JOHN PANTON CO. Has Made Great Preparations for a Usual Big Wednesday; Interesting Money-Saving Bargains SOME SNAPPY LADIES' SUITS AND DRESSES! cimp in by express Saturday. They are fur-trimmed, made of raracul cloth, or satin trim- med ; also velvet suit* amorist them Tunic and Chinese jacket effects. You can »ave from $1000 to $1200 bv buy- , uiR these from us Inspection solicited. Ladies' Underwear at a Great Saving (or Wednesday $2.50, »S 00 and IS 50 M«r oil* Wool Union Still*, «jie rial f»r Wedneaday, Orent value* tn wblta Mt<rlno, Hllkhhl»<>ol and Woolen I'nlon Still* lioth ri'nulor and eitra altea F\>r (he oiif day at fII.OK, Kngular Isc Kleeoed Cot- ton Veata and i*anla for woman. Itroken alira. uar ment. 15f. Ij»dle«' Veata, part wool, \u25a0Ilea 5 and 4; worth $1 00 a garment Special (or Wednaaday, .%o<\ $1.00 and #1.2» Un«>n Suits Mo Superior finish Fine flawed Indies' Union Hulta, regular elses, wortfi II 00, Ultra sites, $1 26. Two styles ? high n«">-k. lout sleereo; Dutch nm-k, elbow ilmvh Hult. NOf -or two suits for $|.?0. Heavy Union Sulta for Women $I.l# Klastin, heavy fleoced Union Hulta All sl*»-» Worth $1.60 a suit. Uor Wednesday. $|.|||. THE "BEING DROPPED" DEPARTMENTS ?ARE Being Pushed to Our Utmost. Further Cuts Are Being Made on Many Lines in Order to Effect a Speedy CLEARANCE! Shoes for Wednesday's Selling?for All Sizes of Feet?for Big or Little People! Women's Spats or Gaiters In bltrk tan. grmmn. blue. grny. MM f«r It.lo. Our price s»r Pro- ken iliu. A lot of black Gaiters, only Men's House Slippers In black kid; eoft and comfortable. Value to »2 00 No* $ | .*.v f1r»l quality. glov« - fttftn* ftubb«r« < S to It 11 21 taluM for IV, Another i(yU, mi<l« of l'«r« rubber. »lim 7 to 11 12 00 fftlUM for MM. A large shipment of Velvet Hats in smart shapes, elaborately trimmed with ostrich feathers in different colors. There are black, pink, blue, purple, green, tango, yellow, etc., to choose from. Some are trimmed with fancy ostrich feather stick-ups. Very special for $2.98 Wednesday and Thursday only. GIRLS' SHOES $1.98 JT\ Otrli' Shoe* In patent leather, Bun metal jf or tan; buttoned A fxxl ahoe for echool or 1 dreaey wear Kuan (o I Broken lot*. Formerly |S 60. Now $1.9 <4. C y Children's Shoes "Scuffers" Children* "Bcuffer" Hhoee. tf . . . , h«a*r Un elf. .1.-. 6to ?; H,, *r)r cMf "w** l - bottnne<l; buttoned H*le prlre M.IS. Un. $J<6o now (H. 7.%. Men's. Womooi *nd Children'* Tennl* Shoe* In broken elxe*; C»<- raluea, now 49f. Black or white. Boys' Shoes Black onljr. to t H Hroken *n«1 ? tylre. vr«*vy boi calf U "1 IIIt valuta for fi TRUMP HATS. VHUIES TP 512.50 Special lot Wednesday ami Thursday. Bedding Section Comforts $1.98 Extra at** Comfort* Rareralble ?tylaa Go i pattern * White cotton fining. ?2x7« Quilted Worth $1.50. Special $1 ft Comfort* $1.35 Urgt Comfort#. Good cotton filling Neat patterns, revare- lble ety!e» Maaeure 72*71 Hand tied Kit era value, $1 1" Blankets $1.87 100 palra of Oray Cotton fllanfcete. niz«" 73x10 Ki'ra quality Neat etrlped bordera. shell etltch»d adff* to match A t? 25 blanket, specially priced il 17. Blankets $1.09 150 pair* of Ciray Cotton filanketa. blue and pink Htrlped bordera. Hl*a $ox7s. Special price $1.09 Bedspreads $1.59 Whlt*» Crochet Hemmed. Maraellle* pattern* Flaa MxtO. Spe- cial price, fl f»t $2.98 Dainty Creamer and Sugars Values to 52.50, Now 98c Colonial C#iiihh Candlesticks. excep- tional values at 3i>c, now |s>o. Brown glazed pottery Tea PoU, plain or decorate. Value to 60c, now |»£. COLD CREAM tin Pond'a Rzt/act Cream, a»e. 200 Pond'a Rxtract Cream, ITe. 60a Madame le.t.eH'e Cream. .T3f. 60c Mary Garden ''ream. 3&o. Pompelan Meiange ''ram "Don't envy a good complexion. Una Pompelan and hava one." 610 value. now Me. Pond'« ICxtract Antl- naptio Cream, excellent for relief from aathma. hay fever, atc.; tor alse, now .I**., 25c atia, now ITc. Fourth Floor Bargains Art RtirUp. Inch*" wld«>. (fold. r«d. blu« and natural, yard |o<» Flgur#d Sllkollna, tnehw wid« Of. Nottingham Door Pinvla. whltn 10*. Franeta Nat Door Pan«la with d all lon c«>nt«r, whit* and Arabian 25*. Window Shadaa. InchM wldn. gray and tarra cottn. crimplHr, 25 * H«-at Opaque oil Window fihad«w. ;<H Inohoa wide and 7ft lon* H*at Maple color* C oni[ilotn, 6f»c value for 11 If* Nottingham I/ar* Curtain*. <W) Ischaa wlda. 3 yard* long. Coma In drapery «vr<i Pair !»*<?. FACE POWDERS 35c Java Rica Powder for '*£71 50c Ma/lama lahaU'a Powder for 3#^ f.ftc I»Jr»r Kta* Powder for ?!!£<* 25c Goaaamer Powder for 17^ F»oc ( hnrcneg Para Powder for -11)4* f>oo Carman Beauty Powdar for IMC Talcum Powders 15c Mabcock'* Cory lop*la, now lOf 25c Roger A Gallet flna Talcum, now. 1 Tooth Powders iCc Ilruftlntr'a Antl**ptln Tooth Powdnr . |o<> 25r Dentaluxo Tooth Powder, now | Metal Vanity Cases Mirror on covnr, box contain* Up rougo, rhock tlul. powder and puff I'rlco He SOAPS Roger * Gullet's fine scented Soaps, odors In cludo rose, violet, heli- otrope. sandalwood, etc. 350 cakes, now Klcaya Soap, 4f. val- ue, 21»<. livers' Arnroa, 75c cakes, now ftOf. Floratnye, 76c cakes, now 500. Colgate's 20c and 25c cakes, now tRf. 150 Urge can Col- gate's Mechanic Hoap Paste, Sf. Hand Painted China Bureau Sets Rose dentin* In pink or yellow, also some pretty Dresden effects Hem comprise |>owder Jar. h*lr r«< "Iver, pin tray and brush and comh tray. The** make attractive nnd useful Christmas «lft* $2 98 values *\u25a0 « |fc , $3.M values (. j'j- ss.oo values .'.XjseittN #6.60 vulu** II'I *7/1 $2.39 value* ];jj| NOTIONS ir>c Goff A ngnra Braid. fi yard holf - . 10c. Marey'a Hooka and Ryes, tubo , Ulaa Tl|t, 12 yardn for lijr- fa < 'ro» !<?) ior Milward'a NaadlM, pkg. ?«,. Mir Hnd Mir I»rt>an and Coat l'.iiftoni> Shoe l,ncnn. dozen I , 2f.r Hhon I,men. do/nn lo£ Mark or whlta Haatln* Thr<nd| doaeii Ironing Wax, doznn JOHN PANTON CO. STAR?TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1914. FAOK I 400-MILE BATTLE LINE AS IT IS TODAY GERMANS ONLY HALF TRAINED, LONDON SAYS LONDON. Nor S The allies In northern Trance and Relglum have been fighting offensively since Oc tober 20. the war information bu reau announced today. It was said a large proportion of the 'lertnana engaged In opposing them w*<re but half trained, and i that all were suffering terribly from lack of food. Accompanying the announcement that the allies had assumed tha ag greaslve, the bureau made public another of Its "eye witness " stories covering events In the western war ; tone up to October 26 Troops Are Brave The Cerman troops who hare been arriving at the front lately. It *>\u25a0 stated, though not fully train ?>d. have been fresh, courageous and have fought with much deter ml nation. Prisoners were quoted, however, '»s declaring the Teuton* heartily i*lck of the conflict "It I* now certain," said the re port, "that success will favor tho side popiK'stlng the most endurance nnd capable of flinging fresh re serves into the frsy from time to jtlme as they are badly needed" The transfer of the lirltlsh troops jfrtitn the vicinity of Paris to the ! seacoast to resist the Herman at IMk In that quarter was said to | have been accomplished without j loss or a hitch, the men moving 'noiselessly at night, and sometimes evacuating trenches only 100 yards from those occupied by the tier- mans without the tatter's know! ! edge. BALLOTING IN PORTLAND IS HEAVIEST YET PORT!-AND. Nov 3 Crowds at the polls when they opened pre saged the heaviest voting In the | history of the state J Interest In the campaign has i cent«red In the prohibition lawte. the United States senatorial con- test and the governorship WOMEN ARE WORKING HT l,Ot:iß, Nov g ?Fifteen con stltutlonal amendments wvj-n sub- mitted to the voters today More than a thousand women were out early hern to work for the passage of the suffrage amendment BRYAN FOR SUFTRAQE UNCO UN. Nov. 3.- Interest In 1 today's election is ceKered In the suffrage amendment Secretary of State Rryan closed ths* democratic campaign hero and indorsed the amendment. RECORD EARLY VOTE HAN FRANCISCO. Nor 3?A 1 record early vote was out in the state elertlon todny. Registrar %*\u25a0 mansky predicted ihat the vote In San Francisco will bo 180,000 out of a total registration of 1(1,000. Your Meat Bill? Is It Too Large? SHOP AT Frye & Co.'s Markets Thsy offer you rssl money- saving specials every day. For TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) They Are! ChoJos Steer f n | Pot Rosst 1 Z 2 C Choice Veal 1 o Chops IOC Choice Shoulder -| a Pork Roast JL iC Choice Steer Sirloin < Q Stesk IOC Choice Coin Pork nrv Chop Z.UC 4 cane Wild ey £* Rose Milk ZOC American Full -| q Cream Cheese IOC Look for U. 8. Purple Stamp. It signifies purity and quality 'he-* on«n until fi:2o p AMBASSADOR BEATEN AS HE QUITS RUSSIA PBTROGRAD, Nov. 3.? Farsddln Bey, the TurVlsh am- bsssidor here, left Petrograd with hit (tuff today after he had been assaulted by Russtsn employee of hi* own embaeey. Thn allies had previously reject ! »d the sultan's partial apology fur acta of hostility oommltt«d by Ot- toman warships sgslnst Russian porta ami Itlack sea shipping Hostilities apparently being In- evltable, the ambassador (»<n«n preparations to leave Tha Huaalan help at the embassy thereupon demsnded four months' arrears of pay. Farredln replied that It would be forthcoming whan the Turk* took Odessa. Tha at- tack followed One clerk a truck him on the Jaw. Police Won't Interfere The police ware tailed, but re j fused to Interfere Mem bar* of hla ataff finally suc- ceeded. however. In protecting the Inpartlng diplomat and tha party left by way of Finland shortly aft- erward. 'Russia." proclaimed a manifesto tha ctar Issued today, welcom- ing war with the lullan, "will reive thla fresh aggresak>n on the part of ancli<nt persecutor of the Christian peoples with trstiqulUlty. Thn Slavs will tneet the laaua with confidence, realizing that, with <k>d's help, their valiant arm tea will triumph axaln over tha Turk- lah horde* and punlah tha lnaolent foe* of tha Fatherland " Will Espel All Turks It waa expected that within a week an Imperial decree will he Issued expelling all Turk* from 1 Ktiaala The aultan'a apology took the form of ar. expre? »u>n of regret f«r j tha attack on Kuaala In the Rlack I aea and of an offer to withdraw hla fleet from those waters. The allies Instated, however, that i the (Soeben and Rreslsti be put out ; of commission until the end of the j war, that the tierman officers In j th<> Ottoman service be dlsmlsaed. and. accord! tin to some accounts thst the Turkish srtnv be demo- bilized Report Battle Imminent The Constantinople government .showed no signs of "acceding to these terms and Indeed It was doubted If the Turkish war party led by Enver Pasha, the war mln Ister. would even acquiesce In the apology. Heports wore current that the Russian Hla'k sea fleet wna al- resdy concentrated and awaiting the Turkish squadron's attack. Naval officer* expressed confi donee that the ctar's forces would ; win easily. POLICE MUST 0. K, LICENSE OF MASSEURS Reality and massage parlors where both men and women are accepted for treatment wUI have to take out licenses, or violate the provisions of an ordinance passed | Monday by the city council. Application for a license mußt be endorsed by the police depart I ment. hut In case# where the ap- , pllcant fools he haa been .ruled against unjustly by the department I he may appeal to the license com- mittee of council. The ordinance exempts from II- I cense requirements registered i nurses, physicians and barber i shops. Chief Griffiths believes the police will now have a weapon with which they can effectually regit- i late tho mnsaage parlors. Fifty members of the organlra | tlon formed at the Y. M. C. A. last ! Saturday night to guard against ; fraud at the polls wore sworn in Monday night as deputy sheriffs, and wore on guard at the polls , Tuesday. TKiS TGWH G3T ALL 1 .ONDON, Nov. K Shabats. Her via, ii.pl an unusual tlMFltnel Horn bard mont destroyed 2f>o build Ings, fire followed and razed many i more, then an earthquake knocked down others, and a band of o*i>ert thieves swooped down and looted every house,, and the climax canto : with thn Austrian*, who destroyed I the main church and killed many ! citizens. RKRUN, Nov ,1 five day ex I curslon Irlps through devastated 1 I Rnlglum are advertised lu tier ! j many. GERMAN GUNS HAMMER AWAY AT THE ALLIES PAR 18, Nov. 3.?The German# continued their amulta In tha auburba of Arraa. In the region weit of Lille, and along the front In Belgium throughout Monday night, and were (till hammering away at the alllea' line* today without material galna. Further aouth the Teutonic force* worn v«-ry active fibont Verdun. th«?lr Infantry making but an auc< le fill atlernpta araln mid nir.nl a to |i'-n«trat« th» line a<r»««iiln|[ the forta. Ilnrenl ndillil'iiia wore rnad« to Yh* terrific battle front of the Germans and allies, extending Into three nation*?Belgium, France snd Oermsny. On ths north Is ths tsrrl tory where the terrific maesscre of the Yser took plsce. The Vser Is a ?mall stream orlginstlng near Ypre* and finding the sea at Nleuport. The Germans are reported still very far Into France, st ihown on the map st Lasslgny. In the lower theatre of war the French are In German territory?Alsace-Lorraine. the French troops engaged there, and the renls'anie to the riermin arnsult* was highly effective. Know was hampering operations In Alsiice terrains and the Vosgr-1 Wounded soldiers were arriving In I'arls In thouaands Their In- jur!"* were, on the averare, more ?erioug than earlier In the war, many of those hurt at long range having been struck by shrapnel, and those who Buffered in the hand- to-band fighting ibowlng ghastly baronet wounds The Hermans have definitely abandoned all their positions on the left bank of the Yser, It was stated today In the Bordeaux war office * regular communication to the I'arl* public The allies are said to have oo- cupli-d their lines as fast as the Germans retired from them. SULTAN TO PUT MILLION MEN INTO THE FIELD LONDON. fVt. IT (By mall to New York. I?lf Turkey enters the war It w'll bring to the Teutonic allies' aid a formidable army and a navy which, though small. In- cludes several really serviceable small fighting vessels. The sultan * army, on a war foot- ing. numbers at least 1,000,000. Tlielr poor showing In the Balkan war was attributed by au- thorities to the breakdown of the officer*' corps ar.d to the complete lack of organization, and not to any lack of courage or efficiency among the rank and file. Kcalltlng the Turk*' previous weakness, the Germans have al- ready sent more than 800 officers to tske charge of the Ottoman forces llefore the addition of the Ger- man cruisers Goeben and Breslau, the snltsn's navy consisted of three old battleships, two small < rulscrs, eight destroyers, three torpedo boats, and nine torpedo gunboat* LONDON, Nov S. A crack shot kept the llrltlnh trenches In an up- roar of merriment during n battle M# picked off only officers, and every time he got one he Jumped up In gliH- mid shouted. In a peculiar tone. "Got 'tall" MOORE 2 g££ Tonight #1 oo- lli«ri(itln MM. Wn.Vio4.hr?ll on MR. NAT C. GOODWIN In tl»«» Nrw > nrk unit London Nurrmi "NEVER SAY DIE" Nlghta. Me. 75c. fl 00. fl.fiO. TIVOLI THEATRE" \l- I'M /I |{ I lie i.lunl lil(r llopr In Spurring Kxtilhltlon*. And th« inunl.nl oomcdjr hit ?t»ii: iir.i i i or iiomov Mntlnrr 2:1/ V?.V a U «I 10c. Mailt* ? 7:1 A and 1*?Iflc nnd *&c. Tti<*«dtt.v, Ituu tlii unit Amateur Night. Any >n»it' I Ac. PANTAGES MUSICAL CLACXSMiTHS BILLY'S TOMBSTONE Willi I tluitr A. Kl,i Jt 4a. 10t> uud JOc GIVE RESCUER A GUP Ho hungry that s«*a frail tasted Ilk« chicken wan the condition of the survivors of the Karluk, on Wrange 11, before they were ru- cued, declares T. \V. Maurer, fire- man from the lost vessel, who, with Krnest F, Chafe. passed through Se- al lie Monday, and presented Capt Olaf Swenson, of the King & Wlnge, with a sliver cup. It wm ('apt. Swenson and his crew that rescued the survivor*. CASCARETS FOR COSTIVE BOWELS, HEADACHE, COLDS Get a 10-cent boi now. Turn the 'rascal* out ?the head- ache, biliousness, Indigestion, the \u25a0Irk. sour stomach and bad cold* turn them out tonight and keep them out with Ca*earet*. Million* of men and women take a Csscsret now and th< n and never know the misery caused by a lasy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Don't put In another day of dis- tress. t'aaoareta cleanse toot stomal h. remove the aour, feriueat- Ing food; take the eicesa bile from yotir liver and carry out all the con- stipated waste matter and poison In the bowels. Then yon will feel great A Cascaret tonight straighten* you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent bog from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and cleaJl, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Children love Cascvet* because they never gripe or sicken. (OMINO TOMOKJUW THE UNDERWORLD OF PARIS At the City Theatre ADMIHMOX 10c A M USE M E N T S Seattle Theatre Tha f<mlllp rU)Nn In "Just Why She Lied" Tonight 26c. 60c. 750 MATINKW Tomorrow 250 Marcus Quality Vaudeville Loew's ??!''<! AITH?? ' w s ?? rilllTKri.AVH?? Empress mats, i.ooo heats Sundays nnd i iicaire ?icpt.a. tO«> Mat* lOr nnd Iftrj Might* 10c. Iftc. 90c. ~NAVY YARD ROUTE Ntcainer* 11. II Kranrdy and Touriat I «or« Oolmtn l>ock. Seattla. « so (ax rapt Sunday), 1.00. 10 SO a m . 1:10, I 00. . «>j't Sunday Sunday 2 10>. no p « Saturday, 11 4| p m II «' tahla >übj«t t to Chang* without not Ira l*hon» Matin 3101. l'ricp imk Kuan* THy

I AS IT JOHN PANTON CO. IS...Colgate's 20c and 25c cakes, now tRf. 150 Urge can Col-gate's Mechanic Hoap Paste, Sf. Hand Painted China Bureau Sets Rose dentin* In pink or yellow, also

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Page 1: I AS IT JOHN PANTON CO. IS...Colgate's 20c and 25c cakes, now tRf. 150 Urge can Col-gate's Mechanic Hoap Paste, Sf. Hand Painted China Bureau Sets Rose dentin* In pink or yellow, also

JOHN PANTON CO.Has Made Great Preparations for a Usual BigWednesday; Interesting Money-Saving Bargains

SOME SNAPPYLADIES' SUITSAND DRESSES!cimp in by express Saturday.They are fur-trimmed, made

of raracul cloth, or satin trim-

med ; also velvet suit* amoristthem Tunic and Chinesejacket effects. You can »avefrom $1000 to $1200 bv buy-

, uiR these from us Inspectionsolicited.

Ladies' Underwear at a GreatSaving (or Wednesday

$2.50, »S 00 and IS 50 M«roil* Wool Union Still*, «jie

rial f»r Wedneaday,

Orent value* tn wbltaMt<rlno, Hllkhhl»<>ol andWoolen I'nlon Still* liothri'nulor and eitra altea F\>r

(he oiif day at fII.OK,Kngular Isc Kleeoed Cot-

ton Veata and i*anla forwoman. Itroken alira. uarment. 15f.

Ij»dle«' Veata, part wool,\u25a0Ilea 5 and 4; worth $1 00

a garment Special (or

Wednaaday, .%o<\

$1.00 and #1.2» Un«>n SuitsMo

Superior finish Fineflawed Indies' Union Hulta,

regular elses, wortfi II 00,

Ultra sites, $1 26. Twostyles ? high n«">-k. loutsleereo; Dutch nm-k, elbow

ilmvh Hult. NOf -or two

suits for $|.?0.

Heavy Union Sulta for

Women $I.l#

Klastin, heavy fleocedUnion Hulta All sl*»-»Worth $1.60 a suit. UorWednesday. $|.|||.

THE "BEING DROPPED" DEPARTMENTS?ARE Being Pushed to Our Utmost. Further Cuts Are Being Madeon Many Lines in Order to Effect a Speedy CLEARANCE!Shoes for Wednesday's Selling?for AllSizes of Feet?for Big or Little People!

Women's Spats orGaiters

In bltrk tan. grmmn. blue.grny. MM f«rIt.lo. Our price s»r Pro-ken iliu.

A lot of black Gaiters,only

Men's HouseSlippers

In black kid; eoft andcomfortable. Value to

»2 00 No* $ | .*.v

f1r»lquality. glov« - fttftn*ftubb«r« < S to It11 21 taluM for IV,

Another i(yU, mi<l«of l'«r« rubber. »lim 7to 11 12 00 fftlUM forMM.

A large shipment of Velvet Hats in smart shapes, elaborately trimmedwith ostrich feathers in different colors. There are black, pink, blue, purple,green, tango, yellow, etc., to choose from. Some are trimmed with fancyostrich feather stick-ups. Very special for $2.98 Wednesday and Thursdayonly.

GIRLS' SHOES $1.98 JT\Otrli' Shoe* In patent leather, Bun metal jf

or tan; buttoned A fxxl ahoe for echool or 1dreaey wear Kuan (o I Broken lot*.Formerly |S 60. Now $1.9 <4. C y

Children's Shoes "Scuffers"Children* "Bcuffer" Hhoee. tf . . . ,

h«a*r Un elf. .1.-. 6to ?;H,,*r)r cMf "w**l- bottnne<l;

buttoned H*le prlre M.IS. Un. $J<6o now (H.7.%.

Men's. Womooi *ndChildren'* Tennl* Shoe*

In broken elxe*; C»<-

raluea, now 49f. Blackor white.

Boys' ShoesBlack onljr. to

t H Hroken *n«1? tylre. vr«*vy boi calf

U "1 IIIt valuta forfi

TRUMP HATS. VHUIES TP 512.50Special lot Wednesday ami Thursday.

Bedding SectionComforts $1.98

Extra at** Comfort* Rareralble?tylaa Go i pattern * White cottonfining. ?2x7« Quilted Worth$1.50. Special $1 ft

Comfort* $1.35Urgt Comfort#. Good

cotton filling Neat patterns, revare-lble ety!e» Maaeure 72*71 Hand tiedKit era value, $1 1"

Blankets $1.87100 palra of Oray Cotton fllanfcete.

niz«" 73x10 Ki'ra quality Neat etrlpedbordera. shell etltch»d adff* to matchA t? 25 blanket, specially priced il 17.

Blankets $1.09150 pair* of Ciray Cotton filanketa.

blue and pink Htrlped bordera. Hl*a$ox7s. Special price $1.09

Bedspreads $1.59Whlt*» Crochet Hemmed.

Maraellle* pattern* Flaa MxtO. Spe-

cial price, fl f»t


Dainty Creamer and SugarsValues to 52.50, Now 98c

Colonial C#iiihh Candlesticks. excep-

tional values at 3i>c, now |s>o.

Brown glazed pottery Tea PoU,plain or decorate. Value to 60c,now |ȣ.

COLD CREAMtin Pond'a Rzt/act

Cream, a»e.200 Pond'a Rxtract

Cream, ITe.60a Madame le.t.eH'e

Cream. .T3f.

60c Mary Garden''ream. 3&o.

Pompelan Meiange''ram "Don't envy agood complexion. Una

Pompelan and havaone." 610 value. now Me.

Pond'« ICxtract Antl-naptio Cream, excellentfor relief from aathma.hay fever, atc.; tor alse,now .I**., 25c atia, nowITc.

Fourth FloorBargains

Art RtirUp. J« Inch*" wld«>. (fold.r«d. blu« and natural, yard |o<»

Flgur#d Sllkollna, S« tnehw wid«Of.

Nottingham Door Pinvla. whltn10*.

Franeta Nat Door Pan«la withd all lon c«>nt«r, whit* and Arabian25*.

Window Shadaa. 3« InchM wldn.gray and tarra cottn. crimplHr, 25 *

H«-at Opaque oil Window fihad«w. ;<HInohoa wide and 7ft lon* H*at Maplecolor* C oni[ilotn, 6f»c value for 11 If*

Nottingham I/ar* Curtain*. <W) Ischaawlda. 3 yard* long. Coma In drapery«vr<i Pair !»*<?.

FACE POWDERS35c Java Rica Powder for '*£7150c Ma/lama lahaU'a Powder for 3#^f.ftc I»Jr»r Kta* Powder for ?!!£<*25c Goaaamer Powder for 17^F»oc ( hnrcneg Para Powder for -11)4*f>oo Carman Beauty Powdar for IMC

Talcum Powders15c Mabcock'* Cory lop*la, now lOf25c Roger A Gallet flna Talcum, now. 1

Tooth PowdersiCc Ilruftlntr'a Antl**ptlnTooth Powdnr . |o<>25r Dentaluxo Tooth Powder, now |

Metal Vanity CasesMirror on covnr, box contain* Up rougo, rhocktlul. powder and puff I'rlco He

SOAPSRoger * Gullet's fine

scented Soaps, odors Includo rose, violet, heli-otrope. sandalwood, etc.350 cakes, now

Klcaya Soap, 4f. val-

ue, 21»<.livers' Arnroa, 75c

cakes, now ftOf.Floratnye, 76c cakes,

now 500.Colgate's 20c and 25c

cakes, now tRf.150 Urge can Col-

gate's Mechanic HoapPaste, Sf.

Hand Painted China Bureau SetsRose dentin* In pink or yellow, also some pretty

Dresden effects Hem comprise |>owder Jar. h*lrr«< "Iver, pin tray and brush and comh tray. The**make attractive nnd useful Christmas «lft*$2 98 values *\u25a0 « |fc ,

$3.M values (. j'j-ss.oo values .'.XjseittN#6.60 vulu** II'I*7/1$2.39 value* ];jj|

NOTIONSir>c Goff A ngnra Braid. fi yard holf - .

10c. Marey'a Hooka and Ryes, tubo ,

Ulaa Tl|t, 12 yardn for lijr-fa < 'ro» !<?) ior Milward'a NaadlM, pkg. ?«,.Mir Hnd Mir I»rt>an and Coat l'.iiftoni>Shoe l,ncnn. dozen I ,2f.r Hhon I,men. do/nn lo£Mark or whlta Haatln* Thr<nd| doaeiiIroning Wax, doznn






northern Trance and Relglum havebeen fighting offensively since October 20. the war information bureau announced today.

It was said a large proportion ofthe 'lertnana engaged In opposingthem w*<re but half trained, and

i that all were suffering terribly fromlack of food.

Accompanying the announcementthat the allies had assumed tha aggreaslve, the bureau made publicanother of Its "eye witness " storiescovering events In the western war

; tone up to October 26Troops Are Brave

The Cerman troops who harebeen arriving at the front lately. It*>\u25a0 stated, though not fully train?>d. have been fresh, courageousand have fought with much determl nation.

Prisoners were quoted, however,'»s declaring the Teuton* heartilyi*lck of the conflict

"It I* now certain," said the report, "that success will favor thoside popiK'stlng the most endurancennd capable of flinging fresh reserves into the frsy from time to

jtlme as they are badly needed"The transfer of the lirltlsh troops

jfrtitn the vicinity of Paris to the! seacoast to resist the Herman atIMk In that quarter was said to

| have been accomplished withoutj loss or a hitch, the men moving'noiselessly at night, and sometimesevacuating trenches only 100 yardsfrom those occupied by the tier-mans without the tatter's know!

! edge.



the polls when they opened presaged the heaviest voting In the

| history of the state

J Interest In the campaign hasi cent«red In the prohibition lawte.the United States senatorial con-test and the governorship

WOMEN ARE WORKINGHT l,Ot:iß, Nov g ?Fifteen con

stltutlonal amendments wvj-n sub-mitted to the voters today Morethan a thousand women were outearly hern to work for the passageof the suffrage amendment


UNCO UN. Nov. 3.- Interest In1 today's election is ceKered In thesuffrage amendment Secretary ofState Rryan closed ths* democraticcampaign hero and indorsed theamendment.


1 record early vote was out in thestate elertlon todny. Registrar %*\u25a0mansky predicted ihat the vote InSan Francisco will bo 180,000 outof a total registration of 1(1,000.

Your Meat Bill?Is It Too Large?


Frye &Co.'sMarkets

Thsy offer you rssl money-saving specials every day. ForTOMORROW (WEDNESDAY)

They Are!ChoJos Steer f n |Pot Rosst 1 Z 2 CChoice Veal 1 oChops IOCChoice Shoulder -| aPork Roast JL iCChoice Steer Sirloin < QStesk IOCChoice Coin Pork nrvChop Z.UC4 cane Wild ey £*Rose Milk ZOCAmerican Full -| qCream Cheese IOCLook for U. 8. Purple Stamp.

It signifies purity and quality'he-* on«n until fi:2o p



Farsddln Bey, the TurVlsh am-

bsssidor here, left Petrogradwith hit (tuff today after hehad been assaulted by Russtsnemployee of hi* own embaeey.Thn allies had previously reject

! »d the sultan's partial apology furacta of hostility oommltt«d by Ot-toman warships sgslnst Russianporta ami Itlack sea shipping

Hostilities apparently being In-evltable, the ambassador (»<n«n

preparations to leaveTha Huaalan help at the embassy

thereupon demsnded four months'arrears of pay. Farredln repliedthat It would be forthcoming whanthe Turk* took Odessa. Tha at-tack followed One clerk a truckhim on the Jaw.

Police Won't InterfereThe police ware tailed, but re

j fused to InterfereMem bar* of hla ataff finally suc-

ceeded. however. In protecting theInpartlng diplomat and tha partyleft by way of Finland shortly aft-erward.

'Russia." proclaimed a manifestotha ctar Issued today, welcom-ing war with the lullan, "will r»reive thla fresh aggresak>n on thepart of ancli<nt persecutor of theChristian peoples with trstiqulUlty.Thn Slavs will tneet the laaua withconfidence, realizing that, with<k>d's help, their valiant arm teawill triumph axaln over tha Turk-lah horde* and punlah tha lnaolentfoe* of tha Fatherland "

Will Espel All TurksIt waa expected that within a

week an Imperial decree will heIssued expelling all Turk* from

1 KtiaalaThe aultan'a apology took the

form of ar. expre? »u>n of regret f«rj tha attack on Kuaala In the Rlack

I aea and of an offer to withdrawhla fleet from those waters.

The allies Instated, however, thati the (Soeben and Rreslsti be put out; of commission until the end of thej war, that the tierman officers Inj th<> Ottoman service be dlsmlsaed.and. accord! tin to some accountsthst the Turkish srtnv be demo-bilized

Report Battle ImminentThe Constantinople government

.showed no signs of "acceding tothese terms and Indeed It wasdoubted If the Turkish war partyled by Enver Pasha, the war mlnIster. would even acquiesce In theapology.

Heports wore current that theRussian Hla'k sea fleet wna al-resdy concentrated and awaitingthe Turkish squadron's attack.

Naval officer* expressed confidonee that the ctar's forces would

; win easily.


Reality and massage parlorswhere both men and women areaccepted for treatment wUI haveto take out licenses, or violate theprovisions of an ordinance passed

| Monday by the city council.Application for a license mußt

be endorsed by the police departI ment. hut In case# where the ap-

, pllcant fools he haa been .ruledagainst unjustly by the department

I he may appeal to the license com-mittee of council.

The ordinance exempts from II-I cense requirements registeredi nurses, physicians and barberi shops.

Chief Griffiths believes the policewill now have a weapon withwhich they can effectually regit-

i late tho mnsaage parlors.Fifty members of the organlra

| tlon formed at the Y. M. C. A. last! Saturday night to guard against; fraud at the polls wore sworn in

Monday night as deputy sheriffs,and wore on guard at the polls

, Tuesday.

TKiS TGWH G3T ALL1 .ONDON, Nov. K Shabats. Her

via, ii.pl an unusual tlMFltnelHorn bard mont destroyed 2f>o buildIngs, fire followed and razed many

i more, then an earthquake knockeddown others, and a band of o*i>ertthieves swooped down and lootedevery house,, and the climax canto

: with thn Austrian*, who destroyedI the main church and killed many! citizens.

RKRUN, Nov ,1 five day exI curslon Irlps through devastated 1I Rnlglum are advertised lu tier !j many.


PAR 18, Nov. 3.?The German#continued their amulta In thaauburba of Arraa. In the regionweit of Lille, and along thefront In Belgium throughoutMonday night, and were (till

hammering away at the alllea'line* today without materialgalna.Further aouth the Teutonic force*

worn v«-ry active fibont Verdun. th«?lrInfantry making but anauc< l e fill atlernpta araln mid nir.nl ato |i'-n«trat« th» line a<r»««iiln|[ theforta.

Ilnrenl ndillil'iiia wore rnad« to

Yh* terrific battle front of theGermans and allies, extending Intothree nation*?Belgium, France sndOermsny. On ths north Is ths tsrrltory where the terrific maesscre ofthe Yser took plsce. The Vser Is a?mall stream orlginstlng near Ypre*and finding the sea at Nleuport.The Germans are reported still veryfar Into France, st ihown on themap st Lasslgny. In the lowertheatre of war the French are InGerman territory?Alsace-Lorraine.

the French troops engaged there,and the renls'anie to the rierminarnsult* was highly effective.

Know was hampering operationsIn Alsiice terrains and the Vosgr-1

Wounded soldiers were arrivingIn I'arls In thouaands Their In-jur!"* were, on the averare, more?erioug than earlier In the war,many of those hurt at long rangehaving been struck by shrapnel,and those who Buffered in the hand-to-band fighting ibowlng ghastlybaronet wounds

The Hermans have definitelyabandoned all their positions onthe left bank of the Yser, It wasstated today In the Bordeaux waroffice * regular communication tothe I'arl* public

The allies are said to have oo-cupli-d their lines as fast as theGermans retired from them.


LONDON. fVt. IT (By mall toNew York. I?lf Turkey enters thewar It w'll bring to the Teutonicallies' aid a formidable army anda navy which, though small. In-cludes several really serviceablesmall fighting vessels.

The sultan * army, on a war foot-ing. numbers at least 1,000,000.

Tlielr poor showing In theBalkan war was attributed by au-thorities to the breakdown of theofficer*' corps ar.d to the completelack of organization, and not toany lack of courage or efficiencyamong the rank and file.

Kcalltlng the Turk*' previousweakness, the Germans have al-ready sent more than 800 officersto tske charge of the Ottomanforces

llefore the addition of the Ger-man cruisers Goeben and Breslau,the snltsn's navy consisted ofthree old battleships, two small< rulscrs, eight destroyers, threetorpedo boats, and nine torpedogunboat*

LONDON, Nov S. A crack shotkept the llrltlnh trenches In an up-roar of merriment during n battleM# picked off only officers, andevery time he got one he Jumped upIn gliH- mid shouted. In a peculiartone. "Got 'tall"

MOORE 2 g££ Tonight#1 oo- lli«ri(itln MM. Wn.Vio4.hr?ll on

MR. NAT C. GOODWINIn tl»«» Nrw > nrk unit London Nurrmi

"NEVER SAY DIE"Nlghta. Me. 75c. fl 00. fl.fiO.

TIVOLI THEATRE"\l- I'M /I |{ I lie i.lunl lil(r llopr

In Spurring Kxtilhltlon*.And th« inunl.nl oomcdjr hit?t»ii: iir.i i i or iiomov

Mntlnrr 2:1/ V?.V a U«I 10c. Mailt*?7:1 A and 1*?Iflc nnd *&c.

Tti<*«dtt.v, Ituu tliiunit Amateur Night.Any >n»it' I Ac.


Willi I tluitr A. Kl,i Jt 4a.10t> uud JOc

GIVE RESCUER A GUPHo hungry that s«*a frail tasted

Ilk« chicken wan the condition ofthe survivors of the Karluk, onWrange 11, before they were ru-cued, declares T. \V. Maurer, fire-man from the lost vessel, who, withKrnest F, Chafe. passed through Se-al lie Monday, and presented CaptOlaf Swenson, of the King & Wlnge,with a sliver cup.

It wm ('apt. Swenson and hiscrew that rescued the survivor*.


Get a 10-cent boi now.Turn the 'rascal* out?the head-

ache, biliousness, Indigestion, the\u25a0Irk. sour stomach and bad cold*

turn them out tonight and keepthem out with Ca*earet*.

Million* of men and women takea Csscsret now and th< n and neverknow the misery caused by a lasyliver, clogged bowels, or an upsetstomach.

Don't put In another day of dis-tress. t'aaoareta cleanse tootstomal h. remove the aour, feriueat-Ing food; take the eicesa bile fromyotir liver and carry out all the con-stipated waste matter and poisonIn the bowels. Then yon will feelgreat

A Cascaret tonight straighten*you out by morning. They workwhile you sleep. A 10-cent bog

from any drug store means a clearhead, sweet stomach and cleaJl,healthy liver and bowel action formonths. Children love Cascvet*because they never gripe or sicken.



OF PARISAt the City Theatre



Seattle TheatreTha f<mlllp rU)Nn In

"Just Why She Lied"Tonight 26c. 60c. 750MATINKW Tomorrow 250

Marcus Quality VaudevilleLoew's ??!''<! AITH??' w s

?? rilllTKri.AVH??Empress mats, i.ooo heats

Sundays nndiiicaire ?icpt.a. tO«>

Mat* lOr nnd Iftrj Might* 10c. Iftc. 90c.

~NAVY YARD ROUTENtcainer* 11. II Kranrdy and Touriat

I «or« Oolmtn l>ock. Seattla. « so (axraptSunday), 1.00. 10 SO a m . 1:10, I 00.. «>j't Sunday Sunday 2 10>. no p «Saturday, 11 4| p m

II «' tahla >übj«t t to Chang* withoutnot Iral*hon» Matin 3101. l'ricp imk Kuan* THy