T SPECIAL MEETING- OF CITY COUNCIL gajsets of Importance Coming Before Council Disposed of OFFICIAL BALLOT WAS NAMED lilt Main Street Opened Through peek Hall Bids for Map of the City dewing SubDivisions of Block of OM and New Parts of City Tke City Council met In special tea jea Tuesday evening in Council tibet the fall board present Upon motion the names to be print al ea the official ballot were named as flews Per Mayor W K Thomas Fer Marshal Chas Fiokoson H far Tax AsseworW L Hill W M Bradford For Collector and Treasurer T B Per AWermen G K Broome K A I E C A Col- D R B Ayer 8 I 0- t the I Mile 11M Olteill A W J 4 bring t honey I F loach Fer hoard of Public WorktH F Paten W S WiUoo P M Colson W W Hampton F D Warner H E Taylor E E Cannon Btd LC Lynch yet or Against Amending to CI y CUrler Tke Printing and Election tsewMinstroctedtto see that all ar w remade for the election la be held on the 10th of April Aa ordinance making the salary of tie tax awe orj 4500 per annum was atNed The mayor was instructed to have Lei Church street widened from the leatiaary to Sweetwater branch Tke Street Committee was instruct el to continue East Vain street tareugh the Oak Hall plat Resolved That the president ap v paint a committee of three to secure i Till for map of the city of Gainesville teakow the present pubdivisions of Week in oldltanfsville ss well as IJ Thom Commit all 1 r x new part and to report the same Mike council at its next regular meet There being no further business the eaacil adjourned NEWBERRY NEWS I Bank to Be Opened In Thirty Days A Carnival in Town Jftwberry March 20 At lost plans live been perfected for the Bask ef- Vawherry L O Benton the baaker alMoaiicello was in the city last i vatk iti the interest of the bank tad it was only a short time till the stork wes tabseribed It will have a capital ef 916000 and it is intended to hue U spec for business insiJe of thirty t afi The bank will be equipped with furniture etc tad C will be uptodate iu every respect Ike stockholders are H A Pickett I W H Tucker Dr J F Ruff C D MayC A Neal J G Sell J G White Dr S G Jetten F B God trey M H Delnml L O Benton and anther and the officers and Ont beard of director are L O Benton H Went H A Pickett vicepre Director L 0 Benton 0 White and W H Tucker As New sawunt of money is handled here a bank is one of the enterprises moat needed It will be a great help and aeavenience to the merchants sad I owners and will beyond doubt frove a good investment for those in torwted A building will be rented fc the bank until one can be built f kieh will be done at an early date Oar people are having a good time 4 week Chas King and his Jolly here and a street carnival t Ki a week 4 Will Build New Home- W M Uurch of Kirkwood who was t the city a dy or two ago states 1 haro been drawn and t k M Chamberlain of Mliou uf a haiidcomf hams to rf- l e the one destroyed l y lire a few ago While the home wi one i fj moat mcxlern in that ctioD- r expects to make sn Proveinent The new House which Will be crntructeU dir ctint of Bumh wilt bf two lori siid will I rvmis and a bath J n art drawn with a view to com If nv nierjf and when r Meted i a cr Jit to the owner latest vaults s teat H- I L Pikett J FRorr C P May J building up fast a mine tr wd are f their tents here Monday to Itt Ta oma t in a short titut I nth Chamberlain r under fro lair arid rom Uti ins t A era lithe i berry is and vast h w skis end that plane expects begin the I destroyed the K F nine Thai Ior > < > > = TNT EXMAYOR RECOMMENDS PfIUNA Albany lad writes from 511 E Oak T r MJommat af Ferna it- friMutid r vkM will em- tisl r nM will a wfc leaks tuft Uy Wary r tick JM It ia lens to aeJp anyone if to I alto know dozens of men who speak in the highest term of Poruns and have eel to hrar of anyone being dUsppolntrtl In It Mr fruinfx In a later letter dated Lug i IMI My Sty health I u xl at present hut If I hair t take at y inorc medi- cine I will fall 5 on CRrMIIO EMlror of u aa k auiRdJ I laaw It will nntarm tM be bee My tlwaotttattt tat flyaltia k i1tw fh111ta Msty t trsatls- D dew Street fttuitL- If tic I1eb the tMt of Iet l of etieaeik 1adlgtatien tail 1 runs < > ¬ + + THIRTY ABOVE ZERO The Coldest Weather ef Season Says Observer BeN Frosts were predicted for Tuesday and Wednesdty mornings sad the oat oo Wednesday coning WIt the of the winter the mercury go lag down to 30 5 degrees love zero cording to the United states that th bi ratt- ing AIX SVILLE SUN MARCH 22 llHiii k t 4 r terrd a fw d ree timer but SO Very fr reform nm in m VJ lay from the trucker in tin vi inlay but U was noticed in the ear dens of the ciiy in some that Iri h potato vines were Hack and hit hard Reins and cukes am re ported to have suffered from the freeie and ether tender plant could not help but be injured Cantaloupes in one or two places an id to have been touched but the ul timate result will not In 00 disastrous to this crop at it is near time for a second planting aid with favorable weather the mishap to the ones OB Wednesday morning will hardly with the putting of canta loupes OB the market Today there be more serious r but the tiller of the roil cant help himself unless h hit everythiiiff ender cover Real Estate Transfers j Real estate it moving lively and the transactions are not confined j to any particular section The latest reports are from the thriving suburb of North Gainesville It It learned that E I Turner has purchased the Camp mmlr I nr that rat clld llIlIallla to aft orn of tau Ilrotfr I j I I I IDIrl m I I of Ob rrv r lintry Mrr rrrrralthera rgi the a chill pliers the touch- ed still < ¬ ¬ ii tract of two tad ooehalf acres and will probably build at an early dale Daniel Graves who haa confidence in North Gainesville tau purchased from Henry Ramsey a desirable build ing lot near Mr Ramsey store It is not known whether he intends to build bat the supposition Is that he will erect Real estate continues lively in all sections of the and indication are that building will continue for some TO THE TRUSTEES OF Atechua Methodist Church We take the liberty of telling you that every church will be given a lib- eral quantity of L A H paint when ev hey paint Melons L M mixed with 3 gal- lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized home Aetna cost L A M about 120 per gallon- L AM Zinc hardens L A M White Lead and makes the paint wear like iron Largest mills in the world L A M Arnold Print Works North Adam Mass used nearly 17000 gallons L A M Point L and 7000 gallons Linseed Oit SeW by J O Bishop Alaehua Fla I ho eh I Gentlemen I use I I 10000 a tc ¬ ¬ ¬ Auers If your blood is thin and im- pure you are miserable all the time It is pure rich blood that invigorates strengthens refreshes You certainly know Sarsaparillath- e medicine that brings good health to the home the only medicine tested and tried 60 years A doctors medicine- I awf my without dpuUl In Arr- 4fM 4ni4 It ti t iiMl ffnl iiirul- inuuriil Mini t tt Kntll J C Ttm Poor Health OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED alt II II r nu h furl Ie 1 J f- It for n 0 t Nit titer a 11Arn to Na axatva tteNU PISs Sad yw reath Sid the Barsaarlll N a ¬ > < Mi s Donie Srlckland nf Waldo and her friend Miss Mamie Finlay nn of Old Town were in the city yesterday shopping Bob Barton of R cky Point a in the city for a fw hours yesterday transacting business lie states that the cold hurt the young plants quite a little yesterday morning Sirs L J Knight of Ocala who has been visiting her numerous relatives and friends in thi city the guest of her parent Mr and Mrs L N La Fonliiee has returned to her home We are in a position to furnish cla s bean cuk and lettuce hampers also cabbage and cantaloupe crates promptly at reasonable price and guarantee prompt shipment on all ODD tracts Ship either A C r S A L railroads Williston Manufacturing Co Williston Fin O B McClenny of Cadillaa was among the visitors to Gainesville yes- terday and made The Sun an agree- able rail Mr MeClenny is advertis- ing for the return of three horse which have recently disappeared from his plac and offers a liberal reward for their return or for information as to their whereabouts Quite a party left yesterday for a the Kist Coat consisting of Northern via M J Wood flr I of lioN t < ¬ ¬ ¬ + + 1 i rd if Vt rtowii Vi MfMlnnes C II r ry cud Murjr er of Aipl V t Mr K Litertn Chica fo Mr K V tiru 1lunnix N Y Mr WiMiditrd and Mr Ferry will leave if lh it huim uu the return of the pray Dr and Mr E K OvfrnV of El ma Iowa who have spent several in the city the guests of Mrs Elizabeth Smith at 33 North Oak avenue left yesterday alterroon for a short trip to Daytona and St Aa- gustlne before relaraing North Both were well pleased with Gainesville and expressed desire to return her again Dr Orerfleld is a prominent politician- of the Hawkeye State sad a great ad miter of Cummins Letter To Deans Barber She Gainesville Deer Sir Youd strike It rub If yow could Had a way to shave your suite la lrs time for less feat sad make the shave last twlee or three times as long You wouldnt shave the person so many time or get so rash ef tile rosy bat the whole tows would be tubing about you sal everybody would core to you for a shave Devoe is ezaetly that in paints It takes fewer galleas aa4 it wears looser Grata less for the jot and you deal have te do U Maim for year sad years els yeas at least Fewer gallon wears longer Takes fewer gallons to post a loci with Devees than with tailed palate and it wears this mixed paints or Yours irmly F W DeveeCo 32 New York j The S J Thorns Co oar paint A tragedy oeearred at nho1lnwayr Sunday night resulting in the mulling of one white aaaa and the kllllajr e another Jack Smith The Live Oak Dally Deaaeerat They got late trouble over a drink sad 8atlta drew his knife and slashed his opponent aeresa the and aubarqaeatly eat him IB sight other plisse the wounded man drew his pistol and shot Smith three tinea in the ateaaaeh breast red eye Then Ssalth toned end was shot IB the bask drop- ping dead No attests were and The Florida House at MasUeoa waa destroyed by fire ea Toesdajr aBerainaj The Ire thaefrht te hare hecaSwisses by tke overturning ef a toaaa a the roar ef a g tft The halMiag via hi aired ferl OOaad owned I J It Fl lead rr rrrt IUrn 1 week I r lot met eats lesd and siae y d Irad and alae leaner tad eil s roll say r lee Then r p ati 1 y by George si ¬ + ° Trade Where Your Dollar Goes the Farthest That SPECIALS NT rnr m mm Your Money Is NOT Ours Until You Are FULLY SATISFIED A CHANCE FOR THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE A Three Days Sale of Household Furnishings an opportunity your needs in TABLE DAMASK NAPKINS SHEETS TOWELING BED SPREADS SHEETINGS Etc that ought to appeal to you Note carefully prices quoted below Shuts Pun Casts Btd Spreads Tall Damask Tswals Craskssva- loe R8Iach DAMASK worth 80s- MTaek MERCERIZED DAMAPK laun- deri equal to Linen patterns 7Mnch MERCERIZED DAMASK a 75c value MERCERIZED DAMASK a 1 value Pure Linen NAPKINS to match 125 value Good COTTON TOWEL 5 cents each Pi- 18x90 HOCK TOWEL tt tt- 22i FllIKGED COTTON TOWEL a bargain LINEN IIUCK TOWEL full size hem stiched DAMASK and HUCK TOWELS 5c to 20c EXTRA SPECIAL TMnch GERMAN DAMASK all Cj sold at 76 Beau sox 72zfiO BLEACHED SHEETS a e value 81i80 BLEACHED SHEETS a 79 valoe- SliSO Beat Quality BLEACHED SHEET at PILLOW CASES full sizes t P- 1012tftaea I4f IQ RED SPREADS splendid valve at 75c 85c 100 150 200 225 uMn of Household Linens is second to none It will the MERCERIZED DAMASKS be to your advantage to attest W Hyde 0 r Here f h 25c I oC 7 bc C SOe bfa iful 15c SSe BOe Extra 10 Fell line CHSJl1S Yd 75c from I ETRA SATIN DUJASK IDch S I 00 Yd linn C Our this Sale Ask to see The G Company ter t CASE i 58 Iaeh BLEACHED DA3lA8K 0 36c Y k ALL LINEN 40c at A size t 721n e7 7 IIEAI l I- J r- e < + +

I Auers Murjr Aiplufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01431/00822.pdf · II r ry cud Murjr er of Aipl V t Mr K Litertn Chica fo Mr K V tiru 1lunnix N Y Mr WiMiditrd and Mr Ferry

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Page 1: I Auers Murjr Aiplufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01431/00822.pdf · II r ry cud Murjr er of Aipl V t Mr K Litertn Chica fo Mr K V tiru 1lunnix N Y Mr WiMiditrd and Mr Ferry




gajsets of Importance ComingBefore Council Disposed of


lilt Main Street Opened Throughpeek Hall Bids for Map of the Citydewing SubDivisions of Block ofOM and New Parts of City

Tke City Council met In special teajea Tuesday evening in Council

tibet the fall board presentUpon motion the names to be print

al ea the official ballot were named asflews

Per Mayor W K ThomasFer Marshal Chas Fiokoson H

far Tax AsseworW L Hill WM Bradford

For Collector and Treasurer T B

Per AWermen G K Broome K A I

E C A Col-D R B Ayer 8





I Mile


Olteill A





honeyI F loach

Fer hoard of Public WorktH FPaten W S WiUoo P M Colson

W W Hampton F DWarner H E Taylor E E CannonBtd L C Lynch

yet or Against Amending to CI yCUrler

Tke Printing and ElectiontsewMinstroctedtto see that all ar

wremade for the electionla be held on the 10th of April

Aa ordinance making the salary oftie tax awe orj 4500 per annum wasatNed

The mayor was instructed to haveLei Church street widened from theleatiaary to Sweetwater branch

Tke Street Committee was instructel to continue East Vain streettareugh the Oak Hall plat

Resolved That the president apv paint a committee of three to securei Till for map of the city of Gainesville

teakow the present pubdivisions ofWeek in oldltanfsville ss well as

IJ Thom






new part and to report the sameMike council at its next regular meet

There being no further business theeaacil adjourned


Bank to Be Opened In Thirty DaysA Carnival in Town

Jftwberry March 20 At lost planslive been perfected for the Bask ef-

Vawherry L O Benton the baakeralMoaiicello was in the city last

i vatk iti the interest of the bank tadit was only a short time till the storkwes tabseribed It will have a capitalef 916000 and it is intended to hue Uspec for business insiJe of thirty

t afi The bank will be equipped withfurniture etc tad

C will be uptodate iu every respectIke stockholders are H A Pickett

I W H Tucker Dr J F Ruff C DMayC A Neal J G Sell J GWhite Dr S G Jetten F B Godtrey M H Delnml L O Benton andanther and the officers and Ontbeard of director are L O BentonH Went H A Pickett vicepre

Director L 0 Benton

0 White and W H Tucker As New

sawunt of money is handled here abank is one of the enterprises moatneeded It will be a great help andaeavenience to the merchants sad

I owners and will beyond doubtfrove a good investment for those intorwted A building will be rentedfc the bank until one can be built

f kieh will be done at an early dateOar people are having a good time

4 week Chas King and his Jollyhere and a street carnival


a week

4Will Build New Home-

W M Uurch of Kirkwood who wast the city a dy or two ago states1 haro been drawn and

t k M Chamberlain of

Mliou uf a haiidcomf hams to rf-l e the one destroyed l y lire a few

agoWhile the home wi one

i fj moat mcxlern in that ctioD-r expects to make snProveinent The new House which

Will be crntructeU dir ctint ofBumh wilt bf two lori siid will

I rvmis and a bathJ n art drawn with a view to comIf nv nierjf and whenr Meted i a cr Jit to the owner

latest vaults


teat H-

I L Pikett J FRorr C P May J

building up fast a


tr wd aref their tents here Monday to


Ta omat in a short titut







arid romUti


t A




berry is and vast





that plane

expects begin the





nine Thai










Albany lad writes from 511 EOakT r MJommat af Ferna it-

friMutid r vkM will em-tisl r nM will a wfc

leaks tuft Uy Wary r tick JM

It ia lens to aeJp anyone ifto

I alto know dozens of men whospeak in the highest term of Porunsand have eel to hrar of anyone beingdUsppolntrtl In It

Mr fruinfx In a later letter datedLug i IMI My

Sty health I u xl at present hut IfI hair t take at y inorc medi-cine I will fall 5 on

CRrMIIO EMlror of

uaa k auiRdJ

I laaw It will nntarmtM



My tlwaotttattt tat flyaltia ki1tw fh111ta Msty

t trsatls-D dew


fttuitL-If tic I1eb

thetMt of

Iet l of etieaeik 1adlgtatien


1 runs







The Coldest Weather ef SeasonSays Observer BeN

Frosts were predicted for Tuesdayand Wednesdty mornings sad the oatoo Wednesday coning WIt the

of the winter the mercury golag down to 30 5 degrees love zerocording to the United states that





k t4r

terrd a fw d ree timer but SO

Very fr reform nm in m VJlay from the trucker in tin viinlay but U was noticed in the eardens of the ciiy in some thatIri h potato vines were Hack andhit hard Reins and cukes am reported to have suffered from thefreeie and ether tender plant couldnot help but be injuredCantaloupes in one or two places anid to have been touched but the ultimate result will not In 00 disastrousto this crop at it is near time for a

second planting aid with favorableweather the mishap to the ones

OB Wednesday morning will hardlywith the putting of cantaloupes OB the market

Today there be more serious rbut the tiller of the roil canthelp himself unless h hit everythiiiffender cover

Real Estate Transfers j

Real estate it moving livelyand the transactions are not confined j

to any particular section The latestreports are from the thriving suburb ofNorth Gainesville It It learned thatE I Turner has purchased the Camp

mmlr Inr thatratclld llIlIallla to aft orn of tauIlrotfr










of Ob rrv r lintryMrr rrrrralthera rgi

thea chill







ii tract of two tad ooehalf acresand will probably build at an earlydale

Daniel Graves who haa confidencein North Gainesville tau purchasedfrom Henry Ramsey a desirable building lot near Mr Ramsey store It isnot known whether he intends tobuild bat the supposition Is that hewill erect

Real estate continues lively in allsections of the and indicationare that building will continue forsome

TO THE TRUSTEES OFAtechua Methodist Church

We take the liberty of telling youthat every church will be given a lib-eral quantity of L A H paint whenev hey paint

Melons L M mixed with 3 gal-lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderatesized home

Aetna cost L A M about 120 pergallon-

L A M Zinc hardens L A M WhiteLead and makes the paint wear likeiron

Largest mills in the world LA M

Arnold Print Works North AdamMass used nearly 17000 gallons L AM Point L

and 7000 gallons Linseed OitSeW by J O Bishop Alaehua Fla I














AuersIf your blood is thin and im-

pure you are miserable all thetime It is pure rich bloodthat invigorates strengthensrefreshes You certainly know

Sarsaparillath-e medicine that brings goodhealth to the home the onlymedicine tested and tried60 years A doctors medicine-

I awf my without dpuUl In Arr-4fM 4ni4 It ti t iiMl ffnl iiirul-

inuuriil Mini t

tt Kntll J C Ttm

Poor Health



II r nu h furl Ie1


It for n


tNit titera

11Arn to Na

axatva tteNU PISs Sadyw reath Sid the Barsaarlll





Mi s Donie Srlckland nf Waldo andher friend Miss Mamie Finlay nn ofOld Town were in the city yesterdayshopping

Bob Barton of R cky Point a inthe city for a fw hours yesterdaytransacting business lie states thatthe cold hurt the young plants quitea little yesterday morning

Sirs L J Knight of Ocala who hasbeen visiting her numerous relativesand friends in thi city the guest ofher parent Mr and Mrs L N LaFonliiee has returned to her home

We are in a position to furnishcla s bean cuk and lettuce hampersalso cabbage and cantaloupe cratespromptly at reasonable price andguarantee prompt shipment on all ODD

tracts Ship either A C r S A Lrailroads Williston ManufacturingCo Williston Fin

O B McClenny of Cadillaa wasamong the visitors to Gainesville yes-terday and made The Sun an agree-able rail Mr MeClenny is advertis-ing for the return of three horsewhich have recently disappeared fromhis plac and offers a liberal rewardfor their return or for information asto their whereabouts

Quite a party left yesterday for athe Kist Coat consisting of

Northern via M J Wood












i rd if Vt rtowii Vi MfMlnnes CII r ry cud Murjr er of Aipl

V t Mr K Litertn Chicafo Mr K V tiru 1lunnix N YMr WiMiditrd and Mr Ferry willleave if lh it huim uu the return ofthe pray

Dr and Mr E K OvfrnV of Elma Iowa who have spent several

in the city the guests of MrsElizabeth Smith at 33 North Oakavenue left yesterday alterroon for ashort trip to Daytona and St Aa-gustlne before relaraing North Bothwere well pleased with Gainesville andexpressed desire to return her againDr Orerfleld is a prominent politician-of the Hawkeye State sad a great admiter of Cummins

Letter To Deans Barber SheGainesville

Deer Sir Youd strike It rub If yowcould Had a way to shave your suite

la lrs time for less feat sadmake the shave last twlee or threetimes as long

You wouldnt shave the personso many time or get so rash ef tilerosy bat the whole tows would betubing about you sal everybodywould core to you for a shave

Devoe is ezaetly thatin paints It takes fewer galleas aa4it wears looser Grata less for the jotand you deal have te do U Maim foryear sad years els yeas at least

Fewer gallon wears longerTakes fewer gallons to post a lociwith Devees than withtailed palate and it wears this

mixed paints orYours irmly

F W DeveeCo32 New York

j The S J Thorns Co oar paint

A tragedy oeearred at nho1lnwayrSunday night resulting in the mullingof one white aaaa and the kllllajr eanother Jack Smith The LiveOak Dally Deaaeerat They got latetrouble over a drink sad 8atlta drewhis knife and slashed his opponentaeresa the and aubarqaeatly eathim IB sight other plisse thewounded man drew his pistol and shotSmith three tinea in the ateaaaehbreast red eye Then Ssalth tonedend was shot IB the bask drop-ping dead No attests were and

The Florida House at MasUeoa waadestroyed by fire ea Toesdajr aBerainajThe Ire thaefrht te hare hecaSwissesby tke overturning ef a toaaa a theroar ef a g tft The halMiag via hiaired ferl OOaad owned






rrrtIUrn 1






lesd and siaey

dIrad and alae

leanertad eil






p ati


by George si




Trade Where Your Dollar

Goes the Farthest



Your Money Is NOT Ours

Until You Are


A CHANCE FOR THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFEA Three Days Sale of Household Furnishings an opportunity your needs inTABLE DAMASK NAPKINS SHEETS TOWELING BEDSPREADS SHEETINGS Etc that ought to appeal to you Note carefully prices quoted below

Shuts Pun CastsBtd Spreads

Tall Damask Tswals Craskssva-

loeR8Iach DAMASK worth



deri equal to Linen patterns


75c value


Pure Linen NAPKINS tomatch 125 value

Good COTTON TOWEL 5 cents each Pi-

18x90 HOCK TOWELtt tt-

22i FllIKGED COTTON TOWEL abargain

LINEN IIUCK TOWEL full size hemstiched


5c to 20c


sold at 76 Beau sox

72zfiO BLEACHED SHEETS a evalue

81i80 BLEACHED SHEETS a 79valoe-


PILLOW CASES full sizes t P-1012tftaea I4f IQ

RED SPREADS splendid valve at75c 85c 100 150 200 225

uMn of Household Linens is second to none It willthe MERCERIZED DAMASKS

be to your advantage to attest

W Hyde

0 rHere



25cI oC

7bc C

SOebfa iful 15c SSeBOe Extra

10Fell line CHSJl1S Yd75c




S I 00 Yd linnC

Ourthis Sale Ask to see

The G Company





58 Iaeh BLEACHED DA3lA8K 0 36c

Y kALL LINEN 40c atA




I-J r-



