I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho Huh, Saurabh Verma, Swathi Sri V Rayala, Rakesh B. Bobba, Konstantin Beznosov, and Hyoungshick Kim

I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ... · I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho

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Page 1: I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ... · I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho


JunHoHuh,SaurabhVerma,Swathi SriVRayala,RakeshB.Bobba,KonstantinBeznosov,andHyoungshick Kim

Page 2: I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ... · I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho


• InOctober2014,ApplelaunchediPhone6andApplePay

• Marketingpitchwas:tap-and-paywithiPhonesinstoresisfaster andmoresecure

• ApplePayquicklybecamethebiggesttap-and-paymobilepaymentsystemintheUS

• Accountingfor$2outofevery$3processedthroughcontactlesspayment


Page 3: I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ... · I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho


Page 4: I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ... · I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho


• GooglelaunchedtheirownmobilepaymentsolutioncalledAndroidPayaroundSeptember2015

• AlsoclaimingthatAndroidPayismoreconvenientandsecurethanswipe-and-paywithtraditionalcreditcards


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• Howpopulararethetwotechnologies?

• Whydopeopleuseornotusethem?Howimportantaresecurityandusabilityfactorsinaffectingpeople’sdecisions?

• Whatarespecificusabilityandsecurityconcerns?

• Arethereanysecurityorusabilitymisconceptions?


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• Conductedsemi-structuredinterviewstoidentifyhypotheses

• ConductedontwodifferentparticipantpoolswithintheUS:• 21participantsfromauniversity• 15participantsthroughonlineadvertisements(e.g.,Craiglist)

• Conductedbytworesearcherstogethertoensureallquestionswereaskedconsistently

• Averagetimetakenwas35minutes• Separatelyperformedthematicanalysisofeachinterview,independentlycreatinglistofthemes(“codes”)


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• Usage: weaskedabouttheirfamiliaritywithApple(Android)Pay,andwhethertheyuseittopayinstores

• Whyuseornotuse• Askedwhytheyuse,notuse,orstoppedusingApple(Android)Pay

• Askedhowtheyfeelaboutsecurityandusability

• Familiaritywithsecurity: askedwhethertheyunderstand• HowApple(Android)Payprotecttheirtap-and-paytransactionprivacyandsecurity

• Howitprotectscarddetails• Howitensuresonlytheycanpaywiththeirphone


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• Aftermergingthecodesfrombothgroups,thethreedominantfactorsforusing ApplePaywere

• More secure (12)• Faster (11)• More convenient (12)



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• Fornotusing ApplePaythedominantfactorswere• Not many stores support it (6)• Less secure (6)



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AndroidPayresults• Forusing AndroidPaythedominantfactorswere

• More convenient (4)

• More private (4)

• For not using Android Pay,• Not many stores support it (6)• Less secure (5)• Less convenient (5)




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Secondstudy:onlinesurvey• Alarge-scaleonlinesurveywasconductedtoaddresslimitationsofthefirststudy,andtesthypotheses

• Designedbasedonthecodesidentifiedinthefirststudy,followingthesamestructure

• RecruitedparticipantthroughAmazonMechanicalTurkbetweenMarchandApril2016

• LimitedtoUSparticipants• ParticipateonlyiftheyhavesomefamiliaritywithApple(Android)Pay,andownsaphonethatsupportsit


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Validatingresponses• Participantswereaskedtosubmittwophotos


• Excluded responses from those who- Didn’t provide photos- Didn’t follow instructions- Provided photos that do not match their claimed model- Provided photos of devices that do not support Apple (Android) Pay

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Option ApplePay AndroidPayNo,Ihaveneverusedit 189(54%) 330(64%)Yes,Iuseit 124(36%) 100(21%)Iwasusingitinthepastbutstoppedusingit

36(10%) 81(15%)

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Reasonsfornotusing ApplePay


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Reasonsfornotusing AndroidPay


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Reasonsforusing ApplePay


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Reasonsforusing AndroidPay


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UsingPearson’scorrelation,wefoundapositivecorrelation(ρ =0.19,p<0.0001)

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Wefoundapositivecorrelation(ρ =0.20,p<0.0001)

Page 22: I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ... · I Don’t Use Apple Pay Because It’s Less Secure ...: Perception of Security and Usability in Mobile Tap-and-Pay Jun Ho

Perceptionofsecurity• Tothenonuserswhochoseless secure asthetopconcern,weasked

• Whydoyoufeelit’slesssecure?• IfyoulearnthatusingApple(Android)Payismoresecure,wouldyouthenuseittopayinstores?

• ForApplePay,10outof12 saidyestothesecondquestion.ForAndroidPay,8outof14 saidyes.

• Tothefirstquestion,• Insecure storage of card information wasmostfrequentlymentioned(13outof26)

• Butonly2outofthat13correctlyansweredthequestionaboutcardprotectionmechanisms

• Stealing phone and making purchases wasalsopopular(7outof26)


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Overcomingsecuritymisconceptions• Insecure storage of card information

• Educatingnonusersaboutthecardinformationprotectiontechnologiescouldhelpthemovercomethissecuritymisconception

• Stealing phone and making purchases

• Learning about authentication mechanisms and lost/stolen phone features (that allows one to quickly disable mobile tap-and-pay remotely)

• Help nonusers realize that using stolen phones to make purchases is harder than physically using stolen cards


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Conclusions• Mobiletap-and-payadoptionrateisactuallyquitelow!!

• Securitywasthetopconcernformanynonusers• Commonsecuritymisconceptionwasthatthecardinformationarenot


• Wefoundapositivecorrelationbetweenthesecurityknowledgelevelsandthelikelihoodofusingmobiletap-and-pay

• Furtherinvestigationisneededtostudythecausalrelations• Manynonusersmentionedthatiftheylearnmobiletap-and-payismore


• AppleandGooglecouldpotentiallyimproveadoptionratesbyeducatingpeopleaboutthesecurityprotections,andaddressingtheirsecuritymisconceptions