L‘g £ 2 « ‘““^ __, Su,jW-^--^-------- -------- 8 n, MO.g66 .' _■ ________________ jyen O K SINGTON. A pril M <v. intfraUte com* ^||p P p ^ T jo J ‘toe^ ' tDd^y estimated to V. DBUon’8 tr a n s p o r - SW $678,000,000 an. CpinXdUi«rft“< ^ ‘''* ^ Ite lacT**** 0^ trom serea per c u t more tlan ther . the ICC aulhoried a - l ( iwnx or«r vtut »lu iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^ r.ani> ot Oie f o. J OUo Uld °‘ 1:trtn. u d «U per cebt ger wit loertue. Uke Uia 7 BlDt tnd six per cent lufoi:. were called "<ur- uS.'Krc p u te d only ItslUtloni Mid excep* Kemtd In ippllcaUon of gotiKt. T1i«r may be put ,(DlSdirsofpub»cno- f.’f^wtii In wKi^'c*t8 1 j H|H1^^£ fri'*^r^«rrleTS and Twin Fallij tnrttn partlclpatlnB to » 'rti when M ,lwfw.».C«l.-a») ^°en thli ant Iley Courts Bi Face Charges ViUey courts were busy Sunday i u a result of a wholesale traffic rt :U heard picas in four drun1{cn d I the public highwny. three stop-s northeast of Jerome. He was fined byJuaticc..of Peace Cecil Stanhope. tm g ic Ne ^K bled in the past 10 yeara, g.Jjoint o ^■highway {groupsreveals. ^■port, issued by the Idaho hitrhway ^ B ^ tm e nt df highways and_thc I ^■u,^ag5(l_on. thc_traff c_cpunt on C ^Bitategicaily located -------------------- ^ ^ in e n t 'Yecordcrs Federa ^W ttt out at’the moat m ii i fc i i r f .poia. Talkl ^ B s tt aie Important, the In deunnlnlng the /\ Tt to be built, their Iln? I' ^ B m ia te t cf lanes. / Airot reak WABHINOTC ^ ■ n it H-hour trafllc «unt Govemment-*pi •i".;«fm«fnnt..resotdjt3. iA]J«drenrt «n I puk lajt August when flcials waited ( itoUy higher than Uie AcUnj Defeni » rehlcm, and ftlmos sAlman oalle L * Steel Workera n»e of Ualllc w u *| JSloM'but oft sot ^ l e r a mllo east would merely " "'*‘ 2 ®® “ OM" n«BOt “* passed over the re- ment that woul< J Mhouft dwlng August, to private eonti • r. bpol Active « »P0U Include: seY^tl “>4t^Pi>caUllo, 6,687 ve- ~“lRiformed'soui I BiiUs eatt o( Twin Falls, mate U broken °P l lolles east of Boise, Impetus vrlll cc the barsjlnlns ®»Ucr*eorder8ftreof two particularly for o^Ung ot a beam of . l. a possible . rJw “ «1 the ment to permit on the surface of bt« enough to Mae of the counter* an-hour "pack ™“ tet««n the types of proposed by th ^ a sUUoiv-iMnuBl bo*rd aod dem hour, auraUon each W., lhoe-counitr.--fbur W. J. I>oUtieal p: ?^6lsu Trend “ P't*l Wll bj Ucluiar irsfiic nt the nine reflectt- -Uie a whole. With '°^ye°rs aeo lo ^ S tj^ ^ “ae1e ^— !T“ DemocraUc *«p Backed ^ t s h.c Goodinc Vote ^i^nded a.*»,7.V® man did not ! a Rir “ -D an Cavan> eonstltuUonal saiitir' “"nocratle na- he teUed the I r ^ ^ . w u * eadorHd --------- ^ S S I J e I 5 is e To M< • “ “wmsn. ^'w e ipeelalUl «mlthr Wendell. Boise April 301 ttUBU fare -eonferenc <**tease admlnl - agio 1 M~W — 1^ 7 M ■‘■H ~ 8 > ^ B I ■ ■ ~| -33 y^m i% J% J _43 - J A Regional Newspaper OKklil CII7 •nJ Counlr Ntwip.B.r ^ W riclcBrin^ C iK ljiK Twin Falls connty coaaitd IU flnt tr>rnn f.uUty o ifht wbea Mrt. laabel Nettoo. M, died as a m ult of I ben this anto colliiled with ancther a mile norUi ot ts Busy as Drive] rges on Traffic C / Sunday and Monday handling eases broug^ e traffic roundup Saturday night and Sun drunken driving cases, five reckleas drivir iree stop-sign violations and two Bpcjeding c ]Ti^Al^"pVrrT^55ndrvn7v5tntn>an (was fined ? 100 nnd his licenst: was orderccT 1Stanhope. J ustice Stanhope also fitied Bob '— ' " " " - ‘ -t-McGuire-and-J< ^ Jerome,-525-ea< ; Nearm. - rs, ft.jjoiotTepo^ by I ................................................................. In Ooodlng, Prot ) highway planning survey. f{5o°'^d « wd^lir and_the bureau of_pu'^''c jicense suspended count on Gem state roads a charge of dmhkc ............................. ......... aitlonrJudge-Qoss 'ederalSteel,:.-«lS Talk Ih’oning * _ ^ bcrly JusUce of Uic On; No Result “.fX'-.S;', WABHINOTOH. April .14 eewe'^VsenVt” ” vemment-sponwred «te«L wage mcnfofUw enforce ka djTsned «n today_M_^lederal of- i C walUSd for' prices or“ tJCntIts- probate Judge hrwiV thy-lmnnim*:------------- ------tr^mi.nM-.w-y.. IcUng Defense MobUlMT John B. - ; r , , — -— = felman called the CIO United O lilrt’a P ;el Workera and Indmtry repre* 3 JL itatlves Into new Mrgttliltng ^ -------- sioos but Dfriclals predicted they ' 1 licwxiif^ uld merely "go ihrough the mo- L /lS U U lt M" of negoUatlhg for a seUle- ■*'wt InWa Outside Pretsore By The Atsot SfoTined'soiircerMad irthe stair- ~8otnB-W.«0-Ohli ite is broken any time soon, the company workers e petus will come from outside of old strike today b ! bargalnlns room. Tiity imtehed roore than 18,000 o rtlcularly-for: • tlons worker* in O .. A possible government commit- stales wntlnued. :nt to permit steel price Increases OranUng of pay : enough to offset Uie ja-tertts- Ohio Bell work *to -hour •■package" waRC Increase return of the wori jposed by the wage stobllUatlon whclher striking art .aod demandad-^jf-Uia-unlna-. .«iWW^_em^P.l°^ e’ -^-.COP OppoalUwa-Gains A spokesman for }. I>ol)tical preseure mustered on Mntinj; both BcU i altal hill by a Republican-led jrn Elcctrlc worker ve for a full-«cale *enal« invettl* munleatlons Worki UoD.afPmldent Truman’s seizure gald the BeU worki the industry. Western' £lMlrie' p a g « said he would introduce a qWo BeiTBuliaingj lOluUon today calling on we western Seetrti iat« ludleUry committee to In- ment-maklng subsl itigate Oie.iegtllty of Uia;«el«ure. tijg-wlde Bell lelei mocraUc roppprt to put Uie move w’age boost*-w; rough. .............in New York « Bridges had tlio lull baeUng ot predicted early k n. Robert A. Taft, R, O, who ||ve»t«m Bectric a contended all along Mr. Tru- president of m did not have the ''inhereat" jegotutors lor thi nstltuUonal power-uader-whlea tamp»ny-anr“BpH teUed the Industry:* ,ue. Uiat of .labor i - --. ' --------- Hhe "waaa Usue -wj lefenseJLeaders_ 3 SZi^ To Meet in State Telephone and Te BolB8,‘Anrlt b»t<lqinnfr\„ln_t Me ipKlaltatB from region nine, planned fio actlv, ige. ttat« dfrector, *xtsounc«J w- Ebur_it^ -iire-Bcliednltd_ten^r ^^QNTOEt^M f 'aly4or discuaalta. They are progr nre . whipped, tSr M report* from aUte ODA olfi- »tory Savoy hotel r», di^oraeht'of m ebllefln^ le * ^ S ^ e ^ K ncv'hoiSui team* and s dvll de* 'Owner Robert-P ns* blood proerwn. . - th e second *erl Dpddrldif a a l d ^ » l » 5 i M * d * fea*^.dmlntatr«tlon'* he*lth^d ecial weapon* dirt*io». h * * - ^ S S ^’d, ... \ .. J . al Newspaper Serving . . . V J —~i TWIN FAL Srifi^ County’s First Fai IrafflB faUUty of 1B52 Saturday 1951 Pontiac was I as a mult of Inlorln received Donthr-Chapmao, a mil* norUi ot Kimberly. Tho eonavlngl -------------------------------------------- * * Drivers No In Efic Counts De r ^ c s brought in oy ponce There wlil be i eht and Sunday morning, gpn, i03 Tyler £ eckleas driving cases,, five ceived in an aute VO Bptjeding charges. ' . . • njfjKt; rfitate Pn rPgtfblmaM-^geng-Haglc r sflid~^^wr^ r y ' waa ordered suspended for obstructed interi Iso fitted Bob Buster. Earl still in Magic cGuire-and^oflJlmton^-aU- ehapmanrFillmi rome,-?2B-each .on charges john.SU:hapma being drunk on a public — ^ :-------- H ls s s s ? s -Valley G W FeFetate PoUee Ueut. Clark ^ • rfn r ^ nd early Sunday. t)' I V h :n Ooodlng, Probate Judge James •..-v - ■' Oos.iett fined Howard Conklin WABIIINGTON. 10 and $3 and ordered hb driving The federal eomm' true suspended for one year on mlssioD, wlileh liftw :harge of drunken drlving.m ad-' ielevtsIon'iUtlsni'f lonrJudge-Oossett-Bftve-Oonklln ed-mider immediate 30-d*y suspended JaU sentence for appUcation fora i revoked ConktUi's liquor llccnse. ------ R.-Creueh,-8iuilo- R o e a .-S ^ -'■WA8HINOTOH,-i' S'^p'^TflS 0?"i » -M*g,c valley got, W X i i arraigned-befdfe-Klin-- evlslon staUonstioii ly JusUce of the Peace Rny Pot- communities by th Sunday, Crouch, n sailor, was „iunlcaUons commij X a^ n-- .se was sent to the etat* depart. -.W '' auihorl »l .rUw .nI«™m.ntIOTT™.^ tSHSS^utSd? Hiio’s P h o n e Dispute Ends - ■*’w T ' no priority for tho In Wage Pact K«Kv^ B, Th. A.*«uled Pre** 5omB-W.OOO-Ohi^BeU-T*1eph«ne npany worker* ended their week- two ciassM—ve^- ; strike today but a waUout of «■ than 18,000 other communica- r KM, ai.s'ii.s's.'s ilo Bell work stoppage but actual , . um of the workers depended on . 2VIIFforT S 'i nes,."'S'Sp_5SK J K S S V I Mn, both B.U vium .na W»t- «S ’ “ ssrwsi's.'r.sr: “S S ; d the BeU workers would re*pect * - ^ do BeiTBuiramg* today. -' ' * ,„ fS id w ‘S‘u,TS: fl.wlde Bell telephone gyatem. Ita t**®* ‘^ ’*Sed to ' fee jut in New York « CWA spokesman ...... •dieted early *etUement of the rri| »t«m Electric atrUe. John H. | H m tlg’S U, president of local UM. aald jotutors lor the'unlon-«rd the j___C <ki«V M 6, Ui*t of .labor grading.'^ Ho ssld -------- e V»aa Uiue .waa-,:anore. cir_Jea. ,Twln.Wls area :DHC------------------ --------------------- Trar8iind»^^B«r >yea picketed the Mountain SUtea Memorial park. Regi lephone and Telegraph company Ices drew many me In rufrtfn' today but In the mamUig, inned fio activity - elsewiiere in sunrise lervice* a ah^.H^.'„.___________ _________ pltnned by the I hree-Story B ofeT [s. gutted by ^ re Tim -ciirtstten-^ fy SavSy hoU\ here early today. 3wner Robert-Pollla aaid th* fire *tor» af .chH«UMil Jie second *erlous one to Uie r« to n Ul lh two year*-7«auaed of despair Into Ui* Ited IIWMO d*jn*ge. dawn of a brlUJjinV TcEuiii H hotel-gil'fiiK Utd ttW -"K-OllUMlWttrt' eet. Two were reported aUghUy Our very ulvaUon UBd,________! _________ _____rwunwtlon ol J N iFAiLl !'8 7^ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, APRIL ^irstFataljtyjFTVSg^ 2?" ----- -yrgaHlii 51 Pontiac wa* driven by John ChUpmaa. IS. HI* i )n)thy.Ch*pmao,-also-wa* injured, bul not serionsly. < pavlDg) * * * * * * * n[o Inquest Set fo D eath of Resl There will be no inquest mio the aeatn ofMSI n, 103 Tyler street, Twin Falls, who died of ived in an auto crash one mile north of Kimber tnt; rfitatc Patrolman M. J. Bays, jr., who Ii id~fl¥pjircnirv natbcr drlvorflflvthcothcrtai striicted intersection. Still in Magic Valley Memof(al hospital is M: lapmanrFillmore-etreet.-Her-'^ndlUon-lg-gooi bn.S_£hap®an. .15, .was.dtiYcV.of the.c^r.in, --------- ^ --------------------------- Nelson and: Mrs r ’t . • riding. Yc 'atl© y -lF lV - 6 I F ^ man-w^s.held.at-: f ,— ;- i o r obwrvfltion q Authority for 6' TV 'Outlets Ii ♦-••-• ' , day night. Oio three VABIIINGTON. April M (W ~ his cor did not requl e federal eommunlcaUona eooi- i^nUon. ■sioD. whleh lifted lU ta n on MW head d**” ^lat^*^th*rw«t» wlnt^w ’TppUcaTlM f J r i i l jLf “ ing”^ ’^ ------- bul continued stralj 7A8HINOTOH,-Apri!-14^6IWCi^l) -the-countr-road Ins dagle valley got six of tho 28 tel- ing to the yest on ilon staUons assigned to 22 Id*hfl imunltics by the federal com- Addlwn a nIcoUons commission today in a avoid tmfflc. Jonwide “unfrceie” of . TV- The colMon occur ■he FCO authorlied 2,053 chon- tersecUon ot two cou . In nTnr»« frnm Alaska to olf the curve, w y* Virgin islands In eomparSon' fronniniie'BwclrcBi h-100 at*tlon*-now-operftUn«,-Th* coUmed-irlUiJliejJtt UO iiip III thi» ffmill. n f f niir vi-nr^ ^ ^^§pm^*n CSr. Mtlona lh ..............." -section' -slthough - *t -- niliough sppllotnt* Jwvfl tjeetr —BaVi Ulfl'tJirre^WBi nbardlng the FCC ever alnce then, enher driver had a ^petition WlU be free for oil wiUi *nid »pp»rentJy priority for those who already <c«aiiMri m P»»» It applied for channel*. All exist- ---------------- stations, however, will continue ' U ,,— h some ehaugca of frequency. IjOV lillH lie ncTLchaaiwli.are.jllYldrtJnJs __ _______ 1 classes— very-Wgh frequency T[> A„«-^ KP» and ullTtt-hlgh frequency XJy A lllC HP). Pew XlHP.*tattons ore ex- J ted to go, Jato operation *oon BURtEr, ^prU M- ce only the latest TV recelvef* i-ywoiasonofMr.: I pick them up and expensive ard Wilson. Burley, ta dUlcatlons are'requlred for older hospital here with I. . . bruise* and lacerai 2 VlIF for Twin Fall* when he Was run- ou ir.SS.VSSSU'^^ S3?»«!! K iiy-praetlMbiprungo-from-chin;.- n , 2 to 13, Twin Palta-ha* been (gned Channel* JI and IJ. ' ■our channel* aUocated to oUier *’* -i.-A B ir.SB -- S i-rM MRAOABrVenewda.-ApriH t-W itmnrint-dlft-e«-Uie-i ■Meral police have arrested 40 oppcalt* side o( Uie.r ■toDa *usp«cted of' touching off w u itandlng. I wild panle In which 41 per*on* Bench said that In 'hrongs on Hand for Sun _Semces~at Two Loea nvln^Kus area resldent«_bin;ed ,de«l.,,Th* laet that r8und»r*org«*t«-8nprt«e-»*r»- .dM>Ui-wtd-Uv«d-«nh Mid aunset Uie hope of Iffe aftei moriai park. y*g^<^ h.i^W aprv» ThIj prtlQQB' UUU" I drew many more person* Uter provided by the Ti the mamUig, gchool lAolr.^lnTocai ■nned by t ^ United ChrlsUaa w d l he x ^ u rajn 'ST^'Ef^cSano^^^ -^rwrn-oj-tne-u! ™ 5Si..S?S« rt-ctiJtsttan-niurcJirTlBllver-a -AppwUmatalf-1^ moa entlUed-Tlie Eaater Dawn.- neised *unri»e * ^ Ch*-iie»..Mr..D«VlUler».jiiW Uw *et. Memorial p tr t a Itlon changed Uie gloomy night voices et the Luthen despair Into Uia most promising of Maglo Valley Uirou ir very ulvaUon Wngeo upon the ei«d the sermon, lunwtlon, oi Jesua Irotn the 1Blaao TodH.'* / Nine Irrigat )AY, APRIL 14, 1958 " i f SIOUX CITY, today and refuge one of the MIssoi Meanwhile, ano and Ell son Rskcd 7 declarc Minnesota .area,_____________ The broke oi bank, churned sprawlUiir industrial highways uid bridges, down of South St. P* and forced thousani homes. Fool Pol Slouz city points In floods ravag western states and ' S5.00O persons from Sioux City. Ull seuri rtver reached weather forecasters that for all practica »e.st,had_b^n_reac) B— BMBI • T^e city of 1 naa, IS. Ill* motlier, -Hn. lUgh enougn w flcar not serionsly. < s t^ t phato- "lit VtoS h it 1, h house* and other 1 crcpt -to the edge c ,etfor Moyor Ralph Hen i - ' 'i all“Eu5Uicss firms to rvPQ iri#^T lT excepUng drug store XX^OXULWilL- flees, restaurant*, rae newspapers. The ste] lairorHrSnailiBrael- -rmryfrm:aw »ho died ot injutien re- S th.lKtab«rlr Saturday , 3, jr., who lavestlgated, tion finance corpct the'othcnar-nt~the-mi- TN .1 . that' nood victims lospital Is M rs. Uorotny putatlons immediat diUon-lt-good. H EC-aon, ------ -TrnBaa-SeaB* f the.c^r.in_whlcli Mrs. .pjeddent Truma: >n atld: M rs. Chapman nood reports, ready , rldrnji. Young. Chap- '“““" I '“ Ij' »a,,held..at-the:ho®ltal 2 ,? .b*rv.(to= >mtii sufiv- JS ling. of » war *one, fi* J. Blsck. 18. Eden, driver (Cwu—M »■ r— I other auto, wa* treated and M agic Va r did not require medleal at- CJ . Ntlson-s head was Jammed &HOW 3 jh the windoWgloM In'Uie ' - -rrmftloor.—The-Chapman ----- u SOlng norm on highway 30 .X |.< tlll VJ onUnued straight ahead on Benernl juntr-road Insiead-of-Uiro-. , the yest on the ^ cap MoSdS ...ikfc Chapman, -toW ,B»ys. .tb * ja u u jn o u n t of i >n intended to drive drrcelly JhJngeUie flood i to Addlwn avenue east to northern part of th tmffle. denta in Carey and F eolUiion occurred In tho in- w^tchlns the-*trean iion ot two county roads Just so .Indication of wbi le curve. Bay* aold Uie left ye^ <LirlUiJll#.-lJghl/«n-t-_??.Ul®. i l L j le l n ltv e t r s s m * . nan ear. Th e r e n ^ stop dangeroualy orerTh n- although -*top-*lgn»-are- on-th«-hl«l»w*jr-to-i d lor ear* entering the high- spot but traffic haa I , - - driver had applied brake*. Uoued Monday mon .id apparently nelther-driver ' fioti Uoder .a P.*, 1. C f . I) 'f; ^ , “:ir TT . night and awnemow IV Run Over sr.J-Ji.S.": OTo,TIfii-£S^l« um Wte 5SSl.f“ “ ••oiasoncfMr.ftrtdMn.Rlch* altuatlon tn 'ilson. Burley, la In the Cottage ^ j>l here wlUi broken leg*. * and laceraUon* received he wu nin O M T^ *^ auto- drain •»!»• of U» w. e at »;S0 p.m. SuniUy one- u ^ h. nlle**ouUiof tho-UW ehurch ^ , iwirWnehTlerBuileyrtolff T"’ Pattolman Manrln Bayder a* ^ «f ' BV8 orer Uie c « it of a hill he Burley had one to 5g°Cryrl W e oTuie.rPKl a UtU* fW had J4 of an Inch o landing. Uieh of snow. iCh * ^ that In tijrtng to avoid Tbe forecast for I g Uie m t^ jlrl be ran over gmi^^^c^arln^we ——I----------^ -------------------- Monday -night la eJ , ^ , below Ireering. forS uM ise ) Local Sites JnFour-S ___ to the ^ tt^ « fa* led by the Twin Falla high through a ti HAolr.^lnvocat^ Monday. Wo i J i r f f i j i ii^ .'* 1 Movement wn Charlotte 7 f S ^ d * t w « ^ I e « 1 »unrt*o *ervleea a t Uie Sun- rRotri lenorlal parte a t 6 a^i., *pon- OTOICl by lhaLUtheran'churches; -BLAOK^Ow,- Ai «lo VaUey Uiroughout me pw«k Ban. today to dlsti r ehlffle* were p l^ M trom the he la charged .MU> »~"IT» »"*■< '«»»” - m u r d e r ot SBwar the sermon, “J « t a CtirUt Botoo, in a bar-m > ^ viaXA o f Dec. ao> Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties MmWr et DurMu nf Clmiliilga AuscUlxl |-r<u txd UnU>d rrn< ioux Citv I B y Record -^Eloiodwa OUX CITY, la.. April w'ttJ-PJ-A'record-l)! f and rcfugecH in long lines abandoned \vh< of the Missouri valley’s greatest mns-s evncu janwhile, another record crest on the Jlissisai Gov. C. Elmer Ander- ---------^ ------- »— RBkcd the Trcaident to T J 1 --- 1 .re Minnesota a disaster J [Q Q J river broke out of It* west ' ^ TV churned Into' St. Paul’s -C_ I |Q linir industrial area, closed fJ JL^CI •ays m d bridges, fotces a shul- cf South St. Paul's stockyards Pastors ond delcj forced Uiousands from Uielr congregate'in 1 Focal Poiau 45th anniversary o, jx City and St. Paul were focal Theme for the t . In floods ravaging eight mid- W ith God.” Prior 1 m states and driving almost ^ Anril 9S -moo perwna from Uielr home*. P* Sioux City. Uie ragtog Mis- * .- * * rtver reached 34.3 feet and d 1 ler forecasters sold at noon OPe&Ke! for aU practical purpose* the ................ had_b_een_reached,_______________-•• . • . ■ I city of &S.OOOinhabitants wa* ; : ..jgHHSB enough to'SZ&Ht ft mt}Or ail- But murky floodwaten_cov riverfront stockyards, packing ^.-.. « and oUier todustric*. and / -to the edge ot the business k' et itself. Buslnes* Clettd . > yor ^ Ip h Henderun ordered , . jslnes* firm* to dees at onee. Ung drug stores, doctor's of- . restaurant*, radio Btatlons and >apcr*. The step w u taken to 0«ntTaln -on the *eange-sys- - = r r = : m ^^H u water began to back up In ’. . . Woahlngton, the reconstjuc- finance corporation declared ed- r e t l e n » - o t - « ^ a ska and flood victims may file ap- ions immediately for loans. -TrmnaB-6eaB»-BepeH«-------- laldent Truman studied -tA9 reports, ready ld-maK6~U- >al financial *id avaUable. PfnaU^am on- the Miasouri In ^ -ina-tfeeriilurin esUBiitM tfp m m . MAigee* war tone, fled the river- to IrailuM raca i*. Ctliiaa <) ^ agic Valley f. inow Spotty; Rain General In was general and snow was rthrmighoutMarlo-V*Uey-8un. light and Monday morning, but otaLamount ot moUuu».ilid.i>ot ge Uie flood picbire in the lem part of the valley. Real- I in Carey and Fairfield eUU ai« itoK the-*treama-but-ther« it idlcatian of wbolettle floodtog jfleld ietxii'li lei* ot waief in but trafflo has hot been toter- [ d.. It rained in Fairfield dur-j d Monday momla(. Road Under Water . rey had aome rato during Uie Landsunetnovfentothenaar- Ills. A mUe snow fell at HaUey considerable rain bad fallen r water but nata highway of- Is aald It w u causing no serlout ?*tltuatlon tn Oarey remains anged but residents souUi ot are bopUig to be able to open ad channel in SUrer creek tol I aome of the water otf ths low- i_Bi*eheniiilwBSele*dieTe»{--^^^^^^g I ago during drMgint cpera- InehafBMw I rley hsd one inch of snow dur- liny h«<1 aa nf an Ineh BurlCT J4'of an inch of motstuia « forecast for Monday night la ' bsv. WZLLlIAft ally clearing weather wllh more I wUi ba f a jay -night U 'expected to drop v f reeatog. b*« April t», » aju _ - , ar* n a U ^ leadtni jman Is Injured 1 Four-story FaU ^m g pajag, he Cottage hospital w ljhto- liWUiliS U k 'i^ iv £ d '’vn(n'ma.ieii fuur —pATnnnrjoat. ku a through a trap door at 11 (UA—Allied and coo . Mondw. Wo report hM been negoUatora .were wltl o 'trap through which. *he fell _ , had been left open and *he leiga.boUung up a set led Uirough. ,flJie..has b«n an pWblcrnSi are Uie » oyo at UjB-mrn for Uie Usk h a w ^ g e d ttw t ^ M E I CBOICI 8I»nra iS r .'S 'm lui' g y of^a^ 'y U^^deliniiinTmii * 'i K ^ ” inSSlmS sn t sanity of Clyde a u h ;« . be- t3nrde^-«B-tt»- today in .dlstriet court vhere basic dlspntea. a charg^.Vlth the tint degree / A total ot M paiu dor o f ^ ^ ^ •MoEwy, -M, k t^ upoa, . t t y j It o f Dec. ___ ^ t£>WBwtoiii»^^ ^ ' 'TINSL EDITION PKIOE 6 c iTd^gtflSI iKatef Cra . record-brenking flood crcst rcached Sii doned whole towns in tho immediate vl ins.s evnciiatious. JC JlissisaippiYivcr hit metropolitan St. Pai ho Baptists Plai 3-Day Meeting E 3 ond delegates from all Baptist churchcs regate'in Twin Falls April 29, 30 and May iversnry of the Idaho Baptist convention, for tho three-day meeting Is “Workers d.” Prior to the general convenUon begin: ril 28,-meetings of tbo Women’s Baptist U ■.- * * * . socicty and-^e.pas ■« 1 ference, to which la Speakers invited, win be heid Ouest»p^CT to(^d< <nl seeratary. Am^c convenUon; the R«< J ^Mlsalokaocle^tt Uam J. Keech, New Yo rector, missionary edi Uie Rev. Oordon Fraa iZoUegfeXsMlonyUie, Q Dr. Ohm. who s e m Bt Uie time of the 0< alon. will address the pe rniD r. Ohmwas‘prof< way-* BapU*t Theolo nary and from IMl to general *e« e ta r r of-~tb iBSSnalbMloglcUcai y i ^ i y . Oalo. BapUat,'tteologl^ aei a««;'aitt-v^iaair-de] from Acadia Unlver . A ^qiD T.'AQBtf tion W BTOOM wlthtB tlon. will report to 'Cl sembly on “KaOon-'w appototment. D r..N ^ ^ general director of p the Baptist church, been a profeasor of Ne Spring Tfi ' Only four pleJih wore' BBUBgNB.yELBON -■ we^^* 3^^te Bppfll"g « jortiix IW unlawfully kUUng I attorney. -Karl .‘ .Walkc rights .to tia« witb' liue.a aotloa-to.^ evldenee" before tba cuUng Attomey'Hax certain "about benr 1 ^^Bm M j^^^lproiM - laat.-' tm>' eaUu four days. Ura. Johni peaUng ber convlftlo werst. also eerrla Justice court convlctli potaasalon of a door < etd innocent to tba required for tbe Ixla: . Bnm an Veaelr wall B^^H ^^^^H |draw l n g a check'wltJ tiiebuiJe. 3%eM«Iu«li TToUnger's P h a n n a q set'lO-a. m. Tusadaj for pronouncing sente The -oouii'oMeiad-l to have his client. Ed court n : a;»>. p. m^x the court would dae . WILLlIAM. kK O T ' " ■ ' win be f ^ y e d speak- Sy? irS .S C K t'T M Plea Is Res By.,Searl.ffl Paragraphs Idingayfeufe L. ..l-i uijiiiaulis coii time Mt for a 'baartai are the same ones that . -Vm .r {ed Uuj ta to since Uie end fijg^^tlelda and tree l*auet take up Uiree ~ganM’u S 5 1 ^ S y ha. m ^w^alx ae^w ^-«K-tt»-ieluUeck-«f.tbe ' ; _ I _ _ ^ PRICE 5 CTNTS rcached Sioux^ity nmediate vicinity in Htan St. Paul, Minn., ' ng st churchcs in Idaho 30 and May 1 for the convention. ' “Workers Together, - nUon beginnihg.at. ?: md .the.~pa8tonit:c#Ii^H to wWch^layirien^V^ >eakera toclude* Dr. Arnold »tary. Am^can Baptlft i; the R«< John Ar^«^^ , toaocle^UMBaf.^ni* |^H ilsilonary* education: 'antt Oordon Fraaee, UnfleU jj^H n. who s e m d ^ itorway ne of the German Inra- addres* the pastors on tb« WiUieetlnc fof to >hm was* profeseor of Nor- ipU*t Theological aenl-' from IMl to 1M5 to WM _ IbMloglcU caniildala IratT ' reralty. Oalo. Norway. hU wf lasn trrm, WftrUwffn- Cheologleal aemlnary. Cbl^ t - l ’iaair-dBireB-ln-i***— U^veAty, w)thS~tt>rMkT^'M^H I to-^«Dttra^ - years prior to bl* pre«D» lent. Dr. Nelson acted aa director of pnoutlaa tor Ust church. He also rofeasor of New 'TeatamBBt^ ' l ^ ^ H nU* M P.r« I. f^*aM It iT w iu F td iB ~ rH )ur pleitk w axMoti^Me^'^^E E5Troo*iC86HV|55cWIZtr^^l nd Jay Jottmtoo -BM 0 tiaa witb peradinB to' aotloa-tb -nippteM. I" before tba UiaL.SicMi;- ittomey'Hax Uos^ flit no*- > •about bow fa. Mra. J o h n s U t i 5 ^ W ^I»<^^H ber eonvtftlon. , also eerrlnr ttm a,;^-* wurt convlctloD ot nfiavflil. on of a door careaiB,Tt^>« . : ;^ H ocent to tbat chafge. for tbe’’?rial. tn Ve«*lr walredhlsdght.4ft..'^j^H mey and-pteaded. gultty^ltfciJ^M a check without land* i ^ ^ ^ H ^ 3%e M cbock was catbed at; fs Pharmacy. Tbe - eo«rt I. m. T iM dtf -as ounclng sentence. - Eiurt'ohleiwt-Si.^U l(aite«r-ci^| his client. E d m ^ p. niv Tuwa«TWw r ^ ^ ^ M ' a chatta-.-oI IM should be w ttoaed. U ay»-:^^B befoie Dtitrlct M^mMntog^ ‘for. ahaartaytfT ^w ^S^^B stnm dajw

i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

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Page 1: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

L‘g£2«‘““ _ _ ,Su,jW-^--^-------- -------- 8

n , MO.g66 . ' _■________________

jy en O KSINGTON. A pril M <v. intfraU te com*|| p P p ^ T j o J ‘toe^

' tDd y estim ated to V. DBUon’8 tran sp o r- SW $678,000,000 an.

CpinXdUi«rft“< ^‘''* ^Ite lacT**** 0 trom serea per cut more tla n ther

. the ICC aulhoried a - l(iw n x or«r v tu t » l uiKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

r.ani> ot Oie f o.J OUo Uld ° ‘1 :trtn. u d «U per cebt

ger wit loertue. Uke Uia 7 BlDt tnd six per cent lufoi:. were called "<ur- uS.'Krc p u te d only

ItslUtloni Mid excep*Kemtd In ippllcaUon of gotiKt. T1i«r may be put ,(D lSdirsofpub»cno-

f .’f^w tii In wKi^'c*t8 1j H | H 1 ^ ^ £f r i '* ^ r^ « rr le T S and Twin F a llij tnrttn partlclpatlnB to » 'r t i when M ,lw fw .» .C « l.-a» ) ^ °en thli ant

Iley Courts Bi Face ChargesViUey courts w ere b u sy Sun d ay i u a result o f a w ho lesale t r a f f ic r t :U heard p icas in fo u r drun1{cn d I the public h ighw ny. th r e e s top-s

northeast o f Je ro m e. H e w as f in ed byJuaticc..of P e a ce Cecil S tanhope .

t m g i c Ne

^ K b le d in the p a s t 10 yeara, g.Jjoint o ^■ h ig h w ay {groupsreveals.^ ■ p o r t , issued b y th e Id ah o h itrhw ay ^ B ^ t m e n t d f h ig h w ays a n d _ th c I ^■ u ,^a g 5 (l_ o n . th c _ t r a f f c_cpunt on C ^ B i ta te g ic a i ly lo cate d --------------------

^ ■ ^ i n e n t 'Yecordcrs Federa^ W t t t out a t ’ th e m o a t m i i if c i i r f .p o ia . Talkl^ B s t t aie Important, the

In deunnlnlng the / \ Ttto be built, their I l n ? I '

^ B m ia te t cf lanes. /Airot reak WABHINOTC

^ ■ n i t H-hour trafllc « u n t Govemment-*pi• i" .;« fm « fn n t..re so td j t3 . iA ]J«drenrt «n

I puk lajt August when flcials waited (

itoUy higher than Uie AcUnj Defeni » rehlcm, and ftlmos sA lm a n oalle L * Steel Workeran»e of Ualllc w u * | JS lo M 'b u t oft

sot ^ l e r a mllo east would merely "" '* ‘2 ®® “OM" n«BOt“* passed over the re- ment that woul<

J Mhouft dwlng August, to private eonti • r. bpol Active « »P0U Include: seY^tl“> 4t^Pi>caUllo, 6,687 ve- ~“lRiformed'souiI BiiUs eatt o( Twin Falls, mate U broken°P l lolles east of Boise, Impetus vrlll cc

the barsjlnlns®»Ucr*eorder8ftreof two particularly foro^ U ng ot a beam of . l . a possible .

r J w “ «1 the ment to permiton the surface of bt« enough to

Mae of the counter* an-hour "pack™“ tet««n the types of proposed by th ^ a sUUoiv-iMnuBl bo*rd aod dem

hour, auraUon each W., lhoe-counitr.--fbur

W. J. I>oUtieal p:? ^ 6 l s u Trend ’ “ P't*l Wll bj Ucluiar irsfiic n t the nine

reflectt- -Uie a whole. With

'°^ye°rs aeo lo ^ S t j ^ ^ “a e 1 e

— !T“ DemocraUc *«p

Backed ^ t s h .c

Goodinc Vote i ndeda .* » ,7 .V ® man did not ! a R ir “ -D a n Cavan> eonstltuUonal saiitir' “"nocratle na- he teUed the Ir ^ ^ . w u * eadorHd --------- — —

^ S ; » S I J e I 5 i s e

To M<• “ “wmsn. ^ 'w e ipeelalUl

«mlthr Wendell. Boise April 301 ttUBU fare -eonferenc

<**tease admlnl

- —agio 1 M ~ W — 1

7 — M ■ ‘ ■ H~ 8 > ^ B I ■ ■ ~|-33 y ^ m i % J % J _43- J A Regional N ew spaper

OKklil CII7 •nJ Counlr Ntwip.B.r

^ W r ic lc B r in ^ C

i K l j i KTwin Falls connty coaaitd IU f ln t tr>rnn f.uUty o ifh t wbea Mrt. laabel Nettoo. M, died as a m u lt of I ben this anto colliiled with ancther a mile norUi ot

ts Busy as Drive] rges on Traffic C/ Sunday a n d Monday handling eases broug^ e traffic roundup Saturday night and Sun drunken d r iv ing cases, five reckleas drivir iree stop-sign violations and two Bpcjeding c ]Ti^Al^"pVrrT^55ndrvn7v5tntn>an (was fined ? 100 nnd his licenst: was orderccT 1 Stanhope. J ustice Stanhope also fitied Bob

' — ' " " " - ‘ -t-McGuire-and-J< Jerome,-525-ea<

; Nearm. -

rs, ft.jjoiotTepo^ byI................................................................. In Ooodlng, Prot ) highway planning survey. f{5o°'^d « wd lir and_the bureau of_pu'^''c jicense suspended count on Gem s ta te roads a charge of dmhkc

............................. ......... aitlonrJudge-Qoss

' e d e r a l S t e e l , : . - « l S Talk Ih’oning *

_ ^ bcrly JusUce of Uic

O n; N o R esu lt “ .fX'-.S;',WABHINOTOH. April .14 eew e'^V senVt” ”vemment-sponwred «te«L wage mcnfofUw enforce ka djTsned «n today_M_^lederal of- iC walUSd for' prices or“ tJCntIts- probate JudgehrwiV thy-lmnnim*:------------- — ------tr^mi.nM-.w-y..IcUng Defense MobUlMT John B. - ; r , , — - — =felman called the CIO United O l i l r t ’ a P ;el Workera and Indmtry repre* 3 JLitatlves Into new Mrgttliltng --------sioos but Dfriclals predicted they ' 1 l i c w x i i f ^ uld merely "go ihrough the mo- L / l S U U l t M" of negoUatlhg for a seUle- ■ * 'w t

InW aOutside Pretsore By The Atsot

SfoTined'soiircerMad irthe stair- ~8otnB-W.«0-Ohli ite is broken any time soon, the company workers e petus will come from outside of old strike today b ! bargalnlns room. Tiity imtehed roore than 18,000 o rtlcularly-for: • tlons worker* in O.. A possible government commit- stales wntlnued.:nt to permit steel price Increases OranUng of pay: enough to offset Uie ja-tertts- Ohio Bell work *to-hour •■package" waRC Increase return of the worijposed by the wage stobllUatlon whclher strikingart .aod demandad-^jf-Uia-unlna-. .«iWW^_em^P.l° e’-^-.COP OppoalUwa-Gains A spokesman for}. I>ol)tical preseure mustered on Mntinj; both BcU ialtal hill by a Republican-led jrn Elcctrlc workerve for a full-«cale *enal« invettl* munleatlons WorkiUoD.afPmldent Truman’s seizure gald the BeU workithe industry. Western' £lMlrie' p

a g « said he would introduce a q Wo BeiTBuliaingjlOluUon today calling on we western Seetrtiiat« ludleUry committee to In- ment-maklng subslitigate Oie.iegtllty of Uia;«el«ure. tijg-wlde Bell lelei

mocraUc roppprt to put Uie move w’age boost*-w;rough. .............in New York «Bridges had tlio lull baeUng ot predicted early k n. Robert A. T aft, R , O , who ||ve»t«m Bectric a contended all along Mr. Tru- president of m did not have the ''inhereat" jegotutors lor thi nstltuUonal power-uader-whlea tamp»ny-anr“BpH

teUed the Industry:* ,ue. Uiat of .labor i- - - . ' — --------- Hhe "waaa Usue -wj

lefenseJLeaders_ 3 S Z i^To Meet in State Telephone and Te

Bo lB8,‘ Anrlt b»t<lqinnfr\„ln_tMe ipKlaltatB from region nine, planned fio actlv,

ige. ttat« dfrector, *xtsounc«J w-

E b u r _ i t^ -iire-Bcliednltd_ten^r ^ ^Q N T O E t^ M f'aly4or discuaalta. They are progr n re . whipped, tS rM report* from aUte ODA olfi- »tory Savoy hotel r», d i ^ o r a e h t 'o f m e b l l e f l n ^ l e * ^ S ^ e ^ K

n cv 'ho iS u i team* and s dvll de* 'Owner Robert-Pns* blood proerwn. . - th e second *erl Dpddr ld i f a a l d ^ » l » 5 i M * d * fea*^.dmlntatr«tlon'* h e * lth ^ decial weapon* dirt*io». h * * - ^ S S ^ ’d,

... \ .. J .

al N ew spaper S e rv in g . . . V J — ~i


Srifi^ County’s First Fai

IrafflB faUUty of 1B52 Saturday 1951 Pontiac was I as a m u lt of In lorln received Donthr-Chapmao, a mil* norUi ot Kimberly. Tho eonavlngl-------------------------------------------- * *

Drivers No In Efic Counts Der ^ c s brought in oy ponce There wlil be i eht and Sunday m orning , gpn, i03 Tyler £ eckleas driving cases,, fiv e ceived in an aute VO Bptjeding charges. ' . . • njfjKt; rfitate Pn rPgtfblm aM -^geng-H agl c r sflid~^^wr^ r y ' waa ordered suspended fo r obstructed interi

Iso fitted Bob B uster. E a rl s till in Magic cG uire-and^oflJlm ton^-aU - ehapm anrFillm i rome,-?2B-each .on charges john.SU :hapm a

being drunk on a public — ^ :--------

H l s s s s ? s -Valley GW F eF e ta te PoUee U eut. Clark ^ • r f n r ^nd early Sunday. t ) ' I V h:n Ooodlng, Probate Judge James •..-v - ■'Oos.iett fined Howard Conklin WABIIINGTON.

10 and $3 and ordered h b driving The federal eomm'true suspended for one year on mlssioD, wlileh liftw:harge of drunken drlv ing .m ad-' ielevtsIon'iUtlsni'flonrJudge-Oossett-Bftve-Oonklln ed-mider immediate30-d*y suspended JaU sentence for appUcation forai revoked ConktUi's liquor llccnse. ------

R.-Creueh,-8iuilo- R o e a .- S ^ -'■WA8HINOTOH,-i'S '^ p '^ T f lS 0? " i » -M *g,c valley got,W X i i arraigned-befdfe-Klin-- evlslon staUonstioiily JusUce of the Peace Rny Pot- communities by thSunday, Crouch, n sailor, was „iunlcaUons commij

X a n--.se was sent to the etat* d ep art. - .W '' auihorl»l .rUw .nI«™ m .ntIOTT™ .^ tSHSS utSd?

Hiio’s Phone Dispute Ends

- ■*’w T ' no priority for thoIn W ag e P a c t K « K v ^B , T h . A .*«u led Pre**

5omB-W.OOO-Ohi^BeU-T*1eph«ne npany worker* ended their week- two ciassM— ve^- ; strike today bu t a waUout of «■ than 18,000 other communica-r K M ,

ai.s'ii.s's.'silo Bell work stoppage but actual , .um of the workers depended on . 2 V IIF fo rT

S 'i nes,."'S'Sp_5SK JK S S V IMn, both B.U v iu m .n a W » t- « S ’ “

s s r w s i 's . 'r . s r : “S S ;d the BeU workers would re*pect * - ^

do BeiTBuiramg* today. -' '

* ,„ fS id w ‘S‘u,TS:fl.wlde Bell telephone gyatem. Ita t**® * ‘ ’*Sed to ' f e e j u tin New York « CWA spokesman ...... ••dieted early *etUement of the r r i |»t«m Electric atrUe. John H. | H m t l g ’SU, president of local UM. aaldjotutors lor th e 'u n lo n -« rd the j___C < k i« V M

6, Ui*t of .labor grading.'^ Ho ssld --------e V»aa Uiue .waa-,:anore. cir_Jea. ,Tw ln.W ls area :DHC------------------ --------------------- T rar8 iind»^^B «r

>yea picketed the Mountain SUtea Memorial park. Regilephone and Telegraph company Ices drew many me

In rufrtfn' today but In the mamUig,inned fio activity - elsewiiere in sunrise lervice* aah^.H^.'„.___________ _________ pltnned by the I

h r e e - S t o r y B o f e T

[s. gutted by ^ r eTim - c i i r ts t te n -^

fy SavSy hoU\ here early today.

3wner Robert-Pollla aaid th* fire *tor» a f .chH«UMil Jie second *erlous one to Uie r « to n Ul lh two year*-7«auaed of despair Into Ui* Ited IIWMO d*jn*ge. dawn of a brlUJjinV T cE u iii H hotel-gil'fiiK U td ttW -"K-OllUMlWttrt' eet. Two were reported aUghUy Our very ulvaUon UBd,________!_________ _____rwunw tlon ol J

N iF A i L l ! '8 7 ^


^irstFataljtyjFTV Sg^

2 ? "------yrgaHlii

51 Pontiac wa* driven by John ChUpmaa. IS. HI* i )n)thy.Ch*pmao,-also-wa* injured, bu l not serionsly. < pavlDg)

* * * * * * *

n[o I n q u e s t S e t f o

D e a t h o f R e s lThere will be no inquest mio th e aeatn ofM SI n, 103 Tyler street, Twin Falls, who died of ived in an auto crash one mile north of Kimber tn t; rfitatc Patrolm an M. J. Bays, jr., who Ii id~fl¥pjircnirv n a tb c r d rlv o rf lf lv th c o th c r ta i striicted intersection.Still in Magic Valley Memof(al hospital is M: lapmanrFillmore-etreet.-Her-'^ndlUon-lg-gooi bn.S_£hap® an. .15, .was.dtiYcV.of the.c^r.in,--------- --------------------------- Nelson and: Mrs

r ’t . • riding. Yc ' a t l © y - l F l V - 6 I F ^ man-w^s.held.at-:

— f, — ;- i o r obwrvfltion qAuthority for „6' TV 'Outlets Ii♦-••-• ' , day night. Oio three

VABIIINGTON. April M (W ~ his cor did not requl e federal eommunlcaUona eooi- i^nUon.■sioD. whleh lifted lU t a n on MW head

d**” ^ la t ^ * ^ t h * r w « t » wlnt^w’TppUcaTlM f J r i i l jL f “ ing”^ ’

------- bul continued stralj7A8HINOTOH,-Apri!-14^6IWCi^l) -the-countr-road Ins dagle valley got six of tho 28 tel- ing to the yest on ilon staUons assigned to 22 Id*hfl imunltics by the federal com- Addlwn anIcoUons commission today in a avoid tmfflc.Jonwide “unfrceie” of . TV- The colMon occur■he FCO authorlied 2,053 chon- tersecUon ot two cou . In nTnr»« frnm Alaska to olf the curve, w y*

Virgin islands In eomparSon' fronniniie'BwclrcBi h-100 at*tlon*-now-operftUn«,-Th* coUmed-irlUiJliejJttU O iiip III thi» ffmill. nf fniir vi-nr^ ^ ^ §pm *n CSr.

Mtlona lh ...............— " -section' -slthough - *t- -

niliough sppllotnt* Jwvfl tjeetr —BaVi Ulfl'tJirre^WBinbardlng the FCC ever alnce then, enher driver had a^petition WlU be free fo r oil wiUi *nid »pp»rentJypriority for those who already <c«aiiMri m P»»»It applied for channel*. All exist- ----------------stations, however, will continue ' U , , —

h some ehaugca of frequency. IjOV lillHl ie ncTLchaaiwli.are.jllYldrtJnJs __ _______1 classes— very-Wgh frequency T [> A „ « - ^KP» and ullTtt-hlgh frequency X J y A l l l CHP). Pew XlHP.*tattons ore ex- Jted to go, Jato operation *oon BURtEr, ^prU M-ce only the latest TV recelvef* i-yw o iasono fM r.:I pick them up and expensive ard Wilson. Burley, tadUlcatlons are'requlred for older hospital here withI. ■ . . bruise* and lacerai

2 VlIF for Twin Fall* when he Was run- ou

ir.SS.VSSSU'^^ S3?»«!! Kiiy-praetlMbiprungo-from-chin;.- n, 2 to 13, Twin Palta-ha* been (gned Channel* JI and IJ. '■our channel* aUocated to oUier *’*

- i . - A B i r . S B - - “ S i - r MMRAOABrVenewda.-ApriH t-W itmnrint-dlft-e«-Uie-i ■Meral police have arrested 40 oppcalt* side o( Uie.r ■toDa *usp«cted of' touching off w u itandlng.I wild panle In which 41 per*on* Bench said that In

'hrongs on Hand for Sun _Semces~at Two Loea

nvln^Kus area resldent«_bin;ed ,de«l.,,Th* laet that r8und»r*org«*t«-8nprt«e-»*r»- .dM>Ui-wtd-Uv«d-«nh ■ Mid aunset Uie hope of Iffe afteimoriai park. y*g^<^ h.i^W aprv» ThIj prtlQQB' UUU" I drew many more person* Uter provided by the T i the mamUig, gchool lAolr.^lnTocai

■nned by t ^ United ChrlsUaa w d l he x ^ u ra j n

'S T ^ 'E f ^ c S a n o ^ ^ ^ - ^ r w rn - o j- tn e - u !

™ 5Si..S?S«r t-ctiJtsttan-niurcJirT lB llver-a -Appw U m atalf-1^ moa entlUed-Tlie Eaater Dawn.- neised *unri»e * ^ Ch*-iie»..Mr..D«VlUler».jiiW Uw *et. Memorial p t r t a

Itlon changed Uie gloomy night voices et the Luthen despair Into Uia most promising of Maglo Valley Uirou

ir very ulvaUon Wngeo upon the ei«d the sermon, lunw tlon , oi Jesua Irotn the 1 Blaao TodH.'*

/ N ine Irrigat

)AY, APRIL 14, 1958

■ " i f

SIOUX CITY, today and refuge one of th e MIssoi

M eanwhile, ano a n d Ellson Rskcd 7 declarc Minnesota.area ,_____________

The broke oi bank, churned sprawlUiir industrial highways u id bridges, down of South St. P* and forced thousani homes.

F oo l Pol Slouz c ity

points In floods ravag western states and ' S5.00O persons from

Sioux City. Ull seuri rtver reached w eather forecasters th a t for a ll practica »e.st,had_b^n_reac)

— — B— B M B I • T^e city of 1 naa, IS. Ill* motlier, -Hn. lUgh enougn w flcar not serionsly. < s t^ t phato- "lit VtoS

h it 1, h house* and other 1crcpt -to the edge c

, e t f o r Moyor Ralph Hen • i - ' ' i a ll“Eu5Uicss firms to

r v P Q i r i # ^ T l T excepUng drug store XX OXULWilL- flees, restaurant*, rae newspapers. The ste]

l a i r o r H r S n a i l i B r a e l - - r m r y f r m : a w »ho died o t injutien re- S th . lK ta b « r lr Saturday ,3, jr., who lavestlgated, tion finance corpct the 'o thcnar-n t~ the-m i-

TN .1. th a t' nood victimslospital Is M rs . U oro tny puta tlons immediatdiUon-lt-good. H EC-aon, ------ -TrnBaa-SeaB*f th e .c ^ r.in _ w h lc li M rs. .p je d d en t Truma:>n atld: M rs . C hapm an nood reports, ready, rldrnji. Y oung. Chap- '“ ““" I ' “ “ Ij'»a,,held..at-the:ho® ltal ‘2 , ?.b*rv.(to= >mtii s u f iv - JSling. ‘ of » war *one, fi*

J. Blsck. 18. Eden, driver (Cwu—M »■ r —I other auto, wa* treated and

M ag ic Var did not require medleal a t- CJ

. Ntlson-s head was Jammed & H O W 3jh the windoWgloM In'Uie ' --rrmftloor.—T h e-C h a p m a n -----u SOlng norm on highway 30 . X | . < t l l l V JonUnued straight ahead on Benernl juntr-road Insiead-of-Uiro-., the yest on th e ^ cap MoSdS...ikfc Chapman, -toW ,B»ys. . tb * ja u u jn o u n t of i>n intended to drive drrcelly Jh Jn g e U ie flood i

to Addlwn avenue east to northern part of thtmffle. denta in Carey and FeolUiion occurred In tho in- w ^tchlns the-*trean

iion ot two county roads Just s o .Indication of wbile curve. Bay* aold Uie left ye^

<LirlUiJll#.-lJghl/«n-t-_??.Ul®. ilL j le ln ltv e trssm * . nan ear. Th e r e n ^ stop dangeroualy orerTh

n- although -*top-*lgn»-are- on-th«-hl«l»w*jr-to-id lor ear* entering the high- spot b u t traffic haa

I , - ■ -driver had applied brake*. Uoued Monday mon

.id apparently nelther-driver ' f io ti Uoder.a P.*, 1. C f . I) 'f; ^ ,

“ : i r T T . n igh t and awnemow

IV Run Over sr.J-Ji.S.": O T o ,T I f i i - £ S ^ l «um Wte 5SSl.f“ “ “••oiasoncfMr.ftrtdMn.Rlch* altuatlon tn'ilson. Burley, la In the Cottage ^j>l here wlUi broken leg*.* and laceraUon* receivedhe w u nin O M T ^ *^ auto- drain •»!»• of U » w.e at »;S0 p.m. SuniUy one- u ^ h.nlle**ouUiof tho-U W ehurch ^ ,

iwirWnehTlerBuileyrtolff T " ’Pattolman Manrln Bayder a* ^ «f '

BV8 orer Uie c « i t of a hill he Burley had one to

5g°C r y r lW e oTuie.rPKl a UtU* fW had J 4 of an Inch olanding. Uieh o f snow.iCh * ^ that In tijrtng to avoid T be forecast for Ig Uie m t ^ j l r l be ran over g m i^ ^ ^ c ^ a rln ^ w e

— — I---------- -------------------- M onday -night la eJ, ^ , below Ireering.

f o r S u M i s e

) Local Sites JnFour-S___ to th e ^ t t ^ « fa*

led by the Twin Falla high through a tiH A olr.^ lnvocat^ Monday. Wo i

J i r f f i j i ii . '*1 Movement w n Charlotte 7 f S ^ d * t w « ^ I e «

1 »unrt*o *ervleea a t Uie Sun- r R o t r ilenorlal parte a t 6 a^i., *pon- OTOIClby lhaLUtheran'churches; -BL A O K ^O w ,- Ai

«lo VaUey Uiroughout me pw«k Ban. today to dlsti r ehlffle* were p l^ M trom th e he la charged .MU>

»~"IT» »"*■< '«»»” - m urder o t SBwar the sermon, “J « t a CtirUt 1« Botoo, in a bar-m > ^ viaXA o f Dec. ao>

N ine Irrigated Idaho Counties

MmWr et DurMu nf Clmiliilga AuscUlxl |-r<u txd UnU>d rrn<

i o u x C i t v I

B y R e c o r d

- ^ E lo io d w aOUX CITY, la .. April w 'ttJ-PJ-A 'record-l)! f and rcfugecH in long lines abandoned \vh< of th e Missouri valley’s greatest mns-s evncu janwhile, another record crest on the JlissisaiGov. C. Elmer Ander- ---------^ ------- »—RBkcd the T rcaident to T J 1 - - - 1 .re M innesota a d isaster J [ Q Q J

river broke out of It* west ' ^ T V churned Into' St. Paul’s -C _ I | Q

linir industrial area, closed f J JL ^ C I•ays m d bridges, fotces a shul- cf South St. Paul's stockyards P a s to rs ond delcj forced Uiousands from Uielr c o n g re g a te 'in 1

Focal Po iau 45 th a n n iversa ry o,jx City and St. Paul were focal T hem e f o r th e t . In floods ravaging eight mid- W ith G od.” P r io r 1 m states and driving almost ^ A nril 9S -moo perwna from Uielr home*. P*

Sioux City. Uie ragtog Mis- * .- * *rtver reached 34.3 feet and d 1

ler forecasters sold a t noon OPe&Ke!for aU practical purpose* the ................had_b_een_reached,_______________-•• . • . ■I city of &S.OOO inhabitants wa* ; : . . j g H H S B enough to'SZ&Ht ft mt}Or ail-

B u t murky floodwaten_cov riverfront stockyards, packing .-..« and oUier todustric*. and /-to the edge ot the business k ' et itself.

Buslnes* Clettd . >yor ^ I p h H enderun ordered , . jslnes* firm* to dees a t onee.Ung drug stores, doctor's of- .restaurant*, radio Btatlons and>apcr*. The step w u taken to0 « n tT a ln -on the *eange-sys- - = r r = : m ^ ^ Hu w ater began to back up In ’ . . .

Woahlngton, the reconstjuc- finance corporation declared ed- r e t l e n » - o t - « ^ a ska and

flood victims may file ap- io n s immediately for loans.-TrmnaB-6eaB»-BepeH«--------laldent Truman studied -tA9

reports, ready ld-maK6~U- >al financial *id avaUable.PfnaU^am on- the Miasouri In ^- in a - t f e e r i i l u r in esUBiitM t f p m m . MAigee* w ar tone, fled the river- to

IrailuM raca i*. Ctliiaa <) ^

ag ic V alley f. inow Spotty ;R a in G en e ra lIn was general and snow wasrthrmighoutMarlo-V*Uey-8un. ligh t and Monday morning, but otaLamount ot moUuu».ilid.i>ot ge Uie flood picbire in the lem part of the valley. Real- I in Carey and Fairfield eUU ai« itoK the-*treama-but-ther« it idlcatian of wbolettle floodtog

jfle ld ietxii'li lei* ot waief in

b u t trafflo has hot been toter- [ d .. I t rained in Fairfield dur-j

d Monday momla(.Road Under W ater .

rey had aome rato during Uie L andsunetnov fen to thenaar- Ills. A mUe snow fell a t HaUey considerable rain bad fallen

r w ater but n a ta highway of- Is aald It w u causing no serlout

?* tltua tlon tn Oarey remains anged but residents souUi ot

a re bopUig to be able to open ad channel in SUrer creek to l I aome of the water o tf th s low- i _ B i* e h e n i i i l w B S e l e * d i e T e » { - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g I ago during drM gint cpera-

In eh a fB M w Ir ley h sd one inch of snow dur-

liny h«<1 aa nf an Ineh BurlCT J 4 'o f an inch of motstuia

« forecast for Monday night la ' b sv . WZLLlIAft a lly clearing weather wllh more I wUi ba fa

ja y -night U 'expected to dropv f reeatog. b*« April t» , » aju

_ - , ar* n a U ^ leadtnijman Is Injured 1 Four-story FaU ^ m g p a j a g ,

he Cottage hospital w ljh to - l i W U i l i S U k 'i ^ i v £ d '’v n (n 'm a .ie ii fuur —pA Tnnnrjoat. ku a through a trap door a t 11 (UA—Allied and coo . M ondw. Wo report hM been negoUatora .were wltl

o 't r a p through which. *he fell _ ,

had been left open and *he leiga.boUung up a set led Uirough. ,flJie..has b « n an pWblcrnSi are Uie » oyo a t UjB-mrn for Uie Usk h a w ^ g e d ttw t ^

M E I CBOICI 8 I » n r a i S r . ' S ' m l u i '

g y of^a^ 'y U^^deliniiinTmii * ' i K ^ ” inSSlm Ssn t sanity of Clyde a u h ; « . be- t3 n r d e ^ - « B - t t» - today in .dlstriet court vhere basic dlspntea.

a c harg^ .V lth the t in t degree / A total o t M p a iu dor o f ^ ^ ^ •MoEwy, -M, k t ^ upoa, . t t y j

I t o f Dec. ___ ^ t£ > W B w to ii i» ^ ^

^ ' 'T IN SL ■


■ PKIOE 6 c

iT d ^ g t f lS I

i K a t e f C r a. record-brenking flood c rcst rcached Sii doned whole towns in tho immediate vl ins.s evnciiatious.JC JlissisaippiYivcr h it m etropolitan St. Pai

ho Baptists Plai 3-Day Meeting E3 ond delegates from all B aptist churchcs regate'in Twin Falls April 29, 30 and May iversnry of the Idaho B aptist convention,

fo r tho three-day m eeting Is “W orkers d.” Prior to the general convenUon begin: ril 28,-meetings of tbo Women’s B ap tist U ■.- * * * . socicty a n d -^ e .p a s ■« 1 ference, to w hich laSpeakers invited, w in be heid

O uest» p ^ C T to(^d<

<n l seeratary. A m ^c convenUon; the R«< J

^ M ls a lo k a o c le ^ t t Uam J . Keech, New Yo rector, missionary edi Uie Rev. Oordon Fraa iZoUegfeXsMlonyUie, Q

Dr. Ohm. who s e m Bt Uie time of the 0< alon. will address the pe

r n iD r . Ohmw as‘prof< way-* BapU*t Theolo nary and from IM l to general *e« e ta r r of-~tb

iB SSnalbM loglcU cai y i ^ i y . Oalo.

B apU at,'tteo log l^ aei a««;'aitt-v^iaair-de]from Acadia Unlver

. A ^ q i D T.'AQBtf

tion W BTOOM wlthtB tlon. will report to 'Cl sembly on “KaOon-'w

appototment. D r . .N ^ ^ general director of p

the Baptist church, been a profeasor of Ne

Sp r in g Tfi

' Only four pleJih wore'

BBU BgNB.yELBON -■ w e ^ ^ * 3^ ^ t eBppfll"g « jortiix IW

unlawfully kUUng I attorney. - K arl .‘.Walkc

rights .to t i a « w itb ' l i u e .a a o t l o a - t o . ^

evldenee" before tba cuUng A ttom ey'H ax certain "about benr 1

^ ^ B m M j ^ ^ ^ l p r o i M - laa t.-' tm>' eaUu four days. U ra. Johni peaUng ber convlftlo

w erst. also eerrla Justice court convlctli potaasalon of a door < etd innocent to tba

required for tbe Ixla: . Bnm an Veaelr wall

B ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ H | d r a w l n g a check'wltJ tiiebuiJe. 3%eM«Iu«li TToUnger's P hannaq se t'lO -a. m. Tusadaj for pronouncing sente

The -oouii'oMeiad-l to have his client. Edcourt n : a;»>. p. m^x the court would dae

. WILLlIAM. k K O T ' " ■'win be f ^ y e d speak- S y ?

i r S . S C K t ' T M P l e a I s R e s

B y . , S e a r l . f f l


L . ..l-i uiji iia u lis coii time Mt for a 'baartai

are the same ones tha t . -Vm .r{ed Uuj ta to since Uie end

f i j g ^ ^ t l e l d a and

tree l*auet take up Uiree ~ganM ’u S 5 1 ^ S y ha. m ^ w ^ a lx a e ^ w


' ‘ ; _ I _ _ ^


rcached S io u x ^ i ty nmediate vicinity in

Htan St. P aul, Minn., '

ngs t churchcs in Idaho 30 and May 1 fo r th e convention. '

“W orkers Together, - nUon beginnihg.at. ?:

md .the.~pa8 t o n i t : c # I i ^ H t o w W c h ^ l a y i r ie n ^ V ^

>eakera toclude* Dr. Arnold

»tary. A m ^ ca n Baptlft i; the R«< John Ar^«^^ ,

toaocle^U M B af.^n i* |^ Hilsilonary* education: 'an tt Oordon Fraaee, U nfleU j j ^ H

n . who s e m d ^ itorway ne of the German Inra- addres* the pastors on tb«WiUieetlnc fof to

>hm was* profeseor of Nor- ipU*t Theological aenl-' from IM l to 1M5 to WM _

IbMloglcU caniildala I r a tT ' reralty. Oalo. Norway. hUwf lasn trrm, WftrUwffn-Cheologleal aemlnary. Cbl^ t - l ’iaair-dBireB-ln-i***—

U ^veA ty ,

w ) th S ~ tt> rM k T ^ 'M ^ HI t o - ^ « D t t r a ^ -

years prior to bl* pre«D»lent. Dr. Nelson acted aadirector of p n o u tla a torUst church. He alsorofeasor of New 'TeatamBBt^ ' l ^ ^ H

nU* M P.r« I. f^*aM It

i T w i u F t d i B ~ r H

)ur pleitk w a x M o t i ^ M e ^ '^ ^ E

E 5 T ro o * iC 8 6 H V |5 5 c W IZ tr ^ ^ lnd Jay Jottmtoo - B M

0 t i a a w itb p e ra d in B to ' aotloa-tb -nippteM.I" before tb a U iaL.S icM i;- ittom ey 'H ax U o s^ f l i t no*- >•about bow

fa. Mra. J o h n s U t i5 ^ W ^ I » < ^ ^ H ber eonvtftlon.

, also e e rrln r t tm a , ; ^ - * w urt convlctloD ot n f ia v f l i l . on of a door careaiB,Tt^>« . : ; ^ H ocent to tb a t chafge.

for tbe’’?rial. tn Ve«*lr w a lre d h lsd g h t.4 f t.. '^ j^ H mey and-pteaded. g u ltty ^ ltfc iJ^ M

a check without land* i ^ ^ ^ H 3%e M cbock was catbed a t;

f s Pharmacy. Tbe - eo«rt I. m. T iM d tf -as ounclng sentence. - Eiurt'ohleiwt-Si.^U l ( a i t e « r - c i ^ | his client. E d m ^

p. niv T uw a«T Ww r ^ ^ ^ M

' a chatta-.-oI I M should be w ttoaed. U a y » - : ^ ^ B

befoie D titrlct M ^m M ntog^

‘for. a h a a r t a y t f T ^ w ^ S ^ ^ B

stn m dajw

Page 2: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

H I S p rin g < ^ T » u r t

Session O p e n H In T w iu F a lls

. ( rn a Tm i Ont)did tiol-«bJect conllnulns the

M H caic. H art h u ptut«d bond.IW l naybom explained tha t an a or ■ n »-year>old boy who was a laud to

IM tenellns him -to a-ehlldren*> home ■ III ha3 moved t« Oregcm v lth h b par* ■ f l —«nUi-^»-«ot4on>«u-tak«n-«n-R«y> i n bom'g motion tha t the caM Ix con* M il . . . i la u d d .b u tih « 8x»teBtorww-«lTtn ■ffl_K I_qp;»rtun llr.Jfl_chec>L Jnto_ the. ■ U | . c u e .lurthKT. tuy U .iree on IB I bond.■ I A. J. K ent, who failed for the sec- ■ I ! ond tlm e-to appear on a charge o{ n i practicing medicine withaui a 11* ■ U l c«n(e, was-declared-a-fufttUve. A ■I}! bench w arrant wa* Issued a t the n i l la it t«rm of court, but Uoyd Aald M il’ K ent U ter contacted him and n.ik> M l r1 Tnr ■ tr ial. Lloyd »ald he wired n * ' U S nH l* would' -be fcon-■ B f “ «ldered; bu t • recelved-no -Tcpiy.—■ H I ..... Arthur Babbel aaked tha t trial ofB t j Re* I<ee Fry, charged with lewd con-

duct with a minor child, be oontln* n ( , ued. Babbel said Fry hiut been be* n i l l having. A fter tome dlacuulon. It was I B il decided the boy h u already pleaded Hfj'f- Innocent and^Lloyd agreed wilh the n l') notion to continue the caxe.K l A. L. Webb, charged wlUi drawing H II l a check without funds. a.Oced addl- ■ t t t libnsi lime t4’0Btsin~<0Uiuel.'"E?err M l c tt Swteley aald friends ot Wrbb H I h ta contacted him. and he has In* n i l vutlgaled th s ease, but tAe friends W f had no fund*. ffel>b wt* given until H i a p.in. lo attem pt to aecure funds. M l A. U Blaodford was appointed to H I defend f ^ n c ls Earl Taylor who ■ I previously changed his plea of gull- n y ty of lewd conduct with a minor H ] child to a plea of InnocenL Taylor ■ I ' «Uo d«atffi«d c trial. Uoyd estU m mated-two dayi would be rt<tulred H for the trial.H I ' ' I ta ^ o n d ll. bkridge''ai1ced ala- ■ I tutory time and jvas granted until n 10 a..m . Tuetday to enter a pleaH I — » f.h«rT«i nf »mh>rrJ»mfnL HL<P j tttomejTU J . H. Blanflford.

^ 1 . for K enneth L. Vincent, charged Sj^l with forging a KO check. Vincent ■fli was given until Tuesday to enter ■ l l hU pley■ P I Clyde Slater was granted until 10 ■ | u n . Tuesday to enter hla plea to ■ I » r a n d larceny trial. The alleged H i — ertme-occurrad in SepUmber. U U . ■ I Slater and two othera were con- H i victed, however the case was thrown ■ I out on appeal to the aiate aupreme I B — court. A jeW -tm iJi-M ordered, Bab- H I la 6iat«r’B'attorney. 'I n Uoyd agreed with Walker, attor* H i for Johnson, thatH I Johnson’a case b« continued until ^ thB-next U rin of court. Johnson Is H r — a>y^ea~w itiigrt^ing t- e w tn w itn r

H . John Daly and E. L. Haybom■ asked dlsm lual of cases against two

H pn the_ motions for T>iesday,B l l) although U b i^ had no cbjecllon toHEl the moUone. The boys are attending1 s t school.a l l , . - Mre. Mlldrtd Knox, charged withiLlfi*'. taUng.«l,UO from a Utah man_at

Kimberly, s ^ e d statutory time un-lijil 1 t tu TuesiUy lo enter a plea to am ? charge. Ker attorney

h I i Dunn told the court Dentil McCoy ■ H I . l iu decided to withdraw hla appeal ^ ■ 1 o t a 'police court conviction of ^ ■ 1 drunken driving. The case was not

on th e c a le n d s ._________ ' '

I j ( Hospitalf f i - VlaltJng hou ra 'a t Magic Valley H I Memorial hospital are from 3 to i

ana 7 to b p.-m. ••H | ADMtTTEO■ 0 M n. WlUlam A. Jackson, Mra. ■ I I ! Pred Fransen, Mrs. Ethel Mont- iW t 'Tomery. Mary Mingo; Denny Par- kW l roll, Mrs. Paula K. Hoppe. Mm. t j T WraiUH—W Ntf.-Hrchard Conner, fWf— Irfwis-Vulgamort,- John ' ChapmanHSi.:----- and—Mrs.—Dorothy—Chapman.—all

. r u n : ■ i t t i . .u to rge Denton rffir^* lia~ M M ;'X M U -L eliverton , both U;.'- Pller: ’Mra. Lyman Stokes. Kathy

|^ s S ig :S $ # g i r i5 s eH I ford; Mra. Raymond Hurley, baby ■ H U ly Weaver and Mra, W. H. Kaer* M l cher. aU'Buhl, and Mrs. Dlola Bat- H terwhlte and Mrs. Mike Siaatny, H I bolh Hansen.M ____________ p^8^^ggrD _________ 1.H I . Mrs. Jack Pope. Helse Meyers, M l Mrs. Sterling MarUn. Mary Mingo, M il E. M. U nker. John Plummer. Mra. ■ I Sdward Brune, Lewis Vulgamore, H I Oeorge O. Magera, lUchard Con- B i t , ner, Mrs. Clarenco Nye, Orville ■ H Huntley, Kendall Scott. John Chap^~

.n u n . Mrs. Richard SUva. Patty BeU, Mrs. A<]*m Hohnsteln and

H I Mrs. Cleo Mort, all Twin FalU; Mra. ■ g _ .J/em an& Jes.and Mra..Walter Hop.- B S : kins, both Buhl; Mrs. Kellh 8t«vens

and Howard LaPray,- both Filer; MH Mrs. Cornle LanUng, ..Bogerson; ■ i i Sheryl Lincoln. Murtaugh; M ^ n Carlyle BuUer, Jerome; Mrs. Leon-■ • • • tr t - P e i« r » n ‘ »nd w « -a n d - 'ia ri . H Oleno Hermantng and son. all Klm- H — Ptn yrMHf.- T lr t ll Pwry, Ooodlng, ■ I «Bd Mrs. Margaret Klut*. H ansea

Itl— —W e a lb e r-----a h rnuD v r and AP ReperlaH I; Magle Valley-FarUal elearing to . t HR I ' nJght (ahOnf to partly elaudy Tuea- K ' ' day. WiBdy and eeoler Tueaday with II, liigh near &S. Freexlng temper- U atorca. tentght with lew about ' i t . k Twin FaUs (enperature a l 8 »jn.

. -.lodv ,

|r .*»om i". i ; : : " ' ; ; ™ : ™ ■*’

.rbwjiiij --------------- fi ■ « -

lufl Vi • 4" Tt. 8ib Tr«ftcl*ce _______ _ Si ' <2 .ILau I<rab___________ 10 11 .li

•TAGS O P 8NAKB &IV sa . Tb* Boake T tm ■wtk

■•wy i M r i i W M . ejh ^ by the

- 014U ta e w a t«H « WBtOT'~niaf-------------- ^

ffljlp PAGE TWO

^7' ;■

u r t ------------------ “K e e p - m e - w n i te 'n i iK -of 6 oXety IlylBg

>pen |L FaU s ft r \tinuing the ^ abond. . . J * hlat an a or ? ~ S .IS slawd to > 1 «

iren'a home ? I m1th hla par* ^ 1 »<en-on iu y - ^ . ........... - ^ 1 ------------ e:a«e be con* fl

~-^N ’m D - o n e ~ d ^ - w t th b u t - d ' 2’is iree~ on' ~ir a f f te aea t t^ n - tm r - M a p ic - ^

Valiev.for the sec- L I e;

“ S ta te^T raffic I N early T w ice - "'

S S I ? — I l s l5 4 1 “R a t e |;h«t trial of . . ^* b e ^ n U n ' Broken do^pj Inlo types, thc re- *'i* been be- ‘hat of the'total vehicles Pjiion It was counted in 1081, 1,181JU were com-«dy pleaded I”.®!®'*'’ out-of-sUU and local;■?a^Slh the IdAho pa«enger c ar. «cajie 876,339 were out*of-»late pas- • 'lUi drawing t u t . - - b:a.Oced addl* •’ POrt Mti forth no recom- ^

Is ot' Wrbb density, moving over eachhe haa In* “" “ o" <>t highway, ‘nthe friends i ■

.• i 'Z r ' Magic Valley ?SSnS. Funerals)lea of gull- ' .................. I b»h a minor TWIN FALLS—Funeral service* u:enL Taylor for Mrs. Isabel Bennett Nelson wUl o.Uoyd esti* ^ h tld a t li:JO a. m. Tuesday to f.'be re<tulred the White mortuary ehapel w ith the „

Bev. B. LesUe Rolls officiating. 'ailced^laT Barlal-wlH-be-mias—W ^klniaT Tr anted until Wash. The famUJ- requesU tha l noIter a plea flower* be sent. ,ament. .H is .-------------------- . - = ____________ L

It, charged 3 p. m. Wednesday In the Whitedc. Vincent mortuary ehapel with the Rev. Royy to enter TIUia, Burlty, asalaled by the Rev. R'

• James Bradford, Kimberly, official- A)led until 10 Ing. Burial wlU be made In Sunset erhla plea lo Memorial park. n<rhe alleged -------- rember, 18U. _RUPZBT-~.-J^m4ra1-servIce* for cowere con* Branford rvank Bchroyer, will be

was thrown conducted at 10 a. m. Tuesday a t ed,te aupreme the While mortuary chapel. Twin Oidered, Bab- | ^ ^ ^ y th ^ ^ v ^ Dr. r W. W e ^ . ffl

Iker, atto r- Slope cemetery, Belle'l^iiOThe, S.'d ! a

inued' until JEROME—Pilneral aervlee* for byJohnson Is Margaret Bchroeder will be held-a t fo:W tk v i tn r » -p .-m -W ednesday af-the-W liey h i

Tuiittml cnsp«i with tjie Rtv. H an r ' Haybom I* Starbuek. Wendell Methodist

against two minister, officiating, 3urlal wlU be , r- l-hea rlng . made.ln the.Jtmmri cemetery.___ _ .Jj:

3bJ^I6h*uI FILER — OravMlde-»ervIees-f(jre attending WUUam Jake Anihart will be held w

a t 3:30 p. m. Tuesday a t the Filerlarged with lo o p cemetery-wlth the Bev.-Er.' «tah m an_at n«L ^P P..P »»W r of the FUer B ap- j ,ry time un- tU t^hurch. offlcJallng. . _, plea to a --------ler attorney TWIN FALLS— Oravealde rttes m

for Brent Nile Bohm, l-year*oId son K(ntll McCoy of Mr. and Mn. E veiitt U Bohm. K’ hla appeal *'>» >>e held a t 10 a. m. Tuesday a t Vnvlctlon of Sunset Memorial park with Bishop 1ise wa* not £• C. Frederlckson in charge. I

P»lends may call a t the Twin F i lii '------------- m aflliaw -frornl rv Q p ' -

------- Monday snd'Tm sdayurtlU time of 't a i service. i

v . i i .u varlas-ln-ooloT from nearly —igle y ^ le y ,h lt« to dark green. _rom 3 to 1 ^

N E W SH IPM EN Tkson, Mra-

- ■ ..... SUEDE--LE.oppe. Mm. d Conner,' Chapman -------- ---- ■ ' " ^ k —" ^ H Hftpman.—all -------------- ■ — ■ ■ — ■ -----j e LWnton H * " ^ H Krton, bothkes. K athy "

a ^^ 'caitle-

SHORT JACKETSke Siaatny K nlt CuHa. N eck’and Bottom sty

Satin acelate llrifnga^-C om fort pli . -Colors of-FADBD DEfilM BLU

lae Meyers, (style as pictured) lary Mingo. SIZES 31 to mirier, Mrs.

s r c s * 1 7 .9 5 / Iye, Orville • M • M * 0 / I .John Chap^“ f i MUva. Patty [ / . \ ^nsteia and FalU; Mrs.gaiter H o p . - ___I l k ______C T M , . W T i t y!lih StevensMth Pller; IW w W H* ‘-Bogerson; Vugh; M^i7 <C«— ^ ' —< 1 .1Mrs. Leon- , , 0 ’-an d - 'ia ri.' --------------n. all Kim-, Ooodlng, --------—A 'H a iu ea

---- /fearing to . t Isudy Tues- T jiH iT in ff ft r iT M lM ff

: temper- Sab o u t'ts .a t 8 ftjB. pQ,

■ 4( .*• We have one of the fin e s t Hn•** - men’a-Jackets -we've ev e r hai

t5 ' «. ' types and m aterials . . . inclt; > z -“SiTPriPttn^- f HiinHirTMVrt-**^?

' 4> It. t« te) Gabardine, etc.


J W -V a lle y -e r fu r tH - A re Busy o n „ T ra ff ic Cases

I fnm r t f Om)also announced that ort Thuriday , he had fined Don C, Johnson, Boise,

*Ny tIO on a charge of »peedlnj in a ?/’'I school zone- lie was anested by ‘f ' ’I_______ : nymiLv Bh^riff n iiv miM .0 _ajI • T he-o the r speed tr 'f lned -in -s J _______Magle Valley . ^ u r l wi^^Donald ^

flnel t'l9 by Prolate Judge Hieron } i lfid u t-d - W ^ J n - Jwoin*,rJle-.wM. arrested ^ lH / . , “ j g SU U Patrolman Eugene Higler.JTMatrtC PitrblfiWTIaBrrTilwfcportedhV

arrested a Juvenile over the week- I end on a charge of recUesj driving

and th a t Judge Ward suspended the 1 1 t i / » Juvenlk-s— llte n se -fo r -M days. Vl l v . Neither would divulge lhe Juvenile's

Arraignment Set Arraignment of Orant 8, SouUi-

— ■ >— .— w orth.-Haaelton,—on-fc charge of —^K a f - p reckless driving has_ betn »«t tor 8 Am

• pjn, Monflay by Justice Potter.,) BouUiKortli wa* unable lo post npes the re- following hli arrest a t 8otai vehicles Bunday on hlgh.sy 30 two J-i were com- niiles east of Murtaugh, - TU and local; Palrolmon M. J. Bays. Jr.. wltlisenger c a n «»'fl_8o_ulh»OClh.,riui_»jloiL.4lga. S»tt-Blate uas- •I'J’O’l colliding with a c«r driven scJi

by Deputy Sheriff Field Johnson.- entI no recom- Minidoka.county. Jojin-wn colled for . Vtmtiiner-the -SUte-Patralman Marvin Snyd«r-whi> Ma.

over p&ch .arrested Bautliworlh. Southaorth is ChiIn the county Jail. all

----------------J • U «nae .u.penSeal l p v Probate Judge Henry W, Tucker Bro

In Burley Monday lined Andy J. Erltg Halbert. Paul, $26 on a charge ot Ber

I reekles.1 driving and sujpended Hal* jen,.T- . . . , 1, . license lor 30 day.'i. eenrat lervieea Halbert was arrested at »;34 ajn, ^ r l

*4} Sunday one*liaJf mile north of Bur* jerchl«'’*»y 27 by etau Palrol- —

rnun M artin Snyder._C._W.,aiowftrt.-Fairlleld..arreil£d- -1"?,

“ Orth Wendell on h lg ^-su tha t no Sunday on a charge of reck- 9."

leas driving, was fined 150 and cosla — — - - and-hls llcense-was-snipentfea-for ^Mrvlce^ for 3Q rtov* hv Pr<ihnf» .TiiHjh

the White ' Announce* Fine* ple Rev. Roy Police Judge Archie Nl*bet In p^liay the Rev. Rupert Monday anonunced that on tlin'riy, official- April 1 he fined Arnold Rogue. Rup- he.-ve In Sunset ert. glOO and coat4 on a charge of File

negligent drlvlntr. Hoirue was ar- locarested In.it month but hli case was ___

service* for contlnued-to April I. ------ ‘ n'er, will be Bernard Rull, ShMhone, arrest- I—! Tuesday a t ed by Deputy SJierlff Our Colea In lapel. Twin Ooodlng Friday, was fined 110 and*, W. Werts, co»t5 bv Probate Judge Qwaett s«c. __ae tn Pine urday. The' judge abo fined Elmer urche, s . D. C. Hull. Bllsj, *10 and « cojts ou

A similar chnrge. Hull wsj auejtedervlce* for by 8tatc.,PaWoIman Stanley pace T

0^*^ Ray R>m«r. Bliss, wns fined »S letVrv*' »3 cosU by a Wendell JmUce ;

’Of pcHi.c uvt'i thv ’p cck md* un" n , _ charje^of running through a stop '

*n7 'u” i7 ? r »<Bn fourm lles West'bJ Ockxllng on " n uhighway 34, ml

at w e Filer cilff.M w nce. Ooodtng._w»s.fined — r t ^ v . - E T . ,50 and co.ita by Judge Ward Int n ie r B ap- jerome Sunday on a chargs ot-b*-------

veslde Hiesr«ar*oId*oD I S S l ! \ < f « > 7 l 7 7 3 ! H f f l R ! Ht U Bohm.

M e - o f - — '- - i ^ V I N - F A L L S ....... ...G L A S S & P A I N T C O .

—“ (Across from Post Ofllce)rrom -nearly --------------- TWIN FALLS ----------- -----



\CKETSnd Bottom styie.-.^-Com fort plus. !■DEfHM ^

Suede Surcoots

^ ______ Colors of—Sand and Copptr. • , ____

f II:he f i n e s t l in e s o f m% n's and-young e 've e v e r h a d . - A ll- w eigh tii, kinds, ials . . . in c lu d ih R su c h fab r ic s 'B s iTT lrT t>r^‘N y tpt t e " ~(TiyloTi nn il bpb-- - —:;7 e tc .

iU S SALES ■^ a r to H lw • ‘Twin Folti

i O H PXA Meets ‘Tonlgbt Boa^ Washington achool PTA will meet TI * P' today in the school VW\ . ^ a a C O ftudltorlum. day

eedini In a SP«k», the ,r r,s irt hv Nev. Mr». Rosa Is the form er Ruth at I M ^ Osllco, Ti»ln P a llr_______________

*!S'^DMaId ^**1* * n""y*"a In ImniidBB^i-riin noccnt of drunkenness when a r- t l , M a ^ M xaleneil .in. .pollce_court, -Saturday, wet ? ^ e ^ l « H«-U -belw-& eldJin-m B-ctty-jBlI"epcrtJ§‘hc '* tSr the week- PWday. — — -.. _ Tldesj driving

-"r-r.' W in n e rs f o r stie Juvenile's

Show C h o senuian**^of _lElnil?r!-Pf_th«JhIrd.taund of,the, hav

:n *et Jor 8 American Legion's Magic Valley ^

• to Mst*n high school audl*arrest a t g torlum were announped M onday by

fay 30 two J- T«d Davis, chairman. ®'«The (our flnallats will compete

}. Bays. Jr.. wlth.elihl olher f'lnaUsts a t 8 p, m. „ “ iJloiL ilga. S»turday4 n_lhe_T >lnJP alU high jj

car driven school ludltorlum In-the final tai- Id Johnson.- en t show. ; jja-Tm called for Winners Saturday n igh t wereSnyd«r-whi> Martm .Ivtrsan.__David__Hi£licn_luthworth is Chnd.Qlock and Mrs. Jalle Boone, p,

all T»ln Palls. . ,1 , . Other firialists appearing In the

Saturday ihow will be Barnard W, Tucker Brown, Mra. Edith Corlcta. OaU ‘ ‘ I

:d Andy J. Erickson, Gordon Atkln.ion and . , i : k charge ot Bert Sweet, Jr., all Twin Falla; Ann lended Hal* Jensen and A nita Emllh, both Hs* ‘ ' or 30 day.'i. jjerman; Billy Armstrong. Kim- = ,,, 1 »;34 ajn. berly, and Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson, . irth of Bur* Jerome. - ..n i laU Palrol- ------------------------------------------------Jd arrestrd 0" “ highway, a TS ’on woh Tu'dgrw «niiBo-nm :;rw onnce-W J- anarteoJrArk on a conKmpfbf court charge. He emp50 um cngJ finfd Htnry Oliver. Ooodlng. o com- trlbiiDendea-fnr panlonJlJJaunce, t i o jim L li costa ..... -. . . ........... on a chsrw of being drunk on aigr tiou eiL hiBliway:------------------------------------“ Flier olllcers reported to Twin ti

Nlsbet In Falls police n l 12:2S n. m . Sunday Honced thal on th a t n pos-Mble drunken, driver was hnlllogue.Rup. he.-vdcd toward Twin FalLi from clerlI charge of Flier. City ofllcers were unable lo n■' locate mt car.___________________ filed

« . Z - L E H Z E E Z E f i E - Hur Coles In \ [ w l r cili, ltd «10 and \ Sun lOuetLSat^ — __________ — •A

U £

idrin u iu ! . ~|^ L

ueh a sto!> Two thinja slow ap a woman—OckKllng on --tnaklnr-Tip“T>«'‘-'r»R—*»«■"«»»---------:

mind.:._w»s,flned .e Ward In H B ^ H B H P B H H I H H I H i larg* ot-ba-------

i i u i i ni T C O .DHIce)

^ VOUR^ 1 ^ ^ c o w h o y s

p " - c a h ^ t ^ a m

------------B E A U T Y R I

^ '

~ 1“ the re^fio fy - 0 "ljTl~9r" 1 aind^',* *'’9 « a « prebvili lo kM p them fi

:infls, _ _ .:s"B 8, " ------- '

_ J [ ~/.|gg


n ^ M s ^ i a B r ie fT "Beard lo Meet f

will meet The board of directors of the e school YWCA wlU meet a t 2 pjn. Wednes­

day In the YWCA rooms.

InfUlUtlon Slated proc Tl to Mr. Joint installation of olJlcera for »iml

Sparks, the VFW and auxiliary wltl bo lield Exjer Ruth at 8 pjn. today a t the DAV h^lL thor

• ' H. J. Leyson posted'a |2 bond' for and adCd-IlU. Impropf r parltlr^g and V. Price DCWt jranr hen a r- t l for- overtime parking over the anH' Jaturday. week-end. all jCity-Jall. ----------fff.Tw w -a r- -B«anl-MnUTaf»day------------- -----------3,-• The ezccutlvo board of Bt. W* worl

ward's PTA will - meet a l 10:30 crea a. m. Tuesday a t the home of Mra. 3.

I * Fred Kolouch, 333 Seventh avenue jncnnorth. 4.

-------- phall a p t f l - Jt«tum to Horaea max

Axel Miller arid Herman Miner j, id of the have relumed to their homes in incn

v a l le r •TOUTntrn~canferninfn r 'it t tn a ing —57 night In -funeral atrdcca b tre for. Ihelr slsKr. crea ol audl* Thomas Sanderson. 7.

■» B M . ; ; ; ^ daughter' waa bom Sunday at g.

compew jjem gru i hospital to „ mIU hioh Hurley, net

,ni Buhl. Mr. 4nd Mrs. Richard Dart, sinal tai- parents ' f t a son loppIt were' Salurdiy. cent

! Boone. Pred W. Jeuer, Pall* avenue, paid, . .1, . ‘ ‘n y-iL '" court Monday after he pleaded I .

« iT ot arM ne with an expired ^“ • ^nrt reglalraUon on hla truck. He was Blon ana Thursday by a state patrol- PTAlla; Ann g pjoth Ha- ' _____ ftudl

Trip Tuesday MlIKacobson, ^ ^ P„jl_______ sentatlve of the employment and TT

aeeurlty agency, announcos plans for ilx 1ilRhway, a Tuesdoy field trip to Richfield fl« t mce-WJ- and-Carey w h p rr -h r win-contnef ffradirge. He employers to obtain delinquent con- »n 1. o com- trlbutlons and reports for the stnte. be gl i costa ..... ....... .............. .....~ ___ Jidul

-^ H n f ts ^ fc e d — S;o Twin Three building permit oppUcA- r w i Sunday Hons hnvc been filed at thc clly

Ivor was hnli.-Mrs.-Constsnce-J-Lelser.-city L-. from clerk. reporU. T "fnable lo n p_ Slousell. 377 Quincy street, li

fl1ed_„an application w construct oi.i! a house. Estimated cost l.i tSOO. —

15 P Conversion of a garage InUi n —- T utility room k proposed In nn appli- ‘

cation filed by J . V. Wilson. 163 Sunrise boulevard.

------ ^The-r-Oote-Motor-company.—JOfr —Shoshone street south, filed an ap* plication for. permission to raise an ^ electrical display sign.

E- , - — Ddly ScrvIc

J L E E D O M P H O T O_____^Bnuance on_.tho,4llej

id TUf^ beslds WUey Drtii^


BBL a i f h e n ^ < -

■—Q w rfft reo rt'h li J ■!_!!-9* o l o Beoutyreit.I= 5 rdom aoe . Ihe ' --------------------lokMpMtemfino. ' '


[7 F reigh t R a t e __o— H ik e O kayed L -

F o r AU U. S. Kproceedl'nga before the ICC may pul

iHlcera for similar Increases Into elfect. ofrlll bo Held Exceptions to the general au- KayelAV h^lL thorlMtlon Included; „aiaU

. 1. Fresh fruits and vegetables, ,„g ,------------ r uielona. '«nd—*dlbl>_ auO; lumber , umbtiJ bond for and arUcle.i carrying lumber rates; ,prjmTice Doated canned or preserved food producU: ng* ( • over the Vna~copperr i»M,' >innm n>'rncte»7 -Sud*^

all-subject to. a maximum Increase ^

)f B t ; 'w ’*" work.-«ubJ«et t o I n - Winda t 10:30 crease of M cents jx r IM pounds. giy. .

ne of Mra. 3. Sugsr, subject to a maximum aho*,ith avenue increase ot 10 cent* per lOO pounds, heada

4, phosphate rock. Including phoa- c ity :phatlc clay, and salt, subject to • jng jmaximum increase of SO cents a ton. conim

lan Miner j, potash, subject to a maximum piayi,homes in increase of t l a ton. boys

^tt<hdlIlK B.-oraln anff. nimLJJraUWCtiJiii. Jt: upiieir slater. crea*«d-l3 pcr_cent.______ _ - - .'a p i

7. Coal, except lignite, and coke, crops,13 per cent, subject to a maximum thingof 40 cents a net ton. -------

Sunday at g. Lignite, six per cent, subject to hospital to a maximum Increase of 20 cents a id Hurley, net ton__________________________ Chlsn hard Dari, 9, gj'nd. gravel, atone. In open Drjde ■ f » *on lopped car*, and Iron ore, 13 per "o ji^

_________________ Kelle:

PTA1al"BurI^o' °" ' Give Benefit Show"::

1 h J^ wm BURLEV, Aprjl H -T h e Miller•te patrol- PTA will sponsor a talent show a t , '“ 8 pjn. Tuesday a t the high schoo!

ftudltartum to raise^-funds for the Z.___Miller PTA, Mrs; Arlene ^Carlos, m

leld repre- president, announces. m ment and The propam' will be presented -In ^ s plans for six divisions. They are prc-school, _ _

Richfield flMt to third grades, third to sixth M in-contftcr grades. Junlor-hlgh.-eenlor high «ml --I ?ucnt con- «n ndull group. Money prlies wlU ^ the stnte. be given in ench division except the

______ jidult dlvljlonjojhe chjld selling the y

fed— r l''.!S„ On the program will be Dee Yar-

: rlnKton, Diana Dumiu, Linda Frey- i Vt me city mujpr, Palrlcin John.ion. Allen Yar- '*rflser.- clly rlngfonrOenc-aoodwlii. David M ar- •

tinscn, Linda Campbell, OordonJJolyoak, L y n n Tliompson, Bert Tm ■

i WOO S°tchwcll, Tony Stocks, Wayne a wlje into n f>w»,Fwwwwwwwww«»w»»»»«»wj ii t ■I an appli- T W IN PALLS LODGE « «

N o. 4B A . F . & A. M.

o'*tal5e"on '*

_ i i o n k : f W u = i z : : iw V® 218 Second Ave. W eal


[ | "■ An Bdioiinim Weleeine C


— ^ .U3hiorti,««».ob4i»»4heuUli

~ 1 «ii», “flivei" in fvil the ngK Cc^e in oft^ tea »hit fom©

0 ■ _____________

- I ^ e e n - T o d a ^

S Mr*. Mary Roth accompanyint groups ot youogsten as they nil - i • sidewalk on way to business district, I , . . Overnight ralna resulting m

!^” wa't«r on way lo s i ^ .Kaye complaining about ^t« of carswalatllae. . . Jack Thorpe bonow* »«r.

|bles. )ng nose drops. . . Few raincoats Mr*.um brelI**-«W *aja»jPB=V,rd-Dfr Polntn

• t“ - spring showers. . . One tide of *r°m V

^ ■ 7 S - S h T i r S E t f T S 'd i 'Crease _ n , e Bev. M ack^ Brown Uklng Wash..

;,>n- Wind pushing dark, c lo u d i-ac rS Alpha'a*. sky. . . Woman wearing open-toed Twin P

shoes picking out dry spoU aa ehe the'“ 'as- heada for door a t grocery.. , AcUng Her'>hoa- City Mxinagar 'Vincent Young mak- death )to • Ing plans for weekly meeting of turvive.‘ ton. commission. . . Young mother dla- Bennet mum playing perfect control over two BeatUe

Ixiys ^hlle other chUdren “whogn Wa.ih.;

_ - - * ^ a s ^ th ^ r t l a /w ^ ^ ^ b ^ g ^ " ^ FaS i^coke, crops, but it lan't going to help anx* K*har.mum thing else." Pune

----------------------------------------------- - ll;30 Ii t a ^ Rogers. Dean Etherlngloa, Jean 1"°.’'“

Chisholm. John Blauer, Ruth Mc- i ; , , C -nen Dride, Sylvia TomaBon, Ralph Ooch-

nour, E l a in e Oochnour, Blaine* Quamstrom, Lanls Blauer, Betty '

Keller, Udean CaU, John Bowen. Le-, — '- roy-ATOhlbald,-apeolal-«rlUla-bandr---------[ f t Oakley men's gles club and a square BUH

dance by alxth graders. Qllmor-------------------------- more, J

, ,,, Swan* on EngJand's Thame* river . a r e given frequent shampoo* lo

.7, clean their feathers of oil and bUge waste from ships.

^ OUCH!<3 My feld StomdchI ....

Bert Tm tad He DIdat M m ittett TBM 1, 1 *y^ A roll ofTumi coxi onir ■ dio)«. Bat .nar■*»W1 ii'f "wofih id w«c«bl in fold" wbtti ™ , acid lodiReiiion c*ui« cai and pt»«.i lure pilni. Tuffli n tu ir^ iit tiomacli

•ournttt almoii b«for« It tiani—with. Rs' ou( ri>k of acid nbound. Tliir concain see

r * S ta I l t i^ 6M ^dtili“ T S « ^ ^'• 0 0 a

oc wfa«a ot<r.lodalt*oc« ia eailag, teiokiaa ot driokioc bcingt add 4it-

ilRlSSJ;_V !

Yew rooft>*ifOOtio’.litH».)tandqli tttn.'! hffi hifw |i',..i*i,tp^iji.iVai’>Ua.«o— fwluiurious itaening cortfa<l.«vr.tnowa.Hfli.6.37,jljj; T S in f iT rT S f r tV S i^ p w W «bio llf .H I.V * lr«® )• rtui fomovi SitiHnoni m oitsrpltM todoyl

_____________________ ' MOND

A u t o l J

s.."f ;'.r= & ; HKOats. _ Mr*. Ndsjn

llsiul SiSSLSSikH•hlnes, " S J i e a i te n d td ^ l^ ^ ^ H

“ a!

a c r S A b h a ^ h e W w 5 ? ^ ^ |n.loed ^ i n P a i i j S ' l ^ ™aa ahe the A m eH cao^fc lS ^'lBAcUng ' Her' husbiM \ ^ ^ Hmak- death Feb. is,

ng of turvived by fire

; ft; L 'S 'S 'S A *

P anx* Jljhar. S e a t^

mortuary^c l ^ ^ , ^ , ^ Bh Mc-Ooch- . " In BWne

“<iuare 1(_p Bs river wcreijcTto

™*» Is beyond { ttalT T tu^l‘*whn ^ ifplice It

^ _ s « u s . h e V ; . J

coMFiET* n o a « B• ila ^ * 08ED U U l l i H

il[—l i | H S T /llV O /liH


Page 3: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

■ T , >“ 2

■ , Shoshone

I'TA-a.s'" ■ iii w B■ w p

• f s S S S ' j E T

gSc2.v«ntlonlnSpr|n8-*°!Sl)nt pnytf «•« *■''«“ ^ H P r -

Rlchirtion. B u r . | ^ K . .


dctoliontl service RiT. Martin Dor>

' ~ of the ciwfch In Amerl- JS ^ T V u o I f tr td h y th e ‘ .;^Wh»in,ll»iuen..Xh«> -f a M H a a gT u n Lfslio C. A. Slnugh- Arr*nrtm.

S u i t sVrlnw ndent, . m » r . t J*2L 1L uii iiwriioon ses- : •ppe*r*ne( iM.«i------ --------------m t u r s h mHUfi AmbjMidors vesper ------------------

Grar^ ix i r«*nUy returned. 0A6TLEFO

ford Orange en ita uid M orew . tj,e oreng — me ^ WM the wlnniS.. tt ifie f»« 0' copmu- 1 “M mth u «»lrt wnong J ^ * n , in Germany. He‘ SefltBCo "hll« nyloB ^ ---------- -

of «pendlns tour ^ Ihe Iron'eurtnln; ' - .-

|n a b ( Berrle* ' ' ^^ .ii ii\r ihf evening serv- ^ ■ — ——— , ltd br \

jnprooiutlve' \ CitofT ol the local'churcb •i (,-ibe pistor. thfi Rev. . .SuUtf, »nd tho Rev. M r. ....V • .• • .> C tr.pieihe dedication eere-

wSbtn were B'ven d u r ln iWbytltfRev.K.B.Wam-the EhUlee trio. Tlie Bev,u*oa Jerome, pUyed » ~ W ^ .;*«lo, tceompanled by M rs. 4 S j / w q

«T. DoujiM E. -eniacr, f tB a ff iiw F liTC the evening mcsssge.

I the A n em bly of Ood ■;■••• .V / 'i ’.’I IT* the second fattest ‘ ' jA A «a im ln ttlm jH ihejrorld^

{i t!wIfor the next three years Is A j l l i - B addlUonal church ft day.

i'oiirth GaU ■ -MXE, April 14-Tlie Bhp- RD f I Snileer lUc dcpaclmcrit ^ . 8nj fMfOTinhcalut the weefc

1 a girage be h ind 'the

taming leaves from an a l- \He* Into the garage a n d /

tomlnj there. I t was ex- Ed before any damage re> 1

BOODMKiMEET---------------tS ^prll. l«-U<inb«r»..ot. -W Woodmtn met W cdnes- U _ ..:ni 01 the Woodman hoU.

m rted on leathcrcrafu

s j

p l h = —

H i P H • RADIO- - - - - ~

.iT M «n .

■ S i ^ B l W

^ ■ . v I w | n


K ‘s i ^ : ' g a _ , -

^KLUAhlCEC— . 3 1 ^

^ A i'rangem en ls Made

& T 1ArrangtmesU htve been eompleled for the famed

appear a t jayce« park on jnne 20 and 21. II nili the 1 appearance for the clrctu wlileh appeartd U tl year B3tt4r-Shnil6-ofnaalialia-I«H-WUilBiUi;-preiiaenrof

Grange Meets “Las winner of Ihc

OA6TLEFORD, April I+-C»jt!e- conteit,'ord Orange met Thursday evening Program chain it the Orengc hall. Mrs. Jay Welch Mrs. Brewer nnd VU the winner ot the.rcclpe gather- D. Clark. LTndo


R ^ D O M from oU d»froiili - w ork end ib*m wHh « # e n « n

No<l«frMH'*9 K>doi..«var.


. .IT M «n ........................

. ------- *~ '‘~ f > Q | M E ' ' T c y ~ ' ' '

... ' ^ r . ■ > >

• BUHLG r e e n a w o l t ' s A p i

• BURLEY RbwlanV^Applior

“ r : • s a i J N N T F ^ '^ r

J I i ;G r e e n a w a l t ' s Ap|

.... r ^ ; r ; ^ 7 ; : r r T - r ^

___________ __ TIMES->

ts Made foi- S h rin e Circus

% o K w

t K1 for the famed Shrine eirena to Cowboyi. eompleU I 21. II «11i the tin t Magle Valley are Victor rilflet, leartii U tl year at rocatello and Lee Jordan, Filer, Buirpreiiaent'of ihTWagio v^y"'D a » u r» ite-p T e iiae

ng contest for the O range cook Ornybeal. Karen MMoK and Earl Read waa announced Brewer. Kay RoiIS winner of the local a m n g e essay Moore were on theontest. . -------------

Program chairmen were Mr. and VACATION I.Irs, Brewer nnd Mr, and Mrs. Q, KffTCHUM. ApiX Clarlc. Lfndft Oraybeal. Judy Mra. Eddie Kerchni

^ \-A\w\ \ ^

«m olt dvfrotllng V \ \ w \ 1 a k^H tiaH W IW W I* ^

. . . »( C*WM, _ ^r* (M rkl

^ f [ . iW 1

• HAGEalt's A ppliance Cady

• JEROAh^Applianee— — = ^ M o n

FERRI^"^--------" • KETCI

alt's Appliance Barke

y o c T ^ ¥ i

T I M E S - N E W B, T W I N F A L L S , I D i i

e Circus H ere Ju n e 2 0 ,2

_ = J h

■ ■■" r H i B ^

■owboyi. complete amBiemenli for oie of th e ballpark, re Victor rilflet, Ireuurer for the Sooth Side 8hrin« cl *c Jordan, Filer, presUent of the 8«ulh Side Shrtae^c

raybeal. Karen Moore, Sin. Claude Uon trip to 'Mexico,rewcr. Kay Roger and Karen Valley, b subsUtutlnoorc were on the program. seventh srade lenche

_____________ :— um KhooU during iVACATION IN MEXICO ateence.

KffTCHUM. April It—Mr. nnd -----------ra. Eddie Kerchner are on a vaca- READ TIME3-WEW.


.FREEDOM• W erttnB hw .-SP E E D -E lIC I\ ' RANGE*Ml>olIp<4-weld>!ng...i\ *' \ Sw>ar"Cofo»‘Unll

\ \ \ FREtDOWf i« m o il

\ / f A V j I I 10-l.ar Pral.cHon Policy.

• HAGERMANCady Auto Co.

• JEROME^^w onaw oltV A ppijiaB ce^• KETCHUM---------------------- J heJ><wii<;.Siuy *-OAKLEY

Barker's Appliance


L L S , I D A H O

; 2 0 ,2 1 W e lk e r S

®erator Welker, '

Kolnft to consider the

Hr nr nnt. . .

- rely on

th e Ullpark. Left to rlgnt coutitry.Hde 8hfln« club: WUeman;. -----------------Side Shrine clnb, and Olen READ TIMES-NEWl •emratlnt),--------- ------ > -------

,p to "Mexico. B. Regan, Sun DR. E. J. I la substituting as sixth and OPTOME"

I srade teacher In the Keteh- uT on .r anilo iu during Mrs. Kerchner’a VISUAL ANj;, .. . , —Phon# 3’---------- ----------------- 133 Main East - (TIMES-NEWS WANT AP 6 . V.

BOW>«.wokhIng...m.al»* whlia you f* awoy. V * ">«r’ Cirtj«-Unlr6aM- - ' V ------------- ----- -------------

I t t f r e m o l lh o lw e r tw

rolecHon Polley. I ^ f e |t f

^ U LM errill's Fooi

innr^ • PICABO ^

• R U P ^ T

eT^““ ‘ Cowell'rElee

[ . . I F I T ' S ^ ^ t i l

e lk e r Says Shpsh'one.Gr; •ponle C an ’t Has Liar CC U p i C V ^ d U I SHOSHONE, April

•% • conieji *as staged for tT M y T n rlfc e ^IXSS\ '.S' i'u'?™mniccs tnem. WstanLs wer# Frits 1a statement blistering Dsen- McWlllli, Paul Danci

teiiUal nomination, Welker de- Mrs. Kennedy attend* l_ tho general had ."rcvtrseil « n e c f «falnti>t—»eh»altitude he took In January nounced a decision t ....!!l ..?u !! i.!'f . ..?!.'?*------—..^■■1_..„___rtL-dilYt_tii_ttiOLJice.. Is-hard . to ^ i le v c .’. welkcr htw .untU after..the p " that the Republican party ts «nwtlon. I t wa.i decK

: to consider the nomination of The group decided in whose views on all public lynches to Wood River % arc voRue and uncertain nnd rcntly lilccly to be changed ELECTED s e c r i r pressure at any moment," BHOSHONE, AprilllkCP.adried that It would not Schuppenles, daughter ! so tniich dlffcfincc-^hether- -Mrs-Robart-SchuBKnl ilHiw«-i-ftUl«HlilB-vl«w*-«n-j^ hm been namcd-eeerrti

nr nnL . . . brs ause lt_ls Uy hrfn ufnm^p> rtnrmi to sec how the people could stale College, Pocalellc

on hl.< Blatemenl.i even U he —-■5 them."

•enhower ha.? asked to be re* v n a i id as supreme commander cf I K A I Ih Atlantic forces In Europe ‘

1 « „ ,u m U, 1«U : - H I T C J '

-------------------------- ‘ All Kinds and ilseD TIMES-NEWS WANT AD6. led by men that I

— - -aod know tha lyp'

)R. E.J. h i c k s ]OPTOMETRIST a U r t l

VISUAL ANALYSia TRAILER-Phon# 3833- “ - - *S1 « th -4m -W i-

13 Main East - Qrouad neo r

/ / / , - Spring's lolhaoir—ond fraadom, loo, H< Fr«»do<nG>(>«v«rb«fof»fro*iallH»a a« old-Hm* dfudgaiy 9* ^

^ ■ 1 Wt>era?Attti«Wa«ngTBii«r?W aw - ^ , t^ 5 k i'olr.nowotanyoflhaWettlnohowa w

ratonirillitedbalow.Vltilyowrfovtif. e< / \V ■ it* Ilora and you'll. Uam howto and o<

. .^ -----1\.--------virtuoJIyoU»hoi'«»o»fiy-.*-so*x*.-—U-

"j|Bi'^^~^J'^hold tJior... f<1/ ~ \ \ TV. T«« B.«ma.mh«w . . . w inw aw

« ................ yoii CM i i 'WRE Z 1? n i

la y w o * >,1Hi th. loundroowi.fle W SJ»n rrMdom (rem w.aA.r.wi« ,*cW eaortiM D ry.f. - - - l

^ W01I..A*

. •$!■ ill's Food Store S|

BOifriarBrPSi::;- — .



— ........- .......—

. p a g s t

9ne Grange Visitors fe p i y a r Contest «SS 2ShS iiii

fiS.SSSS'.lSrogram hour a l Maglo Mr. arid M n. 01«n Jolday hlBfir^---------------- p iiiiimtji. u m t.I Moore and Mra Arnold ing his parents, i ^ . aSZ:idgw,.rendered a decision Johnwn. and othetitelaUId all entrants were pre- Richfield eoUeee itudila y su c k e n b y ilrs .E a t l f o ? £ i£ ? . v tc s^ w - ta S

'er# Frits Moore, Earl Idaho 8lat« eolW a r n P ^ n ^ and -u S ^

inrty attenried the county

I decision to present a C h & i m i & n

S £ h£SE A mIa the wea will IWt.ha, im rO eneer-eoeU tydr^

i p ’d’S l d r t T s e l l ««n# Mahoney and Walter Ar W ^ _ l^ e r orange.

CTED SECRETART „ ; .3NE, April n - Jean f r o m l o x a t i v e e

ALL-BSAif Is the na tun , _______ cereal th a t m a7 help y.

TRAILER r S V M 't . ’: HITCHES- M pffi'Sf'iiSInds and tises lasta!- need. High In cerey men that builV IraiiSa ' J ? ? ' ‘

C / N B C n f P Atl-SKAir th a t I t you'rtS O P C R S Pletelu Mtiafled after

S.”?«TSS.?. m.£th - im -W . r tu m ia i - J Don»Li T om mokit b

sm,'loa. Howtolof*«»defre«imbOli>#rfof* —I all lha a».r. How to leod through woUrvg oHl e* it^-weldi tpaad. How ta gat rid

'^gor^ge.'.Iw nbhw oJtdByw oaf

ighouia MMig.Howto da a far batter 1<A rfovtir. ofo1ihouMwerk...etalkyfraeHen to and of lha rime, tanpar and grinding weH(

.M M ^ .- - - - l l^ y »a ^ ^ •

fotrtodoy. , ‘ •

. . WiniHflHOUH ntroio o w ■ .. Itaty Wwk

j M : . i i i i H i \ \ & t i i i ^ i o u s e ; “

'shys' -'!^i w r t T ^ non thon « v «

■ dWtwodNr.

• S H O S H O ^Show EleUric

M & YElM trie

LD, April m Fisher,rtslUnr ber lw D U u iy .a M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H irlcb, and M ^ O to

w u T iir . B u a .B l j l . '< l i ^ | t ^ ^ ^ ^ H Rd other relattTea.-^H^3fetg^^ ^ J

eoU^e studmU^ h o i i ^ ^ ^ ^ M

iry Ida Lemmon and ho 8 u t« ooOes#;TOh a n d -l«oD .H u& sn lttv .;a i^^ ^ ^ |Ti! l aUjU.' “ ■ ,»WT^

ng assisted by Mr*. and Walter Amende.

e Y q i t r s e l f | H |

' i j ^ i Of e rtw , tMsSrA L L -B iX R vtem usuua" ' y S n H )rlnk plenty of liquids.- / 4 i l f l i Is the na tu ra l lauUTO I

a t m a7 help yoa back to l i | w H rtsu larity , lo st becauss In H H H if bulk in your diet. I t 's » i Wtype Tf*^y-ffii rafr ......J.uQ|BBIiplfes aU-the~bulk- rou- I. High In cereal p r o t ^-on. grovlde^eM rotial B -

; l a ^ B i m * '^ ^ U k a | | h I Ith a t If you'ra oo t com-

ia(is/led after 10 days, p (r carton to S tH o t t t ,3 reek . M lcb .. t a d f o l ___rom M oxR BAal



n d lth w a ih lR fl

Page 4: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^


l l■^■w Caut*4 u tMcnd <lu* Bill mktUt Apr!g M L —jtflgJj-Tw** a»<" Ui« ««t c| | H [ > ■UB8O IPT I0N~iiXTIM M ' n r c in m -rA T A B L K m .

I ^m i • »T U» rwj „..• „—,—

IB ffl *!1! 1^ . *”M -- -o fa w llU^'tfTM w r

f |M T = = ^ilM STILL A HORSE R, ■ U j-------- S e n a to r T a f t^ -p r lm a r y -3 'lc

ffij tu rn to h la c a m p a ig n f o r th e R«R t j Id en tla l n o m in a tio n .[ i ^ I t la n o t p ro p e r to d e sc rib e tljSjJIl b a d e" fo r th e a e n a to r . a lnceI I ,* n e v er been a n y p la c e to com e R : '■ "b e a u re . a gdo<i'»nany self-styl« U ’ p e r ts b e g an b u ry in g T a f t Im a K k th e New H am p sh ire a n d M lnm W I— D y a s O T t i l E is e n i io w e r r B u r tJ H I ilo n a la w ere n o t a m o n g th e m . f l | I As th e p ro fe sa lo n a ls sa w It. B i l l slow ed a n d th e n te m p o ra r ily 1 w ill h a d b e e n a q u l t« f i t « a d y a d v a n c ■ I I th e m o m e n t h e s t a r t e d corra: W | prom ises la s t y e a r . B u t n o n e ol M l s tr e n g th h a d f a l l e n aw ay .K ■ H e w as, how ever, th e n In t:M j bATlng to d e liv e r r e a l evidence H | • to w in a p r im a ry c o n te s t . A fa llB i s t r a te th is w ou ld h a v e added■ t ] E iB enhow yrT iriV 0- t t n d - d e f l n lH i T a f t ’s back log o f s t r e n g th .M | T h u ^ o n ~ t t i t r 'e v e o f t h e \1 ^ ' N eb raska p r im a rie s , T a f t w asijy[ c ro ssroads. H e h a d to w in a n d v

ly to avo id a llp p ln g d o w n h ill. Tl ■ H , so because th e s e n a to r hlm sc l | | | W laconsln th e k e y to h is p rim H j l a n d h is a ides h a d s a id h e w as ■UL-.w ould n o t tr iu m p h th e re . m i ' T a f t d id w in , c a p tu r in g t B j n u m b e r of c o n v en tio n delegate ■ | i l h im —24 o u t o f a DoaslHle aO rF tn i ! ' ■ “ o u td is ta n c e d - h la - n e a r e s t ri^ M i W arre n o f C a lifo rn ia , b y c lo se 1 W t I n a dd ition , T a f t g o t a plec S py- - from -N ebraalca. w h e re h e de fe a

^ B j -w rlte*ln c o n te s t I n s p ir e d b y . H M in n eso ta p e rfo rm a n c e . . ■ U — T heiw jam e^U s-fim ash tnB -vic tn ------ T o d e le^ te 5 ,"p ro sp ec tlv e -d e lif f l l j so rte d p ro fe ss io n a ls e i th e r in 'i

.. : t r e n d ln s . 't h a t . .w ay ,. th U - .tr l] m Ii: e x tre m e ly .h e a r te n in g . I t eno iP iL - .B h rug .o ff th e o ld d o u b U abou l p ] ' ‘ A bility to w in. I n s ta t e s 'w i th

In g c o n v e n tlo n s .Ju s t a h e a d , r ■ » , w ill now be c o m m itte d to T a B l l ,^&Te been w ith .’a n o th e r outcoi ^ U ] s in a n d N ebraska.■ B u t none of th is m e a n s the ^ H ] In h is tu rn , is n o w fa d in g , 'a i M ^ - r e r r w j i F T ^ g i f f f l

W isconsin re su l t w as n o t a d■ since h e w as n o t a c a n d id a te t l B l I t Is t ru e th e W a r re n dele

them se lves io su p p o r t Ik e If i B l . C a lifo rn ia gov ern o r i s . o u l o f■ . 'th a t H arold S ta s se n o f fe re d to n of a n y de lega tes h e w on . Bu B H r c a lcu la te w h a t th e - e f f e c t of t ■ n -■wtts:on‘ th e ;V b te ts di^ 'W iaconsli jvffl .sa y e i th e r d e fe a te d m a n rcp res

. jj.eoD le_m s|4|-/ solace, too, fro m th e f a c t t h a t

8 t »H W P=W M T«Fyot6FwaHflppf ;iough ly in th e sa m e , c a te g o ry h o w v o te , 'to ta le a n io rft t h a n 1

■ H t----^hft!V-5ftfVfl-V0te;----------- ------------H i t I n o th e r w ords, T a f t w as n o t ' H i m a jo r ity o f th o se w h o vo te d In n l - n a ry . Blnce p a r ty c ro sso v e rs a i W U - -consln , qu it* a f e w -D e m o c ra n | J o in e d th is o p po sition . Y e t a

■nro-hrrar-Vn’twH I T a f t vo tes was n o t R epub lfcan .BU vic tory th e re a n d in N ebra:n B tan tlal. I t sh o u ld c o n v in ce tl H I . see a boom o r a b u s t in everyH | l t h a t thlQ Is a h o rse r a c e . TsH i com es In New J e rs e y a n d P e n n s^ E j E isenhow er s ta n d s in - w e l l . -■ | T be. tw o m a jo r c a n d id a te s I BBL n ^ t u n i now. A n d t h e c ru c ia ly ? I one o r ttie o th e r h a s n o t y e t be

f e . . . . ' . INTERESTING EX.H i ___ Pqgslthe bipartisan .'Hoover■ } re p o r t ac tu a lly m e a n a n y im p o r H — tagB -ln -* h « -o p effttln g -« M t a -o f H I Som e sa y “No.” I n f a c t t h e r e - B l a b le d eb ate on th e s u b je c t a f t H i o f th e budge t is su e d a s ta te m e r 191 t h a t th e b i^ g e t b u r e a u s t a f f co n i j ; - ' sav ings of a b o u t $26,000,000 a U L recom m endations o f th e Hoove HU M any b u re a u c ra ts a n d leg ls la 1^::' th is s ta te m e n t a s a n ex cu se foi

H oover r e p o r t m e a su re s . Q u ite veloped, fo r a w h ile , u n t i l a lett< e r-P r« 3 ld e a t 3 e r b e r ^ J ^ v e r - -

l ^ v e r 's ' l e t t e r e s t im a te d p o te n i I n ^ . o f ove r $5,000,000,000 a yi

— oUUsn* o o m m lttee-study -detftU i

fro m th e w p o rt . ! « t c r t h a t the down.

Xpli&ftfiilly tiiu tiudaC t b u im u ed very h a rd , an v w a v . J u s t a f t I ts gloom y fSB.OOO.OOO e s t im a te c g o vernm en t ag en c y a lo n e rep<

- oom m lsslon s a v l^ M o r $eo,O0O,Oi — o p t t ^ ^ n s .4 1 i i s - i r o t - t o e ^ w e r $

■ TwinUtraMont wh le li c u ipblneg*1 ^ .^ eo c m - to s tr e a m lin e fede ra l ■ ' . i t o ^ e , ' r e c o r d s m a n a g e m e n t

r ! to ^ ^ M S d*Ad m ln l« tra to r Jesi

^ jW S q p g t t o y i d eveh tu> ta~ w ig i l i


•>. ■ W M H IK O IO N -fan to Ui«»ttctW 4wli«.ini. Uon to Amerle»n pcption“ WT*i -’- —------------------ noMlc »na t r ^ « cATABLK IN ADVAKCl <tu»tloned by mi3----------------------------------1 I.M dU tnut the BUlln r

I . . - --------- -- *;« thele«s, they fe u th------ ■ _ - 'Uie «e«t «ml eMt UfABLlt W AllViWCl

• « « ___ ■■■ ■.■ Ill,, — ............... _ l LTt g |M |g i | | |^ c g g j...............— a B ^ p B l | B . i e■I — ■ II .1— B H B p S t i l l - p r

--------------■■■ — '! *■**- iu.......... .. .........!. : - a h K | B M W


I l o i th e B iliu m ic a n t u e j ltouring American ed

de sc rib e th is a s a "co m e - , S “ t they raned n to r , a lnce h e r e a l ly h a d;e to com e ba ck i to m r T o - m a teiiing sgenu-iy s e lf -s ty le d poU tlcal e x - wveral hunflnd mil : T a f t im m ed ia te ly a f t e ra n d M l^ e s o t a ^ o M n g a » of e^ ty e r ; Bu t t h e r e a l p ro fe s -- -H Uiiif t n a -ngr » mio n g th e m . ho t Korean conflict..I s .a w K. T a l l wa» l lr« l " ' . S S 'n p o ra r lly h a lte d In w h a t might pave the way,Ldy a d v an c e fo r h im f ro m aUndlna on ideoloRit r te d c o rra l ln g d e leg a tes ’J u t n o n e o f h is very so lid tr»d6 m iyprei aw ay .th e n in th e position o f

Bl ev idence of h ts abU ityite s t. A fo liu re to d e m o n - jrom attending .th e ;lave a d d e d pa ce to t h e inviution* were Uiu«

■ength. ___ _ H iie r iu a d e d lh_e to f th e W isconsin a n d ' inerco of

T a f t ' w as a t a gen u in e) w in a n d w in h a n d so m e- S d S w a i m d ^ I t olow nhlll. T h is w as doub ly .pired the warning,a to r h im s e lf h a d c a lle d in view of the faei0 h i s p r im a ry cam pa ign ,Lid h e w as f in ish e d if h e 'to“ a S ? . «;h e re . .. _____ forced i t in hi* puUliip tu r ln g th e m a x im u m „ , . - n .T i r _ n d r t i >n d c l .B . t t a c la lm ea lo rs lb le 3 0 :F u r th e rm o re , h e -cantroTeny.oi iimiii ic a re s t r iv a l , •O frvem or the tjueauon o t ^ 'd u„ b y c lo se to 85,000 vo tes. ; S S ! K ‘of^5.e%‘Sg o t a p le a s a n t w in d fa ll a» recenUy related■e h e d e fe a ted E lsenhow - radical group, intpln

n e e . . United Btatw Invarli■tfn ins-v lc to ry -ln-IUln o ls- ^ Thri rmpiow r^ rtHi

e S ln '‘'O T t ? c m p “ t J S S t i i f h’“ r ath ls - . tn p l t-V lc U iry .- la . •too-*rUeIe..He a m

ig . I t e n a b le s th e m to saries to the id o 'i lUbU a b o u t . th e se n a to r:* . *yn»P»ihy toward -Ea te s ’ w ith de leg a te-p lc k - d is a p p o in t e d -t a h e a d , m o re de lega tes *nd »ince ho then »;te d to T a f t th a n w ou ld board of director*. h«t h e r ou tc o m e 1„ W U .o n - J

. . . d lm to n tha t the Cm e a n s t h a t E lsenhow er, comply with the govifa d in g , 'a n y m ore th a n name an eltaUsary at

ib u s iy -b e T b rt-sp fin T T h ft- is n o t a d e fe a t fo r Ike ,a n d ld a te th e re . Mcconnicic aaid. in ea r r e n d e leg a tes p ledged "We would cut off•rt Ik e If a n d w hen th e u^e mo. r o r one thii s - o u t .o f th e . r a c e , . a n d . Jfaveo f fe re d to a llo t Ike h a lf day the trend may ct! w on . B u t no one c an .e f fe c t of th e s e p rom ises p b o p a o a n d a —

n a n re p re se n te a ikc . trade «onferenc«, «iu B .eoD le_m fty .J6lie rfl0m e- .make.readmonal.eon

f a c t t h a t th e com bined staiin . of course..Fw nw iP pf«s«nau iF iSH »=1 c a te g o ry n s th e E lse n - bulleu instead of go< orft t h a n 110,000"g re a le r countriesi tha t charg--------------------- '---------------------MHHJfonounoementaHt t w as n o t th e cholcc o f a “ O10 vo te d In th e OOP p r l- . , , , v i tT r r , o ssovers a re easy In W ls- V I E W S ^-D e m o c ra ts -e o u ld h a v e -----------------------u q ho n . Y e t a g a in , th e re Is i t cosU a lot to k< B :how :m toa i:o f.-thR :gntls: zB ato t3H tigndc»l(tt ;epubircan . I n 8u m ,-T aft's J . l ? .y®!"in N eb rask a was su b - broadcMtli* system

:o n v ln c e th e people w ho Yet. even w . the 't in every p rim a ry re su l t cent of tu programse ra c e . T a f t 's n e x t te s t *«!“a n d P enn sy lv a n ia , w here w id » t a ^ t e n Cn -w e ll. - claim 1» borne oulin d ld a te s b o th have m o - a tu c iu against the A e c ru c ia l aw ing tow ardn o t y e t b e e n m ade. noisy and menSactou

------------ :---------- the most baclcwartl ceT IN G EXAMPLE . diversion must be atin .^ jo o v e r :c o m m l« lo a ’B.a n y im p o r ta n t cash s a v - s u tw general recem

ig c o s ts o f goven tm en t?" -wldaly uaart by Uiai ac t: th e re w as ;conslde r- ISf*^lu b je c t a f t e r th e b u rea u fi S ta te m e n t a n n p u n c ln g ..•■vin m uit.atart.h ] au s t a f f cou ld only tra c e ' mu»t employ erery 8,000,000 a y e a r to th e ihe »nfldence and lo th e H oover c o m m to lo n . S S U a n d le g is la to rs seized o n w e emphaucaiiy r ex cu se fo r n o t p u sh in g ^ar removed from Ui

r e s . Q u ite a d eb ate d e - t™th," t b bring iii m tu a le t te r from fo rm - S ^ e i^ a n w w « n d i

I te d p o te n t ia l t o u i eav - JO.OOO a y e a r I t a ll th et t .a a i a r .c o m p tn l f r t .b M -----------— . bom ^udy 'de tA liing-fiav ings.o f- — Ctov..Jr.J}i:ackenJi YffHY nlr^a>]Y r fjlHitfny »d^ce to Idaho Rep

■s t h a f t h . deD a t, d ied S . ™ K ; r i “ i 'd - “ •We have too many

K tt buH ftiM M idn't InnVi .* h o luxi want u> win J u s t a few davs a f t e r m ust sdll m alnU ffn

e s t im a te cam e ou t, o n e v„ j . . . . _a lo n e re p o r te d H oover u i l p J r t 'a jiJli t $60,000,000 In I t s ow n -a flght-4or the c a ^ e th e ^ e n e r a l - w r v lc e f i d -

la g e m e n t a n d b u ild ing -Don't get so wrap ' th a t If you see he 1

J O K E R ’S N A T I O N A L F

VHIRLIGIG^BHINQION-Secretary Dean Acheaon'i objec- Cto American partldpaUon In the current eco- »

;c ana trad* conference a t Moaeow ha» baenUoned by~m iay-lndu«rtali»te-w ho-J>aU _*ad- ._ u st the BUlln regUne as much as he doe*. Metar.■.la, they fear this widening of tha aby»* between ^WM ytd^^M^t^ls iho^t.slgh^^ W

M jB lB iB H dlKUHlng a pOMlble awhange of Thi

B M H P '* ^ W " T i o t e - t h a t th e '-B rifiH n n if ^ 1W t ; y C T pret«h-h«rtn>ent-reprwent»tlree-fe^ B E ? '' ' > -'.w listen to -tn#“ MB*coTite'propo*«l*.- “ f g B B M U which envisage huge purchases of age R B w ' .R B finlihed articles from the so>c*Jled eno B P a K C la l capltalUtlc countnea, VB B ^ S B■ M B S AOETTTS—Both 10 Downlncjitifet or iB B ^ B i and the Qual d'Orsay place no more peoB E ^ ^ B (tiui In the Kremlin's dlplomaUe or abo^ ^ ^ W j M U t l e a LpromUei.than Washington Xrlet*r Tiekrt don, ChurchlU »ay» he see* tjo .r tti^ parf g n rn c B ^ -riC T 'CPtifertncc of-U sp-lm l-a tetet- cau, aa etaUn vaguely suggested In his telegram to oddng American editors, to i,t they raised no objection* when some of their whinst manufacturers expreseed a dealre to talk Aie>* with the reds, who have b««oma the buying a iselling agents-for-an area with a populatton-of dldi•al hundred million prospeetlT* customer*.- : - —

lADE-^U U true, an Acheaon noUs privately, that 1 revival ot east-w«t commerce would strengthen If a n a -n tr » t<iiim m the “cold-war"-and tn the De« fCortan conflict. ^t the buslnesj community, or a large pari ef it. In* estA somewhat timidly tha t trade agreements dou t pave the way for a more far-reaching under* •' Una on ideological lisues. . .oy recall the old ssylng, although they reverse It. 1“ J' •'trade ’foUows the flag." In thla Insiance, they best ; trade may precede.

• • • .- * rt iTCOTT—Secretary Xcheson oouJd nol p r m n l »»;1 lean repretentauves ot Oeneral Motora, Oeneral Qu>t rle. intemaUonal Harvester and tha du PonU «oui attending .the Moscow meeUnga. The Kremlin's lu>e

itlons were Issued to Individual tlrma rather thanivenuaeots. But-ba-esUhllshwl an liffectlro-boy--------tty Indirection. 'ijersuaded the dlrecUn* of the Chamber of Com* A f i f aUtement dabii l ' panieipm on py Amp ici n - nn n r. A ltterajjr »** MedJy a lecrtt. It became known throughout th*>trlal and buslneu community tb a t ha bad in* > i the warning. » »view of the fact tha t moil of these corporatloiu bpon (he United SUt«« govenunent as their bail mer* during ibe rearmament period, none failed m«. :»d Acheson'a caveat, especially aa ha later rels> rou d 11 In his public sUtemenU. W*tumlEOATE-Oddly enough, the Chamber of Oom- 9 followed an entirely dU fertnl proeedura In a oTcrrr nf similar nature. ThU dispute Involved wor uejUoh“ 6flfe'diJiran-emp ~ tins of the lotemaUonal Latrar OrganluUon, a diary of the United NaUons. recently related here, this body ts an extremely al group. Inspired by representatlvea from

a'TwSiifmwdaUon*' i r a u i i ' lo" o»Ir''ic4h6fflle-*j*r Tha Ubor and government delegat** from tb* “ jn rd Btates Invariably support these ideas.< fmplny^r rfdfj.li.. CTfirlM P. MgCormlflc nf ^amoua-splce.corporaUon, has fought-th<*a-lLO mnts. Ih fact, he was so disgusted with the pro- ngs th a t ha recently wrote a denunciatory maga- arUcle. .He aasalled the labor-govemment emb*. ...I to the IDO's Geneva Cbnferences for their athy toward "Buropean socialism."

• • • • Dfft3APP0INTED-IA View of McCoRnlck's criUclsm. Al tlnce he then waa a member of the chamber’s I of director*, he wa* asked to appear before that after the Kfil session a t Oeneva. Hs was counted I aupply data to support tbe demand of several ^ tor* tha t the Chamber of Commerce refuse to Ti ly with the government's annual request that U ■'O” 1 an eftalssary a t ILO meeUngs. , S'!*'eonnlck-dlsap;wlnt«d-themrintVBiwlne-thci»m* ^ nenU-voleed'by mmy-lndiAtrlilista against'aV ' traUon boycott ot the trade- taJka a t Moscow, has irmlck aald. In effect: othee would cut off our own noae by pulling out of “ CX). r o r one thlngl having n n agent there keeps rormed. We know what la gdlng on. and why. Wa J"** * vote 'and a voice In opposition. MoreoTfr. some he trend may change, and we can help It along,"

OPAOANDA — The director* voted to string.-&lmUar)y,-many-lndU9trlal-leader*- think th a t........rnlttd sutes rtieuia-hiva-attended’ lbe-MMcaw conference, eltbar to caU the reda' bluff or to

fnr an gT^t,'iln. of course, has already used the Acheson

ins have declarad tha t the u r s rp re fe rs to swap s Instead of goods. An\on{ aatelllte.^nd nrutiRl _ rles; tha t charge'tehds to offset Thunan-Ache- ronounoemento-UuiV^r only rearCTamenl-atm-tf- = nal defense and the preservation of world peace.

; E W S O F O T H E R S 1------------ IIGHT, NOT POISON ' ™cosU a lot to keep truth out of a country, m t t3H>iiiinJtj*ltl;ta;l?e;AiKflill[if. t tnwBtTut~iin[tu.uii . - i . la-to Jam Voice of America broadcasU as the >!d Bute* U spending on lU-whole worldwideIcm UA* system. ------------ - . — • -t. even so. the Voice It getUng through-30 per of Its programs to Moscow and Leningrad, ae- ng to one estimate, and aa high a* 78 per cant >me other areas. U rge number* of people are i?,* to be listening in 'satellite countries, and that 1 Is borne oul by the violence of the official ks against the broadcasU. President Blerut of id Is quoted as saying; w,le r»ai0-pr0ptj*nda-0f-|he-lmperlaIlst,'thoughand mendacious to Uie point of Idiocy, doe* reach 5“

lost backward celts of our organism, m is criminal fjlon must be stamped out." t ;'”U aald tha t tbU tnbule-ln-revert« will receive t.,!!-*p«!l0H*-*uppcrt-fr0m -the dl*r»:-of-:*;IJrtte4 ; “ - 9 general recenUy stolen by' tbe reds and being PcI- —^ fffr FntracanTla ru rrmocii. In to-amenUble document.tb# general, to addlUon to piekg for Immediate war against the communists, axle

L n n ^ V K.U . . w , ^employ every subversive device to uhdemilne H«

>nfldeoce and loyalty ot Bovlet subjects for their bl(ese. . . Anything, truth or falsehood, to poboa th* begl]hta of the populaUon." reapeJnphaUcally reject thla phllosophy-whlch Is Corr

:moved from (be Voice of America's "campaign harv th," To bring IlghU not polaon. lo enslave mindse the only motive and method of a successful Dc

So *

be assured that what they. *re hearing Is Uie —Christian Science Monitor..'

. . J ^ u c k a i . U t . of.Utaft. JlfEted.soma.wund--------' to Idaho Republican* In the keynote sptech rpaiiyff '*ut« 'T »tlveniion‘ «i’T(!a}»’ V*rij--bSt vlll have to dfclde for themnelvu what it i.s. have too many people In tbe Republican party *

Jilt want (o win,’’ said Lee. *That'* wrong. We

ling by Lee’a previous decIaratlonaT a “fight for B irty'a aound prlnclplet" pr«b«bly. means to liim t-4or the cai^ldacy of 8«a. Robert A.-Taft, R , *m - t-lj^a.'fltft-.^man ,hlm*»lf^ ■nri-,he_^ap|y«aUy-

3«l*ht-0.-i:i*«nhow ar.^r------- • -----------IK: U t hadn 't flnipbed hU,apeech. Re went on: B I t get 80 wrapfitd up to your own candidate B f you see he Is loirtng you can 't get on the B ;agon of the winner." ■ !frw ew bnu t.-iij nouble 'pgiltlcirspw n r j yhat-

N A L II G« SHOTS^- J > a u _ * a d -______ A M * • be nloe*. Herar* ................ I *Utejm betwMo TO n ts a g u f

whang* of Thin th* Uwught occurred to me h j th*t.

S '!le *o-called enough away to write to. f ij, (

You see. I know w hat It Is to b* _ vm lonely and bored. T h e r t are a lot

m ln ts ttje t or people like me but If we. are nlc* , ice no more people we don't know what to do 3 ^ * plomaUc or about our loneUnesa, Burei w* hav* „ Washington friend* but they don 't like Ms *t a (iu tM.rea>~ party or for an evening oi c^ro* oJ- evel-*t«te*-- m u m -w* are-atone and.make an lelegram to odd number. They d o n t know Vh*t P ^ *

to do irtUi u* and we don't kno* ' n« of their what to do with ourselves. “ “ ire to talk Anyway, 1 hope tho farmer found The eUie buying a nice cotrespondent. You *«, I “ oat.pulaUon-of didn't maU:my le tte r.----- • -T h tmer*.- : - - ------ ..B lan k -. rtUft

(Burley) pUnr ■ p a n ^ c e ; , .

-and tn tha Dear Oent: — timsI've loafed « good many years Uy- „ ^

o a n cf It, In? W ‘ Rujasreemenu dough' without working, yarloitag under- N o ' ^ r ' ’ plane.’ me th* Uiought I was Uie wotld’t■ fever** it. had the wotW’s urnce. toey bcjfcollecUoa of allbU for getUng C h fl

out of work. tiiRiaWhat wlU» Ul* gardening. fUit

d u ^ n U ««rse In how to avoid work. Ihe ^, K m nlln’s line forn^ o" “ le right. ^

i s s s : ________________

er of Oom- A refrigerator U where you piit ' :'aUlem*nt d*bj-of..food on dishes you dBn| t

« ‘iS d to* BTRADDLWO TUE FENCE Dear Potter:

orDOraUon* I""* everythin* ebe. youT« ‘^ • ,I their b « l "O* >“‘<1 “>® exU-emes In drli- none failed ln«. "Silent Driver*’ atarUd It aU otf, u 2 » you may remember, by reporUng

the hom on hla auto had been de- fund tor some months and he’d ” ^

■r of Oom- never even missed It. T hen everyone * ™ edur* to a ‘n . hl» two-bita1« toVolved worth. - ^

future------ mig if P tlver'^ r»present»-on>-ai-5 u U o ^ treme. the crlUca repreaent th*

oUier extreme. T here’* a happy ™ extremely medium. If 'm oat driver* would “ *■'

rom •oclaJ- *Uck to the middle of Uie ro»d - frero rn tlr SS2rnStflVsy'P’ iies3J-:iu mie wouM-have-eatae-te t from tbe complain.^ But a horn Is a h asdy gadgtt taormific nf have on y o « au to , p c u l y l y U ____ _

one. How e ^ ’ w w ld you" e w grt ' ' lory maga- «rvlce a t m « e drlveUu?nent emb-. ... ____ . . . ^ “ “.W alto

for Uielr d q e sN T BELIEVE ITDear Pola;

acrlUclsm. reading a ll th e letters Inchamber’s years. 1 fancy

ftefore th st >n)’»«lf something of an expert when as counted « co™" W »POtUng tbe ones that of several aren’t quite alncere.

■ refiae to Talw. Just for Instance. Ui* letter lest that U ff®"" •Txinesome" up Holley way.

She's Jusl wrlUng to have tome-f-the miiiB tblng-to do. £ba-U o't.tba-*llgtitcat____i a u S ! bit interested in »-m an wh.Ui*r-Jie J-- kt Moscow, bas a beautiful home or Just an­

other thanty, ling out of ^ "be wanted to propose to * here keeps '« P yea*' »uPP«'Hlyd why We niakes that sort of thing okny. she'd

have done It before now when a ' . - 1 It aloni" <°<irth of leap yd tr U gone.

W holl give odds th a t she bn 't al­to string happily mnrrlcd?

think UiM ............ ...........L .aL Snapldaai.-----------(le-MMcaw , /R upert)

FAMOUS LAST LINE'. e Acheson e a a f t e i r tbe-dnink , ^ , 1, llll,,. drt»*r»-fT»m th* ona* tfylag-ie-Bl**-------

S d n w w a " ““ “ '" ' o k n t l e m a n ik to t ■> S i n S . ----------------FOU RTn-RO W ----------------


- B O H S E r S B E A T E a r —' ^ . . T E T j ^ : _ : z :

» h - n w r Partdoxicai m I t may *e«nln g ^ ae ^ moUvaUng fore* of8 percen t Pfogress. An Englneer’a doubt madeD e^ e are highest building, ttoe longest

and that bridge, the greatest dam, safe. Ahe official Bcbhtlst doubu existing faeu, thenBlerut of proves them eroseoua.

j r th o i , .h -BlU-Irvlna cUmbed to Ul* Preal- t L . ““ 'y o« S- SU el the hard way,

doubting. doubUng tha efficiency of labor reUUon*; tho*e doubU brought

rill rseriM ‘Sorter hour*, grea ter pay. better.l»b(>r_rtKU<«*,. .and in a n ptallt*.......... ..

anil being " por te n ia e * "Buyer Beware-wuuTwetr-te- TO—m om c t~ buim eM r~M iittm i-------iddlUon (o Field (doubled, the-w isdom of that )mmunlsts. axiom and changed I t to '■Customer


uhdemilne Henry Pord d o u b t^ . "Abtomo- for their bUes are for the rich." FTom Ui*

poboQ Ul* beginning of time grain had been reaped by hand: Cyrus . Hall Me-

-w hich Is Cormick, doubted: we have huSe "campaign harvesting machines. - lave mlndasuccesaful Qoubt I* the one attribute, aboi’t

behlnd.Uie »H oUiert, Uiat. stirs static condl.

V i - -

lean pirty "T ha C h a p e U )ir t f tr P t tr k ^ ------------^ n g . We

“fight forns to iiim ^ ■ V V n •TafU .R,

candidate 'on Uie -

c h rir tii i.>*y


— W A S H I N G T O I S I '

i PETEREb X t WAHim«3TON(NEA)—U S-m lll- 1“

tary aircraft prodUeUoa la now over a |r«»

______ lUtemenU t>7 twotop deftnte o f f l - ■ P R B i n H 9 l

ItBSKUf R < ^ e ll L . M j S m | B

tapswer- itcrttarv o f ‘“£ * H Pl'

» «

x - w S S o a ^ wiiveo lar director of th e of- ■ B H L i w B compi, V. flee of d e f e n * * , p « « II. M“ “ “ mobUliaUon. re- CM f*

V * vaaled Uiat production In.Pebniory m W(wa* 60 per ccn t of the planned peak. ~gg

“ ** This would be MO plane* a month.” t t a A fU ie end of 1951 the rate v u

This new production- goal of 800 ow that PUne*-i-month-take4-toto-a«oountj't kno* U>e "stretch-out" of defense rearma-

meot to four years Instead^Jf three. ... _ er found ’Hi* original goal ww 1,260 planes a i **«, I tnoath. J

• - The 900-a-month figure lTDn<in*- comb Jaak ... ih lft producUon-for-all presently- new i urley) pltnned a ircraft manufacturing fn- three

duties. By stepping up operations ^ jj-l ■’ to two or th ree shifts, as In war-

time, p ^ u c t lo n cculd be doubled

:e a little RuMisn aircraft production Is now , . , variously esUmated a t 1,000 to l.BOO

P '* "" » month, or up to double j ' U. a output. One reason given for• «tunJ Russian production U UiBt

the Soviet h as froien lU design and ,, ,, turned to m ass production ot exist-

mi’J ^ tag models—basically the MIO-IS .1^1 • toterceptor. ,1,^^^

,rv -Tvi K Russiansirx. me n lrcra tt- la tef and bet- -n t a..T . ‘er models—under development. But ^ , . 1 whether the Ruuiana would have

.io-*hut-£lo«ii-.th£lr-preacnt..jirodue-- , n it ‘‘on and retool for mass producUon

ou don't .of newer designs b not known.___ „ iu c ,In

'KfTE • eiitient models in.nrder.ta-get new-■.. er and better planes Into' produe- r

, tlon. Thi* puU U, 8, a ir force and n^er*in drli- naval avlaUon a t a disadvantage for It all off present. ^ mil

T h t hopo ta Uiat wlUito •* year, , i u , , de. P * ^ prrsducUoa U reached, j

nd he'd *>■ ^ ■«' present pro- b -«T«r«n* «™m la WM. Uie 0, B. wUl have th* t i ^ l l * »<l»‘nuge of plant* as touch super- I—

lor to the new Russian models as the V a

** ' , h.iJtZ This Is of coUrs* a calculated rbk.1 wniiM If World w w i n should break out ha raid tcmorrow. presejit U. S. aircraft V. I x n tw i. P ^ ^ M on .poH cT .T O ujd ,^ prwen I n J

adgtt to • -

Modern ...Electru

srt when ___:Z Rangesley way.

sU gbltit___________ ___________________________*Ui*r4i* .1................- ....... ........ . . ..

r:: , a r e f ^ny. she'd ^when a ■ .. - !.bn 't al- —— -

pldaaa..................... 1 - 1. I 'ert) B ^ Tb

i . I . a ks ' dmnk B ............... .................... ”

r TOT ^ H

E £ S r

rfore* '

mad*longest ___

then ”

• Preal- vd w*y,:lency ofbrought '

------->talll».____ __________ C...__ire- * ulU nU in ------------ ------------------------------------- -------of that

fwtomer '

Mitomo- rom Ul*ad been F o r quick, c o n c tn tr a t td haaf,all Me-It huje th « a fflc ltncy e f th « naw •

c o m e to cooking ta m p ara tu r*

condl. h u g tf i i f la t , c om pac t heatln j:au-tti* — f j,v 1 ^ : . I,, I X . | , _ |i.T l . i f t i l

^ l i l s fo r a ff ic ltn t, tftriH y cookli

^3ZIZZ__ZI^K «p phafy

’ proHT *>*•.


GfOrfOTuJMrT IR EDSON -CJ.S.B111- to

Sane *outpul^b much lower' than JEW tcan now P ^ j j because of greater evange

^ p le x l ty of new plan*-deslgn. ducted H H o n a typical fighter, Uie total the JoK S weUht t^ a y 3

? plane^ Maxlmiun power t^ a y U

ig tin it an equivalent of 1.S00 horse- M ^ m thrust fo r a World war U pro- E»

p u ^ f ly n r T i» x a != = = ^ - t= = = := = h A n-W««immn-epWd-of-tod*y'nHaniis

P t j ^ B u-ov«r 000-100 n lle s-an hour a* daughtt & l B compared wIUi 400-KX) to World war uon wlUiM II. Maximum altltudea are over,45.- Miss i

OOO feet today, as against 35,000 feet HanseiPebniary m World war IL • aU ofned peak, „{ fighter* has risen from a t Balla month, pgooo to »n 8.000 each. - r r j T

In bomber*, the B-17 of World

of *0® u ‘co*t t m . m J I h t ^ e ln ^ B - 4 7 a i-a««ouat bomber weigh*-ISl/lOO. pound*.and .w i.] t ■ r e ^ a - ,3,478.000. H“ *%,

Power of the newer plane ta eight u » planes a greater. Bpeed and bomb load

are two-and-a-half Umes greater. rDn<in*- Combat radius Is double. Yet the rnwo ffesently- ne*. pUn»-operat«* wltb-a crew, of urlng fn- three men, as compared to eight on jperatlons ^ jj-l7. »n7

Tm Ia ElecUonlc gear—radar, roekel-flr- doublcd navigaUon equipment— PuWuh

on Is now Jreatly to complexity, --------.. . . I.M Cost and producUon time on tbe ^hi

*5 5?^ newer aircraft. A typical fighter to o r t0 douwe i j j t 5,5 electrical wires.

« compared to 5^00 now. TTiU gear ‘ 1 i adds J17.000 to Uie cost of Uie fin- .un.d _ ‘Sign and u},.h plane, » J^nk iof While the *tre(«h-out of the de- th.

tense production prograin has re- « . lleved some of Uie shoruges and RuKUiis botucnecks In the aircraft Industry.

n . not all problems have been solved. Tntu b Adm, DeWitt C. Bamsoy, head of I

uld ^ v e ,„g Aircraft Industries assoclaUon. ..produe-- j jy , delivery time on-machine tools roducUon to 18 months. And some

___ crmcsl-matrrlalB a a .a U U -ln - th o rt______progrnm. ,nnnlv. J!#IliJ0“ -nie manpower sho’rUge |ias beenget new- somewhat, by tho stretch-out,produe- there »tlU aren't enough engl-

orce and ^eer* and technical experts, Engl-ntage for „eertog Ume on a new plane U over

a million man-hours, as compared1 .* year, ,bout 43,000 on a typical World reached, n-pisne. '

sent pro- the,end of 1M2, however, AIAhavR t.hn 'dl super-els as the Vacuum C U anara Serviced

— MKt-fapalrXt-T*!! Makfi ----

ireak outaircraft V. L. MILES, S « Mato Ate. East

1 P « « ? . to Pumiture Mart-Ph.~ 8400

f e r n / '

<itric - - ‘

________________A^O S ta n d Q l^

r T i i 7 r r 5 ^ | --------------------------------

tn trated haaf, Hiere'g nothing Ilka Accurai)f th a naw alaetrk ranget. FmkIi from u

I tamparature faitar, Pani and pets and calmpact hasting alemanN, Ihui con- ;■ J o n » - -M lhat *11- 1 It geei into 'tlft (n 'au rf

thrifty cooking. speed ]


________M ak » Jt a Habit *h»Keep fUMr W t^re lw*-pl«‘a. • . to d ay l,

_ t o i L . t g - Hr»HT«aeT HW. _____________-•Uetrleil tf**l«f fer fuM plvfi *f Ih* p r e ^ tix*.

i _____ ._________________, ' M QNI

predlcttf'the O. B. aircraft todujtn I "

M0.01W M pl^e*!’” ^ * * M m jir e a

j ; — : --------- T ”. 'S e rv ice 's S e t

ban JEROME, AprU 14 — Special ater evangelbtle *errtoe* will U con. in th ^ ,

ducted Tuesday through Sunday in smi* o a t*l the Jerome Revival center by P. e., M Bay. NOTICI

Vie. ■ '■■ ---------------- ■ •/.!? f '*pro- EMPLOYED IN SALT LAKE >4lj i;'

me*- y ran t Johnaon ,announee-tbal-tbeir'• »» daughter, Doei*, haa accepted a pflAi; ,W‘o.war uon with Uie FB I a t Ball Lake City,U.- Mlsa Johnson, a » S t graduate of s«ithfeel Hansen high achool, also Is a gradu.

• aU of Hennager's Business cotleee rom a t Balt l ^ e Clly. t. |„ ' i

oria LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENTS"-----------«6'Tie» TO BI5DW----------------

“. 3 . . a ■ - & »

Ight Mm I IffTlh* Idaho flUUTnb«fCTlt,i,

i s ’- r U . f f s S S r . s i . s . - . - i ™

* “ S ' " - “ • ? '■ « .S i .S 'S f f i A...,

n t - ..................... .

" J^TiS u ’’wilk'J. iei»iid! U Ui»*eitdlterit -Esi :siiLr.£r:SSs«£Sj[r-ved. Trni BslMln*. la tb* Cltr and Cociitf of TO S

______ - -ome W)BA C. WII.KS WU „. AdmlnUlrmlrli ot th* X>Ut* rfh o r t -----------U- Wllk,, ........ ............___ P»b.i M.rch 11: April T. U, i l. Jttt.___wen.out, - . , - ^ ------

I P U M Iared“ “ R E P A I R , P A R T S a mAIA ■ P r o m p t . . . E conom ical . . . 1Smm — --------'o n - a n y - M a k iid DISTRIBUTOR- --------------- A J i b « i i a - M o r » - P o n n

Rogers Farm400 KtabarU B a a f l _______ Iirtn


Accuracy ti anothar top-ieorar A at wl from up-to-data homamakarg. Ovan m and cakat whan thay'ra »bpp«

-d e n » ^ i th o u » ' hopaful wishing and will

(n 'a u rfa c t cooking, y«« g t i thta • * " ' apMd yeu w ant with rapid, aeciirM A a d ' t taiKt ffiwi- HBrw e H o my af

h a va^'ii^^ook lna ih»r> th lf

(h t thrill of • maaltlmt, try a naw •(««

todayl ; 7

I .'i-'ViaS

~ U G A l A D y g ^ ^ H


'City,•te of n

U K W B ^ B


a s ( = = = = = «2iiiy of T o Serve You

W A R B E M t B

rMPs I^ R T S a n d SERVICE ■om ical . . . E K ld a t n - a n y - M a k t ’ ' V STRIBUTORS ■ilf in » -P o i i iO ! ia - l> S B j« -^ B

Farm Store ■._ iw tn n a ________ t a j B

y P I

:o r v r t a t w l « > ' * ; : *

irg . O ran P*" r S


hing mcl.1 Hi» « » 'i j , K . . . M

Page 5: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

S c e i v e j i

Ike Tut nuJorUj of ths woric eoDTcrtlai 10 Uke plM».on-Thor»d»r. eerUln prtI (on pnti hsd to be liuliiUcd, » well had kltrtllnl before wofk eoold be done on I «hilt In the plctore workmen «r

it * A * *

l im i i i a i Y S p a d e w o i

o r F a i m - i n - a - D a ya. April !♦—John Herr- ns a milking i

» iirm-ln-ti-rtny «liow.' Is well, dug prlo' [ of »el!vlty ns workers, event so as tt CT *n<l crnttmcn ol nil the pro?rft[n, jjtpirlnK m e homtitend thousand sever r.iry rrnimdnpflL------ -cr»t*-1»lpO-f<iiU)« lJ8-acr« ranch now Inld nnd wlU

that resembles the Th\irsdny. AiWHunt Japanese rcloca- cooJBleJri theiWFrldny iructa moved c r t l i «>x for. plK and machinery lor lo a hlshlnadBd more will be moved Tractors nr

; Uit first part of next Rradlng ft flviI Ujt.-i. cnulpmcnt opera- it for eonservaun Biid joll technicians itijf, dJsclna.rS_*t. tnji sjiccd to hnve tng wilt takernilT j'or TTiiirsrfii^a pro- In p rep ^ ^ l

Irig'. crews olairs nco n crew of men nnd VPW m.t old banackj, which hns posts In conct Humnnii.home, to.B.new. corncr-po*l». 1Hi! liiJildlnK Is to bo^iised vnnce &o tt:----------------- -------------- couJd be iiretI 1 dny. The Jduihone T ra v e l, j - * itors R ep o rted f i ’ c' 'lrucklONE, April 14—Mr, • ftnd Mr. nnd Mrs RxiiW nnH nffiviU grum t» schcti

TfrwirrtfterdcenrSrD; He <ind-wil< «on«l:dt? tnr Srr'tlll- fn COmplCtCd. D

May.liciE unui ecIidoI . - ~------------- ---- -----:_zqpIn S:ilt Uke C ity " ' 1!"’D.™i K r t c a in ,

'K'"' nOTD.

‘^Htrl^fpcnrUti^Bsirtpr ------ --Prtnu, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. R FT lit

y K h n , i r , “ ^^^ P r S ^ ^ ' n '

W.tM!, MR and Mrs. 01m to the UnlK

hM returned from ^*^1" '

‘ ClJtk, Dtm-er. Colo,, Is Jfr>.. Nephi Clark,

'Vnrcn Choat and 'B^Rfnon, Wn^h,. vijiied • Cornk nnd

_________ T / i i 1

j f t e F p u g h t " r ~»,dairy biUldtnii were ^

^ f l r e al Emll Kuril's ^

■' Ille SiMiilay afternoon. Rtl »«o“ VUnM '''W'nKB ftnd V

*he ii/o /Wtom 'Vendell niA l ' VChit? " »ie direction ____


Hr'f D>.L‘ • - 1■^•i^obinson-- — ^

**®ndevoo STIAIOHT ---------- ; — ^^comioH


ic ivejs Set fo r Faim -m -a

* * * * * *

________ _ _ r .______

Ic eoDTertlag John HctnriaDB'f tftrm from dt«en Uni eerUIn preliminary at«P*-lud i* be «rJnpleled^n•l

1. ft well had to be dm and iirlfillon.plpe loilftlled. be done on II. In ibe lop picture ft in e to r and cai workmen are hacking away a t Uvft roek lo tbe Irrl: f t aj TftTln n l--------------- --------:------ —

d e w o rk D onen B a y - P r o g ^,s a milking nhed and the old Iocs- American I fIon Trill be fucdcd t» ptiir-Ttit nr~' Ing Friday aflei-ell, dug prior tfl Uie'/a^in'.a---day C»«no S'■vent so as to provide water during BcKa Carlsonhe pro?ratn. Is ready for use. One ” rs I^onnrhou.'iand seven hundred feel-of con- HudolDh. dojet»-y>l>e-<«r-<frlg>lten la- being ■M'T. t l PYd R'aid nnd will b« completed_before chosen lo go to:Tl\irsdiiy. Another crew »!so has Bltcmatc.s -w ooJBleJed the construcUon ot a con-t11« Dox for use in pumping water . A certificate fi0 a hlshlimJ .pflslure. “"d aehlevemcn

Tractors nnd caTT>'nll5 have been i - '-“xadlng ft flvc-acrc field to prepare P re«niM to it for eonsefvallon lrrlgiillon..PlGW. P;>” yn(f, dJsclna. harrowlnp ond seed- PinnfiM. w tung will take plaee Thursday, ‘“ter._________'liq ircpam rm iT dnT irren iriju iia^ ■' -----------rig. crews of hnlloniil guardsmen -----nd VPW members hnve Set steel g g Y o U l losts In concrete. Instnllatlon of the orncr-pM ts.had.tob«-ilano4n-ad-. . A U / k l - Y l -nnce so the mbblt-proof fence V TT n I ' •ould be iiretcJifd UjhOy on Thurs- »«■ i*.Iny. The foundation of Hcmnann's B U Slew house has bc^n Inld.

One thousand baby chicks will be Icllvercd o t the farm Thursday and,1 new. truck _wUl be presented to ' • ' vir. nnd Mrs. Hecrmann. The pro-rram 1» scheduled lo start at e n. m. _______ j

rompletcd. During the noon hour t :p tW a iin a i R » e ^ ^ n t« i .---------- — t= _______

- ^ ^ ^ r t y - H e l d — --HAILCY-r-Aprll-14-TtftCt o ,. o the LDS church Prtmnry nwocln- ^ tA R l Own Ion c}n«e.t enlcrtaJned children flt T A B T E E t

Practices were held for the con- you In finding ■erence lo be held-the fote port o f ' “ "tle^M'^moo- -|or-t«R9«>t>->A<

RF.TOKNINO TO V. S. _-HAFSEI^.-Aprti M —.S g t.jac k . ____ - R , , , . / .?resnell. aon of Mr. and Mrs. LoulR i i m .u ’resncll, Hansen, is being rotatedo the United^ States after three “ “ fears in the far cast. <


r -~K,„tuchBmh>n f o r “d o M t A " hiu li...


I’ln-m-a-Day Event -

* * * * ------------------------

---^- ,'— ,.. ..S.3 -Communic. HANSEN. Aprtl

canrtiellshl commi: hCid Thumlay icnMn. Frank Well ground

Preceding the supper was served n t7p .m . Rcspons

g |K ^ b k ^ 2 r T ^ B f l^ ^ ^ K j^ R i |B given nt thnl time.luid charge of the

and~KTnQ | n ^ R 9 j | B n bnd charge or Ihi

from dt«en Und.lo a coasemlloncen»pteted-tp-makp-thti pogtBlf.~ -------------

.pipe loitallrd. One five acra Held IriMtoi- and carryall are le»ellJnr

rock so tbe Irritation pipe can be

Girls’ Staters for Carey Announced ^.-qpT,

-C ATOY.- Apn i K - nenrtsentat W -------- # — f jto Girls; sUK! wcrcdnnounccd nt J L I Vm American Legfon Buxlllary mccl- ng Friday afternoon a t the homerf'^ra . G«no sw ea t '” ----------- TTT

Belvn Carlson, daugtitcr of Ur. md Mrs. Leonard Cnrlsori.' nnd Bet- •y HudolDh. doughter of Mr, and D ! , - » « i^-Ekuuos ttltcmatc.'i 'STre A nnle-D nTiJ-and-----□lone Robbins, V -.U IU V

A certificate for ouLstindlng work ind nehlevetncnl durlnit the rcccnt C j r - c f t.Clio lund raising campaign was I II S I 'preaented to the organlzailon. A party for the group 1ms been P n c f fplanned, with date to be selfcMd L .U S I Ilater.

— - ----- ----------------------~ '(§r^QB e Y o u r O w n B o s s

O W N Y O U R O \ V N * 1 9

B U S I N E S S ^ ^

■ These ( :____con

--T=\..-.-■■■ ...ii.iw.... .temperEARN ,000 to PER ' degcee!T A S T E E P R E E 2 Soft IceCream store. Large earnings- T h e T O tsmall investment, W«“wlU assist r i r ^ ^ t r ^ wyou In finding location jind jcIt. U a n y o nttng started .Copltal required as T7flll«5 n ilittle as c m To-open In ttma J? d l l b d l

-lor*te«w»r>“ Atrr^HOWl*-^—— — . - ' ■ ~

--------- R , . j . _ C a r u f h


: i e f e j Aj |R H - A .

' ■

EY. e i PROOF.

___________ . . TIMES-]

___ ______ ■___L„

t _ Cattle'AssiMeets at,

'.j . --.y PA innE L D . APIm as county Cattle Priday afternoon Caugberty.

' tooth'N ational ton ranger

sam e departmeni.— ArrangS[»f " “m illing; ^ ip h -F a i

| ^ S | | ^ B | H y f l B & | | H - Comas .allotment. I usttrned summer tmgmggggmgB =zin}sr« « u .

n i a R y a MuP'.'TT*’w i i i i ^ ^ ^ W i- imprevemen^vork- gM«wP^<C?A5g<IIBW W ^ l Daugherty -axplnln<

imdeijpt.-'hlch'T^ei be 'available for^i nsseclntlon's funds

W« » ^ » S E » j ^ S r ]3 iiw W W ns.ie9ameni was vo 1 iiiMWiii I m il" ftssoclntlon'a porUo

-------------------------------------------- - The proposed <Jat_ • ’ v T 1 1 Mountain hunt4Communion Held_HANSEN. Aprtl . .1 1 -A , sllfnt . . . . « | * M - | , a nrtlellRhl communion service wn.s I ' H 0 5 ill!

from torturi n t i i & j

Preceding the ser%'lcc n Icntcn itehior. pus •( pper was served In tho Unsemcnt 7p,m . ncsponslvc readings, wero

ven Bt thnl time. Dr. T. W. WerW d»!Id charge of the »cr lce.s nnd Mrs. ra Vnux aniJ-RTrs.-nnJph SMnJjiojJs Id charge or the dinner.- •• Adrf«ij

= m e 4 A Q M■ PInn nnw tn wntrh the

Cdravan^irrTwin Fails ' First car in the Caravoi East Five Points at. 1:30


These cars form tKe 1952 Mob===r:nriontesiafiSiiitfflilea^4^ —rni tjJivaboutS&JiDurs. Theyj

_temperatui-eB ranging from degrees. ________ __The route of the run is from Lc Canyon, Zion National Park, S FaUs and Sun Valley.

Guess H ow Many

6 - B m

— « — N t w - r r - M e b i l - B f r i u j a

! • passenger car size!

0% Coi^lete . ,10,000-Mile iC* —pro^cts and labor!

, 4 Free Wash and..ltul

S E R ^. 840 M o iiT


ttle'Associatioii Red China [eets at Fairfield Pacts ftg s , r » . r 'u - i s ; svt,y afternoon w i th Charles herty. supervisor of the Saw-

Natlona: forest; Robert P* t. ranger newly assigned to tha “ ‘.'‘,,“ ‘ *2

"dSS:™rftngsmenti jadiajTBuliLbsJilsng; ^ Ip h -F au ilm eri-qaodJg r while- othert-woulc

u .allotment, lo and .from hla gium and Ceylon.ned summer range area. -------------------------

■sme fleplm-entij lch <!deral tods^Sw.^ a b le foKcpollng. with. Ih* ^rU hU;1ntlon-s funds b ^ a - w o r k . Anament was vowd to raise the coming seoton wee;1ntlon'a porUon of th li money. nd» were ftwease.e proposed date.? jor the Soldiernlnln hunta and the B»«e-agement policy ot the flab ftnd ^ ^

"I w a s 4 i a i r c i ^ ^ S M v im torture and paili

;;ffv£S S £b& a ....■*


S B H , € A S

: h th e . r e f u e l in g o f. th !^ F a i ls W e d n e s d a y .

C a r a v a n w ill a r r i v e a t a t . l : 3 0 P . M .

:OMPETING MEN SUPERVISINl NEL of 800 INVOL1952 Mobiigas Economy Run >a^4es^.-^ye^4^15,4^•s. They expect to encounter g fronibelow zero to xOD~

s from Los Angeles to Grand tl Park, Salt Lake Ci^, Twin

WdhyMil& P Gal

< j F R I I

-De-Liyte-TiFe4n-your———^ size! ■ ;

1,000-Mile Lube Service d labor!- - - - - - - - - ■ - - - - - ..........- - 0

and..I^br!cation Jobs

5 P O I N 'a i v n f ^I M a in A y e . South

ed China Okays, Bakery Ceil Pacts for Trade Effectiveo s c p w April U aj.B-Commu- BOISE. AprU M f

i “ OPS Director Harrychase tw.ooopoo worth of goods nounced today th i tn capitalist eountrtes, a spokes- mlcea ter perishable1 for the Chlne« U«le delepi, S S 'W i^ o K to S f fUI here said today. , m y ^lie delegation was here for the Tha naar ntUa rrp i icow Jnt^matlOTJal fronoRiHrzSH^ bakeries to deMrmtnfl

£!„"*" g ‘ssnliflhtrlanils. O il' ueanwniie, j , o. u i

m ana t^yion.________ _______ district chief of the- —.. ._ __ tfturftnt-6rftncbe.rtiiilne dep|it.lment lhr?u8H tW |-tK t o f eaUng -m a-c rin i-■ HTy gamfc-aalllwy JBCntft tilftt 12ielt CCflliffram of the department vaa ex- have been posted by ;Ined by WrUhU penaltleiJperatlonal coaU for the forth- -----------------nlng seaaon were presented and Tennessee haa 13.Ids were ftweas'efto coVtf: CTTBM hitrV H . ~


Under New Management254 Truck Lane West

Alphii Looney Eleanor S(

W E D .,^

A S - £ e o n e

>f th?--

/e a t 'B H j »


/ I S I N G f N V O L V E D fy R u n - ■“ . j g B ' " ' i o u i

4-mile__ :__- Z ' ^ —T —Sn& ........... HB~ * Ot

Grand,Twin n m S » |n


E E P R IHere’s all you do to e

r ' ' r -—ffuess-t ft a r o r ^ mil ' ■ Mobiigas fleet Get <

5 EA ST 5 PO I

o r C A N N O N 'S, . . a f W

i M J s a p S

ry CeilingsfectiveMaylO » cX^n°5e .W rr.'t-v S i'r «'" ;y”*th7t ^r perUhable bakery prod- “ lelr parents_______ ^[o into.eff^^ not Uter «J»n

r4*ap ytag ‘u"^r«nt Complct®to the hlghtsl crlees

jiu i icg -m g .-B ie -a ip a ( it

hlli,T7SrUUltr. Bdli* UPS:hlef of the food and rea- SerVIC6 ■Br»acb.J#mlndt4 operators 7.g -H ia-C riB ttn r-e « » W la ti-------------------- fxgmiftt iheir:cenio« fir ie tra m t ----------n t e d by Aflrli 7 lo »voldI_______________ ® O y d o o ffe ra yotssee haa iajoo,ooo,ooo tons ploto 8Crvii» o n .y■enwre ----’dlatoTB";'vrCbEy

R E P A I B . . .R E ' . . W h a t e v e r I t i

• w hateve r ty p e i t

k^i .. - W e m ay sa v e :price o l a now rai

rement r i Y O I! WestB leanor Sch auerm nn O n ^ e k ^ M ^ ^ b *

n o m y = R u

Pl^e~ “ r . W o re

WUie, ®"0H I

-VVa.^ P ^ esd ojr-^BgMBhiwteflft..., 4 x jSH

aramn WiU-j^ en

M Z E S ^"do t^enter thiscontest. Sim rflgft Triilea per gallon of the entii e t Get entry black at either—POINTS SiERVIGE

N'S MOBILE SERV, . a t Wert 5 Points DuplicateTrizes Will Be Awan

1 ,J 7

■ ............ J « "I I . I I .

TI8IT F A B S N n - ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ ^ r a ^ ^ HTOR April

'u d ^ . ^ u d C 4 cn «UnlTcrslty of

o f fe rs y o u c o m -| . se rv i le on. your- ra -'8— CLEAN-r:^ rr4 |™JB...RECORB ' - n n'h a t e v e r i t n e e d s - i S | | r a svef ty p e i t I s , a ee ilfjB M

m ay sa v e you - th e j p B w o l a DOW r a ii ta to r.

ILYDFS .. ; !■llator Shop.ek U m - P I m i* I H

F o t t s

L 1 6

\ ■

Avemge. : , _

5 ^--------------------------------- 1----

t Simpiy 7 “'theentire__^iither— , ^lvige . =SERVICE. J


Page 6: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

I B ap tists P la n 3-D ay P arliev

(Fna Pw* On<> r*ul. Minn.. aUt« BapUtt eecreUn^

- In MlnnnoU u d d t r lecrtU ry in Detroit. '

• - roe*k- to- Ui« - W om W i - Mlwlonsry ~~*oclety <)H "UlUIOtU '»na SleVSM*

*hlp." The R«Y. Mr. Keech was. In > eenie, bom Into the mluiomuT

T TleJa. H irparenuw ere ttie'flrnt gen-’ c rU . JnluO anm H criarrU uill^p lU t Hams MluloD wclety in Uie R«pul>'lie of e»n ______________________

H-------The- Revt-JS; Ke«eB w m bt»(1u*H I] it<d from 0ccldent4l college, Los ■ I] Anseles. with tA AB degree and I n j from .the Southern BaptUt Theo* W i' ' 1: logical <emlnai7 with the ThM de- H lji Bree. He h«s held several pMtoraWs |M | In Cikllfomli, served as area dlrec-

tor fif’eTanttUifQ and edudatidn~foP~ M il Utah, Idiho and Montana, and m ] more recentlj beacl'ed lhe program! B fl' of missionary education for men In B fj the Northern Baptist convenUon. »;■! omeer* will be «lected for Ixith RUl the convention and Women's tocleiy

groups d^ lng the meetlngi. Present ■ j . convention offleers are the Rev. R > James Havens. Emmett, prealdent; 15 I J. Roy Haley, Oasiletord. vice presl-

• dent: Mri. Leonard Dond^Shoshone, — recordlng-secr«tary;-Mr»_S-J_Jen- i

sen, Moicow, asslitnnt; Tergus , ' Brlggi, PocateKo, treasurer, and

- -Mrs. Edna Parmer, Salt Lake Clly, asslitant treasurer.

Those from the Mogic Valley orea aerving on ths board of managers are Mri. Bernard Maftyn and tho Rev. Herman 0. Rice, both Twin PalU: Mrs. J. A. Anderion, Filer, and Arthur Berry. Hailey.

I SpwchH. infonnaUon p a n e l s , buslneM and rccreaUon are ached* uled for lh# three-day meet. The men's and women's banquets, with Harlon Nelson and Mrs. Worth D.

—'-Wright-a3-toa3twa*t»r»r»TB-«et-for e :» p.m. April 38.

; y a lle y ( ; iv ^ i i 11 A u th o r ity f o r H 6 T V O u tle tsH I ' (rrtti Pm * OflOn . Marto Valley communities are In H I the T3HP range. One each is specified ■II for Burley, Ooodlng, Jerome andI H Rimi-rt. ___________________I n l ------o tA tr aulgnmenis In tiie s u taIN ) were designated as follows;W j Boise, three VHP (one non-com- n j . merclal educational); Bltckfoot. one

t l ^ : Ctldwell, onj.. y ^ ; ,

H II- - VHP; I d i ^ Pauii?two VKP;' Kei- ■ I -legg. one UHP; Lewiston, one VHPi H I Moscow, one TmP edueatlonal;^Ml NiTnPft, yTITT* n*i«.m i TTHP: Pocatello, two _VHP: Pres-'S n i toil, ore UHP; Bexbui?'. one UHP:iD r ' Bandpolnt. on*-VHP; Wallace, oneK f TJHP; Welser, one UHP;|h | , AppUcaUons from cities where noaS L __ alaUoni.are operating, will be pro-W cessed by the PCO beginning July I.IH .• A Uecaie could be Issued any timeU )• after that, but with the expected■ | i . rush from all over lhe country It is H l i doubtful if a TV staUon could be ■ U licensed la Magic Valley In the near

future.Only commercial applications In

^ H the atate noted by tlie PCO reporl ■ wert'IhM>‘o rT O I»71n?rim aih 'B "H — BOUe VaOey Broadcasters 'fo r-the

H I ' The Bolia educational outlet was H D — tm® of only eo VHP reservations out B l{ — of a naUonaTloln! of educatlonftl H I «.islgnments.H | The Moscow educational station H h (UHP) was supported by the Unl- H Terslly of Idaho, n Nevada was as^gned 23 stations H I! —among IS ummunltiea. h e ad e d 'b r W Reno with two VHP. and two UHP

— wiih-thTM -V ^ion*^^^

f Clty._VL‘here two .VHF..staUans-al- ready aro operating, wan granted two new VHP channels lone educa- tlonal) and two UHP.

R e f u g e e o f F l o o d T

T o R e c e i v e F a r m____ YAKIMA. JWaaluJMjrU i4.ftU!>^A■■ -J>« r-W »iM ^w ho-|T W W a^e»ran^

his farming operations were wiped out by the IBSl Kansas flood had a nev farm and a new future today.!

Donald D. Dunn, 30-year-old | H . .tank driver, was;

-..-•w w ded ft »M.W« faim Tri'thrCoV ! himbla basin of his adopted "state

.after he was declared the nation's "most worthy" veteran and winner of the Veterans of Foreign Wars *'fann-ln>a-day" contest.------- -

The SO-acre farm near Mosea lake , was donated by residents, land oati- en . labor unions and buainew firms s n h e area. The land l i ' t a rc now.

trans/onned within a a i-hour pe- ^od Into an plowed. planU

. The ready-to-operate farm enter- prUe will b« turned over to Duno. his wife and two dauahUrs in ■ ceremony May 2J eelebrstmg the opening of lirlgaUon sluiceways for

‘ ST.DOO acres of Und of whleh the y ill free farm la a port.

I ^ E e i F a u v e r F a v o r e d

f— B y ^ i r o n a D e m o s

Arliona Deinocnts have elected a panel of 20 delegat«s lo U air na- ilonal.-party convention tha t may otrtT a ^ Igh t^ rtge fer Sen. Eatw

Most memben of the graup da*

r r M ^ r ^ B e ^ a T w d t d a U a f ^ b u t •• sources clo««ly associated with their

__Mleetlon maintained a t least lo fa-• Vefed“ tB4'Ttnnesiee crlme.buster;

There also w«r« tw o-baeken 61 Oov, Adlal Bt«y*n«oa. IlUnols, and cne eoch for 8«n..Robert Kerr, D. O l^ ., and Ban. I U $ h ^ R uu til.

~ P-, Oa.


^ ; -P H O N E 4 1 5-I —ColaajolSflHd &.<afflygL_

Twin Falls RadiTCDBT" keei

-Falls^ , >«ONm MOKOAT

SI secretarylecrttary in i,eo iKoii nSJi*"*'*

-Missionary ^ifl BteVSM- ' ^ w m V -------- I m fSlSHS f f l iech was In Wnikrr f«nmlsslonaiT - ly K m

le 'firnt gen-’ " uVw ‘bS s oxStJ ic l l^ p t l s l '1! -U iM K ...u,e_i^pui^_ _ ------------- i v i n v i

was gradu* :lt'Clirt *«!m*c»s Nr»« b<»iiegf: LOS ,;«»<le»rco *n<l l lU -U m t h i Ai.ro CIcekpUst T heo . 1 no •M, Tn. mVrr ' stM •H.n of AirIB ThM de- * “ “ k thiii sligw SiCO ‘Artiur BoilI pastoraws { i« i5.‘}| •w 'TA7*t'

IncatlOfrtor-lU na, and { ilS, p!mhe program ;w s>ir s in ' kefp Nochfor men in Hum sCo* j s t it H«.itMku. m

invention. I” I'lorton^o.* I'oo »!om*n:»»r!»!d for bolh ilS •£»t)rn Wh"i, liis •l.trkl.lUr'*len's loclety fii« Kiob iiho> 3<m Uoji« aUigi. Present !>* jV.ki. the Rev. " . J, prealdent; <« K-ui.x'in. >n> e:<»*n<ui>ta.v ice presl- ' JKl'"!'*!''■'’“•‘'f l'i*cl^8ho,hone, -. Im^ S _ j_ J e n - .1 ioo-'Abk- I w .umu.*I t; F ergus l i « ‘'H N.n r„iw • TiM •Uf, wiu> L

Z Z Utah Senator Rep ™ ForRupertYoulTion, Filer, WASHINOTON, April H <Spe* thay. clal)-Sen. Arthur V. V/ntklM. n., aer\I p a n e l s , .Utah, tald Uds; he would xupport a Inmare ached* proposal to bulU Uie Idoho Ranch spoimeeu T he for Youth, Inc, notlh of Rupcri L

.([uets, w ith The UtiOjn, a tnember of the In- gel

. Worth D. terlor committee, wrot« Howard ll i•nTB-set-for MoffatrmanBger-Bflho-Twln-nils Ttll

Chsmber of Commerce: 'flgi= _______l-':Wh*tt_tbe_hm-ctocs-.coma up, 1 Xlv«

B n — very-worthwhlH project." Ma.-------------------- ft-blll iponiorea by Ben. Henry C. ert, f _ „ Dworshak. R., ids., may be reported acti' l O r 0* ‘h* committee th is Tuejday Ke«

to effect thc isle of J ,800 actei of wropublic domain it a site for the gls

l l l C l S ranch. 'The budiet bureau has will......... okayed the nroixml and th f «cre- jum

> tary. ot interior rwently wrote the' .jlies are In commlltee:U specified "AU InformaUon tho department aroma and hss concerning the proposed Idaho __________ RAnfh fnr Vniith. Inc.. IndlciH^i

the euM ..........................— — - ^

No Warnings . £ Kei- “i t r e ”Clafifled~

, one UHP: “ SA'n JAUNrPufrlo Hleoi-April I* m , Wallace, one H'—Survlvoi»-«l-an-atrttn«~era»h—JL-«

which killed 63 pertons-sald.today!s where no Ibe crew gave them no warning ot Ivlll be pro- impeDdlag.diiiifr.----------------------------nlng July 1. The craft, a Pin American World °-d any time alrwsyi DO-4 en route to tha U, S. , ‘®ie expected mainland, plunjed Into the water “ '' ■ountry It Is five miles offihorc lu l Friday alter'n could be developing enjlne trouble. I t lank , ,,In the near in 3,000 feet ol water. ®‘" ‘„ , DlatTlet-AtUjniey Zollo Dueno said . r r

In 11 of the 17 survivorj told him “Lhey ‘ £ 9 .KCtlyntjiS-WgrnlniJtali lram-ihe.

- :D® American cr«w_thst dat<•rs for the the plane wai going to crash." He l,owsaid some sun’Ivorj also complained tv >i

outlet was they had received no assistance from xi■vations ou t crew membert----------------------------7{ ± ‘educouonal -T T iim oS IiF nei’iMpiFEI-Hundo" ^

said the lurvlvon ogreed thal tho tlon«*Ik1 P»«enJ«» hid not been Instrvcted Mat y the u m - on how to we llle preservers and

most of tlie people did no t know n“ »tatloM Where to find ttem. K <h o i d e d ^ - However, the ncrspapEr quoted ft “


lUUoiis-al- hrengVlwMreCl)?*’" y n e ^ 'd ! ! ^ ^ BiL-n ni|d_thcJeaf_other crewmen

b« reached for comment on the H u i — -eharge that the pmengera wan not gi*' ' i n n n — -w»nirt. ? • ,

U U U _ However. Bum. whote slnger-wUa si H a r m r^oman fl«w irom Kew York oust J. a i l l l to Join him after the craah. told the rani

1M.(UJD-A. dblrlcLattoroey h«-hslpad ^ft.num - in U i=W»»ran«r- *er~el-pere5ni-e*cape-'troin-lhr -kiti were wiped stricken plane ind even pushed out ^ floodhad .a some who were penlc-jtrlcken. for Iture today. -------------------------

a n i S * '™ A d d r e s s e s C h a n p r e dR th’r c d - ; eH08HONB.-*i»ll-*4— Manhal T O

op t^ -B ta te I-ut* Auelln Monday .announced fZZ•he naUon's “ '■>» the addreaes of the two -and winner who were brought into court i l 'rtlgn W ars because of sets of vandalism \,.------- . . . ln_the clly-park last week wereMosea lake n o t Hailey. land o»-n- tnd Shoahone. She


ict_sUk>ba ___J


arm enter- ' 9 ^r to Duno. ^ ^ H K V ! ^ | . g f j

rftitftg tha ~ ' tT]

which* U « ' r” ’

mat^ mSy ■■ .".. .............................Hi ~ a t h

group da* [ I I l l l f A 'J | | ' 'dates.-but .............................with their U Tm DIO KOr n CAM

i l R i i G H ^ €= 1 = 1 . . VUB3 ' AMERICAN SCg nKPr.-T«.4-U ; -1741 Bewdwaj

Is Radio ^K E E P K T F I A M -FM

(14H f ^ C Y C L E B ) ( H i t KILO-M.1 MEO) HOKoar HoroAT

iiiSsZ, i i i i s L S

LliSO ‘Dui** Oiebaua____ iei«_.«Ewl»ov*LOJii%Jliih.. .»U1

? i i i a" ' . * r ‘ 'k c j » a 'j*Sl«0 •Itan of Am.rtc* t:OJ >»trlk« H flltk ^ „Sieo *Artiur Co<lJr«r *•’ ? ‘ IS*'*V. ili.a m 'IU ito ia n ' ICiU Tlek«» T»p§ Tim* tlie9:11 'A**!! /«nrr'i Bwrim ie:4l sOoctAr'a Hir*? '?? •u " /r.V k"" '^ ' ’'____ — '•Tb. ObMIo., u»h« tJllS

'ItJS NwL»trM»i'k«i*“ • l i / ^

lilS •l°rk"*Ur” r«rt». - « iu sI tI"l«o*°E5Taoo ]>}!'3i0« Uojle aU *‘>0 illolltaood TbcaUf1:11 'Uuibi by AbIobIbI TiCpO >ll«b IIos.«><10 •Alin j/.k.«.D N . x 7 iM sF ll,b » fac a« . ot4:1^ TiiobKwMd T.mpca S:M C*nUr«;«*n,ui.h l l 0 WlBm BhtModr -Sill Uotl>_Tlnia *i 0 lOnt M>r'< FimllrSiU R. Murrcr> K m *: I Nli>.-Ii{l«>n E4IUsb pro.

o r R e p o r ts S u p p o r t s r t Y o u th R a u c li P la n H

14 <Spe* tha t th e cause which would beatklni, n., served by the conveyance of the "Y,I xupport a lands ta a worthy one and th a t Itsiho Ranch sponsors are slnccre,'' P“*'Rupcri Lost year a similar bill failed toof tha In- get the aecretary'a approval because "i Howard ll proposed to give the land free. ‘rwin-rsil* T n e -n e w -b iii -p ro v ia H 'T o rT ^ iiir

'figure, payment of which will atarit^e^up^ 1 Xlv#.y«ars-afi*r-thataU.---------------- —

MaJ: Jam es R.- Orovre, former Rup- ^ . Henry C. e rt MOtHOdlst mlntiter row on >>“ ' le reported active- duty with the air force at a Tuesday Keealer field. Mlaa. Crowe recently ";bl'0 actei of wrote Dworihak lha t he has a stn-e for the gle contrtbutor In Idsho who la ^ ireau has willing to put up between 18.000 the «cre,- jiniLllP,<»M.to_Bct_,ihe ranch going. wrote the Ranch would be similar to

. Boys' T owti In Nebraska and Boys'.£5 M h i R « c h In AmanUo, Te)?., and would

------------- and girls ond all races. The Unlver- ' 'slty of Idalu) would n«lst In setting

OTQ up on educational proernm for the IT - 300-400 fltudenta and-the-board of

- ’ t U rterton wouid'be appomted byiR e •■'T: r n p r f -------BOvwnor7’a R o ra in r i* T ru « n rp T in r -“ i i

Crowe saya hffJioperthe 'land can } t be developed Into a valuable Irrl- J

i^ash- ----------- r —

;SS;.‘t3W tScheduled inGreyhound Strike SLt

can World SAN FHANCISCO, A priFnTV)— tha U S Oreyhound bus negollntors agreed

the W.’tcr oftem.oon for tho third

= 3 “.V « .u " S T “ v"».;SSstrike. ' 1^.'

Officials of thc company and the i,ji^eno Mld a f l Motor Coach Employes union Y ' l1 m et for nearly seven hours Sunday

daU^-Spokctmon-for-both-group*; PortI 2 however, said "nothing was definite- Oih'

omplalned ly gemcd,-' Di— — l he union's key demand Is a.five- °P-"

ilav week with n o laai In nav. wojlEl Mundo The strike has lied up bua opera- ""“s thal tho tlons In seven weatem states since

Instructed March 1. *bo\rven and ____________________ lhar

Bureau ’J w Finishing Prnhea “

lOT^Awjr --■WASttXNO'rOK,-AprU-14-410— a d r la ttt-a n d . ^ e InUrT^^I f tvC T ue^^^^ 'a ho^ e^

«P ln..lwo.ot-threc.-montha, InspeeUon befo • .« Chief Edgar E. Hoppe said today. oouSi^Mrt *-*00 employes have been

f m lrt* S v !o r iSnce^early**^lMt'^eM! hwwan not 3 , O j, |„ p ec iio a aquads atlU aUr

faava about SOO eases to cooiplete. ini ^er-w U a since Jan . 1, 19?|. the bureau haa motNew York ousted 175 worker* fer IrregularlUea ___3. told the ranging from bribe-taking to alco- H

in U « tx .^ .J« lu d « l- ln - th l* -n u m b e r - ■ * « n - i h r iaT rt> »w r«piruufcirtftet4 r? : ••’ ' ■luahed out -There Is nothing big brewing" ■ te n . fo r the foreseeable future,' Hoppe ■— sald-m eanlng no more top-level of- ■nged ^ m“S S T g a n - n M m - t o m - y A m - u c a :

the two "~into court vandalism

S ' h" , " e n d s TONITE ■Shelley w inters, Gary Merrill, H

^ = 2 = . Kiifnan-^Vynn, Bette P a v U -ln -M - ^'FHONE CALL FROM ■


S z '

i i s ^ B- -W .. EKther w'iiiiams. Red Skelton, ■ ' ■ I W I , How ard.K^j^A pn_M lller l n _ B :


DIO Kor n cAmoT

^ C H G O tle in Spare Ttiha Msd Earn » IDgb Sehoal

M W for Conege or te a m a^.Tra^^-.; 3^«VK~ENTBrtED OVER SM COLLEGESlERICAN SCftOOL-1744 BeMdw>7 OaUand l i CWit

i ^ C h g l l e n g e ^ D h - - 4 ^

y ie \v8 V oiced ^’*7 WASHIMOTON. April 14 ( f l - Mtl<

Representative Mitchell. D.. Wash., the ■’■ JMiUe. ba.» challenged tho testimony of the Uoninis.ii. Hon WasliIngWn atate engineer ^ t ^ Of

------!on «' daho- M ^

S i e3!u«I In a sUtenient In tha Congrea- aWy r.‘i« y .r r Becord.-MUfihaU-took.;l*»ue

.aith-nolland-HgmtaBrDower con- youi,uiunufor-w asbla«ton:a_aovaaior -,.UiLanglle. can

if ^ Leaned to Idaho jeiT,[li JTaS l^ Houston told a house Interior sub- itudI 'fcimoa tommltiee lael week hs had been csUc

"loa'neci" to' Idaho's Qoveriior Jor- manI n l‘^ purpose of testifying on mon>P. •flaia tJie Snake river project. liewif. Mitchell asserted In his statement the

that Houston "whether through Ig'- of U

llsWly.wiUi the tru th "m his lestl- attei

Mitchell said Houston prepared aJ=n™ report in March. 1051, describing TIJJ0 ^U oo uie Kooiklo project, also on the IT l od Tb..u» S.ooo.oy acre-feet •. JcQa of annual usable storage. This Is y

- eompafaWe. he said, with figures ofengineers which give the NI

.»(. E4IUSB project a total at-slte and down- *"“1 stream 'power potential of 600,000 8on

*■” Storage Increased■ But," continued the congressman.

tfV M l- 'Mr- Houston glibly dc.^rlbed tho H J A (■ Kno.<i:(a prejecC ac the hearlnpj In

terms of 5.000.000 acre-feet of stor- M l n - n BKC ond producing three times as

. t r t t * much ptnver. In fact, he said It would « 'P ibe produce 1,811,000 kUowatU of neml- him

rfd ih it* if! " MHcheU *Mdd^ Houaton had "lm- the nd th a t Its ^ p u ril failed to can>-on," and «“ d

** “ deception. If Kooskla his rprovcs-deilrabIJvaha-couDtry-jhould. -EOnJ

1 will start **“ “*

i i P i l i• row on bused on misinterpretations of fact per clr force a t conlradlcUons of slatemenU lor I»6 recently which he has made In other connec- /'Hhas a sin- tlons." thur

10 who Is He isld Houston's teitlmony has port!'een tB 000 sened to confute and delay devolop- thur,inch Koing of •>’® S'’*''® project W ". . the benefit of the Idaho Power com-, o / ,

^ pany-"whlch has largely a monop- J J tJ oly of elecitrlclty supply In southern

ano would and which hoa foujht fiercely Sbotk l!!?I «ny development of the Snake which ^

he Unlver- control." ^

u. N..JJ .otes Riseaenrprenr -In-^Vw-ldaiihirigr^fSSbTiS- Industrial Output

U i.fv-The Unltid’ Nations rcporu by a k/1 i n over-all volume of world-nlintng. -day-:<U I I I and manufacturing production In purp2 + m i was esUmated a t-lJ-p er-cen t in tlJ i r i l i c higher than the 1937 perwar peak, repri-IT~ri“rvi— estliimtc Includes iron carlotn vot«

‘ . country production, based on per- 6ho.«° , j , eenuge advances announced a l the cslal. nf ^ '" d of Soviet union, jour•v.t, f 1 Poland and Ciechoslovakla lor galna gj,

seven-sute ..^^ous fields. But the iron cur- hljhtain countries refuse to give the pi„„

. 1 U. N. figures ot unll production In q. ,i^ s Sil^dav m t•sesslon-to -T h*-U .-N _li-thus.unal)le -lo -tc . Uktth-groups' port comnlctB-.workl .tiadB-U jurcs.____as definite^ survey: rea

Despite the virtual cessation ot -----1 Is 'a five- operations In Iran since last July, n .y world crude petroleum productionbm opera- * “«"•» * record high lh 1951 wilh ~ 1tates ^nce 831.000,000 metric tons-13 per cen t tJ

above the world lOSO toUl ond more ^__ than 100 per cent above the pre-war *

years 1937-11)39. A B f lU U. 5. oil production was up 114, , per cent over IBao. Kuiralt-jumpBd -■ - ' l ^ H p a 1B4 per c«nl,.Saudi Arabia UB per

-J4 ‘-4U S _ ada-raled-Tilnth-aroon* Ihs top 10 I 'h j au S house*

lis t year, j i t , gone to Fairbanks. AUska. to —quads stlU sU rt tha season's work, after spend* ;m plete. m | the winter a t the home of b li .^ r » u ^ h u mother, Mrs. Alice Rember. . ^

ig alco.I*—numbern ar? :-’ — f - | —; brewing" ■ ft I A I " J "1

Hoppe ip^level of-

A y r ADA: _ _ _ _ _ .........



^ "ROUG^S f f i i -D S A ^ y —M a

S L I P C O V B R J I A ' ; ti»n, ■ inches wide.'tbts of c

: = t e m B P 3 « o » : = H = B u F f

■ * a | Regular 1 .9 8




. ...A ...'

JMie«l»-Slated K e„ „ For Deferment of r

Youths forStudy ,I f 'P Q WAfilllNOTOH. April » UP)— 1

Local dnil boftrt* thtT>u|hout- the ^i (/D — nation won must begin reopening i-A„ Wash., the cases ol aU youths with educa- Revolly of the Uonal deltnnents. more^ tes- Oftlclalj al national MlecUve some

u.rvii-. hnrti)u«^ i.ra told a reporter I Idaho- Mo^ay-lto.^^b^^^'wm ^-to^^^

Congres- "ably aU H yar* old or oldtf. A da- eslledok..l*sua .<atnienltaiu»l-M-«rahl<dunUl-the -AtierutT con- youih ttiflrei notice of -lnduotlon. taglm 3ovamor -...UmUt-ihs draft laac.Jocal-boimla. -.z-Ali!

can grant detsrmcnU for only oae of theyear, except for cerlain hlih school the v

rior sub- itudenti. In cases other than edu- sent aad been catlonal deferments, officials said, Alreanor Jor- many hits Beea Umlted to alx- party'fylng on month periods. • would

RegulsOons specifically, require p a iLatement the reopening of eases at the end numbough Ig'- of the Bcidemlo year fo r all youths presie r e n le s lt irante<l-e<u«Won<il-d*feHMnt*-to- -#go-tUs testi- attendcalleie. As of Feb. 29 m s iO major

were in Uiit category. couldeparod a ------------------------- candl'

r^S; M’Arthur Opposes .g ,° 'Sui; Voting in Oregon■ S eg;' fiOOOOO son vol«i Mt to waste their votes m e:------ ------on-hlm.in-Uidr-Uay-lfl-prtsMcama Jn_lSj

primary probably will be Ignored, It goverIMcilM today. 0*»'“

Ihn' MacAtlMr reiterated he Is not a post 1 n candidate for public office in a le tter

of‘ stor- ''P'" " ‘0 Oroco Link, choir- 'I / ’- J■Unes as College Young T C l■It would Republicin club. She had Invited T.f neml- him to ipeik to her group. X

The general’s reply, releaied to ^ aad "lm- the press yesterday by MaJ.-Oen. w hite allem a- Courtney Whitney, his aide, laid-hein," and had ''fuUlely exhausted every per- je g jj,

auulon sad other means" lo luive fightsKooskla his name withdrawn from the Ore-, ^he ir-jhouid. -£oiLl!flll«lJtie_onIy_ene_on_wtitch.hl»::anyon." c»me has been entered. j;______ _ F . E. Eplon, a key MaeArthur sup- "I r>po<ltloh porter al rtrtland, s a i^ h e gencrars' but hd.'"wefe 'lenw'"R«^''hls"pUbiro tc c o lin w anylKof fact per cent thst he Is no t a candidate he wt

itemenU lor President." Theconnec- ''However, I urge every MacAr- ,pasae<

thur supporter and every Tnft sup- oll-ricony has portlr lo vole for Qeneral MacAr- coastsdevelop- thur," Zplop lald.' Houroject lo ■ ------------------------- Ironln

~‘S- Status for Church fh%, ]9 § SyiIsU nikcided~ r

. decision was not rcnchcd rejnrdlng I “ I ■ Uie sUlus ot the LDS church In I S 6 north Shoshone, Lone S tar. _____ :dJ£tricl.jti!aJt4_meinli«rjhlo_uj>.s. L iRi n n r, called to a special meeting at, 8 _ .nii

p.m .Frldiyatthe Bho.ihonechspeL . SHr m i T Meeilnsi were discontinued in 1——. i p U L y e o r-b u t members . H f..,-Apr a j m r h^vf hrrn fiilopteri nlflr.Mll3i;- —■

reports by annthtr ward. Tlie tneetlng P ri- Kl-nlintng. -day-nlsht-uis-taJiavo been lor th e W:tlon In purpoie o( making a final dcclslon |w c t n t In the milter. • Of the-ia-famllles- — -•«= ir peak, represenled at the meellnc. sixcariotn voted to transfer member*hip-to - | H

on per- 6ho.«hon« ward, six voted lo to - 1 a l the eslablUh a tranch a t L ore Star and:t union, jour wen undecided. V-'i or ga.lna menbers of-the Blaine stake■p'' hijh council attended the meetlnR- B |('')'i® Flnnl dfclilon rcBardlnc the future ^ Scuon in of j^e Une Star membership will ILii

rest wlih church officials Jn S a lt _____j- to - rc . Ukc Ciij.--------------------------------------------- ilju r ts__________________________ ___________

, READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS.lUon ot — ___ _ist July, oducUon

I S - J E R O M E - ^Auto T h e a t r e

- » - . E N D S T O N I T E

2 C A H T O O N S - N iW 5

l i c d i o n a i


JGHTEX" I "; 1 ^ t s o f ^ o l o r s ^ d p a t - ^ B _____ __

i l o r 1.98 Y ard I:-as 'ter- spegi-.^l ' ■ —

S C y a rd f


— |B eB e l8 "S S ze 'ion C o n tro l O ver B o liv ian R u le S-K

J^MnliiB LA W Z. B olim . A prin4-t#k—^ u c a - Revolt-bloodied Bolivia, burying

more than 300 dead and tending gjMlecUve some 1^00 wounded, appeared to- commitreporter dsy under firm control of Its new »nnouri-invoivB t«YoUiU8fls.mw®ni!nfntnAi»lt«4 la n iu r,r. pmh- m * Victor P a l Sat«w ora,-long- T m s ”,f A He- r ^ e d iMder dua to reiflfii from ' He iunUl-the •AntnllnaTueaday-to head-thenew -««»»■iduotlon. rtgtme. ------- -- ----- ^ in r e a ia.bcftrdi --AftfC-lMMi.lling..i. l?rRVn_e*-b>Otl jnoroj,wily one of tbe NaUonal Revolutionary, party, of. senth school the victorious rebels Sunday night Whlllan edu- sent a delegation by plane to Bueno* formUals said, Aires to Invite Pa* Stterusoro, the tlon. hto six- party's chief, to return. Ha said he the Oc

would flocept the bid. - Uon J irequire p a i Esterissoro won the greatest Daniel,

the end number of voUs-almost h a lf- ln crallc11 youths presidential elections 11 month* Uon in Miit*-to- -ago-but-falled-to-wln-aiv-over-aU ■ - - -3 200,010 majority. Before Uie legislature A U

could choose belween three leadingcandidates, a military JunU headed I

IQ 0C BalllvlaD moved in W K o ^ force. ' 'a r r / ^ n i l this clique which Pai Ei- Assodit ; ^ U i l tcnssoro's supporters swept from field fi R>—Oen. power In a three-day batUe start*. ,_.Oeni‘ to O re- Ing last Wednesday. u l ateir votes The parly leader fled the country merabe

J ^ - iy jJ ^ h e n rebels_o«rlhrew the quire_i nored It government ana~hanged'PrMlaeht' Ulldrei

Oaulberto VUlarreel from a lamp televlalis not a post here. -The1 a letter ■ mental

“ Veto Is Forecast SSS.! “ “'V ForTidelandBill”™

!aied to WASHINOTON, AprU 14 (U*-A '‘J -,?*"- White House caller said lo d v P«*- ,iaid-he Trtiman U p r e p a r r f ^ t*Io *“ <“ *eryper’* leglalaUon giving, th e ' l U ^ the to iirive rtght* to oil tldelandj.

fL V - The caller was I. A. Smoot, a •Mch his. .Demoerat-and formerpostmastet-of

Salt Lake City, UUh. ‘nur sup- 'T may gel In trouble saying thU^ w a ,,„ f to c ra ^ bul he -did-not teU me' not to sayc o r in w ^nyDfflig.-'^moornrarrHTToTTBifindldate he wUl veto the tldolahds'blll." _ „

The house and senate both have ■ ■ ■MacAr- .pasaed bills lo return control of tho f ■ Inft sup- oll-rlch submerged lands off sea- [ * |MacAr- coasta to the 'statis. ■ ■ ■

House and senate conferaes are Ironing out differences in ,the two

. . bills. BQth.-veialons4lve.contrQl-of . /rh, r C n tbe Udelands to Uie states.

a i J E P Q X L - .r " “ ★NOW ★ n ■'

rshl’p—to-'0 V ■; u r a n d W

1( stake MmeetlnR. _ _ _e fu tu re hip will


NotVarm(t r e

- t a.......... ......... . %)

'] T rf*” 'I to your pockctbook---------------- X-t!iifl Chrysler engine befoee-^ou-

fine car today.I t 'a not c “warmed-over” en*ir

l^ icalli 'brand-new onel I I t givt! o netp kind e f perform

mtariM new lo/ue for tv€ry dollar yot.

I t was built brand-new around tpktrical combustion chamber whic bettor uaa of gasoline, and alao sounder all-round engine atrue tiue ,'

i American motor car e n g in e .^ hai------------------It-dcliven.Ji8£l..lianfipower-— requiiini ;tau^-huy.prem ium ga*

runs with Icm woste, leaa heat, leai nnd IcM wear than provioui dea:


A s h w o r th M o to r

"IfM n C o n n a lly ^ Not Run for Office

I: WASKIMOTOH, AprU I t nn_e,n U r, Tom Oonaally, the a h arp -to ^e d1 ^ 'Texan whose oratory has reaound- i \l e ed Uuough th» capltol for SJ years, i ) '

'*"* 'Hie colorful DemoeraUc chair- public.n lln» man of the Mnate foreign relaUons committi t«- commltUe, who will bo 78 In August depart

n w announced hU surprise decision m » th. t t ^ K p i n r a ^ t t r r w T K ? •ptopii.rt 5 d i ^ “ <1i- Tm**»- la st night. . tnmmiilnnn- m sAia Bt n o tj i l l ip g ' ta new -*nB»t«'in iU U tir, arduous and tax- - - - m rea rn p a lm " la -n rdan tr-ie tr-sli.t o d mtSiniyIght While Connally had not declued ' !mo* formally hi* candidacy for raelee- ^ 'the Uon. he f*o« serious opposition for „™P- •

I be the Democratle seaatorUl nomlna- *hoUon-frQm_Texaa Atty.-Q«n. Prlee “>e_j

test Daniel. NomlnaUon on Uie Demo- ‘"'i- I n crallc ticket Is tantamount to elec- “ ‘""'lulUis Uon in Texas. Oen. j.

S AP Enters New f t TV News Field

NEW y o r e :. April 14 «V-'nio El- Associated P reu -h a* entered the ki rom Held of ttlevUlon newa.on-fllm >■art- ..O eneral-M anajer PVank J. SUr-

u l announced Sunday that a? „ '' ntry member television stations c4n ae- the quire_a complete film newa servici- ” deal

Jeht' Calldred and creaUa exclusive^ for Keamimp television. .-. ------ --------- - lng». r

The camera work, sound, com- ?^*th. m entary and editing are Incorpo- Jl*'' rated Into Individual television pro. * ' grams. 'The finished product is de-

mUvertsd speedUy to stations. 'rom V.'The AP. a news co-operative, has f “

set up a new. specialised organlu- “ on ch Uon, Spotnew* Productions, Inc., to — — habdle (he service.

ORANDPABBKTS OF TWINS B V . . PILER, AprU 14-M r. and Mn.2. ' , . Jred_R elchert_ftnd U r - and-Mrs, - f a - j

Call Mogensen are grandparenU of | ^ U , twin (pns bom lo MT. and M n. John

say --------Uie form ecJJorU-Reichert. - ^

. . . . y - I J — — - BOT-

S NOW TU iDAT I R1 of - T he TRine Story of the Most U i ___ Fabulous Spy oX AU Tlmel

= ---------------- PLUS —:------------ V w i= CARTOON and HEWS

ictly brand nc^pockctbook tn drive «qua1. I ts combustion iibefoee^ou^Hiy-any------- develep«almeaHi»<*st

Itw iU U stlon fv tha•over enfina, bu t a ,v a , known. I t wiU oo#»' ' way. I t will »Uy.“youe f performance that thousands of milee pa»t

ry dollar you pcy out . ordinary eofine sbowi oojwnrtion. ‘ A ndon top^i^ill t£a

a e w ^ u n d . j u ,lamber which inakM aafety-powar, to ree.

S L ' l i i S —» heat, Iraa friclioD plSMUre too ' rovioui deaign* can it, eooot ___

io lp r G ^ - ^ O l Mflift

ia lr - p u b l f c f n " n ^ ^ S ^ j jguit dcp""^**

mlna- o["


'■ ht b

eld t - t r s s S *^ months later,

's ta r- P ^ ^ e n t 'i eHmt!S|w ) ^ ^ ^

:ffTOO- Jl*''> pro. under n ris de- he miy ban

from ItoMi 10 tu

Jn lu! tlon

-Mra, nU of.John -

U i [ a | l l | l | ^ ^ H a

» ------------ *------------ -

IncAv!a combuaUon ia ao ^ ltB ^

i Ust lon|«r than ear w n - I tw iU e o e ty e o lw j^ will r t jy .“y o w ^!s of miles pa»t the partB"-"- eo(iiMsbowioldi|«. .

plaasurel l u n w t t n » ^ r.powar, to reeerve »a lw ie o m fo rd is la ii- fW ^

,iv e rfe !tb e fo « . - jha «o«H rf i s■ t o o ^ .w a t a v i t tW t 'iS



Page 7: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^


l» ’'^n al Hit. Jo*'®«“ m K t> o' H e ^ K '«* ^ t l 0. »Ufbe«

j g i y a g pSi^-- ::aw-irf wW“- *' I ' —

2 Hfftd|c<i net r “ -

*’ *ZlIrM«rnower**®^ i * . • •• <•

, ind Ulon*« “> “'* '. .. . . . ^ i«f; ,._ Mrs A n li Mil- •S w V h = S 2 4 ,; i l l5 * ^ ' ■■ ■• ' e ^ ^ ^ isn n y r^ ^ T • '---SSSr5»ne 0 ’''Jrnrt no»f a'fif- .„ ffiS ■*2i,«rved M 1*« « " «

& r » ^ « P - : . . - -g ^ , n i B e x e n e 6iln -

and N«v. j ^'IrS* Hjloistr s " '* ' —...bteksnund-VedcIlPI ..

£ i ' s . r . i = ■ _ -^ □ ( X u with blitck oc- ''iw U ersM teredM M *.i^ u T U ln ch B rie o fth et at Uie recepUon vhlch ^

church bucm «at ^ ^Mlt Titr m sng td Uie ': /

U B ^ e r t . Boise.eouiln -;^ K m d .-the .cm .A D d . ^ H . . . . . .KcUunlle pnalded i t the ^ V |

aJ. kft t t r Sfim*,-/!*.. W - ~ ,

^hlH Lccetsorlea snd -• - . ■ •

??-“ ■ F»1U hl*h (Ktl” ? p h ^tote h u been employed <«vti.try»ui

irtPrinUns eompsny. Pri-, itunfled T«ln r#lH C vKrttnttrlnrih«»lr force V O W S t >

Bsilliiigo. He Is stationed q . ’tf farce bwe n « r Selmi, p y J U n

S o nKt Arvia Miller. Phoenix. ,,■ I.lrc. r-lf"" n w n V JE W ^prii

BMle. «U HoLse; Mr. #nd ”M Tupper »nd family. " " S . i l i ' Eh rM rr^-M re,-Phll Byn. Eh

t t * G S : r : " n dUa_ S!an.;ln MeCuUy.

- Y tulle occentid, _ . o n e n s fU m rr

left's S o c ie ty -- “Mifa£?'S fflrts^ -Project ■,‘;:£EJ,'*i"''EE i^prll l^ rM ” . Ar- J , „ j man. Ushc n n j- ho.ae.u l&si week ^y, t>rothcr-ln-, UB'A Mbsloniry society. e m I Banks. iM dulh W19 In charge -A nnrrrttis K cepUon In th(Ddfrt Carnftlmn and Mra. Mfj, Vollmer. Tcwfe were eppolnKd to .groom, and Mi dlJor Ihe Boise Children's uurrls. sliWrs I. L E. TroibrldKc. l«m- tI io couple Kf«Ur>'. gave a reading, pranclsco lollc rTf»i?rMrj.-OBir-Joner -fifyosem uni: itn MiJIfT, Mr*.- Youree - jfrj. c h rijt . R. I. Dimci reported on i^y jjigt, gchoo twill conlcrcncfl In Wei- pit^i gchool f- ■“ --------------- s n e 'U a reeew wo. In charge of Memorial[:.r^prOi!rani~TWJ-qullt3 - - ----- ->(.the soclcLy were given to . x r

ol the p:u,lor. Rc- M e S t S b a*eretervedbylhehost- ' _ . , M bs’ Mra. U E. Trow- H v / V c

Ufa. Tom Timbers. /

i r i ^ a r t i n ”P n f f o m Hazelton comn

the cancer fui Dates were

I.. .W mDctUiKS. Thecin&in m s e

1 X ■ JA Monda^ *vanlV O ' ' W lodge will vis

.Xi hear Mrs. Ber___L - tfk ot-Oie Caldwi^ r ' ' ^ ......... on 'tha home; i

/ T x ___ members, Dell

! p E — ------- A p rll'^ r-A -t0 i f a \ \ j / lodge will pre

<W e- ® / RefreshmenLUllanHallw

Md. ~-T ~ ' ' ■'O ur dajs.-l

v f i P ' ^ ' v X \ f ' great concern» fv / > \ /T s nation. War

\ W / / y l> \ h lli\ moral dlwrde) a ^ ? t , l ! . . I . X I ' \ \ - that.hasJMlD

J _ ,li * \ 1 Uons and willv ll ? | ‘ - . I 5 Peoples have

I , : - f j ® T ------- irajno -ra it-tirl > ‘l l \ decay-

i ’ ' f l l ' * \■ ^ , ft ' . y * \ rbe and -ilo « ? 0 \ v \ Religion h

a y*‘■ ^ ^ V/i. ahown a

T O r - tnce. . lack .\ o l th e la n e r■✓tn V 'it— p’“-• ’ C O n orcaae. - Co m

t r . ‘ la»t thought5F® *tDGET~5TyLE" ■ *en»rt3W »i

S!lSSSu3of hMllhy'Uf

details. QeHhia on Uon. W» m« » nowl For I Hu lir;®' make it up in no t « n t . » l

m ijS ! wh*< I* met!Uv“& 'sa .;j: Esr.^ss

MWin Martl"^ ‘’bl” th ’ *"t<

Kejjfijwu iMl


N e w ly w e d ' C o m p Fii R e p o r t E W e e k 's /

Maynakanah -olR-iMw-meiTibfrt;

1' Janlcc wiboo. Lu■ S y K ' . < ^ d r Walker. Jo ■ u ^ a ^ V L Oayle CitrpfnUer.

abteri" to the M t working on th ' MlnVheca Camp'

- • - T - ^ - . ■ ■bers-na-N-e^been'?. . I 'l . bandjrranlc.-memc

-:— ,--------------Moktwnga-Cami. .-ii. ' . - . i . meet at the Pr(

'jft U • ■* each Week with tK Mary Connelley.

; . f l M j C u f l l h n . ^ group elected Mlct Bandra. Bo'

deni: Beverly Pre«

! »crlt>e. and Dee La/ N w SToup Is planning

I - ‘ ■ ' . T»'’d» Camp 1— -------BXianllan-l!! Mr*.

; j - •_•.,. . . . . - r - N * w l y . e l e c M d oMl. % ■' - ' 4 Qarey, president.

vice president: Hi retory and tcrlb

■ • ' i l t '■’ Trent, treasurer.'•• s t the Camp Fir

future BCi memory books. Man arbor dny otjtn

------ ihnilJ!_ln. Uip..3h

1 ^ V ^ l D o re e n P -S ecg eo n ;

A H . In U ta l► HAILEY. April

Flugholf bccame 'U t.'- . ■ .'. H&roia w.Niemi ■

. . . ' ^ 1 bride'* ounl, Mrs.- - - r .............. -------- Salt take Cliy, the

I . 31. The vows wenJ______ ____________ ._ !■ ton Jacobsen of tl

."1 ” Mr. nnd Mrs. M

• • • .......... ........ . present, A cousliMRS. JAMES A. MAY /»!“ Bltended.

(Kelker pholo—a u ri engrailag) The bride woreJ --------- 1------------------ ‘ ------------- pink accessories

pink (ea roses.^ow s E x c h a n g e d By J u n e W a r r e n , '

A _ , ' Sergeant NlemlS a n F r a n c i s c a nVIEW. April H - Word h y been * h f S .„ l« W & jcsvea.liui* o t iliB-niaril#te-flj- veUran 4f W6Hfl mo Warren, daughter of Mr. and . . . .rs. Albert warren. View, and War- n CTirlst, San Pranclico. w n of Mrs. Nleml Is ro ra. Mabel Ehrke, Lot Angeles. The „r,^ U rt.

S M a O .™(rkeleV, Calif. ................. . ---------------- HTlie..bride's.gown.wM . or white F Q C f g i - , llie accented with lace, A lace cor- .ie n sn m m tU Jn W ct-ten B tir-rril------ H p n " F nid she tarried pink camelUas. ' i c n - i m iM W rfaErH ie bride- W 8»-Bererr —O O O D ! « 0 ^_BreRsr.jnd .Leo yollm ;er,.lrolhi Easter breA ta |tvln-law. of the . bridegroom.- waa .dtl7..or.-.Chrt*0«•it man. Ushers were Richard Kel- Methodist churc■ brothcr-ln-Iaw of tlie brtde, and weelr in thff ehiarl Banks, Spring waa the tr•AHTorrr th« iMtStahU '• t the re- oratloiti ami proiinUon in the church pnrlor were Mra. Cecil a .[rs. Vollmer. sister of the bride- Invocation and Mroom, and Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Jay sen. WBCS presUBrrla. sisters of the bride. 70 women attendTho couple H residing In San Smith played pliranclsco lollowlnR a wedding trip Mrs. J. E. Manujryosemllff'iistionsl'-part.'----------- bers.-------------------M n. Christ M a rrrtuftt* of Bur- ..-M rs.a. W JJa j y high school and St. Luke's hos- meaning of Easte Ital school of nursing In Boise, ley Miller, the b« ne-U a recent associate of Cro- Th« committee ell Memorial hospital a t Berkeley. Mrs. Clyde Haw> ------------- * _ # _________ ______ _ler and Mrs. Pes

iAeets S c h e d u le d T e V v e T ^ S m t\ / I I I j daughters-guild.B y V a l l ^ L o d g e . *.

HAZKI.TOK. April M—■nie Rc- FeStlXitAh lodge volcd, last week to aa- jetiom E. Aprl,it with raising money for the ,ntj a ir l Sedu:azeltori community recre*tlon_pro-' o( ^ r , ,

mi(de to p i.w. fr r tle cancer fund. The event, orlglniDales were nnnounce<l for three jg, ;vlU be held

iDctlngs. The Rebekah elub will en- j j »t tho Junior ftfl&in U10 EUeii club a t (^e nail* -tertmn, tigh t trn<londa* evening: AprU ai, the local Mta. WUUam)dge WlU visit (he Eden lodge (0 (hat all Olrl Scotear Mrs. Bertha Belmont, director turned In to h't- th e Caldwell lOOP home, speak Monday, ...n-tha home; and'Initiation of three ♦ . -lembers. Deity Shaud. Ilcne H»«en HYMNS P^ -O la d r^ -Jen e en r-w m . be . hi M HAll .gY., ftprll in r ll '« rA - te a n r fre m -the-Burl*y -Mt»-D«6a3«a club- odge will present a drilL meeUng U st wee

Refreshments were served by Mrs. hymns. The prac .Ullon Hall and Mr*. Alt* Seller*. Charles church.

Care of Your Chi]- - - - By 'ANCELO P ATRI

-o u r days.-fmed-**.they ire .wlUi. _0.ur,.»cnoolL_cj «ar and the rumors of war. give us but Sunday ich Teat concern for-the future of the when “>« latlon. Wars ar« a aymptom of them ^ alter noral disorder, the splri(uaj lHn«« ^ =hat.hasJjelOM.Bpw destroyed na- 1« * d tions and will destroy nations again. »"«

j s S ulU S.ran o -la lt m-rttMTtaueeo y ^ ^

^ e would'not have J U T a t ^ d S S S

ource ot man’* spiritual «tiefwU>- er cWMwa ean'o r *ome yegr. past our churtdwa Sunday u U * p>av« ahown a fHimg Off of attend- bjrejom. wajUmce. a lack of InUrest on the P « t o f ^ m ^ . A rl the larger proporUon of our peo- ^ ->le. Crime aeem* to be on the In- ^ireue CoMclence aeems to weak- day uhool ana tn “ ^ . ^ - w h e r e wUlitUlbe hOW

hi |> » ^ ^r .l mur- ■ no aer.ge/ and spotlea* honor. Material training ohlWmjoJiperlty t te m t to be tiie l in t and a t the aame tlm.u t thought of a hoit o t our elU- p U n e i . th e p r ^»n»roW '»«Ti1w T e-fon* «ut-*«’a th a tO ^ .to food

» .y« >i»»t the *parfc an and ohUd.i n a ~ v e g T ^ '(U m a th ta f iww

jf h e illh r ilfe - tt f m ^ Id u M -w t-ttie-ex*B tjion. We muat go back. by day; give

I have nevar a e t anyone who dia thenw t T O t-»U ..cJiliaren, reguUrly; makelU own. Je be “food." We ^ with goodneaa 1vhat tt m'Mnl S r - | W f l n » - ^ they m a-beenn igree. 'm en being » » » « > . w d body and 1>aslc Ideal all of us. head* of home*, aomeday. austajiIf KhooU. cf-churehea. of the e w - j,ome and the nanuS tyT m S t'T iS iog riw -th^ ^ iH r l t '« a - p l« r -

g .HclJslous Iwtnjctloa U esspntlal ^ S p f e ^ u i n * "

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ V TIMES-N-o m p F ire G ir ls ■ R upert R ep o rt E le c t io n s ,W eel< 's A c t iv i t i e s

Mnynakanah Camp Fire group haa H-i>*v-m«mbfr<r-Urnett* -HowaUr tnlcc WllsoQ..Lula Mae Kininger. id r Walker. Jo Ann Olans and ayle carpenUer. who are -'lltUe steri" to the older girls. Member*•e working on the txillo camimlfa. i-rw'-iMMlnVheca Csmp n re group ot file r

r««n»r l .^<t RMllTliKH OjB »T0UPdd-a_jttllcr. skating !rs-n i\e“becn‘worklirR on head-indsrrank.-meiiiui)' boon.------------MokiwBg»-Camp Fire group wineet at Ute Presbywrlan churth p r .■>. " yich «eek with the new g:uardlan, .yAA:ary Connelley. 'Thursday the'oup elected Mickey Hulbert, presl-:nt; Bandra. Bowman. vlc« presl-enl: Beverly Preeouf, secretary andrlbe. and Dee Lake, treasurer. Theoup Is planning a box social and

Tarida Camp Fire group’s newjardlan-la Mrs. Howard Johnson. . . EUVADA iewly.elecUd officers u e Qcraldlnearey, president. Jacaue Waddell, - i l ' v * , . .Isiuirf (ce preildent: Helen Johnson, sec-,tar? and scribe, and Catherine 5g!;.Ve“ha A. VAa'cent, treasurer. 'The group met the U)8 (blr; the Camp Fire office,and dls- jjcme. DorttAsHaused future activities, w iilt vllle. N. T , »t»pUiiemory books. Members also heldJ arbor dny obsrrvnnce by planting -------------------------inibs In the Sho»hone falls part

* * * Calen) o r e e n P l u g h o f f , L— ^ S e tg e o n t_ „ M a rry

In U ta h S e rv ic eHAILEY. April l 4-D oreen Helen 3 p.m. wedntids? 1 ughoif became the bride of Sgt. jdmeraon. Pller iverMold W. Nleml at an Informal eer- ,1, ,nony performed a t the home of the ^he Rock Creek \ide's ounl, Mrs. Kenneth Milner, at } nm. 1lit I*ke Cliy, the evening ot M *«h Qporje Henrr,. The vows were read by A. CUf- * ^.n Jacobsen of the LDS church. y .w ives will meetMr. and Mrs. Milner attended the . ^

l « ^ lve.•csentl A 'cousin; Harold MUner. -„goiber» oTuIs f

Th“ bflde‘*wore a gray suit with S e d 5?ld»y‘j r ‘!ll'vS ” “ Sl i MB, !The new Mn. Nleml. a i m grad- b ' l **ste of Hailey high »ch«l. U ’the a. Llughter of the late Frank Plughoff «*» •« • .id-Mrsr-Jennle-Plughoff.----------------------------- i - . - t .Sergeant Nleml came to Ralley In S< a P r f in n C Ii9 from Chaisel. Mleh.. and wa* O e J e C U O n S igaged In mining untU he enured •, o , . I - - - .le lervlce m ^ ^ p u m t* r . j a w ^ ^ D Y J e r O I

: ihT a ir force atatlonid a t Roa.

Mrs. Nleml Is residing a t the home V ^ ,* c i v h club^ [ Mr. and Ur*. Peter Bniaer untU^T-JoiSs-BnTiuiBinO------------------------------ ^ - * —* CaUen. NoaUneesla

F oster B r e a k f a s t . “ H e l d i r r G o o d i n g uSf^Sii^feS^s!-oooD!Ner-Awlw*-^'nw.*ju»u»i reu i7 : Mrs. c iUlster breftfast lor W oman's'«0- auditor, and Un. 1 I tty -o r ChTliig~wgeJ^e*-of-*>»>- boMd-»euiiw.—Jethodlst church was held l u t --J irs . Tom Mihsn,•eelr in U w chureh dlnJn* room. man. p^senfed E tprlng was the theme for table dec- y j i j , attorney, vrhoraltoiti and program.' tb South America.

!Sr* .a.W J>ay .gftY eata llcontheleaning of Easter and Mrs. J. Wes- Btitwver.;y Miller, the benediction. *The committee In charge included Q U r> u ;o r

Irs. Clyde Hawks. Mrs. A. V. Car- O n O W S rer and Mrt. Pearl Teirlerc. Tables . h e y BURH, April;ere--6iranged -and -th6-breaUiiBt blue shower « ti heerved by member* of the King* u,e home of Mn. C }aughters' guild. Mrs. Heber HeUew

* * * Brown directed gun

F e s t iv a l S e t S 'r . 6 7 i S tJETIOME. April W—Adult work- Haskell. Los ptlu

t l and Olrl Scouts met last week at Helen Hellewell, E ne home of Mrs. Clark Heiss to dls- olive SUauj. ' •..,. p l.... th> Hiring ^*^val » pi.i.,i.p.v...^•ho e'vent. orlgmally K h^u lcd April uiVnlni Brosdhesd 8, y,'lU be held a t 7:30 P.m. Ai^ll Hellewell, Mr*. » 5 a t the Junior high scliool audl- gtf^us Mn'<

’SSiSffiTTfSKTlKhat aU OW Scout cookie money be -umed In to her not later than G l f t S P r € Jonay . ... ^ ^ - . KETCmW, Apr

HYIHNS PRACTICED Of the ThCU RhoH A mcY .j|>priU <L=:-M m& saol .seattUEHMLJius

h»-D«6a3«e club-spept thftlm t ular. joother; of Soaviln] neeUng U st week practicing E u te r * t the regulw mei lymns. The pracUce waa held in St. p ^.y. « « msde jharles church. Carolyn Hsncock.

ir Children ~|0 P A T R I _ I M

_Our schooU cannot pwvlde ttl s ___ ^lUt Sunday ad iop ls‘can.’ and do' rhen the chUdren are reslitercd In hem and attend them. This Is lomeihiAg l« a tsany of us neglect lunday li a day of rest. Father ■md mothef-eleep l* te,-br«kfM t ta ------------lelayed, the children ure made to>e-flulet PH*ent-9& to.P-lay. I f It I s ______________1 nice day, * ride the country I Just the thin*, ThiV dots not In-4ud« attmdaoee t t churett or 6un- M .

Sum pleU thebestpoaalbieteach- ’4,•r cWldrea ean have. 'Hie “m t"Sunday ««t4 t pattern (or idlenes*. nredom, waste of precious hour*)f childhood.** Aft«r all, the d ty Is one, tve ivs'to alxiMn houn Jon*, he children can be Uken to Sun- lay uhool tn d to church, «nd there >U1 ttUl be hciiio wid hourt for rest. .•' : r \ ' ^■•is^i^ls np aenaa In U lk lnr a b o ^ '____ t

jtUUng ChUdren to be ■‘good’' and ^It (he itm e time h fflec t the dJid* 4)Unet, the prtetlcea tn d mperlenoeshat4etd-to foodne*a.to-JatB.-Wom». ::r_______ ____m and ohlld. -Oaelaaa.-to wlah tn d .' ------------ ----l8Tiam nr^bw «»yM >><y^ -----------------

jy day;’ live th# chUdre^«oodm>ki; take them to Sunday echeol . ,

i s f f i . . s % % k - - r a a -■ - 'F A I*»y m a -beonae -Jtron i ta-nUnd - ----- -uid body and spirit. They must, _ lomeday, a u s ttln 'th p family, the r \ / ^ \ lome and the naUon. Lei no parent' “ V V n i n iH r l t '« a - i^ — T - ------ --------------

• lo

T rM E S-N E m TWIKT I ’A i r a . ' IDi

R upert S i s t e r s " ^ l ^ e t r o ^

EUVADA ASTON ' DORIS A8, , . Boise raldeals. da* fb ‘«»» of Mr. »ad Mr*. Clarpce bo have planntd tb tlr wedding datea for early spring, olse Junior (ollcft alndeot. aod R. DkWM Falmer, Jr. 1 [re. Jebn A. JeriB|»n. Rkhmood. V*.. will be married at 17 lo the U)8 (blri ward In Boise, U « r fUnee l« sUtlooi pme. Oorlt Aslts. BdIic Mboollfacber, and Rtebard IT. Me. N. T , sr* plstuilng (0 snmrry next m m th . lie la eUlli eld. (Start eeiTiTlog*)

^ ' O l e n d ^ - i M e m b e r s i --------- -- -------- 1 G r o u p S<m e Addbon Arenue club wiH 1 _ _ _ /ct a t a pm. Wednesday o t.lhe ( J t LOCOITie of M rt^AI/^ Peters. meeUngs wi

rtie MS sn* 8 Club will meet s t C s ' V ' c “

rhe Rock Creek Worthwhile elub.1 meet at } p.m. Wednesday wlUi program r a

’■ O ' " - ' S S - “ 5"£. ‘ S!'S;-Wlves will meet>t.iB.pjn. Tues- tlcl^U ng.

Members « Ui» 6o-Jmirnoy club te rs from b “ sijter ;i hold a Mwifli meeUng « J p.m. alonary In Tokyo »i jdnesdsy it the homo of Mrs. C. Kevan led devouo) Robert*. IM Eifhth avenue east, m ade for a braattu.

•ervaUons msr be made by con- April at in the fello :ting Mrs. a. L Reiss, telephone A rthur Miracle an ».W ._________________________Leonard sen'ed retr ________JL J I______________ Mrs. a o y Smith

elections T o ld By Je ro m e C lu b T T S e f r S

JEROME, April !*—A report by if. *e nomlniUni cMomlttee 'was fea-

H a i l e y A u

K I S S r i S K S LaponMT Betty Ranc tary, Mrs. Carroll wiicofiib, ^? f ^ r « junior c n

*rd-»euiiw .---------------- - -*a^7 Hailey high Ia irs . Tom Mihsn, program chair- jo f ih# honor.an. presenttd B. L. lU rbom , Twin-----McrobenrroWd-t.Ills attorney, vrho spoke on his trip ^ a ls for six benchi I South Amerlcs. constructed by metMrs. Ruisell Wilter and Mra. Lee slon post, ratt are new'Diembers. Hostesses Plans were made 4- the aJteiroon were M rs. Ouy Mrs. J o to S a n b ^ , runty, Mrs. Anns Hlme. Mrs. Anna president. May JS. srklnson, Mrs. William Perdue, Keichum auxlllYy ;rs. H. M.-airoud, Mr*. O uy Sim- attend the meetwi

* » a s s i« « j|i discussed and Mn.

t i l l den was appointed.Shower H e l d

HEYBURH, April 14—A pink and w n and Mrs;- Pue shower «si held—1t«t-we«k n t served-refreshineiitle home er Mn. Cslvln Helner for • *rs. Heber HeUewcIl. M rs. Q. D. , •rown directedgimes. W lnnlnghlgli LUnCneOrise, w ort-un. Wilson -Warner; iy « • '- willne Savage,‘Ili Dspaln ond Irene A desKrt luncheaskell. Los ptlie w inners were circle No. 3. Wonelen Hellewell, Edna Shaw and ClirlsUen ScrvUe elive Stfauj. ' • ' - -------------- chorth.-Thuraday-« p l.t.,I,p .),..,. « . . . Mrs- BeMle McH»bw ln i Brosdhesd. Mr*. William w ».ellewell, Mr*. Noel Croft. Mra.ick Straus, Mn.^Q.,D. Brown and t i ,* ^ ^ o m t cm " ?.re.' Olen OM/refV H?P vrn nj ^ ’ e *'».* * . r e td a n s r t l t i e .G if ts P r e s e n te d ~z »

■R ery,:bm ajjt t4JB «j«rjias-lM r_lb£lrjccrei a t ( ^ m o n SlOtherf of SQavdrop.S«belcab lodge ogn'i sUad sucb tani the reguiw meeting. luitigiooih Rcslael PUM ™ , «»!M op U l. vwt 01trolyn nmcock, stAte chalnsaQ, |,ilo b'ling bIMuU lo■om Hew Ueadawt. . . ■ . . ' ■ AirttUt

e ^ N C R E T E




-F A R M rA -D A Y J E R O A

u j a ; m A H ( r ^B e t r o th a l s G o ld a n d G

B By C a re 'CAREY, AprU It-A

hre« numbers was pri he. annual O old-tr I»ld here Thuraday, lances were dlreetw Itocklng and Janls lance leaders, and n

°«yne. Audrey Imli

jn i* tirjfw afl-M in T -Mia- M ^ds -ant 3Isansr-olaaaa*T— - -A-iolo dance br B- Undal! followed. T lumber w u a vartou md Mr*. CUff Orel !<rs. Jtarold Tolman. Ray Hodges. Annie Di and, Carrol Drown, Jj 'ibrelhsen and Dons

Diirlng the evenlni UYfliJSCk^lSHtdLi

. , achievement and pi • DORIS A8T0 N ward events. Prese

Hr*. Clarence Asten. Bnpert, made by Cloyde Mecf early spring, Eurad* Alton, t ^ awards were '

I Falmer, Jr. seo of Mr. and Erma Feck, Ber7l All be married a t 7 p.m . T b n n - Robbins. Annie Davl

me* l« sUtlooed a t MoaaUUt Betty Rudolph. Deity )d Rlebard IT. Ryall, Cloven- Albrethsen, Carrol th. He la eUlloBed a t Oowca Baird, Evelyn Klrklan

land, NUa Wilde. Ma ~ Carmen Pyrah. Belva

, Seward, Bufsyem b e r s R e p o r t—ro u p S e s s io n s S p r » 'j ; . ’cS')f L o c a l C h u r c h S S " S ," - tKla meetings were held 'Thurs- *"<1 Mrs. Verrf Mur r women of the First Baptist merits chalnnan w u I. Mrs. M. C. chaddock. as- ^ PJOP™ ehaln by Mr*. E. Adkins, -wt* host- Owls DUworth.1 members • of tho Bebocct ♦ *

a c T w ' i m W e n d e ll Clid^MiB?n!*Kl’Ai^=rKpnp^^ F r ie n d s h ifTJrarJoriraiBssirelrrJff-mwt------- EventS^R

- W EM DHir^pm -:rom her sister, who i* a mis*7 in Tokyo and Mr*. Charles f ' ” - ^, led devotions. Plane wero l»*t week a t the Mi tor a breakfast a t 0:30 a- m. Mrs. Frances Lan a t in the fellowship hall. Mr*. Iron, and her offI r Miracle and Mr*. I to r ts t th* meeting wilh I rd sen-ed rerreihments. Ilsms M d Mr*<-M, Roy Smith v u hostes* to fl«d taking proflcli S ir^ T sa is -d T C lB -tn d - tlso - Ottht Hfuklns,' Mi

m g a « devoUons and Mr*. Eaton and Mrs. Fa; shotwell and Mrs. Noah w ^e p r e s e ^ 2fl-y

V * * ................ . " a u ts u ’were-presw, , . . I . _ , Shoshone tn d Hagii i l e y A u x i i a r yjQmeS~Del&gOre~ -UW-soclaLhoaz-ser ILEY. April U — Announce- Pingerson, M n. M wtis made at the regular meet- Mrs. Alta Oates, 1 fU ie AmerlCMi tcglon-«u»m - m d Mrs.-fltbtof-D l i t » . . v th»t tha group wUl ■■ . . . ■ ■ or Betty Rsndall, G annett, a t

SUte. Mis* lundalj w t* one - ............. . .ree Junior candldatAs present- • •• HBlley high Khool t s eligible ------------. I - * •ne honor. ' H Ambenrrow d-to pay-foT.nuU- — - T l f 'for six benches, which wtll beTucted by members o l tJw_Le,- ^

,^ w e re made for the visit ot 'John Banberg, Jerome, district ■dent. May IS. Members of the ■hum auxiliary were invited to ■id the meeting, ?/hich wUl In- • "y! »-polhirlf rtlnner.___________________________ / .eanjiatJ.M oiherii d a y .te t w u _ _ ■ued tn d M n. Joseph McFad- .■was appointed chairman for ai- ■eraenla. Mrs. Loula Steven, Mrs, B - •a Neyman, Mrs. A. J . Thoma-and Mrs;--Kenneth BurreU «M.;


.u n c h e o n . H e ld Z g g adeuert ItinchM n'w u held by> No. 3, Woman’s Society , ot lUsn Service o f th e Methodist ih,-Thuraday. a t the homa of Bessie McNabb.i, g t i l Laku Bte aailst i nt -------

iM were completed for eerving Bapmt ^ f e r ^ w

IB trMele. _________ _ ’7 , Smarting ltd ;

f C o m m o n S k in R M l m X ' v ^ H,.„K7 r^ ." .5 5 U ia l ie B r» - ------


' J L Y c o N v „


■JER O M E---- ------PRODUm i j N l U l

~ J i r o m i ^ 'r ’ ’ *

' IbxMO MASONHY - J a i d t f t i m o p . .

Id a n d G re e n B lue L a k e s ( a n c e F e a tu re d P la n s f o r [ By C a re y W o rd . . S o r S o 'S X ’REV, AprU I t- A floor ihow of held nt 1:1# p. m. Wedr number* WMpresenWd dilrlng John ^reckeprldge and uinual Gold -tnd- Oreen-bell Barlow.wm-be.heatcLses, here Thursday, evening. The emoon.. ts were directed by Wallace Mrs. Ray SchwarU an :tng and Janls Paike, MIA don Edgar were ho.ite: ! leaders, and represented the week’s luncheon, a t wh' i theme, •'Yount « _ _ T h e n u . B am arl.ttodyad hU iftinie,“ » m i |^ ^ f m o^Ila H rST RrT .'Party , secor

»lo dance br Betty ahd -dene ' L o ad : giiCM .m ty -b< lall followed. The concluding O’® T u«day and F >er w u a vartouvlenne by Mr. 1* womens party day. Mr*. CUff Orchard, Mr. and » * ¥

imTcs!/^nie*Davf*?h^^^ G o o d in Q Soi O f f ic e r s Els

ring the evening JO girls were r j ^ 1 £ i^k_t7!nrdL loc_flU M an^K PreQKTaSr’T v r n t . ‘ " ^ e s S S h r e l S OOOOir^O. AprU ii-! by Cloyde Mecham. Receiving / ‘' I ' r L , 'awards were Wanda Payne. Sorosls club a t the regI Peck, Beryl Albrethsen, Dltne la»l-»‘eet.)lns. Annie Davis, Jleva Davis, Other ofrioers aref Rudolph. Deity Randall, Mary Bright, vice presidentethsen, Carrol Brown, Cleone Scaplon, secretary, an1, Evelyn Kirkland. Vivian EIrk- Th'tnilpson., HUa Wilde. Marlene Peterson. Mrs. Harold Kocnlj?, 1:ien Pyrah. Belva Csrlson, Shir- jdent, conducted the

Buteye Kirkland and which plans were madi!ll!t Kllhbill. 13 hreak/asl, IT was anI* general danc. ansngcments m erra tlons should be

under the direction of Mrs. with Mm William Ct

. K r , s , . ? s , “s s s ,

“ SS. >"»s DUworth. Mrs, DerrUl RoberU.i

« « « ot tha 'L ts t Day* o t Ji

e n d e ll C h a p te r eS 1 S .'rB .^ 1 SI 1 • k. I . I . A- <3. Pttterson sang.r re n d s h ip N ig h t

g w p g ix , prfl R—The filar of Mrs. Ernest Wilson, WP51 chapiw, Oiuer bi Euictji -W TOcmnirilir-T.-Or ', observed friendship -night * * «week a t the Masonic temple, c j . C rs, Frances Lamb, worthy ma- b t O t e b U p e t I, and her officers conducted • 1meeting with Mrs. Mtry WU- V i S l t S I H F

M 'a nd Mr*^Martaret SsUer- , J „ '1 taking proficiency tests. Mrs. HANSEN, April 11 tit • Mr«* T-*rnT Parvln, Homedate, st* . i u t achouweller, Mr*. Fred W " » g u a ro f -m e - ] sn and Mrs. Fanny 'Ward each Neighbor lodge l u t we e presented 2fl-year pins by the on lodge work. Mrs. A thy matron. t 'lc t deputy, w u anol uesu'were-prwimt rrom Jerome, - ^ 0 0 m « y = « t : » * a «hone tn d Hagerman. Late re- M” - Oeorge Henry t ,hmenu were served In the din- Pomwalt, and game* room cf the temple. In charge of ed by M n. Lee H u ll ■~-U1 »«r!. Mr» SOClal hOUf. Mt». FMm

ieyrMre. td na-fayr-M rsJvalyn ifitg l t Hiight a j a i S ^ gerson, M n. Minnie Mnchek, Eight member*_ot t I. AUt Oates, Ur*. LaUt Long accompanied Mrs. P t t Ur*.-'8tblnV-DlTelblss.---------- ing tnd-vlslted-tbe-O

H A V E A ^ r 2

IVnntta* In sectioi P«aJctll;


C R E D IT I-------------—

------------------------a> VIS l------------------ = —r-=ANM

In t

J a i d t f s i M o h o

. , . . : D R lV E : .Q U t-

~r:- - - - - - - - - - - ^ ^.a k e s C lu b F H A D e lisg a l is f o r E v e n ts Will P a r t l c l f

CountTV club .rill 2 ln "B o ise Pp. m. Wednesday. Mrt. Heybum, Aprtl . I< -

e^irldge nnd Mrs. Bert Startin snd Larett Cbrlatc he.hcatesses.ior.the.tlt-. rtieiUiog .the_Hezbum.j(

Puton Bomemaketw of-SchwarU and Mrs. O ot- Oj,*""?* were ho.ite»jes at last ‘f'"" “ ‘ho to a ttend the

heon, a t which Mrs. W.

Parry," second* high.* ^tn d . raund -dMC^a

».'|nf?n^_jU nh«jdanca: = -•T-iamWoSDMrttmit' I Baturday nlglit Member Is the tbeaie o'CM .m ty b*.Invited -to TeSUoOUdeieg'tlMwin' eiday and Friday, which In making decUloni conee pw ty day. jram and procedures ot

* * * officer* and delegates t

in g S o r o s is " S ‘X'S'«'’.m‘r X :e r s E le c te d , S . X T i . S ’SS

I £ ' 1. r i . I tndplctoriit rep o rtto t d: ^ k T g s r j l Q T e ^ win ^ te y u r^ . ^

s clccted prrsldent* of -m«Un« "" b a t tbe regular meeUof r-M ^T'o i.ude-Bow m t*

vlser ot the Heybum PE ffloers are Mrs, H trold tend tha convenUon will :e president; Mrs. O. O, gate tnd representatln ecretary, and Mrs. A. E. representaUn»wlU take

.. emblem ssrv lcett t h t ati old Kocnlir, retiring prea> Uon ss «U1 d e la te * froi iductcd the mcellnK a t ley chapter.IS were msde for the May * • •

Idaho*Pfe-srd bSS.“ M a k e s H eiere made to clean, tn d HAta/TOK, April 2 ^ :lub rooms before the next ton Araerlcan W tr Moi •prll M. Mr*. O- C. Bcaji- ter enterUlned tb a sUU Id on the Red Cross quott. Mn. Usbel B rtln trd , tl TUlRoberU.gavethestcry t t Dty* o t Jesus on E t« h •tlm Sunday and E astn"S . B.'Robe*on tn d Mr*. 2??:wson sang, -ma procrtm, aUlontl for e a su r setMn.- ***;?““ ,}?,M b, .. U.. 1«U ‘ ™

m i mo.;a l WIIK.., Mn. , H m „ S S . ' S a S . S H - im r ^ - o .j t* f lu la c ■ eot^itnJtyiw ew

* * * gram.

S u p e r v is o r ~i t s in H a n s e n li

RAINBOa ro f " m e - R tn t« in io y ti - - — \\- fasaur lodge t u t wMk. She spoke vork. Mrs. Adt Albln, dl*> ty, w u another guest, ’_ : ^ WfciCPBBy qy=m t . waarpreeentwl^jq: rge Henry otid Mrs. H. A. and game* were conduct-

a. Lee H u lu n during the I If Mr». Fomw tlt 1 M n. ____ ftrn rtn D I

iembers_of t h e T ^ n S I g e S to ra Mled Mrs. P trvln to Good- »« » * •« « 1Itl ted 'the >~»'><''<lng 1nrtgi» I

( l il t t t i t s r e i J Jifetim® comfbi

In sectional 4av«dj>ort( ts icconpIUh pnedctHy.tny.TPom *r»Mjt«*fli. l « u ttbow youoarM U cdm . .•

A llo w o n c & O n -¥ o u r^ d S u U ^


LareU C b r i a t a i ^ T iM

3)emaketw * of -mg more th tn ISO « ttH i .10 a ttend th s slstli ^

. Tbe meeting win-

i lp lS p o i f tO T i ty i to * » 5 jp ^ ^ ^ ^ BI theJbeaiB of tho can«deiegftiM « m p t r t i ^ l idecision! coneemlng p ro ^ 'procedurea ot TBA. Me*d delegates to ntU onalrUl be elected.nm w U l Include the bnd«m*, leadershipf annual b a n ^ t , 8 klta UVJJmamIt reportt^ ^ ^ ^ t^ ^ i ^ ' l O H H

3 honortry UUlHlglUlll | j l B | | H 'esented a t the bm iiuet | 1 | | | | ^ H

lude'-Bowmtn... tb » . td « . — l^ ^ H | e Heybum FHA. irm a t- a |« S B I onvenUoQ with th e dtl«r

rvlce t t th ta ttte .conT enr. - ItlHBM I delegatee from tb e Bio* J « H

r P f e s id e r i tik e s H e r V i s i t i ^ HOK, April 24-.7D* BtM l« ean W tr M othen « t»P« * lined tb e sUte p raM e n t,11 B rtln tm , t t t b t boBM UeDickty w lih M n .V a j«Ul Mrs. Mtbel BWM W

ils ird dfaMtuaed cqW lebcM -ttr tn BoatOD. B h t .w ) a t o .— lU t-tnd a com c» b r tlw

I t JUcBUB, cbtffM rsta^bi—Inted. M n . . a e i a i t J 9 ^ » _ ! . { n | md chapter r e p rM sn ta m H M B a m itn jts -i* u u tlu u n y tu « “ M H

Job waa m tde to f f l B f l


- S lo n tg e I A M .


I• t^ w s u M i y o u w f ''(dm « eomfoK t o d - | HtftbU iiy.

G ' 1' A TT I

"" .A

Page 8: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

| | | | f A Q B m g H T T "

I P i t c h i n g

I O p e n M a ;H N E W Y O R K , A pril 14 (/P>- IIHII d a y w h en th e 1952 baseba]] i

. n ew fa c e s . • I n , N ew Y ork, S

j ^ i t W S ^ ^ - S w e e p B " ^M “ ^ r a c E 1 V [ ^ tHI W ith V andalsW I L _ _ .M O S < » i¥ . April.' 14 W - Th«■ fjl W *8hlnj»n BUle w H w trick ■ II; UtLffl. defending ehunplons of the g n northern division, opened the 1952

■ f f to 3T'i triumph over Idaho.HUI . . T hs Oouaars took ll firsu »ndn n one flr(t>pUee Ue m d nwrpi twoH n t - «venta-tha »notptit w a J»«imr -K^!' — EMo R«b«r(« was their blR uorlnsn i i l eun u he plied up 10 potnu withm n ' two flrsta—a 8>foot 3-Inch efrort InU ' the hlsh jum p and a broadjump ofIJfr- 9l-feet,10»i inches.ME' Idoho's Dave MarUndale, who tiedl l ' ' v lth Cougar Vlo Andarton for flrist■ i • In the polevault, tied for aecond in■ t t i-------iholSKTumirfcnaTnttcEa-iTcand-tnW ll------ lov hurdles, was n olo>e second■ I I wllh 9'.i poInU).■ II - ' Idaho Tvos lendlnK In the flnatn i l ntJIe relar'evene whcn-«ncfiar manW j Ted Nowtk fell n i the exchange ofH I the bstcn for Uie l u t lap. Aftern l tha t Uie Cougara won wlUi ease.■ Ill tilt flnaiBtrT'B ill Skotput—RoblMtn (W.SCI. HcrtiUnd

JWSC) PfUltT (W»C). OUUM*-<l fwt.H K - ' ran-CI«rk ll), BlhMi (WBC).■Hj Uition IWBCI. Tlmr- 4HI.I.S l i t . "* 4l^7«rd * n n —Ormlixa ‘ (WSO HowsliI IH ll dilh—fiirr (WRC), RIchird.1 ^ ___ ;•«« jWBOj N wlon III,

l i “W S ’ ™':-I.:!'-H | '^ Z ^ J id4 (WSC), DI«Uik»-1<I (m .

I I I (I), nibtr (WSC). Ttmi-liiM.

M aon (WSC). W»wlOB (l(. DUUiK»-:i ft.1,H I '^Slll^nn’ — Wuhlnik.li Bull Olllltr,

I Sfiores< iood j ■ — E o F J ’r a p s h o o t -H n Good scorw were rw rded Bun-" Mp ' -d ay a t theX M terihoot of the TwtnHiU___ .'- F w .a u n club wJth£ame;..01avlal3!*l - posting a-pw leel score of M'blrd*.r m .......... ~A~new-BTent.-ttiB "sliding h»ndi-ifffi e i ^ ’ w il lnlroduced”'BuhavT H)) i! Bhooten fired five Umes, then alep- k :. ped back* a yard for Uie next fire M f U ther broke all the blMs, If Uiey ■ n i m luea two birds, ther idranced a H i yard..Results Included Prentice 3i,

Dr. Potter. 34. Heldemann 29, J.■ Tlnger 21. D, Bogeraon 22. WUUun ■ Kllbnm a ..E tti-B en ta i.J le im c.-_■ _ - Cowell 33, UIU Shaefer 21, Harver

BUkeU 31. A. young 22. R. Arm- H itrong 34. Pred Drake 33. B, BUkea- H lee 33 and Olavln 34.■ n ----------From' lh« • IB^yura Olne,- OlivWUiM troke M, Dr. Poller 4«, U Helde-

- mann «7^R. Blakealee 47. D. Rojer-

H 4S. H aney BlckeU 4<’, A. Toung 4fi ■ n and m a Drake 47.BHI - Firing a t 2i targela from Uie 16- B u yMnl.Une.PnoUoe broke 32, J. Tin-

ge; 31. WUUam KUbom 39, CleU h!?: McDeweU K . Ray Armrtrong 24. K.f f e - ...... Ko(Bett-a6.-Dlok-Young JO, H, Blo-j 'ffi ■ ktK. Jr.. IB and MUI ShMfer, Ir.. 33.

iH; W o m en G o lfe rs a t l l — B u h l E lec t-N ew—

H e a d s , S e t E ven ts■ h i b u h l . Aprn 14=B uW womto■ n l golfers met a t the R and R cafeM i l .Thursday night to elect new offl- ■ M . : cgrs_> nd pton _,for_tlw. ..wimn»

M l ...... ~ Nftmed to head Uit auocUUOn■ H - thU year was Mrs. Chsrlei Uinte, |H U - ."wtUi Mrs. LaMonl Pirlth at secre- ■ H - tanr-treasurer. m Tlie group wm meet s t 1 p.m. NEj} - Thursday for the first t«e>«<( of the ■ I :.aea«oti. AU women golfers or Uwse

. Interested in golfing are'urged to . b« a t the Clear l^kes coune ilU iat

■ f time.| H - Mr*. Lunte named Mrs. Mel Ore*^ K B - Icy to-head the loumamenl com- I N tnlttee. to be assisted by Mrs. Far- 1 ^ Isb and Mrs. Bob Peterson.|HKg “n ie food committee wlU be head*■ . ed by Mra. Wrighi Earl. «lUi Mrs. H Fm tjSQUirM and Mr*. Riy -Wuiuh-

I W re s t le R o y a l to | | — F e a t i i r e ^ P r o g r a m - I O n T u e s d a y N ig h tU ., A wrertle royal ts billed for the ^ weekly wrestling program at B;30

PJR. Tuesday a t the Radio Ronde*llli w»o.

Appearing in the event will be Rttcher. Cow-

^ore. First wresUer eliminated Is out for the rest of the program.

Next two eliminated appear In the •—semt-flnsl'tii-a «.inlnnt<7't«o-6ut^

of-Uiree rails match, s

■ the winner to take a (300 puis*. ’n»« bout haa an hour time limit wlUi Ui*

------.wlimir-awdjng two falls._______


A e r o u F r o m P o it O fftc t

i n g A c e s ,

M a j o r R a c e sp ril 14 (/P)— M n jo r le ag u e c lu b s ’ w ill l e n d w 2 basebQ]] s e a s o n a tartA b u t ' t h e lin e u p s o 3W Y ork, S a l M ag lie (2 3 -6 ) ., G ia n ts '& c e , v fr-beetT—T j i e - G i a n ^ .h tn r e v e r , w iH -p re se n t-

" 3 0 0 ' G a m e ^ ^ :— r ---------- - - « « » n tA M c iB c o ,-A p n i-« Vr X * ----------- —A'ft»year*oia hum ' BCliaoI'slU- ') t i l den t bowled a perfect 300 game

here Thuraday night. A local , J _ | _ representative of Uie Americanl i l u i S Bowling congress said It wns Uie

• “ . 5 bowler In th a Dnlted States. c«Uese trsck r>o„ BroU. senior a t Poly- npions or we technlo high school, h it his per-

game while bowling in a u l^ l l t i - f i lL -aemw ltM gu>-guna-ftt U a a -I^ .- l i * I *» rolling In hisu iirjM snn organised compeU-id Bwepl two tipnca J»«lmr - ------ - .................elr bl* Korlng --------- - '

[ 5 H B P l a y o f f s O p e n

F o r B o w i r r i g 7 ^for aecond in f • / ~ i » .r . e ' S S ■ t . o o p s - i n f c i t y - -

I ih» ' P l“yoff» of first and »ccond hnlfr n .-w m ., victors and selection of "bowler ot

; «f e»«h *■’”« Aft^r ^ detenrtlnetj ,* tJhe_Bow ladrom e 1 .1? 'o u r t ' ‘his week.

Pinal play In the second half for X). HtrtiUnd the eight leagues w u completed Inst UUM.-<| f«t. week. Only one league-lead wa* BihKM iwBC). changed,_The.Dig;(Mltera won ttie Sm , Com mercialclrcultaecond-half Utle.

Rogeraon-hoteU last-week-’a .leader, ; •Wl ended up In third place behind Con- ,. Diiun<>-iM solldated FreightVRC). nithtrd. p MAiOR LBAI^UB :

K i i E ! ^ i g e = = | - | ~ ® 1 S r I -il:-

-1 .. :~u . a !flCBATCn LEAGUE

5C), M*t lW»I« “ “ '*o cTt’i --- Z I” l i *8 ‘sti (

W8C1. Couilw «0 « 'J jj ;[1),’ MArUadtli 'rwln FjilU Lumb«r ■ ..... SS • S7 .191 i

III Mal. nuwl»4reiiii ............... . <»___«<___c.-T*.'oTrT5r i

Morrli, IMl Common. IM; Vrr, 1»1 : L~. -i rdfo*:!: & ;

ihoot-■Mrted Bun- vrr, i ts ’ )t of Uie Twin o ' amey. Olavla B « i i < h * r , - i u i - j i s i j! of M'blrds- Moud», I4l. ]Jldlng hsndl- ----------*d "■Buhdv“ J.*A(!UE— - — - - -es, Uien alep- T';: « o ;«n 'Uie next fire W iitn ., Co»f. Shro _ - J J — J .!k» ]Olrds. If Uiey -----------« ? «5 <t idvancfd i S ”c7 A-d?r»'n 'zzz"::::« I :i‘» i. Prentice 21, w « t.m si»r« . .......... « « .« i imsnn 25, J. cLk 1:2* '1 22. William M«CI««rr. i;«: S4niu;. t<7; Dfl-aul,' Itsi

o V i u f e i‘ Rtllabli Furntc*_____ IJ II .SRII

line,- OliVlA rr*!?!; Jl ■ I? ■'H, U Helde- W.iurn O p S ; i ~ ~ ~ ll M '.SM 47. D. Roger- Ft w . u »i .4<t

A. Toung 4fi 1

im 39, CleU CONMHCUI/ lkaguk •E : s ; i i r « F « i . z : !! : : i!T fg 30,.R, Ble- itocmns «oul ___I* --M - • .M«

latfer, Ir.. 33. n»rT.».rnuii>---------- « « .*1;I , Banllnt Tnrtor _____ _ IS SI .4 Ie r s a t K i f e . - — = « i i : ! i

k w —! v e n t s LADicr n m q B jx A O (« - J -Buhr womto ‘ - - K — * ;— .-ll! ■i jn_tnt -wmlnt g‘y y _ c _ i u h » ___ ! „ , - ! ^ _

. S r s f e K " - - ! ! 1 :!!! - M . . v .m t. , ,T r j . '“ U C T . . ' r " " ' . . ° » a ' 7 r ; ;nm at were- ii. riuw., u si j. Bjen. i»«; c. H.hon.

ISS: P. Jntliu. i l l ; I. Co^haa. liSi C.et s t 1 p.m. 1'*: a- Plrr«1l. l« . tee>«<( of the ladiis’ macic c r r r u a r u i ■fers or Uwae P»»n«-i K ii.------------- 4t i . i i iare urgrt to --------SJ J ;J1MurseitUiat Club (n.^.0) . _______ii a Usi

Dpiv*w>r MtrkK ...... .. t l so . uI ™

By Mrs. Par- T.n kSi> K. Hoe«r‘.ISO; II. burroucKj, 111; n. It^vra, ISS; V.IPIU be head- i" jT c l K «.n. 'iTu": rl. wllh Mr*. Hoorar. »1 | P. Wllckca. »<«. ___

E x h i b i t i o n B a s e b a f f "

a l t o

g r a m - ^

^ i g h t ■lied for the rh » 3 .ipU’ t«). m. r 'a . i . ^ h u (X) i

nV/i!® WSC WINS f A I K ....................»dlo Ronde. p u l lm a n , w a sh , AprU 14 m

^ —T he Washington 8 ta t« coUege , tc^T cow ^ iJMcball team h eld Eastern W ash-

r t urday as they t y k both ends bf % _** ®“‘ and 3-0 in Uie second.

ppearlnthe»7t«0^6Ut.- - •-*

d tw iu iu i . f o r DEAD a n d = = ...... USELESS----------" T " — aHDHAtS---------

. -P H O N E C O L L E C T(klodlnB ~47-------'R u p m “ 85

T H j . TwJa- F a U a 3 1 4

rpfflct I * * C O a 1 ^

N e w F a c e s

c e s T u e s d a yrwill lend with their p itc h in g aces Tue.-?- he lineups othenvise will be dotted with Jiants' kce. will oppose Robin Roberta (21- wiH-pre8ent--f>-<iout)l&-of-new-fae«»-itr-6ec»- - — - j on^ Baseman Davey Wil-r - - - . - - ' ; ; 'E l llo tf . 'WlMlainfl8ucceed5~tho: .

.a c ra p p y _ E d d is .^ g ts n k y .._ E U ,:: c t 3K igam e H o tf wttfi o b ta in e d - f ro m - th e bt. A local B ra v es a s a n 1 1 th h o u r f ill-in le American fo r th e in ju re d M onte I rv in , d It WM the T ji, phlllles- 'newMmers will be jy a junior connle Ryan, acquired'during Uie - i sta te s. winter to plug the second base gap,

*nd Catcher Smoky Burgess, who h it his per- c^m t along In the same deal.' iwllng in a Boston fans win see a flock of a t U aa-Lln.- Tien tomers in Uic linejp wlieu-Urr - ming in his oraveV W am n Spahn (23-14) faces ed compeU- u,!. Brooklyn Dodgrrs' Prcachcr

............. Roe (23-31. Second Bassman. B|lly .I Reedy, Shortstop Jack Cuslck and

Third Baseman Ed MaUiews will I n A ' n appear In itarUng rotes.

- / M C U The Dodger* will field the same* _________learn tha t lost the pennant In o

playoff wim the Olants last year. I I I H Jim Fridley, hard-hitting younn

C? • ouUlelder. msy be In the CIcvelanrt — — lineup.whcn-Uie.lrwIlani, with Early j l . J - 7 Wynn (20.13) on the mound, tackle I

•' llic Chicago White Sox. Lefty Billy i1 Bccond hnlf pierce (15-14) wll! plKh for Uic > 5f "bowler ot Sox, who will show their hometown ; y league will fan? new faces In Third Baseman - _Bowladrome Hec.Rodrlguet and Catchei^Sher^ - -

man LoIIar.cond haK for lou Boudreau, confronted with ompleted Inst u,e ij,„ q( WUIIams. Is ifroom- rue-lead wa* jng a couple of wung hard-hlillng

won the ouUUldM s^jDayaUrtnewcom crs ind-half Utle. paye Thorneberry and Gene Steph- reek-a.leader, ens-when-Boston-faceii-Ihe-Sen- behlnd Con- ators In Washington. Mel Parnell

(ie .l l) will huri against Uie Hal's UB Bob Porterfield (0.8). -li.. .»»- ;» ! .—H ie. Brewn!,wlll=lOB..Unni-all -I i» 5T .si* when It comes to presenting new I

— ■‘{! pron ierifflnnm tn io jF r* HomsB?. -J i» » lu i opening ,_hlj_fin t year with tho :s 11 .<(« J3rowrj, will feature a new team V ^ r .li,'.. except Jor Pitcher Ned Carver (20- L u r : cSmninV I2> When 8t- Louls opposes m a y I; iiirnii, 177: Ttoui (9*14) and the Tigers In W . 17*. Detroit. • h(

Catcher C tot Courtney. Outfield- ui g IS .too ers Jim Rivera. Bob Nleman and 't JS '«I1 Schmees and Indlelders0 5i ssS ^*®rty Mnrlon, Leo—ITiomas anda s« ism aordon Ootdsberry are Just tome of q s . s7 .«»i the newcomers, . . y..!___; ; — SU —Jacfc-Jen.ien-»111 tif In centerfleld1 c.'TuVn. i l l ; for the—7nril^ea” 1n Philadelphia

L*’.i Vic Raschl (31.10) tries to u,ija ; McUniiu. conUnue his Jinx over Uie AUUellcs.

He has beaUn them 20 times In 23 “ ;UE - -decisions: ■B»b-Shantg-(lg.lO>-wUi

f — ??■ ’Jfi The-St. Louij'CanllnaU-inByuse 90 i(«4 rookie Steven Bllko a l first againstJl -‘ j* Pltwhurgh' when Gerry, Sialey (IB- '**

___J*;:__13)______takes the mound against the __ss .SS7 Plrntes’ Murry DIck.ion (20"f6)niie *P

■n< Nor. i7s: BUM Will cminwr witn-Mme rookies rei: • N of their own In Infielders DJek-Hall Tl

lis i and Jimmy Merson and>0|ltflelcler prBobby Del Oreco. fe

___ _ Veteran: Rlch-handers Bob Rush Ct0 <ti 01-13)' of the Cubs and H em to

e 0 !>in Wehmeler 47.10) of the Reds willJ J .!Kip be the opposing pitchers In' the pi( 0 'Jsi Chlcago-ClnclnnaU game which may arI : ii3» feature the debut* of Outfielder spI t .« ! Wally Post of tlie Reds and Cnlchcr f«:'m rooV 172. Alwell of Ihe Cubs. te: u'fiuui,’ 165; The^Red?. onfl of the most octlve th

cliihs In' ih'r wlntfr trade mart, no; will pre.ienl new plnyers In Cnleher ju,

........ Andy' Seminick 'and ' Oiilflclilers7 IS .«•! Dick Blsler and Bob Borkowslcl. p,

I I I I V a n d a ls B e a t J a i l f:I----- »»-----^ —WAliA-WAtAA. Aprll-14-tfl—The- -VtL , *ii,ii.'i*,Si'‘ university Vandol.i exploded Cl17a- E. John- for eight runs In the last three In- baIts ; lUnruft. nlngs lo break up a tight baseball sU

t! Durian. UJ. game and defeat the WashinRlonAGUK *t«t« prison Mavericks O-D here lr<I M .m Saturday. . . ir

r ij S j ----------- -

ill rU u . u * . -

l i i ' - __ ___

* D.'an Haok. UX:IM; C. N«hon. . ^^ a a . I» i

' U A Rua :

1 . mh r M m "C«.n“. 'lT u ’l< Aifc ___ M

i e b a l L ^

r i j ! ! ' ^«to>« (Al t _____________

<A)^ ^

(X) i ,

ip r ii 14 m a u coUege . te m W ^ .

1 ends bf %

a n d------------------

JS--------ip e r t~ 6 5

p p E

: T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N

,g T raffic Jan

aces Tue.s- lo tte d w ith , obertfl (21- > ew -itr-6ee^lavey W il- '-'i

u c c e e d s th c : .:t«nky .._E U l~ fro m - th o h o u r f ill-in

[onte I rv in , imers will be d 'during the ond base gap,Burgess, who nedeaL-;e a flock of FJS?.') , #: jp wIjcu Uir —i (23-14) faces. ^ ''rs‘ P m chcr ias«nan. Blllyt Cuslck and h W S H t ...1 . - - MaUiews will “

eld Uie samelennant In o _.. ... . . . . :inls last year. . - r .illUng younit . » • . .. . .the CIcvelanrt —us, with Early Vem Slephens lifftl of liif Hed aoxTiound, tackle Inning of a nraves-IUil Sox name in IX. Lefty Billy Chfo'w to Brave’s firil aacker fieorge CilKh for the otf Slephena. Umpire JIn> Duffey c.ili*elr hometown 81. CUIre (42) looiis on. The Braves wiilrd Baseman -----------------------------------------------------■alchei^Sher-___ __ ____ _________________

fronted wllhns. 1s groom- ^hard'hlitlng noewcomcri ( I ^

r « : WMel Parnell J T l ^ 9 V . _ J l

nst the Hal's ■

0B..Uieni-all r —i r m ----- r-.-__- T»-(|esenting new K l I ' f l r t A W T I A T I V l

‘‘c£ ‘*£ Shows Many Fiopposes Dizzyle Tigers In NEW YORK, April 14 (iH-Here'.s InR

how the major lengiic teams shnpo pr«ley. Outfield- up as they open Uicir seasons: ThNleman and American Lestue1 Indlelders Cleveland Indians; Pltchlns Runr- •*"J^omas and anteed sound with Dob Feller, Mike £just tome of oarcla. Bob Lemon and Enrly by.

.' I Wrnn slated to handle 1.000 In- for^iwa--^Irtmer7£ft6Wt-;t-j>l3._b?t-:anri. ^

m> trick knee the keys to the offense Insr i . A ViV,. becau.« Larry Doby nnd Al Rosen lo

"lon-t h it when Luke i.^n't lu the ver m Uneuji to tcrrorlM pltcliem, Ray bai

will -Bponc~n'ni3^n'bby"Aynirilin!;t^Tnc' mT thraugh arsRoFl'Vr?leconH~jnTo]r'

/s ia lM IB- "* possible. H«'against the New York Ynnkeei: PUclilns.l20'^f6)'niie spccil, d«lH\S8-mia uuC7 StcnulTT !>»•name rookies resmireelulne^s me tha - long snHa.- ^trs DJek-Hall Tho Outfield could be a serious .>*'id.OilUleldtr problem nil year nnd Slensel's of- }

fense wiU be hurt badly •jhoiim ™rs Bob Rush Catcher Yog! Berra be hurt or fall

ahd H em lo catch a ihlhlmu'm flt "135-Kfimcs.-le Reda will chlcRKO White Box: n sliirUiiK “Ihers In' the pltclier ' t o ' ko with Smil- nnKOTln “ “le which may and BUly Pierce could mnke af Outlielder spirited, resourceful and sound dc- ‘and Catcher fensive team season-long con-

■ubs. tender. Shortstop Chico Carrasjiuel,!^mw t B^Uve the key figure, could oin th^^^i^n-

did-JoMhc.oId..CarUlnnl5._______,,? .“J l'i Boston-Red Sox: Lou Boudreau'fl

*' pllchlng problem nnd the loss of . Ted Williams stow down .the re-, , j

i f T q i i building problem. Tlie Sox wlU h ll nm.V t l a l l In Uielr Uilarvtnnile own p.irk, with •ll-H4fl_The- Steiilirns. W ill-D ropa-m uL on!bI.i exploded Clyde Vollmer. but must piny bn.'c- o,„ ast Uirec In- ball lo win on llic roid. FlRure to i.-,r Ighl bssc^all sU rt slow bul mny finish strong- lur WashinRlon Detroit Tiuer.i; Vic W ent Is Dc- Un

ts 0-D here troll's Eiwler; th? Tigers don’t h it I If he goes bad. Red Rolfc's pitch- ycr

-■ %

- ~

------^ ------------------- Yen’l l! sufc 'a t fiHt.Seagram's 7 Croivi can match its tvo

I ‘ " uothiug can I

■ . . . : T 7 :7 ' '

y^ i^N ^F A L E sT roA H O

fic Jam a t F irs t

/< s - '- i ' - '1 - A' •



WLB f e f f 'I 'J . bell^ei

^^ k j f l K e 7

t f t f ii k . '■ . t - 1? - : 1-

.f ilie ftcd hox la nailed a( first In the aevenlii ’I’S Sox game in Boston. Plleher Worren Spalm's ^ cker George Crowe ttrriTed Jnst In ttme to pick I «' m Duffey c.ilis the out as Brave's catcfier Ebbs lh* The Braves won 5-4. (NEA lelephone)________the

iny Futures Hartg o(ifl—Here's Ing is eltperlenced and probably lm- ofims shnpo proved by Art Houtteman's return, ondxsons: The infielders. except for George Phi, Kell, rarely help W erti and some- upling Runr- “ ">« hurt Ihc pitchers.•Her, Mike St. Loula Browns: Rogers Horns- nd Enrly by. mannRcr nnd martinet, geared 1000 In- for a fa.'il slart but the rookies nnd

ha.t.hf.iTi.1 will Imvc. iroiible etand- _ §ic offense" ing uj> 154'Bames, Bill Veeck wnnU ancAl Rosen lo trade 20-8nme winner Ned O ar. RJtr t III Ihe ver bul nobody wiU yet give him a Malen. Ray bail club In return. Somebody might 15.:in!;tTnTnc' m r? n n p-19.-the-tmdln;r deadltne.— « -

■I as mile 'ppoity b'ut“ tt'cli:iiandlcd by Bucky P«rHarris. Sure-to finish down In the E

PUclilng. race bul mny be tough wim fair reb.pltohlnR-ninl-aaunJ.tlcfcn.’ a t hnme ter;

one mtta- J 'h rrc rirltfltli slfldlum’s walls.arc, aloin ■crious vlrt'uftUy unreachable. ancnoeVs of- PhiI.-vdc!phl.vA's:-Thrre veteran froi

.iin.i ri Intlclrtcrs, Eddie-Joost. Pete Suder derrl «r }«1I and Honk .Mnjcskl, mu..t stand up figi

or-a-tcain.wiLli.falr-pltiJiUiK. con- shoBlstent power and expert leader- c

(V National League err;sound dc- Brooklyn DodRcrs: Chuck Dressen wolong con- hJis 10 pitchers blit .'Ix ot them com- hig:arras(iuel, bln^l lo win Just .^lx mnJor Ic.igiie pthe pen- snmes In 1051. Top-to-bollom power ancV xfiirion “f 'l briilbnt defense will help the but■> i.m .iui. -pi(^,-jrs-i,ui-iilJllrltS-tb-TrohC™fi 'aro■ ■',-----T pcrionncl -pTtimt- n problem-since of-jouarcBUfl Drcs.sen trndcd his bcnch to Chicago rore loss of ^„(iy pfliKo. fan‘ • I'i;- York Giants; Good plUhlng ^X WlU m i nndM unddcfcm cbulttlliicrnm ble).-irk, with for ruii.s all scii'on. Much dependsropa-miO. oii-ro*.-,;l»-nav..y-WIIllnms at-MW- n “rliny bB.vc- ijQi, EllloU. 35, must carry aFigure to ].-,rgc burden until Monte Irvin re-strong- turns. If Leo Durocher gets tlic hll- “ 11

m Is De- LnK, he cnn win eislly. " “don’t h it Plillndclphia Phillies: Eddie Saw- ;, ,,

C'8 Pitch- ycr's auslctlty program, llie rclum

■ " ......... ■ RE

a f e - H i t — ^ ^. - f t a l r .« i, Vc!., l l ic /i r i l iim c you try

'am’» 7 C roun you ’re S u re tha t uoiLing natch its tvondrrfiil »mooihncM. Sure jotltiug can louch its miiEnificcni M itol

Spirits. a6ajS!!illI5?TOSHX~

To '

~ ~ “Rags to Ric m Of Boise TeaP i l i ^ 1 *thvl-iofl-rJ B«*al

teiror.J— - ---- . . BtAbI^ ^ ^ H WO VTSTA. Calif.. April 14 (U.I5- W A •'ruBS to riches” siory could come proB ^ ^ ^ H o u l ^ Bolse in Uie 19S1 Pioneer from Ifainie campaign. The preliminary the ■yfttg}i fAr' IC lA WiUK 111 lifted here 'read;

H O B In this sJeera UlUe town on TOT

- The 'New'^nDrt r i i i t o u . raimious k ia u of_orsimUcil..basebia]._liAU 7*?t: cait tbelr.iol.w lU iahe Boise .frao* - Or chlse In the bigh-mounUIn class 0 top league- and UiBt generally means rang

W B ^ S succcAs in some form or another in nam vHI^H any league In the country. JM)k V / f f l H ' Last year the Boise club. Uien Uie Ot i K f i a B pilots operating independently, ftn- couli ■ ■ ^ B Ished In the leBgue eeUar'34K games ApriI j ^ H n behind Salt Lake's pennant-winning ley S H ( h Bees. They were six games In bock atrot

of seventh-plaee PocateUo. lalst------O T T h in R tm u m dminifit tn th? twU

llBl'cam palgn, especially It Mana- o a r

ger • Ja c Radtkg-»n<l - Ihe -Yankee* —TtB r — west coAslscoutlng.corps have any- soUdW i ' thing to say about iu to n

Tucker, a nollve Salt Laker who poui-- has become one of the Hew York ptvt

I - ; ...; , farm Byslem'a "bright young men'.’. In reccnt years. Un'i overly opUmIs- aver

' J ' tic. But he Itemites his problem lank he aevenlii “ ‘winkle In his eye.------- ,ure en Snahn'a ' Tucketihlmself wlU anchor_an In- 1 * 1, ;lm« to pick ileW ‘hai looks as good as any In tcfier Ebba the league on paper. At Mcond b a « ^oys ,e) the veteran skipper, who hll his gjyg ------------------------------- - -------------------------------- T l

— - ' BCT ?«>-A — 2x-#—A r w r v r e - S w i f l * — N'-P{ ll<V 6 -OX-M P “ n i n K Ji'iiT C3 ]y 31

[artg on B i g ‘I f ™robably lm- of Curt Simmons, nddlllon of sec- ton.(in's return. ond-ba.?eman Connie Ryan give the n Ifor George PhUllcs a chance to win. The Une- obUiand some- up stUI over-burdened with right- surp

handed hltUng strength In a league ous, , r i Horns- Peeked with solid rlghl-handcd wasnet geared Pl'chlng. The Phils probably wlU If depirookies nnd Brooklyn or Hew York don'U ’ 720:ni ie «tnnrl. 6 t Louis Cardinals: The schedule lastreeck wnnU and Eddie Stanlcy'B old-prw Bhouia'r Ned G ar. i!ct Uie teom off to a good eUrU thegive him a May le'ad the league as late as May dimi

ibody might IS. The big question Is the long haul Ing 1rdendline.— so-many-veUrans ln-key-po«ltlons pub!

by Bucky penderit on'yomigsteTs. bcfoown In the Boston Braves: Tommy Holmes slon 1 with fair rebuilding wllh mixture of youngs. H“m -iu. a t hnme .tcrajujd-au old guard of.good-but- -Sani a walls.arc, alow_jiowcr hitters. Warren Spalin *°r

and Vem Bickford wUl provide plali rre veteran front-line- pitching strm gth but sold Pete Suder depth Is (juestlonnble. Holmes can't a stand up figure on a pemiant-unUWw-JInde-#- —iJiUiK. con- sh o r ts to p .,.____ I«ri leader- Cincinnati Reds: Oood pitdiing

will bo hampered throughout by le erraUc alUck, Inck of speed andJck Dressen wobbly defcrue. The Reds won’t go them com- high and can finish in the cellar, njor lc.igiie PUtsburBh Pirates: Ralph KIner tlom power and Gus Bell will h ll any pitching lV l^ '^ ® .M ._ B r f l i ic h . Rickey Is building I ironc-nne aroun^a youUi and Is not Udnklng lOlem'-since of u contender yet. Hope'ful .signs to Chicago far ifljj or 1954 the best Pittsburgh

fans can hope for. m Chicago Cubs; If Eddie Mlkili and "

IM piirrt^^B nelOTPncHIng Is weak and Uie per- e Irvin re . « coiiRlnmorniion of youUiets tlic hit- ’’P toa Uttle more than the Dodger Junior Eddie Saw- [ “{’ “•>' ''“" ‘‘5' couldn't doIhe rclum “■ __


— — F A R' ' 3 m iles w est o f Goodir


W For^ InternQHonol H tro c lo r used jusl

son w i lh - 18 inch hang-ton 2-<___ __ _ new mower, bjeonj beef o n d s

vdfors; olso tr a c to r buckroke.

------------^ _Q ![ver.?p»d d iflser-w lH v-Jiew -chi4-H orse fresno,

_ _ _ _ — .,3 -Section w n n d .b o r h o rre y — —

'oiLing 3-Row . V a lley 'M o u n d co rru g ato r,

. Sure ^laetol H orso drow n b e o t o n d be an cu l

________ H brse b u ck rake Je n k in s sloej ^ m i M cCorrriick D eering 'dum p roke

-Olivei-jide-dcfivErT-TakB------------ -Ju iin D eere m o n u re 5^ e ”dcler

" 2 G oo d isto ck w d t'e ring 'fonks—

In fe 'rn o T io h o r^ b rd g e^ u te fr n eo fl‘ ’P o o t 'fa jn d e rp rr rD h h w r-H ip r i-n i— wlth^c'(3'nrro1 Tb—d r r v T M ^ e T

fro m b inder ____ I

7 -F oo t IHC to n d e m disc


______ ______________ _,JTERW

■ ^ G E a ^ E NIv a r te n ; A ucH enH r

I.N.Y. I - * ^ " * ^ M - W r G » d i n B - . ---------

Riches” May I Team in 1952 S

.1 la • pU'ybg.peak wlUi K ansu City and ih* v. i-iofl-f Beaumont, will provide plenty of ne«.

BtAbiliey-foTth»-{|«r«ise.- - ---- - 1 ” - , ni,l5- working with him a t ahortsiop biu"^ I come probably will be John Wyatt, up -w „* noneer from lastyevaP tond du U c Uam ot ,0 ,^1 jilnary the Wisconsin a u u league. He t i . \in '.the T^ilrt t u e ts held aown'nowby dn.'

S 5g Syear.

.Jrau» On ilrtLwJU b« one.of Hew-Yort* nHT’ :lass 0 top prlies of the season, a bigmeans rangy power h ltt tr out oT belroli ,Jitr In named Allen Weygant. Weygant hu ®

J50 In 40 games tor Joplin laat year,,en the O lher-InH eld candidates who •>'* c y, ftn- could w prt.ln to berths before Uiegames April 3fl opener against MaHe Val- ‘hlng

'Inning ley a t Boise Include Don Wetter- Billyn bock atrom. a third baseman lor Boise >>oth

last year: Jack Bukowata, who was Jf»r. •tmihe- Tffln - Palls'- 'stiara to pH i •a tr 'M if 'P « t« Mana. oa ry Brown. » rookie first base-Mana- man.-----------------------------------------DtUilnankee* —T he-outfield-ouU e«jk-'li prrtty ' e any- «oUd, too, though-Tucker may have

to rely on a rookie. Back from the All.:r who poUt, u Jim Valentine, Uie Mr. this t' 1fork pivt-by-Plvo power-hltter who col- lions

lected 105 runs.batled.in off a .379 CottnsUmIs- average last year. Then there's on tl'roblem lanky Lou Vitous, the beanpole pas-* help i)'*• ture plckel, who held fourUv a t do''-5PJ."1 Twin Palls for three vcnrs. He hit |,a ,^any In j,ad 106 RBI'a for the Cow- f„r i

boys In 81, and carries an explo- pionthis gn-g bat a t aU Umes. ' ihan

Tucker's pitching might not-be the i*

i H ay S ales by ' S ta te A gency — A re R e p o r te d 11■■ .*• ba«

BOISE. April 14 OPl-Siate Auditor tiM ----- HrPfKlelwnsald-Saiurday-the stale -unli? ;i.<[i and,^ame department sold nenr. _ _ ’ ly 300 tons of hny last year without _ _

permission.from the state board of P l r examiners.

The hay brought from « loTO a p Q j

ive the Nielsen said Uift game deparUnent , CKe Une- obUlned permission In 1050 to sell mg pright, surplus hay and grain from Its varl. *” *league ous refuges, but no such pemL«lon ^landed was requested In J051. The gameWlU If department snld it collected *9,-

• 72BJ3 from sale of hay and grain:hediile last year. _____________

—flam e Director T . D. Murrily'saidsUrl. the department tried “to get every

IS May dime that Is in our producU." odd-ig haul Ins Uial "our records are open to lh#i«itions pubUo.” ........— -------------------------I

before the-mn-TinO'-game eammb-' ^ Bolmes slon it wan brought nut that the oungs. game dcpsrtmenl sold hny from Uie Co od-but -San!Lcr«clt_rcIuge_la-eajtcniJdiihQ.Spalin lor ^17 a ton. The witness com. e i jrovidc plained the price was too low as hay tl but sold for up to 140 Jl ton last fall. - • t i

g “ ^ A L F A SPControl A du lt We


ffiS DIELDII .signs sburghilia'nd ■■ C ontact US fo r free vispcci ridjn.! and carly apph


Phone 2 7 9 1 T503.M or 3:_ _ D ays — ■ - _ _ N ighH- ~AD3i

^ R M ^ S A It o f G ooding on th e O ld Bliss highw oy ond !

;ALE s t a r t s p r o m p t l y a t 1 :00 p . m

F o rm M a c h in e ryr used ju s t one se a - Ford p ickup with mang.ton 2-woy plow ; good condition)cet^^ond. sp .u d .cu lfl- ^ R o lls-good-w ovebulkrokB . .

Kjifiw-choln_____50 inotad rallnwd■ ro c o rra l p o i.s , <0

i, w ----------tm g j g te-ot lumb.lo r ru g a w r, n e a rly _ -5 <,M»-»iwe<)-wood

b ,c n c u ltiv o lo r , O n . trm cool / .nkin= s,ocl<er O n .- .h i rd . t o r » . | «u r ^ p r o k . M Iscc lloneouslK m .

tion.a — ---------------------------------- :■ ■

1 1 ^f 'fo n k s— - - - - - - --------- ------

j t e r r neo’rly new '

e M o d ^ r-A T fro c to r tlT«d*tobeo>M tI ' .. ‘ 3 se ts harness ontftc . -

: _ ,JT E R M S - CA SH ^D A Y Q f , S ^ | _

t N S U N ^ f l r Oic tionw r________________ ____________•. ....y:

a y S l J

J52 Seaso«’ity and Uie w i

. f lwrtjlop M

1 ... f-York’s

[ant hll of 'SI. “ “*J t year. Tucker's na!ia who •>'« catching.ore Uie *’®Wtuli, buttie Val. ‘h l n r b e t t e r w ^ ^ *Welter- Billy joer Bolae >»th Idahomo was «»r. u the................................ ' I M

T>m the AIMn.an it to,.. .. ho Mr. this stage o'l t i i .« i* ! lH ' ?ho col- lions frem f a .879 Cottrell m

. . l b .

' Novell II f l the PoctUUa

their foei d u ^ ^ ^ H

« „ d P l a n s CompljB '"“ •ForBoxiiiglBarUnenl , CIUCAOO. Apri] i i j ^ H, to sell Ing plan* were comiU^BIts varl. ^or a flre-irKk ise < ]^H m illion Chicago OoMe#e game sQuad. The 10- m u n i *

tg . York Tueadir

■- s . r ” "“ “ «hiy 'taia ' ^='"'S»e-lttetr*tniartr^Het every outsiandtoi i m t o i * g-'ndd- countries. Inlud,D to ih#

hat the rn a T iilS ^ Hrom Uie c«d SMk ji □JdotiD

A S P R A yJ: A d u lt Weevil With ■

ELDRiN M'ree iii^pccfton of yoita^M

c o iiy application^

FLYING S E R ^ IS 03 .M or 3224 U W H __ N ighH- - .

; a ^Ighw oy ond ^4

A P R I ^r 1:00 p. M........

n e ry jBckup with naw nwW «*• condition

-.good- w o v e n - W i l t .* ? * .®

t« d - r a l{ n ^ - t l » - — - Sa l poles, 40 fe«t'>(X0


I coal '

rd -to tM

ineous IK W t »

*?2oo"i°bSr& y^f^M

K om isi

-- SALE -

B r c a i l

Page 9: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

m W m» ■ ' I e I I I

- ^ r r r p ^ r ^ q

- - g b l . . f i ~ L T— ueNfw,nKvm~- -

R D IN G H O U S E - M A J O

r|F6 HA4 PlAYfiO M s a i ' WHST A 'S f' TOfii A»JD I MAVB $ W J im .y 6 5 S V ^ w S t o -DBAu I R5R B S H E l I u e ^ A S H e D IM a COM ES VJrt> »BetH OP ^ A ^ P 5 } # " ' t ^ T D - m 6 •flSToRATreD T ^ ^ tW O S E r A N D

fJ0 W _ . ^ jM ftR T H A i

n n A iI j B | i , 1 ?

If i A0CUT 1 AjyAgT&gN\\vA\^^Bg /lll i d CE tLA R U \ V ^ ® / Fw o f t i v e


i y " ~ g

I spend a l o t o f t i m e d r i n k i n t r . : ^ ^ t t n r liv ing o n m y s a l a r y i f 1 f i l l i


^ ir& THE TH I^ K t u . . . \ PERFECT ( -mOUOf^


^ K 2 ‘E55® < a A v n o N .'io u ■ ; leM;

■ w s n r D x r a K “

' I W AKTA^n

I Hllr

! 1 ^ ^

| L l r lr ™ « f c '[ r | d ™ O U T O U R

D m s f f f f l i c i T B s t T O M !><.vEs, ri^ t H - y p U f i l i B y ■ L u • ■ - i n i / ^ th ei? s p

) THEZMTIHArH O T E I ^ 0 |E r r ] l ? |A l1 INI _ { 6UMME>tP lA lN ie iW H IA IM B A tC IB ia r . I OUT OF TMl io lB jL iE m c lp M w m lfe lp l - > - wjjw .aw j,

H l l f e M l W yn ™?ss’£ i i i i g i i i i i

jrp-pr-l yii»SS"” ” i«. aiuptir ■ .0 ; ^ |C

w ^Y ' !,*■


I L I i f *- ' '“ ?rtuH» I . ....

— - % i■ - M A J O R H O O P L E , ‘

MUST MCMETI UM/ HOyi I ................k = ^ ^ -W i m .y 6E - ^ A 0OUT1MAT I 4'■aUB € H E < ^ 0 L 0 5TA&e I hOWES VJHOOP-BARMOR?* fl ir tG T D - m e - ^ ^ S lJ T WEAR- _ ; — : - i - . . . - - :.» 0 S E ,- A N D i# - ( t4 G IT - I ------ h.M A R TH A ^ PeOBABLV 7 ,iM Ds O L n '/Y W O JL 'D PR O - ___ _ i r<e p ic X L a / voKE a l o t ^ A Z J i ^ S w * ' L'M \ n f y > OP S l a v , u , ^ '‘M W

! \

- C A E I O T A

, By NEHER L .

P r

_ _ _: drinkintr, B oss. . . but I can "The.oW sc> ry if I fill up on water.” ‘ • ■ th e y to lerate t

football r

fTiN r T w i»ftW tt.»oM eiP«« r v

I W W 'A .T O o A

T' - ■ ■

.________________________ T 1 M E 5 - K

U T O U R W A Y B y W J l

r ’ ^ .V E S . rPM U CH \RATHEI? SPEN PA R6>y I

5EWiM6 PA PE R * c JJe R * < —th em t h a n S P E rJD ALU > I6UMME>t FDKIKJG RWMT f f lB f i f lS SOLfTOF THE S C R E E N S V W

E' ^ H A V E N 'T s e e w J , ^ . I W l ] , m v s o n c R J r t e ^ 11

HU5BANPPAWT. [ ~ , - - P lf tll? ' LL

i i W 'W f^ M ? i


® t i i —W w" I 'l i te ac h y o u w a y s t o a av e -w h en you ’re jn

m s ta r t b y f ix in g a ll o u r le a k y fa u c e ts 1"

^ A E I O T A L J B y D I C K 1

■ ‘ i r ^ i l f s i v W S H■ 1 / ^ A tO M H I

I ; IW - l ^ m n stM a^v

T ' f e 4

"The.oW sch o o l Js g o in g f ro m bad to w orse , h e y to le ra te -cD tnm un lB jn -tind 'now th e y ’r e de- ootbalU ”

' l e t me T t l l VOO SOMBTWM lR«THERMOOe, w h ew

I , “s i s s f s «

l E i 2 1 i j S-------- -------------------- ---------------- B y W A L T :

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N T A X i a I D A

B y W J L I J A M S , I ;

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g ^ B - - ^ 1| 8 f IA IW P jC T ?

r» " WMfiilE THS &. • : r 7 ^ - - f s < . r resW/E*sy#I T ^ i i i ' , r l y A c io t e Ttte t e

B y G A L B R A I T H | - ^ B l n

IM O R O W V ^

l i r ' l S

i i . 1 Q "(fea, fina, Wlju , \ \ ■ '» ® h a a really cteO torinfcraU

1 ; - '

^ T HJ_ - g _ -------q

'h en you ’re m a r r ie d —y o u yfa u c e ts 1" p ^ t o o r A M_____________________________________ Slm«b^

7 D I C K T U R N E R 3

- - ■ _ V W - i ,

(>>SH „

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.- • ^twTgflo/

fia l i f e ~ ~ — I F N|____

} C ^ m 4 A i a.,u '-“■"•ifJiiJL rv SOPW«

bad to w o rse , J . D . I F i r a f R )w th e y ’r e d e -e m p h as lx in g - Q

H 7M?St' «A£1V

_ Y LMPIHSIiT m uoe.W H E R fite^cua^l ‘ rueuiOiT E K /jW ,< » ia« U > « J6 ? W U M &-W HW reU BO OTTO PO

^ M pu^tl.p'H lj ___ _ $ SCBAOS-

. W A L T D I S N E Y ' - « ~

a.18, IPAHa1 1 ccmt W 40W H ow V 'tf'Jre; -iwny®,

>,ou 6 0 T ► * t di f


flHMVSOOT A O O V O - W C ^ - W .-M O S S - J -^ r ,* CW >**C^,'

t o r e g y ^ M y

'* 't « O T A « « W t M l o f « n j m l f - "' Md

«A £iV PiC En

^ e u c B T M N ^ * '^ f l H K H K V / H F i " ^ 5 ? 5 AU>CWAS T C K S a K B k J 9 v ^ ^

f r ^

L ) y y j y —I ^ ^ ^ ^ h k s S o J - S o c t p T

ICAM PLV " I f ttfcVSB W lfO T O O O R IM M W R b I OWM FKOtt BBTTtR. I « M r XfMiUllM? W

s s f w » t e s . f » JMt.tAiKEB.1^ Y O « H aPl W U U / Wlffl i r $ NOT TtX7. PJND HIMAT


■ I 'w w i^ N o ir r w i^ ^■ cw>**c^ , MW ,9W 0T. V JWIII ■e.\6 6 ^V ^^^ 'G«K

aeczix' bockirtjoftfie^ptw ent W a t '^ o ^ ^ Jte fer pod tail bcya^ n tte c i^ counalM g

'■ j y c - A g tP C K ^ ( S ! * j 9 5 K J ,5 %

s. H - ^

. 5SI^G O T^ T l A E D . r - j j 3 ^

'!"■-.-7 "' ', . ■, ' '-■■ ■:—f«

V X i>ui4ikii.iiiW H e J^WWHAT I ” ^KOOV»- | | ■ - I ■ ■! ■■U L VSMWiWV- I — T • ELgVgM-TVWn

)T. ^ W O C T -^ U U M

ly U B L / B ut he’d nevei* 1 IVobaWy n o tT f lD tf i OBwr \ g e t d s c t e d y f now to skciicn

Page 10: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

U l ' j PACK TEW _

H h

Q S ^ l ^ o c k s

B M M ^ . ^ E 'r a X f AGLANI

| H = r

H b " ”Iffij' U> M hlxlor;

|H||| .kHW ihiSlli' i'ti'’uldt}'i^irv«l tfl U W ---------^i«w-nwrtJtrT»wivrnTOi-»"r*w^

m ’•” 'n P An nrlr.ilorrT o( dm ta i ftnt Ul»lm - s ?■ B " and Um iuoMtd.lDls kvluz sioimi al m --------itlUi elf» md miBlBi ^iS c f r ^ ' " ' tia'>i‘' ’nS![rAM“ .d»'r«iro:.(Uili }lMVk<Tn tMilta. Am«Tl»n C<tc>ip -

n i l l »li;w YOBK BtOCKRm vtv YORK. April 11 (41-I.4it ••!<^ H — ~j !I H H ' ABuf AliIlM 'A Uld CoTil j ’al :(M l iS c . r « n , Vi w.mj ;iI B I l Am C»n>mld I Ni>n-K>I>’ 1(H W ) /Ol IMIator S Ul'^ult >0

I i i S ' i l S iH ■ B3?y.u I S F . bL!:■ h J B«lfc !»•> K rackiH Moler 4B M BMtw AtO S IT

H — - II ! tO l i n a * Ohia U RiT To)> U U-■ H J-------- esrjfil»r-Corr'-nyS«*»'iv^lorM >11 - - g S - S i f c r - i i - & % ! = n d :

S " i : i E " . L , l i i S S . i l 'H H < Stu«rb>litr S7

H H “» L | E S \ ° ' k ‘" S

M l?LiTi™ i I £ ‘S . ; 11;^ H l rru<>»uf Trill u{< Union I ' t l fle 111}

Cnn'l U> i 'j Unl ‘v.W a s ; . 1 5 ! £ K . S■R l Gsiidrtir I <j V B SIm Iy l ' a a w ' i S K i y y s ■ — s s T i s r r r f n i s e r i SInt lUntfUr I S ' Wmi A f fir■ Int NI.V.I 4 W.,<ln ElM U*i

let Pl&cr 41^ WhlU Motor S*>■ i _ _ I n t T * T U'k WIlljMOv.rlina »ij

BlU| . iNVKaniBNT muiiTii■ | i | (M>n4>r (ImIbii (•■Claar■ I E. W. M<R*WrU ili^ niaMKf)

Aihrd AiVpdH I Antr B« BS K.IJ KrTiio»« n« IlM:ArtlllilMl F<la i.:o htnlono 1 ^ It.41

I IsSriffllgl:::;!■ Stock Averages

C*BPlM Vy,T*. Au.cla(W^rr«.^

I ' " ‘iv *-1.8 *V*—i?r- H i woolV n tfSW YORK. April U bn—Wwl rutar«<

1 - ^ - S ,

S z z S . ^ $ E j I 2 E m‘pf» in .ta .

Twin Falls LivestockPrices |

->.- - *n»rfflll6W^Krwg^«ll»~Umtodi prieei t n provided .t>7 th t Twin n u * UTutoek Commission com> P W ba«ed on the n su lt t o l th« U it weekly ■uetlon fsM;O tsaen cutUr&__|ltJO-91B.OO

Bull* - .......... tm xn-m M

BeUen —, , , W«.0(SWIJO J k t On*. — y a in n ^ iK flB o p ------------------ . . , » n J 8 topLM»I» ■ ------------------- t a i oo top

iriFormer Resident Paid Last Honor

In Payette Ritesftll>er«l t tr ^ r» t r ^ » - « -

BpeUber^ former resident of Twtn r u i i i w trt htW »ltw -

--------neon'ta tbe Bhiffer Memory chepel• t Pa)«tte. The Rev. B em ond U

....... WlUon, oMtar o t the R n t P m b 7>------- tertwi-church, Ontario, O re , oHl-

clAted.. . Soloist was Ur«. Ju& et UcCUm, ;

•ceonpuiled by Mra. MeniuerlU ' . ._ Wt< h PiUhMrere-Unduded-^Tfttri-

* P. * PelIer£on*^*imd Speuldlflf, aU Peyette, u id Chester UcCUln, Cutleford. Interment ww

— -reade lR lUrertldcr cem ete^ ttT& y- ette. _ _

—->-*';~Mnr‘gt>eaaar*n*.!itBwmn'*'Tin': K IU from W13 unUl J u t yew and ww M actlTe worker In the P i n t i Pretbyt«r)«R church of Tw^LFalU -

-rts-Tluntihtwo ye»»^i*trf M m n a -M w r $ ; Spellbwf eelBbr«t«d their BOth wed- .

- - - ^ B b w tw iT , P*yrt» ; two-inmdeW l- a

<Ireii.M r*.W .J.O »rU nf.Rkhfleld. |-W utuJpU \-W a>tuz U H a w ^ . I

i r k e t s a n T l

cks I L ivestock' A G I ^ C E l b S r i ^ l M

■■•“ i | S s r ~ : ; S SS 5 5 a a - i , « , r

’ J' aZ,"Z ■"-»'"»■'■“■ ,.11,

i»-i rairV.l tiUf a '=• <■

,1 k ilult?*’! !!? ^ '* ' l ? J''.*.''!!• atuunj I.M0.008 »«J ai.d cholc J«4er. . . . . . . „ i .„ „ . . ^ r : ; r . s v a ;s - .5• i«*‘eWp*j.^»w*y aww.ij.QO......................«lns sicnmd abai . U N »'BANUHCO -'S E , m T .,„ - S .V i .T K K i '. 'a / .K l .J ' . i 'J i 'a s Hm.r.da r.lrolcom. around Iwo load., m d lr uUIIW dalrr tn'larkan Cyacvamld. «lau*lit«r atwa H.M : ,I»M eulUr and lo'MlDai,. Anacooda atllltr talrr If»« aUu>ki«r l u ^ toathjrn I'aflflt. « fM_tull»r anj^low utiiiir „Vi ,

r c ^ l '^ ’at :o|J Blitni: 8al«Ma M; no

‘’’uirJult JOS

'a » 'A « r ‘ W i ehok.'«.“' • o ' l i J i f ?

l llo Co^ »«« I " ' hoM°»»r lawU arallal.1.,

-o«A K A ,-A ,;,'!n^i‘A .,^ „ o . . r ,w o .

i^oVcallf ;*'rw*lh“ '« lm iu ” r IKW?; chSjl'^iJS

rar oil 22V. "‘"I'i; e4mm,r«l.l !0.M.J4.«. f l p j g

: . ^ r i ! ' I S"n cTrbw” ll<i {or^jV^*°]»o“2lo7h.‘r'‘lM.t4(iS 4W*u!^"d'rt A l^ -jiJ , Catll.l 8.1abl. ».S«0; c»K„ Mo, ,|™ h. K) Cori> i ' l i f *“ ^7 and h.ir.r. . le d , (o H Iilch.ri

S r * i : S v C ’s E S S S i i : ' ' - " !

a^o tor 1514 j®” ” - Mtlni Umbt abiot; alaMfi.

:b Radi* 101, . DBNV«» ' *

S £ S ’load* «h” c«'li*'7ail:7''a?.i'i3

1°" 'k! ’Ilfl " i k 'W ^ ' i 'u o *’■” =

I f f ;. Bhnpi 4.CM - pracllfallr no tarlv

rages ii"t%’o.rJ;‘ T.u’'.'i;r.v

ctalad Traaa *” * ______

vi: ■ 's 'i c r A » r , f ' ! 7~i!: ~1!!'! MviasTMiS^rs.-'is^:'' - — - ' : , ~ I^«7*«t”aa7i i

i °r '•«»-” *S- 1

= P o t a t o e s ^ ^ O n i b n H “ ’....... .............— -


« u tf of the f

4»« )-«37J0 ‘ nttSI»«W»JO c*u. iw u : « ,7« sSiDUb inS ." J ia ‘ n .>34M^l.BO *■**• Jomto Ww.

4l7.*8 top t ’*= t» - lM j r.Titi w n

lenC - • - -- TtSITIN'ALBION ” '■■ uF n n n x ^ALBION, April I t - M r . and Mrs. CtO n O r — ^ m ajne ..Jepatn and rhllflren. f l

U J . Providence. Utah, vuiied her par- cKites “ “ “ f- “ “ W*<t«r 0 . Clark, hMn^^K^-O,. 1 , - . . ___ , •■

J C w i n J ' a l l slory chapel *— .^ e n d Ii UTBTOCK■rt Presby. c i ^ tuidxn. i » .m lu . - -

I McClure, *0- ^ »nt 4» i b .m Z Z Z Z Z Z i i ie e ^ aanjuarlte ■ — — iu.*» lded-:B«rl- T w ^ > ^ ^ a ? T w !« iT ir-------- .'..T .' —

t d c h S S Srment ww staJS <7« ua. doai - ...... > •^•-n.oe ■!»

r r : f e = = ^ i i S■wl».Pall« ...(Oee 4 5 E 1 5 t3 ! ------- SJ--ana-M wr ------------- '. ^ i r

^ ." } 2 • “'1 t|g«uala «iU|Urt.: -W5l. l l , ,t ln .P a iT mill i f i .r i i ” *

S s S ? & ~ R S in ! g K . l — — ' ..........« ! t e

i d F m a n c e ~ * * .* * * *

itock Grain

r w W . i u ? 7 u m ”

Tnp^w ir-M ftSm «r.H. ijSeiTi.'“ 'TT No. "

aikinc full, il«J ,. **■— p ^nir^«r nominal; B,llln* 140-TCi

H ftl-(UIIDA)— fl«ld and. ptr hanJf«l«.(tKi no—l«.l- aIm-I5!-fM .t«,* TM-(l6.>r -l5.M-inj,-UMrih, S.IS-ll;and To ‘.riill j!.mV-j».m, ” •»»•»<>-«!

FUnistH TA8LB r' d lOO hi h CHICAGO. ApMj ll^jOp—__

S l S a",'i;‘ B j=§j|l|]j|_ |ig_|||:SUHCO - ...I .M ijji; , | |» i I !J^■ s“ '. ■■ ■' I 'm II jlj l j j ' l i^

:ii!l i S l i :

S..U : : T . I.'STS l.ll l i l i i ITi!^

Butter and Eggs

^iiSiJrdiu?i‘^m*4i’H,' arad. a

" I ' ’!”Sr at H,oi.U,«o, . CHICAGO: market untMt^ CHICAGO. April Ii lA—Tiuit*f ri*m. lamU aralJaW., 5 J ( ,fU ;^ |« iu ail'lM

r i S ' t 3

n b . -ooiid'u^tl; I

LlJT -.'d™ Potato and Onion I j Futures ‘

. -<0»»rt*Or*-W r«eBobtTt»T«id- hO m' blT*" B“ *- Phw e WO) I‘.'fv"* “ =* '---------------------------------- ------------ 1 »

S ' v S 1

| S « S eizu re Fatal__1■l-*CaltI,i »J00 F o r P ioneer ’

pentn-in~Rupert.-iiltd of a hTTrT 1“ ir.r> l).oo.si.t{ii Rtlsck at 12:30 n.m. Monday a t the ro i? ” ■??■» JO: Mlnldolta Otneml hojplUl.al.n aiid nlrm Was bom May 30. ISS3. •'to /anc7 around at Rothvllle, Mo. He married Mr*, *

rholc „arlln» Ida Whwltr a t Buptrt. W11. . . .r l ,; .o » Mr- Puih came to Rupert In the *'hon to early dayj of the Minidoka project H > thri'U t/h .™ •*“ emplojffd u a harness>U|» aowi iij} t maker.Later he-becani* . conUootor “ , no . . , 1 . “n't c*n>entfr. H* woi'a membcr of abo.. V«M foJ '*'* R«b«l!ahs nnd therini.: <hKp ac. NelRhbon of Woodcroft. O

.'|".5.JE^ SurvlUng are hli widow, one fos- C.~olH ilaurtirr { „ Bicwmtnto; one Clfoster daughter, Mrj, Donni Slrueck, *i

"JS'-JJKI w™;LC«!SaVc",Sii ^ sti?- f*,---------*’■• Cheyenne, Wys.; two jtep-daugh- «” ‘hiih;r‘''oM ten . Mrs. John Rou. Aberdeen, and “ round I.iso lb* Mfs. D. T. White, Yellowstone; two

aai. iood and brothers, JudBOn Bujh, Bartley, t •ubti.b.d o. ?''"■•• ®ren Bush. Oklahoma ------------•— a ty , Okla. and Ihm sUter«.-Mr*. -— ---------------- J- H. Fem. and Mrs. Oeorge Carr, n r •----- --holh B m i«yi;->nd-H r«.-Ida-0<Mto. JCi» I U O n H “ B npertT anrJB m n i l c H l ia f m r ^ ' lh_____ ^Z_.. yim.r«l a>« panfUni. __;'■■■~ * der the direction of thi Qoodman hr

C. Bruce.Requa, E ■"sIs'S'.S 61, Passes Here “

to fliyi.d”'^ Memorial hojplSj* |He w u bom Nov. id. ig« . m >

'. dara.nd fair, BuUer. Mo., and cune to RImlwrly — T«a. » ,u .. He w k

» lrr4» i u ,^ ot the Klmbwiy c h rtttU n gjj

y f "-V '7 i';» i Mr. Requa b wrrlred by h la 21H.8. 1. car 4 t i i *!<'ow, Mr*. Alma Rt^ui, whom h0>b himbo in«, married May, 4, I9i], in Kansas SE.arraiiD* S ' ® " * <l‘ “il>l«r. Dorothy fe• "Js ; »n1 l « brother*, B l ' gijj rjiiow Jan- p e r 8. ^ qu«. Wendill, and H u- fo

8pi»U6 j- iS i , Puneral I ^ c e * »1U ta held a t J a B. « . Wednesday at the Whit* I

— mortu»iT.chapeL-0{flcUUnB.*iii.iMS —' the Bev, Roy Tltiu of (he Buri#>v * f

^ ^ t t o ^ w S : u s u iS - 5 ’5 5 7 1

^ J?**' P*> Christian c huft^M tor.' s S a ' l ^ / u wl ■er 0 . Clark, be made Ja Sunset Memorial park.

n -JF a llsM arkS ^ ~ [ ^MTATon C

L - ~ - i » * e u! s. Na } **r - — !} i! i M»b. » u .> d .s - r : { a a w “

[ ' | i t.w a u

-^ tttJ t-I lio Caletad if r tw - •* " " -------- ?!j

E R ’S____ _ — E

i J ' t m i S o _____ iO T T W A t____ 1 _ _______-Hi.0t4t.e9 N». I B«tl«r<it__________ .■>. '................. M».-r Boturfal , i”

= l t g :!K ~

; ■ V I


— l E i v e r F l o o d s

^ e C r e a t e H a v o c

F o r M i d w e s t(rram r . n 0»>

j-i*>-^s»i»t.iion tnicka and -automobUei,- ftba#rd'oT u ./ fc2ird‘‘oi *"'* *®®‘’droppad lo all piu. The rlver. gone wild on lu wont

b-rjr. Ma, II-47S. rampage In history was claiming ' <*H-V ” • land hoorly-aleng a 300-mlle

p,, in T h e way’ f lo T th ^ ^ S t

—At-Rulo.-Kaftr, them rH nr-M U - m r i- w a s h e d 'a w B j^ - B ^ - a n ^ n ^

i-iitHt-i— li«6a~30(rfee r o r iJB B e lln e , cuU iM ia - » < iT lin W “o r r T e r v I c e ''b y ^ Ml£hlgiinri-M; No. 2 «iua Wbconsln.Oa»-company. Workmen sr»d. nt^a hM., jif .red the pipe of g»a as a pre- iin* 140-TCi cautionary measure.

, At Lincoln. Nebr., the Burlington ” u i* h , S i s o r nOlrcmd-re.routed traffic- to Chi- iidiop 3>.(Ckso.M; ctgo through St. JoMph, Mo., I>e<______________csuse of ftoodjthreati to a railroadr*8LB VrI3ge ae Omaha. But St. Josiei^r(Urj— lUelf reported rising water and an“ — i*<».i rfaM. ^iHleld-closed -wlth. t he-fteed-creat i<« 147 H IK a week away.[V, i,s4y In St. Paul, trains between thej . L ^ y y t j , l n _ c l U e s . o f S t Paul.and-Mlnne-.

' ” •* spoils chugged through one to two >;• j-n jj T .«s feet of water. - .......... ................. -

' j] h ‘.h JI D e a t h C l a i m s

t ™ | - r S B J ? . & ] x r < ^ a e r>•»»;? nUPERT, April H — Bradford

i-MH J-stVi p ijnjt schroyer. 73, died a t 9 a. m.I Sunday n t the Rupert Oeneral hos-

I iT n ’f r o P“*'- P“*‘ tl® i hid made hla home wilh his daugh-—— ~ ~l terrMnrion 8thrtjytr,-Rupert.-------„co Ite w arbom Nov. 19. 1878, In Fay-II 14 itif*i—-Out. *tte county. Iowa, and a t the age ' »f Kort TSH: 8 oM he moved to South Dakota wl(h 4TJI- > r^ . A grandparenta. In IWJ he nytr- '

' . tied AuKuata l«mke. who prcceMd ,>U-4IM| >D.j]um him in death In 1S33.’•............. .............A retired .farm er, .Mr. Schroyer i> wss custodUn of the NIsland, 8. D ,

B ui^ firm: hijh school for H years. Ill health <»* '*>“ «* *’1* retirement In IBU and .

I B and,j»_c!.ii; jie moYed .tflLMaglc. Vnlley.«U.j'?#ni J '» H ,1 io> wo, living, one year in Twin Palls j unth.MRi w a wtsre making his home m Rupert. uuaa a-^s.:s; He WBI a member of the Eraagellcal i

*v' thurch.• jfe la survived by four'thlldren, ,

ripta i.ti i cotTpi: Elmer Schroyer. Okanojan. Wash.; ' “I Mrs. N orm an Herrett and Louie

rn. Schtoyer, both T»'In Palls. and Mlss .lucklinn 9s. Schroyer. Rupert: three grandchll*

I dren, Mrs. Robert Peterson. Klm- *” '* Carol and Bradford

V n i O n Bchroyer. bolh Twin Falls, and two Id gtcut-granchlldren.

____ I Ato sum vlng are ^ e e h a lf - i

. Phw e WO) Punk.^^l Hereford, ^ x . , and. one— ’ ^ J hilNslster, Mr*. Aaron McCulIy. ilONB Tulia, Okla. One child, two brothersII Ckx.i 37 eara ,nd a ha lf slater preceded him lo -

Ji-no-aaW.______ guneml aejvlceji-wlll be hrld .a t g------ 19 a. m- Tuesday a t the White mor-

tuary chapel with the Rev.D r.P . W. W a O x Werts officiating. Interment will ------- • ---------be"maae'lnT>lnB“ B16p«"eemelery; ^

o n e e r ” " " ^ \ ^ _

^laren'co Ii. f f . ~ D . F e l t o n P a i d ~ T

S 7 2 S Last H o T T o r H e r eItal. KIMBERLY. April 14 — PuneralMay 30. 1983, (crvlces for William Dolph Feltonmarried' M rs' held Monday afternoon In the ^

White mortuary chapel. Twin Palls,■upert In the W'h the Rev. Vernon L. Taylor of- gdoka project lldstlng.I a harness Mrs. Nellie Ostrom Babcock wasa oontrootor "ftanlst-H onorary pallbearers in- B

a membcr of eluded Oordon Standlfer, ‘Harryihs nnd the favtlbers, Wllllflm A. Olll, Silas c;u Olvens. Jack Ypung, O, E. Tyler,low. one fos- C. T, Brown, John Prldley and _•amento; one Charles Sallee. Active pallbearers "inni Slrueck, '"er* E. S. Wooten. Jr., Otto Fowler.I, R o n a ld Parrott, Oeorge Kelly, OrvlUe ~eotge.Wlicei-. .Allen ond Don F ame.^. __Jtep-daugh- Interment was made In Sunset 'berdeen. and Memorial pork. .iwjtone; two ■ ------- — I

f'ok?aiioma Infant Succumbs . hsUter*.Mr*. -BUlUiEY.-April 14 -T h e-ln fan t —i leorge Carr, son of Mr. nnd Mr*. Louis C. . ;

J l^ e :tit« e B tr» :a .--m r-flm ria r-iit- =i illdren. ‘ the Cottage hosplUI. ~MBdlos~un- —Surviving ara hU-par«n>s,-on» p i) Ooodman brother. Louis: his maternal grand- :---------------- parents, M r. and M rt, a d e n -TumWn —— - • Burley: his paternal grandmother, <1 ,0 Mrs. Edna Tohll. Kooskla, Ida., and |U<1} his pateniAl graVidfather, Louis I T T _ _ * Knocke, Loa Angeles.1- n e r e runeml services are pending ■( _ t_C. Brtic* the McCulloch funeral home. |_^

a K im b e r ly _______________________________* SPECIAL NOTICES

B'bcs and, upb.I...,r- , ■.»■»:• gsop. .^ h is U al.'c .^p .rI, Whom h« 7im 3ad aw ua w.L hioi,. tll7.J. ' Cl In Kansas BCWING »anl«d; Hmunuhlnc, button ^

■aS ." ’ p r e r u F S S T r a

“ " • s s

lorial park. A ■ i i —

---------- WATCH THM ”• fT»-ir>“ BPACE OAILT~ ! 2 Vaner* ( a m nZ j u m m M rtlaw and far th« tfat* tbelr —

l ^ - w m _ a p p w to tha Ttin c - —

-------M< ti i tnfsRoatlen. ~

--------- A P R IL 16

«i AdTerliaemeDt April M. 15_ nm m y f! «M><lnn»»» ___— . ' . 1 - A P R I L " 1 8 - ^ - — I - -_ _ _ .T e t ■ UlUnQiiUt Brelhen ------------AdverUseaient April 15-W “

BeOeabaek * McCuUonch. Ancls


eflntact tb ? TUnea-Newrpiita^:' " ' . 8tl«:(lepartaient. L e tn i-e s* r*“

________, ^ (LfitaiH j e r t i r i "»■** uitmay. | j |

C T S , !TWIN, FALLS,-IDAHO'----- -

V, SPE C IA t NOTICES'O U S m k i j t - c d U H ti^ r A u

f a V O f * . ^ ^ c c o ^ l t i M i m«.l WVii iwS a .*.hf» lMln»et«l by aa tiaMdltad taatUt , _ u l u Ite MUI iMaaa plas «ed srtM

i d w e s t S ' s . ' S k ” ? v " ' ‘ ^ " £ '

5Uei.- ftba#ra- - a. w. -ffnlit.-c»mria-ln.tf«iiir.PERSONALS

I on ILI worst a 'Dy- ;.uU .oa...t on.tvub^a was claiming man- n,.. 4«.B. T1m«.N.X________


Burilnr-Ml,-.ir th - and ex- - wa.i. U.aa op.-Anaiif~B>aDtT~fl»l'm. bpellne cut- CDMrtCTB-b*aBtr~'»*TTi<.-b, .d»ai»—d

aa aa a pre- ------ J 5 S T A N D -fO U N D ------ ^le Burlington Ubo' r~ c . ^ » « . ^ ^ .m -.;”j|5 jto_CW- K6lL

to a railroad lost: I>o.nt«.n. I.dr‘> nrulr.l rolorwl r 'S tr'.raseW r ~>«vr:w6.^-T7JT.---itrn.-Ka,;.-Vo-Ti i:—rater and an p -----— n . .ie-ftood-cre« ■ lo^^ i «*r.^lrJ

between the r'lx™* »•«'- KimUH,.

’ * ° ~ CHIROPRACTORSDR. D. R. JOIINHON, IK Third axasa -

• Mil. T.Kohona 1(4.l i m S * »cih,“ N?5i.‘'phoM '«u"* !

r o v e r , S IT U A T J0N s” w A i m 5 ~ 'i»yf^U^."SBV-lBllI^artaa jiUo.iUI«I, caU j

—■Bradford FaMiLy UjnU.i an l 'mViVIaunJlT-dTn.: 3eneral hos-i WANTEI. Tr«l. drlrU, dall afu,

h“h ” davigh- “ "{if n['al°ii‘T ' ^ S

» n Fay. "a t the age OaIiUKN and‘~acr.ata pl^ln*. m n .

D akouw lfh ■ Knott, Pin. Aattl._________

p1p, S . ^ . p, W,s4i. sland, a D , AlW JotTCTiM, T»la<ralla. a. Ill health UAnuEy amt V r . . . . _________-

ey ”

! in Rupert . . r . n.00..rlcu rblMr.. wSil'CUSIOW tannla,. Cro, 0! , . . . , ' ^ —;: .

rntln, L«ll, Wr. I& *afL^SMll) _ur-thlldren. >!«>■ ri-f". mii-Rt._____________ li{an. Wash.: J ? '" •? »'?->'>• « 'f'a nd Louie aTto^'I.ASJ ”Is. and Miss _prlr.. rbon. II.7.W. 1 1 ^ ., PhlnJ°I grandchll- r

r S n S o M A L F A L F A W E E V IL , '(» u .m C«,tlni, -

a S t .............c., and. one i-hone kp-j or lii-j1 MeCulIy. KiMUCBLY ■ 1wo brothers - ,ied him lo w >~»-»fcr* FF*-**‘ C ’

iVhltomOT. ” h?i^\“i!n~^??'-RS7^' '? “ *• V .D r.P.W . WAWVkl)! W.itrm. f'ull ,|„ . lot,. I - rroent will !«"«■>. Orlfaul <aff, —

lauu'o isr« I..I. .1,;, w.„„. ..J r __ — ^

P ^ . d _ Jf f o r c ^ l « L I > W A N T tP — M X C t I

— Funeral “ i'l'rin*'wort** ’s tIJ rrl? tS r ‘Su 'ISJ!!' 'Iph Felton Il.oiuirr._________■■oor. i . i aoMUI.,00n In the E aiu iilu n .n r .r « n n .l ^ar» worlu

•« — •gAHKIKO U,m kand .IU. M»aUn, . . . •

.bcock was *• rlearers In- HAKKiKu-mm-fur i.» tr.i ».TE “ er. -Harry a r

^ t S S F W l i i r S'Idley and inbo m-n * Taiioi. co.__________ ipallbearers »*aii»ii:o m.n jor i.n .i.i u m work. ^tto Fowler. JL7'if„\i Vh *'•4 jr^Ily. OrvlUe r ^MuiTlciUa *n, — ----------f—

TH-SuSsel. Exi-KKItNCtO larmhand. r^r-roC;! *

■“ ?'linn. -rorcUlS^'eMMMti? °°**~ »Fl

linbs . llirtUn*.'. Imrod?w‘’"'iMiJti“ ' ’ « “ kJ * •h e -ln fa n t - .Tn^nT^«'-“ '^.“ i^ ^a“ :=■f"**".i^^! ^ Louis C. . r«kl» d r .. piM bonii. to s-ff

aimdanBt: - Tinni.

:.n U ,-o n . |= ^iS L S S S * e x p e r i e n c e d _______ndmother, P SIECHSNrCS \ \ ^. Ida., and , Top Eeamlnn * er, Louis >n...tl,.u Car oii.f

BOB IlEESB MOTOR CO. dending ■( UMrd A »m . rhome. ____________^YMOunr I W


JTT-------- Oppoflunll, for Top P.,± 5 _____ (Contact D«n folwl


T.I. button I--- — J?,p - ; ^


‘i J f ..7p« e x p e r ie n c e 'jffiCHANIC '*j______ ...—'•"'nibl7.tlBcdo.A5d M ,„ .„ .

n f \ ■ D O U G L A S-SE L F C lJ l ------- ------------------------------^• ----- \ —


JNvestioate oub PRorosiTloM


' f ^ Tt-VKOvrn Tm,T tm e^ ------' O

g a a » B ' [ " ~ I'. : ' ................. - i . - ^»**«• - . • . Experienced ..!

USED CAR 'h i_______ ___ RgcoNDm oN E R - I r r oI. 15 ' *-l B«lrl».MU».l. 71.111 iTioi

— N. rirmsBik ..EMI*■ ' . I inJoii

- w |— — •Ancls J » "

= j ] “A S E s r W P O R T U N l f Y ' ^^ _ !■ w^iim o r o , , - r o ?

—*«g m aiijn ipea ma» ^ S '

« S 1 I S . * ? " g l i : a g - t i ; - ; : - j S

lAHO---------------------------O T IC tS r < t t r vyA N TE P— M A L I ^

' I l i n e a u t o m o b i l e I« j 3 E E ^ ;;j^ B -T R « C K -M £ E B A m C ._ _

« ‘ 2 : s s '

* t s B E R R Y M OTOR CO. *...II.. -Bulck, GMO "mick Dtnler

---------- BUHL. IDAilO pHOPS L _ _ _ _ _ ________I

I ^ E g p J M M E D J A T E L ^ I !

rf«iJ^Wlpr.»lU; , ....................... ~ -V;i‘^ . d Z , . " One Expert Body Man [

7 , i7«: ' Wl:i'»V "".'"riS ! r■' iwulr.l'mlor^ ___ Phonfl 81 or 101 ■____

}|«V.nJ -kl.v | -------- ^HEC P-W *N TED=T— H 'KimuH,'! MALE & FEMALE

“ ^b u s In’e s s ' o p p o r t u n i t i e S

VANTED “'•aio:o.Ull«I,caU OAKB i;T7.i.', doln. ,oud b-m.... t>,alp. -

J<ib~Call aft.r I ti l l ' for ««k. or .mall truilntai. Lo- -1113 lib a.tnu. ^^nU rbon. tfo *d.V."l8:1.W

% i a - = ^ a . W - f f i S i - S . X ’J S

j = ^ ^ = ^ = = f , '**• - r . '^ S I.SAaE..,«Qn£aK,STATJQN,-, '

M i.W . WMI.. rilONB* •,- ^

--------------_ , a**»iS to 'btuinmr’ FOoTrad ©0’’ "

E E v iL . H S 'S S ii 'n rH 'r?'"It ' _

»UJ ■ SE R V IC E S T A T rO N ' | _

I ni'.?'i^°.!‘" « { ^ S ..‘S5:.7 .“Jr7oV ''*

-PFMAI f I ______ w ■ - —. - T-.' Tc______ -SS±- Kru. J E N K IN S vHcmrtlOto,. Ill W„, '_ iu S T K E T ^ I----------------------— _____________Orlfatti talt, __


,«a?ipr. Areir h, , , . , _ ^ . J

—MACE ~ j ll

,1 . iN Q tnnE _ |h

TrWiaUnr .a- l-»“" M.tham. Hai.lloa. Id.h» —■a. I ■ I f—

■-•i.^ ^ F U R N I S H M a o O M S - - - ,

■7T^;;;E-Er, r " . « : -.'.‘i ' i t J - K . r i . ? " ' ““ ■• -« ..iU «»k lu j riliHT Ko<t..b..p1i,r rrwin ror oM «, i»o ----

rr.r.m., r4l”jn ri«l-’lll* Il«aonabl..W R N IS H E O A P A R T M tH T S S

U-70, aomt * 4-ROOM. Adulti. 401. <Ul a.«Bu« I •«< a .r.k . Mtat. n ..n . I3lt. |

I “ i

3D______ r ~5 r h b o H lI *T.rjtblB» »urtilih«l. t9( ju, A.Jnui

'1' r AND » Koim .p.rtm,nla--- t?k. ^ d rl5.fln.'’'AoV.r'''fli Knott, L.I

LYMOUTH mfc^^-kouri b.»m.nt .p.TT- "^'

A P f s : ^ E

. ' i " ™ ' : . , ‘■“1“TWo s-hooU .p.nm,m. l„d i rRoi

TO Phon. 174J.W. i n 3rd _ iU" “bUICK* P U lt -a : i.lKirk ,u..a. U t .M .ata^ >■»

— wVn dl! ytr,\r'iJi[u‘iS

iLr “1", ItJ C ^ i-U K d lS H iD H S D 5 B ------ “ S-------*1.“" 5 . S - E , ^

________ scibuiiu , ,„L . . . i J i

Lvo I ^

YKOPTn I j°rhiij‘ ill

i ^ S ^ 5 = 6 s 4 i i i = 5 E = ^

MjLntb *”

^ 5

R E N T .^ ^ g ^ ^ “ * »<

____ _ ___ I

MALE 1 W AN TED T O H IN T . I t A ^ "

S k

— — ! ------I n vfcat on i - A t t e n t i o f t r ^ -

liitiln ”’ ■■"^Trerss'iB-ThfifttNew-

------- iS O N tV t o l O A N -------- '

r ...... LOANS Ij;_______ |l riMncln* Btrrle. ^

— — © A H e - P W A N e E - e O ^ - tLE______ Cren»d''rioof^ant a 'T n it Bid*. iittf c.r. for ____ ________________________hom.. M.n \---------------------------- f ^

in. OZgj-R} — ______.,” °*** LOANS J

; EqolUbl. LH. A-ora«« 5«I,„. l« , . P— g .v v .,.£ -r .,-c -s

'„ , ------------- D^N-TERRX-------iL .t'. C.fa .» . DlSTOiCT UAIUCCR —Drplniii 'Tfioil.r Bfcl«. Phona lit _

— ___ I

M O N E Y T O L O A N 1 S

im m m ' M odem. Homes i-,— or writ Acreages and Farms ri

«»*'t«lta. L lD8luS"aEi^SENT m V ItpCB , j p g l " L c“ A . C h a p in A gency

>*i^altal ~~~_______ M ISC. FOR RENT b

1 ^ L U aM tka ra let all McaaMn. p -

- Z l I: t.>lllln< I II . JtM .'a" i‘ TB0CK8 AKB OAB* •'I4m ‘ , ''C »TA1B. VAN. PICKUP AND "« • bilri PAS8ENCIH CAESI t “ S l i IDAHOtllMi« IS D-DRIVB. tne.

1 HOME IM PROV EM EN TS I Spl—tn..^^C.ll lor (>R «.lo..t* 'J,

___ I y .m p S r ^ ° 'S r * y ,S .^ -

*«l!>Jr1 l.iidac.plnr- I.lo.n»«J, '?Mur..jr** FrM r« « |d wUta.f. V.Mthn-a I'hon. rUt.W. Jll

taoUI. cT h. IIARHIS. llctnaad bolldlns «7trar- | tor. Sp.cl.llilnf In rrp.irfnt. r.mod.I-I , In.. tpoflnt. and »ldln«. Pboa. U4S-M. »«

[ j— “ G A R D E N E R S '^ —' ' ' PertlllMr Delivered T *'

5: ^ Call t%' r'r'S’-'ilSr-,. forMdrooo. Fotlllxr or Garden Howln* ——-J5JJJJJ. K m ROYKa. WIONE Wt-NB


■ , ’’Ift ConTfier. , . ,„^ s.sntT.i.-'- “ “ r “K— nir ----- I l-Pk*~ m it: — _t; ; ' EASY TO BUILP P “ A.ra"; PICKET JXHCEa _____ Ab attractl.. ,r.nta around 1 * rard 1 b<

—,-AMDERSONXOTtBgR-CO . ... - ■-■

§ r ^ ' ~ ' ' ------- >* HOMES FOR SALE

= r ,

*” HY OWNEBI S-Mdrooa. n k « . MbMteIll itb AmK. HnnkI.Wb i .ra E 5 p o 5 T o ^ j^ ^ n il

I— ^ r . y " . i . a : ; " s . . r - x . ; “ J s x i £JTTii- - M«l lo^tlon.-pboni im .l l .--------------•“

• Fyll b..«nrnl, aUacbpd «ar*(.. eU fcaat.110, . . « »

' **'' £)(OT UI;Y In towBi a larr* rooOL I U*-

= S : s .I---------------------------- -- ----------------1

nnicK homk ^ u^ IS : , Orjilnal Towiultt. Ins b«)n>omt, Ur«« •

7 ^ Oaxan. toaril_»l |W .» fca« i. TW

°*°* Lem'ATciiiipS'ifiteney *------------ -----------------: 1441 p ^ * *

™ IW ODOW H ■ 'C f f l

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C- A. IIOBO<S0.1

EHTS ~ s S : r u 5 T ^ P » ^ Hn «tlm.ta. skSs.

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dt'r.w.n.or <oIon. onflnbM! w H

-‘. r a : s S i HIlw. l-hon. t.rp gjaltBtal

LjwBa-ana V i a '^ V ITS'W* '** SIINoitiLlMb i l 'n ^ a r ^ '-----------------g ” ; = z : z = : ^ m

I«-NH I <M Acsi inau H;■•- ' I

,EAS1 jIt. to« t t r v t l . d j ^ ^ ' j ™ !

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Page 11: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

K g H L i r z z


acres -

*7^v3S'' I SEED p o t !

. (5L:Vn AVK. S

® '■ " " " ’'™ ' I SPRING F

t a i E* 1 1 0 REALTY...... T i u ™

■ bS t OBS -a/ii.n ? 'iV iD '

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Before SEE A

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p g g g / p - ““

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E ^ y p SRPRlNr. FARM WORK I | * " * ° ''

;■ . - S S G60D THINC

s a^ s S aS T “

ia l e d 'a n d ' c h o p p S ) h a y *'‘foR*SALe‘ o

S s a ^ ^ a i T ^ g g £ ^ f g ^

Tractor Dealer I ■


BRADLEY b o i l e r ;^ | “ Sr.EQUlEMENTICO.- . i | ' , -^rr> “"•-jX r ?

BefdrD You Buy I SEE AND SAVE ----------------------

i : : : ! " " : : . . . ^ F u R r i i f u R o ;

= T R * C T « S ^ ^ T i i s S S ;

— — . ' I i i - i i-----StEOS ll flANTS ~ " - s ™ '

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| ; S g ^ g i g

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D5^1?W.*^B«Vn.‘1to!l«V I

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■OOP THINGS " o ' 'e t


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;:lv f.i;.="‘ ’” " '" ' '• “ ''' | " r e d ^ ' u ^

DluEoad. J ^ ^ r r . C.o..r»i. LOOK AT ‘

' I


Iti- I T u • T W IN I^U..:.. Uhl-i .l«lrli^b-ur.: Jl.. . EQUIPM I

' j S x a r " • ....... BUSr 7 ^ ' - ^ —

CLEARANCE SALE ^On Used Singers - ^

!!H ' y fL O O R i ^ D i

£M ‘S g c ^

T IM E S -N E W S , T W I N F A L L S j I f f l

Ia?lV/‘ I r c t f —---------— ■■A-1- •

S ^ Z Z ^ ^ ; '“ S.”

AUTOS FOB SALt "" JS£.<,;L'"U.------------------------------- ^ '" • s :s.,.!l . 'z j l

- S P E C I A L - ■ , „ u B e r a i

I"S> _ ■ MOTORS. 1

Only ^ 51960 ,-------------------------


■ = = _ R _ PROC SPENCE C

'E S F " - '^ S k ■■ s r ^ ' s r , ; : . ”S m ---------------- - aUTOMO• 5 . r , S " .■■■

2 7

LOOK AT THE3EII Th. F .j .n ^ liom.

• = r S B £ « ^ Z ily . 7 w ,

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T W IN FALLS - ■•'»■»'.““ ■. EQUIPM ENT CO. '“ • r S 'f . I lS S ';

.^.uf:rr>r.:,.;'" uNioNiM

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5 K ‘« i » r ^ „ vacU V U C LIU

W — b - ^ ~r | * VgNCTIAW BL

■L'l.... ..-------- ■ ' . '."

LLLS^ ID A H O , --------

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— ^ -A. l - - ^ . -------- ----- GARED-FOR-

1 ^ 5 i S ' " ' i i i


__________ _ o,™ . . . . . „ _ ASHWORTH M(

lDdle horse I



b I rgT i n s — I 'I W ^ - ^ b a S n s " ‘ " r » 5


i i w ^ iTWO BIG

Fm e-nSea-

HEADQUARTERS 'Com m ercIarU nita ,

. . . : ~


F E g S I O M A L ------------

’O R Y - T l o t i

i m i ^ p m s ^ c e ^ „ r o » r u o , ^

IkUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR Si)D f« >>!« .1 T ..l a>l>. Pti«i

i l S S ! : - s l S

i i i i i : S m - ■ = -

HWORTH MOTOR CO. ;---------- -----------------.01 x.i» A««. i - t SAFE BU

0p.n X .»i.n Buxi.7. Used Cart____ :___I

,-■„ ' “ ■ g » „ v j ; . v 5

l i S s *

' ^ S S S r- ? . S . - ^ " „ * S ^ ‘m "V «S ■•‘• S S S

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0^ ^ * r « E K i . w. .!«

:------- — ----------- ------------- * . !B A 4 t N A 1

TWO BIG LOTS ' ^—Full of

d e S ^ .

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: E S £ r : s sLS2? " '•*'■ - " S l J i g .


..'cm irm J l W - , i B f f i S S S ™S K F


♦" ■ ' ' '


F i ^, ';rJs rj,T ■ ■■"eSs «

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M^KT4rS.r. - spS S l.N MOTOR CO. _ PACSABB D.h» I

. kw . U « „ - = ^ , . V ,111 MCKABD 1 4 ^ H

j ; ! l S € f f e - s ^lU«*b-W O«W .W d

L : i , “A .j,'-i; .-. ■ - ....... —

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, - — MtU*

S i!N G. jE m m s. H

Page 12: i fBy Record iTd^gtflSI -^Eloiodwa iKatef Cra ho Baptists ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF162/PDF/1952_04_14.pdf · iKuiL.Rosever. this ^ hUH o( nins ^

' ■ M G E T W E L V E

H oldjim i

- |^ H || |b

I ! ' • HART MeCAlX -^— T - .- .- » i i r f n t t iK ( n m iir F « r . fo r April 24 tn d 25 a t the Fanl I'befic a t 8 pjn. each etenlac-

PaulJuniors Will : Give Annual Pla: PAUL, April 14—Paul high Bchi Junior ClaM p la ; will b« prweni

_^t_the_*c|ifiol.ej-mnaBluB at a » ;Apni 34 iimr35.

Behearsolg are betn; held n fo r ■■Seven Clnderelliu," a Uirc act corned;. Olen Foster, lit tKhoo] d ru n a teacher, 19 dlrecU th e plsr."TIri the c a it are MaiT McCn Lari7 Looall. Robert Hamblin. Roi ■McQregor. .Bsverly Felton. Shltl Clark. Marcelyo Hammond, £vi Elliott,'D oroU iy Hathawajr, Mei: HlckA. U oyd Abadal. Jim Aoenx Gloria B p e n r 'and Olara Knopp.

eam m y.H iunllton U_«{*ge direto r and ivon Andrew* and Dnrlei Olson are student dlrecU>ra. O hn line Dorsey Is In charge of eostum and NUac«-J«nMn Is conducting ti

Shoshone People ! ; Report on Visiti

, SH OSHONS,-April .1 4 — Ll?ji •“ a n d Mrs. W arren O.. A iu tln 'an

itbelr twin daugbtera, Jean and Jtrr Rapid City, 8 . D.. are vLiltIng M and M n. L ute Austin and U r. an Mrs, Oeorge Young.

Brown and Clarence Tanaka ai I spending E aster with their pareni

faere.Mrs. E. W. Sinclair. DUon, Calll

are vlalUng Mr. and Mrs. V

D ennis' Crabtree. Portland, O rt___ l».yW tlt!B.M n..P^S^Or(»«._____

M r. and Mrs. Ivan Shuey, Wood land, Calif.. Ralph Bhuey and Ken

M a . n e th fihuey. KslfthU Landing, CalUK L ----- * i ^ i l i i j i n d J i r s : y t i l ) i o y e - « i

^ R e a l E s t a t e T ra n a fe rainformalloa FnraUbrd by

I Twin Falls Tllle andTnw t CoDipaay

Oult C..m a Q .-n.'

SwUan X. towniMp (. Rant, ii

I k S "

[ r — = — WHITTEMC

1-^ and LOWE

Q f v d

“ W m m ln m in i

|, W H ITT LE M Q R E o n e0 ' • fo m ou j/d iio piono f«om 'op

___ ConQ pft-JH iasdoy-gypnlng’ 7i r

__ A u d ito r iu m h av*

, B aldw in Con

' 'C H O O S E Y O U T p

r - - I - - A S T I


I I- ; '■

I J im io r P la y Leads

-.r. '

:CAIX LARRV LOOSLItm n m u rw ti i-s c h d o n - j ih U F e ii i . p i i r « h r tS r f "a t the Fanl schocl rym nuluin. Performaocea will

:h etenlag. (Staff eng ra iian )

rs Will - Trips ReportedI I q I P l a v HANSEN, Aprtl 14—U » . Dtw art U a l - x l a V Blevlna and children, Pensacola, aul high school - 11 b« pre«nl«a ^Hum ,a t_8 jun .

■I'ni held now lefl for La Grande, Ore., toC " a Uiree. ‘^elr daughter, Mr.. Hal Re>-

Foster liliih »ntl husband for EasierT IS direcUnS '’“'« « / • Mrs. Hattie Houchltis a c

* compaoled them but went to Yakl- MaiT McCall Wash., to visit her brothef. Hamblin Rosie' vlalted hl»'elton. Shltlcy <*«'‘*hter, Mrs. F rank Johnson, while mmond Evan *" ^ »o vUlt an-S X y , JrfdbS omw daughter, M r.. Arnold Bates.

;C‘5H£o' Shoshone Relates ,‘i . . “S'hr'" Plan on Watering8® S L '. f T i ,“ SHOSHONE, April 14—Lawn ant).onauetmg in? gurfo ir 'irrigatlon t»y 'spflnkle'ra!------------------- iBBln-!i-ieheaui«(T-T6r~altenialo

_ day j'on th e T o rth and south siae.-i60pl6 ®] ‘J® Bruner, city

tl V i s i t s Irrigation season Is from

...14 — <5enU on the north side will water '..Austin and oti odd days o f - t h e ^ o n th and lean and Jane, south-slda resldenU wUI water one vLiltIng Mr, even days of tho month,and Mr. and irrigator* again ar*.,w aratd.:by Warren Ke-

^ te ov ,i ^ e -thelr Darenti 1" diameter a t the open-'Uieir parents ^ town^allDUon CalU Is to be ahut oft from eprlnk-

and Mrs. W. "C rin k lin g may b« dobe between ortland. O r*, « »• « • *nd 10 P- m.

Andlng,CaUr, ~j . ‘ ' ^ = = = , ■ltili.Iflye.an4.

ranstem I d c o d O f o l i v e

T a a I HOI’SB m u le s COWSany H . For Prompt Pick op

I ■ H lfh« l Prtee. Paid■ CALL COLLECTI :■ P E R C Y G R E E N E - - ^

EMORE ------------ ]


5 R E a n d :L 0 W E |0 f«om ■oppeon'ng ot the Community- svenlng-TtTthVTwin s-High School ^■Pt<ir»>r<" --- -- " - - ; g

iri C o n c ert G rands _ Ibrnir-th8Trffifri:efi!r“ -—' i-—- *

rOUTfTANO / , I A S T H E a r t i s t s P P " _ _ , |


ads ■


> o s y _________Ll _ ___ _ _______pliy sehednlfd■formaocea will ' j- . . ^ -------------- -------------------------

p o r t e d 14 - U » . Dcvard ' 'ren, Pensacola, : "er parents, Mr. Pland, and other > - j

■h SlmnJonTana ~ 'Grande, Ore., to, M n. Hal Rey- Imd for Easter ; / T ^

Houchlns ac- M l f l. went to Yakl- • er brothef. by, visited his I

f i W K S l i

i e l a t e s i[i ■ ______

C a t e r i n g14—Lawn ant) ■ _ _____ _ ____

t»y sprlnkle'ra ,. '-T ir-a lterha re ------------------ ---------------nd south sldeii ne Bruner, city U . . .

ason Is from [ ' ' he said. Real.ilde will water ), V ^ - 'e ^ o n t h ond T ' \r water on

c*.,waratd.:by t '7 — ' --------ll B*Tt Terry, /■

be over one- cr a t the open-' . ' e In town^all( from eprlnk* f ■

“ f|— - f o r ^ h e -

alive : I.ES COWSPick op



----- -------- ^ ------- ^ ------ -Four-rich)'oxcilir_________ shade;: Camellia r

T” rose,' Glade gfand Blue bonnet

- - -

....... ^ T K tm To

I'j__ pM itonii

■■ - I

-------------------3 m E S - N E 5 V S , J E H a




‘ he leep ofyo ‘ i ‘ p ( T i i i i r d

Luxury-louch mater)

bu t i« h ,.id o : C jm dlia r ,d . ' B i r *"”*1 lOM,- Glade sreenmd Blue bonnet. •<— >a

~ All £0)'

-iiiu nigh

Kri* Ti 5«H tiW ry

PouW <-& «rfrw »wtlrol^


B a v .s . j r a r r t j M L S j i A g o J ---------

iOAY . . . —N U A L U

A l p ELECTRIC f t

A T I C J ) ]


(fyoor lifeTTTXiM L M i

^•touch maleria]s easy washing, '_______life and smart

Allractivc ivory and sold plasiic

-llluminBled-foreasy— ------------nighttime adjustment. h H

r w » w n r o l ^ ^ ^ r > . f a .& ( d O nt^o^tci


a s q I ________

L A Y ^ m


- ' - - [ j PER I MONTH *


T T T X i^ r E ;

L N K E X -


H — — ‘ ‘aj M —:-------- - - A- . rB u y ^ an :

------------------- --a h an d sH f r e e o f .| H ------------ --------------------- I h e r a ^

s h e e r siV . ■ f o r t fo rV a ll o v e r

H N E V E R B E F b R E suei n a g a in w ill y o u d o w itt, ■; I T h e G-E S le e p -G u a rd |J k r --------a lly • • • n o lum py, th e r r rH i n g S leep -G uafd ! P o tf / R e d - B lu e b o n n e t - Ai^ ____ bedL g iz e s . . .

___ DOUBLE BED, DUAL COW.' Co'ora of rose, camel- •

U« red, Klide green, ash rose n r j ,«.«W »'«— --------07.TWIN BED, ONE CONTROColor of ash rasi.


■ , . . i ‘

\ ,-.i



- x v : .

free with eai


Automatic Blai Sold In This E>

- L A T E X -F tE E G ¥ FO A M ]

P IL L O W . . R E T A IL VALl

B uy a n y G -E S leep -G u a rd 'B la t 1 h a n d s om u fo am r u b b e r pillu f re e o f e x tr a cost. G .-E .’s g i f t E herafe-3U B t-B oth«g-4 ilce-th i9 - sh eer s le e p in g c o m fo r t. Soft, fo rt f o r y o u r h e a d . . . cozy, s i ll over!

R E su c h h eav en ly c o m fo rt . , d o w ith o u t y o u r o n e featherli. G u a rd g u a rd s i^ o u r w a rm th aii y th e rm o s ta ts . O n ly G -B has tl d! F o u r d e c o ra to r co lo rs — le t - A sh . Rose - G la d e Green. 3 izes.__,W ashable._____________

ON-________________n n irWT.g nK n. BlNOLE COfmet- TROL. Colon ot rose, camerose g y 0 g JIa red, glade green, a»b rw




AR $8.95 1 PILLOW I

be^given— th each


c Blanket his EventFO AM RU BBER—

J L V A LU E $8,951

ta rd 'B lanket.-yoiiP*

E .’s g i f t to you! Hlce-this-two6oni9-fa- t . Soft, Spring Coj . cozy, sn u g warmtli

m fo r t . . . never . f e a th e rl ig h t G-E a rm th automatic- 3-B has th e amafr . Dlors — Camellia le Green. Single

I.BINOIECOW- . ________

,57.95 .

_____:5 4 .9 3