Balestra Balestra , P.T., S. Ettori, P. Rosati, , P.T., S. Ettori, P. Rosati, Borgani, V. Mainieri, M. Viola, C. Norman Borgani, V. Mainieri, M. Viola, C. Norman Galaxies and Structures through Cosmic Times - Venice, March 2006 Evolution in the chemical enrichment o he intracluster mediu

I. Balestra, P.T., S. Ettori, P. Rosati, S. Borgani, V. Mainieri, M. Viola, C. Norman Galaxies and Structures through Cosmic Times - Venice, March 2006

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I. BalestraI. Balestra, P.T., S. Ettori, P. Rosati, , P.T., S. Ettori, P. Rosati, S. Borgani, V. Mainieri, M. Viola, C. NormanS. Borgani, V. Mainieri, M. Viola, C. Norman

Galaxies and Structures through Cosmic Times - Venice, March 2006

Evolution in the chemical enrichment of the intracluster


High redshift(z>0.3) clusters in medium-deep Chandraexposures(ACIS-I andACIS-S)

Science:Scaling relations(temperature, luminosity, massentropy)Chemical enrichmentAGN around clustersBaryon fraction and cosmological test

RXJ1252: detection of the Fe line at z=1.23

Rosati et al. 2004

Fe Ions concentration as a function of the ICM temperature

Collisionally dominated optically thin coronal plasmaas a function of electron temperature (Mewe 1991)

5 -10 keVFe XXVFe XXVI

The Iron abundance is determined almost uniquely by the K-shell complex at 6.7-6.9 keV rest-frame

We select from the Chandra archive 56 clusters at z>0.3(among them 7 clusters at z>1)

Distribution with temperature and redshift of the sample

We samplecentral regionsbetween 0.15and 0.3 R


depending on the redshiftof the cluster

Temperature vs redshift (56 clusters @ z> 0.3)3 times more objects than in Tozzi et al. 2003

Balestra et al. 2006

Caveat: two differentvalues of solar Fe abundin the literature:

Anders & Grevesse 1989Fe/H = 4.68 × 10-5

Grevesse & Sauval 1998Fe/H = 3.16 × 10-5


= 1.48 ZFeAG

Scatter comparable with statistical errorshint ofhigherFe abundanceat low kT<5 keV

Fe abundance-Temperature in different redshift bins

Iron abundance -Temperature


Balestra et al. 2006



s &



e 19


Horner 2001 PhDBaumgartner et al. 2005

Local sample 273 clusters observed with ASCAG



& S


l 199

818 local clusters observed with ASCAFinoguenov, Arnaud & David 2001



s &



e 19

89XMM-Grating data from cool core cluster Peterson et al. 2003

Iron abundance versus redshift

Balestra et al. 2006

Average Iron abundance versus redshift

Balestra et al. 2006

We find an increase of a factor about 2 in Z


from z=1.2 to z=0.4 in the central 0.2 R

vir of

hot clustersconsistent with Z

Fe = 0.55 (1+z)-1.3

This larger sample showshigher Z

Fe at z<0.5,

implying significant evolution (Tozzi et al. 2003 was still consistentwith no evolution, with weak hints of decrease at less than 2 σ c.l.)

It is known that locally ZFe

= 0.6 in cold-core clusters and Zfe = 0.2/0.3 in

non cold-core clusters (see De Grandi et al. 2001; 2004).

Is this evolution associated to the evolution of the cold-cores with Iron peak within the central 0.1 R


First check: Iron abundances are not affected by removal of the lowenergy part of the spectrum, nor by masking of the central 0.1 R


(when possible)

More directly, there is no correlation with the central surface brightness(cooling time)

Fe Abundance vs central Surface Brightness

Is the Iron abundance evolution expected?

Ettori 2005

Fe abundance in the ICM from the observed cosmic Star Formation Ratewith different delay times for TyIa Sne


Clear detection of the Iron line in the large majority of high-z clusters, up to z~1.3

Correlation in the Iron abundance – Temperature relation at high-z: Iron abundance starts to increase below 5 keV

Fe abundance ~ 0.25 Z⊙ constant for z>0.6

Higher average Fe abundance in the z~0.4-0.6 redshift range

The decrease of the average Iron abundance from ZFe

=0.4 Z⊙(@ z~0.3)to Z

Fe=0.2 Z⊙ (z~1.3), consistent with cosmic star formation rate only

for large TyIa delay times.

Open question: production of diffusion of Fe enriched gas betweenz=1.2 and z=0.4?

A sample of ~56 clusters @ z>0.3 observed with Chandra

Metallicity profiles for 4 clusters with high S/N

Temperature and Fe abundance fromChandra+XMM (MOS) combined fit

Rosati et al. 2004

Redshift measure fromChandra+XMM (MOS) combined fit

Rosati et al. 2004

Chandra+XMM observation of RXJ1252Rosati et al. 2003

Detection of the Fe line of the most distant X-ray clusters

RXJ1252~1000 net counts180 ks with ACIS-IRosati et al. 2004

kT < 5 keV

Is it due to cool core with Iron excess?

Simplistic spatialspectroscopy (first 2 rings with reasonable S/N)

Iron-rich clustersdo not necessarily show Iron-richcores

What is the nature of low temperature, Iron rich clusters?

A typical example: V14156, z=0.4

Investigating the nature of Fe-rich clusters:Simulated XMM spectrum of V1416 - 50 ksec

XMM proposal: Why low-temperature clusters have high Iron abundance?

The case at 0.2 < z < 0.5

Can we measure the elements at high redshifts through the stacking technique?

Residual of the spectrawith respect to thebremmstrahlung onlymodel

Ettori et al in progress

The residuals match with expected lines from Si, Ca, and S!

Ettori et al in progress

Abundance ratios at z~1 as diagnostic tool

Ettori et al. 2005