfully inform theB. citizens of Fiiyetteville •md the surrounding

    country, tliat they have entere.l into Copartnersh ip AO.MN tor the purpose of carry ing on the

    \ V a ; ; o i i - ! f l a k i i i s :in !ill its branches, at the old stand on the corner in Franklin and Maxwell Streets, where they would be any will receive sealed

    bids for ^10,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of (’umberland, and ^IW.OOU of the CouponBondsof the Town of Fayetteville, until the 4th of January nest, and for like amounts of each on the 1st Mondays of February, March and April.

    The County Bonds bear 7 per cent, interest, payable on the 1st of June and 1st of December, and are r e deemable ^0 years from 1st June 18o7.

    The Town Bonds bear t'l por cent, interest, payable 1st Ja n ’y and 1st July, and arc redeemsbie ’JO years from 1st January 18-50. I

    These Bonds are a part of the ^ltK.i,l*0 'J authorizc l ' by the General .Assembly to be issued by the Town and | County respectively, in payment for their subscription ; (if iltk>,(XK.i to tl.e Capital Stock of the Western Rail Road Company, und are the only Bonds ever issued by either Town or County.

    The Town Bonds are each. A few of the County Bonds are !}>100, the remainder

    C. B. MALLETT, Pres tDec. 10, 1857. ny-tf

    T h e i j a r g ^ t C a r r i a g e F a r t a r »f i n t h e S o M t h :

    T \

    A. A. M c K r/r i IA . \

    KE S P E C T F U L L Y i n f o r m s h i » f r i e n d s a n d I ' l e

    p u b l i c , t h a t h e h a s b u i l t u p l a r g e s u b s t a n t i a l B r i c k R u i l d i n p s a t h i s O M S t - i n d . e x p r e s s l y lo r m a u -

    u f a c t u r h . p ei l a n d d>> :in_v w o r k in h i s l i n e o n a s g o o d t e r m s a s a n y w o r k d tu i e e l s e w h e r e t h a t i s a s we l l d . n n ’. H e n o w h a s o n h a n d ,

    F i n i s h l d . t h e L A R G E S T S T t X ’ K tif

    ( ' n r n U n r t u i c h e s , l i o c k itHii

    /> / / ! . ' i ' / ' •E v e r o 3 e r e d i n t h i s p l a c e , an«l a v e r y l a r g e st'>c:v o f w o r k n e a r l y f i n i s h e d , w h i c h w i l l b e t i n i s h e i i d - i i h . .\I1 o f w h i c h w i l l be s o l d v e r y l u w t o r onh a n d m o r e tli.nii U.N K H L N l ' K K l * A N U F l l l ^ Ni ' i i - c l e s f i n i s h e d a i i d i n courriu hoM inliii'lely .su|>crior il is to all these imilutians.

    iA>“'''"ld at 3I.IKI per bottle, or *i.x hollies lor ii5,(Kl. by the S O L K 1* t to I* K 1 KT(J R S,

    E S i : ' V J A T | | ^ l * A « E , J K . A; € 0 .mani ’k a c t c b i h #


    PlTTSBURtUI, P a .

    Samuel J. Hinsdale 80le agent for Fayetteville June 14, 1807.

    tO ^l'lic Presbyterian Fsaltnodist__Character Notes. A fur ther supply ju s t received.

    E. J HALE & SON.

    N O T IC E .^ I ^ I I E undereigned having executed a power of At-

    ̂■ -'ioore, he is thereby author ized to make all Bettleinents for me and in my name, and geiierally to transact all business as I might or could do were 1 personally present. J . j . MOORE

    iayet tevi lle, June 3, 1857. 18tf

    t o n s No.by

    Aug- 28.

    (UJANO.1 PERUVLa.N GUANO, for sal«

    WORTH 4̂ UTLEY.38-

    T. C. & B. G-. W O R T H ,C o i i m i i s s i o n & F o r w a r d i n g M e r c h a n t s ,

    Brou'fi ŝ Building^ Mfuter Street^

    W ilm in g to n ^ .V € ,Usual advances made on consignments.

    Nov. 11, 1857. 6!i-tf

    T). ;V. T a M O N ' I ' ,

    Com m ission M erchan t,Wiliiiin;:'toii, C.


    I’ersoiial a t tent ion given to all produce lient to him either for sale or shipment.

    Nov’r tl. r,7-1ypd

    D A V I D M c D r i ' K l E ,

    H r i r k m t t s o n a m i P l a s t e r i ' r ^L'pared to do all kinds of work in his line, in-

    .1 _____ i *̂;iIand


    prejeluding the putt ing up of T urpen t ine Stills in this

    1 the adjoining counties.r’ayetfeul le , .April 27, 18->7. 8 - l \ - p d

    J . W I L I J A M P \ ( ; E , \ l d . ,

    # • M T T S i t O K O # # , V .

    D K. P.VOE may be found at his ofiice when not jirofessionallv «iigaged..May t>, 1>')7. ' -W

    B. F. P E A R C E & C O ,l»KALEftS IN

    F()KKK;\ and DOMI-STK’ DRV liOODS.H \ r s . ( ' M ’S, BOt)T.> ̂ ,\NU SHOES,

    L niLrt'/hia (iitil tit-nilt/- ( ’/othiiKj,

    H A V STRKKT,i ' a y e t t e r i H e ^ . V . V .

    Jiilv -St I.r K . \ K C E , J K


    J . \ V . l U K K I iN now rece iv ing ' iVoiii t h e N o r t h the

    lar^'e.-Jt, tiut>.>t, auiJ luos t i-Hret'ully >0- lected stoi'k of

    F 9 l e i :ever ofl'ere*! in th is market; which, a id e d to h;s o-.vn manufacture, makes hi.s assortment rc 'tnplete;—all ot which he will seil uu thelowe.st p 'S-uble terms for cash or on time to putictiiul ̂.11111.

    ( A . X ' l ' W E I . L ’S X .

    S t r a i m ’t J u s t ice Revise if ,jWm; l i e v ised


    j m

    New (jioods Again!r J I H E undersigned has now in S tore a COMPLETR M , STOCK OF •


    — ALSO— ’N e g r o K e r teys , B lank^ tf , H a t s a n d B r o j a n s .

    All or any of which will be sold low. Those in want call soon. q . w . I QOLDSTON.

    N. B.— A few Bushels Seed Wheat.Oot’r 19, 1857. a2-*tf

    respectfully solicts public patronage. We will spare j no pains to render all comfortable who may favor us

    with a call. Our Table shall be furn ished with the best the Market affords.

    Our STALLS are in good repair , well supplied, and at tent ive Ostlers in attendance.

    We also have a Large Stock of Goodson hand, consisting of a general variety , which we offer low for cash or on time to punctual dealers.

    STEED, HARRIS & ROSS.Albemarle, N. C., Oct. 28, 1857, 5G-*6mpd

    V A L U A B L E L A N D F O R S ^ ^ \ L E 7

    T h e Subscriber will sell at public Auction, a t the Court House, in Elizabethtown, on the first Mon- i pay of February next, a Tract of LAND, recently tlie

    property of Archibald Smith, lying on both sides of Turnbull Creek, about seven miles from Cape Fear River, containing 440 .\cres.

    I t is well Timbered and has a good site for a Saw Mill upon it—the st ream affording a larger and more uniform supply of water than any other in the county , with easy water carr iage for all kinds of produce to the River.

    Term s— Ninety days credit , for an appoved nego t ia ble note.

    II. H. ROBINSON.7o*2wEiizabethtown, J a n ’y 6 , 1858.

    E X E r r T O i r s n o t i c e !T B IITE sn^.«ci‘i (ht having (|u I’.ified -it the November

    Tf'rin of the CoTinty I'oiirt . r' lliaden, as Execa- , tor of ii.»' i“t li Testament of Willie Atkinson.

    D eed , iier-.'tiy requests all persons indebted to said j estate, to make immetliate payment, and all pertii-n;, ('.crk -,! at office, the Fourth Monday in \ .and in the Eighty Secorii) ve;ir ut' \iui '

    ' j M. H .U tn ivLumberton, Dec 1‘Jth l.''-'>7.

    S I 'A'I 'E O r N o iM ’li - \U< (BtSt )N ( , (! , I

    C o u r t of P lea» liiiu (.Juai 't i T e rm ,

    Angus D. MrI.ean \s M -'c.-ru Original Attachment , lev'ej oo

    Land ou Richland

    'fitf..-»iot. -• in 1' 1,

    limits of this •■'tale. It s th 1 ,,(.'ourt, tha t publication be m.i'l- . Fayet tevi lle (Jbsccver. for t i josi . a t the next Term . f tl,:» . ouit, •(Jounty of P iohei '11 at liio (' ,., f n on the fourth .Nloiiday '.d 1 , ,there to show cause why lu ■ ;, ,-i i' case should n:;t be coL: l.Mii;i;-.l i , , ,claim, wherein ju igiuuiit fiii:il v.'il him. and a venditioni expnUHs

    Witijess, John M. H;triuia!i, 1 at Oflice, the fourth .M. ;iJav iu ' • and iu the bJd year of .\ij; r ,f. ].,7 i* t ; t ] J M ii^.

    S T A T E O F NOU r j l c ,K(>BK.'''(>N ( O LM y

    C o u r t o f Pi'. j s aii ' i (^i^drt r Sy-.; ,

    T e rm . I'SoT.Wughington .■> J diii« .u v» M .

    Original Attacliiuent levie 1 on .N';:: -!' .. .,. ., Land on Richland Sw.iinp. a !i -'.>i,,, •Dauiel .Mc.Millan. .\l>-ry (.irah-aru -1:,; .j, ," '

    I T aj-pearing to the -atia.-ia'ti-ni . - ,•the defendant. .\l:iloo!ii 15 xt!;, r . i , -limits of this State, it is ttiti'-T .n . (Jourl, tha t puhiicatioi ' 1- m i i- : >r ■ - , .Fayetteville Observer t -r the sii-1 ! ; ■, 1 ■ •- a t the next Term of tli » tJouri. i County of Robeson a t the t'ourt 11 u,._- jv on the !■.u r th Monday in Fi-i.ruirv i;,:--; • to show cause whj the land lifvi- . ,,should not be condemi.ed t'j - , , neth Braswell, Henr% B.'-isv. .. V. . Lotty Braswell, and the clnlJ.cii u:.Tobi.13 Braswell; doc'd.

    T hii is a Petition fiie-1 in the . 1 ,r ̂ ; Slaves among the ue.\t o. kin of H,. in: 11;. deceased, late of the (Jouniy ■!' !;.■

    I T appearing to the .-iati.'•faction ■: tiu- < • Court that s a i l Kinneth Liraswei,. il.'urv i, Wheat Braswell, and Lofty Braswe':'.. cl.:' i; !, Braswell, deceased, who w is a br ita. r La.,' R ichard Braswell, and also the i liiiJr- kin of Tobia.s Braswell, deceased, wbn wi- brother of said intestate, anJ wli o-.- -known, are non residents of tiii> St ' : iLi ■ ■■ said Kinneth, Henry, Wheat an l L)ttv dren of Williara Braswell, deceise i. i'..; dren and next of kin of said T ) ; is r>ri-» -l . whose names are unknown, are L.r< i i i r pear at the next Term of the Court : 1’ -te r Sessions, to be held for tiie (.'i'U;,t} ct' the Court Ho;ise iu Lumberton, ou ti.e on in February next, and plead, ans.ver or said Petition, otherwise the sam ■ wi:! par te as to them, and a decree be r e n d a i . fesso. J- M. HART.\;.iN

    Deo’r 4, lS-j7.

    [ \ ( 5 | . . \


    I l l M ' l I '

    1;; I T'

    for t i " ‘

    or Mf t - r f -

    (.’o r ti'

    R. S. FKKM H. I,.Dec’r 14.

    C L E fT k A N D M A S r i : K ' SRANDOLPH COrNTY, N- ''

    W HEREAS, Jesse Marley ha? fi!->’ ^of the Clerk and .Master in I 1 • ' Idolph County, his bill of complaint (iii’.ns'-J' ; ley, Thomas Marley, the hfirs »t " Teague, the heirs at law of It- i - 1̂ V hei rs a t law of Polly Branson anJ 1 - ' ' ' ■ wood, Polly Siler, John Stewirf. 1- Daniel, F rankey Beck. Nancey .Vllri li?. - ’ Daniel, and Sophia Wood, praying it'f of the Will of Miriam P. Alston, .‘ind a[' settlement of the plaintiff ’s adniiiiist 'i»;i>':- ' ̂as he r testa tor; and it appearing t v I'ev - deHtndants (excepting John and ̂ ‘ ' j- ' , ̂non residents o f this State, therefore, .given to said non resident defVn iatu-' 7 ‘. the nex t Cour t of Equity, to be heM ! ' ' ^ i a t the Court House in Asheborougli. ou t;!* ̂ .day of March, 1858, then and there to l or dem ur to said bill, otherwise the ^auu' ■ ken as confefsed, and heard ex parte as t ■ “ ,

    Witness, J. Worth, Clerk and .Mast''' '• a t .Asheborough, this 8 th Dec'r. 1?̂ " , .6 ?*Ct] J.

    c T 7 e R K A N D M A S ' r i : H > ’RANDOLPH COUNTY. N '

    W HEREAS, Jona than Worth, a.iwa-* * bonis non. with the will anntS'Y.Neill, Senior, and as administrator of - ,has filed in this office his bill ot ' .J e n n e t McNeill, R. E. Harris and ,Mart in McNeill, John .McLeau, Henry ‘Flora, and Sarah Shaw, for a cot.?‘t'^'^'‘. _ . te s ta to r’s will and for a final settlement ̂ j ,and it appear ing to me by affidavit tliit t .and wife, and Sarah Shaw are not inha