c s r r > t k i j 0 CALA EVENING STAR h s a t3 Volume 15 No 177 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22 1909 Filty Cents a Month S5 a Year t I 0 L i COMFORTSA- ND BLANKETST- he I CoW Wave is Here We Have al Large Line of Comforts and Blankets- At i Reasonable Prices I I Comforts Double Bed at 98c Up Blankets Single or Double 98c Up All the above ate Good Values and we Invite Comparison V FRANKS F LORI D- AM n FISHEL SONO- ffer a Beautiful Dressed Doll FREE To the Girl not over 12 years old A Fine Air Rifle Shoots 500 Times Without Reloading I I BoyFREE I- To the years old 1 Who will Compose and Write the Be- stSANTA Letter to CLAUS 1r Telling him r what they want him to bring them for Christmas I Mail or bring your letters to Santa J Claus in care o- fFishel M 800 Ocala Florida CONTEST CLOSES DECEMBER 24 1909 t We have the largest line of Toys r U and Christmas Goods in Ocala Come in and look and then write a your Letter MONTEZUMA HOTEL GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND Leading Commercial Hotel Rates S2 Per Day Ocala Florida r DAVID S WOODROW VM J SHERIDAN Phone 165 Phone 139 WOODMAR SAND STONE COMPANYO- FFICE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA d CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND J We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all kinds of Cement Work Build Founda tlons make Cement Blocks Cement Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We make Blocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick and the cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry i J- x t- COPHAGENlDISCREDIT DR COOKI The Evidence Submitted to Them by the Explorer is Xot Enough to sustain His Claim of Reaching the Poleo- Copenhagen Dec 22Dr Fred ¬ erick A Cook has failed to sustain I his claim that he reached the north I poleThe University of Copenhagens I committee appointed by the great ¬ est institution of learning in this na ¬ tion made its report yesterday on tue voluminous records submitted by the Brooklyn explorer and the com- mittee ¬ after deliberation which cov- ered ¬ several days and during which time the data was gone over in a most thorough manner solemly de ¬ clares that the proof of Dr Cook having been at the pole is not to be 1 found in the explorers records Report in Detail The report of the committee ap ¬ pointed by the University of Copen- hagen ¬ which Dr Cook allowed to f become the arbitrator of his claim has been made in complete form The committee recently presented its report to the consistory of the I f university and reviewed the denun- ciations ¬ of the experts with the greatest care and discussed the find- ings ¬ from every point Both the committee and the con- sistory ¬ are very much disappointed- The consistory met yesterday and adopted the official report which states that the alleged records sub ¬ mitted as proof of Dr Cooks finding the location of the north pole are I without any value The report is signed by all members of the com- mittee ¬ headed by Professor Strom gren chairman I The report states further that Dr Cooks report to the University of Copenhagen is practically the same as his story published in the New i York Herald upon his return from tue Arctic regions I Xo Original Calculations Given Copies of his note books submit ¬ ted to the committee that body re ¬ ports contain no original calcula ¬ tions Accordingly the committee I concludes that he offers no proof of having reached the north pole The documents submitted to the university for examination included- a typewritten report by Cook and a typewritten copy of Cooks notebook Cooks secretary Waiter Lonsdale- told the commission that the original notebooks were sent to Europe by another route despite the explorers promise the original notebook and diaries never reached the commis ¬ sion The explorer s address is not known even to his secretary Cook a Fallen Ideal I Widespread indignation over the deception which placed practically the whole of Denmark in a humi- iiu iu > position has taken the place- of I the hero worship Heretofore ac ¬ corded Explorer COOK The public is unable to comprenend why Cook I sent papers when he admits in a let ¬ ter to Professor Torp that it seems unwise and impossible to give final judgment because of the absence 01 instruments and observations which 1 left at Etah Iemoers of the ex- amining ¬ I board were argry over the I doctors behavior Professor Strom f gren is furious and characterized Cooks treatment as shameless- A THRILLING RESCUE How Bert R Lean of Cheny Wash was saved from a frightful death Is a story to thrill Jhe world A hard cold he writesbrought on a des- perate ¬ lung trouble that baffled an ex ¬ pert heru Then I paid 10 to 15 a y sitto a lung specialist in Spokane who did not help me Then- I went to California but without ben ¬ efit At last I used Dr Kings New Discovery which completely cured me and now I am as w as ever For I lung trouble bronchitis coughs and colds asthma croup and whooping cough its supreme 50c and 1 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all drug- gists ¬ 1 EVIDENCE IS AMPLE J Says the Prosecutor igainst the Re- lations ¬ of Occy Sneau New York Dec 22 I believe 1 have evidence enough to obtain three indictments pros cutor Mptt de- clared ¬ before presentation of the facts concerning Ocey Sneads death- to the grand jury Mott said he had evidence con ¬ necting Miss Virginia Warnlaw the maiden aunt of the bath tub victim with the crime and establishing the presence of Mrs Carolina B Martin tne young womans mother on the scene before the discovery of the body- HEXAMtlHYLtNETETRAMINE The above is the name of a German chemical which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kid ¬ n Remedy Hexamethylenetetramine- iis recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Fo- ley Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any Irregularities and avoid a serious malady Sold by all druggists PEARY IS PLEASED j Washington Dec 2Thrte months ago from the Labrador coast I sounded an explicit warning to the iworld based upon accurate informa- tion ¬ in regard to Dr Cooks claim and- I I accept the responsR > Hit fulfilled a I duty to myself and the world Com- mander ¬ I Robert B Peary thus express- ed ¬ his sentiments regarding the fail- ure ¬ of the University of Copenhagen to decide for Conk The symptoms of kidney troubles- are urinary disorders weak back and backache rheumatism and rheumatic pains and twinges pains In the groin etc There is nMhlng so good for kid- ney ¬ and bladder trouble as DeWltts Kidney and ffUadtUr Pills You may depend upon ium to give entire satis ¬ faction Thy are antiseptic act promptly and soothe the pain Sold jby all druggists S z THE POWER BEHIND THE THRONE Zelaya Assumes to Rule Nicaragua Through his Nephew Madriz who- is Xot Satisfactory to Estrada and his Friends Managua Dec 2It is Presi ¬ dent Madriz now with the shadow- of President Zelaya behind the pres ¬ idential chair Judge Madriz assumed the office yesterday following his selection Monday by the Nicarguan congress Zelayas intimate friends are open in their boasting that tne new regime will not be different from what the Zelaya administration has been Friends of General Estrada the head of the revolutionary army de ¬ clare that the Madriz government cannot endure any more than could the Zelaya administration They ex- pect ¬ to see Madriz assume a concil- iatory ¬ attitude toward foreign pow ¬ ers but they are equally candid in ineir expressions of belief that his government cannot endure and that Estrada will fight his way into the presidential chair They believe the sympathy of other governments and especially the Uhited States will re ¬ main with Zela a- CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the bloou and mucous surface Halls Catarrh Cure is not- a quack medicine It was prescribed- by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh Send for testi- monials ¬ free F J Cheney Co Proprietors Toltdo Ohio Sold by druggists price The Take Halls Family Pills for constipation OYSTERS OYSTERS i Fine Apalachicola and Crystal River oysters served in any style at all I times of the day or night at the Brick I City Restaurant opposite the A C L I passenger depot Fried oysters deliv- ered ¬ I to any place in the city with olives crackers and tics < s Phone I 209 S A Moses Manager I I A FAMILY WIPED OUT Father Mother and Three Children I Burned Alive in Their Home New York Dec 22 A horrlbe tragedy was enacted in Yonkers early yesterday morning wherein an entire family was wiped out of existence by- a lire which destroyed their home The victims were Theodore Fred- erick ¬ Mrs Frederick md their three small children The lire occurred before daylight- and the family were sleeping in an upper story of the house The lames apparently had their origin from a stove on the lower floor It is sup- posed ¬ that they were smothered by smoke before being awakened or that they were unable to find their way out of the house The bodies charred be- yond ¬ recognition were discovered In the ashes of the house after the fire was over The house in which the Fredericks lived was some distance from any other READ THIS I Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909I have sold Halls Texas Wonder of St 1 Louis Mo for six years Every bot ¬ I tle I sell adds a customer for it It is a genuine cure for kidney bladder and I rheumatic troubles Geo Ohnmacht Merchant 60 days treatment In each I bottle JURY COULDNT AGREE And its Diamonds to Doughnuts the Reelfoot Night Riders Will Eventually Go Free Union City Tenn Dec 2The al- leged ¬ night riders who were accused- of having a part in the murder of Iatnt Quentin Rankin who was killed at Reelfoot lake were sent back to jail yesterday after the jury in their case which had been out for several days were discharged by the judge after reporting that they were hope ¬ lessly divided and could not arrive at to verdict COULD NOT BE BITER No one has ever made a salve oint- ment ¬ I lotion or balm to compare with Bucklens Arnica Salve Its the one perfect healer of trts corns burns I bruises sores scafds boils ulcers eczema salt theumvFor sore eyes cold sores cha its supreme Infallible for piles Only 25c at all druggists I WHITE SLAVE BILL- REPORTED TO THE HOUSE Washington Dec 2The Mann white slave traffic bill was favora- bly ¬ reported In the House yesterday- from committee The > ort which accompanied the- presentation of the bill disclaims any purpose of the act to interefere with I the police powers of the states It j states that the object of the bill is to suppress Immoral traffic In women I bringing them to this country from I other countries to make of them in- mates I of houses of prostitution The j committee report urges that the House take favorable action on the bill and i seek to at once eradicate this greatest I of all evils that has a foothold In the I country j A POLICEMANS TESTIMONY 1 J N Paterson night policeman of j Nashua Iowa writes Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried j at least half a iloenjjd o ertised cough medicines and blrtf treatment from two physician Av tbout getting any benefit A friend f recommended Fo leys Honey xyyLTar and twothirds- of a bottle cured me I consider it the I greatest cough and lung medicine in the world Sold by all druggists Ii V- I 1j 0- I j f- I j TAKE YOUR MEATS TO THE 1 NEW COLD STORAGEM- OST I MODERN IN THE STATE i We Guarantee You Against Loss I by Negligence on Our Part in Car- ing for Your meats We also Insure f You Against Loss by Fire i CRYSTAL ICE COLD STORASE CANNING COMPANY i OCALA FLORIDA i fi- c c r r r i t- dChristmas 0 Will Be Here I Before You Can Say Jack Robinson t V This week will be a busy one for everybody Look this list over and get your wants for the Christmas Dinner Get your order- in i today and avoid the rush v I I Candy 20 au and talc pound Tomato Preserves Sweet Pickled Peaches w Nuts all kinds 20c pound I Currant Jelly Brandy Peaches llaisins clusters 15 and 20c Poultry Seasoning V j I Whole Preserved Peaches Seeded Raisins 2 pounds 25c I Pineapple Cheese Currants 2 pounds 2oc Edam Cheese Peach Pineapple Strawberry Cher- ry ¬ i I Shelled Almonds oOc pound Limburger Cheese and Raspberry Pure FrultPre Citron Lemon and Orange reel I Cranberries serves a I Crystalized Pineapple Mushrooms Homemade Dewberry and Apple I Crystalied Cherries I French Peas Jelly Stuffed Dates x Olive Oil Bishop Cos Preserves and Jellies I Stuffed Figs I Fruit Cakes 1 lb 5 Ibs and 10 Ibs Mince Meat in bulk loc pound Illlunkcs Stuffed Dates Champagne Wafers Mince Meat in crocks 75 and 85c Preserved CJingc- rCarbonated Festino Apple Butter Apple Juice Ginger Wafers Peach Butter and Plum Butter r Plum Pudding 15c 30c and 55c j Nabisco Burnt Onion Sauce Honed Chicken I Heinz Preserves in stone crocks 85c Mint Sauce i I Boned Turkey Heinz Olives Pickles Pickled On ¬ Food Colors I I Cranberry Saure- Cranberries I ions India Relish Maudalay lied Sugar for Icing I Sauce Tomato Chutney Tomato Philadelphia Cream Cheese I I Guava Jelly I I Catsup Roquefort Cheese Our 40c Candy is the very thing Santa Claus wants and the SOc and 30c kinds are mighty goodall Pure Goods Our Nuts and Raisins are Fresh Goods just i r O Grocery s HARVEY CLARK Proprietor 2 Phones J 74 Ocala Florida i a fmmuml JT ir i in The Hunting Season 4- j IS NOW ON I I We have a fine line of Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers Shells Cartridges Hunting- I Coats Leggings Sheath Knives Com- plete ¬ I Camp Outfits Etc Etc The Most Complete Stock in the City I I MARION HARDWARE CO Ocala Florida I

I NEW CoW - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03354/00203.pdf · pert heru Then I paid 10 to ... combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces

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a t3

Volume 15 No 177 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22 1909 Filty Cents a Month S5 a Year tI






CoW Wave is Here We Have alLarge Line of

Comforts and Blankets-At


Reasonable Prices I


Comforts Double Bed at 98c Up

Blankets Single or Double 98c Up

All the above ate Good Values and weInvite Comparison






ffer a Beautiful Dressed Doll

FREETo the Girl not over 12 years oldA Fine Air Rifle Shoots 500 Times

Without ReloadingI I


To the years old1

Who will Compose and Write theBe-

stSANTALetter to

CLAUS1r Telling him


what they want him tobring them for Christmas

I Mail or bring your letters to SantaJ Claus in care o-

fFishelM 800Ocala Florida


We have the largest line of Toysr

U and Christmas Goods in OcalaCome in and look and then write


your Letter


Leading Commercial Hotel Rates S2 Per Day Ocala Florida





J We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do allkinds of Cement Work Build Founda tlons make Cement Blocks CementBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We makeBlocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick andthe cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry

i J-





The Evidence Submitted to Them by

the Explorer is Xot Enough to

sustain His Claim of Reaching

the Poleo-

Copenhagen Dec 22Dr Fred ¬

erick A Cook has failed to sustain I

his claim that he reached the northI

poleThe University of Copenhagens I

committee appointed by the great ¬

est institution of learning in this na ¬

tion made its report yesterday ontue voluminous records submitted bythe Brooklyn explorer and the com-mittee


after deliberation which cov-ered


several days and during whichtime the data was gone over in amost thorough manner solemly de ¬

clares that the proof of Dr Cookhaving been at the pole is not to be 1

found in the explorers recordsReport in Detail

The report of the committee ap ¬

pointed by the University of Copen-hagen


which Dr Cook allowed to f

become the arbitrator of his claimhas been made in complete formThe committee recently presentedits report to the consistory of the I

f university and reviewed the denun-ciations


of the experts with thegreatest care and discussed the find-ings


from every pointBoth the committee and the con-


are very much disappointed-The consistory met yesterday andadopted the official report whichstates that the alleged records sub ¬

mitted as proof of Dr Cooks findingthe location of the north pole are I

without any value The report issigned by all members of the com-mittee


headed by Professor Stromgren chairman

I The report states further thatDr Cooks report to the Universityof Copenhagen is practically the sameas his story published in the New i

York Herald upon his return fromtue Arctic regions

I Xo Original Calculations GivenCopies of his note books submit ¬

ted to the committee that body re ¬

ports contain no original calcula ¬

tions Accordingly the committee I

concludes that he offers no proof ofhaving reached the north pole

The documents submitted to theuniversity for examination included-a typewritten report by Cook and atypewritten copy of Cooks notebookCooks secretary Waiter Lonsdale-told the commission that the originalnotebooks were sent to Europe byanother route despite the explorerspromise the original notebook anddiaries never reached the commis¬

sion The explorer s address is notknown even to his secretary

Cook a Fallen Ideal I

Widespread indignation over thedeception which placed practicallythe whole of Denmark in a humi-

iiuiu > position has taken the place-of


the hero worship Heretofore ac¬

corded Explorer COOK The public isunable to comprenend why Cook I

sent papers when he admits in a let ¬

ter to Professor Torp that it seemsunwise and impossible to give finaljudgment because of the absence 01instruments and observations which1 left at Etah Iemoers of the ex-

amining¬ I

board were argry over the I

doctors behavior Professor Strom f

gren is furious and characterizedCooks treatment as shameless-


How Bert R Lean of Cheny Washwas saved from a frightful death Isa story to thrill Jhe world A hardcold he writesbrought on a des-perate


lung trouble that baffled an ex ¬

pert heru Then I paid 10 to15 a y sitto a lung specialist in

Spokane who did not help me Then-I went to California but without ben ¬

efit At last I used Dr Kings NewDiscovery which completely cured meand now I am as w as ever For I

lung trouble bronchitis coughs andcolds asthma croup and whoopingcough its supreme 50c and 1 Trialbottle free Guaranteed by all drug-gists




Says the Prosecutor igainst the Re-


of Occy SneauNew York Dec 22 I believe 1

have evidence enough to obtain threeindictments pros cutor Mptt de-


before presentation of thefacts concerning Ocey Sneads death-to the grand jury

Mott said he had evidence con ¬

necting Miss Virginia Warnlaw themaiden aunt of the bath tub victimwith the crime and establishing thepresence of Mrs Carolina B Martintne young womans mother on thescene before the discovery of thebody-


The above is the name of a Germanchemical which is one of the manyvaluable ingredients of Foleys Kid ¬

n Remedy Hexamethylenetetramine-iis recognized by medical text booksand authorities as a uric acid solventand antiseptic for the urine Take Fo-ley Kidney Remedy as soon as younotice any Irregularities and avoid aserious malady Sold by all druggists

PEARY IS PLEASEDj Washington Dec 2Thrte monthsago from the Labrador coast Isounded an explicit warning to the

iworld based upon accurate informa-tion


in regard to Dr Cooks claim and-I

I accept the responsR >Hit fulfilled aI duty to myself and the world Com-


I Robert B Peary thus express-ed


his sentiments regarding the fail-


of the University of Copenhagento decide for Conk

The symptoms of kidney troubles-are urinary disorders weak back andbackache rheumatism and rheumaticpains and twinges pains In the groinetc There is nMhlng so good for kid-ney


and bladder trouble as DeWlttsKidney and ffUadtUr Pills You maydepend upon ium to give entire satis ¬

faction Thy are antiseptic actpromptly and soothe the pain Sold

jby all druggistsS




Zelaya Assumes to Rule Nicaragua

Through his Nephew Madriz who-

is Xot Satisfactory to Estrada and

his Friends

Managua Dec 2It is Presi ¬

dent Madriz now with the shadow-of President Zelaya behind the pres ¬

idential chairJudge Madriz assumed the office

yesterday following his selectionMonday by the Nicarguan congressZelayas intimate friends are open intheir boasting that tne new regimewill not be different from whatthe Zelaya administration has been

Friends of General Estrada thehead of the revolutionary army de ¬

clare that the Madriz governmentcannot endure any more than couldthe Zelaya administration They ex-


to see Madriz assume a concil-iatory


attitude toward foreign pow¬

ers but they are equally candid inineir expressions of belief that hisgovernment cannot endure and thatEstrada will fight his way into thepresidential chair They believe thesympathy of other governments andespecially the Uhited States will re ¬

main with Zela a-

CATARRH CANNOT BE CUREDwith LOCAL APPLICATIONS asthey cannot reach the seat of thedisease and in order to cure it youmust take internal remedies HallsCatarrh Cure is taken internally andacts directly on the bloou and mucoussurface Halls Catarrh Cure is not-a quack medicine It was prescribed-by one of the best physicians in thiscountry for years and is a regularprescription It is composed of thebest tonics known combined with thebest blood purifiers acting directly onthe mucous surfaces The perfectcombination of the two Ingredients Iswhat produces such wonderful resultsin curing catarrh Send for testi-monials


free F J Cheney CoProprietors Toltdo Ohio

Sold by druggists price The TakeHalls Family Pills for constipation


i Fine Apalachicola and Crystal Riveroysters served in any style at all


times of the day or night at the BrickI City Restaurant opposite the A C LIpassenger depot Fried oysters deliv-ered


Ito any place in the city with

olives crackers and tics < s PhoneI

209 S A Moses ManagerI



Father Mother and Three ChildrenI Burned Alive in Their Home

New York Dec 22 A horrlbetragedy was enacted in Yonkers earlyyesterday morning wherein an entirefamily was wiped out of existence by-a lire which destroyed their home

The victims were Theodore Fred-erick


Mrs Frederick md their threesmall children

The lire occurred before daylight-and the family were sleeping in anupper story of the house The lamesapparently had their origin from astove on the lower floor It is sup-posed


that they were smothered bysmoke before being awakened or thatthey were unable to find their way outof the house The bodies charred be-


recognition were discovered Inthe ashes of the house after the firewas over The house in which theFredericks lived was some distancefrom any other


Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909Ihave sold Halls Texas Wonder of St 1

Louis Mo for six years Every bot ¬I

tle I sell adds a customer for it It isa genuine cure for kidney bladder and I

rheumatic troubles Geo OhnmachtMerchant 60 days treatment In each I



And its Diamonds to Doughnuts theReelfoot Night Riders Will

Eventually Go FreeUnion City Tenn Dec 2The al-


night riders who were accused-of having a part in the murder ofIatnt Quentin Rankin who was killedat Reelfoot lake were sent back tojail yesterday after the jury in theircase which had been out for severaldays were discharged by the judgeafter reporting that they were hope ¬

lessly divided and could not arrive atto verdict

COULD NOT BE BITERNo one has ever made a salve oint-


Ilotion or balm to compare with

Bucklens Arnica Salve Its the oneperfect healer of trts corns burns

I bruises sores scafds boils ulcerseczema salt theumvFor sore eyescold sores cha its supremeInfallible for piles Only 25c at alldruggists



Washington Dec 2The Mannwhite slave traffic bill was favora-


reported In the House yesterday-from committee

The >ort which accompanied the-presentation of the bill disclaims anypurpose of the act to interefere with

I the police powers of the states Itj states that the object of the bill is tosuppress Immoral traffic In women


bringing them to this country fromI other countries to make of them in-

matesI of houses of prostitution Thej committee report urges that the Housetake favorable action on the bill and


seek to at once eradicate this greatestI

of all evils that has a foothold In theI country

j A POLICEMANS TESTIMONY1 J N Paterson night policeman ofj Nashua Iowa writes Last winter I

had a bad cold on my lungs and triedj at least half a iloenjjd oertised coughmedicines and blrtf treatment fromtwo physician Av tbout getting anybenefit A friend f recommended Foleys Honey xyyLTar and twothirds-of a bottle cured me I consider it the

I greatest cough and lung medicine inthe world Sold by all druggists














We Guarantee You Against LossI

by Negligence on Our Part in Car-

ing for Your meats We also Insuref You Against Loss by Firei





c r



i t-


Will Be HereI Before You Can Say Jack Robinson t


This week will be a busy one for everybody Look this list over and getyour wants for the Christmas Dinner Get your order-

ini today and avoid the rush v


I Candy 20 au and talc pound Tomato Preserves Sweet Pickled Peaches w

Nuts all kinds 20c pound I Currant Jelly Brandy Peachesllaisins clusters 15 and 20c Poultry Seasoning V j IWhole Preserved PeachesSeeded Raisins 2 pounds 25c I Pineapple CheeseCurrants 2 pounds 2oc Edam Cheese Peach Pineapple Strawberry Cher-



IShelled Almonds oOc pound Limburger Cheese and Raspberry Pure FrultPreCitron Lemon and Orange reel I Cranberries serves a

I Crystalized Pineapple Mushrooms Homemade Dewberry and AppleI Crystalied Cherries I French Peas JellyStuffed Dates x Olive Oil Bishop Cos Preserves and Jellies

I Stuffed Figs I

Fruit Cakes 1 lb 5 Ibs and 10 Ibs Mince Meat in bulk loc poundIlllunkcs Stuffed Dates Champagne Wafers Mince Meat in crocks 75 and 85cPreserved CJingc-rCarbonated

Festino Apple ButterApple Juice Ginger Wafers Peach Butter and Plum Butter r

Plum Pudding 15c 30c and 55c j Nabisco Burnt Onion SauceHoned Chicken I Heinz Preserves in stone crocks 85c Mint Sauce i


Boned Turkey Heinz Olives Pickles Pickled On¬ Food Colors I

I Cranberry Saure-Cranberries

I ions India Relish Maudalay lied Sugar for IcingI Sauce Tomato Chutney Tomato Philadelphia Cream CheeseII

Guava JellyI

I Catsup Roquefort Cheese

Our 40c Candy is the very thing Santa Claus wants and the SOc and30c kinds are mighty goodall Pure Goods Our Nuts and

Raisins are Fresh Goods just ir

O Grocery s


2 Phones J 74 Ocala Floridai

afmmuml JT ir i in

The Hunting Season4-



We have a fine line of Shot Guns RiflesRevolvers Shells Cartridges Hunting-I

Coats Leggings Sheath Knives Com-plete


I Camp Outfits Etc Etc

The Most Complete Stock in the CityI



Ocala FloridaI