i i b I ' tllliklliS. $$ £3 £$ Z2 •*>Yl.CTloNS (''SIC*!- Pit<.|>.lFV N>> ' ' tt ' •, I; >. * I'. « ' ' - • ; 1. I , . I. K- - . 1. . ' '.' I- i. r. .»* ! .' - ' M v, in I't.. >r r v \ , . > l-OK «;IRI.*< AM» BOYS. K. H A 1\ < ' V At.. ,\l>idin<r liillnonce. N -T. ••!, ir ~, •- N ..= » .. '. - - , •• , • T . ,•, • . V s , \ , - • , . r .-• *" ' 'A - .' :• :? i." ... . TTI'.'A .. .' < i-t :- - r . ... , if!, •. .'\\f sT '• ; .••, •• ;. ir; ...• , - , ! -• - .• - - : •; .r.: .»:• ! -•- L-.r t> -••-.-. WI,. fiu'ir, :'- - - r:!»* > -. ' V The Two I land le«.. Kt.rVtH. :i,. i;r.vhj. l ,.:K..|. , '.T.M'I l!,;it o v . - n - t . i._r l.. ( ~ r.v.i v m,l ! .-~- •-,;>• »;•• .>tn> I! m.ij !•" i-:irr....»: •.-, •'..• ) .:'»r i..>' 17 thy Jirn'ii-r il.i ....* «r.>! _-, II-.. > ..' fi-s lliiriir tn fi .• hu.li.\ //- ••• _•> . . . f..r :!;.ir i- tl.f h.iri 1 •• wlir-r^'.,* r m »% ii"' i<e .*irrit"I. Bat hikr - i* r.nttwr t.j • » lian<i>. //. •• "y '.•..''.- ' •-. '•.<•<• / '.- ". • •. ari'l ll.nn wilt ttkn it t>.\ a liai iti' «liwehj it ma} !>»» a i r r i f l . " A Visitor i o H i e Pope. W i^n l u t V 3 Hidii'ii Pi'cci vva-i tour years oM a V"U'ij; ^ ri In thn narnw of Anna M.irem came to tatvi' earn of l.im, >.V' w a s fiftf>i-'i), pn-ttv anii intern, anil w.ii jilaymatf and frien i a-* well as ruir^. Joachim was very fon.l uf lier ami ?!i»> live,.! in ihf family until hf> w a s a bij: hoy an.I went to /school. Not ions ano Anna Moroni wwnt to Rome to see the l*opi». Perhaps you do not reco?- niz-' Iitt!<? J o a c h i m PPCC'I in the Pontiff, Leo XIII, but AonaMoreni did, and was received most cordially by the friend of her girlhood. A special andience was granted her, and she was an hour with the Pope, who was very glad to talk over old times with her. She is a hundred and two years old but looks much younger. Speakins of aare recalls a certain story •bout the Pope, who is said you know to be Tery genial and kindly and fond of a joke. A rather gushing lady was once congratu- lating him on his restoration to health. Sbe talked a good deal and paid a graat many finally assured bim she hoped he would live t o b e a hundred. "Bat my dear madam," remonstrated tbe Pope, "would yon limit me to a hundred yearef Some Accomplishments. It has been suggested to girls in general, that If they will put this list to practical use before they are fifteen, they will be a long way on the road to b^comin^ attractive and Charming youns; women t iyhtit the door and shut it softly. Keep jour own room in tasteful order. Have an hour for rising, and rise. !>arn to make bread as well as cake. Never let a button stay ofl twenty-four hours. Always know where your things are. Never let a day pass without doing some- thing to make, somebody comfortable" Never come to breakfast without a collar. Never go about with vour shoes unbutton- ed. Speak clearly enough for everybody to un- derstand. Never fidget or hum, so as to disturb others. Never fuss, or fret, or fijgel.—Exchange. When Plates Came Into Use. The ancients had no individual plates. They either held their meat in their hands or placed it on the flat wheaten cakes which they baked instead of having bread in loaves. The first mention of plates is found in A . D . , 600, when tliey are spoken of as being used by the rich and luxurious. Jo the ninth cen- tury they were in common U3e in England aa well as on the Continent. They were made of wood or earthenware, the former prefer- ably as it did not dull the knives. The G e m t o r November. Who fiis* conies to ttaH world below With drear November's foir and snow. Should prizr? the topaz's amber hue— Emblem .if friends and lovers tfue OH Si/hmt. British Writers. An animal and something an ani- A verb expressing irritation. A A curious person. An animal. A pronoun and a covering. An abbreviated term of address and the note of an animal. A bird, ma! does. garment. Word rii'jare of Oct. 25 . . . . Peach. En- due. A lure. Cured. Heeds. THE FAIK SEASOX. I" K t i i r C \ V . » P.••• r i. ' 1 1 . ' . - /. .., - -i.):... i...ui, 1 t-.f walt.ut meats, half a pound of suzar and the white of «'t..' *\rg. C ink all together, roll in balls and set to cool on buttered plates. M>n»' t -l I'<i<f"—One pound of ground al- monds, one pound of fine sifted confectioner's sugar, the whites of {wo fresh eggs, and a drops of essence of almond*. Mix tbe sugar and ground almonds together, and add, little by little, the whites of the eggs beaten t o a froth ut.til a stiff paste is formed, a little less than the two whites being same- umes sufficient. Mould it into a thick block and dry very slowly In a moderate oven. Hrn,mj I't'i ?•/.— O a e pint of sugar, two latileypouaftii* vt water, h.»lf a piut of strain- e d bon«*y. B J J until br.tUe and wLen cold pull and cut mto tut?. Ji.^t.rt i'a .-','• —B •;! or.e cupful of s-ugar with talf a cupful of watfr and one teaapoon- ful of baiter, o>.jk until it thread* and stir 3 two liuarli id j«.j<Cijrn. Mix well and make, into little bal.s. U<l:,- lt Sif "in /./. Two cupfuls of sugar ar, 1 ttuJt a f-ai.ful of water and boil un- til th.ck. >ur m cue cupful ef lickory-nut meats ani pour in a flit dish. When cool cot in ttfltrfs. It 1* :tUro!;i..-">i T1.:.t a jn-oDy soolcty 1« aJ-.at T.> 1M< iV.riur-d. Tin* pwtiiy i w s ».»•••!* .i.ti.ij/g r.iiudly Jo tbe front of late. Kfawlard i:.:trtT is a true ca«*toa dahlia <»f l.rlKttest scarlet ana excite* treat admiration. B<ml<* ti"Axs«-nt, or doable mock orange, is a fine new plant for winter furring. Iiorotliy Perkins is a beautiful 1««- truUH pink cliint.iiig or trailing: ruse, a •yltf-id ttt wifburrdana and of similar habit to Crimson lUubler. North Carolina grows tuberose and slaUia bulb* to perteetion. 1 •> S-M..:... 1.. . 11 >. In p i>l.iti_- if-i' Lnrn-N for No. 2 !.fr» k. l ' t 1. 1- ;I;-;.'I - nt li'io quality V.-, i ' I ' - I ,[,.V. . !". .!.! II. •! l.ll.!' f-:l .. • !,' | .,',...!:.• t :.. . .ili~llllli r i'i ; - •: I t i l -{•• • . 1 <. iliir if iiin' \ .1; *i ; 1 - 1 •, 1 • . r y 1 ...\ <•{ litii- ;I[I- {•:• - . 1 . > ' •• J..- it! .I'I. Sp't/i nl'Oiu'. w , ! - • - i ':•''••• ' i . M i ' ' . "-• r . . .1111 j . l':..U S v . . . : . •• •! . . • ' , i ^ . i i [.: j.t.il I.,Led l ,' _ t . • ' .; t! 1 \ . r f ! i. -•• d.tT. :•- 1 id \ . . ! .• t •• - , 1 I .. !' ill . r.|.:,o:i v • •'.' 1 ! . . I . : • 1 \ il,:.' 'i ;ri\ iliir in: I n ' t !• ; . :'. ; 1 .1: • 'i t n . "i'-i;',:i r-. Tin- 1 :' ' i ' . - ! 1.: • - 1 ri .il> irn|iT-t:ii d t - !i j :• ; - .!• - r ;•'...:,-: nit :il '".'. 1 .\ i- [ .• :. _ . -• -!'..\\ .114 ' •• ' . - 1 ' l v I.il'i I.'. 0 pi'. ;. U m 1." t:..' ill!.. I. lit 1 1 ;. I 1 ;-...!n, • - i.ti. n I 1"..: - 1 ! " 1 .,! . ; :.i '- -t. ;!•; I\ 1. :i. ;.,:._• nut In t'n' n .:... t ••!" t'..- « . | M wit!. !,. r ti: • !y tt;'.!-I n'.il j . i . 1.. .1 fit; 1 t; T. r..u rTl. I'- I..J.- \ . v, Y. :•!; I'i i:rt iJr.nv.r-' As-.1 ;..! .••:. THE JAPANESE EAMBOO. A "* jllwrltiic A(1 tl 11 • o i l t o Ml'* l.ivt of Jlainlv*>ni<' IhTliraliic 1'iniifM. In :i.Mit •• 1 t o I", i i i - .I'I.I i . h i - i;.ii-- (Iviniu -litru'"-!-- tl'itt ] . 11 .1 [i~ ll.o 1....-I V.IIU.ILIH jdaiit :i ^.•irdrin r 1:111 i-Tn'V for ili-i-ol'.-'tiotis N tin- .f.iji.llii •-•• b.Hil- l-oo. w.'n.li i-. ri:illy a >li-o:ig piTi'iiTiial j.T.'i*'-'. Tt.iinl'tH•< .'iff gnii'i'ful, durable, iuriii-liril Willi Inliat-'o ilunu lo the put and liarnioiii?.' with any compan- ions o n e m a y In- oldigoii 10 two. Tin* only ili-ailvuntairo i^ that onr Aniwi- c:m hmisoH do not furnish ostablislied plains and the imported clumpi re- quire so mui-li time in getting an Amer- ican "move on." They require a rich loam, iTcll drained, but never dry. BAMBOOS FOB DECOBAHOX. Temperature and light suitable for palms please them. Being a grass, each season's growth starts afresh from below the ground. There is no plant so well adapted for use with carnation blooms. The bam- boo not blooming and the carnation be- ing marketed without foliage have brought them into sympathetic har- mony. Quite frequently a tall bam- boo placed in an archway between two parlors, with four dozen fancy carnations wired on, makes one of the prettiest decorations one ever saw. They also harmonize with tbe various lilies or gladioli or inontbretia, as shown in the accompanying illustra- tion. work can on partly A young animal makes more growth from the same quantity of food pro- portionately than can be made at any later age, says American Sheep Breed- er. There is a greater economy of food at the early age due to the less de- mands for the more acute nervous ac- tion, and more of the nutriment is stored and diverted in the form of growth. Young lambs make flesh and little intestinal fat, and thus the ecoiir oiny of feeding them is visible in th« better carcass and the lesser waste. Ten-montb-old lambs fed from the time they would begin t o e a t meal have made as much growth and live weight as other lambs n o t s o f e d which were two months older. That is, the ten- month-old lambs made the same money as twelve-month-old lambs did, and the older lambs consumed in all more food than the' ten-month-old lambs did. Lambs fed before weaning and up to four month* old made more profit when fed grain food from their lir<t ability to oat it, which has been foij!..i to |.i- at t w o or three weeks old, than nUiir lambs not fed. Saving: C.rnln. Horses at moderate farm be kept in good condition cured clover and one-third the usual grain ration. We have been trying this scheme again this year on account of the high price of feed, a n d I a m sure the horses are satisfied with t h e a r » rangemeut, says Alva Agee in National Stockman. They like the green clover better than the cured, a n d a single cut- ting keeps for several days in piles in the barn. The earliest exit strip of clover has gheu its second crop this summer, and there is almost no slobber- ins from its use. The horses could do more work en dry feed doubtless, but-" they do all we want them t o d o , a n d They enjoy the feed, while the expense of feed tliib Mitnnter seems practically norhing. a s w e d o not like to sell clover and peas off the farm, and they are improving the soil for a succeeding crop. tir»lm »»«! Raaarr Lawfcu. Will it pay n» feed range lambs grain food? It is a reasonable conclusion th.it it will not. This,kind of feeding costs more under range conditions than on any farm. The precise supervision needed, too, Increases the expense too much for profit. The ordinary routine followed in a range flock cannot be de- parted from without unprofitably In- creasing the expenses and so making ordinary profit into a loas. This ia given as reply to a query by a large range flocka.-ister. — American Sheep Breeder. . Ta» soft brlghtneaa of oM pewit* maintains Ha hold on popadar a\«se> tfctn. and it almost appear* that «•»: of the newer flntehes on tbe tahto aft**. «M*» and the like la 1—andsi to stow- late to ansae extent the a* the «M tUtlMf tt ea.M. COHCUMMENT KESOIUTIOMS. WINS10W C. WATSO*, V TTORNFT AN-P ronTSKT.T.OR AT LAW. stwui Aibnlioti M'lfcn tn bt«lnf** la th«j Mirr.'irntr'n r.i'irt . . . nrtl. e .v..r A M>n»tt!p'« ttotti. M«rir»re'»tr«»t. 1'i.ulJii urk-!i, > V RAKNARD & BARNARD, Attorney* and Conn»elIor« at Law, nm.-M "1 ;m«..n H••>• K PlatMbnrjth. N. T. Yl.Ujfi- I - " f"-r KJUP. Motley to loan on re»t i"im.ii A. BAKWAHTI. rf I'ATI: 11..n • f F N E W VoR'C. '. Ii7-\ f.f Pt.'ll.. AM' f-'i. ltd In lli. >rtr ' f..nrf. pt. th- . f f..r ea-ie. e^lntf* IIKMST E IUKVAHI oi Richmond, \a., a great sufferer with •v\« Milan's troul)]es, tells of her cure by Lydfa E. Pinkham^s Vegetable Compound. I : " ! in J l'.'nl. Afi:- 1'IM. 11 \ -r: — Fur <-<m^ yr.iiN I KiiMVrnl •with ]iarkar]ip, '.i '. n i-.i.ii', leu.•i.nlnr.t, anil falling; nf tin- AVuinh. I ii"'.-. ''Ml ln'iiiiiig '_• ive any jn^ithe relief. i" o' 1 t i l . l t c T.ydiiv I',. P i n h l i i t i n ' s >'<"{rctiil>lo <'OIII|>OIIIK| A\"inM t !. nl i.i;;.'M tlio jir-i half Imitlc, J iVlt a Mist im- 1 l l i . - '; '. lain II 1.11 I."!!!.-; with ihp r.-nli fh.it I f, el '• V. ! • :, I . •ni'iifM .'tl I.tKing- thu \ cgi tdl'le (tHU- ]inuuil 1 lelc all worn out and Avas fast approaching complete nervous collar^. I -weifrhpti only ;H pounds. Now I weig-h IdOi pounds and am improving everyday. I gkvUv testify to the hf-nefits roooived."— 3In-. II. C. TvpstAN, 4-Z) West oOth. St., lUelimond, A'a. When a medicine 1ms neon successful in more than a million faxes, is it justice lo yourself to say, without Iryiinr it, "I do not belie\c it womld help mc"? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak ami .sick and discour- aged, exhausted with each day's work. You have some derange- ment of the feminine organism, and Lydia JE. IMiikham's Vcgo tahle Compound \\ ill help you just as surely as it lias others. Mr*. W. IL Pclham, Jr., 108 E. Baker St., Richmond, Va., says: " r>r: vr. Arn^. rr\Kir.\.-vr:—I must say that I do not Lelieve there is any fcmale uii'ilii-im.' to eniiiiiatv A\iih Lydia K. PinkhamV Vejretalile Ciim- pound, and I return to you my heartfelt thanks for .•onr medicine litis done for me. Before the Vegetable- Conrtmund I was so badly hat T thought I could not live much •r. The little work I had to do was a den to me. I suffered with irregular iisrruation and leucorrhcea, which caused irritation of the parts. I looked like trho had consumption, but I do not look that now, and I owe it all to your wonder- •dieine. I took only six buttles, but it has made mo feel like a new person. I thank God that there is such a female helper " as you." Be ii, therefore, believed by all women who are ill that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine they should take. It has stood the test of time, nnd it has hundreds of thousands of euros to its credit. Women should consider it unwise to use any other medicine. Mrs. Pinkham, whose address is Lynn, Mass., trill answer eheer- tully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps she lias just the knowledge that Mill help your case try her to-day — i t costs nothing. «* FORFEIT it tre cannot forthwith produce Ui» original letters and signatures ot »U<»» testimonials, which will prove their absolute genuineness. JOHN B. RILEY, Attorney * Counselor at Law, Marion DIix*, Cllaton Street, ri.ATTSBURim, K. r.. \ TToRVBV ANT) COUNSELLOR AT LAW. offi.'e** In X"".'n« Bl'x-k, No. 11 Cllntoo street. riaOstiurKli. M"ner turns'- tl. f I . H I . '\ n.-tl. "''V"'K |T 'I.'-I t. 11 i.f nrt( i'"i "f th" Si it- I ' • ' f h " 1.. L'.*' ' • \ t tjfiirr.-tl * )*':> to III l.l» h i loaned on real estate »e- R. ft f. CORBIN, V TTORVEYN AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. offi."'in Armstr.'us Woo". ri«ttsbor K h.S. Y. s. v. wfliiiER. k TTiiRNET VNI> corSSBLLOR AT LAW. 1V iim.'f'm Marl..11 Bl."'k, CUnU.n Street,PlatU- Imr^-li. N. V. WEEDS, CO.NWAi 4 COWER, * TTtiRN'FVS * COt"N*""LLORS AT LAW. AolB.'fW»U Mottera' Block. Clinton St., »l»ttslnirKh. N. \- SMITH M. WBKI), Tll"MA* F. t'tlNWAT, GSORIJS S. WSSD, THOMAS B. C o n n . BOTSFORD, IBRRIHHW& ALLEN, A TTHWflKYS AND COITNSKLLOKS AT LAW. AVm,^ cuurt. Uou» Square, PlatUburgh. SHEDDEBi & VERT, MU'NsELLOIiS AT LAW. ,0«ce!" Armstrong j uiii.'K. t llnrnn street, rlattsburgh, f-*- I,. L. SHEBDSN. ___ C ' " - V * WI. L. PATIISSON, 4 TTORNET AND OOONSBLLOR AT LAW. A om.'o Clinton Block, KaUibur(fh. N. Y. c CHARLES H. 8H.N0K, Attorney & Counsellor atXaw, ID UuiNKERnoFF STREET, rLATTxBunvii, y. r. CHARLES HALSEI R00RE, LAWYER. J PRACTICES in State and Federal Courts. Offices in his new block at No. 11 Clinton street, PlattsburRh. N. T. ._*r.rf™i Notary Public with Ssat. and Civil and Crimi- nal Justice. All BiiHitiesa promptly attended to. $5000 X.) dia £. fiakbam Hedteloa Co., Ijraa, Maaa. MARTW fl. O'BRIEN, » TTORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW- A Practice in all court* State. Federal and De. partmeutal. Oflice, 18 Clinton St., Plattsburgh. N. Y. CAMPBELL McLEAN, L AWV'ER AND NOTART. Office. Wlns^w;s Block. Brinkerboff street, Plattsburgh, N. Y. CflATHVioNEIL, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in llagar's Block, 15 Clinton street, PlattsburKli, N. Y. JOHX E. JUDGE, Attorney ft Counsellor at Law. Office, with Hon. John B. Riley, corner Marlon and Clinton Streets, PLATTSBUHCH, N . Y . Money to loan on real estate security. PATRICITJTIIERNEY, Attorney and Ckmniellor at Law, 82 and 84 Margaret Street, PLATT8BUMH, N. T. e. T. AMES, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A T t * W . Booses Point, N. Y. Branch offtoe at Mooeta. Tear. Adrnfanstrantm. 1884 . . Last Tear of "Governor Cleveland's administration . . . . . . 1885 . . First Year of Governor Hill's admin- istration . . . . . . . . 1891 . . Last Tear of Governor Hill's admin- istration 1894 . .* Last Year of Governor Flower's ad- ministration 1902. . Last Year of Governor Odell's administration ODELL'S EXTRAVAGANT ADMINISTRATION Appropriations For 1902 Are Greater Than Under Any Democratic Administration In x the History of the State. The test of economical State government is the amount of the annual appropriations made by the Governor and Legislature. The appropriations for the ensuing year made by Governor Odell and his administration ARE GREATER BY MANY MIL-" LIONS THAN DURING ANY DEMOCRATIC ADMINIS- TRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE STATE. The following statement speaks for itself : Amount. $10,479,517 IL. 11.879.53117 13.072.059 84 15,713.578 20 22,494,814 50 NEITHER GOVERNOR ODELL, COMPTROLLER MILLER NOR ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN OFFICE- HOLDER CAN EXPLAIN AWAY THE ABOVE FIGURES. OR THE FOLLOWING FIGURES. WHICH SHOW-IN A FEW EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS ONLY-THE WHOLLY UNNECESSARY AND VAST INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES AND WASTE OF PUBLIC MONIES: Governor's Office .... Secretary of State . . . State Comptroller . . . Attorney-General . . . State Treasurer .... Bureau of Statistics . . Civil Service Office Sup't Instru'n . Tax Commissioners . . Forest, Fish, Game . . State Printing Flower, 1893. $44,535 37 43,632 20 75,271 «3 36,121 45 26,885 84 25,694 00 100,055 56 17,209 00 37,124 32 8,858 31 89,189 81 276,010 43 ODELL, 1901. $54,507 23 64,161 79 191,482 63 137,103 95 69,376 18 27.450 95 157,080 75 38^35 64 82,438 64 59,338 57 177,173 02 722,034 22 DK3EASE $9,971 86 20,529 59 n u n 00 100,982 50 42,490 34 1,756 95 57,025 19 21.326 54 45^14 32 50.480 26 87.983 21 44*423 79 H. P. GOATS. A TTORNKT AND COtmsKLLOH. Saraiiae Lake, franklin County. N. Y. Leaal Boetoeei of every nature promptly attended to. CoUeo- tlotu a Specialty. Dr. FRANK IADDIH, Phrriclan. Surgeon aad OoolM. Offlce and BerideDoa. US Margaret St. oaoa bow: Before lea. m. and S to 5 p. a . Special attention g i r o todlet—of the Bye. Bar. MOM. Throat, and DR. I. A. 1ARRI8, rOTSICIAI * SURGJOI. "''••V'" IL'"—*- " 1- •.«. 0.8. Total §780,587 92 $1,780,683 47 $1,000,095 55 The increase in yearly expenditures, in these few executive offices alone, chiefly in salaries to unnecessary place holders, exceeds ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Odell's average total annual expenditures are twenty-two mil- lions; Flower's average total annual expenditures were fifteen mil- lions; total increase SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. When Governor Flower retired from office he had completed the payment of the state's bonded debt. Now, in addition to the vast increase in annual expenditures, the state owes in bonded debt TEN MILLION DOLLARS. TNIS REMEDY ic- stir* to eivi Satisfaction. Ely's Cnu Bui Glree Belief at ease It cleantea. eootbee and heals tbe dbeeaed membrane. It caret catarrh and drive* away a cold in tbe bead quickly. It la ab- sorbed. Heals and protects tbe Membrane. Restores tbe Taste and Smell. Full Six*. SOB.; Trial : at Drumrlsu or by mall. S L r BKOTBXBS. M Warren Street. Sew Torn MostDelicious aad Appetizing HEIDES' PEANUT BUTTER. Rnt Or nJkTTSBUBGH. Dmaorona.^JonaB.BTyemC. B. X. Mwarda M w i n O. Moore, G e o m r. Tattle, WUlard S Wllooz. Bhner F. Botaforo. C. a Johnson. A reneral banUm baetneni SAPt DEPOSIT YAULTS, AffordiiMt nroteetlon ncalnat barglary or ore. Bone of all sties to rent at SS.W per year and boldtmrtbekey. Stiver, Jewelry, or other valnable* received on etorage at roa*onanle rate*. OFFICE or TIV July 25, IVL.M* .'f w. tl.m ir;..,, ,,( tb* < - .-.i^tlfii- f N- w "ior!.- .|»-.j .«,-, •.••>T t.it... Ir , Jr..I ,t; •f I.'.'- • r, I,. ,Ii. ,1 n» ! I- |. r. »••• c \ • -1 tint '!'••-- 1 ni< r.;,.,,-. 1 (•„ . I. . j»1it .-f II.•• i'.m«l| ..1 N> " Y.-.rn !^< r. f.-r- ilur,. !,, l-.o . h"<'n ;•! Tl. 1 t',. M ,,f s. u.il..n in !.l ..ii ilv |.,nrHi i\ ty of N.>v«-mln>r, nlnotpfn luimlr^.l *in<l two. r.11. itrront It<-.<m]i!(|"Ti ..f lb- 9>*rintr nnd A«>t m i . l v . rrnii"5!ni» :.n am«n.ini.'nt tu ••fl.itl t,'1 r.f ..rtl. li> t< K l!t ,.f {ho C,,ri«ti- iiiiinn. rr-litlnsi la th" lfmll.iti.-m ot In- iM.u.li,.*.* ,.f wi'intlos, riti ( «i. tnnns ami \HJne;<«<. l.y fxr-pptins thf» city of N>w York fruti] thp provlsinris nf until ftrn^n iift.r Ihp first day of .I.innary, ntnet»"n h.iri.lr...] ;ind four S.t-tlnn 1 Rr-iioIvM 1 if thp A.«-«pmI.Iy fori uri th.it sfrt|,,n ten "f aril. If ''Ipht of th.- ('•mstltutlun In' nm.n.li.i] 1.1 rrad as f..'l .sv«- A r t M - VIH I li' No r.nmty. 1 it\ town or \illTg'.. sli.ill hrri-aftT pivp !>n> m.iiii'V or pr.'S'.-rti. or lo-.n Us money r • r.>ilit tn nr in at.] r.f anv tn.lu l.lnal. a"- s... i ttimi nr r,.'|.,.iMtinn. or Li-romr- rlirpi-t- 'i '.r lnitiro.>H\ tl;r> i . v n . - r <>t sto.-k in. or I......I... .,f. asi^ ns. ; .» I ilitin or rorporatinn. n-r Fh ill anv <mi h • onnty. rity. town or vol ••->• Lo allow..! in ironr any Itnlolitfil- n. .V.J 1 \ I - I [>t fur IM'.HIV. ,il\-. town or vil- la i:.- i.-irjiiiii . <> This SIT'- ni shall not pri?- vi ft full !..iinl>. i-)t\ town or villa c"» fr.'in m iUir;r "ii« h prm W"ti for th^ aid or si-]. r .rt ,.f 11-' p.u.r a s n a y ho anthorizr-d !••. In .N'.i ini.nty or dry shall he .il lowi 1 to I., r.inif inilpbtPcl for any purpose, or in ai-v m ir.n.'t- to an amount which, in- clniHim i-\l.<tln)j indoliti-diiiss. shall pxr-pml t.'-n p.r ri-ntiim of the assessed valuation of tl». rial i.vlatp of sm'h county or city s-ihj.'i-t in taxati.in. a s i t appeared hy the aus, -Binift-rolls of said county or city on tho last ass. vsniont fur .ttat<? or county taxes prior to the incurring of such In- dehtodnesK: and all indebtedness in excess of six h limitation, rxorpt such as now may exitH. ."hall he absolutely void, except as herein otherwise provided No rounty or city whose present indel'tr-dness ex- ceeds ten per centum of the assessed valu- ation of its real estate subject to taxation, shall he allowed lo become indebted In any further amount until such indebted- ness shall be reduced within such limit. This section shall not be construed to pre- vent the issuing of certificates of indebt- edness or rewnue bonds issued in antici- pation of the collection of taxes for amounts actually contained, or to be con- tained. In the taxes for the year when •uch certificates or revenue bonds are is- sued nnd payable out of such taxes. Nor shall this section be construed to prever the issue of bonds to provide for the sup- ply of water: but the term of the bonds is- sued to provide the supply of water shall not exceed twenty years, and a sinking fund shall be created on the issuing of the said bonds for their redemption, by rais- ing annually a sum which will produce an amount equal to the sum of the principal and interest of said bonds at their matu- rity. All certificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes, which are not re- tired within five years after their date of Issue, and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water, and any debt hereafter Incurred by any portion or part of a city, if th-»re shall be any such debt, shall lie included in ascertaining the power of the city to become otherwise indebted; except that dtbt* incurrtd by the citu of Weir York after the Jlrtt ilau nf January, nine- teen hundred and four, to prortde for the niM'ctf of water shall vol fie so included. Whenever the boundaries of any city are the same as those of a county, or when any city shall include within its bounda- ries more than one county, the power of any county wholly included within such city to become indebted shall cease, bi - the debt of the county, heretofore exist- ing, shall not, for the purposes of this section, be reckoned a s a part of the city debt. The amount hereafter to be raised by tax for county or city purposes. In any county containing a city of over one hun- dred thousand inhabitants, or any such city of this state, in addition to providing for the principal and interest of existing debt, shall not in the aggregate exceed in any one year two per centum of the as- sessed valuation of the real and personal estate of such county or city, to be ascer- tained as prescribed In this section in re- spect to county or city debt. I 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur) that the fore- going amendment be referred to the legis- lature to be chosen at the next general election of senators, and In conformity with section one, article fourteen of the Constitution, be published for three months prevloua to the time of sucb elec- tion. " «. State of New York: In Senate, February 3,1901.—The foregoing resolution waa duly passed, a majority.of all the senators elected voting in ravor thereof. By order of the senate, T. IS. ELLSWORTH, Tem- porary President. State of New York: In Assembly. March 14. 1901.—The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the mentbem elected to the assembly voting In favor thereof. By order of the assembly. S . F . NIXON. Speaker. State of New York, Offlce of tbe Secreta- ry of State, aa: I have compared th* pre- ceding copy of concurrent resolution, pro- posing an amendment to section ten of ar- ticle eicht, of the Constitution^ with th* •rlsjlssM I am IptfTrt Tw nr,- lUJf WIV •>, ,vr \hw< That rw? t Tiftt cor.fr f«urr f..r f S " . Ti Hi 1\ ' d>>H 1 or* • •T.i -r •I .n r Sfa '• 12 IL ti,.- r n t | , e l. jwn rn.it \ ...i ..f ir." m. :.-.-f„.r . i r >.. " - T h M «• 1 !<•. t. 1 . f Hie < n r y I " o f N «• - ' j , - *. p- r TX 1 th- •ti' •x f t x «St" rs /T**>,r-fi* rvmf •$•>• K- .'.':« ,., •i i(v| V. fo rr lll •1 T**M' 'V 1 / I.f ,'• •Infill.-. "• ^ ,1 *-s •" ture »•• '!•-»! of -*. 1' , ' -.r..i,tnf ( r. \ , • -1. tn T. p . ' r,.. ' . ''.'V JT 11 1' 1 f X r •rk In f, ti i«». -In- j.» *•!< ... . • ~i. If 1 'fi.im rr^rr^rar. t fi0i<rti„TTW ml-T^.r -ir-» '--.* T ,. a^f r- 'i.-.«r-n «t tl.o • for* nr I i - rf at'i i.» r ii-'i = 'i- l 1 II,.. Uf,A f Poiif«, F.-lruarv ?•• .r \ . r f; .w ll'l- 'J Tt »* .1' 1 t h-~» HP," t- t'.-r»..f In. .T.^HVoRril --nl.lv. M i r . h LEGAL NOTICES. Term* of Clinton Conntr Tenrt. OSTT-- i' * r <\ V-'+* 11 I.'-2 —The f-.tr.-srlliK resolutlnn W • duly pa«*ed. a maturity of all th« mem- bers elected, to the a««cmtilv voting in fa- vor thereof p.v nr.'.. r of the aiumnblv. a. F. NIMiN, Speaker State of pfew Vork f'tTI. « of the Sec. re tan - of Pl.lle. «i I h.iv« .-..mp.irr.1 th^ preceding: i.'fv of • on. arr. i.f r. -•••l'it!.--i prop-.cjnE- «n amendment to arti- le «.-v.-.| of the i'nn*»CiiH.,n. null He nr<^'r,:t\ . ..i current r>«.> itl.'n on tile in tin* ofRi-e and I do h. r-bi .erti'v that the a.ime B. enrre. t- Irare-'-rlpt fh>refr."n. and of t u <* whole thereof liiven under mv hnnd at 1 the sc.-ti of rfTi.e of the Se.-retary of Sta.te, at lh» city of Albany. thH twenty- fifth day if July, in th» >> ir of our Lord. one thousand rln» hundred and two. TU S] JOHN T MoXMiXorijH. Secre- tary of Stafe. The foregoing Concurrent Resolution I* published once a week for three month* next preceding the next general election In conformity to the aforesaid provisions, In two public newspapers In each county in this State representing respectively the two political parties polling the high- est number of votes at the last genenl election, and in one additional newspaper In each county for every one hundr-1 thousand people In such county as shown hv the last p ecedlng State Enumeration. JOHN T. McIiONOCGH, Secretary ot State. Election Ifoiioe. **'e »•» ton* itfOft^d, m# [L. 8.J JOHN T. McDONOUOH. Secretary of State. The. foresjnrna; Concurrent nesolntJom In published once a week for three monrhs next preceding the next general election In conformity to the aforesaid provisions. In two public newspapers In each county In this State representing respectively the two political parties polling the highest number of votes at the last general elec- tion, and In one additional newspaper In each county for every one hundred thou- sand people in such county as shown by the last preceding State Enumeration, i JOHN T. McDONOUGH, Secretary of State. STATE OF NE-W YORK, OFFICE OF fhe Secret,.ry of State, Albany. July ffi, 1902.-Pursuant to the provision* of section one of article fourteen of the Constitution of the Slate of N e w York, sud section seven of Chapter r.'n-s hundred nnd nine of the Laws of ri<li'cen hundred and nlnetvvglx, nntlce is hereby jriven that the following proposed am»:id.-ne,it to article six of the CunMItullon of the Stafe of New York Is referred to the Legislature to be chosen at the next General Election of Senators in this State to be held on the fourth day of November, nineteen hun- dred and two AMENDMENT NlTvTBETv FfTTR. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly. Proposing amendment .to arti- cle six of the constitution relating to su- preme court judicial districts. Section 1. Resolved Of the assembly concur) that section one of article sixof the constitution be amended by adding thereto the following provision: the legislature ma* frnm time to time increase the number nf jwh tire* in any judicial dbtrict, except that the numlxrof Juttice* in the ftrttt or teennd district or in any of the dintricts into ichich the second distrfct may lie divided, thall not he increased to exceed one justice for each eighty thousand, or fraction over forty thousand of the population thereof, as shown. l>u the last state, or federal cen- sus or enumeration, and except that the number of justices in any other district shall ngt be tn- crai«d to exceed one jtwtice for each sixtj thou- sand, or fraction ovsr thirtu-Hve thousand of the population thereof as shown by the last state or federal census or enumcrat ion. The legiiiaturi may erect out of the second judicial district a* now constituted, another judicial district and apportion the justices in office between the districts, and provide for the election of additional jttstices in the new district not exceeding the limit herein provided., t 2. Resolved (If t h e assembly concur), that the foregoing amendment be referred to the legisla re to be chosen at the next general elect in of senators, aSd tn con- formity with section one, of article four- teen of the constitution, be published for three months previous to the time of such election. State of New York: In Senate, March 6, 1902.—This bill was duly passed, a majority of all the senators elected voting in favor thereof. By order of the senate, T. E. ELLSWORTH. Temporary President State of New York: In Assembly, March 81. 1902.—This bill was duly passed, a m a - jority of all the members elected t o t h e assembly voting In favor thereof. By or- der of the assembly, S. F. NIXON, Speak- er. State of New York, Offlce of the Secre- tary of State, s s : I have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution, proposing an amendment to article six, of the Constitution, with the original con- current resolution on file in this offlce, and I do hereby certify that the same Is a cor- rect transcript therefrom, and of the whole there. '. Given under my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, thia twenty-fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and two. [L. 8 ] JOHN T. McDONOUGH", Secretary of State. The foregoing Concurrent Resolution Is published once a week for three months next preceding the next general election In conformity to the aforesaid provisions. In two public newspapers In each county In this State representing respectfully the two political parties polling the highest number of vtes at the last general elec- tion, and in one additional newspaper In each county for every one hundred thou- sand people In such county as shown by the last preceding 8tate Enumeration. JOHN T. McDONOUGH. Secretary of SUtel > .-ir i r.tfT^w ' - -m Ptummnt'tw *. "« T TTR Term* f » ir - ?, - \\n \\ry T.t, f « »r I » ed. In a"d f. 't 11 A .-. .<- • r - * . - ' ftjr* r >*ed *'• Ke ' . ' f %* - "-^ J -* ot-f -f I- - ,itf,' -trj', % y .*« f K- -r*'eTr ! ni fn'.m-f Fi * «'• ~r «'•** th,. r-rmt T'>««-;tV - f K*T. - -. * . » " . r J 7 .-#. f *y . f fleeetri' -e^- F--r flie Tr**.! >-f r»»-i««« of Tmr «••» * ' e * — t w..Tt.I»y..feac»i'e- «;, ex-ef.t W v * r •*» -i A ..„.„.,,.. t lie. en,l*>r ! And I herwhy deetanat* *nd apprrfat til* nH Terms ofmMronrt as th« Maw* aad piao* for hearing, and all final action* <m application* of aliens to he admitted to hemrne *'t-.r*nw o f t h . I'nlted state*, pnrraant fo (taction •< i hapt-r *r. Laws of 1SBJ. Dated at Flattahsrgh. Jen 1. t*»t I L. L. sHRrmjrjf. Clinton Coonty Jadse. N 'KW TORK srpRRirK <<irRT <',*>*'<* c.nntT Ida s l>dd. plaintiff a**ln«t \ In* I Tinprey, i - harle* T>I;'»T. her fin«f*ftd. wti»:..w I i W»t.on. nenrr K Barnard. The Fir*r V»r(oiiaI Timuof r!aFt.K nrE( , N v ,r,,hn Wirtin R.-e ! Vartin. AlTleBrujieiland Ki'li I'"ire ,. .Jefer i anta. In pnr»]«nee and hy r'r*t>> "f \ < -i.fgntenf f forer-loaiifp »n<l «a!e drjlir ma-1e n the al- tro e-i titled action na the 11th .)av orik-r..her 1 «>s »n-i dnlr eiitere.1 In the dint..n i' ..-i-tji r\ . ..tn. « the H'h day >.f October. IX'i t'e <>,ni.-rivr a Referee duly appointed ft rha' [ trj.we wi , «e,. at pahiic unction at the fr..m .hi.r..f the i . TT» n.m«e. In the City of Piatf^hiireh.. < n'-n r.<mtv New Tork. on the tfh <I»T of ih»rm^r. > «-,> »t ,> o'clock in the afternoon, the real «tat« and m. r' raced premises directed hy «aid I']d<n>*nt t.> h* sold and therein dewnhe-i an follow AH tha» rra.-t or p a n v i o f Hr-.l <-'f'iafe In the town of chary. Countv i.f i iinf-m an-1 v.tstp ,f New Tork. ani f^lne the nor'b half of the «oVh half of the north easf .[uarter of 1/ t number twenty fire ir.i of the Wiacre I..tj. in the Refuge* Patent containing twenty nix and one f..urtha«re. of land more or lean Alw all tnateert-ain otSer piece of land dewnh e<1 as that cert*in undivided half of tbe north east one fourth of lot number twentv flTen3T,) of the 4*1 Hire lnt« situate in tbe Refugee. Patent in the town of Chazy *fore.»id. containing "a and H (fiftr-two and one-balfi aorei. Alto all that certain other piece or parcel of land described as follows, vht : All of lotjijof the Refugee Tract In the town of Altona, Clinton County, Sew tork. containing42o acre, of land more or ieas. Also all that certain other piece or parcel of land in the town of f'hamplain. in the County and Sfate aforesaid, being all of the north eaot .juar- ter of lot number nine i'n of the Refugee f jn ».-re lots containing |.<" aere^ of land. Also all that certain other piece of lard 'ifuate In chazy aforesaid, an<l devrit>ed as ten acres ..f land in the north east corner of tf.e «<iijth east quarter of lot No. ir. of the f .11 acre Refugee :.,w Dated Plattsburgh. X T . ()cir.l*r 11. r»»l W». L. PATTIsvi.iN. Referee rtAriwnn >r B»KNVI.I>. I'HIrtiffs Atf.rneT., 4-JAT WI Margaret *t., Flatfshurgh, N Y. " * * tl • £ ay a "f ^ * f h«n f.- W\ '»r» ' T •>•( r Jaeeltet t. 'n ".» t ac» 'tt t-hr%> •5 'He r'»c« >.f - ' App«*»* »*p're nm 'he P tRTTrroX SVLB. - N>W York Supreme Coort, Clinton C'ounty.-Susan V. Ifeald and Henry Foster, plaintiffs, against Kale foster, wife of Charles Foster, residenoe unknown. Harry roster, of Saranac Lake. X. Y . child of Charles Poster, deceased. Brs. Jennette Foster. wife of William Foster, deceased, residence, Manchester. X. H.. Aaba Clark Footer, residence. New Bedford. Mass.. and Susan B. Foster, resi- dence, Manchester. W. H.. children of William Foster, deceased. Nelson Foster. Saranac Lake N. Y.. Oscar Foster, residence. .Stevens Point, Wis.. Merritt Sowles. C. E. MHtoo Kdwards of Plattsburgh. N. Y., Bernard Yale and Charles B. Hancock of Champlain, N. Y, and Charles H. Call, agent defendants. *• In pursuance and by rirtue of an interlocutory Judgment and decree of sea* made In tbe above entitled action in the Supreme Coort on tbe l*tfc day of August. 1902, and duly entered In the Clerk's otacti of tbe County of Clinton, New York, on the 19th day of August, 1902. in faror of ttie' above named plaintiff* and against the above named defendants, the subscriber, a referee duly appointed for that purpose will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the City of Plattsburgh. Clinton County, New York, on th* 2d day of December. 19n8, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, the real estate directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as follows, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the Town of Saranac, din ton County. New York, and being part of lot Number3M Old Military Tract Township Num- ber Four (4i bounded as follows, towit: bound- ed north by the old highway: east by Ira B Vaughan and Widow Cooty's land in lwri - ; south by the old Plank Road; west by land* of George H. Myers in 1x77. being the same property formerly owned and occupied by Samuel Foster, now de- ceased, and being the property on which stands the wbeelricht shop, house and barns of the said Samuel Foster. Dated. Plattaboreh. N. Y.. October 17.1903. WM. L. PATTISSON, Referee. BABVABD A BABX4BD. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 4Sw7 1 M-Vae'en ex.'ro -n The M' 1 •"«•-»*;** A < ompfr- Jar. A TreiWDW "„ »v„ Ai «tt. m « r i*ermr». Daren A H'at»> Fig n<»r n-.T *.. rr »f •' ftlwsr I s, 1^ ...| An A«#o» 'ate J*.!g» * »h» . . -i T t4>* r r ace .-.f J. ^in t -nf,^ -.-TIT Ai- ->f»V»»'«piw ..f .f. f> w' '*#t d*T'-f rfcwretTi^^r i-e^r* A Bepr's a*-!" <n 'he F*f»t "«# ,- 'h ' nf th» I i"t»d, •"»*»• f T «he T»«'r »'X»h « on *T>w«f--nal n«*r'-t . n\p,~»,1 ,» ^ r . . . ,.iV«* >f ' ' i , "i *Ta»»x F"T»ni( <t and *a 1* T*«-reB.~«i A xen»»..r r - "-« Th r+y*~*' i.n»t» PWrW. r^mpo—d ..f <a» i.-.v'ee f ' n*'-n. mm-t and Warren "•. X-TT A-« tv.-n- r itrr' rms At-»o »••> •• F - r -Tt- r- -n *A - X-^T HW»(nit*t rttwe,' T T»" * '•. - ' • »r «i <d<i . r . ir/fTjit- Tl»t»« ' I. j > n f. Xh«d- Jen * < - I T T T'ea.«-.r.r. '-1 »he r^ace -f An.lr»w 1. vi (i- ,^ -,'en f^ n f , f *\* p ..r t^; *-HW J J^^» ,.f W *m D v,»Ta»-e A * - -r-ner In the p:a,*» * 1 har'* KU . f ^r-. ** t«.rni« - f . "^ * w las'diy fi»m-«rf»j> «. -«i i-i ler »IT -.a-d ni-i - "-*' ft ,.f th«>p ret-^ry . .f w»re a' »?.•< ••• r » A-Mf-T. f h'« »w»w»y n-n'N l a y . f in the Tear one »h- -j«and n'n» *ft- »rd tw J'»HNT M.rnc...r.,»i. H*cr»>tarT f Stai» iFIIe.) In the ''V.-tUm c i n n t y dertc »•><!!••« at Platrahnrgh. N T . Ju ; y *ifh. IV* 1 State, of New York. C^uton i onnty cl#rk*» CHBive. s s ; I hereby certify that I hay* compered the fore- going copy of Notice of KI«ct|r>o with the w - » InaJ thereof as filed and recird-dJi'r In this office, and *hat fhe same le a true .<ty said original and of the whole thereof In witness wherer'f I have here'inf" '1. t', sefmvhm.l an-i .-.ffl. al seal tr.'s * - h •Hy if JII:T. I < -. T ,V H H'lI.c.iMBB. cTerg PLATTSBURGH Foundry A Machine Co. IrNiit)lnssFMiw«fS4HlielUii^ All kinds or Cas^inga, Mill ITork nnd Bopnirs. ".baiting. PattVyji, Banger*. Oear- -f «d S UPREME COURT.-Connty of Clinton-Ethan A. Barnes, plaintiff, against Napoleon h. Bailey and others, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in tbe aboreeotitled action on tbe loth day of October. 1102, and died, entered and dock- eted in the Cllntoo County Clerk'* offlce on the 10th day of October. 1902. tbe Mbacrlbsr. the re- feree for that purpose duly appointed and direct- ed, will sell at pabtle aactioa to tbe highest bid- der at tbe front door ot tbe Court House. In tbe qty of Pittsburgh. County of Clinton aad State of New York, on the S*h day of November, isoe. at 2 o'clock la tbe afternoon, tbe premises direct- ed by said judgment to be sold. Tic.: All that certain lot and premiss* with the brick dwelling known as boose number *ixty-nre there- on lying asd being opon to* soatb side of Cornelia street. In tbe Tillage of Plattaoargb. N. Y. bound ed and described as follow*, rut: On tbe west by the lot formerly belonging to the estate of the late Andrew Moore, deceased, now ('a 1874) ocen- pied by Peter «en«tial. On tbe north by Cornelia street aforesaid. Ontbeeast by the west line of tint lot and pssalaas known as boss* nombar •ixty three, tbe said line being the division fenos as it now (m 167«) stands and to be ooattaoed and oo*ttmc«ed - *Joag west of the west side of said hoaMaasabsrsixty-tbree Oa thssoathbyahne drain from the south east ooraer of the lot oosa- • "(la 1874) by said PetarSsnsssl. uUh* SSSM esst.or easterly ss the said 8enaoaPs «S^^ •BtOTwfll pnUd os tfeaM dtpOmita. 8ATI5GS MPABTMBHT. Deposito. largo or saaau, sMbJsss to chnok at sight, interest from date of rtenostt payable July and JasjsiT.oos»pn«npdisgtwfes a year wlthoat HOTHIAII WBXBL, GENERAL Insurance Agents, PLATTSBUJtOB, 2f. T. T. W.T. i Misical bstractifi. ; I .Paptlof BsalleyBsjek sad Bate 8. Chit-' . 'teaSeaof Ifew York CKy. wffl tmto pnpUs < ' (InPlaltstmah tar ( > ifortern«LoareB.O.CIaAsra«nsle . SI CliataomV. rlssmwssgh.M. *. I Dcteney's Hotel, lK«wl H—snlllWiliantg FwVttTJr Olfs^smW, Fsm% STATE OF NEW YOKK, OFFICE OT Jhe Secretary of State, Albany, July M. U0t—Pursuant to the provisions of sec- tion one of article fourteen of the Con- stitution of the State of New York, and section seven of Chapter nine hundred and nine of the Laws of eighteen hundred nnd ninety-six, notice is hereby given that the following proposed amendment to article six of the Constitution of tbe State of New York is referred to the Leg- islature to be chosen at the next General Election of Senators In this State to bo held on the fourth day of November, nineteen hundred and two. AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO. Concurrent Resolution proposing amend- ment to article six of the constitution, relating to the election of additional jus- tices of the supreme court, in the words following: Resolved of the assembly concur), that the sixth article of the constitution be amended by adding thereto the following section: Section ti. .it the general election next after the adoption of this amendment, there shaB be elected, and thereafter as the offices be- earns vacant thnmgh expiration «f term or oth- erwise, bu the electors of the second judicial dis- trict two justices of the supreme court in addition to the justice* of that court now in office In said ftdtcial district. The Justice* so elected shall be invested with their offices on the first day of Jan- uary next after their election. State of New York: In Senate. April If, 190L —The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the senators elected voting in favor thereof. By order of the senate. .TIMOTHY L. WOOD- RUFF. President- State of New York: In Assembly. April 22. 1901.—The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the mem- bers elected to the assembly voting In fa- vor thereof. By order of the assembly, 8. F. NIXON. Speaker. State of New York. Offlce of the Secre- tary of State, s s : I have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution, proposing an amendment to article six. of the Constitution, with the original con- current resolution on file in this offlce, and I do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of offlce of the Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, this twenty- flfth day of July, hi tbe year of our Lord, JOHN T. BfcDOHOCOH. Secretary of State. The foregoing Concurrent Resolution Is published once a week for three months next preceding the next general election In conformity to the aforesaid provisions. In two public newspapers tn each county in thu State representing respectively 9 two political parties polling the high- est number of votes at the last general election, and In one additional newspaper In each oo:inty for every one hundred thousand people in such county as shown by the last preceding State Enumeration. JOHN T. McDONOUGH. Secretary of ite. STATE OT NEW YORK. OFFICE Oa* the Secretary of State, Albany, July S. !>•£.—Pursuant to the provisions of sec- tion one of article fourteen ot the Consti- tution of the 8tate of New York, and sec- tion seven of Chapter nine hundred and anno of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sxnety-sU. notice is hereby given that the following proposed amendment to ar- ticle seven of the Constitution of the •Ute of New York is referrsd to the Leg- islature to be chosen a t t h e next General Bectloa of Senators In this State to be hold oa the fourth day of November, nine- teen hundred and two. AMXNDMiTNT NUMBER THREE. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate My. Proposing an amendment of the constitution In ra- te the payment of debts of the of Csmwtev nam asms of the Lawn of eighteen hundred •ad ninety-six. notice Is hereby given that the following proposed amendment to article twelve, section one of the Con- stitution of the State of New York ia re- ferred to t h e Legislature to be chosen at the) next General Election of Senators In thu 8tate to be held on the fourth day of November, nineteen hundred and two. AMENDMENT NUMBER FIVE. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly, Proposing amendment to article twelve, section one of the consti- tution, relating to organization of cities. Resolved (if the assembly concur). That the following amendment to the constitu- tion be agreed to and referred to the leg- islature to be chosen at the next general election of senators: Section one, article twelve of the constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: It shall be the duty of the legislature to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages, and to restrict )U»eir p o w e r of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts,' and loaning their cred- it, s o a s t o prevent abuses in assessments and In contracting debt by such municipal corporations: and the legislature may regtdate emd fx the wage* or salaries, the hour* of work or tabor, and make provision forth* protection, and safety of person* employed by the or by any county, city, town, village or civil division of the state, or by any con- tractor or sub-contractor performing work, labor or service* for the state, or for any county, city, town, village or other civil division thereof. State of New York: In Senate, March mv 1902.—This bill was duly passed, a m a - jority of all the senators elected voting In favor thereof. By order of the senate, T. E. ELLSWORTH, Temporary Presi- dent- State of New Yc rk: In Assembly, March 27. 1302.—This bill was duly passed, a m a - jority of all the members elected t o t h e assembly voting in favor thereof. By or- der of the assembly, S. F. NIXON. Speaker. State of New York, Offlce of the Sec- retary of State, ss: I have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution, proposing an amendment to article twelve, section one. of the Constitution, with the original concurrent resolution on file in thia office, and I do hereby certify that tbe same la a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. Given under my hand and the seal of of- flce o f the Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, this twenty-fifth day of July, In the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and two. [L. S.] JOHN T. McDONOUGH. Secretary of State. The foregoing Concurrent Resolution Is published once a week for three months next preceding the next general election In conformity to the aforesaid provisions, in two public newspapers in each county In this State representing respectively th* two political parties polling the highest number of votes at the last general elec- tion, and In one additional newspaper In each county for every one hundred thou- sand people In such county aa shown by the last preceding State Enumeration. T. McDONOUGH. Secretary at sjsjMsi am and i CtarF* oaVe la Llbsr tt^of 1 Dated October Mth. I s m w » - . 3- "• JOBNSOS, Referee. C. MCLBAX. Plaintiff's Attorney. «**? nsttsburgt, X. T. ng.Orates.Plaagea. Forging*.Bwit* aad Washes*. Chimneys and Arch Door*. Iron and lass. Mill Supplies. Ac. All New. New Shop. Hew Machinery. Tool*. New Iron. Experienced workmen In all Orders promptly attended to. Telephone connection. White and Catherine JOHN M. WgygR. President. JOHN BOO*. Secretary aad Treat 8. 8. WHITTBLSgY. Oeoeral •* Cast- Central Market, l. .fclEEFE 1 CO., PwprWors, Oancr •» BrM«e aa4 stiver SUawtB. PLATrifiBTnam, w. r. C USTOMERS WILL ALWAYS FIND at this market a choice selection and fall •apply of Freak aa«l Salt Meats, rreafc aa*j salt risfe. Pealtry a** tiMM, Oyster* la ifeefr siaaia Wholesale and Retail. Batter, Brv*,i No pain* will be spared to salt« Price* as low a* the lowest. Packages delivered to any part of the vUlaae without charge. AU are Invited. THE NEW YORK WORLD ThrtceoWe* O- lh* Mont Widely Road ITawsj. pspsr its Ameriea. Tune has demonstrated that Urn Thrios-a-Wesk World stands alone In its class. Other have Imitated its form but not IU a became it tell* all the news all tells It Inapartially. whether that new* be polluea orotberwiae. It • In fact almost a dally at the priosof s weekly and yon oaaoot ssTord t o b o without It. BepabDoaa and Deatoorat alike oaa read the Thrloe-a-Week World with absolato < itstrath. In addition to new*, tt t The Thrice*-Week Wornrs re priestoonly fl.tt per year and We< ismwssamsrisals for 91.7s sjsnssslBBBBnsJaaeJslw M e |mpl utf N OTICB.—By order of Bon. John H. Booth . Surrogate of Canton County. N. T.. notion is hereby given aooordlng to law. to all person* hav- b v claims against KdgarW. Morehouse, lata of Peru, in eaid county, deceased, that they are re- quired to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber at tbe bouse of Mrs. Franklin Bunore. at Pern. N. Y., oa or before too fifteenth day of February, 190S. Dated, July 15.1902. AGNBS B. MOREHOUSE. Executrix, by Kxaoas F. KLnoaa, ber att'y. N 0TIC3—By order of Hon. Jobs H. Booth. Sur rogate of Clinton County, N. Y . notice Is hereby given aooordlng to law. to all persona hav- ing chums against Charles E. Martin, late of Plattsburgh. in said oonnty, deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to the subscribers at the offlce of B. S. W. Clark, in Clinton Block, in the City of Pitts- burgh. Clinton Co.. N. Y. on or before tbe 33rd day of December. 190K. Dated Jane 16th. ISO*. BBNJAMIN S. W. CLABK. KATE B. MARTIN. Bxecaton N OTICE—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. Sur- rogate of Clinton County. N. Y.. notice Is hereby given aooordlng to law. to all persons hay- ing claims against Patrick McKeefe. late of Platts- burgh. in said oonnty, deceased, that tbey are re- quired to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber at his residence in Platu- burgh. N. Y„ on or before the 1st day of Novem- ber. 1902: Dated. April 24.1902. 17m6 ANDREW McKBEFB. Bxecntor. N OTICE.—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. Surrogate of Clinton County. N. Y. notice I* hereby given according to law. to all persons hav- ing claims against Mary Cosgrove. lmt» ot Platts- burgh. in said county, deceased, that they are re- quired to exhibit the same with tbe voucher* thereof to tbe subscriber at tbe residence of the subscriber on or before the 1st day of February. MM. Dated, July 14.190*. BOSS ANN COSGROVE. 29me Administratrix. N OTICB—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. Sur- rogate of Clinton County, N. Y. notice is hereby given according to law. to all persons bar- ing claims against John O'Brien, late ot Mooers. in said county, deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the seme with vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber at tbe residence of the undersigned. Arden F. O'Brien, in town of Mooers. Clinton County. New York. 00 or before the 1st day of November, 1901. Dated. April 34.1908. 17m6 ABDBN F. O'BRIEN, Administrator. P. J. HirXHIf, Orgaa Tuner aadj Repairer. saaeaft < 18 years experience. Best of references. < Orders may be left at Dr. J. H. LaRocQue's bug store, or at MoKannon Bros, music store 18 Clinton Street, or at 53 North Catherine St. Plattsburgh. N. Y. i«>aaaaaaa>«taaeaa Good Meat every day m the year. J. ». O'BRIEN, S L A T T t a u l t Q H . M. V. O W K B W. sOlKsnLlT. BowV rj. N OTICB.—By order of Hon. John H. Booth, Surrogate of Clinton County, N. Y.. notice is hereby given according to law, to all persons flar- ing claims against Edward Lough an. late of Al- tona, in said county, deceased, that they are re- quired to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to the subscriber at the offices of Weeds, Conway X Cotter, Plattsburgh, N.Y., on or before tbe first day of January. 1903. Dated June 16. 1908. CATHERINE LOUGHAN. Administratrix. Wasp*. Coawax tt Conns, Attorney*. IB aw Notice of Dtaaelnttem. The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Geo. H. Carroll i Co. i.i hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All obligations due to said firm are payable to Geo. H. Carroll. who also assumes all obligations of «a:d ri'm. UKO. H CARROLL, fi. F. TITTLE. C. S. JuHNSON. Dated. Oct. nth, 1X2. fc A J M. W. SMITH, Woodward Stables, BBAB wnmatiLL BOUSB. Ha* oae of the uwgast and most complete turn oats In the livery line now to be had in Northern New York. He ha* the latest improved Single and Double Turnouts with experienced and care- ful driver*, famished at all hour* of tbe day and night. Terms liberal. Telephone connection with tbeseetahias. There Is also connected with this llrery a Boarding Stable at No. 80 Oak street, whore bones can be boarded or entertained for reasoa- ThepsjMw are invited to look at the < 1 before they are delivered for—rvlo*. BL W. SMITH. .T. CITY MARKET, 20 aUMGAIlT STIilT, Yon will always And a complete stock of Fork, V«ml, Mattoo and Lamb, POULTHY, CAMS, Honey Comb Tripe, cout niu suceii, HAH AM nSCI MEAT* i n Mir m i , _ y motto will be in tbe future, s s l a the past, to sail Choice Goods at Bessoaabl* Prices. 30th The Military Horse Currycomb and brush, comi bined. made uf Piexible Rubber. Liae ' t o ti. r*«~ less carriage, hi>-yc!e. and many other :u— '.nu.. a devi.-«« which are tailing u.t>advu,.e . , v « • ,-i time meth.Hls. :a ae adviii.-e . ,t tfce -"> -u -'..'.^ty Horsemen to ***» thin t r'^sh, droj. to n.«j .l>-a i-» mediate;?, sold and "iu[. piy«l t j 3 T WARNiCK, i - i i b » 3 . X Y <i»-n. Ajjr-nt f...r tf.e i'>x.'.u ti.to-r • ... A Notice to Taxpayers. Having received the A-wwmeut U-..1 f xi.v City of Plattsbur^i f..r tue yr»r l*v. &.-•:•? :•* hereby given that the undersigned w... aUecd it bis office ia the Weed bal din»c w !rh -A. I r>. u f. r thirty days from the date hereof. >ut-lay«ai..i legal holidays excepted, from nine o"cir«.-i. in ti,e morning to f.iur o'clock In the aftera./un, ai.4 from seven to nine oVIuc-k Tuesday and Th ars- day evenings, to receive taxes *J as««iaed, with- out fee, percentage or interest thereon. On all taxes unpaid after the erplraUi m of >ra..-h thirty days two per cent, fees will be cfulecttsd. On all taxes remaining unpaid after aixtr .lays from the data hereof, five per cent, fees and in- terest at tbe rate of one per cent, per month fr> va the expiration 1 if said sixty days will he IN .».e<:t."i AU delinquent !k-h.«l, city. t..wn acl .N.iiLty taxea must be paid ar onoe tu avoid the pri..c-r** prescribed by ttie t tarter BatedPiatubtirgh. >'. Y . June 13 I *n. HENRY JCsTIN, city i-'Limberlata. Idivery Stables i-vttu Competent Drirers. Ordan flllod with Dispatch. Teie^tuc*'. H- B. KASiOM. Trinity Square, Plattsoarxti, J«. Y. Started Up Again Arcaw aWing Burnmtl Out. I am t-r^iare.1 '... !•» a. l l . ' i f iij. Vi LB RBPAIRIN". ax. 1 ••:».. i^ t ^ ..a„- - _ *.*,. n- meni->" Va-reo.-.p,.s^ii Ki-t-a-r^ '.j'.s> A., a . . Agent for tae ..e.ehr»t«<l Mi-rgan A Wrigtt tires. J. E WILIIXSON, Gau Smith., la Hrfdgr Street. PLA TTSBOHCM. as. V MOVING BUILDINGS. rums; .vrj/i> AM, ri;."..-..-. <LEASl.\; LAM: s>nMAi'£.> "X Aid'ny-rsi: »-.A-.V SArizFA' TI'.'X >JCAILIST££Z>. I'HxJUT SZBVIt.-Z. FIU> ss >JX jjppucAri'.-x &PARTA ilXTt.N, 1*1 rjkitaLurga. N Y PATENTS > 1/ ]/ tr- ie t * '. -. t .• a. . - *,-•! *.*e.g: fl el rl rf el el r[_ ' ieua fawjet »iefa-a . * 1 r. tc U .ii»«,t;« a k.. f 're«treE«)rt a t*avutata^:y *r r f-*« Ua4t %^^ a TUtf-snmB T.'i It ' tc L. aUUCK* * SON Are again at taeoldMaad. TJ Lafay«i« street PtaUaborgn. N. T.. baytag Rasa, uid Rabbar, asraoiron. Brae*. I aad. Ztac. Cupper. bV>uc«, jic. nisk*st is 1 nil in L iiil Osd**»*smafl.iai*phii*»or peria.a.y. proupt- hj attsaana ka. ^*w« CA5N0W, L U . S . r»***>«t WASHINGTON O. C

I : C in J Foundry A Machine Co. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1902-11-01/ed-1/seq-3.pdfNever let a button stay ofl twenty-four hours. Always

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The Two I land le«.. K t . r V t H . :i,. i ; r . v h j . l , . : K . . | . , ' . T . M ' I l!,;it

ov.-n-t . i._r l..(~ r.v.i v m,l!.-~- •-,;>• »;•• .>tn> I! m.ij !•" i-:irr....»: •.-, • ' . . • ) . : '»r i..>' 17 thy Jirn'ii-r il.i t»....* «r.>! _-, I I - . . > ..' f i - s lliiriir tn fi .• h u . l i . \ / / - ••• _•> . . . f..r :!;.ir i- tl.f h.iri 1 •• wlir-r^'.,* r m »% ii"' i<e .*irrit"I. Bat hikr- i* r.nttwr t.j • » lian<i>. / / . •• "y '.•..''.-' •-. '•.<•<• / '.- ". • • . ari'l ll.nn wilt t tkn it t>.\ a liai i t i ' « l i w e h j it ma} !>»» a i r r i f l . "

A V i s i t o r i o H i e P o p e .

W i^n l u t V 3 Hidii'ii Pi'cci vva-i tour years oM a V"U'ij; ^ ri In thn narnw of Anna M.irem c a m e to tatvi' earn of l.im, >.V' was fiftf>i-'i), pn-ttv anii intern, anil w.ii jilaymatf and frien i a-* well as ruir^. Joachim was very fon.l uf lier ami ?!i»> live,.! in ihf family until hf> was a bij: hoy an.I went to /school.

Not i o n s ano Anna Moroni wwnt to Rome to s e e the l*opi». Perhaps you do not reco?-niz-' Iitt!<? Joachim PPCC'I in the Pontiff, Leo X I I I , but A o n a M o r e n i did, and was received most cordially by the friend of her girlhood. A special andience was granted her, and s h e w a s an hour with the Pope, who was very g lad t o talk o v e r old t imes with her. She is a hundred and two years old but looks much younger .

S p e a k i n s of aare recalls a certain story • b o u t the Pope , w h o is said you know to be Tery genia l and kindly and fond of a j o k e .

A rather g u s h i n g lady w a s once congratu­la t ing him on his restoration to health. S b e ta lked a g o o d deal and paid a graat m a n y

finally assured b im s h e hoped he would l ive to b e a hundred.

" B a t m y dear madam," remonstrated tbe P o p e , "would yon l imit m e t o a hundred y e a r e f

Some Accomplishments. It has been sugges t ed to g ir l s in general ,

that If they will put this list to practical use before they are fifteen, they will b e a l o n g way on the road to b^comin^ attractive and Charming youns; w o m e n t

iyhtit the door and shut it softly. K e e p j o u r own room in tasteful order. H a v e an hour for rising, and rise. ! > a r n to make bread as well as cake . Never let a button s tay ofl twenty-four

hours. A l w a y s know where your things are. Never let a day pass without d o i n g some­

th ing to make, somebody comfortable" N e v e r c o m e to breakfast without a collar. N e v e r g o about with vour shoes unbutton­

e d . Speak clearly enough for everybody to un­

derstand. N e v e r fidget or hum, so as to disturb others. N e v e r fuss, or fret, or fijgel.—Exchange.

W h e n P l a t e s C a m e I n t o U s e .

T h e ancients had no individual plates . They either held their meat in their hands or placed it on the flat wheaten cakes which they baked instead of having bread in loaves . T h e first mention of plates is found in A . D . , 600, when tliey are spoken of as be ing used b y the rich and luxurious. Jo the ninth c e n ­tury they were in common U3e in England aa well as on the Continent. They were m a d e of wood or earthenware, the former prefer­ably as it did not dull the knives .

T h e G e m t o r N o v e m b e r .

Who fiis* conies to ttaH world below With drear November's foir and snow. Should prizr? the topaz's amber hue— Emblem .if friends and lovers tfue

OH Si/hmt.

Bri t ish Wr i te rs . A n animal and s o m e t h i n g an ani-A verb express ing irritation. A A curious person. A n animal .

A pronoun and a covering. A n abbreviated term of address and the note of an animal .

A bird, ma! does. garment.

Word rii'jare of Oct. 25 . . . . Peach. En­due. A lure. Cured. Heeds.

T H E F A I K S E A S O X . I" K tiir C \ V . » P.••• r i.

' 1 1 . ' . - / . .., - -i .):. . . i...ui, 1 t-.f walt .ut meats , half a pound of s u z a r and the white of «'t..' *\rg. C ink all together, roll in balls and s e t to cool on buttered plates .

M>n»'t-l I'<i<f"—One pound of ground al­monds , one pound of fine sifted confectioner's sugar, the whites of {wo fresh e g g s , and a

drops of essence of almond*. Mix tbe sugar and ground a lmonds together, and add, l itt le by little, the whites of the e g g s beaten to a froth ut.til a stiff paste is formed,

a little l e ss than the two whites b e i n g s a m e -u m e s sufficient. Mould it into a thick block a n d dry very slowly In a moderate oven.

Hrn,mj I't'i ?•/.— Oae pint of sugar, two latileypouaftii* vt water, h.»lf a piut of strain­ed bon«*y. B J J until br.tUe and wLen cold pull and cut mto tut?.

Ji.^t.rt i'a .-','• —B •;! or.e cupful of s-ugar with ta l f a cupful of w a t f r and one teaapoon-ful of baiter, o>.jk until it thread* and st ir 3 t w o l iuarli id j«.j<Cijrn. Mix well and make, in to little bal .s .

U<l:,-ltSif "in /./. — T w o cupfuls of sugar ar, 1 ttuJt a f-ai.ful of water and boil un­til th.ck. > u r m c u e cupful e f l i ckory-nut meat s a n i pour in a flit dish. When coo l c o t in ttfltrfs.

I t 1* :tUro!;i..-">i T1.:.t a jn-oDy s o o l c t y 1« aJ-.at T.> 1M< iV.riur-d. Tin* pwtiiy iws ».»•••!* .i.ti.ij/g r.iiudly Jo tbe front of late.

Kfawlard i:.:trtT is a true ca«*toa dahlia <»f l.rlKttest scarlet ana excite* treat admiration.

B<ml<* ti"Axs«-nt, or doable mock orange, is a fine new plant for winter furring.

Iiorotliy Perkins is a beautiful 1««-truUH pink cliint.iiig or trailing: ruse, a •yltf-id ttt wifburrdana and of similar habit to Crimson lUubler.

North Carolina grows tuberose and slaUia bulb* to perteetion.

1 • > •

S - M . . : . . . 1 . . . 11 >.

I n p i>l.iti_- if-i' Lnrn-N for N o . 2 !.fr» k. l ' t 1. 1- ;I;-;.'I - nt li'io q u a l i t y V.-, i ' I ' - I , [ , .V . . !". . ! . ! II. •! l . l l . ! '

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w , ! - • - i ' : • ' ' • • • ' i . M i ' ' . "-• r . . .1111 j .

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A "* j l l w r l t i i c A(1 tl 11 • o i l t o Ml'* l . i v t o f

J l a i n l v * > n i < ' I h T l i r a l i i c 1 ' in i i fM.

I n : i . M i t •• 1 t o I", i i i - . I ' I . I i . h i - i ; . i i - -

( Iv in iu -litru'"-!-- tl'itt ] . 11 .1 [i~ l l .o 1....-I V.IIU.ILIH jdaiit :i ^.•irdrin r 1:111 i-Tn'V for ili-i-ol'.-'tiotis N tin- .f.iji.llii •-•• b.Hil-l-oo. w. 'n. l i i-. ri:il ly a >li-o:ig piTi'iiTiial j.T.'i*'-'. Tt.iinl'tH•< .'iff gni i ' i ' ful , d u r a b l e , iur i i i - l i r i l Willi Inliat-'o i l u n u lo t h e put a n d l iarnioi i i? . ' w i t h a n y c o m p a n ­i o n s o n e m a y In- oldigoi i 10 two. Tin* o n l y i l i -a i lvunta iro i^ t h a t o n r A n i w i -c:m hmisoH do n o t f u r n i s h o s t a b l i s l i e d p l a i n s a n d t h e i m p o r t e d c l u m p i re­q u i r e s o mui-li t i m e i n g e t t i n g an A m e r ­i c a n " m o v e o n . " T h e y r e q u i r e a r i c h l o a m , iTcll d r a i n e d , b u t n e v e r d r y .


T e m p e r a t u r e a n d l i g h t s u i t a b l e f o r palms please them. Being a grass, each season's growth starts afresh from below the ground.

There is no plant so well adapted for use with carnation blooms. The bam­boo not blooming and the carnation be­ing marketed without foliage have brought them into sympathetic har­mony. Quite frequently a tall bam­boo placed in an archway between two parlors, with four dozen fancy carnations wired on, makes one of the prettiest decorations one ever saw. They also harmonize with tbe various lilies or gladioli or inontbretia, as shown in the accompanying illustra­tion.

work can on partly

A young animal makes more growth from the same quantity of food pro­portionately than can be made at any later age, says American Sheep Breed­er. There is a greater economy of food at the early age due to the less de­mands for the more acute nervous ac­tion, and more of the nutriment is stored and diverted in the form of growth. Young lambs make flesh and little intestinal fat, and thus the ecoiir oiny of feeding them is visible in th« better carcass and the lesser waste. T e n - m o n t b - o l d l a m b s f e d f r o m t h e t i m e t h e y w o u l d b e g i n t o e a t m e a l h a v e m a d e a s m u c h g r o w t h a n d l i v e w e i g h t a s o t h e r l a m b s n o t s o f e d w h i c h w e r e t w o m o n t h s o l d e r . T h a t i s , t h e t e n -m o n t h - o l d l a m b s m a d e t h e s a m e m o n e y a s t w e l v e - m o n t h - o l d l a m b s d i d , a n d t h e o l d e r l a m b s c o n s u m e d i n a l l m o r e f o o d t h a n t h e ' t e n - m o n t h - o l d l a m b s d i d . L a m b s f ed b e f o r e w e a n i n g a n d u p t o f o u r m o n t h * o l d m a d e m o r e profit w h e n f e d g r a i n f o o d f r o m t h e i r lir<t a b i l i t y t o o a t it, w h i c h h a s b e e n foij!..i to |.i- at t w o or t h r e e w e e k s o l d , t h a n n U i i r l a m b s n o t f ed .

S a v i n g : C.rn ln .

H o r s e s a t m o d e r a t e f a r m b e k e p t i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n c u r e d c l o v e r a n d o n e - t h i r d t h e u s u a l g r a i n r a t i o n . W e h a v e b e e n t r y i n g t h i s s c h e m e a g a i n t h i s y e a r o n a c c o u n t o f t h e h i g h p r i c e o f f e e d , a n d I a m s u r e t h e h o r s e s a r e s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e ar» r a n g e m e u t , s a y s A l v a A g e e i n N a t i o n a l S t o c k m a n . T h e y l i k e t h e g r e e n c l o v e r b e t t e r t h a n t h e c u r e d , a n d a s i n g l e c u t ­t i n g k e e p s for s e v e r a l d a y s i n p i l e s i n t h e b a r n . T h e e a r l i e s t exit s t r i p o f c l o v e r h a s g h e u i t s s e c o n d c r o p t h i s s u m m e r , a n d t h e r e i s a l m o s t n o s l o b b e r -i n s f r o m i t s u s e . T h e h o r s e s c o u l d d o m o r e w o r k e n d r y f e e d d o u b t l e s s , but-" t h e y d o a l l w e w a n t t h e m t o d o , a n d They e n j o y t h e f e e d , w h i l e t h e e x p e n s e o f f e e d t l i ib Mitnnter s e e m s p r a c t i c a l l y n o r h i n g . a s w e d o n o t l i k e t o s e l l c l o v e r a n d p e a s off t h e f a r m , a n d t h e y a r e i m p r o v i n g t h e so i l f o r a s u c c e e d i n g c r o p .

tir»lm » » « ! R a a a r r Lawfcu . Will it pay n» feed range lambs grain

food? It is a reasonable conclusion th.it it will not. This,kind of feeding costs more under range conditions than on any farm. The precise supervision needed, too, Increases the expense too much for profit. The ordinary routine followed in a range flock cannot be de­parted from without unprofitably In­creasing the expenses and so making ordinary profit into a loas. This ia given as reply to a query by a large range flocka.-ister. — American Sheep Breeder. .

Ta» soft brlghtneaa of oM pewit* maintains Ha hold on popadar a\«se> tfctn. and it almost appear* that «•»: of the newer flntehes on tbe tahto aft**. « M * » and the like la 1—andsi to stow-late to ansae extent the

a* the «M



stwui Aibnlioti M'lfcn tn bt«lnf** la th«j Mirr.'irntr'n r.i'irt . . .

nrtl. e .v..r A M>n»tt!p'« ttotti. M«rir»re'»tr«»t. 1'i.ulJii urk-!i, > V

RAKNARD & BARNARD, Attorney* and Conn»elIor« at Law,

nm.-M "1 ;m«..n H••>• K PlatMbnrjth. N. T. Yl.Ujfi- I - " f"-r KJUP. Motley to loan on re»t

i " i m . i i A. BAKWAHTI.

rf I ' A T I :


• f

• F N E W V o R ' C . ' . I i 7 - \ f.f P t . ' l l . . AM'

f - ' i . l td In l l i . > r t r ' f . . n r f .

p t .

th-. f

f..r ea-ie. e l̂ntf*


oi Richmond, \a., a great sufferer with •v\« Milan's troul)]es, tells of her cure by Lydfa E. Pinkham^s Vegetable Compound.

I : " ! •

in J l'.'nl.

Afi:- 1'IM. 11 \ -r: — Fur <-<m^ yr.iiN I KiiMVrnl •with ]iarkar]ip, • '.i '. n i-.i.ii', leu.•i.nlnr.t, anil falling; nf tin- AVuinh. I

• ii"'.-. ''Ml ln'iiiiiig '_• ive any jn^ithe relief. i" o' • 1 t i l . l tc T.ydiiv I',. Pinhli i t in's >'<"{rctiil>lo <'OIII|>OIIIK|

A\"inM t !. nl i.i;;.'M tlio jir-i half Imitlc, J iVlt a Mist im-1 l l i . - '; '. lain II 1.11 I."!!!.-; with ihp r.-nli fh.it I f, el

• '• V . ! • :, I . •ni'iifM .'tl I.tKing- t h u \ c g i t d l ' l e ( t H U -]inuuil 1 lelc all worn out and Avas fast approaching complete nervous collar^. I -weifrhpti only ;H pounds. Now I weig-h IdOi pounds and am improving everyday. I gkvUv testify to the hf-nefits roooived."— 3In-. II. C. TvpstAN, 4-Z) West oOth. St., lUelimond, A'a.

When a medicine 1ms neon successful in more than a million faxes, is it justice lo yourself to say, without Iryiinr i t , " I do not bel ie \c it womld help m c " ?

Surely you cannot wish to remain weak ami .sick and discour­aged, exhausted with each day's work. You have some derange­ment of the feminine organism, and Lydia JE. IMiikham's V c g o tahle Compound \\ ill help you just as surely as it lias others.

Mr*. W. IL Pclham, Jr., 1 0 8 E. Baker St., Richmond, Va., says: " r>r: vr. Arn .̂ rr\Kir.\.-vr:—I must say that I do not Lelieve there is any

fcmale uii'ilii-im.' to eniiiiiatv A\iih Lydia K. PinkhamV Vejretalile Ciim­pound, and I return to you my heartfelt thanks for

.•onr medicine litis done for me. Before the Vegetable- Conrtmund I was so badly

hat T thought I could not live much •r. The little work I had to do was a den to me. I suffered with irregular iisrruation and leucorrhcea, which caused irritation of the parts. I looked like

trho had consumption, but I do not look that now, and I owe it all to your wonder-

• d i e i n e .

I took only six buttles, but it has made mo feel like a new person. I thank God that there is such a female helper

" as you." B e i i , therefore, believed by all

women who are ill that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine they should take. It has stood the test of time, nnd it has hundreds of thousands of euros to its credit. Women should consider i t unwise to use any other medicine.

Mrs. Pinkham, whose address is Lynn, Mass., trill answer eheer-tully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps she lias just the knowledge that Mill help your case — try her to-day — i t costs nothing. «*

F O R F E I T it tre cannot forthwith produce Ui» original letters and signatures ot »U<»» testimonials, which will prove their absolute genuineness.

JOHN B. RILEY, A t t o r n e y * Counse lor a t L a w ,

Marion DIix*, Cllaton Street, ri.ATTSBURim, K. r . .

\TToRVBV ANT) COUNSELLOR AT LAW. offi.'e** In X"".'n« Bl'x-k, No. 11 Cllntoo street.

riaOstiurKli. M"ner turns'-

t l . f

I . H I . ' \ n . - t l .

" ' ' V " ' K | T ' I . ' - I t . 11 i.f n r t ( i ' " i " f t h " S i i t -I ' • ' f h " 1 . . L ' . * '

• ' • \ t t j f i i r r . - t l * )*':> t o III l.l» h i

loaned on real estate »e-

R. ft f. CORBIN,

VTTORVEYN AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. offi."'in Armstr.'us Woo". r i«ttsborKh.S. Y.

s. v. wfliiiER. k TTiiRNET VNI> corSSBLLOR AT LAW.

1V iim.'f'm Marl..11 Bl."'k, CUnU.n Street,PlatU-Imr^-li. N. V.


A o l B . ' f W » U Mottera' Block. Clinton St., »l»ttslnirKh. N. \-

SMITH M. WBKI), Tll"MA* F. t'tlNWAT,

GSORIJS S. W S S D , THOMAS B. C o n n .


A V m , ^ cuurt. U o u » Square, PlatUburgh.

SHEDDEBi & VERT, MU'NsELLOIiS AT LAW. , 0 « c e ! " Armstrong j uiii.'K. t llnrnn street, rlattsburgh, f-*-I , . L. SHEBDSN. _ _ _ C ' " - V *


A om.'o Clinton Block, KaUibur(fh. N. Y.


CHARLES H. 8H.N0K, Attorney & Counsellor atXaw,


rLATTxBunvii, y. r.


JPRACTICES in State and Federal Courts. Offices in his n e w block a t No. 11 Clinton

street, PlattsburRh. N. T. ._*r.rf™i Notary Public with S s a t . and Civil and Crimi­

nal Justice. All BiiHitiesa promptly attended to.

$5000 X.) d i a £ . f i a k b a m H e d t e l o a Co. , I jraa , Maaa.


A Practice in all court* State. Federal and De. partmeutal. Oflice, 18 Clinton St., Plattsburgh. N. Y.


LAWV'ER AND NOTART. Office. Wlns^w;s Block. Brinkerboff street, Plattsburgh, N. Y.


ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in llagar's Block, 15 Clinton street,

PlattsburKli, N. Y.

JOHX E. JUDGE, A t t o r n e y ft Counse l lor a t L a w .

Office, with Hon. John B. Riley, corner Marlon and Clinton Streets,

P L A T T S B U H C H , N . Y . Money to loan on real estate security.


Attorney and Ckmniellor at Law, 82 and 84 Margaret Street,


e. T. AMES,


Branch offtoe a t Mooeta.

Tear. Adrnfanstrantm. 1884 . . Last Tear of "Governor Cleveland's

administration . . . . . . 1885 . . First Year of Governor Hill's admin­

istration . . . . . . . . 1891 . . Last Tear of Governor Hill's admin­

istration 1894 . .* Last Year of Governor Flower's ad­

ministration 1902. . Last Year of Governor

Odell's administration

ODELL'S EXTRAVAGANT ADMINISTRATION Appropriations For 1902 Are Greater Than Under

Any Democratic Administration In x the History of the State.

The test of economical State government is the amount of the annual appropriations made by the Governor and Legislature.

The appropriations for the ensuing year made by Governor Odell and his administration ARE GREATER BY MANY MIL-" LIONS T H A N DURING A N Y DEMOCRATIC ADMINIS­TRATION I N T H E HISTORY OF THE STATE.

The following statement speaks for itself :


$10,479,517 I L .


13.072.059 84

15,713.578 20



Governor's Office . . . . Secretary of State . . . State Comptroller . . . Attorney-General . . .

State Treasurer . . . . Bureau of Statistics . . Civil Service Office Sup't Instru'n . Tax Commissioners . . Forest, Fish, Game . . State Printing

Flower, 1893. $44,535 37

43,632 20 75,271 «3 36,121 45 26,885 84 25,694 00

100,055 56 17,209 00 37,124 32

8,858 31 89,189 81

276,010 43

ODELL, 1901. $54,507 23 64,161 79

191,482 63 137,103 95 69,376 18 27.450 95

157,080 75 38^35 64 82,438 64 59,338 57

177,173 02 722,034 22

DK3EASE $9,971 86 20,529 59 nun 00 100,982 50 42,490 34

1,756 95 57,025 19 21.326 54 45^14 32 50.480 26 87.983 21

44*423 79


ATTORNKT AND COtmsKLLOH. Saraiiae Lake, franklin County. N. Y. Leaal Boetoeei

of every nature promptly attended to . CoUeo-t lotu a Specialty.

Dr. FRANK IADDIH, Phrriclan. Surgeon aad OoolM. Offlce and

BerideDoa. US Margaret St. oaoa bow: Before lea. m. and S to 5 p. a . Special attention giro todlet—of the Bye. Bar. MOM. Throat, and


"''••V'" IL'"—*- " 1-

•.«. 0.8.

Total §780,587 92 $1,780,683 47 $1,000,095 55

The increase in yearly expenditures, in these few executive offices alone, chiefly in salaries to unnecessary place holders, exceeds

ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Odell's average total annual expenditures are twenty-two mil­

lions; Flower's average total annual expenditures were fifteen mil­lions; total increase

SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. When Governor Flower retired from office he had completed

the payment of the state's bonded debt. Now, in addition to the vast increase in annual expenditures,

the state owes in bonded debt



REMEDY ic- stir* to

eivi Satisfaction. Ely's Cnu Bui Glree Belief at ease I t cleantea. eootbee and heals tbe dbeeaed membrane. I t caret catarrh and drive* away a cold in tbe bead quickly. It la ab­sorbed. Heals and protects tbe Membrane. Restores tbe Taste and Smell. Full Six*. SOB.; Trial: at Drumrlsu or by mall.

S L r BKOTBXBS. M Warren Street. S e w Torn

MostDelicious aad




Dmaorona .^JonaB.BTyemC. B. X . Mwarda M w i n O. Moore, G e o m r. Tatt le , WUlard S Wllooz. Bhner F . Botaforo. C. a Johnson.

A reneral banUm baetneni

SAPt DEPOSIT YAULTS, AffordiiMt nroteetlon ncalnat barglary or ore.

Bone of all sties to rent at SS.W per year and boldtmrtbekey.

Stiver, Jewelry, or other valnable* received on etorage at roa*onanle rate*.

O F F I C E o r • TIV July 25,

IVL.M* .'f w . tl .m i r ; . . , , ,,( tb* < - . - . i ^ t l f i i -• f N- w "ior!.- . |»-.j .«,-, •.••>T t . i t . . . I r , J r . . I , t ; •f • I . ' . ' - • r, I,. , I i . ,1 n» !

I- | . r . »••• c \ • -1 t i n t '!'••-- 1 ni< r.;,.,,-. 1 (•„

. I. . j»1it .-f II.•• i ' .m«l | ..1 N> " Y.-.rn !̂ < r. f.-r-

ilur,. !,, l-.o . h"<'n ;•! Tl. 1 t',.M ,,f s . u . i l . .n in !.l ..ii ilv |.,nrHi i\ ty of

N.>v«-mln>r, nlnotpfn luimlr^.l *in<l two.

r.11. itrront It<-.<m]i!(|"Ti ..f l b - 9>*rintr nnd A«>t mi.lv. rrnii"5!ni» :.n am«n.ini.'nt tu • ••f l . i t l t , ' 1 r.f . . r t l . li> t < K l ! t , . f { h o C , , r i « t i -

iiiiinn. rr-litlnsi la th" lfmll.iti.-m ot In-iM.u. l i , .* .* ,.f wi'intlos, riti(«i. t n n n s ami \HJne;<«<. l.y fxr-pptins thf» city of N>w York fruti] thp provlsinris nf until ftrn^n i i f t .r Ihp first day of .I.innary, ntnet»"n h.iri.lr...] ;ind four

S.t-tlnn 1 Rr-iioIvM 1 if thp A.«-«pmI.Iy fori uri th.it s fr t | , ,n ten "f aril . If ''Ipht of th.- ('•mstltutlun In' nm.n.li . i] 1.1 rrad a s f..'l .sv«- A r t M - V I H I li' N o r.nmty. 1 i t \ town or \illTg'.. sli.ill hrr i -a f tT pivp !>n> m.iiii'V or pr.'S'.-rti. or lo-.n Us money • r • r.>ilit tn nr in at.] r.f anv tn.lu l.lnal. a"-s... i ttimi nr r,.'|.,.iMtinn. or Li-romr- rlirpi-t-'i '.r lnitiro.>H\ tl;r> i .vn.-r <>t sto.-k in. or I......I... .,f. asi^ ns.;.» I ilitin or rorporatinn. n-r Fh ill anv <mi h • onnty. rity. town or vol ••->• Lo a l l o w . . ! in ironr any Itnlolitfil-n. .V.J 1 \I-I [>t fur IM'.HIV. , i l \ - . town or vi l ­la i:.- i.-irjiiiii .<> Thi s S I T ' - ni shall not pri?-vi f t f u l l ! . . i inl>. i-)t\ town or villa c"» fr.'in m iUir;r "ii« h prm W"ti for th^ aid or s i - ] . r . r t ,.f 11-' p.u.r a s n a y ho anthorizr-d !••. I n .N'.i in i .n ty or d r y shal l he .il lowi 1 to I., r.inif inilpbtPcl for any purpose, or in ai-v m ir.n.'t- to an a m o u n t which , in-clniHim i-\l.<tln)j indoliti-diiiss. shal l pxr-pml t.'-n p . r ri-ntiim of the a s s e s s e d va luat ion of tl». rial i.vlatp of sm'h county or ci ty s-ihj.'i-t in taxati . in. a s i t appeared h y the aus, -Bin i f t -ro l l s of said c o u n t y or c i t y on tho last a s s . vsniont fur .ttat<? or c o u n t y taxes prior to the incurring of such In-dehtodnesK: and all indebtedness in e x c e s s of six h l imitat ion, rxorpt such a s now may exitH. ."hall he abso lute ly void, except a s herein otherwise provided N o rounty or c i ty w h o s e present indel'tr-dness e x ­ceeds ten per centum of the assessed va lu ­at ion of its real e s ta te subject to taxat ion , shall he a l lowed l o become indebted In a n y further a m o u n t unti l such indebted­ness shal l be reduced within such l imit. This sect ion shal l not be construed to pre­vent the i s su ing of certif icates of indebt­e d n e s s or r e w n u e bonds issued in ant ic i ­pation of the col lect ion of t a x e s for a m o u n t s a c t u a l l y contained, or to be con­tained. In the t a x e s for the y e a r w h e n • u c h certif icates o r revenue bonds a r e i s ­sued nnd payable out of such t a x e s . N o r shal l th is sect ion be construed to prever the i s sue of bonds to provide for the sup­p ly of w a t e r : but the term of t h e bonds i s ­sued to provide the supply of w a t e r shal l not exceed t w e n t y years , and a s inking fund shal l b e created on the i s su ing of the said bonds for their redemption, b y r a i s ­ing annua l ly a sum which will produce an a m o u n t equal to the s u m of the principal and interest of said bonds a t their m a t u ­rity. All certif icates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in ant ic ipat ion of the collection of taxes , which are not re­tired within five y e a r s a f ter their d a t e of Issue, and bonds issued to provide for the supply of water , and a n y debt hereafter Incurred b y a n y portion or part of a city, if th-»re shal l be a n y such debt, shal l lie included in ascer ta in ing the power of the city to become otherwise indebted; except that dtbt* incurrtd by the citu of Weir York after the Jlrtt ilau nf January, nine­teen hundred and four, to prortde for the niM'ctf of water shall vol fie so included. W h e n e v e r t h e boundaries of a n y c i ty a r e the s a m e a s those of a county , or when any c i ty shal l include within i ts bounda­ries more than one county, the p o w e r of a n y c o u n t y whol ly included wi th in such c i t y to become indebted shal l cease , bi -the debt of the county , heretofore ex i s t ­ing, shall not, for the purposes of t h i s sect ion, be reckoned a s a part of t h e c i t y debt. T h e a m o u n t hereafter to be raised by t a x for county or c i ty purposes . In a n y c o u n t y conta in ing a c i ty of over one h u n ­dred thousand inhabi tants , or a n y s u c h c i ty of this s ta te , in addit ion to providing for the principal and interest of e x i s t i n g debt, shal l not in t h e a g g r e g a t e e x c e e d in a n y one y e a r t w o per c e n t u m of t h e a s ­sessed va luat ion of the real and personal e s t a t e of such c o u n t y or c i ty , to be a s c e r ­ta ined a s prescribed In t h i s s ec t ion in r e ­spec t to c o u n t y or c i t y debt. I 2. R e s o l v e d (if the A s s e m b l y concur) t h a t the fore­g o i n g a m e n d m e n t be referred to t h e l eg i s ­lature to be chosen a t t h e n e x t genera l e lec t ion of s e n a t o r s , a n d In conformity wi th sect ion one, ar t i c l e fourteen of t h e Const i tut ion, be publ ished for three m o n t h s prevloua t o t h e t i m e o f s u c b e l ec ­tion. " «.

S t a t e o f N e w York: In Senate , F e b r u a r y 3,1901.—The forego ing resolut ion w a a d u l y passed , a m a j o r i t y . o f a l l t h e s e n a t o r s e lected v o t i n g in ravor thereof. B y order of the senate , T. IS. E L L S W O R T H , T e m ­porary Pres ident . •

S t a t e of N e w York: In A s s e m b l y . M a r c h 14. 1901.— T h e forego ing resolut ion w a s d u l y passed, a major i ty of a l l the mentbem e lected t o t h e a s s e m b l y vo t ing In f a v o r thereof. B y order o f t h e a s s e m b l y . S . F . N I X O N . Speaker .

S t a t e of N e w York, Offlce o f t b e Secre ta ­r y o f S ta te , aa : I h a v e compared t h * p r e ­ced ing c o p y o f concurrent resolut ion, pro­p o s i n g a n a m e n d m e n t t o sec t ion t e n o f a r ­t i c l e e i c h t , o f t h e Const i tut ion^ w i t h t h * •rlsjlssM

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LEGAL NOTICES. T e r m * o f C l i n t o n C o n n t r T e n r t .


i ' *r<\ V-'+*

1 1 I.'-2 — T h e f- . t r . -sr l l iK r e s o l u t l n n W • duly pa«*ed. a maturi ty of al l th« m e m ­bers elected, to the a««cmtilv vo t ing in fa­vor thereof p.v nr.'.. r of the aiumnblv. a. F . N I M i N , Speaker

S ta te of pfew Vork f'tTI. « of the S e c . re t a n - of Pl . l le . «i I h.iv« .-..mp.irr.1 th^ preceding: i . ' f v of • on. arr. i.f r. -•••l'it!.--i prop-.cjnE- «n amendment to arti- le «.-v.-.| of the i'nn*»CiiH.,n. n u l l He nr<^'r,:t\ . ..i current r>«.> itl.'n on tile in tin* ofRi-e and I do h. r-bi . e r t i ' v that the a.ime l« B. enrre. t- Irare-'-rlpt fh>refr."n. and of tu<* whole thereof l i iven under mv hnnd at 1 the sc.-ti of rfTi.e of the Se.-retary of Sta.te, a t lh» c i ty of Albany. thH t w e n t y -fifth day i f July , in th» >> ir of our Lord. one thousand r ln» hundred and two. TU S ] J O H N T MoXMiXor i jH . Secre­t a r y o f Stafe .

T h e foregoing Concurrent Resolut ion I* published once a w e e k for three m o n t h * n e x t preceding the next general election In conformity to t h e aforesaid provis ions, In two public newspapers In each county in this S t a t e represent ing respect ively t h e t w o political part ies pol l ing the h igh­e s t number of v o t e s a t t h e la s t g e n e n l election, and in one additional newspaper In each county for every one hundr-1 thousand people In such county a s s h o w n hv the last p ecedlng S t a t e Enumerat ion . J O H N T. McI iONOCGH, Secretary o t State .

E l e c t i o n I f o i i o e .

* * ' e »•»

ton* itfOft̂ d, m # [ L . 8.J J O H N T . M c D O N O U O H .

S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e . The. foresjnrna; Concurrent nesolntJom In

publ ished o n c e a w e e k for t h r e e m o n r h s n e x t preceding t h e n e x t g e n e r a l e l ec t ion In conformi ty t o t h e a foresa id prov i s ions . In t w o public n e w s p a p e r s In e a c h c o u n t y In t h i s S t a t e represent ing respec t ive ly t h e t w o polit ical par t i e s po l l ing t h e h i g h e s t n u m b e r of v o t e s a t the l a s t genera l e l ec ­t ion, a n d In o n e addit ional n e w s p a p e r In e a c h c o u n t y for e v e r y o n e hundred t h o u ­s a n d people in s u c h c o u n t y a s s h o w n b y t h e las t preced ing S t a t e E n u m e r a t i o n ,

i J O H N T. M c D O N O U G H , Secre tary o f S t a t e .

S T A T E O F NE-W YORK, O F F I C E O F fhe Secret, .ry of State , Albany . J u l y ffi, 1902.-Pursuant to the provision* of sect ion one of art ic le fourteen of the Const i tut ion of the S l a t e of N e w York, s u d sect ion seven of Chapter r.'n-s hundred nnd nine of the L a w s of ri<l i 'cen hundred and nlnetvvglx, nntlce is hereby jriven that the fo l lowing proposed am»:id.-ne,it to article s ix of the CunMItullon of the Stafe of N e w York Is referred to the Leg i s la ture to be chosen a t the n e x t General Elect ion of Senators in this S ta te to be held on the fourth day of November , nineteen hun­dred and two

A M E N D M E N T NlTvTBETv FfTTR. Concurrent Resolut ion of the Senate and

Assembly . P r o p o s i n g a m e n d m e n t . t o ar t i ­c l e s i x of the cons t i tu t ion re la t ing to s u ­preme court judicial distr icts .

Section 1. Reso lved Of the a s s e m b l y concur) t h a t sect ion one of art icle s i x o f t h e const i tut ion b e amended b y add ing thereto the fo l lowing provis ion: the legislature ma* frnm time to time increase the number nf jwh tire* in any judicial dbtrict, except that the numlxrof Juttice* in the ftrttt or teennd district or in any of the dintricts into ichich the second distrfct may lie divided, thall not he increased to exceed one justice for each eighty thousand, or fraction over forty thousand of the population thereof, as shown. l>u the last state, or federal cen­sus or enumeration, and except that the number of justices in any other district shall ngt be tn-c r a i « d to exceed one jtwtice for each sixtj thou­sand, or fraction ovsr thirtu-Hve thousand of the population thereof as shown by the last state or federal census or enumcrat ion. The legiiiaturi may erect out of the second judicial district a* now constituted, another judicial district and apportion the justices in office between the districts, and provide for the election of additional jttstices in the new district not exceeding the limit herein provided., t 2. Reso lved (If t h e a s s e m b l y concur) , t h a t the forego ing a m e n d m e n t b e referred to the leg is la re to be chosen a t t h e n e x t general elect in of senators , aSd tn con­formity wi th sect ion one, of art ic le four­teen o f t h e const i tut ion , b e publ ished for three m o n t h s previous to the t ime of such election.

S t a t e of N e w York: In Senate , March 6, 1902.—This bill w a s duly passed , a major i ty of all the senators e lected vo t ing in favor thereof. B y order of the senate , T. E . E L L S W O R T H . Temporary P r e s i d e n t

S t a t e of N e w York: In A s s e m b l y , March 81. 1902.—This bill w a s duly passed, a m a ­jor i ty of all t h e m e m b e r s e lected t o t h e a s s e m b l y v o t i n g In favor thereof. B y or ­der of the as sembly , S. F . N I X O N , Speak­er.

S t a t e of N e w York, Offlce o f t h e S e c r e ­t a r y o f S ta te , s s : I h a v e c o m p a r e d t h e preceding copy of concurrent resolut ion, propos ing an a m e n d m e n t to art ic le s ix , of t h e Const i tut ion, w i t h t h e original c o n ­current resolut ion on file in t h i s offlce, and I do hereby cert i fy t h a t the s a m e Is a cor­rect transcript therefrom, and of t h e w h o l e there. '. Given under m y hand a n d t h e seal of office of t h e Secre tary of State , a t the c i t y of Albany, thia twenty-f i f th d a y of Ju ly , i n the y e a r of our Lord, one thousand n ine hundred a n d t w o . [L. 8 ] J O H N T. McDONOUGH", Secre tary o f S ta te .

T h e forego ing Concurrent Reso lu t ion Is publ ished o n c e a w e e k for three m o n t h s n e x t preced ing the n e x t general e lect ion In conformity to t h e aforesaid provis ions . In t w o publ ic n e w s p a p e r s In e a c h c o u n t y In t h i s S t a t e represent ing respect fu l ly t h e t w o polit ical par t i e s pol l ing t h e h ighes t n u m b e r of v t e s a t t h e l a s t general e lec­t ion, a n d in o n e addit ional n e w s p a p e r In e a c h c o u n t y for e v e r y o n e hundred thou­s a n d people In s u c h c o u n t y a s s h o w n b y t h e l a s t preceding 8 t a t e Enumerat ion . J O H N T. M c D O N O U G H . Secre tary o f SUtel

> .-ir i r.tfT^w ' - - m Ptummnt'tw *. "«

TTTR Term* f '» » • i r - ? , -\\n \\ry T.t, f « • »r I » •

ed. In a"d f. 't 11 A .-. .<- • r - * . - ' ftjr* r>*ed *'• Ke ' . ' f %* - "-^ J -* ot-f - f I- - , itf, ' - t r j ' , % y .*« f

K- -r*'eTr !ni f n ' . m - f F i * « ' • ~r «'•** th,. r-rmt T'>««-;tV - f K * T . - -. * . » " . r J 7 . - # . f * y . f f l eee t r i ' -e^-

F--r flie Tr**.! >-f r»»-i««« of Tmr «••» * ' e * — t w..Tt.I»y..feac»i'e- « ; , ex-ef.t W v * r •*» -i A . . „ . „ . , , . . t lie. en,l*>r !

And I herwhy deetanat* *nd apprrfat til* n H Terms o f m M r o n r t as th« Maw* aad p i a o * for hearing, and all final action* <m application* of aliens to he admitted to hemrne *'t-.r*nw of t h . I'nlted state*, pnrraant fo (taction •< i hapt-r * r . Laws of 1SBJ.

Dated at Flattahsrgh. Jen 1. t*»t

I L. L. sHRrmjrjf. Clinton Coonty Jadse .

N'KW TORK srpRRirK <<irRT <',*>*'<* c.nntT Ida s l>dd. plaintiff a**ln«t \ In*

I Tinprey, i-harle* T > I ; ' » T . her fin«f*ftd. wti»:. .w I i W»t.on. nenrr K Barnard. The Fir*r V»r(oiiaI

Timuof r!aFt.KnrE(, N v ,r,,hn Wirtin R . -e ! Vartin. AlTleBrujieiland K i ' l i I'"ire ,. .Jefer i

anta. In pnr»]«nee and hy r'r*t>> "f \ < -i.fgntenf • f

forer-loaiifp »n<l «a!e drjlir ma-1e n the al- tro e-i titled action na the 11th .)av orik-r..her 1 «>s »n-i dnlr eiitere.1 In the dint. .n i' . . - i - t j i r\ . ..tn. « the H'h day >.f October. IX'i t ' e <>,ni.-rivr a Referee duly appointed f t rha' [ trj.we wi , «e,. at pahiic unction at the fr..m .hi.r. .f the i . TT» n.m«e. In the City of Piatf^hiireh.. < n'-n r.<mtv New Tork. on the tfh <I»T of ih»rm^r. > «-,> »t ,> o'clock in the afternoon, the real « t a t « and m. r' raced premises directed hy «aid I']d<n>*nt t.> h* sold and therein dewnhe-i an f o l l o w

AH tha» rra.-t or p a n v i o f Hr-.l <-'f'iafe In the town of chary. Countv i.f i iinf-m an-1 v.tstp , f New Tork. a n i f^lne the nor'b half of the «oVh half of the north easf .[uarter of 1/ t number twenty fire ir.i of the Wiacre I..tj. in the Refuge* Patent containing twenty nix and one f..urtha«re. of land more or lean

Alw all tnateert-ain otSer piece of land dewnh e<1 as that cert*in undivided half of tbe north east one fourth of lot number twentv flTen3T,) of the 4*1 Hire lnt« situate in tbe Refugee. Patent in the town of Chazy *fore.»id. containing "a and H (fiftr-two and one-balfi aorei.

Alto all that certain other piece or parcel of land described as follows, vht : All of l o t j i j o f the Refugee Tract In the town of Altona, Clinton County, S e w tork. containing42o acre, of land more or ieas.

Also all that certain other piece or parcel of land in the town of f'hamplain. in the County and Sfate aforesaid, being all of the north eaot .juar-ter of lot number nine i'n of the Refugee f jn ».-re lots containing |.<" aere^ of land.

Also all that certain other piece of lard 'ifuate In chazy aforesaid, an<l devrit>ed as ten acres ..f land in the north east corner of tf.e «<iijth east quarter of lot No. ir. of the f .11 acre Refugee :.,w

Dated Plattsburgh. X T . ()cir.l*r 11. r»»l W » . L. PATTIsvi.iN. Referee

rtAriwnn >r B»KNVI.I>. I'HIrtiffs Atf.rneT., 4-JAT WI Margaret *t., Flatfshurgh, N Y.

• " * *

t l • £ ay a "f ^ * fh«n f.- W\

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- ' App«*»* '«

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P tRTTrroX SVLB. - N > W York Supreme Coort, Clinton C'ounty.-Susan V. Ifeald and

Henry Foster, plaintiffs, against Kale foster , wife of Charles Foster, residenoe unknown. Harry roster, of Saranac Lake. X. Y . child of Charles Poster, deceased. Brs. Jennette Foster. wife of William Foster, deceased, residence, Manchester. X. H.. Aaba Clark Footer, residence. N e w Bedford. Mass.. and Susan B. Foster, resi­dence, Manchester. W. H.. children of William Foster, deceased. Nelson Foster. Saranac Lake N. Y.. Oscar Foster, residence. .Stevens Point, Wis.. Merritt Sowles. C. E. MHtoo Kdwards of Plattsburgh. N. Y., Bernard Yale and Charles B. Hancock of Champlain, N. Y , and Charles H. Call, agent defendants. *•

In pursuance and by rirtue of an interlocutory Judgment and decree of sea* made In tbe above entitled action in the Supreme Coort on tbe l*tfc day of August. 1902, and duly entered In the Clerk's otacti of tbe County of Clinton, New York, on the 19th day of August, 1902. in faror of ttie' above named plaintiff* and against the above named defendants, the subscriber, a referee duly appointed for that purpose will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the City of Plattsburgh. Clinton County, New York, on th* 2d day of December. 19n8, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, the real estate directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as follows, v i z :

All that certain piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the Town of Saranac, d i n ton County. New York, and being part of lot Number3M Old Military Tract Township Num­ber Four (4i bounded as follows, t o w i t : bound­ed north by the old highway: east by Ira B Vaughan and Widow Cooty's land in lwri-; south by the old Plank Road; west by land* of George H. Myers in 1x77. being the same property formerly owned and occupied by Samuel Foster, now de­ceased, and being the property on which stands the wbeelricht shop, house and barns of the said Samuel Foster.

Dated. Plattaboreh. N. Y.. October 17.1903. WM. L. PATTISSON, Referee.

BABVABD A BABX4BD. Plaintiffs' Attorneys.

Plattsburgh, N. Y. 4Sw7

1 M - V a e ' e n ex.'ro -n The

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1. vi ( i - ,^ -,'en f^nf , f *\* p ..r t̂ ; *-HW J J^^» ,.f W *m D v,»Ta»-e

A * - -r-ner In the p:a,*» • * 1 har'* KU . f ^r-. ** t«.rni« - f . "̂ * w

las 'd iy f i » m - « r f » j > «. -«i i-i ler »IT -.a-d ni-i-"-*' ft ,.f th«>p ret-^ry . .f w»re a' »?.•< •••

r » A-Mf-T. fh'« »w»w»y n-n'N l a y . f in the Tear one »h- -j«and n'n» *ft-»rd t w

J'»HNT M.rnc . . . r . , » i . H*cr»>tarT • f Stai»

iFIIe.) In the ''V.-tUm c i n n t y dertc »•><!!••« at Platrahnrgh. N T . Ju ;y *ifh. IV* 1

State, of New York. C^uton i onnty cl#rk*» CHBive. ss;

I hereby certify that I hay* compered the fore­going copy of Notice of KI«ct|r>o with the w - » InaJ thereof as filed and r e c i r d - d J i ' r In this office, and *hat fhe same le a true . < t y said original and of the whole thereof

In witness wherer'f I have here'inf" '1. t', s e f m v h m . l an-i .-.ffl. al seal tr.'s * - h

•Hy i f J I I : T . I < -.

T ,V H H'lI.c.iMBB. cTerg


Foundry A Machine Co. IrNiit)lnssFMiw«fS4HlielUii^ All k i n d s or Cas^inga, Mill ITork nnd Bopnirs .

".baiting. PattVyji, Banger*. Oear-



SUPREME COURT.-Connty of Cl inton-Ethan A. Barnes, plaintiff, against Napoleon h.

Bailey and others, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and

sale made in tbe aboreeotitled action on tbe loth day of October. 1102, and died, entered and dock­eted in the Cllntoo County Clerk'* offlce on the 10th day of October. 1902. tbe Mbacrlbsr. the re­feree for that purpose duly appointed and direct­ed, will sell at pabtle aactioa to tbe highest bid­der a t tbe front door o t tbe Court House. In tbe q t y of Pi t tsburgh. County of Clinton aad State of N e w York, on the S*h day of November, isoe. at 2 o'clock la tbe afternoon, tbe premises direct­ed by said judgment to be sold. Tic.:

All that certain lot and premiss* with the brick dwelling known as boose number *ixty-nre there­on lying asd being opon to* soatb side of Cornelia street. In tbe Tillage of Plattaoargb. N . Y . bound ed and described as follow*, rut: On tbe west by the lot formerly belonging to the estate of the late Andrew Moore, dec eased, now ('a 1874) ocen-pied by Peter «en«tial. On tbe north by Cornelia street aforesaid. Ontbeeas t by the west line of tint lot and pssalaas known as boss* nombar •ixty three, tbe said line being the division fenos a s i t now (m 167«) stands and to be ooattaoed and oo*ttmc«ed-*Joag west of the west side of said hoaMaasabsrsixty-tbree Oa t h s s o a t h b y a h n e d r a i n from the south east ooraer of the lot oosa-

• "(la 1874) by said PetarSsnsssl . u U h * S S S M e s s t . o r easterly s s the said 8enaoaPs

« S ^ ^

•BtOTwfll pnUd os tfeaM dtpOmita. 8ATI5GS MPABTMBHT.

Deposito. largo or saaau, sMbJsss t o chnok a t sight, interest from date of rtenostt payable Ju ly and JasjsiT.oos»pn«npdisgtwfes a year wlthoat


Insurance Agents, PLATTSBUJtOB, 2f. T.

T. W.T.

i Misical bstractifi. ; I

.Paptlof BsalleyBsjek sad Bate 8. Chit-' . 'teaSeaof Ifew York CKy. wffl tmto pnpUs < ' (InPlaltstmah tar ( >

ifortern«LoareB.O.CIaAsra«nsle . SI CliataomV. rlssmwssgh.M. *. I

Dcteney's Hotel, l K « w l

H — s n l l l W i l i a n t g

F w V t t T J r O l f s ^ s m W , F s m %

S T A T E O F N E W YOKK, O F F I C E OT Jhe Secre tary o f State , A lbany , J u l y M. U 0 t — P u r s u a n t t o t h e provis ions o f s e c ­tion o n e of ar t i c l e fourteen o f t h e C o n ­st i tut ion o f the S t a t e of N e w York, a n d sec t ion s e v e n of Chapter n ine hundred a n d n ine o f t h e L a w s o f e igh teen hundred n n d n ine ty - s ix , n o t i c e i s hereby g i v e n t h a t the fo l l owing proposed a m e n d m e n t to art ic le s i x o f the Const i tut ion o f t b e S t a t e o f N e w York i s referred t o t h e L e g ­i s la ture t o b e c h o s e n a t t h e n e x t General E lec t ion o f S e n a t o r s In t h i s S t a t e t o bo held on t h e fourth d a y of November , n i n e t e e n hundred a n d t w o .

A M E N D M E N T N U M B E R T W O . Concurrent Reso lu t ion propos ing a m e n d ­

m e n t to ar t i c l e s i x of the const i tut ion , re la t ing to the elect ion of addit ional j u s ­t i c e s o f t h e s u p r e m e court , in t h e w o r d s fo l l owing :

Reso lved o f t h e a s s e m b l y concur) , t h a t t h e s i x t h art ic le of t h e const i tut ion b e amended b y a d d i n g there to t h e fo l lowing s e c t i o n : Section ti. .it the general election next after the adoption of this amendment, there shaB be elected, and thereafter as the offices be-earns vacant thnmgh expiration «f term or oth­erwise, bu the electors of the second judicial dis­trict two justices of the supreme court in addition to the justice* of that court now i n office In said ftdtcial district. The Justice* so elected shall be invested with their offices on the first day of Jan­uary next after their election.

S t a t e of N e w Y o r k : I n Senate . Apri l If, 190L —The forego ing reso lut ion w a s d u l y passed , a m a j o r i t y o f a l l t h e s e n a t o r s e lected v o t i n g in f a v o r thereof. B y order o f t h e s e n a t e . .TIMOTHY L . W O O D ­R U F F . Pres ident-

S t a t e of N e w York: In A s s e m b l y . April 22. 1901.—The forego ing reso lut ion w a s d u l y passed , a m a j o r i t y o f a l l t h e m e m ­b e r s e lected t o t h e a s s e m b l y v o t i n g In f a ­v o r thereof. B y order o f t h e a s s e m b l y , 8 . F . N I X O N . Speaker .

S t a t e o f N e w York. Offlce o f t h e Secre ­t a r y o f State , s s : I h a v e compared t h e preceding c o p y o f concurrent resolut ion, propos ing a n a m e n d m e n t t o ar t i c l e s i x . o f t h e Const i tut ion , w i t h t h e or ig inal c o n ­current reso lut ion o n file i n t h i s offlce, a n d I do hereby cert i fy t h a t t h e s a m e Is a correct t ranscr ip t therefrom, a n d o f t h e w h o l e thereof. Given under m y h a n d a n d t h e seal o f offlce o f t h e Secre tary o f S ta te , a t t h e c i ty o f Albany, t h i s t w e n t y -flfth d a y o f Ju ly , hi t b e year o f our Lord,

J O H N T. BfcDOHOCOH. S e c r e t a r y o f Sta te .

T h e forego ing Concurrent Reso lu t ion Is publ i shed o n c e a w e e k f o r three m o n t h s n e x t preceding t h e n e x t general e lect ion In conformi ty to t h e a foresa id provis ions . In t w o publ ic n e w s p a p e r s tn e a c h c o u n t y i n t h u S t a t e represent ing respec t ive ly

9 t w o pol i t ical par t i e s pol l ing t h e h i g h ­e s t n u m b e r o f v o t e s a t t h e l a s t general e lect ion, a n d In o n e addit ional n e w s p a p e r In e a c h oo: inty f o r e v e r y o n e hundred thousand people in s u c h c o u n t y a s s h o w n b y t h e l a s t preceding S t a t e Enumerat ion . J O H N T. M c D O N O U G H . Secre tary o f

i t e .

S T A T E O T N E W YORK. O F F I C E Oa* the Secre tary o f S ta te , A lbany , J u l y S . !>•£.—Pursuant to the provisions of s e c ­t ion o n e of art ic le fourteen ot the Cons t i ­tut ion o f t h e 8 t a t e o f N e w York, and s e c ­t ion s e v e n o f C h a p t e r n i n e hundred and anno o f t h e L a w s of e ighteen hundred and s x n e t y - s U . no t i ce i s h e r e b y g iven t h a t t h e f o l l o w i n g proposed a m e n d m e n t t o ar­tic le s e v e n of t h e Const i tut ion of t h e • U t e o f N e w York i s referrsd to t h e L e g ­i s la ture t o b e chosen a t t h e n e x t General B e c t l o a o f S e n a t o r s In t h i s S t a t e t o b e hold o a t h e fourth d a y o f November , n ine­teen hundred and two.

A M X N D M i T N T N U M B E R T H R E E . Concurrent Reso lu t ion o f t h e S e n a t e

My. P r o p o s i n g a n a m e n d m e n t o f t h e const i tut ion In ra­

t e t h e p a y m e n t o f d e b t s o f t h e

o f Csmwtev nam asms o f t h e L a w n o f e ighteen hundred • a d n i n e t y - s i x . n o t i c e Is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h e f o l l o w i n g proposed a m e n d m e n t t o ar t i c l e twe lve , sect ion o n e o f the Con­s t i tu t ion o f t h e S t a t e of N e w York ia re ­ferred to t h e L e g i s l a t u r e t o b e c h o s e n a t the) n e x t General E lec t ion o f S e n a t o r s In t h u 8 t a t e to b e held on t h e fourth d a y o f November , n ineteen hundred and two .

A M E N D M E N T N U M B E R F I V E . Concurrent Reso lu t ion of t h e S e n a t e

a n d A s s e m b l y , P r o p o s i n g a m e n d m e n t t o ar t i c l e twe lve , sect ion one of the const i ­tut ion , re la t ing t o organizat ion of cit ies .

R e s o l v e d (if t h e a s s e m b l y concur) . T h a t t h e fo l l owing a m e n d m e n t to the const i tu­t ion b e agreed t o and referred to the l eg ­i s l a t u r e t o b e c h o s e n a t t h e n e x t general e lec t ion o f s e n a t o r s : Sect ion one, ar t ic le t w e l v e o f t h e const i tut ion i s hereby a m e n d e d t o read a s fo l l ows : I t shal l be t h e d u t y of t h e l eg i s la ture t o provide f o r t h e organizat ion o f c i t i es a n d incorporated v i l lages , a n d t o res tr ic t )U»eir power of taxa t ion , a s s e s s m e n t , borrowing money , c o n t r a c t i n g debts,' a n d l o a n i n g their cred­it , s o a s t o p r e v e n t a b u s e s i n a s s e s s m e n t s a n d In contrac t ing debt b y s u c h municipal corporat ions: and the legislature may regtdate emd fx the wage* or salaries, the hour* of work or tabor, and make provision forth* protection,

and safety of person* employed by the or by any county, city, town, village or civil division of the state, or by any con­

tractor or sub-contractor performing work, labor or service* for the state, or for any county, city, town, village or other civil division thereof.

S t a t e o f N e w York: I n Senate , March mv 1902.—This bill w a s d u l y passed , a m a ­j o r i t y o f al l the s e n a t o r s elected vo t ing In f a v o r thereof. B y order o f t h e senate , T . E . E L L S W O R T H , Temporary P r e s i ­dent-

S t a t e of N e w Yc rk: I n Assembly , March 27. 1302.—This bill w a s du ly passed, a m a ­jor i ty o f a l l t h e m e m b e r s e lected t o t h e a s s e m b l y vo t ing in f a v o r thereof. B y or­der of the assembly , S. F . N I X O N . Speaker .

S t a t e of N e w York, Offlce o f t h e Sec ­re tary of State , s s : I h a v e compared the preceding copy o f concurrent resolution, propos ing a n a m e n d m e n t t o art ic le twe lve , sec t ion one. o f t h e Const i tut ion, w i t h t h e original concurrent resolut ion on file in thia office, a n d I do hereby cert i fy t h a t t b e s a m e la a correct transcr ipt therefrom, a n d o f t h e w h o l e thereof. Given under m y h a n d a n d the seal of of­flce o f the Secre tary of S ta te , a t the c i ty o f A lbany , t h i s twenty- f i f th d a y of July , In t h e y e a r o f our Lord, o n e thousand n ine hundred a n d two . [L. S.] J O H N T. M c D O N O U G H . S e c r e t a r y of S ta te .

T h e forego ing Concurrent Reso lut ion Is publ i shed once a w e e k for three m o n t h s n e x t preceding the n e x t general e lect ion In conformity to t h e aforesa id provis ions, in t w o publ ic newspapers in each county In th i s S t a t e represent ing respect ive ly th* t w o political part ies po l l ing the h i g h e s t n u m b e r of votes a t the l a s t general e lec­t ion, a n d In one addit ional n e w s p a p e r In each c o u n t y f o r e v e r y one hundred thou­s a n d people In s u c h county aa s h o w n by t h e l a s t preceding S t a t e E n u m e r a t i o n .

T . M c D O N O U G H . Secre tary a t

sjsjMsi am and i CtarF* oaVe la Llbsr tt^of 1

Dated October Mth. I s m „ w » - . 3- "• JOBNSOS, Referee. C. MCLBAX. Plaintiff's Attorney.

«**? ns t t sburgt , X. T .

ng.Orates.Plaagea. Forging*.Bwit* aad Washes*. Chimneys and Arch Door*. Iron and lass . Mill Supplies. Ac.

All New. New Shop. H e w Machinery. Tool*. N e w Iron.

Experienced workmen In all Orders promptly attended to . Telephone connection.

White and Catherine JOHN M. W g y g R . President. JOHN BOO*. Secretary aad Treat 8 . 8 . WHITTBLSgY. Oeoeral • *


Central Market, l. .fclEEFE 1 CO., PwprWors,

Oancr •» BrM«e aa4 stiver SUawtB. PLATrifiBTnam, w. r.

CUSTOMERS WILL ALWAYS FIND at this market a choice selection and fall

•apply of

Freak aa«l Salt Meats, rreafc aa*j salt risfe. Pealtry a** tiMM, Oyster* la ifeefr siaaia

Wholesale and Retail. Batter, Brv*,i

N o pain* will be spared t o sal t« Price* as low a* the lowest. Packages delivered to any part of the vUlaae

without charge. AU are Invited.

THE NEW YORK WORLD T h r t c e o W e *


l h * M o n t W i d e l y R o a d I T a w s j . p s p s r i t s A m e r i e a .

Tune has demonstrated that Urn Thrios-a-Wesk World stands alone In its class. Other have Imitated its form but not IU a became it tell* all the news all tells It Inapartially. whether that new* be polluea orotberwiae. I t • In fact almost a dally a t the priosof s weekly and yon oaaoot ssTord t o bo without It.

BepabDoaa and Deatoorat alike oaa read the Thrloe-a-Week World with absolato < i tstrath.

In addition to new*, tt t

The Thrice*-Week Wornrs re pries to only f l . t t per year and



for 91.7s

sjsnssslBBBBnsJaaeJslw M e |mpl


NOTICB.—By order of Bon. John H. Booth . Surrogate of Canton County. N. T.. notion is hereby given aooordlng to law. to all person* hav-b v claims against KdgarW. Morehouse, lata of Peru, in eaid county, deceased, that they are re­quired to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber a t tbe bouse of Mrs. Franklin Bunore. at Pern. N . Y., o a or before too fifteenth day of February, 190S.

Dated, July 15.1902. AGNBS B. MOREHOUSE.

Executrix, by Kxaoas F. KLnoaa, ber att'y.

N0TIC3—By order of Hon. J o b s H. Booth. Sur rogate of Clinton County, N. Y . notice Is

hereby given aooordlng to law. to all persona hav­ing chums against Charles E . Martin, late of Plattsburgh. in said oonnty, deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to the subscribers at the offlce of B. S. W. Clark, in Clinton Block, in the City of P i t t s ­burgh. Clinton Co.. N. Y . on or before tbe 33rd day of December. 190K.


Bxeca ton

NOTICE—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. Sur­rogate of Clinton County. N. Y.. notice Is

hereby given aooordlng to law. to all persons hay­ing claims against Patrick McKeefe. late of Platts­burgh. in said oonnty, deceased, that tbey are re­quired to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber a t his residence in Platu-burgh. N. Y„ on or before the 1st day of Novem­ber. 1902:

Dated. April 24.1902. 17m6 ANDREW McKBEFB. Bxecntor.

NOTICE.—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. Surrogate of Clinton County. N. Y . notice I*

hereby given according to law. to all persons hav­ing claims against Mary Cosgrove. lmt» ot Platts­burgh. in said county, deceased, that they are re­quired to exhibit the same with tbe voucher* thereof to tbe subscriber at tbe residence of the subscriber on or before the 1st day of February. MM.

Dated, July 14.190*. BOSS ANN COSGROVE.

29me Administratrix.

NOTICB—By order of Hon. John H. Booth. Sur­rogate of Clinton County, N. Y . notice is

hereby given according to law. to all persons bar­ing claims against John O'Brien, late ot Mooers. in said county, deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the seme with vouchers thereof to tbe subscriber at tbe residence of the undersigned. Arden F. O'Brien, in town of Mooers. Clinton County. New York. 00 or before the 1st day of November, 1901.

Dated. April 34.1908. 17m6 ABDBN F. O'BRIEN, Administrator.

P. J. HirXHIf, Orgaa Tuner aadj


s a a e a f t

< • 18 years experience. Best of references. < • Orders may be left at Dr. J. H. LaRocQue's

b u g store, or at MoKannon Bros, music store 18 Clinton Street, or at 53 North Catherine

S t . Plattsburgh. N. Y.


Good Meat every day m the year.

J. ». O'BRIEN, S L A T T t a u l t Q H . M. V .

O W K B W. sOlKsnLlT. B o w V


NOTICB.—By order of Hon. John H. Booth, Surrogate of Clinton County, N. Y.. notice is

hereby given according to law, to all persons flar­ing claims against Edward Lough an. late of Al­tona, in said county, deceased, that they are re­quired to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to the subscriber at the offices of Weeds, Conway X Cotter, Plattsburgh, N.Y., on or before tbe first day of January. 1903.

Dated June 16. 1908. CATHERINE LOUGHAN.

Administratrix. Wasp*. Coawax tt C o n n s , Attorney*. IB aw

N o t i c e o f Dtaaelnttem. The co-partnership heretofore existing under

the firm name of Geo. H. Carroll i Co. i.i hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All obligations due to said firm are payable to Geo. H. Carroll. who also assumes all obligations of «a:d ri'm.


Dated. Oct. nth, 1X2. fc A J

M. W. SMITH, W o o d w a r d S t a b l e s ,

BBAB wnmatiLL BOUSB. Ha* oae of the uwgast and most complete turn

oats In the livery line now to be had in Northern New York. H e ha* the latest improved Single and Double Turnouts with experienced and care­ful driver*, famished at all hour* of tbe day and night. Terms liberal.

Telephone connection with tbeseetahias. There Is also connected with this llrery a

Boarding Stable at No. 80 Oak street, whore bones can be boarded or entertained for reasoa-

ThepsjMw are invited to look at the < 1 before they are delivered for—rvlo*.



Yon will always And a complete stock of

Fork, V«ml, Mattoo and Lamb, POULTHY, CAMS,

H o n e y Comb Tripe, c o u t n i u suceii, HAH A M

nSCI MEAT* i n Mir m i ,

_ y motto will be in tbe future, s s la the past, t o sail Choice Goods at Bessoaabl* Prices.


The Military Horse Currycomb and brush, comi bined. made uf Piexible Rubber. Liae ' t o ti. r*«~ less carriage, hi>-yc!e. and many other :u— '.nu.. a devi.-«« which are tailing u.t>advu,.e . , v « • ,-i time meth.Hls. :a ae adviii.-e . ,t tfce -"> -u • -'..'.^ty Horsemen to ***» thin t r'^sh, droj. to n.«j .l>-a i-» mediate;?, sold and "iu[. piy«l t j

3 T WARNiCK, i - i i b » 3 . X Y <i»-n. Ajjr-nt f...r tf.e i '>x . ' .u t i . t o - r • . . . A

Notice to Taxpayers. Having received the A-wwmeut U-..1 f xi.v

City of Plattsbur^i f..r tue yr»r l*v. &.-•:•? :•* hereby given that the undersigned w... aUecd i t bis office ia the Weed bal din»c w !rh -A. I r>. u f. r thirty days from the date hereof. >ut-lay«ai..i legal holidays excepted, from nine o"cir«.-i. in ti,e morning to f.iur o'clock In the aftera./un, ai.4 from seven to nine oVIuc-k Tuesday and Th ars-day evenings, to receive taxes *J as««iaed, with­out fee, percentage or interest thereon.

On all taxes unpaid after the erplraUi m of >ra..-h thirty days two per cent, fees will be cfulecttsd.

On all taxes remaining unpaid after aixtr .lays from the data hereof, five per cent, fees and in­terest at tbe rate of one per cent, per month fr> va the expiration 1 if said sixty days will he IN .».e<:t."i

AU delinquent !k-h.«l, city. t..wn a c l .N.iiLty taxea must be paid ar onoe tu avoid the pri..c-r** prescribed by ttie t tarter

BatedPiatubtirgh. >'. Y . June 13 I *n. HENRY JCsTIN,

c i ty i-'Limberlata.

Idivery Stables i-vttu

Competent Drirers. Ordan flllod with Dispatch. Teie^tuc*'.

H- B. KASiOM. Trinity Square, Plattsoarxti, J«. Y.

Started Up Again Arcaw aWing Burnmtl Out.

I am t-r^iare.1 '... !•» a. l l . ' i f i ij . Vi LB RBPAIRIN". ax. 1 ••:».. i ^ t ^ ..a„-- _ *.*,. n-meni->" Va-reo.-.p,.s^ii Ki-t-a-r^ ' . j ' . s> A., a . .

Agent for tae ..e.ehr»t«<l Mi-rgan A Wrigtt tires.

J. E WILIIXSON, Gau Smith., la Hrfdgr Street.

P L A T T S B O H C M . as. V

MOVING BUILDINGS. rums; . v r j / i > AM, ri;."..-..-.

<LEASl.\; LAM: s>nMAi'£.> "X • Aid'ny-rsi: »-.A-.V


FIU> ss >JX jjppucAri'.-x &PARTA ilXTt.N,

1*1 rjkitaLurga. N Y


1 /

] / tr­ie

t * '. • -. t .• a . . - *,-•! * . * e . g : f l e l rl rf el el r [ _ ' i eua fawjet »iefa-a .* 1 r. tc U .ii»«,t;« a k.. f 're«treE«)rt a t*avutata^:y *r r f-*« Ua4t

%^^aTUtf-snmB T.'i

It '


L. aUUCK* * SON Are again at taeoldMaad. TJ Lafay«i« street PtaUaborgn. N. T.. baytag Rasa, uid Rabbar, asraoiron. Brae*. I aad. Ztac. Cupper. bV>uc«, jic.

nisk*st i s 1 nil in L iiil Osd**»*smafl.iai*phii*»or p e r i a . a . y . proupt-

hj attsaana ka. ^*w«


U.S. r»***>«t WASHINGTON O. C