t; li Ooy0 me eflally , .comlltlu homltftl. ' \ nt TSiyearWd ? wartivo in »uf pH w«l tbromboti feiw MlthoUKh Hit HI*)* In a tfon - if',III! >'K til m : y i i : K'i- ? Volunt 411 . Lr; ; ii:^y The Battalion PVBUSBEiriN m INTEREST OF A GRBATtR A& M COlLBCt '' COUJCOE STATION <AwHMl, TEiXAfl. MONDAY, aBPTlCMBana'f, 1M8 ' . «i at- n' wme t JOHNSON BE 3KS SUIREMB^URT IfBAItmtfk Jr^?aUy°AlUt James V. All oil and nmouter ttfrtoy for L ndon Johirton, takinir the sec itorlal paction to the Unitc< States Sttprvmt Court, the-Hiuston Post mid it jeornod «yoatei lay. ; . 11!! r Tentative p an*, all . tome#, told U s Post, applioatidn- fo a stay of prohibition. If securtu, would temper irily nullify junction frmnt d by Fwlcra Judjfc T. Whit ield Davidwn which at present is keeping Johnsons name off th< 'Nov. >8 bnllot os : ' Domocratic n< minco for tmhed States Senate ^T- t : !l. il The Post’d- WMhii)(rton;Bm*u learned that tl erii would bo n boar ,i f iiig- in Wash which 72 >#" ^'t: r^t •j Washington er^vwould b< njCton Tuesday iljit three of Jo^tsons .:-rtwo or____ lawyers would be present.!111 1 ll1 CHINESE WAR * I;![. ' ROLLS AGAIN . ' NANKING,|Sept. 27. ~'/P!~Tbo m- ,V( ......... ...........lr L.r_ Chinpse govcrtimenl aHcndwledgcd reluctantly Sunday the Communist day tho Communist n in< a .mDlf Ktk- Oinpraliv ckn rcjfim^ to mi ht/ ■.i i4 iy sun capture of Ttinah a military, revopsc whiehjshookGfnorallv»ipio Chtang Kni-Sli( foundations. It was prod ChonV forces at 220,000 to 430,000, would strike next nt.Suchdw, 170 miles -south of TslnanrKHs.a id^ldir jtoyurn- ihoht'bose nm!l {ho latt important city barring {the roOte [to the .Yangtie. j- * f : . EXPELLED ARRIVE IN VIENNA, American oil •■'ipelled from officials lENNA- |ept, -27;l/P|~-Two .mp:i::y offidnD cx- onRury on charges Ived in ^Vienna nf..sabot»frtr. . -Sunday. ; I. f d. . , u* The two, Curl Ruo<lemdnn and iCJeorge -Bnnri^itmc, Were taken in .hand immediately by American le- . Ration officials,who saW both were exhausted. Arrest by Police Sept icc publ /-to^nakc of Ax'u chartth ililhgariitn EconomiclH, they in* jnctected ill tjoday -U'.eir Version T agan TWOTEXA FOR AIR incidents Uiijce .then nnd the jthem.- : RD?l v?', FORT WOBlpTH; Ted; Sept. 27— t <.P>An cndutnhco flight 'aimed at breaking .the if orId's ticqM of 721 heftirs Which lnta|skKxl f4lr^idyears will be spoimoffd by*-jAio Texas private ^flyeiijiaisociation. l^mbcta of the as- Vinmont and Bert sjxKinUy. adapt- , ;^d Luscombejfcur-seater single en- ;gine Plane. Tijcy KopO to Stay in •? the afr at leari 1.600 hour IS, $> Expansion Plans. More) For Center Reviewed by r. v.*. 9T a i Numb# •« By CHUCK CABANISS : The System Boanl of Dlrectora of A&M approved ap- propriatlona and recommendations for expansion within the far-flung system at a meetirfg Friday morning in the Plaza Hotel in San Antonio. '. .• ^ !^ . » . - »• \ i f DarkhorseBeing Pushed Eight Ugly MaliCandidates Enter Race as Interest Grows By LARRY GOODWYN A lag br lag th (• ; libn GOODE leip* through a hole in the Tech line on a six-yard'gain Saturday night before be- brouglt down by Tech fallback J. W. Thompson (21) and Milbarn Haydon, (62), left guard. W'atch- the pUy fi down bv reca^lauoacK J. >v. inomp«ontzu and muoar from the ground is Jimmy Flo^eni (74), Aggie .tackle. Election Ballots D istributed, Cbllected, Counted Tonight All (1 >rm|tory studentij Will vote for the r 'dorm Senator ami seven ^Senator 4-at-lurge (ohight/T'Ballots will be distributed this afternoon by dorfa tpastcrH 1 in non-military dorms ind by the highest ranking man injthc corps dorma.” Charie* Kirkhnm, election committee chair- map his announced. All ballots will bo (dekethup htjen tonight.**- The ballot will list'the caodidat.eH for the dorm concerned and '-the n^r.u-s of -the Student Seoators-nt- largc^'A\ Senator i com each dorm and a rep. wilTbo selected and seven Student Sciiutors-at-largO. N AfteJ baSots have been collected in a dirm^the dorm master (or rnnkiutf cutlet officer) will county the ballots and tabulate the result* for the! dorm Senator in the pres- ence ofi all! the candidates in that Mom for ithe position, Kirkham emphamzedt, , The tanking cadet officer after 14: ballots for Dorm Student ing. Deadline is .r> ;p. m. Tues- day to plart ballot tn Student Acjivities or in Faculty Ex*, change Box 284 for students not living in the dormitories^ - ' ' The following men have filed for dorm representative on th©' Stu- dent Senate: , v Dormitory 1 Mnxie W. Freemen, Paul H. Landry. John V. Halick, and jlu* 'dolph L. Schoddc. -^Dormitory 2 -Charles A. Mutfci, Joe B. Rcuss, Aubrey D. Sprawls, John L. Tay- lor, and Paul B. Welti. Dormtiory 3 Keith E. Allsup, Noman N. HinChlfffo, nnd Alfonso F. Silvas. Dormitory' 4 R. E. -Dillon, .George E. Marble. Dormitory S T©mmic D. Benefield, Ivan I. Bradshaw, and . Charh--* I.uedtke. Dormitory 6 Tetl L. Copeland and Herschel V. count! Vnatot, wlU turn all ballots in to Shelby, the Hpusihg Office, first floor] Dormitory 7 . rr? i* Goodvrli Hall. Also the dohn mas-1 ORobei-t R. Smith an<l Jim R. Tn- ,ura- [14 by A1 and Free 0fJict !,rhtt Housing Office re-. mains fopeh ull night but ballots %•. the a|r at lea . -the -pitrious ^vicoii], or/lna long.I a* wiTi can.** * was set in 1&B4 by Key of Mcridl m, Mis*. 1 ; = fci"-w- .t-hew. * J-* The plane, (ie Texas Flier, has ! been oquippet with f.W botnb-bay . Viii|s If or Senator-at-Urge^ will-) e-raunted by the Election* Conirr Ittee. -1|- j All students not in dorms,will ut,e official. ballot appearing in ttalion, for vot- betm equippef With bomb-bay opening throd <h which it can be refOeled from h! cojivertiljle car while In mld-ilr! '■ '< t •: *V VHY1 COMMUNi e' PARIS.'Sejit.l27Hyder- abad represenTatives in the United' Natipfis chari :d Saturday thatrin- l dia dins impelled censonthip over- 1 communicntldj s in add out oftth<r princebrytati 6 Indian invasion of Hyderabad was taken btforo the Security I Council last *Mck by a delegation ' •hpadod - by Nawah |IblM Nnwur, ■*' Jung, formeri (orcl»fd minister off tho state. He flipped uUt by nlr before domlnbin troojm ««tart(d the f InvAelon. IT;' [ 11 ' J; V ' w '.L _TL Jl1 i 4 it - r •* . \l IIUHM A GU s' LEVELS VJ .! RANGOON, un & ovornmoiit (fiKontni lux tho tfiin< fit th«( frljtifto Mtyujhild yti !o<l thf Hyi It* n half miles , <Sl tho Irrn * . . . I'ROGKKSBI ABpucno ATLANT workor.t for ^Progressive t|tey wore a -leave Colu point i Paul Endi ! one ofc the - tlon wt* ca who represe lumbus (lc * Tho seven to a point where they a said Hun- Hurmn hav yrlnnt, otto odd th *f the cit))ltoj Rffer' ~ nut ttavy illy lovoi- fbttM aW pistol it of Detroit; M . n, Oud the abdue out by nino men IhorflselVei m Co- -flnd drive!/ ^ and o lanta and- not .return to ;C6t on© pf Jtl party, Tort Biker of Washi) D. Cy and ordered th drive I i»nwi uuu nui rviurn lu v.u ••sfv *' Tp-frn FRENCH ST^L HAVING TROUBLESgr PARIS, S(|Bt 27 munista and'Rightiat Gen. Charles. De Gaul a «n appeal a his wobbly The atay.on eater wages e^27 (An{ Com- followers of le tangled In JSS ( J j. I j a*k*d workers to their distress prices.;.' 1 * t ■. he official, hallc he Monday Bat ! l ,1 .4 Dormitory R. Norman Braalnu .Charles J. Mai- selj J. B. Rochelle. Uormitqry 9 Tom Brundrett. Dormitory 10 Bubba Scrimgeor and Pete Ste- gall. Dormitory 11 t T. A. Carlton, George H. Kd- "To) /'TO FFICIAL BALLOT DORMITORY STUDENTS STUDENT SENATE (Scratch out all but 1 name) ( I . BRYAN FIELD ANNEX Manjin 1.. Stone . DAY STUDENTS (Mark nut all but two names for this area) 1. Davis > Robert J. Ransom, Jr. 11j Hngemeior Jacob M. Ruskcll . iHodgson. Jr. Rex M. Wacker Llndijey , Lipscomb . Weldon K, Williams COLLEGE VIEW Wilblr A. Frits . Monroe C. N6ff 1 I). M. Sclignmn TRAILBR AllKA RolteH H. Nolaon . Richard'D. Hodges •VKTKRANH VILLAGE 4* Riehi Marv A lorn rd. in o I Harr / R iney/ Rich Paul rd H. Joe- I. (Ipulter, HKNATORHal.tAKGK (Herstch out all but 7 names) Alterman.-Law .. Renta rd Kitchens, Dorm 11 erry, Jr. Dorm S y J. A Divi*, Dorm 7 [i Rich ird E. Denney, Dorm 0 W. I . Bi me*,- Dorm 10 W. 1. D ckson, Purycnr Josep- "Hi* Crone, N^prm 12 >' G Doran, Jr., -Milner adi y Edgar, Mitchell ^ ne rikjng. Law Hahtbright, Dorm 0 Lauren Babbs, College View -Htn Jame Dick Cocl D. Idphon, College View » P Jones; Dorm 15 Jot cob, Dorm 6 \elty, College View Sam Lanford, Dorm 0 » Mickey McGuire, Dorm Oi MotRe Moncrlef. Dorm If! Jos II. Nagy, Dorm 10 John K. Orr, Dorm 12 J. Doug Pitcock, Dorm 0 Daniel A. K. Proctor, Dorm 0 Marvin G. Rice, Leggett - , Clay ion L. Selph. Dorm 4 John D. Shoemaker, Dorm 2 Frank M. Smith, Jr., College Sta. Jack V. Smith. .William H. Smith, Dorm if - G1. Taylor, Dorm 4 | Parvis J; Thrash, Dorm 0 Tomlinson, Dorm 17 liego Vtcw Jack ,W. ^ Walter T. WcndUntlt, Dora 11 STUDENT LIFE REPRESENTATIVE (Only non-military stodenta nay vote in thin race. . Scratch out all b«t three names) > r. Chelf , ; : Charles R. Mitchell JL Holbrook i .^Albert C Ricks, Sam A. Rowe i . Edward Sacher Martin Koera Jack V.-Smith II j. Jairy Sutheriand ' . Robert L, Waften .r . ( i J ; T; . IK i v k a : jl ];] ^ - Signature of. voter Haney Char es Charles Howard Cecil Huey Dea' S. •« Mathews A m i, r t t ill; ti:i> S7 ballot most into Box 284 be filled t& turnod into Student Actlritiea before 6 -p.m. Tuwday. ;■ wards, nnd Janies IL Simpson. Dormitory 12 Thomas J. Muldowncy and James D. Whatley. Dormitory 14 C. E. Christie, Jr. and William M. Phillcy, Jr. Dormitory 15 Charles I). Cnbnniss, Billy Ste- phenson, Jack E. Turner, and Am? old L. Williams. Dormitory Jack Graugnani. Max' 16.' -/ ax A. KJitx, is F. Mo^six. Billy D. Martin, Curtis Janies O. Morse, and Webster R. Stone. Dormitory 17 Rosa B. Fryer, Jr., Gene Schric- kel, -Luther B. Terry. Tom Thomp- son .and Bob WoynamL - Harl Hall Robert Atkins. Max G. Greiner, and Jack A. Quirey. Law Hall Julius G. Blum, Lewi* R. Pome- ray, Howard E. Brass, and Jack Shepherd. LcggetlHall -. _________ _ William D. O'Mara, Harvey-\\ ; hi» hands, oh balloH. but the run- Risieu, nndvFrgtl S- Thurmond, Jr. off race,will restrict voters to one MHmrr Hail I ballot apiece. Ted G. Davi^ Joseph S. OCoh- j . ---------- ----------- nor, Charles J. .Pace ntwl'Ralph L. The field? lengthened to eight avowed candidates today ax th© Commentator's Ugly Man" con- test entered'its third day of nomi- nations. Tho names Calvin Dupree, Bob Noble, Jack Gaugler and Eddie Pcla were added over the week- end to those of Snag Gentry, Ru: pert Hall nnd Jimmy Stephens. In addition, a darkhon»ccan- didate has entered the fight in the poitSon of one Thomas Carpcrtcr, otherwise known as gunboat" or "hey, you." Carpenter, distinguiah- ed member of tn© C" Senior* got hix campaign underway with five votes from followers who claimed his "nuifibcr 12 brogans, shmno- llke psysique,. and Dracula profile, make him our ^fi son candidate. Were behind the limit," stated hix bac wished to remain anonymous for the time being. "When it comes to an ugly man contest, natur? has smiled on Car- penter," one of his self-appointed campaign managers concluded. (The Commentator will furnish the names of ail people nominating candidates in the racetor a nomi- nal fee. The "feeis a subscription to the Commentator.) Incidentally, as stated when the contest opened, it is hoped that the campaigns will be en- tered in the right spirit,tjust for laughs and nothing vise. (Ex- cept posalbly the two tickets to the .A&M-Texax game and the .two other prises). Nominating ballot will run iq the Battalion even* day until the nomi- nal ionx close Thursday, September 30. The five nominees with the highest total of voters will quali- fy for the runoff. .The runoff will be hold Thqr?day, October 7th. In the primary,-any perxon may vote os many times us-he can get Shannon Mitchell Hall Art E .Howard, Stanley L. Rog- ers, C. V. Slagle, Michael P. Wil- liams .and B. A, Wyatt 1uryrar Hail Roy A. Carter, Jr„ William F. Egan, nnd Charles D- Kirkham. Walton Hall T. A. Bnntn. Robert E. Boyd, J. L. Duller, Davis M. Elson, Harold Hildebrand, and Thomas J. Logon Bryan Field Annex' Marvin L. Stone. Day Students Richard B. Davis, Marvin W. Hagcmcicr„Alonso IL Hodgson, Jr, Lindsey I. Lipscomb, Robert J. Ransom, Jr., Jacob M.'HumcU, Rex M| Wacker, and Weldon E. Will- iam*.- College View ' Wilbur A. Frits, Monroe C. Neff, awl 1). M. Sotlgman.*' Trailer Area 'Rolieri E. Nelsoirami Richard Dr Hodges. Veterans Village llnrry Raney. Kenatarioat-Large . Richard I. ' Altemtim, Paul B. Berry, Joe B.. Coulter. J. A. Dayla, Richard K, Denney, w. 1). Barnes, W. P, Dickson, Joseph II. Crane, Harry G. Doran. Jr., Hndloy Ed- gar, Don Kngelklng, Fred Ham- bright,'Lauren Hobbx, Ben Hop, son, James P. Jones, Dick Joseph and Cecil D. Kolty. Bernard Kitchens, Sam Lanford, * f Mickey McGuire, Monte Moncrlef, Jqo H. Nagy, John E. Orr, J. D. Pltfcock, Daniel A. K.- Proctor. Marvin G. Rico, Clayton L. Selph,- John D. Shoemaker. Frank M. Smith, William H, Smith, Richard G. Taylor, Purvis J. Thrash, Jack W\ Tumlinson, nnd Walter T. Wen- dlandt. i, nr. Student Life Representative Harvey J. Chelf, Charles R. Hol- brook. Charles Howard, Cecil Hue: Marvin Kucrs, Dean S* Mathi Charioa R. Mitchell. Albert Ricks, Sam A. Rowe, Edward er. Jack V. Smith, Jerry Suther- land.' and Robert li Watters. The following Bat of students failed to meet all the qualification which a^e set up for the Student Senate: Dario, Jerry Suth- riand, John W. Tlppit, Albert C C. H. Btrrke, Claude E. Lawrence, Jr^ R. 3. Lloyd E. Baker, Elbert R. D. .N. Brown, C. H. t - Sr; * 1 M S- i 50^ ^ - r t * villi •; ! has written *)^eral papers dunllng with' tho^fflrHcuIn ami policy of engineering schools, Many academic honor* and en glnefring'awards have baen con- fertvil m>on Bailey Includlnff Doc-' lor of Engineering from Lehigh University, 1037j ami Doctor of Rclenco from Lafayette College. In 1942. He w«* awarded th© AHMK Medal .of the Society In 1042 for achievement ami leadership. In stenm and combustion - engineer- htg. '■ Accompsnying Bailey Is Profes- sor L. Helander, head of the Me- chanical Engineering Department for Kansas State College and vice- iresident of the ASME. Both Bailey and Professor Hcl- ander will be guests of the ASME here from Tuesday at noon until Vyodnesday -morning. Avani Elected Junior Pr< :' Doyle Avan president a was elected Juhior CUi In electiolM,/ The Juhiotijaelected Bob Sy- kes ms their secretary-treasurer and Brace Simoneaox aa social chairman, ■/» M t of the last week's Wives of Veterans 1 Offered 4 Courses For College Credit Four extension courses will be offered to veterans -wives, this semester, Dr. T. S. Mayo has an- nounced. > V , The Landscape Art Department will offer Landscape Art 320, n course of flower decoration, plant propagation, and flower arrangc- bfenti. The firtt class meets Tue*- fjay at 7 p. m. In the. Greenhouse opposite the nho Geography ins. •aphy of Europewill be offered if two more veterans wives make Application. All wives interested should call Dr. G. W. Schlcxselman, head of tho Geogra- phy DepartniehL *• Education (ill, New Techniques of Teaching,will bo offered begin- ning this owning nt 7 in Room 102, Academic Building. If enough wives make application, a psycho- logy eobrse may be offered, Dr. May/) said. Beginner^ Conversational Span- ish, meets at 10 a. m. Tues&iy in Roqm 124, Academic Builamg. Credit for these courses is trsns- forrnblo to other colleges and is applicable on degree work. ASME President. Will Lecture Here * Y* 'I *• t j 'The Engineers Opportunitieswill be the subject of an address by G. E. Bailey, national president of the ASME, when he addresses an ASME meeting at 7;30 p. m. Tuesday, in the Chemistry Lecture Room. ». Builpy, honorary member of the Institution of Mechanical Engi- neers, London, England,' has made many outstanding accomplishments In work on tho officicnKutiliza- tio nof coql. - Among these nccomplDKImont* is th© development of a bpHer me- ter as an aid to. efficient combus- tion, This meter, now need all over tho world, is built bv the Bailey Meter Company, which he-founded. Having^bcon influential in. tho ©duration ol young men for the nrofcsslon oNujiglneoring, Dailey-^ Jack Graugnard was elected os Otell Is President Newly Organized El Campo A-M Club An. Ei Capipo A&M Club was organized with H. E. Otell, Jr. as president at fa meeting Thursday night. The club was organized with the abjective of firming u closer re- lationship between the students on the Campus'and the former stu- dents and to promote increased in- teregj in A&M in the El Campo area. f Other officers elected for the present school term included Japres W. Craft, vice-president; and7 Fa- burn M. Murray, secretary-treas- urer. Seventeen members attended the meeting,; and Otell invRcdLoU students who live in or near tl Campo to attend the future meqt- ings of the clubj The meeting dates for the club have' been set for tho first and third Thursday of each month. Initial plans were made for the annual Tnanlpgivlng Dance which is held nftoratbe Texpx-A&M foot- ball game. PunYwwbc complctixl In futbre meeUngur The initlxil phaiwR of the1 mtet Student Memorial Center. Comltmctibn was begun Inst \^cek on the $2,0(K),OOOS»tructure. j The Board approved thi'eq ptjopbiMxl measurest to fiAnu- Jmoro he «La daily back the.con«trucUon Work, given to ft motion for the salb of-4 ter July 1, 1949 .of A&M develop-i ment fund bonds. Tho bonds will have attained a value of $ 186,9:1k by that dqte. , Tho fcoond two measures wore designed to pay for tho early slag- ex of the work. A motion by 0- C. Kruger to approve tho us© uf 460,- 000 from the Exchange Rtore op- erating fund on tho project*was accepted. A sum of $600,000 from the A& MUniversity Available Fund* was approved for immediate usc. Thls amount was accumulated;by With- holding $300,0o0 from each of the college budgets for the last two years. The three, approved motions will supply sufficient funds for the completion of the firiit'three units of the Center, with the ex- ception of the furniture, it was stated. W, L. Penlierthy, Dean 'qf Mdn, explained tho plans for a. proposed 18-holc golf-course. The course-will help,th*« College to provide on. tho campus amusement to hold the in- terest of the students, Penberthy explained. The'mombcrs of the board, ap- proved a piofion to appropriate $4C..l00 towards the total cost of $76000. 'Their approval was made contin- gent upon the reccint of $26,000 from tho Former Student* Associa- tion) who' had promised such -li sum when they recommenced the construction of the course. An ad-( ditionni $3700 is already 'available for ihe1 course. The feolf course will jDe located in the prepent pasture, area at the^ southeast corner of the campus along Highway 0. The horse barn on tne location -will be renovated for us© as a club house. An appropriation of $10,636 fqr the purchase of .a plane for Choi A&M system was approved by tne^ Board. . : D. W. WiHiam.s, Vice-Chancellor for Agriculture, explained the need for the plane to the* directors. He! stated that the use of; the onlyi aircraft available nt prexept, a OsSnp, was not economical unless; four or five persons were making the trip. A small plane to handle; only onb or two persons] w'ould bej Graugnarcl Elected By Galveston Club iresldent o f the Galveston A&M tluh at its first mooting Thursday night. Other officers oloctod wore Buhba- Bcriihgoour. vlco-prrsldont, Wally Dixon, socrelnry, nnd Frank Htnnsfleld, treasurer - J « - -- - nst Max Uvu, Charlie Winter, and John l* Christenson wore appoint- ed ns Another meetiup Is scheduled 129 In tho a soclhl committee. thor meeting Is i next Thurmlpv In R6om 1 Acmlrmlc BUlldlng. Sun Angelo Club Elect* Officere }\ Harold .BnoomoMvas elected pres- ident of the San Angelo Club at its first moating Thursday. Other officers elected were Cqrky Bpkert vice-president; Bob. Sykes,, oocre Murph Compton, .treasurer * in, reporter, am and Country Olsak tail twisters. , i Air Force Reserve Will Present Film 1 The training film Air Powcij and Armies.will be showti nt th(j regular meeting of the 306th Conn poslte Squadron. Air Force Reserve} -Lt Col. W. L McCulIev, Air Force liaison representative has announ* ccti. i ;-j The meeting will be,held at 1 p. m. tonight in Rogm 301, Good* wiji Hall. . * ^Representative^- from Ft Worti will be present to describe (he Vorg qf Flight Service .with the nid of a.training film, McCullcy'added. « A&M Radio Club Will Meet Tonight * ** % The* A&M Radio Club will hold ita fall organizational m^tiAg to* night nt 7. Officers will lie elected amt plans for various rddfo pro* joct* will b(< ilisdijsfcd* uf tl\c mestihg. * \ Tom 1rickott of the KR Depart- ment will net ns faculty sponsor of th© club. thli/JEfar, ------ i :* s.; . / . , j AceountantH Hear; Leland in Chicago T. Lelaiul, Wmrrrf~the Hdsi- ness nnd Accmifntlng Dcpartmont., hfit. prcieniUl a discussion 6ft refresher-.courses jit the uiVdlng of tho Amerlcltn-fnitltuto dfr Ac- countant* In- Chicago, Septmnber 22. Celand also served aii.chairman of tho committee on refresher courses at the Institute.; - v ' ; onev '•-J " oard centered ilwut The first apptpval economical and convcipqnt; ed. , ?n»4 approved | appropria i rhasea «as«aKy-1 pcrsknpl» inistraiivc wax Sufficient to purr an-Nhvion all-metal. ,plane' for ust* by adnlinistr affictjfcU T. I. S|)enrr, director of th*.* of- fice of Physical P|anta for t io A &M System, explained (he prapos- ed imj rovements for tlw A&J1 cot- ton genetics research, coiiteri 'Ho asked ; for $46,000 to be inc udod with q federal grant of $6J)0) for the center. Tw<i greenhouxex and n icnd4 * house Iwcne the main buildings in the planned construetion, ^liisso r.-i three buildings would .require About 4 | $17,000 of the funds, $|>6nce stat- d ed. The Board approved the^n )pro- j printiin ami thc^ contract bids I. which were jirt^qted ax rtcOiq-j.jf mendtd by the Systems ndfiinix- f traton. j ' , ! A qecond appropriation ofi 000 ft r n grtH-nhouse, n lalwt itnry nnd o her facilities forj entonnlogy needs was approved ami the rl corn*, menddd bids accepted. Mr.il K*)C< said that approximately M ©f| the a ipropnntion would he !«©tq|*i' ed to complete the mtiin mdtx ol tlir g *eu|L : 1 The A&M information q»rti<e head wealed that the Expeclment Slat it a hud been dexigimted jx the nutio) id cotton genetics rel>nrch eentoil by the U. S. Department of Agric ilturo. A xxiuest for $24 t)00 f<i the copstiticUun of'.Mower limes, to sme the. farin' lands west t f the ,, railroiq trnekx ami for cxti i siolig " of pr Xfnt linos to fncDifias'in the ; Menu rial i Center and cotto|[i(.. ire- search laboratory* was approved- | •Tht} Bonrtl approvetl an dtbount of $3{)000 for tne con*truc(ibn of a-berf entth* center near tin pre- sent dairy cattle area. Tho -Rum' Ik to be! used with a prcvb'.ix dporo- priatioh. of $60,000 to deve op a $103 Odu, l^ef cattle aina..! Included in the^new area will he classroom and tudgingj I aril- itics and barns, all In th^ area wc*xf of the riiilread track i. A judging ring 4MI be pUeril in -brding to jircxetit each liarn jpb»n«. The present pariliori will yt-itel for clussradm use. ip additional tennis co| . at a cost of $2500, £ acrard it pa^i i ? ^yericjl for cluusra* LerveS- .. Tlti' relinmiishniont of Cen- tral Texas Memorial Fafrji.Hq *lti( oij.the M..A. Coo (nr, Jjj..J1*' lopi so I donoij.ithe M.,A. Coo|Kr, Jij.,;^oun- tlutioji, was annroved. Tl>e jmr- eKastj of Bluelmnnet Farm)] has greatly diminishcjl 'the Onl J j* Pi ni by memorial farm.] .. .. ;Cooler dffi-red (tR jpujy tho m $26,000 for nil Snwnvet mtmtJi i which were madedn tin} auring the time it was Used ^Iniry cattle demohxl r, His offer wns.acce farm ns u centc u ^csi>|utiqh of apprt'ciatii rntipn was passcA, | j ui office of Dean-of i tin' Col- Jeeo Was established at JTA/C nnd NTA 2 to replace th£.,prc*cm of- fice if Associate Dean.- PnMik|riit E, J. Howells recomijK-ntlfttlon of Foul A. funyus fqr the 1 Stephen* v$lk> Dost was, appraveB,jAtiJfdvnl wav »Iso given to J..S. luipnjpr fori the < ;rtfngteh mist upon tne roertm- Ihem nlion of President El Ill Here- ■foi'd OX-NTAC. 1 J i * ; A IVoNon to use the $.15.^00. celrt Ijfram t)u* sale of |i s^h-aLri Hon at IhMiiitnoni for |ad<ljt|hnal land elsewhere wu* iioppirisl.; Tint prop isnl (,f Dr. R. lY LoWi*. dis recLr of-the Kxnrilnienlal Stai alitktiqn foV.the tl'© of the $61 Oifti fri-m th<* sslo of llm old JcffersOtv County $ rttejlon of two krenhhou*(>« and (ho pdr<dis*4 sub-ijtatloiv for tho eomdrite two (reobhouses and tkd.ptL of at|other 312 acre* wns nneroved, Ut It heads -of tho Hyftv*'- legci rondo lo h'f -rrma riwofds of their schotilt sihofl.yeiir nnd the lit ppcj In Ike l IM-IP p ml* ©Mi 0rn4- ■■■Ri vice-prcNiaTOvi f>( tary; Murph Colt jJuway . Hipuan, George Hughes an Plant were discussed for th< annual Christmas dance and 1$ war decided to elect a dance chairman. The offirtrs plait to meet at a later date and elect this chairman and committees to work with him. ’V ! •A - 4-. w yVestcrn a U •• Iri-ili' i'llM i i'l! broadcast from £fo«- by the Soviet command from Berlin to tha of Germany. ' Agriculturist Editor Needed ! An editor for the' 1948-49 (grlcultarist Is needed. R<*land Bing, manager of studrait-pnb- Mcations, has Announced. : All prospeetire applicant^ from the School of Agriculture should fiU their applications iHth Bing before $ p. m. ,Wed, aesMUy, he «*d.- ] The Student Agricultu Couadl will elect an edl Wedaeeday night freyi the list of appllcantf. Trhildent K. J. riawrif o| JfTAfl remuled Ihnt his sclmtils' vai'<ll«* ment hnk fallen' 200 te}u lUlif tnlll lotat of 1141; llewrvpr. heivtHiri* ed lent student enlliu«isstit wli* at ' a iuAv high. i !'•'!*•.: Alout Hm Nlme-rnfolli4*iit q* ♦he ichool hnd last yefti' (tPMl stu- dent») was th© statement niade by i I. President E. H. Hereford of NtAC. . | Hertjford exnlnim'd ighdcUi)}'the *cho)|s facilities for icranueMHiI ' astiucUbn at the* neerhy linllns ay d AirKtatlon. ,• }i '.J,' : C Ibh riU«*hrlst. Chimrefibj of e System, explained hat •'] ir rogh the help of ! RepL* Bin. . ©ague the'schools hnd ob|a ned I ; UM* .»« all fori ler $r s»d rtre hnildlnrs in me atjAa&M JTAC. He also annom eed J NoVcmber 17 aa the nataBa ion I dab© of F. C. Bolton as Pieai* } de^tofA&M. v j!. '! re the meeting x as adj urn- hoard desis- me, at tih.e installation emonh i of Gen >ral Elsenhower fs Prea dent * of C obimbia Unlvcraity on October T 1011*1 B fo ed il 12:15. the h^ard desirtst-d Heni-y Retre HI to represent A&M m Ji •« U-v iWTS'Li. t; > i i ■A-.i,

i : K'i- ?The Battalion ai · 2017. 12. 14. · ~'/P!~Tbo m-,V( .....lr L.r_ ’ Chinpse govcrtimenl aHcndwledgcd reluctantly Sundayday thetho Communist n in< a .mDlf Ktk- Oinpraliv

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    Ooy0me eflally

    , .comlltluhomltftl.

    ' \ ’nt TSiyearWd? wartivo in »uf pH

    w«l tbromboti

    feiwMlthoUKh Hit

    HI*)* In a tfon



    m: y

    • i

    i : K'i- ?

    Volunt 411

    ■ . Lr; ; ii:^y •


    • '' ‘ COUJCOE STATION 8 bnllot os

    : ' Domocratic n< minco for • tmhed States Senate ^T- • t ■ : !l. il

    The Post’d- WMhii)(rton;Bm*u learned that tl erii would bo n boar

    ,i f iiig- in Wash which


    ^'t:r^t•j •Washington er^vwould b< njCton Tuesday iljit three of Jo^tson’s.:-r— two or____

    lawyers would be present.!1111 ll1

    CHINESE WAR * I;![.' ROLLS AGAIN .' NANKING,|Sept. 27. ~'/P!~Tbo

    m-,V( ......... ...........lr L.r_’ Chinpse govcrtimenl aHcndwledgcd

    reluctantly Sunday the Communistday tho Communist n in< a .mDlf Ktk- Oinpraliv

    ck’n rcjfim^ to

    miht/■.i i4

    iy suncapture of Ttinah a military, revopsc whiehjshook’ Gfnorallv»ipio Chtang Kni-Sli( foundations.

    It was prod ChonV forces at 220,000 to 430,000, would strike next nt.Suchdw, 170 miles -south of TslnanrKHs.a id^ldir jtoyurn- ihoht'bose nm!l {ho latt important city barring {the roOte [to the

    .Yangtie. j- * f :


    VIENNA, American oil

    •■'ipelled from


    |ept, -27;l/P|~-Two .mp:i::y offidnD cx- onRury on charges

    Ived in ^Viennanf..sabot»frtr. .-Sunday. ; I. f d. . ,

    ■ u* The two, Curl Ruov. inomp«ontzu and muoar from the ground is Jimmy Flo^eni (74), Aggie .tackle.

    Election Ballots D istributed, Cbllected, Counted Tonight

    All (1 >rm|tory studentij Will vote for the r 'dorm Senator ami seven

    ^Senator 4-at-lurge (ohight/T'Ballots will be distributed this afternoon by dorfa tpastcrH 1 in non-military dorms ind by the highest ranking man injthc corps dorma.” Charie* Kirkhnm, election committee chair- map his announced. “All ballots will bo (dekethup htjen tonight.**-

    The ballot will list'the caodidat.eH for the dorm concerned and '-the n^r.u-s of -the Student Seoators-nt- largc^'A\ Senator i com each dorm and a rep. wilTbo selected and seven Student Sciiutors-at-largO.N AfteJ baSots have been collected in a dirm^’the dorm master (or rnnkiutf cutlet officer) will county the ballots and tabulate the result* for the! dorm Senator in the presence ofi all! the candidates in that Mom for ithe position, Kirkham emphamzedt, ,

    The tanking cadet officer after 14: ballots for Dorm Student

    ing. Deadline is .r> ;p. m. Tuesday to plart ballot tn Student Acjivities or in Faculty Ex*, change Box 284 for students not

    living in the dormitories^ - ' ' The following men have filed for

    dorm • representative on th©' Student Senate: , v

    Dormitory 1Mnxie W. Freemen, Paul H.

    Landry. John V. Halick, and jlu* 'dolph L. Schoddc.

    -^Dormitory 2-Charles A. Mutfci, Joe B. Rcuss,

    Aubrey D. Sprawls, John L. Taylor, and Paul B. Welti.

    Dormtiory 3Keith E. Allsup, Noman N.

    HinChlfffo, nnd Alfonso F. Silvas.Dormitory' 4

    R. E. -Dillon, .George E. Marble. Dormitory S

    T©mmic D. Benefield, Ivan I. Bradshaw, and . Charh--* I.uedtke.

    Dormitory 6Tetl L. Copeland and Herschel V.count!

    Vnatot, wlU turn all ballots in to Shelby, the Hpusihg Office, first floor] Dormitory 7 .

    rr? i* ‘ Goodvrli Hall. Also the dohn mas-1 ORobei-t R. Smith ane jmr- eKastj of Bluelmnnet Farm)] has greatly diminishcjl 'the Onl J j* Pi

    ni by memorial farm.] .. ..;Cooler dffi-red (tR jpujy tho

    m $26,000 for nil Snwnvet mtmtJi i which were made’ dn tin}

    auring the time it was Used^Iniry cattle demohxl

    r, His offer wns.acce ‘

    farm ns u centcu ^csi>|utiqh of apprt'ciatii

    rntipn was passcA, | j • ui office of Dean-of i tin' Col-

    Jeeo Was established at JTA/C nnd N’T A 2 to replace th£.,prc*cm office if Associate Dean.- PnMik|riit E, J. Howell’s recomijK-ntlfttlon of Foul A. funyus fqr the 1 Stephen* v$lk> Dost was, appraveB,jAtiJfdvnl wav »Iso given to J..S. luipnjpr fori the < ;rtfngteh mist upon tne roertm- Ihem nlion of President El Ill Here- ■foi'd OX-NTAC. 1 J i * ;

    A IVoNon to use the $.15.^00. celrt Ijfram t)u* sale of |i s^h-aLri Hon at IhMiiitnoni for |ad i i■A-.i,