doi:10.1152/physiol.00032.2011 26:412-423, 2011. Physiology Karen P. Maruska and Russell D. Fernald Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Social Regulation of Gene Expression in the You might find this additional info useful... 152 articles, 51 of which can be accessed free at: This article cites http://physiologyonline.physiology.org/content/26/6/412.full.html#ref-list-1 including high resolution figures, can be found at: Updated information and services http://physiologyonline.physiology.org/content/26/6/412.full.html can be found at: Physiology about Additional material and information http://www.the-aps.org/publications/physiol This infomation is current as of December 15, 2011. ESSN: 1548-9221. Visit our website at http://www.the-aps.org/. Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814-3991. Copyright © 2011 by the American Physiological Society. ISSN: 1548-9213, developments. It is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December by the American Physiological (formerly published as News in Physiological Science) publishes brief review articles on major physiological Physiology on December 15, 2011 physiologyonline.physiology.org Downloaded from

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doi:10.1152/physiol.00032.2011 26:412-423, 2011.PhysiologyKaren P. Maruska and Russell D. FernaldHypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal AxisSocial Regulation of Gene Expression in the

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ESSN: 1548-9221. Visit our website at http://www.the-aps.org/.Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814-3991. Copyright © 2011 by the American Physiological Society. ISSN: 1548-9213,developments. It is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December by the American Physiological

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Social Regulation of Gene Expression inthe Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis

Reproduction is a critically important event in every animals’ life and in all

vertebrates is controlled by the brain via the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal

(HPG) axis. In many species, this axis, and hence reproductive fitness, can be

profoundly influenced by the social environment. Here, we review how the

reception of information in a social context causes genomic changes at each

level of the HPG axis.

Karen P. Maruska andRussell D. Fernald

Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, [email protected]

Reproduction is arguably the most important eventin any animals’ life. Thus understanding how repro-duction is regulated offers important insights into theevolution of a species. In particular, learning howsocial and physiological factors collaborate to controlreproductive activity is essential for understandingselective pressures that have shaped reproductivecontrol. For example, how does reception of socialinformation reach brain regions responsible for ini-tiating reproductive behaviors, how is gamete(sperm, oocyte) production and steroid hormone re-lease controlled, and, ultimately, how do social inter-actions influence gene expression to controlreproduction? Although there are many studies onregulation of social behaviors from molecular orgenomic perspectives (120, 121), much less is knownabout how social information directly influences thereproductive genome from the brain to the gonads.Here, we review how social information can influ-ence plasticity in gene expression of the highly con-served vertebrate hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal(HPG) reproductive control system.

For the purpose of this review, we define socialbehaviors as interactions among members of thesame species that influence immediate or futurebehaviors (120). Importantly, these interactions in-clude the production, reception, and interpreta-tion of communicative signals that influenceindividual behaviors in a context-dependent man-ner. Specifically, we concentrate on how commu-nication signals in a social context producegenomic changes to alter the function of the HPGaxis. We focus on key elements in the signalingpathway initiated by gonadotropin-releasing hor-mone (GnRH) neurons in the brain, their impacton gonadotrope-producing cells [luteinizing hor-mone (LH); follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)] ofthe anterior pituitary gland, and the activationof LH and FSH receptors in the testes that leadsto stimulation of steroid biosynthesis and spermproduction. In light of the recent evidence show-ing the RFamides, including kisspeptin andgonadotropin inhibitory hormone, also play criti-

cal roles in HPG axis function, we discuss the socialinfluence of these upstream regulators of GnRHneurons as well. We use examples from the socialAfrican cichlid fish Astatotilapia (formerly Haplo-chromis) burtoni as a model to illustrate how rap-idly the social environment can influence thegenome at every level of the HPG axis. Finally, wediscuss how little is actually known about the neu-ral pathways and mechanisms that translate socialinformation into a genomic response that ulti-mately changes the activity of the reproductiveaxis. This sociogenomic frontier awaits future com-parative research in diverse taxa.

GnRH and the HPG Axis in Fishesand Mammals

Reproduction in all vertebrates is controlled by thehighly conserved HPG axis (FIGURE 1). At its apexare the GnRH neurons in the hypothalamic-preop-tic area of the brain that ultimately control repro-duction by integrating information from social andenvironmental signals with internal informationsuch as nutritional and hormonal state. The outputof this integration controls GnRH production inthe brain and its release to the pituitary gland.GnRH, a decapeptide, is conserved across all ver-tebrates and was recently also found in severalinvertebrates, emphasizing its evolutionary impor-tance (91, 140). There are multiple GnRH formsfound across taxa, all of which have close phyloge-netic relationships and putative common origin(20, 150). Teleost fishes have two or three differentforms located in distinct brain regions, whereasmost mammals express only two forms (20, 131).GnRH3 ({Trp7Leu8}-GnRH) has only been found infishes, where it is localized in the terminal nerveganglia, olfactory bulb, and ventral forebrain, andsome evidence suggests it may be a neuromodula-tor (1, 57, 58, 85, 100). GnRH2 ({His5Trp7Tyr8}-GnRH) is identical in all species examined todate, including humans, and is produced by neu-rons in the midbrain tegmentum. Limited data are

REVIEWSPHYSIOLOGY 26: 412–423, 2011; doi:10.1152/physiol.00032.2011

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FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in teleost fishes and mammalsInformation from social contexts is ultimately integrated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH1) neurons in the preoptic-hypothalamic re-gion of the brain to regulate the output of the reproductive axis. In fishes, GnRH1 neurons project directly to the pituitary gland (shown in red),whereas in mammals GnRH1 neurons release peptide into the median eminence (ME) where it is then transported via the hypothalamic-hypophy-seal portal system to the anterior pituitary. In both taxa, LH and FSH are released from the pituitary and travel through the bloodstream to theirtarget receptors in the testes to stimulate sperm production and steroid hormone synthesis and release. The organization of the testes also dif-fers between fishes and mammals, as well as the cellular localization of LH and FSH receptors. In fishes, the testes is organized into membrane-bound spermatocysts that contain a group of synchronously developing germ cells derived from the same spermatogonial stem cell, followed byrelease of the mature spermatozoa into a central lumen. In mammals, spermatogenesis takes place in the seminiferous tubules where germ cellsdevelop from the tubule wall in a centripetal direction toward the central lumen. POA, preoptic area.


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consistent with a role for GnRH2 in coordinatingreproduction with metabolic state (56, 86), modu-lating pineal gland activity (127), modulating sen-sory system function (85), and possibly influencingmotor reproductive pathways (18, 77). GnRH1 isthe hypophysiotrophic form produced by neuronsin the hypothalamic-preoptic area that stimulatesthe pituitary gland. Despite its conserved function,the amino acid sequence of GnRH1 differs slightlyamong species (see Refs. 20, 60, 91 for reviews).

Although the functional actions of the HPG axis areconserved across all vertebrates, the basic anatomi-cal organization of the hypothalamic-pituitary con-nection differs fundamentally between fishes andmammals (FIGURE 1). In teleost fishes, GnRH1 neu-rons in the preoptic area of the brain send axonalprojections directly to the anterior pituitary glandwhere GnRH1 is released from nerve terminals in thevicinity of the gonadotrope cells, binds to mem-brane-bound G-protein-coupled GnRH receptors,and causes synthesis and release of the two gonado-tropins, LH and FSH (72). This direct neural innerva-tion of the pituitary is functionally equivalent butdiffers from mammals where the GnRH1 neuronsrelease peptide into the hypothalamic median emi-nence for delivery via a hypothalamo-hypophysealblood portal system to the anterior pituitary. Further-more, whereas the different hormone-producing celltypes (e.g., gonadotropes, somatotropes, thyrotropes,etc.) are arranged in a mosaic pattern in the mam-malian pituitary, the fish pituitary maintains the em-bryonic compartmental organization where eachspecific cell type is localized in a different pituitarycompartment.

The gonadotropin hormones LH and FSH re-leased from the pituitary gland then travel via the

general circulation to the testes where they bind toLH and FSH receptors, a family of rhodopsin-likeG-protein-coupled receptors. Here again, there arenoteworthy differences in cellular localization ofthe receptors and how LH and FSH act in the testesbetween fishes and mammals. In mammals, LHR isexpressed in Leydig cells and primarily functions tostimulate steroid biosynthesis and release, whereasFSHR is found in Sertoli cells and plays a major rolein sperm production (72, 97, 146). In teleosts, how-ever, LHR is expressed in both Leydig and Sertolicells, and FSHR is found in Leydig, Sertoli, andearly germ cells (41, 42, 72). Thus the duality ofgonadotropin function found in mammals is notapparent in most fishes because both LH and FSHare often equipotent in stimulating steroid produc-tion and can regulate spermatogenesis at differentstages (42, 72).

The African Cichlid FishAstatotilapia Burtoni as a Modelfor Socially Induced GenomicPlasticity of the Reproductive Axis

The African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni livesin shallow shore pools and river estuaries of LakeTanganyika in the rift valley system in Eastern Af-rica (38), and has proven to be an ideal model toexamine how social information regulates genomicchanges along the reproductive axis (FIGURE 2).The value of this system lies in its phenotypic plas-ticity: Males exist as two distinct reversible pheno-types, and their reproductive capacity and HPGaxis activity are tightly coupled to social status (37).Dominant (also called territorial) males arebrightly colored (blue or yellow) with a black stripethrough the eye (eye bar), an opercular black spot

FIGURE 2. The African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni as a model for social regulation of thehypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axisPhenotypic characters of reproductively active dominant males (top) and socially suppressed subordinate males (bottom). Dominant maleshave larger GnRH1 neurons (red; immunohistochemical staining) in the preoptic area of the brain (32, 151), higher GnRH-R1 levels (black,GnRH-R1 in situ hybridization; purple, cresyl violet counterstain) in the pituitary gland (4, 39, 83), and larger testes (32, 40, 81) comparedwith subordinate males.


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at the caudal tip of the gill cover, prominent eggspots on the anal fin, and a red humeral patch onthe body. Dominant males vigorously defend ter-ritories against rival males where they activelycourt and spawn with females (36, 38). In contrast,subordinate (also called nonterritorial) males aredull in coloration, do not hold territories or typi-cally reproduce, school with females and othersubordinate males, and flee from the aggressiveattacks of dominant males. This disparity in behav-ior and appearance between males is also associ-ated with important reproductive physiologicaldifferences such that dominant males have an ac-tive and upregulated HPG axis compared with sub-ordinate males. For example, along the HPG axis,

dominant males have larger GnRH1 neurons (32)with distinct membrane properties (e.g., highermembrane capacitance, lower input resistance,shorter action potential duration) (48), higherGnRH1, kisspeptin receptor (kiss1r), and steroidreceptor mRNA levels in the brain (12, 49, 151),higher GnRH receptor type I, LH�, and FSH�

mRNA levels in the pituitary (4, 83), higher circu-lating levels of androgens (testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone), estradiol, LH, and FSH (79, 82,83, 103), higher levels of LH receptor, FSH receptor,and multiple steroid receptor subtypes in the testes(81), and larger testes with higher density of lumi-nal sperm and spermatogenic potential (40, 68, 81)compared with subordinate males (FIGURE 3).

FIGURE 3. Temporal summary of behavioral, morphological, and physiological changes in the HPG axis during social ascent inthe male cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoniArrows indicate the time point after social opportunity at which the first significant increase (up arrows) or decrease (down arrows) from stable sub-ordinate male values was observed. Genomic changes (e.g., as determined by in situ hybridization or qRT-PCR) are indicated in red. Data werecompiled from the following Refs. 4, 11, 12, 68, 79, 81, 83, as well as some unpublished data from our laboratory (*). Note also that not all mea-sures were quantified at each time point, and several are only known for subordinate and dominant states. AR�/�, androgen receptor subtypes �and �; E2, 17�-estradiol; egr-1, early growth response factor-1; ER�/�a/�b, estrogen receptor subtypes �, �a, and �b; FSH, follicle stimulating hor-mone; FSH�, �-subunit of FSH; FSR, FSH receptor; GnRH1, gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1; GR1a/1b/2, glucocorticoid receptor subtypes 1a,1b, and 2; GSI, gonadosomatic index; IT, interstitial tissue; kiss1r, kisspeptin receptor 1; LH, luteinizing hormone; LH�, �-subunit of LH; LHR, LH re-ceptor; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; POA, preoptic area; SPG B, B-type spermatogonia; SPC, spermatocytes; SPT, spermatids; T, testosterone;11-KT, 11-ketotestosterone.


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Importantly, these behavioral, morphological,and physiological features of each male phenotypeare reversible and under social control such thatwhen a dominant male disappears, vacating a ter-ritory, a subordinate male will quickly take it overand rise in social rank. Furthermore, this transitionbetween subordinate and dominant states can beexperimentally controlled in the laboratory by ma-nipulating the composition of the social environ-ment (11, 79), which allows us to examine theprecise timing of genomic changes along the HPGaxis induced by social interactions. The recentlysequenced genome of A. burtoni also makes it apowerful model to address specific questions onhow the social environment is translated intogenomic change on multiple levels and temporalscales. We use examples from A. burtoni to illus-trate how tightly and rapidly the social environ-ment can be linked to genomic changes of the HPGaxis from the brain to the testes.

Social Regulation of GeneExpression in the Brain: GnRH1,Kisspeptin, and GnIH

GnRH1 neurons in the hypothalamic-preoptic areaof the brain sit at the apex of the HPG axis and thusare the master regulators of reproduction acrossvertebrates. However, recent studies also highlightthe critical role that kisspeptins (a group of RF-amide peptides encoded by the Kiss1, and in somespecies, the Kiss2 gene) and gonadotropin inhibi-tory hormone (GnIH; another RFamide peptide)play in controlling both GnRH1 neuron activityand the reproductive axis across taxa (see Refs. 2,24, 30, 50, 90, 98, 142, 143 for reviews). Here, weexamine current evidence for the link between re-productively relevant social signals and genomicactivation of GnRH1, kisspeptin, and GnIH systemsamong vertebrates.

In vertebrates, numerous studies demonstrateactivation of the reproductive axis caused by olfac-tory (47, 94, 111, 155), auditory (7, 13, 22, 76),tactile (104, 148), and visual (17) social signals thatare often measured as changes in the number, size,or axonal densities of GnRH1-immunoreactiveneurons, alterations in neuronal firing patterns,surges in circulating LH or steroid levels, increasedtesticular activity, or increases in sexual arousaland behavior. For example, plasma LH levels areelevated in female ring doves after hearing species-specific coo vocalizations compared with whitenoise or altered sounds, which is thought to medi-ate ovarian growth in this species (22). Exposure tofemale urinary pheromones causes rapid LH re-lease in male mice (26), and reception of matingcalls in the green treefrog is associated withincreased numbers of GnRH-immunoreactive

neurons and higher plasma androgen levels (13).In addition to sensory channel-specific signals,contextual social interactions with multimodalsensory information such as courtship, mating, ex-posure to the opposite sex, parental care, and op-portunities to rise in social rank are also known toinfluence GnRH neurons and the HPG axis inmany vertebrates (5, 11, 15, 33, 69, 78, 116, 125,126, 134, 149, 152). There is also evidence in mam-mals that social signals reach the GnRH1 neuronsvia the kisspeptin neuronal pathway (24, 98, 101,107) and that activation of the reproductive axis bysensory signals causes GnRH release to the pitu-itary, but it is often not associated with genomicchanges in GnRH mRNA levels (47, 115). However,despite numerous studies that demonstrate linksbetween socially salient signals and activation ofthe reproductive axis, there are comparativelyfewer studies that examine how these social sen-sory signals cause changes, either directly or indi-rectly, within GnRH1 or kisspeptin neurons at thegenomic level.

Immediate early genes (IEGs) such as egr-1, c-fos, jun, arc, and others have been useful tools foridentifying activated neurons within reproductiveand neuroendocrine circuits (25, 104), but impor-tant limitations of this technique are that neuronalactivation is not always associated with IEG induc-tion, IEGs are often not expressed in chronicallyactivated neurons, and IEG induction is not typi-cally related to challenge-induced neuropeptideexpression (35, 51, 65, 104). Nevertheless, sociallyrelevant reproductive stimuli are known to induceIEG expression within GnRH1 neurons across ver-tebrates from fishes (11) to mammals (44, 88, 105).In the cichlid fish A. burtoni for example, the per-ception of a social opportunity as a subordinatemale switches to a dominant male (i.e., socialascent) is associated with a rapid (20 –30 min) in-duction of the IEG egr-1 (a transcription factor-encoding gene; also called zenk, zif-268, ngfi-a,krox-24, tis8) in the preoptic area and in GnRH1neurons (11), as well as increases in GnRH1 mRNAlevels in the brain at 30 min (Maruska et al., un-published observations; FIGURE 3). This molecularresponse is likely due to the recognition of a socialopportunity because it is not elicited in males whoare already dominant. Recent studies in A. burtonialso suggest that visual cues alone are not sufficientto fully suppress the reproductive axis of subordinatemales and that other senses such as olfaction arelikely involved (21, 80). Male mice also show in-creased GnRH mRNA levels at 90 min after exposureto female mouse bedding (47), and pheromone ol-factory cues induce c-fos expression in GnRH neu-rons of the ewe after 90 min (44). In female rats,steroids (e.g., estrogen and progesterone) can alsoaugment the responsiveness of some GnRH neurons


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(as measured by IEG co-expression in GnRH neu-rons) to sexual (vaginocervical) stimulation (105),suggesting there may be subpopulations of GnRHcells involved in specific social circuitry in some an-imals. Courtship interactions are also known to rap-idly (within 1–2 h) increase GnRH1 mRNA levels andprotein synthesis in birds (78), and activate GnRHneurons (as measured by co-localization of IEGswithin GnRH cells) in the rodent brain (104, 105, 109,152). In addition to social signals, there is strongevidence that environmental and seasonal cues suchas photoperiod and temperature can also influenceIEG expression and mRNA levels within GnRH1 neu-rons (124, 135), as well as regulate protein levels ofGnRH1 (84, 106, 132, 133, 136), which likely functionsto coordinate reproduction in seasonally breedingspecies.

Kisspeptins have recently emerged as critical up-stream regulators of GnRH neurons involved in thecontrol of puberty and normal reproductive func-tion across vertebrates (reviewed in Refs. 2, 24, 30,50, 98, 143). Kisspeptin was shown to activateGnRH neurons via its cognate receptor (kiss1r, orGPR54) that is expressed in these neurons (re-viewed in Refs. 2, 30, 50, 98), rodents with disrup-tion of the kiss1 or kiss1r genes do not undergopuberty and are often infertile (31, 55), and thekisspeptin system is likely important for temporalregulation of the reproductive axis in seasonallybreeding animals (114, 129). Despite this recentattention over the last decade, there is still limitedinformation on how kiss1 or its receptor might beinfluenced by social information. In the cichlid fishA. burtoni, dominant males have higher levels ofkiss1r in whole brain samples compared with sub-ordinate males, but there was no difference inkiss1r expression on preoptic area GnRH1 neuronsbetween social states determined via in situ hy-bridization (49). In a more recent study, however,kiss1r mRNA levels in micro-dissected preoptic ar-eas were higher at 30 min after social opportunitycompared with both dominant and subordinatemales, suggesting that the kisspeptin-signaling sys-tem is important during the social transition whensuppressed males need to quickly upregulate theirreproductive behavior and physiology (Maruska etal., unpublished observations; FIGURE 3). In mam-mals, studies have also shown that kiss1 and kiss1rmRNA levels can be influenced by stress (61), suck-ling stimuli during lactation (154), photoperiod,and season (114, 129). For example, exposure to apsychological stressor (restraint) significantly re-duced kiss1 and kiss1r mRNA levels in the medialpreoptic area of the female rat brain, suggestingthat reduced kisspeptin signaling may contributeto the stress-related suppression of LH secretionand reproductive inhibition seen in many animals(61). Furthermore, kiss1 and kiss1r mRNA levels in

the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus werelower in lactating compared with nonlactating rats,which may contribute to the suppression of LHsecretion observed during suckling (154). Futurestudies are needed to determine the effects of so-cial interactions on the genomic response of thekisspeptin system.

In addition to kisspeptin and GnRH, recent stud-ies have also focused on the role of gonadotropininhibitory hormone (GnIH) or related RFamidepeptides as important “pause buttons” for the HPGaxis because they decrease GnRH neuron activity,reduce synthesis and release of LH from the pitu-itary, reduce testosterone release from the testes,and decrease sexual behaviors (6, 14, 23, 66, 142,144). Recent studies have also demonstrated thatGnIH expression in birds is influenced by socialstatus, breeding condition, and photoperiod (14,145). For example, in the socially monogamousEuropean starling Sturnus vulgaris, birds thatout-competed others for nest boxes and thereforehad increased breeding opportunities, showedlower numbers of GnIH cells in the brain, suggest-ing that GnIH serves as a modulator of reproduc-tive function in response to the social environment(14). In seasonally breeding mammals like sheep,terminal projections from GnIH cells to GnRH neu-rons are increased during the nonbreeding season,suggesting that GnIH might contribute to thetranslation of environmental signals such as pho-toperiod into reproductive output on a seasonalbasis (130). Since its discovery in the avian brain in2000, GnIH homologs have been described fromfishes to humans (141, 143), and thus this peptidelikely plays a conserved role in reproductive mod-ulation across vertebrates, but relatively little isknown about how social information might influ-ence the GnIH system. GnIH has not yet beenexamined in A. burtoni, but it is intriguing to hy-pothesize that it may play an important role insuppressing the HPG axis in subordinate malesand that removal of this inhibition on social op-portunity allows rapid activation of the reproduc-tive axis. The opposing effects of kisspeptins(stimulatory) and GnIH (inhibitory) on GnRH neu-ron and HPG axis activity suggests that these tworelated RFamides are both important componentsof the neural circuitry involved in integrating socialand environmental information with changes inreproductive physiology and behavior.

Social Regulation of GeneExpression in Brain RegionsInvolved in ReproductiveBehavioral Decisions

In comparison to the relatively sparse informationon socially induced genomic responses of “direct”


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HPG axis players (i.e., kisspeptin, GnRH1, GnIH),there is considerably more information on howreproductively salient social signals elicit genomicresponses in brain regions that regulate sexual andother social behaviors. For example, social behav-iors in all vertebrates are thought to be controlledby a series of conserved nuclei (“nodes”) in thebrain (e.g., medial extended amygdala, lateral sep-tum, preoptic area, ventromedial hypothalamus,anterior hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray/teg-mentum) that are anatomically interconnected,express sex steroid receptors, and contain neuro-peptidergic innervation (46, 95, 96). There is evi-dence across vertebrate taxa, including socialfishes such as A. burtoni (11, 34), that detection orperception of social information causes genomicactivation (as measured by IEG expression or mi-croarrays) of these and other socially relevant brainregions (3, 52, 64, 102, 104, 117, 120, 123). Since theforebrain regions of this “vertebrate social behav-ior network” contain many of the neurons directlyinvolved in HPG axis regulation, it is likely that thisgenomic response is also linked to reproductiveactivation, but this hypothesis is not typicallytested in these studies because the identities of thecells expressing IEG activation are often notknown. Thus large-scale technologies such as tran-scriptomics and epigenomics have allowed simul-taneous examination of genomic network changesin response to social information that have ad-vanced our understanding of which brain regionsand neural circuits are involved in processing com-plex social stimuli (29, 67, 93, 112, 113, 118). Thechallenge from these studies for the future, how-ever, is annotating this differential gene expressionand then conducting mechanistic and functionalstudies to identify the role that each gene, neurontype, or network of genes and neurons plays in thereception of or behavioral response to the socialinformation.

Social Regulation of GeneExpression in the Pituitary: GnRHReceptors and GonadotropinHormones

The primary target of the hypothalamic-preopticarea GnRH1 neurons are the gonadotrope-produc-ing cells in the anterior pituitary gland. The re-leased GnRH1 peptide, either delivered directly vianeuronal projections in fishes or via the hypotha-lamic-pituitary portal system in tetrapods, binds toGnRH receptors (members of the large G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily) on these secretorycells to induce synthesis and release of the twogonadotropin hormones, LH and FSH, which thentarget the gonads (testes or ovaries) to stimul-ate steroid production and gamete development.

Multiple forms of GnRH receptors (i.e., types I, II,III) are found in mammals (89), amphibians (147),and fishes (39, 71, 92, 122), and they often showdifferential distributions, expression patterns (e.g.,across season, reproductive stage, or dominancestatus), and varying responses to regulation by ste-roids, GnRH, and monoamines, all of which sug-gest functional specializations (4, 19, 28, 73, 74).Although there is considerable information on thesignal transduction pathways and how differentneurohormones and steroids influence gonadotro-pin synthesis and release (9, 138), little is knownabout how social information modulates gonado-trope output at the pituitary.

In male A. burtoni, pituitary mRNA levels ofGnRH-R1, but not GnRH-R2, are socially regulatedsuch that stable dominant males have higher levelscompared with subordinate males, and the in-crease during the social transition appears to occurmore slowly (days) than changes in mRNA levels ofother genes that occur within minutes to hours (4,83) (FIGURES 2 AND 3). However, pituitary mRNAlevels of the IEG egr-1 and of the �-subunits of LHand FSH are increased at just 30 min after socialascent, suggesting that GnRH1 release has quicklyactivated the pituitary gland (Maruska et al., un-published observations) (83). In mammals, pulsa-tile GnRH release and stimulation of GnRHreceptors in pituitary gonadotrophs is associatedwith activation of several IEG transcription factors(egr-1, c-fos, c-jun), which then increase transcrip-tion rates of LH� via mechanisms that involve in-tracellular signaling pathways and messengerssuch as PKC, CREB, Elk-1, ERK1/2, MEK1/2,MKP-1, and others (8 –10, 87). Furthermore, pulsa-tile GnRH regulates egr-1 mRNA levels both in vivoand in cultured anterior pituitary cells (10, 128),and when the egr-1 gene is inactivated in mice, theanimals have small anterior pituitary glands with-out LH� expression and are infertile due to defectsin hormone regulation (70, 139), demonstratingthat egr-1 is critical for LH� gene transcription.Microarray and microtranscriptome studies in theL�T2 gonadotrope cell line also showed that mul-tiple different IEGs, late-response genes, andmicroRNAs were significantly upregulated afterGnRH exposure, providing a glimpse into the com-plex signaling pathways likely involved in gonado-trope production (54, 153, 156). It is also importantto note that the majority of these studies men-tioned above were performed on cell cultures or infemales, and there is increasing evidence for dif-ferences in HPG axis function between in vivo andcultured conditions (16) and between genders thatrequires future study (8, 104). Although there havebeen many advances in our understanding of theintracellular mechanisms involved in GnRH1 acti-vation of pituitary gonadotrope cells, less is known


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about how social signals influence the genomicresponse at the pituitary level in any taxa.

Sex-changing fishes are also useful models forexamining how social information influencesgenomic changes along the HPG axis because re-moval of the dominant or terminal phase morph ofone sex typically induces the highest ranking indi-vidual of the opposite sex to rapidly assume color-ation and behaviors typical of that opposite sex,followed by physiological changes to transform thereproductive system from female to male (protogy-nous) or male to female (protandrous). Althoughthe majority of studies on sex-changing fishes haveconcentrated on the role of circulating steroids,monoamines, and neuropeptides such as GnRHand arginine vasotocin (AVT) at the protein level(see Ref. 45 for review), several recent studies havebegun to investigate the control of sex-change atthe genomic level (62, 63). In the sex-changingprotogynous grouper fish Epinephelus merra, forexample, increased pituitary mRNA levels of FSH�,but not LH� or the �-gonadotropin subunit, wereassociated with testis development during the fe-male-to-male transition, suggesting that FSH maytrigger the sex change in this species by stimulatingboth androgen production and spermatogenesis(62). Socially controlled sex change in the wrassePseudolabrus sieboldi is also associated with dis-tinct gene expression profiles of LH and FSH sub-units (� and �) in the pituitary gland, includingsex-specific diurnal changes in gonadotropin se-cretion that may mediate socially induced sexualplasticity in this species (99). Although the use ofIEGs has not yet been applied to the study of HPGaxis function in sex-changing fishes, this is an areaof future direction that should yield important in-sights into the missing links between detection orperception of social information and genomic re-sponse of the reproductive axis.

Social Regulation of GeneExpression in the Testes:Spermatogenesis and SteroidProduction

Although many studies have shown how social in-formation including mating opportunities, femalepresence or attractiveness, and social status caninfluence testicular function in terms of spermquality (e.g., velocity, motility, number) from fishesto humans (27, 43, 59, 68, 110), less is known abouthow social cues induce molecular changes in thetestes. In A. burtoni, however, perception of socialopportunity triggers genomic changes in mRNAlevels on both rapid (minutes to hours; FSHR,androgen receptors, corticosteroid receptors)and slower (days; LHR, aromatase, estrogen re-ceptors) time scales (81) (FIGURE 3). During the

subordinate-to-dominant male social transition,the morphological and structural changes in tes-ticular cell composition and relative testes sizetakes several days, whereas many molecularchanges in the testes are detected more quickly(81). This rapid genomic response in the mostdistal component of the HPG axis highlights thesensitivity and plasticity of the entire reproduc-tive system to social information. Furthermore,the quick genomic changes in the testes raise thepossibility that there may be additional and paral-lel signaling pathways that perhaps bypass the tra-ditional linear cascade from brain GnRH1 releaseto pituitary LH/FSH release to testicular gonado-tropin receptor activation scheme. A genomic re-sponse to social opportunity was also described inthe gonads of the sequential hermaphroditic gobyfish Trimma okinawae, which can reversiblychange sex in both male-to-female and female-to-male directions depending on the composition ofthe social environment (63, 75, 137). This studydemonstrated that perception of the opportunityto change sex is transmitted via unknown channelsto the gonads and results in activation of the inac-tive gonad and inactivation of the active gonad viaa mechanism that involves a rapid switching in themRNA expression levels of the LH and FSH recep-tors (63). Since testicular function is critical formale reproductive success, future studies shouldexamine how perception of social information istranslated into genomic changes in the testes.


Despite the profound influence of social informationon the function of the reproductive axis in all verte-brates, less is known about how this social informa-tion influences the HPG axis at the molecular level(e.g., changes in gene expression), and there are stillmany unanswered questions about the links be-tween social behaviors, reproductive axis function,and the genome. For example, what are the neuralpathways from reception/perception of an externalsocial cue that lead to changes in gene expressionalong the HPG axis? What is the function of IEGactivation within GnRH1 and other neurons of theconserved social behavior network? How does socialinformation influence the known (e.g., kisspeptinand GnIH neurons) and yet undiscovered upstreamafferent inputs to GnRH1 neurons at the molecularlevel, and are there subpopulations of GnRH1 neu-rons that serve to specifically process and integrateexternal social signals that differ from those thatmight process internal signals like nutrition andhormonal state? Recent advances in large-scale tech-nologies (proteomics, transcriptomics, microtranscrip-tomics, epigenomics) combined with comparativesystems approaches, single-cell analyses, optogenetics,


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and transgenic methods should increase our un-derstanding of how the social environment cancause genomic changes that regulate reproductionand fertility. The role of both epigenetic changesand small RNA (e.g., microRNAs) regulation in po-tentially mediating socially induced changes alongthe reproductive axis is also an exciting area offuture work (53, 108, 119 –121) that should provideinsights into our understanding of the mechanismsgoverning social and seasonal reproductive plastic-ity across taxa. We also propose that the cichlid fishA. burtoni, with its complex and experimentallymanipulative social system, wealth of backgroundknowledge on the social control of HPG axis func-tion, and the recently available genomic resourcesshould become a valuable vertebrate model systemfor studying how the social environment influ-ences genomic plasticity and function of the repro-ductive axis. �

Funding was provided by National Institute of Neurolog-ical Disorders and Stroke Grants F32NS-061431 (K. P.Maruska) and NS-034950 (R. D. Fernald) and NationalScience Foundation Grant IOS-0923588 (R. D. Fernald).

No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are de-clared by the author(s).

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