CHAPTER:- 1. History of Hindustan Zinc limited HZL was created from the erstwhile mental corporation of India (MCL) on 10 th January 1966 as a public taking undertaking. In April 2002, the government of India, disinvested its majority stake in HZL, and it became a part of the growing sterlite groups. Since then HZL has been growing from strength to strength. HZL produces zinc, lead and other by products including sulphuric acid, silver and cadmium. HZL achieved an all- time high with a record output of 2,61,226 tones zinc and 6,14,938 tones of record production of zinc concentration during 2003-2004. Today HZL is India’s leading base metal producer. HZL is a vertically integrated mining & smelting company, gearing up to: 1) Harnessing mining resources to help India achieves self- sufficient in zinc. 2) Become a global leader in zinc. 3) Create value for all entities whether it is customer, Investors or employees. Constant innovations, meticulous attention to details, extensive investments in R&D and technology are the hallmarks of HZL making it a multi-product company. 1

HZL Project

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Page 1: HZL Project


History of Hindustan Zinc limited

HZL was created from the erstwhile mental corporation of India (MCL) on 10 th

January 1966 as a public taking undertaking. In April 2002, the government of India, disinvested its majority stake in HZL, and it became a part of the growing sterlite groups. Since then HZL has been growing from strength to strength.

HZL produces zinc, lead and other by products including sulphuric acid, silver and cadmium. HZL achieved an all-time high with a record output of 2,61,226 tones zinc and 6,14,938 tones of record production of zinc concentration during 2003-2004.

Today HZL is India’s leading base metal producer. HZL is a vertically integrated mining & smelting company, gearing up to:

1) Harnessing mining resources to help India achieves self- sufficient in zinc. 2) Become a global leader in zinc. 3) Create value for all entities whether it is customer, Investors or employees.

Constant innovations, meticulous attention to details, extensive investments in R&D and technology are the hallmarks of HZL making it a multi-product company.

1.1 HZL milestones at a glance:

2002-2003: - sterile acquires 26% and management control in HZL from the government of India in privatization. A further 20% is brought from market through open offer and 18.92% from government of India under call option.

1991:- Chanderiya pyro metallurgical lead-zinc smelter and Rampura Agucha mines begin production.

1983:- Rajpura Dariba mine starts production .

1977:- Vizag zinc smelter and second set of zawar mine facilities commissioned.

1971:- First expansion of Zawar mines commissioned.


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1968:- Debari smelter commissioned.

1942:- Commencement of mining at Zawar.


1) Be a lowest cost Zinc producer on a gobal scale , maintaining market leadership.

2) Produce half million tones/year of zinc by 2005. 3) Be innovative , customer oriented and eco-friendly, maximizing stake-holder



Be a world-class Zinc company. Creating value, leveraging minerals resources and related core competencies.


1) The only integrated zinc producer in India.2) Refined zinc production capacity 230000 tpa.3) Ore treatment capacity 4.6 mtpa.

Continuous operational improvement, meticulous planning, constant innovations, extensive R&D , technological up gradation and so much more – HZL has come a long way and mutiproduct company.


To upload a reputation for intergrity, honesty, straight forward & just dealing .

To be committed to the quality of its products. To be committed to its customers. To be innovative in approach & thoughts. To be open, friendly, sincerealy & humane in behavior & attitude. To contribute to the community as a part of our social responsibility. To maintain & improve working environment by eco friendly. Processing. To be a market leader.


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Year: - 2003. National safety award.

Year :- 2003-04. Greantech safety award.

Year :- 2004-05. Greantech safety award .


Table No. 1.2.1.






2001-01 62022 28900 125 31284 1425792001-02 85944 32719 231 41427 1566052003-04 10507 33545 134 41614 1934002004-05 89098 35059 123 41974 177878


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Hzl milestone at a glance:

April 2005:To fulfill the demand of Zinc in 2005 a new Hydro Plant of 7-lakh mt capacity was launched.

2003-04:Sterlite acquires 26% and management control in HZL from the government of India in privatization. A further 20% is brought from market through open offer and 18.92% from government of India under call option.

1991:Chanderiya pyrometallugical lead-zinc smelter and Rampura Agucha mines being production.

1983:Rampura Dariba mines starts production.

1977:Viraz zinc smelter and second set zawar mine facilities commissioned.

1971:First expansion of Zawar mines commissioned.

1968:Debari smelter commissioned.

1942:Commencement of mining at Zawar.

1.4 Introduction CLZS:-

Chanderiya Lead Zinc Smelter was established in the year 1989. It started raising Lead Zinc from its Agucha Mines in Udaipur.

There are many places in our country, where we get different types of metallic substances as raw materials for industries. In compound form. Plenty of minerals are obtained in Rajasthan. The Jawar Mines in Udaipur are famous as a source of zinc all over world . Bhilwara the, Beawar, Ajmer, Dungarpur,


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Baswara & Tonk are the famous places as a source of mica . There are basically 2 types of assets:

1.5A) Mines:-

i) Zawar Mines.ii) Rampura Agacha Mines.iii) Dariba Mines.

B) Smelter:-

i) Deriba Smelterii) Chanderiya Smelter.iii) Vizaj Smelter.


What is safety ? S – Sound thinking concerning the nature of Job. A – Alertness to danger. F - Factorizing the entire operation into same

sequence. E - Efficiency in carefully performing the

Work. T – Thoughtfulness in the welfare of the

Group. Y - You & your protection at your work.

Safety Materials :-

i)Safety Belt.ii) Safety Shoes.iii) Ear Muf.iv) Face Shield.v) Helmet.vi) Ear Plug.vii) Safety Glass.viii) Acid Proof.ix) Breathing Set.x) Air Stream Helmet.xi) Dust & Gas Mask.


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CHAPTER :- 2(Conceptual framework)


‘WELFARE’ is a broad concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a group, in a desirable relationship with the total environment – ecological, economics and social. Lab our welfare includes both the social and the economic contents of welfare, social welfare is primarily concerned with the solution of destitution, poverty, etc. It aims at social development by such means as social legislations, social reforms, social services, social worker, social action, etc. The objective of economics welfare is to promote economic development by increasing production and productivity and through equitable distribution. Lab our welfare is a part of social welfare, conceptual and being, happiness, satisfaction, conservation, and development of human resources.

2.1 CONCEPT :- Labour welfare may be viewed as a total concept, as a social

concept and as a relative concept. The total concept is a desirable state of existence involving the physical, mental, moral, and emotional well being. These four elements together constitute the structure of welfare, on which its totally is based. The SOCIAL CONCEPT of welfare implies that welfare is relative in time and place. It is a dynamic and flexible concept and hence its meaning and content differ from time to time, region, industry to industry and country, depending upon the value system, level of education, social customer, and degree of industrialization and general standard of the socio-economic development of the people. All these three aspects are inter-related and work together in a three – dimensional approach.

Labour welfare implies the setting up of minimum desirable standards and the provision of facilities like health, food, clothing, housing, medical, assistance, education, insurance, job security, recreation, etc. such facilities enables the worker and his family to lead a good work life, family life and social life. Welfare also operates to neutralize the harmful effects of large scale industrialization and urbanization.


The oxford Dictionary defines labour welfare as “efforts to make life worth living for workmen.”

In the Report 11of the ILO Asia Regional Conference, it has been stated that worker’s welfare may be understand to mean “such services, facilities and amenities,


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which may be established outside or in the victim of undertakings, to enable the persons the persons employed therein to perform their work in healthy and congenial surroundings and to provide them amenities conductive to good health morale.”

The Labour Investigating Committee (1944-46) include under labor welfare activities “anything done for the intellectual, physical moral and economic betterment or the workers, whether by employers, by government or by other agencies, over and above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected as part of the contractual benefits for which the workers may have.”

2.3 SCOPE :-

The scope of labour welfare can be interpreted in different ways by different nations, with varying stages of economic development, political outlook and social philosophy. ILO has not observed “the term is one which leads itself to various interpretations and not always the same significance in different countries. Sometime the concept is a very wide on and is more or less synonymous with conditions of work as a whole. It may include not only the minimum standards of hygiene and safety laid down in general labour legislations, but also such aspects of working life as social insurance schemes, measures for the protection of women and young workers, limitations of hours of work, paid vacations, etc. in other case, the physical working conditions, is mainly concerned with the day to day problems of the workers and the social relationship at the place of work. In some countries the use of welfare facilities provided is confined to the worker employed in the undertaking concerned, while in other the worker’s families are allowed to share in many of the benefits which are made available.”

In the final analysis, labour welfare services should include all extramural and intramural welfare work, statutory services and non-statutory welfare facilities undertaken by the employers, govt. trade unions or voluntary organizations and also social security measures which contribute to workers, welfare such as industrial health, insurance, PF, gratuity, maternity, benefits, workmen’s compensations, retirement benefit, workmen’s compensations, retirement benefits, etc.

2.4 AIMS & OBJECTIVES :- The aims or objective of welfare activities are :

Humanization – to enable workers to enjoy a fuller and richer life.

Economic – to improve the efficiency of workers.

Civic – to develop among them a sense of responsibility and dignity and thus make them worthy citizen of the nation.

To fulfill the future needs and aspirations of labour.


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To reduce labour turnover and absenteeism.

To create an atmosphere of goodwill between labour and management and also between management the public.


The capacity of the economy puts the ultimate limit to the extent of welfare measures to be provided to the workers or to any other section of the society.

It is difficult to specify who bears the costs of welfare services. Even where employers finance the welfare activities, either voluntarily or under the requirement of law, nobody can say who meet ultimate cost, the employers, the consumers or the workers. The employers do strive to pass on the burden to the consumers by raising prices or to the workers by delaying wage increases.

It really difficult to make the employers pay for the welfare amenities out of their profits. It is the community which pays for the welfare services and the employer is merely an for collecting the cost from the community and spending it on the welfare of workers.


The following are some of the principles to be kept in mind for successful implementation of welfare program in an organization:

The labour welfare activities should pervade the entire hierarchy of an organization. Management should be welfare as oriented at every level.

The employers should not bargain labour welfare as a substitute for wages or monetary incentives. In other words, the workers have a right to adequate wages in addition to welfare measures.

There should be proper coordination, harmony and integration of all labour welfare services in an undertaking.

The labour welfare work of organization must be administratively viable and essential development oriented.

The management should ensure cooperation and active participation of unions and workers in formulating and implementing labour welfare programs.

There should be periodical assessment or evaluation of welfare measures and necessary timely improvement on the basis of feedback.


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The Statutory Welfare Facilities Provided By The Company To Its Employee:

1. CANTEEN :- Canteen is a place where people can have their meals snacks, tea or coffee. Its and obligations on the part of the management of CLZS to provided the canteen facility to its employees as the company provided employment to a large number of people who on shift basis on day time as well as on night time. It has sitting capacity for over 100 people. Safety message are displayed on the wall of the canteen. Canteen runs on the contract basis. The food stuffs are provided subsidies rates. It offers tea, coffee, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The rates are as follows :-

Table No.3.1.1.Items Charges from

employees (Rs.)

Subsidy (Rs.)

Rates payable to contractor (Rs.)

Tea (per cup)Coffee(per cup)Snacks Lunch/DinnerButtermilk



There are statutory canteen management committees which supervises the canteen activities. Its responsibilities to supervise the quality of food stuff according to the prescribed level. It also supervises the cleanliness of the canteen. If there is any complain, then its looks in the future.The contractor also gets some facilities from the company. He gets water, and building free of cost. Water coolers, desert coolers are also provided by the company. Contractor’s labours also get food stuff at subsidized rates on contractor account. The furniture in the canteen provided by the company.

2. DISPENSARY :- There is one dispensary at plant & one at colony. The one at colony is full fledge hospital with all facility. A dispensary at plant very essential to cope with any emergencies arising in the plant. Those employees who are ill or not feeling well can get themselves checked at the dispensary at plant. The colony hospital is for the employees and their dependent. There is a good stock of services of


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a Homeopathic doctor is provided at the colony hospital on every Sunday. There are three doctors and seven paramedical staff in hospital.

3. TOILETS, DRINKING WATER & HETER FACILITY:Toilets and drinking water facilities are provided from

place to place in the premises of CLZS. Women employees are given separate toilet facility. In summer season, cold water facility is provided. The company gives the facility of desert coolers and A.C. according to the entitlement of the employee. During winters, every cabin get a heter to beta the cold atmosphere.

4. REST ROOMS :- Where working hours is of eight hours or more, the company should given the facility of some kind of rest room where the employees can refresh themselves. CLZS also provides rest rooms facility to its employees where bathing and toilet facility also provided.

5. SITTING FACILITY :- Those workmen who required to work at standing position are given the facility of sitting nearby their work place, so that they can sit wherever they can find free time. It helps them to releare their muscles and their energy.

6. STORING FACILITY :- The facility for storing cloths is given to the employees of the company. Lockers are provided in each plant for storing cloths and materials.

7. WELFARE OFFICER :- There is labour welfare officer who looks the welfare of the

employees of the company.


UNIFORM :- The company provided facility of uniform to its employee

as per nature of job. The workers of the organization are provided two uniforms cloths every year. The executives of the organization are given three uniforms in two years. The company also gives stitching charges to its employees. The colour of uniform is different according to the nature of the job .

WOOLEN COAT / SUITINGS :- The facility is provided to drivers & guest house staff who

get it once in the three years.


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RAINCOAT :- The workman gets the raincoat once in four years. The

executive gets the raincoat in five years. SHOES :-

Managerial staff and higher executives are given one pair of leather shoes every year. Other employees are given one pair of shoes in six months . shoes are by the company to its employees as per nature of job. Mainly shoes are classified two types :

i. Safety shoes – for technical staff.ii. Non safety shoes – for non technical.

9. TRANSPORT FACILITY AT SUBSIDISED RATE :- The company provide transport facility to employees at

subsidized rates. The facilities are :-

STAFF TRANSPORTS :- Transport facility is provided to the employees for the

purpose of going to and for the workplace and home. In total, eight buses run for employee’s transportation in all shifts. Seven buses run between company and smelter for collecting and dropping of employees. These facilities are given to the employees at subsidized rates. The workmen is charged Rs.80 and executives is charged Rs.90 per month. The balance is given by the employer.

The bus facility for the residents of the colony to go to market :- The buses run between colony and market place for the

residents of township for shopping purpose. It charges Rs.1.00 per person for one trip

School bus :- Those wards of employees who live in colony and studies

in other school in city or those who live in city and studies in at HZL are provided subsidized transport facilities.

3.1 The following table shows the hiring charges and expenditure of transportation facility borne by the company for transport facility borne by the company for the welfare of its employees :- Table No.3.1.2.

Contract Hiring charges per vehicles

Average expenditure per month

Taxi carTaxi jeepMini busBuses AmbulanceTotal expenditure per month

Rs.17800/-Rs.8500/-Rs.20801/-Rs.13.75 (per k.m.)Rs.13886/-



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The company has to bear the above expenses minus payment towards these facilities. Car and jeep are the smelters work as and when arises. But if these facilities are provided then the employees are required to use their own vehicle at there own expenses. So car and jeep have been included in the transport facility.

SCHOOL :- The company runs a CBSE school name HIND ZINC

SCHOOL, which is up to 12th standard for the employee’s children in the colony itself. Employee’s children as well as children from outside study in this school. The employee’s children are charged subsidised fees.

All expanses of the school are borne by the company. It includes salary and wages to the school staff along with housing facility for going to the market. Presently there are 888 students are studying & 40 teachers are also in the school.

SCHOLARSHIP :- There is a scheme of giving scholarship to those employees

children who are outstanding in there respective fields for the purpose of higher studies. They are given scholarship on merit basis. MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT :-

Those medicines which the employees do not get from the company hospital and which they have to purchase from outside, the amount paid in this regard will be reimbursed through proper channel, this is called medical reimbursement. The medical charges under the treatment of doctors other than the company doctor are also reimbursed. The traveling expanses of self with one attended in case of traveling to other place for the purpose of treatment and tests, it also reimbursed. The amount of test it also reimbursed.

GUEST HOUSE :- A well furnished guest house of having 21 rooms is being

maintained at the colony for the facility of those coming on tour, guests etc. there is available staff trained in cooking. 24 hours to cater to the guest. The house is surrounded by spacious lawn.

HOUSING FACILITY :- The employees of the company are provided housing facility.

Subsidized houses rent and electricity is charges whereas water is free of charge. The colony is situated in a surround fall of natural habitat. QUARTERS :-

Four types of quarters are provided. These are A,B,C & D. These quarters are given to the employees according to their grade and post. Quarters B has more facility then A type quarters and like wise goes the hierarchy.


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There is house allotment committee which takes care of the allotment of the quarters. The representative of both management and union are there in the committee.

The quarters are provided to the employees at subsidized rates. Only a small amount of House Rate Recovery (HRR) is charged from the employees. The amount of HRR is as given below :

Table No.3.1.3.Category of employee

Type of quarter HRR charged

A) Workmen

B) Executive

i. A-type

ii. B-type

i. B-typeii. C-typeiii. D-type

3% of basic pay minus Rs.2000 or maximum Rs.85/-

3% of basic pay minus Rs.2000 or maximum Rs.105/-

Rs.115/- Rs.155/- Rs.345/-

For transit accommodations, HRR is charged @ 50% of entitled accommodation charges. In addition Rs.5/- for Garage and Rs.10/- for servant quarters is charged wherever provided. The remaining amount is not charged from the employee.

SHOPING COMPLEX :- There is a shopping colony, in which there is a cooperative

society and some other shops which cater to the necessities of the members of the colony. There is also a gas agency which is being functioned through co-operative. There is a flour mill, a telephone boot, a pressing centre and a general stores, and a bakery stores.

ENRERTAINMENT FACILITY :- For the entertainment of the employees the company provided

some facility for entertainment to the employees. These facilities are :

Community center and executive club :-The facility of community centre and executive club is

provided to the employees for their recreation and sporting activities. The facilities are provided at free of cost. But the employees have to pay membership fees of Rs30/- to became the member of executive club per month. Management too contributes some amount towards the same.


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CABLE FACILITY :-For the entertainment of the employees residing in the colony,

the cable facility is provided at subsidized rates. There is a committee who decides the channels shown and rates charges from employees.

WATER AND ELECTRICITY FACILITY :-In colony, the employees are given water at free of cost and

the electricity is provided at subsidized rates. The electricity charges for the particular unit of electricity are given as below :

Current electricity charges :- Table No.3.1.4.

Type of quarter Limit & charges





70 units Rs.1.10 & above it Rs.2.73 per unit.

70 units Rs.1010 per unit & above 90 units Rs.2.73 per unit.

160 units Rs.1.10 per unit & above it Rs.2.73 per unit.

190 units Rs.1.10 per unit & above it Rs.2.73 per unit.

The extra amount on the electricity bill is paid by the company.

AMBULANCE ROOM :- There is an ambulance room near to the dispensary inside the

plant. There are two ambulances in the plant round the clock. One ambulance is sent outside the plant on emergency calls.

SEWING FACILITY :- Sewing classes are conducted in the colony for the women

residing in the colony. These classes are conducted periodically. The expenditure is borne by welfare fund.


CLZS undertakes social welfare for the benefits of the society. Company is conducting medical camp regularly in which medicines are given for cattle health care. In the village Nagri adjoining the factory premises potable water is being provided. The employees and management of CLZS has always been


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generously contributing wherever any natural calamity such as Earthquake, Food causes destruction in any part of the country. A causeway is under construction on the river Berach for the welfare of nearby villages which with financial implications around Rs.25.00 lacs.


A part from the statutory welfare facilities that CLZS provided to its employees, there are various other measures which are undertaken for the welfare of the employees. These other measures which like social security etc. Allowances are given by CLZS to its employees for their welfare as it improves their standard of living. It satisfies the day-to-day requirements of the employees as per they do not have to spend from their pocket. These allowances are as follows :

Housing Rent Allowances (HRA) :- HRA is given to those employees who do not avail facility of quarters of the company and living at other places.

As the rent at different places are different, so the house rent allowances too is different places. The following table shows the criteria according to which HRA is given to the employees of HZL at various places.

Table No.3.3.1.

Class of city

Name of city % of basic pay Executive Workmen

A – 1

A-1, B-1, B-2



Unclassified cities

Delhi, Mumbai, kolkata.Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad,Jaipur, Visakhapatanam.Bhuneshwar, Ajmer, Chittorgarh.Udaipur.


30 %



15%Rs.1200/-5% Rs.1200/-







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The blind & orthopaedically handicapped employees are being granted conveyance allowance at the rate of 5% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.100. Those handicapped persons who have a minimum of 40% permanent/partial disability of both upper and lower limbs together. Those who have vehicle and avail RLTE facility can not avail the conveyance allowances. For the purpose of estimation of disability, the standards as contained in the manual for orthopaedic surgeons in evaluating permanent physical impairment brought out by the Americal academy of orthopaedic surgeons and published on their behalf by article limbs manufacturing corporation of India shall apply.

3.4 TRAVELING ALLOWANCES (TA) :- People on tour get the travel allowances from the company.

Travel allowances are given according to the basic pay criteria as follows :

1) Those drawing pay of Rs.5610/- will get facility of 1st class or 2nd AC railway compartment, they are entitled to travel by Air, or they can travel by Sea in its highest class. If travel by road then actual taxi fare.

2) Those drawing salary of less then Rs.5610/- are entitled to go by 2nd class of railway or highest or middle class by Sea and they are not entitled t5o travel by Air.

3) Those in the post of E-6 and above is entitled to travel is AC of Railways, avail the facility of traveling by Air not during tour but also during LTC or highest class by Sea and if travel by Road then actual taxi far.

While on tour, the employees will be given monetary assistance for boarding and lodging in a hotel in that city according to the classification of principal city or other city. They would be give these facilities up to a limit, which is fixed according to the salary grade. This is admission for revision. DA is admissible according to the provision. In case of transfer, the company would provide the facility of transit or reimburse the actual amount incurred in transferring one’s goods from the old posting to new posting.

3.5 NON – PRACTISING ALLOWANCE :- This allowance is given to the doctors of the company hospital/dispensary for not practicing their profession in private. The following table shows the amount given under this scheme according to the grade of the doctor.

The below table also shows the allowance for taking higher studies and shows the amount given for taking a PG Degree & a Diploma.


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Table No.3.5.1.Grade Amount Degree Diploma

E-1E-2E-3E-4 & above


Rs.750/- Rs.350/-

3.6 MISC. ALLOWANCES :- The below table shows in various other allowances & the amount admissible under these allowance & those who are entitled for such allowance.

Table No.3.6.1.

3.7 LAON & ADVANCES PROVIDED BY THE COMAPY: Loan and advances are given for those activities which are essential to be performed and requires a large sum of amount and which can not be done without any such monetary assistance. Thus, by granting various loans & advances the company helps it employees to fulfill their responsibilities. So, granting of loans and advances comes under the scope of welfare activities. The following loans and advances are given by the company to its employees.a) Advances from CPF :-

Advances from CPF can be taken in case of his/her own marriage of children or sister’s/brother’s marriage, on serious medical ground like serious surgical operations, treatment of TB, leprosy, paralysis, cancer, mental derangement, heart ailment etc. to meet the cost of higher education of child department on him for purchase of house/plot/construct a house etc.

Type of shift allowance

Amount rate


1. Night shiftAllowances

2.Washing Allowance


4.Transport Allowance





For those who works in C-shift.Those entitle to uniforms.

For those not allotted housing accommodations by the company in colonies & residing in non-municipal areas. For those residing in company’s quarters or in municipal area.


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The extend of withdrawal from CPF for each of the causes mentioned above is different and the maximum equal monthly installment for repayment for each causes is different and is clearly defined in the law.

b) House building loan (HBL) :-House building loan are provided for the following reasons.

These reasons are applicable for both workers and executives. The reasons are as follows:

1. Purchase of land construction of house thereon in municipal area.2. Construction of house on plot already owned in municipal area/ non-

municipal area. 3. Purpose of ready built houses/flat under self financing scheme from govt.

agency.4. Out right purchase of ready built house from any other party/society.5. Repayment of load, taken from nationalized banks/Govt. financial institutions

for construction or purchase of house.

c) HBL for workmen :- When a worker fills the form of HBL and submits it to the personnel & administration department, the department allots the worker marks according to the date of joining. The department would make preliminary screening and send it to head office. The head office would send back its recommendations and after the worker would submit the necessary documents, he would be allotted the HBL loans. The HBL loans are introduced in the company every and 3% of total strength of workmen according to the seniority are sanctioned the loan every year. If the worker purchases the constructed house then the money would be paid. If the workers construct the house, then the loan will be allotted to him in three portions. First portion would be given when the foundation has been completed. The last portion would be given when the roof has been constructed. The total loan amount sanctioned for workmen is Rs.2,50,000/- the amount is to be repaid in 240 equal monthly installment. This loan is not interest free. The following table shows the interest rate for workmen: Table No.3.7.1.

Slab Interest amount

Upto Rs.70,000/-Rs.70,000/- to 1,00,000/-Exceeding Rs.1,00,000/-

Rs.1,00,000/- to 1,50,000/-Rs.1,50,000/- to 2,50,000/-

6.5%8%Rate notified by Govt of India (0.5% rebate on HBL on family planning)8%10%


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d) HBL for executives :-After the application has been received, they are sent to head

office from where the order comes in regard to sanctioning of loan to such persons in accordance with their seniority. The maximum number of persons to be sanctioned loan every year is not fixed.

If the executives purchases the built up house then the money would be paid. If the executive construction the house, then the loan will be allotted to him in three portions. First portion would be given when the loan has been sanctioned. The second portion would be given when the foundation has been completed. The last portion would be give when the roof has been constructed. The total loan amount sanctioned for executive is as follows :

Table No.3.7.2.

Level Total amount of loan



E6 & above





Table No.3.8.1.

Type of advances Max. amount admissible

Max. number of installment for recovery

1. Bicycle advance.2. Scooter/moped/motorcycle 3. Motorcar advances. 4. Transfer advances.

5. Tour advances.

6. Festival advances. i. Workmen ii. Executive


Rs.1500/-Rs.25000/-Rs.1,50,000/-One month basic pay Likely expanses of tour


Rs. 6000/-Rs. 8000/-


adjustment through bills




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7. LTC advances.

8. Advances under special circumstances.

9. Medical advances for employees who meet with serious accidents.

80% of fare

one month basic payRs.5000/-

through final bill3

through medical bill


Table No.3.8.2.

Interest bearing advances Interest free advances 1. Bicycle advances 2. Scooter/moped/motor cycle3. Motorcar advances 4. HBL

1. Transfer advances2. Tour advances 3. Festival advances 4. LTC advances 5. Advances under

special circumstances

6. Medical advances7. Advance from CPF


LEAVE ENCASEMENT :- Leave encasement facility is provided to the employees for

those numbers of leaves which have not been availed.

FOR EXECUTIVES:An employee will be allowed to encase once in two years

calendar year his earned leaves or privilege leave due provided such encasement shall not exceed 50% of the total earned such leave due. The cash value of the leave payable to the employees on encasement will be the basic pay, adhoc, dearness allowance and underground allowance. Earned leave or privilege leave as may be due or remaining unveiled on the date of superannuation/ compulsory retirement, subject to a maximum limit of 300 days, shall be encashed & refusal of privilege leave shall not be pre-requisites for encashment.


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FOR WORKMEN : All workmen shall be allowed encashment of privilege (earned)

leave in excess of minimum leave prescribed under the under the factories/mines. Act or any other labour low governing the grant of leave encasement will be allowed once in two calendar years. Provided the leave encashed shall not exceed 50% of the total privilege (earned) leave due only the basic pay, dearness allowance of a workman shall be taken into account for calculating the cash value of leave. If the service of workmen is terminated or if he is discharged, he shall be paid for the privilege (earned) leave to his credit including for the incomplete year to be calculated on pro-rata basis subject to a maximum, limit of 270 days.

LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION :- Employees entitled are –

i. Those permanent workers who have completed one year.ii. Those temporary employees who are employees who are likely to

continue for 2 year in company and after having rendered one year’s continuous service.If their tenure is more than or equal to 4 years they are entitled to avail the facility of 4 year LTC block, for going to anywhere in India.

TIME PERIOD :-i. The LTC admissible once in a period of two calendar

years for visiting home town, and the employees and his development family members (max. 4 tickets) can go to any place in India once in a block of four years.

ii. For all India tour the time period is four years block.

LTC ENCASHMENT :-Employees who want to encash LTC facility are given option

to entire 4 years block. In such case encashment amount @ Rs.5000/- per tear is paid, in each year of 4 years block.

DISTANCE COVERED :- i. Home Town :- Upto Home Town there is no restriction on the

distance. The employees can also go upto 750 km in line of Home Town.

ii. All India tour :- Any other place in India .

Family who are entitled along with the employees to travel :-i. Employee’s wife or husband, as the case may be.

ii. Legitimate children including step children (excluding married daughter & employed children.


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iii. Parents of employee residing with him and whose income per month do not exceed Rs.500/-.

iv. Brother/sister not considered as dependents of the employee.v. Both husband and wife employee of the company, concession admissible to

one of the two.

Classification for the purpose of determining the class of travel under traveling allowances rules are :-- Pay of Rs.5610/- and above; I class or II class AC.- Less than Rs.5610/-; II class .- Employees of grade I only shall be entitled to travel by Air/ACC/Highest class

or sea & river at their discretion.

Furnishing of tickets to management for confirmation of the travel actually been undertaken :-

At least one ticket has to be furnished by the employee to confirm the travel actually been undertaken or cash receipt should be produced which is essential.

Grant of advances :- The amount of advance in case will be limited to four fifth

(4/5) of the estimated amount which company would have to reimburse in respect of the cost of the journey both ways to the home town or 750 km. in lieu there for destination (in case of 4 year block LTC) and back. The advances if taken one moth earlier to the project leave than only 50% is given and the remaining 30% is given just before commencement of the journey.

RLTE (Reimbursement of Local Traveling Expenses) :- The employee of the copany maintaining a conveyance and using it for official journey shall be entitled to the RLTE at the following rate:

Table No. 3.9.1Post Type of vehicle Reimbursement

E3 & above

E0 to E2


I. CarII. Scooter/motor cycleI. Scooter/motor cycleII. Moped I. Scooter/motor bikeII. Moped

Rs.2000/- p.m.Rs.820/- p.m.Rs.820/- p.m. Rs.475/- p.m.Rs.725/- p.m.Rs.450/- p.m.

Employees who avail RLTE facility shall not be entitled to use

company transport for official journeys and not other traveling allowances i.e. daily allowances or mileage allowance will be admissible for journeys upto 5 km for scooter and 10 km for car from the usual place of work.


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Chapter:- 4


A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact research design is the conceptual structure with in research constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.

The research design which I used , was though convince basis . It was non-probability-sampling technique.


Other researchers did data collection with a review of previous research in this. There are basically two method of collection of data.

Primary Data Collection. Secondary Data Collection.

Secondary data.

Published data are secondary data . I took some information by the book published by HZL about the welfare activities of HZL.

(Name of books)

1) Standing orders.2) Factory act.3) ESI act, P.F. act.

Primary Data

In this research project primary data in the employees of HZL . There are of three grades .

1. Top level. 2. Middle level.3. Lower level.


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The sample size is taken of 30 employees. The responses of employee were collected through questionnaire . In this I took 20 Questions. The analysis was both theoretical & stastiscal graphical representations were considered.

Type of research – Analytical research

In Analytical research, on the researcher has to use facts or information already available, & analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the material. In my project I am using analytical research the company has given me

Sample size- sample size taken is 100 persons.


The objective of research is following:-

1. The study of the present procedure related to employees welfare in HZL.

2.To know the responses of workers related to welfare.


TIME OFFICEThe main functions of this department are as:-

Maintaining attendance record. Maintaining leave record. Maintaining over time wages record for workers & executives. Making salary for the staff and workers.

According to CLZS, minimum wages are as follows:

Table No. 4.2.1.

Category Wages/day


Semi skilled


Rs. 73/-

Rs. 77/-

Rs. 81/-


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Category & pay scale of Executives are as follows:

Category Designation Pay scale (Rs)


Junior engineer/junior officerEngineer/officerSenior engineer/senior officerManagerSenior ManagerChief ManagerDeputy general ManagerGeneral ManagerAdditional Executive DirectorExecutive Director


Table No.4.2.2.

There are three shifts and one general shift, the time schedule is as follows:

Shift Timings


8.00AM to 4.30PM 6.00AM to 2.00PM 2.00PM to 10.00PM 10.00PM to 6.00AM

Table No. 4.2.3.


Page 27: HZL Project

Category & pay scale of workers as follows:

Category Designation Pay scale (Rs.)





Sr. HelperOperatorsOperatorsOperatorsOperators

ChargemenSr. ChargemenAsst. foremen



Table No.4.2.4.

DA rate for both workers and executives = 51.20% as 01/04/2005

4.3 Worker’s / Executive’s Establishment

Workers and executives have following documents at the timing of establishment. This all documents are kept in personal file. These are as:

Appointment certificate.

Physical certificate.

Cast certificate.

Qualification certificate.

ii. X mark sheet & its certificate.iii. XII mark sheet &its certificate.iv. Graduation mark sheet & its certificate.


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v. Other qualifications mark sheet & its certificate as Diploma etc.

Personal data form.

Declaration of family members; for future requirements as loan , medical etc.

Self – declaration of father / mother ; whom (father/mother) having less then Rs.500/-

Joining orders ; it has following contents as

i. Name, father name, date of birth, date of Joining.ii. Home state, religion, designation of job, pay scale.iii. Details of salary etc.

Form “F” under Gratuity Act 1972.

Form 2 under Employee Family Pension Scheme Act 1971.

P.F. form: employees contributory provident fund members declaration & nominative form.

Attestation from by collector.

Office order.

Form “G” under Gratuity Act 1972; it is filled when nominative is changed for gratuity.

RLTE form.

Accident form.

Application form.

Promotion form etc.


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4.4 Contract Labour Cell

Contract labour cell has following aspects:

Before entering in the Gate, contractor should submit ESI form, their PF A/C proof. For entering state lobour, they have to submit certificate in which they have to

mention from how long this labour is staying in the Rajasthan. Contractor has to submit Character & Antecedents in connection with their

conduct. Contractor should submit medical certificate in the prescribed form of this labour

within a week. In case where the contractor labour is 20 or more the contractor is required to

obtain license authority. On application of the contractor a certificate in form-V is given to the contractor for the purpose.


After submitting ESI, PF & above mentioned documents, contractor should get photo passes of each contract labour.

The contract labour should keep either Gate Pass with him during the work or whenever they are asked to produce; they should produce to the competent authority. In the absence of valid Gate passes, the action will be taken against the contract labour.

Maximum 2 months gate pass is given.


Every contractor should make the labour payment on or before 7th of each month in the presence of the authorized representative.

Every contractor has to deposit ESI before 17th every month & copy of the receipt may be submitted to the time office.

They have to deduct PF every month & copy of Challan with individual contract labour & action & action may be submitted to personal department.


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Whenever, the contractor appoints new contract labour, and then they have to produce the PF No. of contract labour within one month to P&A department.

While making the payment they should submit photo copy of the attendance register to the personal department. After making the payment, they have to give the copy of payment register also.

Whenever they remove the contract labour, they should make full payment to the labour in presence of authorized representative.

The contractor should also issue the PF settlement form to the contract labour at the earliest.

When the contract period expires, all the contractors should make fringe benefit also.

All the contractors should make the Bonus payment as per rule.


Under administration in CLZS following work is done:

To provide all stationary & printing materials. To give daily duty schedules to drivers. To arrange of vehicles like jeep, buses etc. Dispose. To provide adequate furniture. To take licenses adjustment at the time of accidents. Misc. contract as photography, repairing of furniture etc. To keep public relation. To provide guest house. Allotment of quarters.


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Leave entitlement:

Table No.4.4.1.Type of leave Workmen Executive

Privilege leave (P.L.)Sick leave (S .L.)Casual leave (C.L.)Operational holiday Special disability leave

Maternity leave Half pay leave in case of TB/Cancer/Leprosy

Advance half pay leaveExtra ordinary leave/WPQuarantine leave Special casual leave

i. Vasectomyii. Tubectomy

iii. To employee whose wife undergoes Tubectom

iv. IUD insertion Special leave

28(accum.270)10(accum.120)0802full period of unfitness.12 weeks15 day for every completed year of service.6 months12 days

30 days

06 days14 days17 days

01 daysas per requirement

30(accum.300)14(accum.168)1402full period of unfitness.12 weeks15 day for every completed year of service. -03/06 months

21 days

06 days14 days17 days

01 daysas per requirement

The other legislative provisions regarding the welfare:


Social security provided by the company is the welfare activity undertaken for the welfare of its employees, like security of their life, providing pension after retirement, giving retirement benefits, death benefit, and benefit in case of disablement of the


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person employed in the company. These benefits secure their life against retirement, old age, disablement and also support their nominee in case of death of the welfare of its employee and helps them when they need the help at most. The company provides the social security to its employees :

GRATUITY:- Gratuity shall be payable to an employee on the termination of his employment after he has rendered continuous service for not less than 5 years-

a) On his superannuating, orb) On his retirement or resignation, orc) On his death or disablement due to accident or disease.

Provided that the completion of continuous service of 5 years shall not be necessary where the termination of the employment of any employee is due to the death or disablement.

Calculation of gratuity:- Monthly wages last drawn 15/26 no. of completed years of service. But the amount is limited to Rs.3,50,000/- exceeding which no amount gratuity shall be paid.

PROVIDENT FUND:- PF is called “HINDUSTAN ZINC LIMITED EMPLOYEES CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND RULES.” The rules came in force 10.01.1996. The contribution to CPF by employee and the company is as follow:

Contribution by Employer- 12% of the basic pay of the employee including Dearness Allowance shall go into provident fund.

Contribution by Employee:- the employer contributes 12% out of which 8.33 max of Rs.6500 taken as base goes to the pension scheme of the employee and the remaining goes the CPF of the employee.

In this way both employee as well as the employer contribution towards the CPF. It is compulsory to maintain by the employer.

There is a separate trust for CPF, which is managed and controlled by a board of trustees. The broad of trustees shall consist of equal numbers of representatives of the fund. The trust gives various advances or loans to the employees.


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The money belonging to the fund shall be deposited in the Reserve Bank of India or in SBI or in such other Nationalized Scheduled Bank as may be approved by the Central Govt. from time to time.

At the end of each year interest shall be credited to the individual account of the members. In the event of death, the amount in the account of PF will be paid to his nominee. At the time of retirement, the whole amount including the interest in the CPF up to the date of retirement will be payable to the employee.A particular amount can be withdrawn from the CPF by the occasion of marriage of self, marriage of son/daughter, marriage of brother/sister for Mundan Ceremony, purchase of plot or purchase of house. But ththere is a particulars limit up to which the employee can withdraw from the CPF on the event of the above occasion like 80% of the self contribution to CPF in case of purchase house or plot, 50% of the self contribution to CPF in case of marriage of his brother/sister. Some of these withdrawals are refundable and some non-refundable.

EMPLOYEE PENSION SCHEME:- To avail the benefits of

pension scheme, an employee should have a minimum of 10 years membership in providing fund trust. Out of the employers 12% contribution towards the CPE of the employee, 8.33%of Rs.6500/- which is the base taken for this calculation. If the employers contribution exceeds Rs.541/- then that excess amount will go to CPF of the employee concerned.

The employees will get pension in his retirement and also in case of his death. In case of his death, the amount will be given to his nominees. The payable after retirement or death would be fixed and in no case shall it exceed Rs.3250/- i.e. 50% of Rs.6500 per month. If the service of employee is less than 10 years than lump sum amount is paid.

DEPOSIT LINKED INSURANCE SCHEME :- All those who are the member of CPF will be covered under Employee Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme. The employer i.e. HZL contributes a percentage towards the EDLI every month. In case of death, the worker/executives nominee will get Rs.6200/- in lump sum. The employees have no contribution towards this insurance scheme and is payable only in case of death.


This scheme is only for executives. Every executive have to contribute Rs.27 per month towards this scheme. And in case of death, Rs.2,00,000/- will be given to the executives family. But in case of no death event then nothing will be given to the employee. In case of retirement the employer will be contribute towards this scheme.


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The retirement age is 58 years. The following benefits are given to the employee in case of retirement:

Salary/ wages up to the last day of work .

Facilities of leave encasement is given to the employee.

Facilities of leaves given.

Retirement Traveling Allowances :- Actual fare of the class to which the retired employee is entitled from the place of duty to home town or the place where he intends to settle anyway in India whichever is less for self and dependent.

Cost of transportation of personal effect.

Disturbance Allowance: - Minimum one month’s basic pay and maximum Rs.14,250 whichever is less, is payable to the employee who retires.

CPF :- Total amount of gratuity shall be payable.

Gratuity :- The amount of gratuity shall be payable.

Bonous: - Bonous for the accounting year of retirement as & when it becomes due.

Pension: - Pension shall be payable to the nominee as per rule.

Medical Treatment: - The employees and his family (his department) are entitled to hospital facility of the company and the medicines available in the hospital are provided to them at free of cast. But the medical bills are not reimbursed, i.e. the medical reimbursement facility is not given.

Retention of Company’s quarters :- If the employees who is being retired requests, the company will allow the employee to occupy the quarters for next 2 months.


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DEATH BENEFIT (FOR WORKMEN) :-The following claims / benefits

are admissible to an employee’s nominee in case of death of the employee while in service:

SALARY/WAGES :- Upto the last day of work.

LEAVE ENCASHMENT :- Full leave encashment subject to maximum limit provide in the leave rule for accumulation of privilege leave.

TRAVEL ALLOWANCES :- Actual cost of the class to which the decreased employee is entitled from the place of duty to the home town or the new place where the dependent members of family intend to settle anywhere in India whichever is less on the same term as for serving employees on transfer. This should be available within 6 months of the death of the employee.

CPF :- Total amount in the employee’s account in CPF along with intrest therein.

COST OF TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONAL EFFECT :- The cost of transportation of personal effect and transportation charges of the conveyance shall be admissible to the family of the employee who dies while in service as per rules of the TA.

DISTURBANCE ALLOWANCES :- The family of the deceased employee will be eligible for disturbance allowances which shall be one month’s pay subject to maximum of Rs.14250/- and min. of Rs.6000/-.

GRATUITY :- According to the gratuity rules.

BONUS :- Bonus for the accounting year in which the employee died, shall be payable to his nominee’s and when it becomes due.

PENSION :- Pension shall be payable to the nominee as per rule .

DEPOSIT LINKED INSURANCE SCHEME :- Rs.62000/- payable under EDLI scheme.

DEATH BENEFIT SCHEME :- Applicable to workmen w.e.f. 1.1.2001. For this purpose workmen will contribute Rs.8 per month.


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Age Benefit

Upto 40 years of ageAbove 40 years and below 45Between -45-50 yearsBetween -50-retirement age


If death occurs as a result of accident arising out of and in course of

employment, amount of compensation payable under workmen’s compensation act in case of workmen shall be paid.

Retention of quarters :- 3 month or till the date of academic session of his school going children whichever is later.


The following claims / benefits are admissible to an employee in case of his discharge due to disablement. :

SALARY/WAGES :- Upto the last day of work.

LEAVE ENCASHMENT :- Full leave encashment subject to maximum limit provide in the leave rule for accumulation of privilege leave.

TRAVEL ALLOWANCES :- Actual fare of the class to which the employee was entitled from the place of duty to the home town or the new place where he intend to settle anywhere in India whichever is less on the same term as for serving employees on transfer. CPF :- Total amount in the employee’s account in CPF along with intrest therein.

COST OF TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONAL EFFECT :- The cost of transportation of personal effect and transportation charges of the conveyance shall be advisible to him as per rules of the TA.


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DISTURBANCE ALLOWANCES :- Minimum one month’s basic pay and maximum Rs.14250 whichever is less is payable to the employee who is discharged due to disablement.

GRATUITY :- The amount of gratuity shall be payable.

BONUS :- For the accounting year of discharge as and when it becomes due.

PENSION :- Pension shall be payable to the nominee as per rule .

RETENTION OF QUARTERS :- 3 months or till the children whichever is later.

MEDICAL TREATMENT :- For the treatment of the employee for the disablement.


Every worker who has worked for period of 240 days or more in a factory during a calendar year shall be allowed during the subsequent calendar year, leave with wages for a number of days calculated at the rate of – If an adult, one day for every 20 days of work performed by him during the previous calendar year.

The company gives leave with upto a certain number in a calendar year. The executives get 30-privilege leave, which is the other name of annual leave with wages. The company also gives sick leave, casual leave, special leave along with annual leave with wages to its employee.


The company provides certain maternity benefits to its women employees such as maternity leave of 12 weeks. The wages during that period are also paid to the employee.


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DATA ANALYSIS(Questionnaire Worker)

A. Personal Information:

a) Name ……………………………Ecode No………………b) Age ………………………………………………………..c) Caste / Religion ……………Mstatus…………………….d) Children: Son ………………Daughter…………………..e) Others …………………………………………………….

At the time of joining At presentEducation DepartmentPostGradeMonthly salary

B. Other Information:

1 Is there welfare officer appointed in your plant? Yes ( 55 ) No (20 ) don’t know ( 15 )


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Fig5.1 From the above information it has been seen that ,55 persons told welfare officer appointed , 20 says no.,& 15 persons says that they don’t know.

2. If yes than are you satisfied with their work? Yes (60 ) No. ( 40 )


From the above bar graph it has been concluded that 60 persons are satisfied with the work of officers appointed in plant and 40 says they are not satisfied

3. Are you covered under ESI? Yes (70 ) No ( 30 )

Covered under ESI










Yes No







Fig 5.3


Satisfaction with work









Yes No







Page 40: HZL Project

Out of data size 100, 70 persons says that they are covered under employ scheme of insurance and 30 told that they are not cover under any such scheme

4. What does the firm do for improving your living standards?……………………………………………………………..

5. Are you satisfied with the welfare local tiles given by the firm? Give your Suggestion?


6. Are you satisfaction with health officer’s service? Yes ( 60 ) No ( 40 ) Health Officer’s Services

Satisfaction with health officer's service









Yes No



of p



fig 5.4

From the above bar graph it has been concluded that 60 persons are satisfied with the health officers service and 40 says they are not satisfied

7. Give your suggestion for improving health facilities.


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8. Is their safety officer appointed in your plant? Yes (55 ) No ( 20 ) Don’t know ( 15 )

Safety officer appointed





Don't know

Fig 5.5

From the above information it has been seen that ,55 persons told safety officer appointed , 30 says no.,& 15 persons says that they don’t know.

9. Is there safety committee established in you plant? Yes ( 40 ) No ( 25 ) Don’t know ( 15 )

Safety committee established



Yes No Don't know


No. o

f per


Fig 5.6


Page 42: HZL Project

When it was asked to the sample size of 100 persons that Is there safety committee established in you plant? 40 persons answer is yes, 25 says no. and 15 told that they don’t know about such committee.

10. Are you given the training relating to safety?

Yes ( 60 ) No ( 40 )

Traning related to safety









Yes No







Fig 5.7

From the above bar graph it has been concluded that 60 persons are given training related to safety in plant and 40 says they are not given any such training.

11. Do you be aware of safety during the work?Yes ( 70 ) No ( 30 )

Aware of safety during work










Yes No







Fig 5.8


Page 43: HZL Project

Out of data size 100, 70 persons says that they are aware of safety during the work of insurance and 30 told that they are not aware of any such scheme

12. Which leave are you given? PL ( 55 ) Leave Medical (20 ) CL ( 15 )

Leaves given




Medical leave


Fig 5.9

From the above information it has been seen that ,55 persons told that they are given PL , 20 says they are given medical leave & 15 persons says that they are given CL.

13.. Are you satisfied with the rest hours given during every shift?

Yes ( 60 ) No ( 40 )

Fig 5.10

From the above bar graph it has been concluded that 60 persons are satisfied with the rest hours given during every shift in plant and 40 says they are not satisfied


Page 44: HZL Project

14. Other information which you want to give?…………………………………………………..



According to welfare acts many facilities are given to the employees of HZL. Which are following:

1. Canteen facilities.

2. Dispensary.

3. Toilets, Drinking Water & Heater facility.

4. Rest room.

5. Sitting facilities.

6. Storing facility.

7. Welfare officers.

8. Liveries and uniform.

9. Staffs transport.

10. The bus facility for the colony to go to market.

11. School Bus.

12. Scholarship.

13. Medical Reimbursement.

14. Guest House.

15. Housing facilities.

16. Quarters.

17. Shopping Complex.

18. Entertainment facilities.

19. Community center and executive club.

20. Cable facilities.

21. Ambulance Room.

22. Sewing facilities.


Page 45: HZL Project

Social welfare constructed by the company:

Allowances provided by CLZS for the welfare of its employee. Housing rent allowance. Conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically, handicapped

employees. Travels allowance. Non practicing allowance. Misc. allowance. Loan and advances provident by the company.

Other Facility:

Leave encashment. Leave travels concession. LTC Encashment. RLTE.

All these facilities are provided by HZL to their employee are satisfied with these welfare.


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It was a great experience to be there in CLZS for my practical training. Like every good thing, it had come to end and so it did. Though I am feeling sad at this point of time while leaving from here but I do have the great memories of time spent here.

During the last 4 weeks, I certainly learnt a lot about every aspect of this field, right from the working environment to the human nature. Relating to my branch, I certainly learnt about the nature of people and various training methods. The things are numerous , while words are only few. To conclude, I would rather say that even after my full try, I would rather say that even after my full try, I could pick up only a mouthful of knowledge out of the sea. The time was really very less while there was a lot to learn.

Well, that’s how the life goes on. I hope I would have another chance to visit and learn more in it.


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6.2 Limitations

1. The main thing that here H.R. employee are not specialized in H.R. so this solved problems of other employees on there experience.

2. Mass facility is good but in C.S.F. mass food is not satisfy.3. For new joiners there is no facility to start their work as like sitting & cabin

facility.4. Relation b/w GETS & employers are not satisfactory relations.5. There is no different cabin & other facility for the trainees under H.R. finance.6. There is no special person for trainees to guide them.

6.3 Suggestions

1. Appointed specialized & experiences persons in H.R. because they have extra

knowledge for their field so they can handle easily critical situation.2. Mass facility is good for employees but in nightshift employees are not satisfy

their food. So improve it because its effect on employees health.3. Provided for trainees room facility and guide so they are taken more information

about their company so they can improve their project report.4. Frequently medical checkup for canteen workers employee workers.


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DATA ANALYSIS(Questionnaire Worker)

A. Personal ssssInformation:

a) Name ……………………………Ecode No………………b) Age ………………………………………………………..c) Caste / Religion ……………Mstatus…………………….d) Children: Son ………………Daughter…………………..e) Others …………………………………………………….

At the time of joining At presentEducation DepartmentPostGradeMonthly salary

B. Other Information:

2 Is there welfare officer appointed in your plant? Yes ( 55 ) No (30 ) Don’t know ( 15 )

2. If yes than are you satisfied with their work? Yes ( ) No. ( )

3. Are you covered under ESI? Yes ( ) No ( )

4. What does the firm do for improving your living standards?



Page 50: HZL Project

5. Are you satisfied with the welfare local tiles given by the firm? Give your suggestion.


6. Are you satisfaction with health officer’s service? Yes ( ) No ( ) Health Officer’s Services

7. Give your suggestion for improving health facilities. ……………………………………………………………

8. Is their safety officer appointed in your plant? Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t know ( )

9. Is there safety committee established in you plant? Yes ( ) No ( ) Don’t know ( )

10. Are you given the training relating to safety?Yes ( ) No ( )

11. Do you be aware of safety during the work?Yes ( ) No ( )

12. Which leave are you given & how much? PL ( ) Leave Medical ( ) CL ( )

13.. Are you satisfied with the rest hours given during every shift? Yes ( ) No ( )

14. Other information which you want to give?…………………………………………………..
