rf 7 'i. j V. ’^'iklCj _H,; _(jj-j >1 I no cue'll roi j c : ticT’i oi;:- '. . lu'i . immoU Tcism>\^. ;-IT07,A I •WXI0’’IO3 ’57/5 ^rOTinn t'or-pjO 1 l(pi^r.:j i .-in^ , h i ifj t«V 3p t-t ^fJis t*d I'.;, 2 Htj r ‘‘|r , ciu Ind^jhhT ttK BiJ In.-:. L i' (.'? ' '13 m ,v.l a. ' •■ liQ nol floiiifftofl is o „ pe3 ,r:iv /0 van ^rjyi'.'ITu b-iiJ ©idcqso a ''hiiu ,'tflra i'znc'il h ‘xc i/tvq u ,i .TIOITIK '3h<S iicoildijqg^ ,£.£iJ-^lo ta-:JQi |©Liyq U-;|| tiv B l ai 9£iiol SS f l ) ,X*Lt 7: ,.'rr:,:o.ni'T'7:7 ::c3 .20Krsex,xjaTiix zmnjim .A12A~iTjT IS i i : r : r •':.-) s m i? ?> Jc03rf .lit !A 1 bv '2t?r« a;; n[ (.b'a 2 i'-.i '.' '.0 ^ ,'j }:.,iilni fe*:' 7 ' ■- '* -^ 'I i ' i i - ’ i -'. rv'i'.i , . : ,_I -,.j' ■.al ■' : .1 . ,,-0 M m S ^ P a ^ y I a -E ':: ■-‘•j -J.U gg ,'rr. . ‘■-'i i*; i.i ^‘ifi.'i. . :: a . I 7~s ,.:©2 lo ji¥ n 77';- C-.T.'. M . i8 5 lf m T O -fi iii;.. 1 . - 1 f-n ■■■ ' i-rl /ii iL , ’iri«.' 7 .■ I I i '1 'i Ii3j 7' ______.'•'■uJ '-nil ’tO '.i’^;(i-i.j ai ,S.'tr: 7g/7.IT 771 •y:j^ ir.uy/.i.ni •S3 f'-7 I',:.; , iJx.' ".*;Ec, . , »irBI.isH5I) EY«)*Y WEnN^PAlV MpK^mSi , The Democrat will he left at the ^sitihuce df village suhscriberS at $2,00 a year ^ttbscrfhfef^, :^5,00 pepyea!*, lor $1 50' ifi %dirlslnce; . i- iK^al8« o f ^.dVffrfisIsjL?. , square S months;. square -6 tri6 ntlis,» *One-S(Hiajfe ol^e year, *.,,*.»»» . p^A ljberal;leXucti,Qn iyim?e i ^ho advertise by the year, ............... . Bdok iN b M b ikiiSnhLTro, ' ib'illltfehr^cbeS.'hiectitdd' 'nekbesS <iid dispktch'. atrs ort reasonable terms. ..... I. 3 00 he made . § 00 e to those , S E U D iM E tliY .. From the Ambassador. ... , . , WNkS. Su^^6 j?ted by the d^th of tny friead Seth Case, c I saw a group, a happy group, A father, brother, sisters dear— 1 look dgain—there Spirits dfoob, Ih each eye there trembles a tear. Tfhere epmes a sigh, a mournfiil sigh, A isole nn dfree upon the gale, It breathes thus, as it passes by— ‘‘•One of that.gronp lies cold and pale. ‘‘That brother, that brother so dear, Tt ‘slpepin*r noW-his la«t long slfeep, That sleep that knows no wa ing here, where we are left to mourn and weep. e« jc lull I ' •’ .Ml-. 7 ' :* 17.i r ciiirlsifr,9,nq her wj^ita :broHr, and,pt^|, t?p her pretty Jlp<, but shp did not. r^pJy; &ud the Xqng silence that ensued was i^rpkon atjeoirthby , ^ ,r* SbalU tqU.jou.Msle*le/’ he. asked in. a Jaw voice. f‘'w_hat ,the.,0pqnt ,de Tours ha?:|nst been fbiaitf ami he peakp. dauplless. from-the cauj,- moo niutora aniluopiitjpns of'sbpiptyj’f “ As you v f U l 'rPPMi ^e^te.|le,;cp|- oriucrjsllffhtly, and trying .tp^f imU^ 4(;enpe^^,i; . . .r, .„-i n , , , “He called you a Lestelle I .SLUlLme aEadventurer.” ;vAti,d ifllp W9 r 4 f p;, sucli-,as ctePtfs or hisances'torq, and emTiroldering remarks? IChat J arp foiiti and romans h^r head bent doWn ; ancias sfemslfght; tic,,,I eopfessi pver,s]Hce f can remem- ‘ “ Life passed gently, gently away. He laid as one quietly steeping-, And his sileneeueemed to say— t&loved dne’^3, why are ye weeping? ^eep not for -ee, for me-tbo’ gone,, life's short hour is dark and dreary, ’twill brighten as you speeJ on 3d>t.e. honfie of the To Ihy hd>t.e. ■Qur home is not h’eV'^drjhere griefddl To<drown eat-n 'object of oUi J05-. tic, ey,llie»s» i von irojcui' ber„ iii my drparns of young rbmhn^e I pictured to myself an ideal being vvlipm I could love f but never Weregirlbopd's visions realized as .m ine^ave been— that is, if my heVo does not spoil all by his |np scrupulous pride.” “ B u tl \ia.ve not told you all yet,” continued Aubertiu, while his haughty plendid matphes in the kingdom.” “lAiui, would that have insured my happiness?” asked Leslelle. “Oh, that -we lived in the old time of fairies, and that I inight have one wish ?” “And .what would that be?” inquired her Inver. * -That we might chdpge -situations with one anothef; that ybn Could have all the weallli. hiid 1 -"be A . iJoor girl, blessed "only With yhlii* affectiojis.-^ Olaude. l should feel «o rminiligtioii. nP gratitude in recievhig all, frorrt ybii— love tvould haVb equalisrednis.” “ I fear that your creed is rather a theoreticarthaii a {iractidal one.' Les- tetle,^* said Aubpriih Hvft|rA tnournfql 1 “ If I could cohiffert ybd tb'i^d Ijdiief, - - whisper; and there wras no shade upon the open brow of her lovdr, as he Min- gled in the brilliant throng With hi^ beautiful and devofed MtsYress. " , rTbe evening pq^ed aW^V as even- Ana make each d-ay a day of care. Vo; onr home’s above, beyo In yor brighl f'e'alms of enil! ■here flows no tedr, where But all is day, day TVithout' ^‘Dear friends, we_e|> not, weep not for.lne; . Tho’ strong "is the tie that’s riven 5 feut prepare to n eet all with me. In that bright home, home in Heaven ’’ tlamillus,N. Y., April, 1852. point ments—occasioned. • perliapE hy the absence, of the buijr one amid a thousand fo’r whom w e''have areSbfed and smiled-^a ball Is a brglit tjpbcli in said Lcstelle, iii a timid Vpjcp. as they sipod together waiting for Tier barriage to'drkw up. ' ^ ■ “Of course,” replied Aubortin gloom^ THE m E -T iU lB . ¥ h E d iv o rced HUSBi^NOj hHj WoltApa ibvEi ‘‘ W ho isrhht beaUHful girti»’iasked ilvl “ Triave receW d a torm^^ a young EilgHblitnah dt fUi^ eompanion, ‘ tiMrto Mebt yotir-guardikn*. and theno- hsdlujv Ibant fob a rhbiiie».t Agahisl one tary Jo Sign HiC d C ^ d f r ofthe rnarble pillafa Um narsenh-MMit of ‘y d # pi‘dpCrty.”' ;^ ■fenchaMirtg scend Whidb S Parisian-ball “ hV ull‘short be dVer!" said Lestclle, -nreseiits to ibc eVb df a' «tran«cr. Th'e Ihyiir^ hcrljatid rniplprlngly on his arm. And you Will bear tins for my sake, Jlaiide?” young girt alliidbd fo was exquisitely iovdy, with a pe/He.and ehild-like Jig- Claude?” , . . . ^ . > hfe, a tkir, bn-lit face, and a pair sWbet Testeflle! blit I Will m ake tbe most misclicViotis blue ^yt-s that ilo prbiriiSeS 1 Icbli shall'.see how , confd be Tniagitibd-=-amiOd«h life tie- Heiitly I wJH listen to M. Fraude’s ar- rieih'aMd thrfee years. Which glided past mnceiiess of tmr present atritmfe made rogani taunts a n d ‘how InimDly and so happily with them,are Marked in them appear softened if not subdued; gvateflil I will conduct iiu'self.” character^ o f tblood i n t h e i r o o U u t r y ’s r. 711 AU"d n o w foW -b’ofl H er head-vvas^beirt a liiHe-foim-ard. and ‘^‘Claude!” intefriipted Lestelle al- annals. N o w i** ‘ I'bb itiiiatb j L c itd te , t a a MSh1^iam.;3ShK would sit for hoyrs M'. Att-^Wittide o f .^ej) tBouglff;*^^^ pcevishfaiM. afastrict- ed when~rouse4-a» -if-tbe-plans which she w aa-eV id^ty a>rrangihfetn:heg own ipind. required concentration of everv thdugbt m Slfdwbhldlie'kb'- sent too; i foi^Jiours-togetfiefj 4o^^onb knew where, accobipanied gnlgrby-^hir tin, although hefelt-theateratlon, askeB «Q KM JoflC' lahGh fiith in her affection to have the remotesj: MM- —.*,..'.': D -!' r.-. i as sbe;sirghti her'bwit fbOtM, seildirt^ a tneS^gb by * *- * -5 .'.-J ' - ' S I B 'IiWoukb Yobii pia;^A V^vr.Tg d ” .y £ 1..,,: -...i .W i Is y n a r k re ■Wife WitVarWabSuV- ‘ ijr raided her head 011 the Mfrancq Vf j her Maid, requesting the^ presence-of her idyerpe saW that h#eyesrw#*e red from e.vcessive Weeping. Uavingbowed lips, he sat dow'uand waitedoaimfy'fqr .\T. Fraudel td commence fhe bhsiness that had brdught.them Eogetker. “'You nre aware, M. Auberiin,!’ said the old gentleman aflength, ‘‘thatrny ward is very young and that in accept- ing ypu for her future husliaud, she acts contrary ^ to my wishes, and dem'on- stra’les the natural willfulness of her sexp p / “ All this is new to me,” replied the yoiihg man, while he stole an arch look at Lestelle, who was watching him with breathless anxiety. “ Well, then, w’e may as well come to the point at once. W ithout my con- sent your inafrige cannot take place un- til Aladembiselle Verhey is of age-^a .period of,Which it only, wants'' threo- pi year^ ; and yaur'sighihg this deed,, by bi which the WhoTeof her property is set- tiedjiM lienably upon herself, whhout ----- ..T .A to drSw or is the only con- which "the hand of Lestelle can be yours,” A ‘ crimson, blush passed oyer the cliqek and brow nf Claujde Aubertin, and there was a moment’s pause,,during Which the keeii glaiice of the old man, the cold scrutiny bf'the ftotafy,' and'the pleading eyes of the anxious^irl were fixed ea#rfy Upon his fgee; lie lieldout his hand for the paper, and glancing ■; |i 1$ wtlll’f sai3 Fraudel, copii llJilt ,4%uu . ^ , to" giiidc I t ; and..When the sighatufe Was‘-at' length' completed,- she 'flft'ng.herT self upon his bosom and wept Idiig alia passioiiajely. Even the notary was moved ibto sortiediing like sympathy, knd gathering up his papers,! hasier#! to follow his paironiVom The rdoMi And rhO love.*-s full liberty to give Verii to 'their feolitigS ; 'bul regard for tbetiih* id and weeping^irlj who eluhg Uy him so fondly and imploringly. Subdaed Jhe otfeirdcul pride'of -Glaude AUbertitu And he had-Jittle difficulty in soothing her ■fears* iOnd winning back the 'suhshine’of her happy smiles. A teW days after this they were war- her husband, at* twelve fexactly, ip her boiidoiri pnd A u^rtip. not beiiig able at the mqrnpnt to invent any decent ex* cuseTor refusing to comply with her re- quest, reluctamly prom sed to attend her at the hbhr appointed, determitied that the meeting should be as .brief a$ possible*gs he" iraagined that it .merely related to matters of a pecuniary na- ture, a subject to which be always eh- tertairieid a nervous horror. ‘ - “ Is it possiblSin.ithQHgbt Glaude, h that' she has gOnerOusly anticipated my wish to. possess sufficient funds for my disposal to be of benificeiit service to riiy CQimtryf Amt yet, even if it were so, and her guardian consented, I would never accept them.” .. A tJhe apppinted time Aubortin pre- sented himself at the door of. his,wife’s boudoir, theJirst^glance at which con- jSrmed his,,suspicion as to The-purport of his Visit.^ Lestejle vyas rid’t There, but M. I)'umont--tfae''Bame Jvhbdii he hail Met ottbe’ before at her giiardiaiils —^atood bending over.a very busines.s- like sheet of-pareliment. ■“ Pray be seated, Monsieur.” said the little notary * “ Madaine Auberliq 'will be here directly.” Claude bowi^ coldly, and took the offeMd chair in silenoe. “ Glorious times,. Monsieur 1” , said Duraqnt,/ubbing his'withered hands toother-; “ gloriods'tim es we livb'iU nolv ! The age of liberty in every sertie of the word!” , - ' I"' Claude acquiesced by-another bow. . .“^Yon have dou^iess heard Of The new, ;|aiy or reVolutlononrjr diyerce 1/’ MidiniiiBd M> .D um ont;,‘‘a very good - 7-a yery.'ex#llenli la.W, Muyusieur,’! ‘“ A" very convenient one.'T'sKburd think,” ' rb'plie'd 'Aubertin. lartghirrg irt Spite df-fiiriiidFfd at the -soleihnlfy With whiOh the'rold mdn spoke, .v 1u ’ ; rt’^ daitde" Anbertin,’! said the notary, after a pause, “I am am anof few wonds — a man of.busmess—andit is well to com e-to, the point at once. Lestelle Wouldlavail hefsdlf Of the pppoVtuhity to be divorced from you;ahdhas^ pur- "posetyi teft'uS liogEfthemm order ihdt.T mighfcinform, you qf.bor-wishes; to wbioh she^nlreats tb^t .ypu will offe.c.tio; QP* ^ ‘TVccursed liaH it is falsfeT^’kxclkimed the enn^id^ikbahd-il^^Will be- lieve it.” . “ OUudod’ ,$Sid a^gqutle: ymee byiiis And you would-refuse he'r—may be?— Little ,1 7 • r 11 ,: ^ would: yoH.:ask J’oit jno; craiic Count, who, but a shott, time b& for§r,'^,ouMcaG.»ir^!ely cpndfsadm kdi to S & ! 5 M S f l equalfelng-Bpirit of tfib-age. ' ' " 1I“.L alw ajaJloM • youl Imw .would end !” said De TourAJ“ tbA:rom,4ftil§ ty that preseMs_itself in beCoMTO^ free “And poor. Aiibettin,-what has be* come o f * h i m ^ ‘--Why, they say that betakes it-yery much fdhearf; and no wonder, seeing that her fortune is scarcely reduced; and herself if possible im W beautiful than ever.” ; .: At this moment they wexe -intorrupt- ed by the entrance of Claude -A-nbertHi himself,, with Lestelle leaning bp hrs arm, -or rather dining, in-her'sweet, graceful manner, while her bright eyes sparkjed with-happiness as pile ■fisteaed with a flushed cheek tojhe whispered accents of her husband, on whose coun- tenance a smile of triumphant exUlta- tation mingled with-deep love. . “ W hat’s this?” inquired De. Tours of a^person yMp. stood near him* ®nd who. happened to he the iiotary, M. ,Du- AndBidi they.were, and ma^ried:agala this morning,” sail the notary,'|vith a “-Jfot-at-alh AceoVding to-fhe first marriage settlement, -which taOk’-place when Lestelle fVgs.a miuor j tte.W'hole Aubertih'had no' pbWer tq‘draiV a Sin- gle sou of i t ; bnt on 'Mimng o f age she availed herself of .our iiew liw of -di - vorce*. Imorder that the mnuey M ay J%e I reinvested In her husband’s jiame o»- ^ “ It was a noble deed, “bnt Aub'efliw diet -not know at first her reaSo'nsTor tt’ishing to be^pparated from.hiin-L-for I o[i|et him late last ;i|g% ipJhe;Riie) St, Hqjpore, without the, Marseilli despair and t..,.. “-Thetfrief t*-ialJWhteh hiifeefifigs-have undergoji§:;Was!jt!iftvdt4.4ble|?’, :$aid thg nota/y, “ as his proud spirit wqqld pev er have been brought to cpn#ht tOrthe sacrifice.” * ^ De Tours,” said the voting citfeen, itikiV |:W ^ - ^ ^ •¥ lit-SMy- *tt?iW *hu<wt|.,:to. «oB}sgat AN^AC’ iiic f e iu jL 7 . COMMakha^dBAlAM . _ We have been favored, flroin a rell^^ source, with a bit)#apihrcal sketch of Commander Ihgfaham, whose late gal- lant, conduct in caniinand of the St. Louis, in the harbor of Smyrna, has given him a world-wide reputation. Commander Duncaii N. Ingraham is the son qf ihe late Nathapiel Ingraharn, Esq., of •Charleston, S, *G., and belongs to a. famll-y-emmeht}37naval-in- its cliaV- afiter, '.A'ilofthem, yvijh oneexeepHou, y?W Ih being the intimate friend p.f .Captain PaulJJopes, votutiteered under his com- mand, when he left FranCe in ‘the Bon Homme ^chard,. iff. and.fought faW Mtions ill the annals of naval war- fare.'^•■Hisunefe, G#taiirdoseph Ingra- b&ie, n. .S. JN„ .was lost in the D.S* ship, P*;^ring, which went d.qwu at sea, and was never heard ot.at the beginning of this century. His cousin, -William Ingraham, v^shilled at the age of tiveh- |y- .-l?h«n , LiepteiHilit in the U, Chapter' 6dr3; and ■ regr __ ---------— — Eo- (®nh4Jst debts 111^,feg^n tM ir credit. aid of any individual, psOciati^ii 'orhdrpbra^ ,f 2. No muyicipal corpdfa.tipn of any city OF vhlase shall horr.dw tTj6neybr ,<'omTactAebt, except, in' th^ nianoer heiein'prp.viJed ; awJ .efr ln,c6,nfotraity to the provisions of this act . - f 3*. No municipal corporation ol ahy eftyoP villase shall.'contract any 'debt, the amonnt 0 \yliich-shall; exclysiye of the debt now owin; by said corporation, exceed at .any time a'sup ^^plirtl^iJi^tion of t h e , rent fiscal year, and the same ghail always b*e ftiade payable and shall be paid within ei§ht months from i& lime in which such iempora* ry loan is made. - • ' ^ 5 . No .funded debt shall be.contracted by any municipal corporation, unless Tf’De for "a specific object, to be expressly sfaleJ in the or- dlnsttice proposing the same, nor. unless su'eli Ordipaoce «hdll.h,ave been passed by .lwO-ihircp of all the members ejeclea to the Qommoii cpiui- cil or board of truste'es of such corporation, ahfi sjiall paye Been submilteil to and approved of by a majority of the tax -payers of ari3 ^«oli city ;or village at a special ejec.tiqn to be up- pointed, for that purpose, by the said .eprn mop councilor board of trustees, nor lihl’ess' the |rho SQle.exception in ’^h'e ramlly, wa,s Ms uncle, Dunckn Ingraham,Esql, from Whom'he feoervM liis liu'tne. He was a profusion qf light sunny c.nrls felLnp- tCaHullY; “you are speaking trow nobility of tbO rriind asserted jts supeJ ‘on her wliite Ahuutders, and contrustt d >» batei^heSs and motikery-l*’ ] rioHiy dvei-'ThaMei^ hCreditary nobin^ fetmiigciy hi their W ditiiess with the ” No, fitf' bm fe,’* replied her lover, fyw 'naine and stati6n-*-that the .bar* ‘diiik.'eiiiei-ald hue onu-r satin robe, the latighiii^y.' “But good night how, Lcs-' riiTs of raiik aristocracy Wefe broken front and sleeVes of wiiicli were clasped diid God bless yon!” ^ down, arid men ow-ed ho limits to their Wftli 'diamonds of inestimable rahf6; He relinquished the hand lie held, own wild wills. Claude A#beHon-was - Bv her side, sat a jraMig airired a«'d as the cUrdage whirled rapidly ! a reVOlurioiifot in the ^bfeSt sense Of the «??Ht sfrt.liiM •urrtiru..yh Hr» uwaV. the Smile faded lipori his lips, i wofd-^Ms prond spirit had been slUup With studied plaiiiiiess./krthongh the lurii of his finely Shipped head, tlM lire away, the smile faded lipori his lips, I aiid Jie w alked home in uioOdy thought df-his dark, melancholy eyes, khd thfe i fulness. __ ' trouhlfed expression ol’ his paft. ^huiid- H was a* severe tnaTfdrlhe proud sOme teafur^s, VOlidOred 'Mfii ah db- spirit of daifde Aubertin, much ag ihe ject Of Whom one ^wOuTd know rnore. loved libstelle/to consentto owe every^- •Tt is .Maaemor^dfe Yerney,^? ‘reydifed thing to hereto subject hhnself to the the noting Count tie Touts ; ‘•“tlie rich- ' mokifyHfij surmistS-Of those ivhaJudged «st heiress in -Paris, arid on‘the eVe of of him by their worldly arid perverted M afiiage witlrtwaf ‘soleiilu'l,d6king.p^r- i ifhagfnations. And there were HVnes sOnkge at her aide?” j When he almost determined'to give (her must bO Very Voting saidUhe rip forever,'although the destruction Of En^iishman. ' " ' ; his own peace and hers should be'the isaearcelyEighteen;’* was the consequence; while at other times 1be reply. ‘’wilMril as^she is beautilrif.” - . thought of doing somSlhing worthy df “And her lover?” ' her love. -But a name and fortune are Ah, there lifcSHhe disparity; he has easity Tound in these days? and ire *Che IfMtlirrig. absolutely noihing-^a’rid is 'as interim a ihoiisand things might hap* •proud as be is poor I Why. Lestelle pen - Lestdie might grow old—or die W ith her beaQiy and furtuire. Might 1 —or she might cease ta iovfe bim-r^lor tiave chosen a husband amoiia the rid-! the heart h^adfs changes' audits* se®- M eSof the land; h’ut She is'ibnd arid sons, none o f which; however, ^i-eseMble ‘rOmanlic, and Monsieur Aiibertiri quiet itsArst freshness a«diptt.iity< >,j ] , , • As he looks, had wit enoi^h to persuade The attachment of Our girlish-idaVs fier that She loves hirii.” , i»ay last through woi«»iihoo(l,:^nd evim dpersuade her?” repeatedthh EngHsb- M old^agedtselfi'huc every wellivei pjan, ____________ ____________ ,i more Mf earthlyI'fedingi.jraore-,of the .........................noem irs naviiig ^ny, reiii 4iaHitere,iSed alfeotioh for her,; we lEnoiyl ,too much of the world Jo believe -1^^- ‘P9h¥' .Jai^ded scornfnily, asjie drpiv hiS; cpui- .“You are^ill?” said, J^esteile^ afixiqpf-| fyi if^tgqed the changed ejipfres-| .^on ff,l»v^ J«?ver’s.fCounte«»«M;q, and| haughtily pout,^ period ill a foreign land? W o m a n ’s fi- hy the \vorldly Scorn of those-Whdmi he inivardly despised j but not for thi& did. be turn upon- his (MpprossoTrs^—not ^fof* any feeling save the purri aftd holy love of liberty; and when that name be- came prostituted to the very worst piirposps--rwhen. it w*gs , the xvatch- vvorfl^tp .eriipe and bloodshed-fhe yet clung to it-as in, his, first pour pf yqaih- ful «utlmsiasm, and trusted everythjng to, |ts,'power, .when. tbeifi|:^M|flp?fMatidn should have ip^^ed ;avyay .apd4e suet egeded hy;an agq of rationality^apd fea* ho&h»ndAQO will not.tp bavetirobilM^d his primciples ? gLqd the cq^lly' Ba’poiis.of ?a, as she was.palied^,wifre p,igh,Uyfchpqng^(| >yitli the Jeadinj; oulUicai cha*:aeters of a(gA>1 a gladsomespi»^L ,dler.sm i|^jver^|q^ iVvqfiMM.aiid Iliad often a purpose t,? gp. tW IpolTftd. T O ? I 1‘ever ,drM tid. -Y h e r e , w a s , m a n y ; e : " *- w.ho,„4lthpHgH: m sistiess pleader. , , s . j i s 's s s i s r & s S tpq sgrijRrilqns ,i*^rveo^4,nM erfitt qni move Jhp unplee^.T^pImgs ,irhfch a r * Of late it had b e e n ’oblmTcl^^haV fast, but*they uttcre^ U w as'a loyalsf in his.riei^S ' At the opening 'Of Mie.Reyolntion, in IIW4, he re provkled for levy* mg aniJ jcollecling, annually, a tax which shall be sufficient to pay the interest accrueing upon" the debt; and also an additional su u wdiich be equal to at least five per cent of the tpuj a'mdunt of the debt, which latter sum shall con- stitute asinking fund for there demptidh of the principal of tpe debt; and ^ueh sinking luod shall he and remain sacred and invio ate.ior that purpose, and the s.aid annual tax shall he levied" and collected, until sufficient is realized to pay and extinguish the piincipal of such funded debt, aijd the interest thenoii, AUtije laws relating to the jelection ol rhe charter offi- cers of aijy sucli corporation shall apply to ev- ery .such election, held pursiiaiit' to this Sec- tion, -so far as the Same are applicable; ' ’ .y^V I^Toihing in this act coutaineci shall he jfenjed to altejr. repeal Or modify any law now sisting authorising any municii al corpora- tion to'borrow money, contract debts*and'issue tjng ___to borrow , _ bonds, obligations or evi ices of debts.' , f > .Gapt. Ingraham j’ecbivedJiis Midship- as a tale to tell on ivirich.’ the-'rricoi'dfrigi ang^F ■notes dawn.thc-riObic-deedsjof'woraerr,^’ ] one»“*^ At a future time all shall be explained’ , ine( freer to act as I please;” ' ' , ^“Iie3tel^e,‘?^■e^xQlarmsed fhenhewildeced Auber^in, , ,4‘,Pa« .it A^e^my, Lestelle.*^ ' M f ............................................ ever loved you less? Have I ever spok- em oriel pn^mlworiiEtoIyda 4fiatT Hid not 8triyc i^ie ? nextm pinfilitflp atniie Skke,pl‘0S^tat'ed: M y; pfoti'd "IspiFit and dared Ihe sheeFs of ^he worldT Ay* and deserved tbem— -Tor-I 'JrastcdT-rl nian-*-andiiMyr38he.8corQSfdeSpiiieKand dcSjsrJs M e T ’ -y r;. ri J n |^ ' 'Aubel 4b^n^hAdIbrg 6 ttereTh0jlifeiefiee oPlhh nRl9.holtry,l>«l;lio loukedpraud* ly up, and* rqgoi.eginsihis'i ness, sai(L-=. 1' i Alrtfi oliT-jdfvorce owiHirasurc yritri’ B iit^ ^ the pferi tfeiri(>lld lo^t ?o - forever/W d ddded -fri ri h o a i ^ .Vo'ice4-,‘u''' 'o ' ■ : \ , l tf.: rTi'^ jTcrieuuv. • 1 " - i r a S a there were no traces of it as .'Doiifr :Gcivb . H p r ^ ' F h ^ ’e d i t o r i j o f 't h e Albany"JbttrnaZ teUstlife 'following«to- ryitahiS idraws^A lanpral rfeom it w h ich yoring men should, rearejiiber. A liJJle felfoiv, ‘whj0jpiition;a ipair of skates for the first time, paid thq usual penalty;— Having.iuict .ijiiSself ,somcwlkt.iby 3he shan’t fiye it tfp,’’ wa's nthe reply; ^‘T canTearnJoGsli 3 iJc<;and T:lvill |eaMJ.’? 7 -r And at it he went, with an energy ..and determination which bade defiance to appffeift impossibilities; Tii'twenty yearsWonl lhrit time, that litilefcHow if he^lves. will have Aiade his mm’k foihewbere. A bo^ udio wtH not give Up h difficrilt^jobj Hut Who WHl do It-be- baris^‘he feels Cdri^1o'uS Jhat:b& can' do it; hris thri writ*' Br tlie‘true* metal of hiyntidbd 1ft Ms 'compositiore.“ ' - •‘ CML:.' '.:rr. ; t . lU. : (pp" Aj6^iliri-1^oyionb.oW^«hipwr^ Cftllpd. op, to;fee r;virhipped ffoi; ,spfne -m/p- ..Irittle ilack ,wepi tremqUqg ^ljerying;.fo Ithejcqplaim whi. -a rpligi0U$ «Wh andj^id-r: 1 .: ^ tjpu, wqit-pptd L ^ y Jny-pPsiyers^!’ ,t ■; : , ,i < ap andrismiijiig trium pkam iy. ‘.T-H nev- ■e^r^^YAfeem'.” ; ' ' ' , . V S i W W w s : t . i IrolHiftg 'sdwV primpkins^ri: fief apron; S 8 .f 4 .tia ‘S ffl.-.¥ S 5 » * a " 'e K : K R ‘« aW6* t>wd leM.-ntrritL ■-fr,! ov/'■t.-i'i" :< preservo us,i%q%i Yfotl! Wi»efieMlyiempiri3md;isyirtue.i *JV .’ h& s 1u‘t i 1 3 t G tVJpi Coinmbdori the intimate 1 about to sail * requested Mr. Ingraham to.a)loWihiiq to lakeL-Ms-son w iih liim __ “JYe shall ac'e'ordirigly went to seh at onee, at that tendefwge, and yeinained in actjvCi sen* vjce: fqr Au^q years, .until ,tfie.ql.q|e of the wvar. ;He , tfien ' returned ,hQine> at ,the age of eleyeii, and resumed ills edhc^tiOn at school. Siifoe then he has,'tn'ost-OflhiS time, beCn ethpldyed m actike aiuty. .ile coirlmaiided JhrilllL fajtai Owners in filookgde ,;duty Yera bsrii^ 'ftrostrat^ bY-'sickiwsse w as^^ik hpmelbui a short .time before lost. :For two years ipreMLous. tojhls M fditerr^ic^ ctty-wflFloiig -ieniemfief him and .fils aCCompliSbedTamily. ' ;;d%ptMft iiigfaliam married'. Harriet 4?^$outh.OarDfina,,» grand-daughter. On the pa.ternal.S.ide, pf Henry Laurens. thePresiderif of theflrsf Continental- -Congrm, and who, after - ward was captiMrid byiAlBritislffripte >«hi}p on Id? W ^tp.Frappe ^ s. Afpeyl- Ch tho^maferhal'-side' is Thd'■^aftd- daoghier'OfiiEdward Rutledge, nitejof .ttei §m ?rs, p i the Deolaratiofl: d?fj :CilA?TER 502. AN AQT M authorize gtochbolcjeis of railroad Md plank road ^on^anies to mate payment? 'upon mortgages in process of foreclosure 'agaihst-BUch compariies, a»d therfeupofl to tb-become iilteresteJ in Said -mortgages. ’• ' ' Passed June ‘iO, l&fi-S,. 3%e J'eopie of the State o f New ‘Vo-k, represented in Se^te ,and AssentUp da-enaj:i a^^of b, vs: merit hf principal or intefest of any b&nd^ of fit 6f theholderiand faolders!Of each tondsf such aprppbrtiph bf the sura Jiae and, bf the Surfise-' cpred M be pain by the whole of bends se- cured by siicfi mortgage as s'uc'h Mo'ethoTder’s stock shall bear M' The ‘-tt hole stock of said Goriripktiv: and’onsO paying such stockhcldet panv 10 siicui.e.iuc.pttyu.sa*i vi a"j' ='ui u sate .'under such foredosure .. have 'tbejri^ht -on hi stirih' fnbjtsfage,-, fo’i- the use, ^rid behefit of saW pu'rchaser o'f. •purchasers, a sum'equal to Sittih/pKOpoftioft of the .pnee paul aasuch sale; and:-fll».vpsts aqd expensed ,lhe|eQf,.'as such kholder’s, =stock in said Company: shall bear he tvhole capital stobk of said* edfrfiariy: dit»^b paiviiigitich 'stockhprder;sha1Lheieht !(!-tb'have the same relative mtoantrif stock UC interest in. sjaid railroad or pla.nk t'o# company-and its ^oadj iranpha^qs^apd prppprty, •y ,'i- . CfeAtTtR'648 . ' Alf*A6 T tri i-elatlon to‘ SufrogateV Courts held by Gorihty Judgbs an 1 other officers vPessed.JuIy. 8l,:i§. 53, - naj^oUs. - i.it is aJ2iiriouS circumstaigce.'that' hy W?,ey.m.ay«?ge fylth Jbe AmqrfoAn family cOfs^rthc^BvitiSh Navy;’ Amohg thes wa^thc late Captain iMavty'altv^t' B.- Cibq »!ll bar) js^idi Sir jjd w ard ^ Bclctjer, pedition, lately-sent m itijyrhe firliish ’i^diM l^^y,‘;ifiiSfarcfik’tif;Sirlj0hjnl'riaik- S » « f e S S i ,( -a I •( '-OiTiTTEfi '481;' ; , •' "AN ACT tb amend an ict erititlpd -'uin rfeTaiion 40 JHank Rbads.?’- phs^d April . iJfiitSSS. Passed June 30vMS;4:l The^iPeOple o f Hie State o f -Kevs-Vovk, jsjjMfi3ife|SSt

i' (.'? ' m ,v.l '.' ^,'j }:.,iilni ,S.'tr: g/ .IT ' IiWoukb Yobii S ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031097/1853-10-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · rf 7'i. jV. ’^'iklCj _H,; _(jj-j >1

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, S E U D i M E t l i Y . .

From the A mbassador.. . . , . , WNkS.

Su^^6j?ted by the d ^ th of tny friead Seth Case, c

I sa w a group, a happy group,A father, brother, sisters dear—

1 look dgain—there Spirits dfoob,Ih each eye there trembles a tear.

Tfhere epmes a sigh, a mournfiil sigh,A isole nn dfree upon the gale,

It breathes thus, as it passes by—‘‘•One of that.gronp lies cold and pale. ■

‘‘T hat brother, that brother so dear,Tt ‘slpepin*r noW-his la«t long slfeep,

That sleep tha t knows no wa ing here, w here we are left to mourn and w eep.

e« jc lull I ' • ’ .Ml-. 7 ' :* 17.i rciiirlsifr,9,nq her wj ita :broHr, and,pt^|, t?p her pretty Jlp<, but shp did not. r^pJy; & ud the Xqng silence that ensued was i rpkon atjeoirthby , ^

,r* SbalU tqU.jou.Msle*le/’ he. asked in. a Jaw voice. f‘'w_hat ,the.,0pqnt ,deTours ha?:|nst been fbiaitfami he peakp. dauplless. from-the cauj,- moo niutora aniluopiitjpns of'sbpiptyj’f

“ As you v f U l 'rPPMi ^e^te.|le,;cp|- oriucrjsllffhtly, and trying .tp f im U ^ 4(;enpe^^,i; . . .r, .„-i n , , ,

“He called you aLestelle I .SLUlLme aEadventurer.”

;vA ti,d ifllp W9 r4 f p ; , su cli-,a s

ctePtfs or hisances'torq, and emTiroldering

remarks? IChat J arp foiiti and romans h^r head bent doWn ; ancias sfemslfght; tic,,,I eopfessi pver,s]Hce f can remem- ‘

“ Life passed gently, gently aw ay.He laid as one quietly steeping-,

And his sileneeueemed to say—t&loved dne’ 3, why are ye weeping?

^eep not for -ee, for me-tbo’ gone,, life's short hour is dark and dreary, ’twill brighten as you speeJ on

3d>t.e. honfie of theTo Ihy hd>t.e.

■Qur home is not h’eV'^drjhere griefddl To<drown eat-n 'object o f oUi J05-.

tic , ey,llie»s» i von i ro jc u i 'ber„ iii m y d rp a rn s of y o u n g rb m h n ^ e I p ic tu re d to m y se lf a n id ea l b e in g vvlipm I c o u ld love f b u t n e v e r W e re g ir lb o p d 's v is io n s re a liz e d a s . m i n e ^ a v e b e e n — th a t is , i f m y heVo does n o t sp o il a ll by h is |n p sc ru p u lo u s p r id e .”

“ B u t l \ia .ve n o t to ld y o u a ll y e t ,” c o n tin u e d A u b e r tiu , w h ile h is h a u g h ty

p le n d id m atp h es in th e k in g d o m .” “ lA iu i, w ould t h a t h a v e in su re d m y

h a p p in e ss ? ” a sk e d L e s le lle . “ O h , th a t -w e lived in th e o ld tim e o f fa ir ie s , a n d th a t I in ig h t h a v e on e w ish ?”

“ A n d .w hat w ould t h a t b e ? ” in q u ire d h e r In v er. *

- T h a t we might chdpge -situations with one anothef; that ybn Could have all the weallli. hiid 1 -"be A. iJoor girl, blessed "only With yhlii* affectiojis.-^ Olaude. l should feel «o rminiligtioii. nP gratitude in recievhig all, frorrt ybii— love tvould haVb equalisrednis.”

“ I fe a r t h a t y o u r c re e d is r a th e r a th e o r e t ic a r th a i i a { irac tida l one.' L es- tetle,^* s a id A u b p r iih H vft|rA tn o u rn fq l

1 “ I f I co u ld cohiffert y b d tb 'i^ d Ijdiief,

- - w h i s p e r ; a n d th e re wras no sh a d e u ponth e o pen b ro w o f h e r lovdr, a s h e M in­g led in th e b r i l l ia n t th ro n g W ith hi^ b e a u tifu l a n d d ev o fed MtsYress. " ,

rT b e ev e n in g p q ^ e d aW^V a s even-

Ana make each d-ay a day of care.

Vo; onr home’s above, beyo In yor brighl f'e'alms of enil!■here flows no tedr, where But all is day, day TVithout'

^‘Dear friends, we_e|> not, weep not for.lne; . Tho’ strong "is the tie that’s riven 5 feut prepare to n eet all with me.

In that bright home, home in Heaven ’’

tlam illu s ,N . Y ., April, 1852.

p o in t m e n ts— o cc as io n ed . • p e r lia p E hy th e absence, o f th e buijr o n e a m id a th o u s a n d fo’r w hom w e ''h a v e areSbfed a n d s m ile d -^ a b a ll I s a b r g l i t tjpbcli in

s a id L c s te lle , iii a tim id Vpjcp. a s th e y s ip o d to g e th e r w a it in g fo r T ie r b a r r ia g e to 'd rk w up . ‘ ' ^ ■

“ O f c o u rse ,” re p lie d A u b o r tin gloom ^

T H E m E - T i U l B .

¥ h E d i v o r c e d H U S B i ^ N O j

hHj W o ltA p a ib v E i

‘‘ W h o i s r h h t beaUHful girti»’ia s k e d i lv l “ T r ia v e r e c e W d a torm^^a y o u n g E ilgH blitnah d t fUi e o m p a n io n , ‘ tiM rto M ebt y o tir-guard ikn* . a n d th e n o - h s d lu jv Ib a n t fob a rhbiiie».t A g a h is l o n e t a r y J o Sign HiC d C ^ d f r o f t h e rn a rb le p illa fa U m n a r se n h -M M it o f ‘y d # pi‘dp C rty .” ' ; ■fenchaMirtg sce n d W hidb S P a ris ia n -b a ll “ h V u l l ‘short b e dV er!" s a id L e s tc lle , -n rese iits to ib c eVb d f a' « t ra n « c r . T h 'e Ihyiir^ h c r l ja t id rn ip lp rln g ly on h is a rm .

A nd y o u Will b e a r t in s fo r m y sa k e , Jlaiide?”

y o u n g g ir t a lliidbd fo w a s e x q u is ite lyio v d y , w ith a p e /H e .a n d e h ild -l ik e Jig- C la u d e ? ” , . . . . >h fe , a tk ir, b n - l i t face , a n d a p a ir d £ sW bet T esteflle ! b l i t I Will m a k etb e m o st m isclicV iotis b lu e ^ y t - s t h a t ilo prbiriiSeS 1 Icb li s h a l l '.s e e h o w ,co n fd b e Tniagitibd-=-am iOd«h life tie- H eiitly I wJH lis te n to M . F ra u d e ’s ar- rieih 'aM d thrfee y e a rs . W hich g lid ed p a s tm n c e iie ss o f tm r p re s e n t a tr i tm fe m ad e ro g a n i t a u n ts a n d ‘h o w InimDly a n d so h a p p ily w ith th e m , a r e M a rk e d inth e m a p p e a r so fte n e d i f n o t su b d u e d ; g vateflil I w ill c o n d u c t i iu 'se lf.” c h a ra c te r^ o f tblood in th e iro o U u tr y ’s r. 711 AU"d n o w foW-b’oflH e r head-vvas^beirt a liiH e-fo im -ard . a n d ‘ ‘C la u d e!” in te f r iip te d L es te lle a l- a n n a ls . N o w i** ‘ I'bb itiiia tb j

L c i t d t e , t a a M S h 1 ^ ia m .;3 S h K w ou ld s i t fo r h o y rs M'. A tt-^W ittide o f . ^ e j ) tB ouglff;*^^^ pcevishfaiM . a f a s t r ic t -ed w h e n ~ ro u se 4 -a » - if - tb e -p la n s w h ich sh e w a a - e V id ^ ty a> rrangihfetn :heg o w n ip in d . re q u ire d c o n c e n tra tio n o f e v e rv th d u g b t m S lfd w b h ld lie 'k b '-s e n t to o ; i fo i^ J io u rs - to g e tf ie f j 4 o^^onb k n e w w h e re , ac co b ip an ied g n lg rb y -^h ir

tin, although hefelt-theateratlon, askeB «Q K M JoflC' lahGh f i i t hin her affection to have the remotesj:

MM- — .*,..'.': D -!' r.-.

i as sbe;sirghti her'bwit fbOtM, seildirt a tneS^gb by

* *- * -5 .'.-J

' - ' S I B' IiWoukb Yobii

p i a ; ^ AV^vr.Tg d ” .y £ 1..,,: -...i

.W iIs y n a r k r e

■Wife WitVarWabSuV- ‘

i j r ra id e d h e r h e a d 011 th e M fr a n c q V f j h e r M aid , re q u e s tin g th e ^ p r e s e n c e - o fher id y erp e saW that h#eyesrw #*e red from e.vcessive Weeping. Uavingbowed

lip s, he s a t d o w 'u a n d w a ite d o a im fy 'fq r .\T. F ra u d e l t d co m m en c e fh e b h s in e s s th a t h a d b rd u g h t . th e m E ogetker.

“ 'Y o u n r e a w a re , M . A u b e riin ,!’ sa id th e o ld g e n tle m a n a f le n g th , ‘‘ t h a t r n y w a rd is v e ry y o u n g a n d t h a t in a c c e p t­in g y p u fo r h e r fu tu r e h u s lia u d , s h e a c ts c o n tra ry to m y w ish es , a n d dem 'on- s tra ’le s th e n a tu r a l w illfu ln ess o f h e r s e x p p /

“ A ll th is is n e w to m e ,” re p lie d th e y o iih g m an , w h ile h e s to le a n a r c h lo o k a t L e s te lle , w ho w as w a tc h in g h im w ith b re a th le s s a n x ie ty .

“ W ell, th e n , w’e m a y a s w ell com e to th e p o in t a t once . W ith o u t m y c o n ­se n t y o u r in a fr ig e c a n n o t t a k e p la c e u n ­til A ladem bise lle V e rh e y is o f a g e - ^ a .period o f,W h ic h i t o n ly , w a n ts '' th re o - pi y e a r^ ; a n d y a u r 's ig h ih g th is d ee d ,, by bi w h ich th e W hoTeof h e r p r o p e r ty is s e t- ’ t ie d j iM l ie n a b ly u p o n he rse lf, w h h o u t

----- ..T .A to d rS w o ris th e on ly con-

w h ich "the h a n d o f L e s te lle c a n b e y o u rs ,”

A ‘ crim son , b lu sh p a s se d o y e r th e cliqek a n d b ro w n f Claujde A u b e rtin , a n d th e re w a s a m o m e n t’s p a u se ,,d u rin g W hich th e keeii g la i ic e o f th e o ld m an , th e co ld s c r u tin y b f 'th e fto tafy ,' a n d 'th e p le a d in g ey e s o f th e a n x io u s ^ i r l w e re fix ed e a # r f y Upon h is f g e e ; lie l ie ld o u t h is h a n d fo r th e p a p e r , a n d g la n c in g

■; | i 1$ w tll l’f s a i3 F ra u d e l, cop ii

llJilt ,4%uu . ^ ,to" g iiid c I t ; and ..W hen th e s ig h a tu fe Was‘-a t ' le n g th ' co m p leted ,- sh e 'flft'ng.herT s e l f upo n his bosom a n d w e p t Idiig a lia p a ss io iia je ly . E v e n th e n o ta ry w as m o v ed ib to so rtied iin g lik e sy m p a th y , k n d gathering u p his pap e rs ,! h a s i e r # ! to follow h is p a iro n iV o m T h e rdoM i A nd

rhO love.*-s fu ll l ib e r ty t o g iv e Verii to 'their feolitigS; 'b u l regard for tb e ti ih * id a n d weeping^ i r l j w h o e lu h g Uy h im so fo n d ly a n d im p lo rin g ly . S u b d aed J h e otfeirdcul p r id e 'o f -G laude A U bertitu A nd h e h a d - J it t le d iffic u lty in s o o th in g her ■fears* iOnd w in n in g b a c k th e 's u h s h in e ’o f her h ap p y sm ile s .

A teW d a y s a f te r t h i s th e y w e re w a r-

h e r h u s b a n d , at* tw e lv e fexactly, ip h e r b o i id o ir i p n d A u ^ r t i p . n o t be iiig a b le a t th e m q rn p n t to in v e n t a n y d e c e n t ex* c u se T o r re fu s in g to com ply w ith h e r re ­q u e s t , re lu c ta m ly p ro m se d to a t te n d h e r a t th e h b h r a p p o in te d , d e te rm itie d t h a t th e m e e tin g sh o u ld be a s .b r ie f a$ p o ss ib le * g s he" iraa g in ed t h a t i t .m ere ly r e la te d to m a t te r s o f a p e c u n ia ry n a ­tu re , a s u b je c t to w h ich b e a lw a y s e h - terta irie id a n e rv o u s h o rro r . ‘ -

“ I s i t possib lS in .ithQ H gbt G lau d e , h t h a t ' s h e h a s gO nerO usly a n t ic ip a te d m y w ish to. p o ssess su ff ic ie n t fu n d s fo r m y d isp o sa l to be o f ben ifice iit s e r v ic e to riiy C Q im try f A m t y e t , e v e n i f i t w e re so , a n d h e r g u a rd ia n c o n se n te d , I w ou ld n e v e r a c c e p t th e m .” ..

A t J h e a p p p in te d tim e A u b o r tin p r e ­s e n te d h im se lf a t th e d o o r of. h is ,w ife ’s b o u d o ir, th e J irs t^ g la n c e a t w h ich con- jSrmed h is , ,s u s p ic io n a s t o T h e - p u rp o r t o f h is Visit.^ L e s te jle vyas rid’t T h e re , b u t M . I ) 'u m o n t-- tfa e ''B a m e Jvhbdii he h a il M et o ttb e’ befo re a t h e r g iia rd ia iils — ^atood b e n d in g o v e r .a v e r y busines.s- lik e s h e e t o f -p a re lim e n t.

■“ P ra y b e s e a te d , M o n s ie u r .” s a id th e l i t t le n o ta ry * “ M ad a in e A u b e r l iq 'w ill b e h e re d i re c t ly .”

C la u d e b o w i^ co ld ly , a n d to o k th e offeM d c h a i r in s ile n o e .

“ G lo rio u s t im e s ,. M o n sieu r 1” , s a id D u r a q n t , /u b b in g h i s 'w i t h e r e d h a n d s t o o t h e r - ; “ g lo r io d s 't im e s w e l iv b 'iU nolv ! T h e a g e o f l ib e r ty in e v e ry s e r tie o f th e w o r d ! ” , - ' I " '

C la u d e a c q u ie sc e d b y - a n o th e r b o w .. .“^Yon h a v e d o u ^ ie s s h e a r d Of T h e

new , ; |a iy o r reVolutlononrjr d iy e rc e 1/’M idiniiiBd M> .D u m o n t ; , ‘‘ a v e ry good -7- a y e ry . 'e x # lle n li la.W, M uyusieur,’!

‘“ A" v e ry c o n v e n ie n t o n e . 'T 'sK b u rd th in k ,” ' rb 'plie'd 'A u b e rtin . lartgh irrg irtS p ite df-fiiriiidFfd a t t h e -so leihnlfy W ith w hiO h the 'ro ld m d n s p o k e , .v 1 u ’ ; rt’^ d a i td e " A n b e r tin ,’! sa id t h e n o ta r y , a f te r a p a u se , “ I a m a m a n o f few w onds — a m a n o f .b u s m e s s —a n d i t is w ell to c o m e - t o , th e p o in t a t o n ce . L e s te lle W ould lavail h e f s d lf Of th e pppoV tuhity to b e d iv o rc e d fro m y o u ;a h d h a s ^ p u r- "posetyi te f t 'u S liogEfthem m o rd e r i h d t .Tm ighfcinform, y o u q f.bo r-w ishes; t o w b io h s h e ^ n l r e a t s t b ^ t .y p u w ill offe.c.tio; QP*

^ ‘TVccursed lia H i t is falsfeT^’k x c lk im ed th e e n n ^ id ^ ik b a h d - i l^ ^ W il l b e ­liev e i t . ”. “ O U u d o d ’ ,$Sid a^gqutle: ym ee b y i i i s

And you would-refuse he'r—may be?—

Little ,1 7 • r 11,:

would: yoH.:ask J’oit jno;

c r a i ic C o u n t, w h o , b u t a s h o tt, t im e b& for§r,'^,ouM caG.»ir^!ely c p n d f s a d m k d i to

S & ! 5 M S f lequalfelng-Bpirit of tfib-age. ' ' "1I“ .L a l w a j a J l o M • yo u l I m w .w ould

e n d !” s a id D e T o u rA J“ tbA :rom,4ftil§

ty t h a t p re se M s_ itse lf in beCoMTO^ f re e

“ And poor. Aiibettin,-what has be* come o f * h i m • ‘--W hy, th e y s a y th a t b e t a k e s it-y ery

m u ch f d h e a r f ; a n d n o w o n d e r, see in g t h a t h e r fo r tu n e is s c a rc e ly re d u ced ; a n d h e r s e l f i f p o s s ib le i m W b e a u tifu l th a n e v e r .” ;.: A t th is m o m e n t t h e y w exe - in to rru p t- ed by t h e e n tra n c e o f C la u d e -A-nbertHi h im se lf ,, w ith L e s te lle le a n in g b p h rs a rm , -or r a th e r d i n i n g , in - h e r 's w e e t, g ra c e fu l m a n n e r , w h ile h e r b r ig h t e y e s s p a rk je d w ith -h a p p in e s s a s pile ■fisteaed w ith a flu sh ed c h e e k t o j h e w h isp e re d a c c e n ts o f h e r h u sb a n d , o n w h o se c o u n ­te n a n c e a sm ile o f t r iu m p h a n t exU lta- ta t io n m ing led w ith -d e e p lo v e . .

“ W h a t ’s th i s ? ” in q u ire d De. T o u rs o f a^p erso n yMp. s to o d n e a r him* ®nd w ho. h a p p e n e d to h e th e i io ta ry , M . ,Du-

AndBidi th e y .w e re , a n d m a^ rie d :a g a la th is m o rn in g ,” s a i l th e n o ta r y , ' |v i th a

■ “ -J fo t-a t-a lh A ceoV ding to - f h e f irs t m a rr ia g e s e tt le m e n t, -w h ich ta O k ’-place when Lestelle fVgs.a miuor j tte.W'hole

A u b e r t ih 'h a d n o ' pbW er t q ‘dra iV a Sin­g le so u of i t ; b n t on 'M im n g o f a g e sh e a v a i le d h e r s e l f o f .o u r i ie w l i w o f -d i­vorce*. Im o rd e r t h a t th e m n u e y M a y J%e

I re in v e s te d I n h e r h u s b a n d ’s j ia m e o»-

“ I t w a s a n o b le d ee d , “b n t A ub 'efliwdiet -n o t k n o w a t firs t h e r reaSo 'nsT ortt’ishing to be^pparated from.hiin-L-for I o[i|et him late last ;i|g% ipJhe;Riie) St,H qjpore, w ith o u t th e , M arseilli despair and t..,..“ - T h e t f r i e f t*-ialJWhteh h iife e fif ig s -h a v e undergoji§ :;W as! jt!iftvdt4.4ble|?’, :$aid th g n o ta /y , “ a s h is p ro u d s p ir i t w q q ld p e v e r h a v e b een b ro u g h t to c p n # h t tO rthe sa c rif ic e .” *

^ De Tours,” said the voting citfeen, itikiV

| : W ^ - ^ ^ •¥lit-S M y - * t t ? iW * h u < w t |. , : t o . «oB }sgat


i i i c f e i u j L 7 .

C O M M a k h a ^ d B A lA M .

_ We have been favored, flroin a rell^^ source, with a bit)#apihrcal sketch of Commander Ihgfaham, whose late gal­lant, conduct in caniinand of the St. Louis, in the harbor of Smyrna, has given him a world-wide reputation.

Commander Duncaii N. Ingraham is the son qf ihe late Nathapiel Ingraharn, Esq., o f •Charleston, S, *G., and belongs to a. famll-y-emmeht}37naval-in- its cliaV- afiter, '.A 'ilofthem , yvijh oneexeepHou,y ? W Ih ‘being the intimate friend p.f .CaptainPaulJJopes, votutiteered under his com­mand, when he left FranCe in ‘the Bon Homme ^chard,. iff. and.fought

faW Mtions ill the annals o f naval war­fare.'^•■Hisunefe, G#taiirdoseph Ingra- b&ie, n . .S. JN„ .was lost in the D.S* ship, P*;^ring, which went d.qwu at sea, and was never heard ot.at the beginning of this century. His cousin, -William Ingraham, v^shilled at the age of tiveh- |y- .-l?h«n , LiepteiHilit in the U,

Chapter '6dr3; and ■ regr

__ ---------— — Eo-(®nh4Jst debts 111 ,feg n tM ir credit.

aid of any individual, psOciati^ii 'orhdrpbra^

, f 2. No muyicipal corpdfa.tipn of any city OF vhlase shall horr.dw tTj6neybr ,<'omTactAebt, except, in' th^ nianoer heiein'prp.viJed ; awJ .efr

ln,c6,nfotraity to the provisions of this act . ‘- f 3*. No municipal corporation ol ahy eftyoP villase shall.'contract any 'deb t, the amonnt 0 \yliich-shall; exclysiye of the debt now owin; by said corporation, exceed at .any time a'sup

^ ^ p l i r t l ^ i J i ^ t i o n of t h e ,rent fiscal year, and the same ghail always b*e ftiade payable and shall be paid w ithin ei§ht months from i& lime in which such iempora* ry loan is made. - • '

^ 5 . No .funded debt shall be.contracted by any municipal corporation, unless T f’De for "a specific object, to be expressly sfaleJ in the or- dlnsttice proposing the same, nor. unless su'eli Ordipaoce «hdll.h,ave been passed by .lwO-ihircp of all the members ejeclea to the Qommoii cpiui- cil or board of truste'es of such corporation, ahfi sjiall paye Been submilteil to and approved o f by a majority of the tax -payers of ari3 ^«oli city ;or village at a special ejec.tiqn to be up- pointed, for that purpose, by the said .eprn mop councilor board of trustees, nor lihl’ess ' the

|r h o SQ le.exception i n ’ h'e ram lly , wa,s M s u n c le , D u n c k n In g r a h a m ,E s q l , fro m W h o m 'h e fe o erv M liis liu'tne. H e w a s

a profusion qf light sunny c.nrls felLnp- tCaHullY; “you are speaking trow nobility of tbO rriind asserted jts supeJ‘on her wliite Ahuutders, and contrustt d >» batei^heSs and motikery-l*’ ] rioHiy dvei-'ThaMei^ hCreditary nobin^fetmiigciy hi their W ditiiess with the ” No, fitf' bm fe,’* replied her lover, fyw 'naine and stati6n-*-that the .bar* ‘diiik.'eiiiei-ald hue onu-r satin robe, the latighiii^y.' “But good night how, Lcs-' riiTs of raiik aristocracy Wefe broken front and sleeVes of wiiicli were clasped diid God bless yon!” down, arid men ow-ed ho limits to theirWftli 'diamonds o f inestimable rahf6; • He relinquished the hand lie held, own wild wills. Claude A#beHon-was - Bv her side, sat a jraMig airired a«'d as the cUrdage whirled rapidly ! a reVOlurioiifot in the bfeSt sense Of the «??Ht sfrt.liiM •urrtiru..yh Hr» uwaV. the Smile faded lipori his lips, i wofd-^Ms prond spirit had been slUupWith studied plaiiiiiess./krthongh thel u r i i o f h is finely Shipped h ea d , tlM lire

a w a y , th e sm ile fa d ed lipori h is lip s , I a iid J ie w a lk e d ho m e in uioOdy t h o u g h t

d f - h is d a r k , m e la n c h o ly ey e s , k h d thfe i fu ln e ss . __ 'trouhlfed e x p re s s io n o l’ h is p a f t . ^huiid- H w a s a* s e v e re t n a T f d r l h e p ro u d sOm e te a fu r^ s , VOlidOred 'M fii a h db- s p i r i t o f d a i f d e A u b e r t in , m u c h ag ih e j e c t O f W hom o n e ^wOuTd k n o w rn o re . lo v ed l i b s t e l l e / t o c o n s e n t to o w e every^-

•T t is .M aaem or^dfe Yerney,^? ‘reydifed th in g to h e r e t o s u b je c t h h n s e lf t o th e t h e no ting C o u n t tie T o u t s ; ‘•“ t l ie ric h - ' m ok ifyH fij surm istS -O f th o s e iv h a Ju d g e d« s t h e ire s s in -Paris, arid o n ‘t h e eVe o f o f h im by th e i r w o r ld ly a r id p e r v e r te d M a f iia g e w it l r tw a f ‘so le iilu 'l,d6k ing .p^ r- i i fh a g fn a tio n s . A n d th e r e w e re HVnessO nkge a t h e r a id e ? ” • j When h e a lm o s t d e te rm in e d 'to g iv e (her

m u s t bO Very Voting s a id U h e rip f o r e v e r , 'a l th o u g h t h e d e s tru c tio n Of E n ^ i ish m a n . ' " ' ; h is o w n p ea ce a n d h e rs sh o u ld b e ' t h e

is a e a rc e ly E ig h te e n ; ’* w a s th e c o n s e q u e n c e ; w h ile a t o th e r t im e s 1 be r e p ly . ‘’wilMril as^she is b e a u tilr if .” - . th o u g h t o f d o in g so m S lh in g w o r th y d f

“ A n d h e r lo v e r? ” • ' h e r love . -B u t a n a m e a n d fo r tu n e a r eA h , t h e r e lifcSHhe d i s p a r i ty ; h e h a s ea s ity Tound in th e s e d a y s ? a n d ire *Che

IfMtlirrig. a b so lu te ly n o ih in g -^ a ’rid is 'as in te r im a ih o iis a n d th in g s m ig h t hap* •p ro u d a s b e is p o o r I W h y . L e s te lle p en - L e s td i e m ig h t g ro w o ld — o r d ieW ith h e r beaQ iy and furtuire. Might 1 — o r s h e m ig h t ce a se t a iovfe b im -r^ lo rtiave chosen a husband amoiia the rid-! the heart h^adfs changes' audits* se®- M eS o f the land; h’ut She is'ibnd arid sons, none o f which; however, i-eseMble ‘rOmanlic, and Monsieur Aiibertiri quiet itsA rst freshness a«diptt.iity< > • ■ ,j ] , , • As he looks, had wit enoi^h to persuade The attachment of Our girlish-idaVs fier that She loves hirii.” , i»ay last through woi«»iihoo(l,:^nd evim

dpersuade her?” repeatedthh EngHsb- M old^agedtselfi'huc every wellivei pjan, ____________ ____________ ,i more Mf earthlyI'fedingi.jraore-,of the

.........................n o e m i r s n av iiig ^ n y , re iii4iaH itere,iSed a lfeo tioh fo r her,; w e lEnoiyl , to o m u ch o f th e w o r ld J o b e lieve

-1^^- ‘P 9 h ¥ '. J a i^ d e d sco rn fn ily , a s j ie drp iv hiS; cpui-

.“You are ill?” said, J esteile afixiqpf-| fyi if tgqed the changed ejipfres-|.^on ff,l»v J«?ver’s.fCounte«»«M;q, and|

h au g h tily p o u t,^perio d ill a fo reign la n d ? W o m a n ’s fi-

h y th e \v o rld ly S corn o f those-W hdm i he in iv a rd ly d e s p is e d j b u t n o t fo r thi& did. b e tu rn u p o n - h is (MpprossoTrs^—n o t fof* a n y feeling sa v e th e purri aftd ho ly love o f l i b e r ty ; a n d w hen t h a t n am e b e ­ca m e p ro s t i tu te d to th e v e ry w o rs t p iirposps--rw hen . i t w*gs , th e xvatch- vvorfl^tp .eriipe a n d b lo o d s h e d - fh e y e t c lu n g to i t - a s in , his, firs t p o u r p f y q a ih - ful « u tlm s ia sm , a n d t ru s t e d e v e ry th jn gto, |ts ,'p o w er , .when. tbeifi|:^M |flp?fM atidn sh ou ld h a v e ip ^ ^ e d ;avyay .a p d 4 e su e t egeded hy ;an agq o f ra tio n a lity ^ a p d fea*

ho&h»ndAQO will n o t . tp bavetirobilM^d h is p rim cip les ? gLqdth e c q ^ l ly ' Ba’po iis.o f ?a,a s sh e w as.palied^,w ifre p,igh,Uyfchpqng^(| >yitli th e Jea d in j; o u lU ic a i cha* :aeters o f

a(gA>1a g la d s o m e spi»^L ,d l e r . s m i |^ j v e r ^ |q ^ iVvqfiMM.aiid Iliad o fte n a p u rp o s e t,? g p .t W IpolTftd. T O ?

I 1‘e v e r , d r M t i d .-Y h e re , w a s , m a n y ; e : " *-w.ho,„4lthpHgH: m

s is tie ss p le a d e r. , ,

s . j i s ' s s s i s r & s Stp q sgrijRrilqns ,i* ^ rv e o ^ 4 ,n M e r f i t t q n i

m o v e J h p u n p l e e ^ . T ^ p I m g s ,irhfch a

r — * — ‘

O f la te i t h a d b e e n ’o b lm T cl^ ^ h aV fa s t, b u t* th e y u t tc r e ^

U w a s 'a lo y a ls f in h is .r ie i^ S ' A t th e o p en in g 'Of M ie.R eyo ln tion , in IIW 4 , h e

re provkled for levy* mg aniJ jcollecling, annually, a tax which shall be sufficient to pay the interest accrueing upon" the debt; and also an additional su u wdiich be equal to at least five per cent of the tp u j a'mdunt of the debt, which latter sum shall con­stitute asinking fund for there demptidh of the principal of tpe debt; and ^ueh sinking luod shall he and remain sacred and invio ate.ior that purpose, and the s.aid annual tax shall he levied" and collected, until sufficient is realized to pay and extinguish the piincipal of such funded debt, aijd the interest thenoii, AUtijelaws relating to the jelection ol rhe charter offi-cers of aijy sucli corporation shall apply to ev­ery .such election, held pursiiaiit' to this Sec­tion, -so far as the Same are applicable; ' ’

.y^V I^Toihing in this act coutaineci shall he jfenjed to altejr. repeal Or modify any law now sisting authorising any municii al corpora­

tion to'borrow money, contract debts*and'issuetjng

___to borrow , _bonds, obligations or evi ices of debts.'

, f > .G a p t. In g ra h a m j ’e c b iv e d J iis M idsh ip -

a s a ta le to te ll

on ivirich.’ the-'rricoi'dfrigi ang F ■notesdaw n .th c -riO b ic -d ee d sjo f 'w o ra err ,^ ’ ]

one»“ *A t a fu tu re t im e a ll sh a ll be e x p la in e d ’,

ine( freer to a c t a s I p le a se ;” ' ', “Iie3tel^e,‘?^■e^xQlarmsed fhenhew ildeced A u b e r^ in , , ,4‘,P a « . i t A^e^my, L este lle .*^

' M f ............................................e v e r lo v ed y o u le s s? H a v e I e v e r spok- em oriel pn^mlworiiEtoIyda 4fiatT Hid n o t 8 tr iy c i^ ie ? n e x tm p in f i l i t f lp a tn iie

S kke,p l‘0S^tat'ed: M y ; pfo ti'd "IspiFit a n d d a r e d Ih e sh e e F s o f h e w o r ld T Ay*and deserved tbem—-Tor-I 'JrastcdT-rl

nian-*-andiiM yr38he.8corQ SfdeSpiiieK and dcSjsrJs M e T ’ - y r ; . ri

J n | ^

' 'Aubel4b n hAdIbrg6ttereTh0jlifeiefiee o P lh h n R l9 .h o ltry ,l> « l;lio lo u k ed p ra u d * ly u p , and* rqgo i.eg insih is 'i n ess , sai(L-=.

1' i A lrtfi oliT-jdfvorce o w iH ira su rc yritri’

B i i t ^ ^ th e pferi tfeiri(> lld

lo^t ?o - forever/W d ddded -fri ri h o a i ^ .Vo'ice4-,‘u''' 'o ' ■ : \ , l t f . : rT i '^

jTcrieuu v . • 1 "

- i r a S ath e r e w e re n o t ra c e s o f i t a s

. 'D o iif r :Gcivb .H p r ^ 'F h ^ ’e d i to r i jo f 'th e Albany"JbttrnaZ teUstlife 'following«to- ryitahiS idraws^A lanpral rfeom it w h ich yoring men should, rearejiiber. A liJJle felfoiv, ‘whj0jpiition;a ipair o f skates for the first time, paid thq usual penalty;— Having.iuict .ijiiSself ,somcwlkt.iby 3h e

shan’t fiye it tfp,’’ wa's nthe reply; ‘T canTearnJoG sli3iJc<; and T:lvill |eaMJ.’?7-rAnd at it he went, with an energy ..and determination which bade defiance to appffeift impossibilities; T ii'tw e n ty yearsW onl lhrit time, that litilefcH ow if he^ lves. will have Aiade his mm’k foihewbere. A bo^ udio wtH not give Up h difficrilt^jobj Hut Who WHl do It-be- baris^‘he feels Cdri^1o'uS Jhat:b& can' doit; hris thri writ*' Br tlie‘ true* metal ofh iy n tid b d 1ft M s 'com positiore.“ • ' - • ‘

CML:.' ' . : r r . ;t . lU .

: (p p " A j6 ^ ilir i- 1 ^ o y io n b .o W ^ « h ip w r^ Cftllpd. o p , to;fee r;virhipped ffoi; ,spfne -m/p-

. . I r i t t l e i la c k ,w ep i trem q U q g ^ l je r y i n g ; . f o I th e jc q p la im w h i . - a rpligi0U$ « W h a n d j ^ i d - r : 1.: ^

t j p u , w q i t -p p td L ^ yJny-pPsiyers^!’ ,t ■ ; : , ,i <

a p andrism iijiig t r iu m p k a m iy . ‘.T-H n ev- ■e^r^^YAfeem'.” ; ' ' ' , . V

S i W W w s : t . iIrolHiftg 'sd w V p rim p k in s^ri: f ie f a p ro n ;

S 8 . f 4 . t i a ‘ S f f l . - . ¥ S 5

» * a " ' e K : K R ‘«

■ aW6* t> w d

leM .-ntrritL ■ -fr,! ov/'■t.-i'i" :<

p re se rv o us,i%q%i Y fo tl! W i» e fieM ly iem p iri3 m d ;isy irtu e .i*JV.’ h & s 1 u‘t i 1 3 t G tVJpi

Coinmbdori the intimate 1 about to sail * requested Mr. Ingraham to.a)loWihiiq to lakeL-Ms-son w iih li im __ “JYe shall

ac'e'ordirigly went to seh at onee, at that tendefwge, and yeinained in actjvCi sen* vjce: fqr Au^q years, .until ,tfie.ql.q|e o f the wvar. ;H e , tfien ' returned ,hQine> at ,the age o f eleyeii, and resumed ills edhc^tiOn at school. Siifoe then hehas,'tn 'ost-O flh iS t im e , beCn e th p ld y ed m a c tik e a iu ty . . i l e co irlm aiid ed Jh ri l l lL fa jta i O w ners in filookgde ,;du ty Y e ra

b srii^ 'f t r o s t r a t ^ bY -'sick iw sse w a s ^ ^ i k hpmelbui a short .time beforelo s t. :F o r tw o y e a r s ipreMLous. t o j h l s

M f d i t e r r ^ i c ^

c tty -w flF lo iig - ie n ie m fie f h im a n d .filsaCCompliSbedTamily. '; ;d%ptMft iiigfaliam married'. Harriet

4?^$ o u th .O a rD fin a ,,»g ra n d -d a u g h te r . On th e pa.ternal.S .ide, p f H e n ry L a u re n s . th e P re s id e r i f o f th e f l r s f C o n tin e n ta l- - C o n g r m , a n d w h o , a f te r ­w a r d w a s captiM rid b y iA lB r i t i s l f f r ip te >«hi}p on Id? W ^tp .Frapp e ^ s . Afpeyl-

Ch tho^maferhal'-side' is Thd'■^aftd- daoghier' OfiiEdward Rutledge, nitejof .tte i § m ? r s , p i th e D e o la ra tio fl: d?fj

:CilA?TER 502.AN A Q T M authorize gtochbolcjeis of railroad

M d plank road o n ^an ies to m ate payment? 'upon mortgages in process of foreclosure 'agaihst-BUch compariies, a»d therfeupofl to tb-become iilteresteJ in Said -mortgages. ’•

' ' Passed June ‘iO, l&fi-S,. 3%e J'eopie o f the State o f New ‘Vo-k, represented in

Se^te ,and AssentUp da-enaj:i a^^of b, vs:

merit h f principal or intefest of any b&nd of

fit 6f theholderiand faolders!Of each tondsf suchaprppbrtiph bf the sura Jiae and, bf the Surfise-' cpred M be pain by the whole of bends se­cured by siicfi mortgage as s'uc'h Mo'ethoTder’s stock shall bear M' The ‘-tt hole stock of saidGoriripktiv: and’onsO paying such stockhcldet

panv 10 siicui.e.iuc.pttyu.sa*i vi a"j' ='ui u

sate .'under such foredosure .. have 'tbe jri^ht -on

hi stirih' fnbjtsfage,-, fo’i- the use, ^rid behefit ofsaW pu'rchaser o'f. •purchasers, a sum 'equal toSittih/pKOpoftioft of the .pnee paul aasuch sale; and:-fll».vpsts aqd expensed ,lhe|eQ f,.'as such

kholder’s, =stock in said Company: shall bear h e tvhole capital stobk of said* edfrfiariy: dit»^b paiviiigitich 'stockhprder;sha1Lheieht !(!-tb 'have the same relative m to a n tr if

stock UC interest in. sjaid railroad or pla.nk t 'o # company-and its ^oadj iranpha^qs^apd prppprty,

•y ,'i- . CfeAtTtR'648. 'Alf*A 6 T tri i-elatlon to ‘ SufrogateV Courts

held by Gorihty Judgbs an 1 other officersvPessed.JuIy.8l,:i§.53, -

naj^oUs.- i . i t is aJ2iiriouS c irc u m sta ig c e .'th a t ' h y W?,ey.m.ay«?ge fy lth Jb e A m qrfoA n fa m ily

cO fs^ rth c^ B v itiS h N a v y ; ’ A m o h g th e s w a ^ th c la te C a p ta in iM a v ty 'a l tv ^ t ' B.- Cibq »!ll b a r ) js^idi S ir j j d w a r d B clc tjer,

p ed itio n , la te ly -s e n t m i t i j y r h e f ir l i is h■’i^ d iM l^ ^ y ,‘;ifiiSfarcfik’tif ;S ir l j0 h jn l 'r ia ik -

S » « f e S S i

,( -a I •( '-OiTiTTEfi '481;' ; , •'"AN ACT tb amend an ic t erititlpd -'uin rfeTaiion 40 JHank Rbads.?’- p h s^d April . iJfiitSSS. Passed June 30vM S;4:l

The iPeOple o f Hie State o f -Kevs-Vovk, jsjjMfi3ife|SSt