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The management had assigned the balcony and the gallery in "The Children of the Sun" and they showed their appreciation by packing both places at every per¬ formance. The white people were as¬ signed to the orchestra. At night they came, but during the matinees, there was an aching void for which the colored folks, who could not se¬ cure admittance inside of the play¬ house sighed. ADMIHAIUjY TRAINED. There is no travelling show of colored performers that has been more admirably trained than is this aggre¬ gation of colored artists The book of the play is by Salem T.utt Whitney and J. Homer Tutt, while (Joorge Wells Parker, Archaeologist and author of the historical story, "The Children of the San" assisted. All three were masters of the respective parts and as for Salem Tutt Whitney, he ranks among the stars in the world's ag¬ gregation of actors. The desert scene in which he figured will long be re momborod as the acme of the scenic art. Here he displayed his ability to render the most difficult part of this truly remarkable play. A A FINE CASTS. As a humorist, he is a "gem." He was ably supported bv a caste that measured fully up to the occasion and showed that they had been "train ed to the minute." The gratifying part about i( was the fact that the story carried with it a historical les¬ son. The student of history found abundant material there, while the ( young and l'rjvolous found enough amusement to keep them in good humor during the more than two hours' production of the play. The make-up of Dr. Kelly Miller, Dean of Howard University was a pleasing surprise and C'uney Conners was not only well acquainted with him, but had studied bis movements and char act eristics. , A PECULIAR PRESIDENT. . The mooting held at Howard Uni¬ versity and the determination to travel to the Orient in an air-ship brought about the tender of a resigna tion by the President, who said ho would not. go and yet when the time, came, he was the first man to gel aboard. Japan, India, Persia, Egypt and finally Abyssinia wore visited. It is needless to namo the caste. Whit¬ ney is the star performer, with an aggregation of stars assisting him to increase the brilliancy of the illumi¬ nating power that emanates from him. Certain it. is that at no time « since the foundation of the Clovern- mont lias a play been produced that should be as universally patronized and praised as this one. 1 iOC-K I3TT.GREEN. An out of (own wedding Wednesday October in, which was of Interest (o Staunton, was the marriage in Greenwood, of Miss Emma Green and Mr. James 11. Lockott, son of Mrs. Susie Ijockett, which was celebrated in Mt. /.ion Baptist Church, Rev. II. 0. Pannell, of Staunton officiating. Miss Ethel Johnson, of Staunton sang very sweetly, "Dear Heart." The wedding march was played by Miss Soleno Hackney, of Staunton. The bridesmaid was Miss Irene T^ock ett. Mr. llless Estes was the best man and Mr, Morris Monroe, usher. Little Miss Ruth L»awson was the flower girl. The bride was boauli fully attired in white crepe do chine and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. She was given in marriago by her slop father, Mr. J. A. Estes. After the marriage a big banquet was served. The presents were many and useful and showed 'the popularity with which they are hold. Those attending from Staunton wore Mr. John Peyton, Mrs. John I'". Hackney, stop sister of the bride. Misses Ethel Johnson and Selene Hackney, Mrs. Andrew Moade and 'Mrs. Bcttio Swan and Miss Pearlie Timberlako and Mrs. Mary Johnson of Orozot, Va. » A Card. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis talco this medium of thanking their friends for the handsome purs© of gold pre Rented to thofh on the occasion of thoir Fiftieth ":k Anniversary. >d be s COYIORNOR COOMlHrlO CARRIHS MASSACUHICTTH liY IjAHMH IMjI'IIAIjITY. Boston, Nov. I.. Gov. Calvin Cool idge, Republican, was re-elected by it ii overwhelming plurality today over Richard II. Long. Democrat. La*t year, wlion Long also was his opponent, h(, won by a plurality of 1 T.OItr.. The vole today swept him into oflice again by a margin which h:id reached more than 86,000 to¬ night, with two-thirds of the returns counted. . LAW AN1) OKDKlf SLOGAN. Tlie "law and order" slogan of Gov. Coolidge, based upon his stand against tin* striking Boston policemen brought out a heavy reserve Repub¬ lican vote. The Democrats also worked hard to bring the voters to the polls, with the result that the total vote was one of the heaviest ever cast in the Slate. Returns from (>77 election pro t incts out of 97 4, from III I cities ami towns out of 353, outside of Boston, gave for governor: Coolidgo, 1S5, ISO; Long, 02,005, PLURALITY CUT IN BOSTON. In Boston, Long's plurality of nearly 20,000 last year was cut to less than half that ligure today. Fred. .1. Burrell, Republican can¬ didate for State treasurer, and the other nominees on the State ticket were elected by large pluralities. ST. Ulv MS HNTICKTAIX ORAM) OKKICF.KS IN TIOHWATKll. It. \V. <«. Chief James Richardson ami StalV of Grand United Order of St. laike, Yisit IMiocbus. In .ML Pleasant Hall, Phoebus, Va. a grand union meeting was held on the 2Srd of October, 1010 in honor of the visiting grand otllcers, at which time a rousing crowd greeted them. Master of ceremonies, Brother Gritlln Stith, deputy. Prayer by Brother la wis Blue, solos by Sister Cyrus and Sister L. A. Yincient, supreme. Addresses by Dr. J. T. I.attimore, .Mrs. II. K. Froy, slate deputy; Mrs. Carrie Klley, Mrs. Jane Richardson. .Miss Tiimah Richardson and ot hers. A handsome gold chain was pre seated to the R. \V. CL Chief Brother Richardson by Dr. Lnttimorc, after which a line reception was rendered. On the 21th the Grand Chief, Grand Supreme and State Grand Deputy left for a ten days' tour of Norfolk, Middlesex. York County and other points. <.|{.\.M) IMTKI) UI(I)ICI{ OF JS1', Ll'lUO, BALTIMORE, Ml). SPEAKS. To All Whom It May Concern: It has boon rumored that the Grand United Order and the Independent Order of St. Luko will unite. Wo take this means to deny the rumor. The Grand United Order of St. Luko has stood the tost more than 00 years and is holding her own and now in a prosperous condition. We do not interfere with other organiza lions and do not wish any other organization to interfere with us. Hone by the order of Hoard of Directors. Grand United Order of St. Luke. L. A. Vincent, Supreme; S. 10. Crane, Washington Diggs, Jane Richardson, II. 10. Frey, liillie Arron del. James W. Frey, President: Jos. Brown, Vice President: Mary Diggs, Secretary: Emma Randolph, Asst. Secretary; Ella Banton, Treasurer; James Richardson, R. W. G. Chief. LUCK.I/ANGSTON. 1\1rs. Emma Langston announces the marriage of her granddaughter, lOinma lOstelle Langston to Mr. Win¬ ston Luck of Danville, Va., which took nlace Saturday, November 1, 1010 Reception later, i l{ev. Austin O. Boda at Ebenezer Baptist. Church Sunday Afternoon. Under auspices of the Pastor's Bible Class, lObenezer Baptist Church Rev. Austin O. Boda, D. D. pastor of Northside Baptist Church. High¬ land Park, will deliver a special ser¬ mon at three o'clock Sunday after¬ noon, November 0th, 1010. The Choir of Northside Baptist Church will render special mus'c. W. II. STOKES, PH. D. Pastor. Placet? wv bA obtained from C Rfhfnvd 9PR Pialnfleld AT8ns6 I'laintleld, N. J. tf I i wenty (>t (11 Marriage Anniversary of Dr. ami Mrs. \V. T. Johnson. 'and Mrs. W. T. Johnson cordially invite their friends to their iiiitli Wedding Anniversary Reception Thursday Eve, November 20th, 1019. From 8:110 to 11:SO at their residence 110 10. Leigh street, Richmond, Va. No cards. I wish to announce my appreciat¬ ion to my dear friends of the Jeffer¬ son Hotel for their kindness to me and family while 1 was sick. Also to my lodge of Knights of Pythias num¬ ber Si and Sunbeam, No. 7. National Ideal Society. You have my best wish es and many thanks. Yours truly, .O. 1). FLOURNOY, 4OS N. Second St. In Remembrance. In loving1 remembrance of our father, Riley T. Collins who departed this life one year ago today. You are gone but not forgotten Fresh our love will ever be, For as long as their is life and mem¬ ory, We will always think of thee. A bitter grief, a shock severe To part with one we love so dear. Our loss is great, we cannot complain, Rut trust in God to meet again. By his sons, FRANK AND ROBERT COLLINS. Colored Licensed Knibnlmers and Undertakers Association Mot at Petersburg, October 8, 0. The meeting was well attended, and great interest was shown in tho subjects which were discussed for the good of the profession and the general public. A permanent organization was formed and the following officers were elected for the year: President 13. A Boykin, Suffolk, Va.; First Vice President J. IT. Rob¬ inson. Richmond, Va.; Second vice president J. A. Cook, Newport News, Va.: Stato Secretary-Treas Mmo. L. E. C. Scott, Richmond, VaDirector of Field Work Capt. Thos. II. Brown Petersburg, Va. Executive Committee.C. Wm. Gray Alexandria Va.; W. Williams, Rich inoml, Va.; Freddie Vaugluin, llerk- jley, Va.; W H. Crocker, Suffolk, Va.; jChristine Hughes, Roanoke Va., /. J). Lewis, Richmond, Va. Mrs. M. 10. Junes of Lynchburg, visited her daughter, Mrs. Henry Miles of Farniville, Va. .10. ('. Smith, f»0S N. Harrison, Street Agent for All Colored Papers and Magazines. .Dr. Renjamin II. Hunlon, who conducts the only colored Drug Store in South Richmond at 2107 Hull St., paid a flying visit to Washington, D. C, last Sunday. FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CIIURC1I RAISES $Jl,025.88 IN RATjTjY. What proved to he the largest financial effort by a Church in this city, took place last Sunday night at th0 Fifth Street Baptist Church. At the conclusion of the reports of the, captains, three thousand, six hundred and twenty live dollars and eighty flight cents were in evidence upon the tables. This money goes to form a nucleus for a building fund. Rev. T. J. King and "his ons hundred cap tains worked well and success crowns their efforts. "She Painted Her Face to Flirt With Death." All Richmond women are invited to the Fifth Street Baptist Church, Sunday afternoon, November 10, to the great Women's Meeting. Pastor T. J. King will deliver a special ser mon, "She Painted Ilor Face to Flirt With Death." The Junior Choir will sing. Auspices of the King's Daughters of the Church. BI/Y A TAG! Everybody is asked to wear a Tag to help the Charity and Welfare Work of the Community Houso, 2 W. Marshall Streot, Monday, Novem her 10, 1010. Agod, youth, sick, neody and distressed come to us for succor. Wont you help? BUY A TAG! Lot tlio Armistice Splr-it of Jubilee and Thankfulness, oxpress Itself mightily and wear a Tag for swoot charity's sake in tho meantime. Wear a Tag November 10, Mondoy. Tiii-: koosi«:\ elt memorial. Memphis, Ten 11., October Hi 19. John Mitchell, Jr., Richmond, Virginia. Tho following lele^Vam which is I self explanatory was received thi.s morning. It quotes partial reports that indicate that Three Hundred Thousand Roosovcit Memorial meet ings have been held in Churches Schools and l'ublie Halls with many millions in attendance. Over one mil-' lion members have jioncd the Roose¬ velt Memorial Association and more than sixty thousand in Montana alone. Many more members should be seeur- ed this week. Please pass word on to all county and local chairmen urging them to take advantage of the present deep seated desire of tho American people to join this association. A careful list of all contributors should be sent, National office as each subscribing ( member will roceive a handsome cer¬ tificate of membership "WILLIAM BOYCE THOMPSON Please be governed as State Chair-' man by (he above instructions. j R. R. ciiimcii. i .H lXil'] SCORES JURY. Kuoxville Jurist Issues Order Bar riii); Men Who Served iM Riot Cases. Kuoxville, - Tenn., Nov. 3..Judge Nelson of the Criminal Court, today j .issued an order in which the twelve; men who served as jurors in the race, riot cases of last August freeing four: toon and entering mistrials as to' five others are barred from over serv ing on a jury in this court so long as he is the presiding officer. In enler-j ing this order the court said: "The verdict of the jury In said, cases was wholly unwarranted by the facts." Executrix's Notice. Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mary Etta Waller, de¬ ceased, all portions having claims against said estate will present, tho jsamo to me for payment, and all por I sonB bwing said ostato will please j settle promptly wffh me. --no:3A'r> POWSER. Ircxwat-:!' f I'm y Waller, T>ec'fl. MWOKttlAXK TAKK SWIFT AM) TlOItltlltlilO ItKVKNUK FOR ATTACK C)\ WIDOW. .Man Kiddlcd With Mullets Mini Hody Burned by Fnrnged Mob. Macon, (la., Nov. .A heavily anncil mob of some 400 persons ear¬ ly this morning burned alive Paul Hooker, a Negro who had attacked a while woman about two miles from the out skirls of ibis city. The Negro's body was riddled with bullets, bin be rolled over several times after the gasoline poured over him had been ignited. The woman a fil'ty-ycar-oUl widow was returning home from church last night when attueked. She had accompanied neighbors to their home and then struck out through the fields toward her own house, \Vhon near her home tlio Negro grabbed her, she slates choking her and struck bet a blow on the forehead. The woman had presence of. mind enough to wipe her hand across the gash on her head and then upon the Negro's shirt, marking him with her own blood for identification. The Negro was captured shortly after midnight by the Haby Broth¬ ers in n boxcar. Uy this time the whole community was in arms and the sheriff and his deputies had ar¬ rived on the scene For an hour an a half the sheriff worked upon the alibi given by the Negro but found that what Jones had said was false. Judge IT. A. Matthews, in charg¬ ing tbo grand jury at the opening of IHbb Superior Court this morning in stmoled thai a thorough investigat¬ ion bo made of the lynching of Paul Hooker, Negro near Crumps Park early today. Fl'IiTON NOTKS. Rev. and Mrs. N. It. Brown wore agreeably surprised to proof their son in law, Rov. W. Laurence Campbell, on Sal nveiny. November 1. Ho is now pastoeing (ho ^Thankful Baptist Church, Johnson City, Tonn. llo' preached a vovy excellent sornton at the Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church last Sunday morning, using for a subject: "lCvolnlionizing Christianity.' Ho held his hearers and it bespeaks that this young divine is lifting the standard higher and higher. We1 hope to bear Rev. Campbell again in the near- future. Rev. X. R. Brown left this city on last Monday and will return Saturday Rev. Mrs. N. R. Rrown was taken j very sick last Monday night. She is now under the care of Dr. Tharps. i The Sunday School Union, which j convened at the Rising Mt. Zion j Church last 'Sunday was a grand success. Remarks by the pastor.' president, and Rev. W. A. Mitchell, j The program by the children was excellent. Rev. \Y. 10. Rrown preached an excellent sermon at the Pilgrim Rap ! is* Church. Chelsea Hill, last Wednesday night. Rev. Robert 13. Stanton, pastor and his congregation worc well satisfied at his sermon. MT. CALVARY NOTES. Wednesday, October 20, Rev. Oeorgo Brent. of the First Baptist Church. Washington, D. C. preached a wonderful sermon at the Mount Calvary Baptist Oh arch. The text was found in Hebrew 10:3S. Subject "The .lust Shall Live By Faith."' Rov. Brent is a strong gospel preacher. Last Sunday morning we wore, very glad to have in our Sunday School, Revs. Wright and Payne, of Baltimore, Md., but now.students at the Virginia Union University. Rov. C. T. Martin paid a short visit. He escorted Rev. Whit A'Jen to our Church. Wo listened to some very encouraging remarks from the brethren . At the morning service Rov. Whit Allen, pastor of the Shilolt Baptist Church of Baltimore, Md. preached a unique sermon. Revs. Wright and Payne wore on the rostrum. The communion service at 3:30 was conducted by Rovs. Nelson Brown and Whit Allen. Rev. John son of the Mt. Carmol Baptist Church talked while the bread was being passed and Rev. Henry Ran dolph while the wine was being served. In fact we had a joyful timo praising the Lord. We have on our sick list: Sisters Jamimv White, Martha Edwards, Annie Fraysor and Rrother Nathaniel Yates, Sp. Lot us call to soo tlio sick and distressed of our locality. We are very glad to hear of the progress that Wov. Tuck is making. Rov. Cobbs and some of the rov erond's friendB wor© very glad to boa" of tho great succors that Rov. .\ . IVi Clarke is making in tho State of Now Tersoy. Ho ia ono of Pulton's ypung divinca. rVTHIAJVS ROOMING IK VI It- (ilMA. A Lodge of. K. of I\ mul a <\>urt of Galautho Sot Up ;Ui Sandy Virginia. The people in Virginia seem to he rr °%(l" r8 from tlio depressing ofTects or (ho "IIn" and World's War .md to have taken on now inspira¬ tion and life to clicer up and "(Jo forward' in the Pythian Organ Iza- Hon especially. Deputies ot lodges <-",lrl8 nro 'O'ing to each excel tlio other in 1 hoir efforts for suc- !»»'!' Vi0,llts an<1 IwIrob arc being nU ovor State, and tlio (5 \V. C ounsellor, Hon. John Mitchell, . i., being the olllcial head of both departnionts. linds himsoir unable to moot the personal dosfro of the Deputies to bo present at the initia¬ tions at .ill tho places and keep up with his various duties. Paces, Va.t Oct. i?r>, I'tll) Miss M. IChilos, G. W. Register of Deeds of the Courts of Calantho; r. A. A. Pennant, Grand Medical Director of the (.rand Lodge K of P of Virginia, and Rev. U .1. Morris a11 ived on noon train froin Rich¬ mond to-day to initiate a Ixnigo and Loiirt at Sandy Crook, Va., l i miles from Danville, Va. Mr. Mitchell was expected, hut did not find it possible to be with the party. They were met at train by Rev. A. H. Metis, D. I)., (J. C. of Paces 0 ,. c®nv°y°d to his residence at Sntlierlin, Va., where a bounteous lepast awaited thorn, and the chcor- fiH smile of Mrs. A. 11. Hott«. D. 1)., V , , of tho Co»rta, Kieot9<\ and welcomed them to the comforts of her home. After dinner tho fine auto con¬ voyed them without a hiteli, al¬ though the roads were terrible, to Sandy Creek, about twenty miles from Paces. Miss Lucy Locket!, D. I) (j \y (. of North Danville. Va., to ' whoso honor and credit their Court is due was in readiness, assisted by Mrs' 1'lore nee Wilson. Mrs. Oliver, Mrs jerry, of Danville, with 38 candi¬ dates, awaited with anxiety the arrival of the Richmond party, and >.v lour o'clock tho Court was ready to be made at the Masonic Ilall near the church. Doing a new Held the ladies were eager and cheerful, and Miss Chilos assisted by the above ladies from Danville, soon finished tho initiation to the delight, of all present. Tho newly made candidates promised to make the membership r>0 within :i0 days.dispensation timo asked Tor and also to secure the Hiblo with name of Court thereon from Miss Chiles for 15 yearly subscribers to the Planet. The following are the officers of Sandy Creek Court: I«.Mrs. T-olia P. Robinson. " . ". Mrs. Jennio Ferguson. W. lux Mrs. Ret tie (Juntor. .Mrs. Lottie Gnnter. W. II. of D..Mrs. Pearle An¬ derson. W. R. or A..Miss Ocea Terry. W. R. of Dep..Mrs. Adeline Rob¬ inson. \V. S. p..Miss Maggie. Tanner. W. J. D..Miss Reulali Terwy W. Con..Miss Ida Ross. W. Assistant Con..Miss Maynio Farmer. W. Escort.Miss Ixma Terry. W. Herald.Miss Lucy Ciunter. W. Pro..Miss Rosa Wilson. Trustees.John Terry, Mrs. Re¬ becca. Womac, Annie King. 1 his Court will meet on tho sec¬ ond and fourth Saturdays at 2 P. M. in the Masonic Hall, Sandy Greek Virginia. The table was spread, dinner was servod, and an left delighted and happy for their homes. The Danville ladies left in auto for their homes. Miss Chiles remained to the initia¬ tion of the Sandy Creek I^odge, as tho same auto would take the party back to Sir A. Tl. IJetts after tho ini¬ tiation Sandy Creek Ijodgo. The strong, happy-lookimg men lilod in soldier-like, anA woro promptly oxamincd by Dr. Tonnant. in tho Masonic Hall, and afterwards 'duly iniatiated by I)r. Tonnant, as- [slated by Hev. I/. J. Morris, Sir. A. 11. Rotts and otlior K. of P. from local lodges. After which the men, jolly and tired-looking, roturned to ;tlie school room and oponod their [baskets and set the table for their supper, an unusual occurrence to tho ! Richmond party. After partaking their dolicacios, the Richmond party left in Sir John Robinson's car for Paces and on the 7:30 A. M. train Sunday for Richmond, thankful and cheerful for the experiences and pleasures of the trip. Sir A. B. Rctts has the honor of having explaining Calantheiem and gotton up this fine lodge In a new district, and also promised to mako It fifty strong in thirty days* dispen¬ sation granted.

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'"I'lio ('liildron of (he Sun".A VeryKcunitt itable Product ion.

"Tho Children of the Sun" waspresented to a Richmond audience attlie Strand Theatre. October 1201li andHOtli. Owing to seating conditions, nota fifth part of tlie "army" of eolor-pd folks who wanted to see the playcould Becurc admittance. To say thatit was a success is to deal with thesituation mildly. The managementhad assigned the balcony and thegallery in "The Children of the Sun"and they showed their appreciationby packing both places at every per¬formance. The white people were as¬

signed to the orchestra. At nightthey came, but during the matinees,there was an aching void for whichthe colored folks, who could not se¬

cure admittance inside of the play¬house sighed.


There is no travelling show ofcolored performers that has been more

admirably trained than is this aggre¬gation of colored artists The book ofthe play is by Salem T.utt Whitneyand J. Homer Tutt, while (JoorgeWells Parker, Archaeologist and authorof the historical story, "The Childrenof the San" assisted. All three were

masters of the respective parts andas for Salem Tutt Whitney, he ranksamong the stars in the world's ag¬gregation of actors. The desert scenein which he figured will long be re

momborod as the acme of the scenicart. Here he displayed his ability torender the most difficult part of thistruly remarkable play.


As a humorist, he is a "gem." Hewas ably supported bv a caste thatmeasured fully up to the occasionand showed that they had been "trained to the minute." The gratifyingpart about i( was the fact that thestory carried with it a historical les¬son. The student of history foundabundant material there, while the

( young and l'rjvolous found enoughamusement to keep them in goodhumor during the more than twohours' production of the play. Themake-up of Dr. Kelly Miller, Deanof Howard University was a pleasingsurprise and C'uney Conners was notonly well acquainted with him, buthad studied bis movements and charact eristics.

, A PECULIAR PRESIDENT.. The mooting held at Howard Uni¬

versity and the determination totravel to the Orient in an air-shipbrought about the tender of a resignation by the President, who said howould not. go and yet when the time,came, he was the first man to gelaboard. Japan, India, Persia, Egyptand finally Abyssinia wore visited. Itis needless to namo the caste. Whit¬ney is the star performer, with anaggregation of stars assisting him toincrease the brilliancy of the illumi¬nating power that emanates fromhim. Certain it. is that at no time

« since the foundation of the Clovern-mont lias a play been produced thatshould be as universally patronizedand praised as this one.

1 iOC-KI3TT.GREEN.An out of (own wedding Wednesday

October in, which was of Interest (oStaunton, was the marriage inGreenwood, of Miss Emma Green andMr. James 11. Lockott, son of Mrs.Susie Ijockett, which was celebratedin Mt. /.ion Baptist Church, Rev. II.0. Pannell, of Staunton officiating.Miss Ethel Johnson, of Staunton sangvery sweetly, "Dear Heart."The wedding march was played by

Miss Soleno Hackney, of Staunton.The bridesmaid was Miss Irene T^ockett. Mr. llless Estes was the bestman and Mr, Morris Monroe, usher.Little Miss Ruth L»awson was theflower girl. The bride was boaulifully attired in white crepe do chineand carried a bouquet of bridalroses. She was given in marriagoby her slop father, Mr. J. A. Estes.

After the marriage a big banquetwas served. The presents weremany and useful and showed 'thepopularity with which they are hold.Those attending from Staunton woreMr. John Peyton, Mrs. John I'".Hackney, stop sister of the bride.Misses Ethel Johnson and SeleneHackney, Mrs. Andrew Moade and'Mrs. Bcttio Swan and Miss PearlieTimberlako and Mrs. Mary Johnsonof Orozot, Va.

» >»

A Card.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis talcothis medium of thanking their friendsfor the handsome purs© of gold preRented to thofh on the occasion ofthoir Fiftieth ":k Anniversary.

>d be s



Boston, Nov. I.. Gov. Calvin Coolidge, Republican, was re-elected byit ii overwhelming plurality todayover Richard II. Long. Democrat.La*t year, wlion Long also was hisopponent, h(, won by a plurality of1 T.OItr.. The vole today swept himinto oflice again by a margin whichh:id reached more than 86,000 to¬night, with two-thirds of the returnscounted.


Tlie "law and order" slogan ofGov. Coolidge, based upon his standagainst tin* striking Boston policemenbrought out a heavy reserve Repub¬lican vote. The Democrats alsoworked hard to bring the voters tothe polls, with the result that thetotal vote was one of the heaviestever cast in the Slate.

Returns from (>77 election prot incts out of 97 4, from III I citiesami towns out of 353, outside ofBoston, gave for governor:

Coolidgo, 1S5, ISO; Long, 02,005,

PLURALITY CUT IN BOSTON.In Boston, Long's plurality of

nearly 20,000 last year was cut toless than half that ligure today.

Fred. .1. Burrell, Republican can¬didate for State treasurer, and theother nominees on the State ticketwere elected by large pluralities.


It. \V. <«. Chief James Richardsonami StalV of Grand United Order

of St. laike, Yisit IMiocbus.

In .ML Pleasant Hall, Phoebus, Va.a grand union meeting was held onthe 2Srd of October, 1010 in honorof the visiting grand otllcers, at whichtime a rousing crowd greeted them.Master of ceremonies, Brother GritllnStith, deputy. Prayer by Brotherla wis Blue, solos by Sister Cyrusand Sister L. A. Yincient, supreme.Addresses by Dr. J. T. I.attimore,.Mrs. II. K. Froy, slate deputy; Mrs.Carrie Klley, Mrs. Jane Richardson..Miss Tiimah Richardson andot hers.

A handsome gold chain was preseated to the R. \V. CL Chief BrotherRichardson by Dr. Lnttimorc, afterwhich a line reception was rendered.On the 21th the Grand Chief, GrandSupreme and State Grand Deputy leftfor a ten days' tour of Norfolk,Middlesex. York County and otherpoints.

<.|{.\.M) IMTKI) UI(I)ICI{ OF JS1',Ll'lUO, BALTIMORE, Ml).


To All Whom It May Concern:It has boon rumored that the GrandUnited Order and the IndependentOrder of St. Luko will unite. Wotake this means to deny the rumor.The Grand United Order of St.

Luko has stood the tost more than00 years and is holding her own andnow in a prosperous condition. Wedo not interfere with other organizalions and do not wish any otherorganization to interfere with us.

Hone by the order of Hoard ofDirectors. Grand United Order of St.Luke. L. A. Vincent, Supreme; S.10. Crane, Washington Diggs, JaneRichardson, II. 10. Frey, liillie Arrondel. James W. Frey, President: Jos.Brown, Vice President: Mary Diggs,Secretary: Emma Randolph, Asst.Secretary; Ella Banton, Treasurer;James Richardson, R. W. G. Chief.

LUCK.I/ANGSTON.1\1rs. Emma Langston announcesthe marriage of her granddaughter,lOinma lOstelle Langston to Mr. Win¬

ston Luck of Danville, Va., which tooknlace Saturday, November 1, 1010Reception later, i

l{ev. Austin O. Boda at EbenezerBaptist. Church Sunday Afternoon.

Under auspices of the Pastor'sBible Class, lObenezer Baptist ChurchRev. Austin O. Boda, D. D. pastorof Northside Baptist Church. High¬land Park, will deliver a special ser¬mon at three o'clock Sunday after¬noon, November 0th, 1010.The Choir of Northside Baptist

Church will render special mus'c.W. II. STOKES, PH. D.


Placet? wv bA obtained from CRfhfnvd 9PR Pialnfleld AT8ns6I'laintleld, N. J.tf

Ii wenty (>t (11 Marriage Anniversaryof Dr. ami Mrs. \V. T. Johnson.

'and Mrs. W. T. Johnsoncordially invite their friends to theiriiiitli Wedding Anniversary ReceptionThursday Eve, November 20th, 1019.From 8:110 to 11:SO at their residence110 10. Leigh street, Richmond, Va.No cards.

I wish to announce my appreciat¬ion to my dear friends of the Jeffer¬son Hotel for their kindness to meand family while 1 was sick. Also tomy lodge of Knights of Pythias num¬ber Si and Sunbeam, No. 7. NationalIdeal Society. You have my best wishes and many thanks.

Yours truly,.O. 1). FLOURNOY,

4OS N. Second St.

In Remembrance.

In loving1 remembrance of ourfather, Riley T. Collins who departedthis life one year ago today.You are gone but not forgottenFresh our love will ever be,For as long as their is life and mem¬

ory,We will always think of thee.

A bitter grief, a shock severeTo part with one we love so dear.Our loss is great, we cannot complain,Rut trust in God to meet again.


Colored Licensed Knibnlmers andUndertakers Association Mot at

Petersburg, October 8, 0.

The meeting was well attended,and great interest was shown in thosubjects which were discussed forthe good of the profession and thegeneral public.

A permanent organization wasformed and the following officerswere elected for the year:President 13. A Boykin, Suffolk,

Va.; First Vice President J. IT. Rob¬inson. Richmond, Va.; Second vicepresident J. A. Cook, Newport News,Va.: Stato Secretary-Treas Mmo. L.E. C. Scott, Richmond, VaDirectorof Field Work Capt. Thos. II. BrownPetersburg, Va.Executive Committee.C. Wm. Gray

Alexandria Va.; W. Williams, Rich

inoml, Va.; Freddie Vaugluin, llerk-jley, Va.; W H. Crocker, Suffolk, Va.;jChristine Hughes, Roanoke Va., /.J). Lewis, Richmond, Va.

Mrs. M. 10. Junes of Lynchburg,visited her daughter, Mrs. HenryMiles of Farniville, Va.

.10. ('. Smith, f»0S N. Harrison,Street Agent for All Colored Papersand Magazines.

.Dr. Renjamin II. Hunlon, whoconducts the only colored Drug Storein South Richmond at 2107 Hull St.,paid a flying visit to Washington, D.C, last Sunday.


RAISES $Jl,025.88 IN RATjTjY.

What proved to he the largestfinancial effort by a Church in thiscity, took place last Sunday night at

th0 Fifth Street Baptist Church. Atthe conclusion of the reports of the,captains, three thousand, six hundredand twenty live dollars and eightyflight cents were in evidence upon thetables. This money goes to form a

nucleus for a building fund. Rev.T. J. King and "his ons hundred captains worked well and success crownstheir efforts.

"She Painted Her Face to FlirtWith Death."

All Richmond women are invitedto the Fifth Street Baptist Church,Sunday afternoon, November 10, tothe great Women's Meeting. PastorT. J. King will deliver a special ser

mon, "She Painted Ilor Face to FlirtWith Death." The Junior Choirwill sing. Auspices of the King'sDaughters of the Church.


Everybody is asked to wear a Tagto help the Charity and WelfareWork of the Community Houso, 2W. Marshall Streot, Monday, Novemher 10, 1010. Agod, youth, sick,neody and distressed come to us forsuccor. Wont you help?BUY A TAG! Lot tlio Armistice

Splr-it of Jubilee and Thankfulness,oxpress Itself mightily and wear aTag for swoot charity's sake in thomeantime.Wear a Tag November 10, Mondoy.

Tiii-: koosi«:\ elt memorial.

Memphis, Ten 11., October Hi 19.John Mitchell, Jr.,

Richmond, Virginia.Tho following lele^Vam which is I

self explanatory was received thi.smorning. It quotes partial reportsthat indicate that Three HundredThousand Roosovcit Memorial meetings have been held in ChurchesSchools and l'ublie Halls with manymillions in attendance. Over one mil-'lion members have jioncd the Roose¬velt Memorial Association and morethan sixty thousand in Montana alone.Many more members should be seeur-ed this week.

Please pass word on to all countyand local chairmen urging them totake advantage of the present deepseated desire of tho American peopleto join this association. A careful listof all contributors should be sent,National office as each subscribing (member will roceive a handsome cer¬tificate of membership

"WILLIAM BOYCE THOMPSONPlease be governed as State Chair-'

man by (he above instructions. jR. R. ciiimcii.



Kuoxville Jurist Issues Order Barriii); Men Who Served iM Riot


Kuoxville, - Tenn., Nov. 3..JudgeNelson of the Criminal Court, today j.issued an order in which the twelve;men who served as jurors in the race,riot cases of last August freeing four:toon and entering mistrials as to'five others are barred from over serving on a jury in this court so long ashe is the presiding officer. In enler-jing this order the court said:

"The verdict of the jury In said,cases was wholly unwarranted by thefacts."

Executrix's Notice.

Having qualified as Executrix ofthe estate of Mary Etta Waller, de¬ceased, all portions having claimsagainst said estate will present, thojsamo to me for payment, and all porI sonB bwing said ostato will pleasej settle promptly wffh me.

--no:3A'r> POWSER.Ircxwat-:!' f I'm y Waller, T>ec'fl.



.Man Kiddlcd With Mullets Mini HodyBurned by Fnrnged Mob.

Macon, (la., Nov. .A heavilyanncil mob of some 400 persons ear¬ly this morning burned alive PaulHooker, a Negro who had attacked a

while woman about two miles fromthe out skirls of ibis city. The Negro'sbody was riddled with bullets, binbe rolled over several times afterthe gasoline poured over him hadbeen ignited.The woman a fil'ty-ycar-oUl widow

was returning home from churchlast night when attueked. She hadaccompanied neighbors to their homeand then struck out through thefields toward her own house, \Vhonnear her home tlio Negro grabbedher, she slates choking her and struckbet a blow on the forehead.The woman had presence of. mind

enough to wipe her hand across thegash on her head and then upon theNegro's shirt, marking him with herown blood for identification.The Negro was captured shortly

after midnight by the Haby Broth¬ers in n boxcar. Uy this time thewhole community was in arms andthe sheriff and his deputies had ar¬

rived on the sceneFor an hour an a half the sheriff

worked upon the alibi given by theNegro but found that what Jones hadsaid was false.

Judge IT. A. Matthews, in charg¬ing tbo grand jury at the opening ofIHbb Superior Court this morning instmoled thai a thorough investigat¬ion bo made of the lynching of PaulHooker, Negro near Crumps Parkearly today.


Rev. and Mrs. N. It. Brown woreagreeably surprised to proof their sonin law, Rov. W. Laurence Campbell,on Sal nveiny. November 1. Ho is nowpastoeing (ho ^Thankful BaptistChurch, Johnson City, Tonn. llo'preached a vovy excellent sornton atthe Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Churchlast Sunday morning, using for asubject: "lCvolnlionizing Christianity.'Ho held his hearers and it bespeaksthat this young divine is lifting thestandard higher and higher. We1hope to bear Rev. Campbell again inthe near- future.

Rev. X. R. Brown left this city onlast Monday and will return Saturday

Rev. Mrs. N. R. Rrown was taken jvery sick last Monday night. She isnow under the care of Dr. Tharps. i

The Sunday School Union, which jconvened at the Rising Mt. Zion jChurch last 'Sunday was a grandsuccess. Remarks by the pastor.'president, and Rev. W. A. Mitchell, jThe program by the children wasexcellent.

Rev. \Y. 10. Rrown preached anexcellent sermon at the Pilgrim Rap! is* Church. Chelsea Hill, lastWednesday night. Rev. Robert 13.Stanton, pastor and his congregationworc well satisfied at his sermon.


Wednesday, October 20, Rev.Oeorgo Brent. of the First BaptistChurch. Washington, D. C. preacheda wonderful sermon at the MountCalvary Baptist Oh arch. The textwas found in Hebrew 10:3S. Subject"The .lust Shall Live By Faith."'Rov. Brent is a strong gospelpreacher.

Last Sunday morning we wore,very glad to have in our SundaySchool, Revs. Wright and Payne, ofBaltimore, Md., but now.students atthe Virginia Union University.

Rov. C. T. Martin paid a shortvisit. He escorted Rev. Whit A'Jento our Church. Wo listened to somevery encouraging remarks from thebrethren .

At the morning service Rov. WhitAllen, pastor of the Shilolt BaptistChurch of Baltimore, Md. preacheda unique sermon. Revs. Wrightand Payne wore on the rostrum.

The communion service at 3:30was conducted by Rovs. NelsonBrown and Whit Allen. Rev. Johnson of the Mt. Carmol BaptistChurch talked while the bread wasbeing passed and Rev. Henry Randolph while the wine was beingserved. In fact we had a joyfultimo praising the Lord.We have on our sick list: Sisters

Jamimv White, Martha Edwards,Annie Fraysor and Rrother NathanielYates, Sp. Lot us call to soo tliosick and distressed of our locality.We are very glad to hear of the

progress that Wov. Tuck is making.Rov. Cobbs and some of the rov

erond's friendB wor© very glad toboa" of tho great succors that Rov..\ . IVi Clarke is making in tho Stateof Now Tersoy. Ho ia ono of Pulton'sypung divinca.


A Lodge of. K. of I\ mul a <\>urt ofGalautho Sot Up ;Ui Sandy


The people in Virginia seem to herr °%(l" r8 from tlio depressingofTects or (ho "IIn" and World's War.md to have taken on now inspira¬tion and life to clicer up and "(Joforward' in the Pythian Organ Iza-Hon especially. Deputies ot lodges

<-",lrl8 nro 'O'ing to each exceltlio other in 1 hoir efforts for suc-

!»»'!' Vi0,llts an<1 IwIrob arc beingnU ovor State, and tlio (5\V. C ounsellor, Hon. John Mitchell,. i., being the olllcial head of bothdepartnionts. linds himsoir unable tomoot the personal dosfro of theDeputies to bo present at the initia¬tions at .ill tho places and keep upwith his various duties.

Paces, Va.t Oct. i?r>, I'tll)Miss M. IChilos, G. W. Register

of Deeds of the Courts of Calantho;r. A. A. Pennant, Grand Medical

Director of the (.rand Lodge K of Pof Virginia, and Rev. U .1. Morrisa11 ived on noon train froin Rich¬mond to-day to initiate a Ixnigo andLoiirt at Sandy Crook, Va., l i milesfrom Danville, Va. Mr. Mitchell wasexpected, hut did not find it possibleto be with the party.

They were met at train by Rev.A. H. Metis, D. I)., (J. C. of Paces0 ,.

c®nv°y°d to his residence atSntlierlin, Va., where a bounteouslepast awaited thorn, and the chcor-fiH smile of Mrs. A. 11. Hott«. D. 1).,V , ,

of tho Co»rta, Kieot9<\ andwelcomed them to the comforts ofher home.

After dinner tho fine auto con¬

voyed them without a hiteli, al¬though the roads were terrible, toSandy Creek, about twenty milesfrom Paces.

Miss Lucy Locket!, D. I) (j \y (.of North Danville. Va., to


whosohonor and credit their Court is duewas in readiness, assisted by Mrs'1'lore nee Wilson. Mrs. Oliver, Mrsjerry, of Danville, with 38 candi¬dates, awaited with anxiety thearrival of the Richmond party, and>.v lour o'clock tho Court was readyto be made at the Masonic Ilall nearthe church.

Doing a new Held the ladies wereeager and cheerful, and Miss Chilosassisted by the above ladies fromDanville, soon finished tho initiationto the delight, of all present. Thonewly made candidates promised tomake the membership r>0 within :i0days.dispensation timo asked Torand also to secure the Hiblo withname of Court thereon from MissChiles for 15 yearly subscribers tothe Planet.The following are the officers of

Sandy Creek Court:

I«.Mrs. T-olia P. Robinson."

. ". Mrs. Jennio Ferguson.W. lux Mrs. Ret tie (Juntor.

.Mrs. Lottie Gnnter.W. II. of D..Mrs. Pearle An¬

derson.W. R. or A..Miss Ocea Terry.W. R. of Dep..Mrs. Adeline Rob¬

inson.\V. S. p..Miss Maggie. Tanner.W. J. D..Miss Reulali TerwyW. Con..Miss Ida Ross.W. Assistant Con..Miss Maynio

Farmer.W. Escort.Miss Ixma Terry.W. Herald.Miss Lucy Ciunter.W. Pro..Miss Rosa Wilson.Trustees.John Terry, Mrs. Re¬

becca. Womac, Annie King.1 his Court will meet on tho sec¬

ond and fourth Saturdays at 2 P. M.in the Masonic Hall, Sandy GreekVirginia.The table was spread, dinner was

servod, and an left delighted andhappy for their homes.The Danville ladies left in auto

for their homes.

Miss Chiles remained to the initia¬tion of the Sandy Creek I^odge, astho same auto would take the partyback to Sir A. Tl. IJetts after tho ini¬tiation

Sandy Creek Ijodgo.The strong, happy-lookimg men

lilod in soldier-like, anA woropromptly oxamincd by Dr. Tonnant.in tho Masonic Hall, and afterwards'duly iniatiated by I)r. Tonnant, as-[slated by Hev. I/. J. Morris, Sir. A.11. Rotts and otlior K. of P. fromlocal lodges. After which the men,jolly and tired-looking, roturned to;tlie school room and oponod their[baskets and set the table for theirsupper, an unusual occurrence to tho! Richmond party. After partakingtheir dolicacios, the Richmond partyleft in Sir John Robinson's car forPaces and on the 7:30 A. M. trainSunday for Richmond, thankful andcheerful for the experiences andpleasures of the trip.

Sir A. B. Rctts has the honor ofhaving explaining Calantheiem andgotton up this fine lodge In a newdistrict, and also promised to makoIt fifty strong in thirty days* dispen¬sation granted.