Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

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Running Program Enter the BOX size, LatX, LatY, LatZ Enter the grid n1, n2, n The orbital to be calculated:2px Enter the output file name 2px_text The output file name will be : 2px_text.dx Maximum density= Minimum density= DX_function]$ ls 2px_test.dx wavefunction.x function_DX.f90

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Page 1: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format

Byun Jae Duk

Page 2: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Running Program[bjdpjq@comphys DX_function]$ ./wavefunction.x ===================================== |Depart of physics, Dankook University | |Program calculates | | the Hydrogen-wavefunction | | (DX format) | |Written by Prof. Park Noejung and Byun Jae Duk | | (Solid State Physics Lab) | ===================================== What kind of orbital? (1s,2s,2px,2py,2pz,3s,3px,3py,3pz,3dz2,3dxz,3dyz,3dx2y2,3dxy)2px

Page 3: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Running Program Enter the BOX size, LatX, LatY, LatZ10 10 10 Enter the grid n1, n2, n310 10 10 The orbital to be calculated:2px Enter the output file name2px_text The output file name will be : 2px_text.dx Maximum density= 0.2959440 Minimum density= -0.2959440 [bjdpjq@comphys DX_function]$ ls2px_test.dx wavefunction.x function_DX.f90

Page 4: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

DX file formatobject 1 class array items 1000 data follows -0.59241E-02 -0.73789E-02 -0.79514E-02 -0.69445E-02 -0.41035E-02 0.00000E+00 0.41035E-02 0.69445E-02 0.79514E-02 0.73789E-02



. -0.14747E-01 -0.19478E-01 -0.22174E-01 -0.20274E-01 -0.12355E-01 0.00000E+00 0.12355E-01 0.20274E-01 0.22174E-01 0.19478E-01

attribute "dep" string "positions“object 2 class gridpositions counts 10 10 10origin 0.0 0.0 0.0delta 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000delta 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000delta 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 object 3 class gridconnections counts 10 10 10attribute "elements type" string "cubes"attribute "ref" string "positions" object "electron density" class fieldcomponent "data" 1component "positions" 2component "connections" 3

Page 5: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code program main dimension Rc(3), R(3) integer n1, n2, n3 real, allocatable :: fu(:) real rad,L(3),rho(3) character (len = 7):: orbname character*20 oufina, infina, paste rbohr = 0.529177249 xpi = 4.0*atan(1.0) Znuc = 1.0 write(6,*)'==================================' write(6,*)'|Depart of physics, Dankook University |' write(6,*)'|Program calculate |' write(6,*)'| the Hydrogen-wavefunction |' write(6,*)'| (DX format) |' write(6,*)'|Written Prof.Park Noejung and Byun Jae Duk |' write(6,*)'| (Solid State Physics Lab) |' write(6,*)'==================================' write(6,*)

Page 6: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code write(6,*)'What kind of orbital? ' write(6,*)'(1s,2s,2px,2py,2pz,3s,3px,3py,3pz,3dz2,3dxz,3dyz,3dx2y2,3dxy)' read(5,*)orbname write(6,*)'Enter the BOX size, LatX, LatY, LatZ' read(5,*)L(1), L(2), L(3) write(6,*)'Enter the grid n1, n2, n3' read(5,*)n1, n2, n3 write(6,*)'The orbital to be calculated:',orbname write(6,*)'Enter the output file name' read(5,*)infina oufina= paste(infina,'.dx') write(6,*)'The output file name will be : ', oufina




Page 7: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code Rc(:) = L(:)/2 indg = 0 allocate (fu(n1*n2*n3)) do k = 1,n3 do j = 1,n2 do i = 1,n1 indg = indg + 1 x = (float(i) - 1.0) * (L(1)/float(n1)); y = (float(j) - 1.0) * (L(2)/float(n2)) z = (float(k) - 1.0) * (L(3)/float(n3)) rho(1) = x; rho(2) = y; rho(3) = z rho(:) = rho(:) - Rc(:) rad = sqrt( sum(rho(:)**2.) ) fu(indg) = xphi(rad,rho,orbname) enddo; enddo; enddo

Page 8: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code function xphi(rad,rho,orbname) character (len = 7):: orbname real Head,rad,rho(3) rbohr = 0.529177249 xpi = 4.0*atan(1.0) Znuc = 1.0 !.... Znuc : Atomic Number of the Atom!.... rbohr : Bohr radius xphi = 0.0 if(orbname.eq.'1s')then Head = 1./sqrt(xpi) * (Znuc/rbohr)**1.5 xphi = Head*rad * exp(-(Znuc*rad)/rbohr) elseif(orbname.eq.'2s')then Head = 1./(4.0*sqrt(2*xpi))*(Znuc/rbohr)**1.5*(2.-(Znuc*rad)/rbohr) xphi = Head*rad*exp(-(Znuc*rad)/(2.*rbohr))



. End if

Page 9: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code

denmax = -1000; denmin = 1000

do i = 1,n1*n2*n3 wtmp = fu(i) if(wtmp.ge.denmax)denmax = wtmp if(wtmp.le.denmin)denmin = wtmp enddo write(6,*)'Maximum density=', denmax write(6,*)'Minimum density=', denmin

Page 10: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code dx = L(1)/n1 dy = L(2)/n2 dz = L(3)/n3 open(19,file=oufina) rewind 19 write(19,'(a,2i5)')'#',3,2 write(19,'(a,3i5)')'#',n3,n2,n1 write(19,'(a,6f15.7)')'#',0.0,(L(1)-dz),0.0,(L(2)-dy),0.0,(L(3)-dx) write(19,'(a,i10,a)')'object 1 class array items ', n1*n2*n3,' data follows' do k = 1,n3 nxyp = (k-1)*n1*n2 write(19,'(5e15.5)')(fu(i + nxyp),i=1,n1*n2) enddo

Page 11: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code write(19,'(a)')'attribute "dep" string "positions"' write(19,*) write(19,'(a,3i5)')'object 2 class gridpositions counts',n3,n2,n1 write(19,'(a)')'origin 0.0 0.0 0.0' write(19,'(a,3f12.6)')'delta ',0.0, 0.0, dz write(19,'(a,3f12.6)')'delta ',0.0, dy, 0.0 write(19,'(a,3f12.6)')'delta ',dx, 0.0, 0.0 write(19,*) write(19,'(a,3i5)')'object 3 class gridconnections counts ',n3,n2,n1 write(19,'(a)')'attribute "elements type" string "cubes"' write(19,'(a)')'attribute "ref" string "positions"' write(19,*) write(19,'(a)')'object "electron density" class field' write(19,'(a)')'component "data" 1' write(19,'(a)')'component "positions" 2' write(19,'(a)')'component "connections" 3' close(19) stop end

Page 12: Hydrogen Orbital 3D-data into DX format Byun Jae Duk

Program source code! $Id: paste.f,v 1.4 2002/02/04 16:02:09 javier Exp $ CHARACTER*(*) FUNCTION PASTE( STR1, STR2 ) ! CONCATENATES THE STRINGS STR1 AND STR2 REMOVING ! BLANKS IN BETWEEN! Written by J. Soler CHARACTER*(*) STR1, STR2 DO 10 L = LEN( STR1 ), 1, -1 IF (STR1(L:L) .NE. ' ') GOTO 20 10 CONTINUE 20 PASTE = STR1(1:L)//STR2 END