I Am Celestina and I Love You Conversations with Celestina 2013-2015 I Am Celestina and I Love You Conversations with Celestina 2013-2015

I Am Celestina and I Love You - Amazon Web Services · world at the present time. A Message from Celestina 2.16.13. ... This is also likened to exploring past lives. This information

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I Am Celestina and I Love You

Conversations with Celestina 2013-2015

I Am Celestina and I Love You

Conversations with Celestina 2013-2015

I am Celestina and I Love You

Conversations with Celestina 2013-2015

Irma K. Sawyer

The contents of this document and the Celestina Conversations are copyrighted material from Irma Kaye Sawyer. ©2015 Please do not use or duplicate without permission. Thank you. Celestina Auric Field art by Alex Fitch.

~WELCOME~Hello friends. Celestina is an angel of the Healing Ray who is in charge of clearing shame and guilt from human beings.

It’s been a great blessing to work with her energies that are an interesting mix of being very powerful, yet loving and deeply compassionate.

May you be blessed by the guidance she shared with us here.

A word also that a personal activation to her energies is available in the e-store of my website. Thank you.

Bright Blessings,Irma Kaye

Many people who find themselves on the other receiving

end of attacks; verbal, emotional and/or psychic are

actually “Earth Angels” and other types of Light workers

who have agreed to transmute negativity as an aspect

of collective karma. You can look to your own lives for

evidence of Divine Intervention so to speak, and also

protection. (i.e. near-death experiences and also recovery

from serious illness or injury.)

It is only in linear mind that labels people or events as

shameful. Those that carry deep leve ls of shame or guilt

themselves often seek to “off load” it onto others, often

unconsciously. Fee ling of unworthiness or being “cut off ”

from Source Energy, or being unloved and the deep shame

associated with it is one of the most pervasive illusions of

3D existence. The be lief that somehow you are “less than,”

and therefore undeserving of Source Love. From our

understanding, this is about as far away from the Truth

of the matter as can be experienced. We understand that

on one leve l perhaps it is a bit confusing to fee l like a ship

tossed about on the stormy seas of life ’s experiences, and

also hold the knowledge that you are deeply loved and not

alone, yet this is the truth. There is no death beloveds,

as many of you are growing to understand. Your earthly

life however long or short it may be in any particular

incarnation, is precious.

A Message from Celestina2.15.13

For those struggling with fee lings of shame and guilt, we

invite you to drop them. When doing a personal inventory,

please do take note of actions that perhaps forgiveness

work (of se lf and/others,) may be indicated; and also

take note of a sense of shame that has no known origin or

connection to others. This is very like ly part of the “piece”

that you have been carrying to transmute through your

life ’s experience. It is our hope and intention that reading

these words and fee ling our transmission will serve as a

support for you to set your burden down, dear ones. You

have done so very well in your task .

So the question posed was “How do you drop the shame

and heal the split?” Meditate upon the ONE. Venture to

the place where all duality and opposites find their rest.

In the deepest recesses of the Divine Heart there is a place

that be longs to you, and to you alone. There is a reason

why “Prodigal Son/Daughter ” tales resonate so deeply as

truth, as they symbolize the Journey Home. Tend to your

own awakening while having compassion for others. There

was a moment in time where you did not know the truth

of your be-ing as you do now, and your presence alone can

be a powerful example. As many wise teachers have said,

the greatest gift you can offer another is your own presence

and current awareness. As you continue to embody greater

amounts of light and love-wisdom, the blessing of your life

becomes greater and deeper.

A Message from Celestina2.15.13

To step into your full spiritual potential in the New

Earth Energies you must have “new eyes” to drop the

preconceptions that have been based on past experiences.

That is also why the heart of the NOW moment is such

a powerful place to be. It is a place of peace and childlike

innocence. It is new, fresh and without prejudice, and it

is always available to you. Negativity and false views

have been ingrained by conditioning, habit and repetition.

Call upon the angels and your own helpers for assistance,

healing and to further drop veils to divine wisdom and


To become free of these things is a discipline and spiritual

exercise. It is also likened to learning a new language. This

is the year (2013) that for many of you will fee l a “click ,”

a sense of many things falling into place for you. Many

aspects of your journey that up until now did not make

sense, will begin to. The patterns will be made clear.

I am Celestina and I love you.

~Celestina, 2.15.13

A Message from Celestina2.15.13

Beloveds, we see that further into 2013 it will be easier to

“unhook” yourselves from the dreamlike, il lusory aspect

of the world. Though some of the passing scenes appear

threatening, in through they are as tangible as air in the

grand scheme of things. This is not to suggest to not offer

assistance and guidance to your brethren as you are able,

but also to remember the unreal nature of the world.

Bless your Family of Origin for serving as your guru

(light-revealer,) and greatest teacher. For many of you

are now in a rather “dry” place regarding them. You have

dropped the anger which is very positive, but may not

exactly be fee ling “warm and fuzzy” towards them. This is

perfectly okay.

Allow yourself to be exactly where you are in the moment,

as soon enough the moment will change again. You have

passed through a long and in many cases, arduous


We see that in your Year of the Snake (2013) you will be

consolidating forces, especially of a personal nature, and

also assessing how you can be the most effective in the

world at the present time.

A Message from Celestina2.16.13

Regarding members of your Family of Origin or others

that may still be re lating to you in a 3D manner (control

dynamics, manipulation, etc.) you are welcome to connect

with them on a higher dimensional leve l. Everyone that you

may encounter has a higher-dimensional aspect, even if

they are not currently manifesting it.

Do not be surprised if you see a change in these beings,

and in the “ Family Dynamic” itse lf by holding to your own

truth and center. If you find yourself in resistance to this

exercise; imagine yourself connecting to a high, non-linear

soul leve l, as opposed to a limited, personality leve l. Just

as you are not your own limited personality, gender, and

beliefs ultimately, neither are they.

Again, unhook from the conditioning and beliefs that

may have been impacted through your experiences and

treatment by them. It is in the NOW moment, where you

are safe and you are free.

At first, if you are remaining in love and not participating

in the old games, you may be perceived as cold or

uncaring, but you are well aware that this is not the truth

of the matter.

A Message from Celestina2.16.13

One of the most important shifts that you are

currently experiencing, is to drop the re lationship of

your own value and se lf-worth to the opinions of

others. You now have the growing knowledge that it

takes an awakening being to truly *see* you without

the filter of their own value judgments and opinions

to obstruct the view.

Relationships just like you, are currently undergoing

a revolutionary healing process. All is well.

I am Celestina and I love you.

~Celestina 2.16.13

A Message from Celestina2.16.13

To hold onto the hurtful or negative actions of others is to

continue to give them *reality* and also power.

This is not to imply that certain actions or events did not

in fact occur, but to free you up from the harm associated

with them. Shame and guilt are ways that the truth of

your being has been hidden from you, and a part of the

disconnected aspect of 3D reality has supported very well.

We refer to this as part of the “Great Forgetting,” that

occurred when you became embodied here. As part of your

return to the great Celestial Heart is to offer forgiveness

for everyone; including yourselves, and to hold fast to the

Truth and Light of your being that eradicates all il lusion.

This is the deeper meaning of “ Forgive them Father/Mother,

they know not what they do.” This is not to be said in a

sense of superiority or judgment over others; but with the

knowledge that beings are at different leve ls of their own

understanding, and that there once was a time when you

also may have experienced a lack thereof.

It is true that just a slight movement of mind is needed

to be in a receptive state of forgiveness, but the road that

paves the way for mind may be arduous, as it enjoys to

“keep score,” but this does not have to be so necessarily.

A Message from Celestina2.18.13

Just as you are not defined by your negative actions,

ultimately you are not defined by your positive actions

either. Positive actions however, are a true ref lection of

Source Divinity within you, while negative actions are not.

From a certain view there is no definitive positive or

negative, there is only being. Of course, there is karma that

is created from all volitional action, which is why “right

view,” and positive intentions are important.

To wonder “why” certain events or experiences have

occurred is another aspect of Mind that is constantly

judging, comparing and analyzing for its comfort. Another

powerful aspect of freedom is the freedom to simply BE.

Would it really matter all that much to “get to the bottom

of things?”

For Mind perhaps, but to the Soul, it is not essential


There are times in Akashic/Soul leve l healing work when

causation may be revealed to assist in the cleansing and

healing process. This is also likened to exploring past lives.

This information is often best utilized in a “need to know”

manner, though this may appear frustrating to Mind

which is endlessly curious about such matters.

A Message from Celestina2.18.13

The Divine Self rests in eternity without gender, name or

form. It has taken a physical form as you for a time. To

best honor the Soul and your essential Self is to forgive

ALL . As in, holding close to the unreality of the physical

world for any kind of ultimate or personalized definition.

The way out so to speak, of hurt fee lings and emotional

suffering is to understand this: to stop being defined by

your past experiences. Ask to be shown the truth of who

you are, and it shall be granted unto you.

I am Celestina and I love you. – 2.18.13

A Message from Celestina2.18.13

Heart Healing Meditation & Transmission

1) Go into your Heart Chakra center.

2) Visualize a Golden Key (or simply intend this if you are not a visual person.)

3) Imagine that this Key unlocks the deepest doorway to your Celestial Heart. This action produces tangible Grace and eradicates all Fear.

4) Breathe into your Heart space, intending that your Heart is now aligned with the Heart of all creation. All friends, all foes, all sentient beings are here. Feel the Rose Pink and Golden Rays imbue your entire being with their Love, Light and Freedom.

No one is against you and all are ONE with you. You are Love itself. You are free.

I am Celestina and I love you. – 2.18.13

A Message from Celestina2.18.13

It does not have to be complicated, and is quite simple really. If you have done harm to another in the past; offer remorse (not guilt,) for your actions, in a spirit of setting things right once again. If you have been harmed by another, offer them compassion and unconditional love, re leasing all resentment from your being. They may or may not accept this and in truth, this is really not of your concern. It is the spirit and intention of your desire that matters most. Shanti.

~ The Keepers, 2.1.13

I ’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. – Ho’oponopono Cleansing Mantra

A Message from The Keepers2.1.13

Q: Celestina, you have given us many wonderful teachings

in the past about how to heal from our FOO (family of

origin.) In this important time it seems more vital than

ever to get free of false programming about ourselves,

especially patterning absorbed in our childhoods. What

can you share with us today? Thank you.

A: Dear ones, what I would like to share with you today

is about what is called the “filter ” of fear. In the coming

energies and time it is essential to have a stronger

orientation towards love than of fear. This is definite ly


As you align with the higher frequencies and clear

yourselves of limiting influences, your own filter or view

becomes more accurate.

One thing that may be he lpful to remember, is that the

majority of your family members are working under

these same pervasive influences and are doing the best

that they can. In these times you may see separation

and estrangements on the increase.

This is to due to the current energies and again, your

primary orientation. It is becoming more uncomfortable

and less useful for you to go where you are not entire ly

accepted and loved. In many instances, your old

A Message from Celestina8.5.15

contracts or agreements with these individuals are over.

See the great teachings that have been presented to you

with further opportunities for you to awaken to greater


Continue to let go of fear and all of its allies (i.e.

rejection, harsh judgments, prejudice, pain and

separation.) This is not to say that these connections

cannot be renewed at a different, higher leve l of

awareness but the old, toxic patterning must go as it

has outlived its usefulness.

Though it is true that all is One, you are not meant to

travel alongside everyone. This is a moment of decision

and a point of power in your experience. We are confident

that you will choose well. Be at peace.

I AM Celestina and I love you. - 8.5.15

A Message from Celestina8.5.15

Irma Kaye SawyerReiki Master Teacher

intuitive counselor

energy healing practitioner

angelic emissary
