iv\ v iiikx#wi v*'* *'*V v J>*ir" nmV» I 9 j** I Ii" '. k < jr/4 n n nniKljMH| j ? URk UJBSKjv J STORE CLOSED SATURDAY EVENINGS JULY?AUGUST you are invited to join the STANDARD EMPRESS SEWING MACHINE CLUB! prices ranging from machine will be delivered to you with- oat a first payment? ?THE EMPRESS i* strictly ( a HIGH GRADE machine \ ? for easy running. simpllel- ' tr, r>olseli'«sn»s*. practical devices and co-is"rucGon, It t haw no equal - positively has not. I ?we positively savs you from twenty to thirty dollars on the purchase of an EM- PRESS machine! FULLY WARRANTED FOR 10 TEAKS ?eeeiid tn. al flee si. lei <? 111 «. Kleseelh « I mrmmm. StandardjgKnnutim.fn SLACKER ARRESTED WllHanr Etugerald. JB. formerly ?mployed at the Paciflc Coast Steel Co, was arrested Friday morning, *hen Corporal E E. Daniels. Unit- ed States recruiting officers, die- io*ered he had not registered. Fltj- i-erald insisted to thu polka that he knew all about the draft, and that ho would never register. Explosion Suspect Had Big Roll Here Joseph J. Koilowtkl. held »t Marc Inland navy yard Id connection with the magazine explosion, «nl!sted In the marine corps at Seattle. He told recruiting officers he bad rid- den from Butt* "on the rod*." When offered a dollar, he exhibited a 15.001 roll. Library- Thieves Busy The mysterious library thieves entered TVest Seat'le branch Thurs- day night by jimmying a window, and after ransacking the shelves took 7K cents In stamps and en In- dian blanket. TO MENtW *M£ AP«T(Tt Tilt A«I4 PfcMiliH B«s(*i h«*ltbf ftctintv ..t Xh9 «t promoim IWrwUoa tad firm am MVtftlMM** FIRE TRAINING WILL BE 6IVEN OFFICERS II T t*ll«4 rrm I IS Ire SAN FRANCISCO. July 11?Rat tie fire training ia the lateet subject to be announced for the Presidio re- serve officers' training camp. lioglnnlng Monday, It was an- nounced today, the student officers will take up the study of signal communication discipline coder fire and methods of Indicating to troops the location of tho enemy. Gophers to Picnic The Gopher picnic of folka from Minnesota *UI t>e held at Wood land park Baturday. Married, sin (le, voting and old Gophers are ex peeted to he on hand for the big meeting at 2 30 and the basket pic- nic at 6. Tourist Flow Starts Tourist travel to Alaska has be gun according to steamer o'flclal» The Northwestern sailed Thursday, with 160 pa*?engers on l.er list Seattle KnlgSUs of Pythias Thurs day night Installed Jamew A fang hey, chancellor ? commander His place as master of finance will he taken by R O. Green". . J, { J A Sure Drive Against Thirst < hr ' kind for a pleasing. refreshing draught for these wonderful summer days; foaming and bubbling with health and i* Ht I tj-. t-inj; Kt ttSJtilat InK and Invigorating the entire syptern, MFhSTAFK, as pure arid nourishing an the golden grain from whence It comes; all the gooj |iut In. and put In to stay' LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE Hemiich's Staff Products Co. Capitol 870 By the ease, <1.90 2-dozen medium size; $3.00, lar{je bottles. Liberal refund for cas^ Ht I'allxl r>N> I »mm»4 Win Event of the Season Entertainers Ball at Dreamland 7th and Union TONIGHT Every entertains in the city will b< there. Something doing all the time. Given for the Benefit of Billie Jones All-Night Dance GETS HOTTER AFTER 12:30 TICKETS $I.OC All Welcome 1,147 SEATTLE MEN TO SERVE IN DRAFT ARMY Seattle mutt furnlah 1.147 men for Uncle Sam'i trltct service .irmy. Thla meant one out of every 1S registered men In the city. The figures are bated on ditpatch#t from Wathlngton Friday morning, announcing Wathlngton'a quot < of men to be 7.? M men. The U'aKhliiK'on dl»pntche- stated I hit estimate «nt based en flnnl flKUre* after the number of men already In the federal aervu-e uinl National (Juard had beon deducted Albert Vloodle. In < haran of reKl* tratlon matter* for Adit tieti Thompaon. *ald tie «»» not nitre what the quota would be. and waa Im lined to believe that the dedu*' (lon* had not been made In the dispatch figure*. Many More Examined ll« belle*et the proportion of He nttle nun will be eventually smaller. Hecaitae many men will he ex- empted, tuore than 1,147 men must be examined The registration In Seattle la M.20.'1. and In (he mate tOS.'art On [the ba*i* that an army of HK7.000 men la to he rained by the Initial draft, Seattle's quota become* 1,147. Adopt New Syttem A new ayttem adopted by the 1 registration boards late Thursday Ik enabling registered ineu to ob-, tain their serla! number* without | trouble The list-) have been tnoirert from the south lobby of the rounty-clty ? building to the regtatrat I.in office*! on the flr*t floor of the building A j forre of clerk* la at mirk and It la 1 able to locate the number quickly. ALIEN ENEMIES TO BE INTERNED Authority to Intern alien enemies who srem to have no fiaed place of abode, was granted to District Attorney Clay Allen, in a communication received from United States At. torney General Gregory Friday. "Allen enemies i ambulating al«>ut the district who have any part in exciting or incltinc Indue- trial unrest, will be Interned." read tho instructions Ijtrk of permanency of residence and general unreliability »11l t'e 1 considered grounds for restricting the freedom of such persons "This la no time for cttiien-i of the countries »ith »bltb the 1 nlted Kta'es Is at war to be aaitderlng from place to place, without any apparent occupation or home," said Allen. Internment u the only method of obviating the difficulty, said Allen A number of rasas of alien enetnf agitators which have com* before the federal authorities In Heatle. prompted Allen to ask for authority to prevent further aetlvltjr on their part. STAR?FRIDAY, JULY U 1917. I'AUK 200 ARMED CITIZENS AWAIT I.W.W. HORDE DOfGLAS. Arlx. July 13 Two hundred citizen*. deputized and ? ruied with revolver* and sawed off shotguns. are assembled here early today awaiting the arrival of the westbound passenger trala. due from El Paso at 7 3fi, upon wh|. h «re thought to he a large number of I W W a It wsa reported here that, while In Columbus. N M waiting to see If they would be detrained, a large number of I W W men made the threat they would hold up tha first train that came thru, no matter where thay were taken off. and make their wray back Into Arizona Cook Ur Qg* at Lake Camp AWtr.ICAN LAKE, With., Ju if Ij?'l ni boy* of Com pary C aura do have good ap- pillMl!" So tJ'd H. B'iggt, cook of Company C, Second Washing- ton, and In proof of the italf mont, pointed to a pan of bean* a yard tquar* on ht» outdoor camp »tovr. and pulled another of equal *>>e from tlx oven Geotge. hi* at* Mint, had Ju*t put a imall flour *ack full of coffac into a boiler on top of tha atova. There wore to be other thing* In proportion Quality, Economy and Durability in Dentistry Tlit Dentist with skill is more in de- mand every day. The best Dental Ad- vertisement Is good work. No matter where you live we can satisfy you and save you money. It is our hijjh-Krade work, Pain- less Methods and reas- onable prices that have built for this office its enviable name and fol- lowing. 22-ksret ? Crowns Wv Bridgework, per tooth fv Painless Cflc Extracting .... vW We are Plate Spe- cialists. We do a larpe Plate business ? they come from far and near. If others can't fit your mouth, you will find we can. Investigate our new Dentalloy Plates for Comfort and Satisfac- tion. « We guarantee our Plates to fit and give perfect service, $10 up. Estimates and exam- inations are free any time. Ask us about our easy payment plan. 'VA'jfr* - 1 wr lIATIONAb] DENTISXS N. W. Corner Fourth and Pike St. Main 3256. Variety la Conetant Aim U'hnt are tin farts? I "Berries" Nickname of Beans lAmong 2nd Washington Men Over at American Lake Camp ('"?ikiiiK for an army la dlffrrmt from in..kin* for a hot*! or a to* KlnK ramp. arrortllriK to Took UriKKa. "The Job," Mid he, "|» to |lra them variety »<\u25a0 they won't get tlre<l of the food, «hen you're only given certain thing* to do It with " HrICK" manage* to give variety t.y cooking the tamo thing In dlf- fen nl wav* Hire, for Inatanre, may l>e one thing one oov and something el ,<? again the next. Further variety la unintentional ly added by the men themselves, who have now names for old i h tags. Baana Are "?ernee" Coffee in the American lake earap la "Jamoc"; presumably a "infraction of Java and Mocha Means are "herrlea." Bread la "dommywhy. llrirgs doogn't know It la «-«aler to under«tacd why haah la "mystery." Mugar la 'sand"; beef, 'Vanned WHIln": milk, "canned cow", )>& con I* "overland trout.'' M<-aMlme la "chow time' and the "kltcbra police," or soldiers de :'ailed to dishwashing and almllar work, are "dogrohlwrg." * * * Hiey didn't have Boy Seoul* In the when "Colonel Kill"' Inglla waa a boy, or he would h*v» Joined ihem He did Join the flrat mili- tary organltatlon he could got Into, namely, the high «rhool cadet* In j Seattle Me continued hla carrftr l«» » unlveraltv adet. and then graduated Into the \Jllonal tjuard And now he la abaolnte <-iar of Iho entire mobilisation ramp at roegrove, on American lake ? ? ? Some hears are Juat naturally '?orn luck* That* how It «ai with f'alexlco and Mexican, brother niid sister respectively, tile baby bear mascots of f'ompany Sec ond Washington. When they were hardly big enough to pull at a milk bottle, they were adopted by the Tacoma Hhrlners and brought from their native wiida In <Srays Harbor roun ty to the bright lights of the city And only a little while afterward, the father of Ueut Hylaa Henry of North Yakima, being on the lookout for a suitable mascot to present to his son s company, spied the little bo»rs. snd now they are the pett»d darling* of Company C. and are lo go mlth It to tha trenches In Crane#? If. uyi I-lout. Henry, "tht twars will utaml for It.' HERE'S REPLY TO WILL HANNA ON CAR PLANS Kdltor The Star In your Issue "I tin- 11th Inst. < 'otincliinan Man n takes n hliip at the seven coun- Million who voted to extend the city rar lino Into payliiK territory. Some of his statement* are no falae and misleading tilnt the) should not ko unchallenged He nays "not a single statement l.as been HUbmlttrd to nhow that, the Investment Is Justified by in < rra»ed revenues to bo derived from the proposed extension*." My direction of tlx> rlty utilities committee, the following request vi iK addressed to Superintendent Valentine May LM. MiT: "Will you i.lmll) furnish the i ity utilities committee an «*tlni:<t<> of the in- nii -Pii revenue I hut might inason- «' I v be expected id accrue from an extension of Division 'A' Into Mallard." On un«> iho Uth, Superintend- ent Valentine replied in a com niunlrntlon containing pages of typewritten matter. »nd a map platted from an exhaustive traffic survey b\ the engineering depart- ment of the university. Superintendent Valentine also submitted a report Riving the coat or operation per car mile of (wo- man earn and that there would he < living of one third by use of one- man CHI'S. Bad Teeth Are a Direct Menace to Your Health And that means that they are a menace to your efficiency, your per- nonal appearance and to your chances HHEpHIH for success. All sorts of ills are caus- ed by decayed teeth. First and most II serious is bad digestion. This one |Bg. v j thing, as your physician will tell you, < j is at the bottom of more mischief to, the human body than almost any I other one agency. R And here is how bad teeth MAY interfere Hjtr '&L « »u si % with digestive apparatus Had |t -fife* . * teeth, in the lust p|, u «?. pre c:m «.u :n \J properly chewing your food. In the next place, a decaying tfK>th is an active and virulent pro- r . - : :M ducer <>t |hi just the same fl K *j| part of the anatomy would be if it were in i a decaying condition. These poisons are taken directly into the stomach when the food comes [*' in contact with the decayed tooth in the Ifetr^' process of mastication. You don't need your or. i_ pl clark physician or any one else to tell you that this is bad?very bad, indeed, for your digestion. Rheumatism is one of the most Common, as well as the most painful, of human ailments. It is now a well-established fact that many cases of "rheumatism" come from decayed teeth and from nothing else. Tiny pus sacs form at the root of the decayed tooth. In time, this pus absorbs into the system and soon it begins to gather at joints and other places, caus- ing swelling and inflammation. This is called rheumatism, and all the un- pleasant symptoms have been found to quickly disappear in many cases when the teeth have been properly taken care of and the mouth "put into a sanitary condition. Now, why should YOU continue to have bad teeth if you are af. flicted with them now? We offer you at this office the very highest grade dental service at the lowest possible prices, consistent with tks quality of work we turn out. Every operator on our large staff is a graduate expert dentist of many years' experience. Every one of ihem has graduated from the best dental colleges and also passed (he examination of the state dental board. Each and every one of them has his certificate from the state den- tal board hanging right on the wall in front of his dental chair, in plain sight of all. This is proof positive to you that your work will be done at this office by a man who knows his business thoroughly. Rest of materials are the only kind used here. We guarantee your work with a REAL guarantee of satisfaction. This guarantee is signed both bv the operator who did your work and also by L. R. Clark, D. D. S., owner and manager of this office, who is thoroughly responsible. It states that, if for any reason whatever your work does not give entire sat- Councilman llannn voted against the ordinance passed to accomplish this saving Yet ho tells The Star readers: "We all would like to stop the losses of our present mti- nt* tpal car line*" His votes speak eloquently of devotion to our car lines isfaction, we will make it right Could anything be fairer or moil thoroughly assure you of the squart deal than this? But, whatever the cost may be, we assure you that you could not possibly invest the money in any other way that would be of more real beneiit and satisfaction to you. Remember, our reputation is worth more than your dollars. show that It »ill produce a dollar a year of revenue. There are two dams proposed in till* project for impounding h hune volume of water. Ma* that "sound business policy" of Hanna'i de- manded any "expert advice" on whether these dams will leak? Not a peep. How atranK? Hut then tho traction company is not a competitor of our water system. That is why wo can spend $3,500,- Youra truly, Ol.ivKß r kricksoM. The falseness of the churne that "not a single statement lias been submitted" does not lest on my denial Superintendent Valentino's reports are File No*. 68006 and f,N 113; public documents recorded In the comptroller's office. We propone to change the double trolley ayatem on Division A to single trolley nnd build half a mile of line Into Mallard. And linnna Insists this ahould be submitted to a vote of the people. We may nerd a wheelbarrow, and that iliould be aubmttted. too. lint Councilman Manna in not always ho keen about submitting expenditures to the people or get ting a statement "to abow that the Investment of the taxpayers funds Ik Justified by Increased revenues." Wc have Just passed an ordinance to expend >3,600,000 on our water system. Did Councilman Ilanna clamor for a vote of the people 011 this huge expenditure? Mess you, no. lie voted for it without hatting 1111 rye. Did lie demand any Informa- tion about what the Income would lie from thla Investment? There in noihiufc iu lliu council'* record* lu Lemon Juice Fttf Freckles atrial Make beauty lotion at home for a few cent*. Try It I Squeeae tin' jiiice 01 two lemons into ii bottle routnintiiK three ounces of orchard white, shake well, und you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and lun lotion, and complexion beautlfler, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug more or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for u few cents. Massage Ibis sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, am! see bow freckles and blem- ishes disappear, and how clear. soft and whlti the skin becomes. Yet! It la huruileaa We invite you to call and let our expert dentists give your teeth a thorough examinaton. They wffl quickly tell you just what needs to be done to put them into perfect condition and also just what the cost will be. You will probably be sur- prised to find how small the cost will be, as our large volume of busi- ness enables us to make prices that are very reasonable, indeed. May u-e not expect the pleasure of an early call from you? Regal Dental Offices OR. L. R. CLARK. Manager. Lady attendants on duty at all times. 1405 Third Avenue N. W. Corner Third and UnlOfc Diagonally across from the Postoffice. Be sure to get to the right pit* tn every respect Seattle's leading dentista. NOT OPEN EVENINGS OR SUNDAYS 000 as tho it were leaves, and *? owned an unbounded forest OoS sistoncy, thou art a Jewel. GERMAN NAMES MEAN LITTLE TO THESE MEI WASHINGTON. July 13-Frank- furter. Keppel and I.ippman. German sounding as these name* may be. their owners are workln< IS hours a day helping Anieric# beat the kaiser- ..nil Keppel's P0 enta were Irish. Kelix frankfurter. Walter 1->PP* niftti and Frederick Keppel are Sefr retary of War Baker's confident® advisers. All left lucrative i>o*t lions to enter America's service. Dr. Keppel was dean of Colum- bia university when the war broke |out, but he got a leave of absence, hurried to Washington and Joined Maker's stntf. Ills hours are 9?? m. to 12 midnight. IVIU Frankfurter ba-l war w pnrtment experience as War Sec** tary Stlmaon'a right-hand man un- der Taft. When war came he a law lecturer at Harvard and also hiindlinv, Important case* fore ibo supreme court.

I Men Bad Teeth Are a Over Lake Camp Menace to Direct ......ll« belle*et the proportion of He nttle nun will be eventually smaller. Hecaitae many men will he ex-empted, tuore than

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    you are invited to join theSTANDARD EMPRESS


    prices ranging from

    machine willbe delivered to you with-oat a first payment?

    ?THE EMPRESS i* strictly (a HIGH GRADE machine \

    ? for easy running. simpllel-'

    tr, r>olseli'«sn»s*. practicaldevices and co-is"rucGon, It thaw no equal -positivelyhas not.


    ?we positively savs you fromtwenty to thirty dollars onthe purchase of an EM-PRESS machine!


    ?eeeiid tn. al flee si. lei