DePaul University The School for New Learning Hybrid Policy, Version 4 Approved by CAC 3/17/16 Hybrid Policy, Version 4 Part I: Introduction This policy refers to hybrid courses developed for the School for New Learning (SNL) at DePaul University. Within this policy, the following sections are included: Part I: Introduction: Hybrids at De Paul’s School for New Learning Part II: The Rationale for Hybrid Learning Part III: Hybrid Definitions Part IV: Faculty Training Considerations Part V: The Course Development Process: How will the SNL Instructional Designers and Faculty work together to develop hybrid courses? Introduction: Hybrids at De Paul’s School for New Learning Hybrid courses offer significant benefits for both educators and adult students. A well- designed hybrid course allows students to engage face to face with highly trained Faculty, as well as peers who may have similar educational and career goals. The online elements of hybrid courses should be designed to maximize communication options, provide tools for student collaboration, and support competence and outcomes-based, student-centered learning. As hybrid course design continues to evolve, innovations in the way we teach and engage students will evolve. The first SNL Blended Course policy was drafted in 2007 and revised in 2009. The first SNL Blended Course policy provided definitions, or “typologies” for blended courses, now known at SNL as hybrid courses. In addition, the previous policy described basic training requirements for Faculty and hybrid standards for SNL. This policy builds on SNL’s first Blended Course Policy by elaborating on the previous definitions for SNL hybrids, provides additional information about SNL standards for hybrid course development, timelines for development, training requirements for faculty, and describes the relationship between SNL Faculty and Instructional Designers. DePaul University’s Vision 2018 Strategic Plan calls for an “unwavering commitment to student learning and success” and for De Paul to be known for the “excellence of its academic offerings.” Within every goal of the Vision 2018 plan, emphasis is placed on

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DePaul University The School for New Learning Hybrid Policy, Version 4 Approved by CAC 3/17/16

Hybrid Policy, Version 4 Part I: Introduction

This policy refers to hybrid courses developed for the School for New Learning (SNL)

at DePaul University. Within this policy, the following sections are included:

Part I: Introduction: Hybrids at De Paul’s School for New Learning Part II: The Rationale for Hybrid Learning

Part III: Hybrid Definitions

Part IV: Faculty Training Considerations

Part V: The Course Development Process: How will the SNL Instructional Designers

and Faculty work together to develop hybrid courses?

Introduction: Hybrids at De Paul’s School for New Learning Hybrid courses offer significant benefits for both educators and adult students. A well-

designed hybrid course allows students to engage face to face with highly trained

Faculty, as well as peers who may have similar educational and career goals. The online

elements of hybrid courses should be designed to maximize communication options,

provide tools for student collaboration, and support competence and outcomes-based,

student-centered learning. As hybrid course design continues to evolve, innovations in

the way we teach and engage students will evolve.

The first SNL Blended Course policy was drafted in 2007 and revised in 2009. The first

SNL Blended Course policy provided definitions, or “typologies” for blended courses,

now known at SNL as hybrid courses. In addition, the previous policy described basic

training requirements for Faculty and hybrid standards for SNL. This policy builds on

SNL’s first Blended Course Policy by elaborating on the previous definitions for SNL

hybrids, provides additional information about SNL standards for hybrid course

development, timelines for development, training requirements for faculty, and

describes the relationship between SNL Faculty and Instructional Designers.

DePaul University’s Vision 2018 Strategic Plan calls for an “unwavering commitment to

student learning and success” and for De Paul to be known for the “excellence of its

academic offerings.” Within every goal of the Vision 2018 plan, emphasis is placed on

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the use of technology for the purposes of innovation, and as a means of connecting

with the larger Chicagoland, national, and global communities. Goal 2 calls for the

investment in “infrastructure and technology to enhance the educational experience

and develop great opportunities for interaction among faculty, staff and students, and

foster the creation of a vibrant university community.” Goal 5 calls for the university

to “offer new modes of delivery and increase the flexibility of course and program

offerings.” In addition, SNL’s Strategic Plan, Educational Sub plan, Goal IIA calls for the

continued strengthening of online learning outcomes for all courses. The development

of more robust hybrid and web enhanced course offerings at SNL, as well as continued

support for online learning in general, aligns closely with DePaul’s Vision 2018

Strategic Plan and SNL’s Strategic Plan, and signals a way forward for our college.

Part II: The Rationale for Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning experiences represent a fundamental redesign that transforms the

structure of, and approach to, teaching and learning. The key assumptions of hybrid

learning and design are:

Rethinking course design to optimize student engagement

Integrating face to face and online learning

Promoting the Community of Learners, and promoting connectivity and

communication between the instructor and students, and student-to-

student communication.

(Garrison, Vaughn, 2008, p. 5)

A hybrid course is a blend of on-ground and online learning experiences. At SNL, the

online components of hybrid courses are made available to students through the

learning management system, Desire2Learn (D2L), and other web tools (Digication,

Collaborate, SoftChalk, etc.). As hybrid course design continues to evolve and

influence teaching practices, so will hybrid definitions.

Now, because of the flexibility inherent in courses that blend instructional delivery

modes, and the varied learning experiences they support, SNL’s emphasis should be

placed on how both the on-ground and online components of hybrids promote student

engagement and achievement of course competencies/outcomes outlined within a

hybrid course. In addition hybrid course design should focus on how best to promote

the following:

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Active, learner-centered education

Greater interactivity between learners (peer to peer instruction, collaborative

learning activities, classroom workshop/learning lab)

Greater connectivity between the learner and the instructor

Reflective learning (written reflection, student self-assessment, peer to peer

assessment, peer editing)

Developing a community of learners

Greater access to university-wide learning resources (DePaul Library, Writing

Center) learning objects, web tools

Structured and consistent course look and feel, functionality

As Faculty members become more knowledgeable about hybrid course design and

teaching online, their teaching practice and the methods they use to engage students

may change.

Some of the advantages to Faculty teaching hybrid courses might be:

Ease of communication through the use of D2L newsfeed, forums, D2L Classlist

Increased ability to facilitate collaborative learning in both the on-ground and online settings

Greater opportunity to provide hands-on instruction during on-ground

meetings, through the utilization of D2L for course lecture components.

(flipped classroom model)

Greater variety of content delivery options through use of D2L and webtools

(Digication, Soft Chalk, video, media, blogs, surveys/polls, RSS feeds)

Central location to house course material that may be copied from term to

term (D2L Master course, D2L course files)

Less paper (gradebook, linked documents, and e-reserves)

More opportunities to assess student understanding of course readings,

content, and assignments in both the on-ground and online settings

(Summative/Formative Assessment)

More opportunities for students to practice skills that can be assessed with

automated feedback such as simulations, publishers’ practice problems, etc.

Ease of providing structured feedback to students on assignments, and

contributions to both the online and on-ground portions of hybrid courses

(face to face feedback/feedback through D2L)

Facilitating feedback through the online gradebook

More opportunities to enhance student awareness and understanding of

referencing and academic integrity through use of Turnitin, and links to

reference guides

Online links to DePaul University Writing Center, and Library Resources

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Course design consultation, D2L training, and support from SNL Instruction Designer team.

Part III: Hybrid Definitions

Hybrid Course Definition

Hybrid Course Percentage Online via D2L

20%-80% Minimum of 20% on-ground classes replaced with online

modules (classes). Maximum of 80% modules (classes)

conducted online.

Recommendation: For maximum student and faculty convenience, a 50%-50% split between on- ground and online time is recommended for SNL hybrids. Through the 50%-50% split model of instructional time, SNL hybrids may appeal to adult students because they include the right mix of face-to-face instruction with Faculty, while at the same time maximizing student convenience. Note: The 50%-50% split for hybrid courses is a recommendation and not an SNL standard for course design. For many courses, there may be pedagogical reasons, scheduling concerns, or other factors that result in a different division of on-ground and online course time.

Elements of an SNL Hybrid Course I. Getting Started Module (Module 1)

a. Navigating in D2L-Instructions b. Student Training and Getting Help (Instructions) c. Personalizing Your Views in D2L (Instructions) d. Online Learning Guidelines and Course Expectations – Customizable Per

Instructor e. Minimum Required Software Standards for successful utilization of D2L,

Digication, etc. II. Hybrid Standard Modular Structure (Modules 2-11)

All SNL hybrid courses will have an 11 module structure created through the use of a standard template. The 11 modules will include the “Getting Started Module” plus one module for each week of class. Faculty may also work with Instructional Designers to create custom modules within their h y b r i d s to

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meet or support specific learning outcomes as needed. The hybrid template will include SNL branding, a standard syllabus including DePaul University policies, and consistent elements to provide structure to maximize student success and instructor convenience. The SNL hybrid template will be added to courses by Instructional Designers and training materials for working within the template will be developed for Faculty use.

Online modules for on-ground weeks of a hybrid course will not necessarily require students to do additional online work, but exist to provide a continuous structure within D2L for the on-ground weeks of the course. For example, within an online module for an on-ground week, Faculty may use D2L to provide information about assignments, readings, and optional resources that enhance classroom learning.

Additional Hybrid Elements:

a. All content pages within an SNL hybrid will include the SNL logo and

the title of the course at the top of the html page.

b. All SNL hybrid courses will include a course schedule that indicates dates for on-ground class meetings and online modules, assignment guidelines, and due dates for readings, activities, and assignments.

c. SNL hybrid courses will include one online module for each week of content. Both on-ground and online weeks include a D2L module to promote a consistent experience for students and facilitate transitions between on-ground and online content.

d. SNL hybrid courses will include a standard Q&A forum for general student inquiries about the course and its administration. The Q&A forum should be a predominately student driven communication forum. Students are encouraged to use the Q&A forum to ask questions of, and answer questions for their classmates whenever possible.

e. General Discussion forums are recommended. Topics covered in these forums may range from issues related to course content, course administration, career and professional development issues, navigating SNL, SNL events, and current events.

f. The use of D2L discussion forums during on-ground weeks is encouraged. Discussion forums may be utilized to extend on-ground discussions, to transition in and out of online modules, facilitate collaborative work, and as a channel for communication on ongoing assignments.

g. The inclusion of media in both on-ground and online modules is recommended when it supports course, and weekly learning outcomes.

h. Interactive tools (synchronous and asynchronous) are encouraged for

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use in both on-ground and online weeks. i. Utilization of D2L Gradebook tool strongly recommended for

feedback and grade recording. j. Turnitin plagiarism detection for writing assessments

Part IV: Faculty Training Considerations

Faculty must be prepared to teach hybrid courses to insure pedagogically effective online components, student competence, engagement, and success. In addition, Faculty teaching hybrid courses must have the ability to interact with students during online modules in hybrid courses, provide basic D2L support for their students, and trouble shoot minor issues for students. To be sufficiently prepared to develop and teach a hybrid course, a Faculty Member should have experience teaching online. If the Faculty Member has never taught online, the Faculty Member should take the series of training courses required of all Faculty teaching online: the D2L basics training course, which includes a module on course building; the DOTS II course, which deals with creating engagement in the online classroom; and the Teaching to Competence course. Ideally, the Faculty Member will have also taken the FITS-led workshop on hybrid development (DOTS). Two levels of Faculty support for hybrid course design (Level 1 and Level 2) are planned.

Faculty developing, revising, or teaching a hybrid course for the first time must be

assigned to an Instructional Designer for course consultation. The level of support

provided by the Instructional Designer will fall into one of the two levels of support

for hybrid course design, depending on the Faculty member’s knowledge of course

design, hybrid pedagogy and best practices, and experience with D2L. The

Instructional Designer will use the SNL Faculty Training Checklist to assess the

Faculty member’s level of proficiency with course design and D2L in an initial meeting

between the Instructional Designer and the Faculty.

Assessing Instructor readiness using the Faculty Training Checklist

1. The Instructional Designer will furnish the Faculty member with the

SNL Faculty Training Checklist to be completed at the initial course

consultation meeting.

2. Together, the Instructional Designer and Faculty member will identify a

service level that meets the training and development needs of the Faculty.

3. Based on service level chosen, division of course responsibilities will be

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4. Instructional Designer and Faculty member will develop a course

development schedule, and timeline.

The SNL Faculty Training Checklist is included in Appendix A.

The SNL Hybrid Training Checklist is included in Appendix A.

Part V: The Course Development Process: How will the SNL Instructional

Designer and Faculty work together to develop hybrid courses?

The Associate Deans, in coordination with the Campus Coordinators, shall be responsible for approving new hybrid course developments. It is essential that the Associate Deans approve and give priority to new hybrid course developments.

A Resident Faculty member who proposes new hybrid courses, including new conversions from existing on-ground courses, must first obtain approval from the Associate Dean for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. After obtaining this approval, the Resident Faculty member will contact the SNL Online Director to schedule the development of the proposed hybrid course.

A Part-Time Faculty member must first obtain approval from the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs. After obtaining approval this approval, the Faculty Member will contact the SNL Online Director to schedule development of the hybrid portion of the class.

The Associate Deans can also make recommendations to the SNL Online Director about existing hybrids that should undergo revision, or on-ground courses that should be converted to a hybrid course format.

Depending on the scope of the course development and faculty member’s comfort level with D2L, the level of support required from the Instructional Designer may vary. The online team will provide two levels of support for hybrid course development, which are described below.

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Course Type

Service Level 1: Faculty Readiness

Hybrid Service Level 1 Hybrid Development Courses that typically require Level 1 service:

New hybrid Hybrid revisions Conversion of on-ground or online course to hybrid

Faculty Readiness:

Faculty with previous experience teaching with D2L and hybrid course design, and will receive who this service course development option.

Development Timeframe:

14- 20 weeks

Description of Level 1 Hybrid Development Services: The working relationship between the Instructional Designer and the Faculty member in the medium level of service is similar to a consultant – client relationship. The ID consults with the Faculty member to help build course. In the medium level of service the responsibilities for building the course within D2L can be shared or the faculty can consult with the ID on course design/pedagogical ideas while completing much of the course building work. The ID should be available to assist with Faculty training needs, be it one-on- one training or providing the training guide/resources the Faculty member needs to complete the course build. The Faculty should also have completed, prior to beginning the course development, the D2L training course (which includes a module on course building) and the DOTS II course. For this development, it is assumed the faculty is familiar with the competence system, if not the T2C course is also recommended. It is also recommended, though not required, that the Faculty participate in the FITS-led training (offered every term) on creating a hybrid.

ID Support for Service Level 1 includes:

ID creates MASTER course shell and adds SNL branded hybrid template to course

ID receives, reviews, and confirms receipt of course blueprints Initial consultation with ID (best practice information, ideas for

utilizing D2L to support and enhance on-ground and online modules).

ID and Faculty member create schedule for course development outlining the roles each will fulfill during the course development process.

ID provides consultation on how to create smooth transitions between

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on-ground and online modules. Assistance/training with embedding media and linking online learning

resources. Support with D2L, and D2L refresher training as needed. ID verifies that all SNL required elements have been included within course

and that the SNL hybrid template has been used to build the course. ID provides Quality Assurance assistance upon request of faculty. Assistance/training with course copy, or activation of course the first time the

course runs. Faculty Responsibilities

Faculty member splits course building responsibilities with Instructional Designer, or completes the course build themselves.

Faculty member completes course blueprints for all modules of course. Faculty member builds dropboxes and discussions (ID may provide training on

these features). Faculty Member sets up groups, ID may provide training on groups feature in

D2L. Faculty demonstrates ability to leave feedback on assignments submitted via

drop box Faculty demonstrates ability to use D2L Classlist feature to email individual

students, or the entire class Faculty demonstrates the ability to use the D2L newsfeed feature to

notify student of course happenings and announcements Faculty demonstrates the ability to upload documents to D2L (MS Word, PDF,

Excel Worksheet) Faculty provides course grading scheme (weights, point values, and policy for

late work) Faculty demonstrates the ability to use subscription/notification feature in

D2L settings Faculty responsible for making sure bookstore has ordered required

books for purchase by students Faculty responsible for activating/updating course e-reserves (ARES) Faculty demonstrates ability to use D2L attendance feature in the course

(optional) Faculty member completes review of course, and ID implements final

revisions provided by faculty. Faculty demonstrates ability to activate course when ready and copy course

master to shell each subsequent term.

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Shared Responsibilities

Upon completion of first run of course, Instructional Designer and Faculty Member schedule follow-up meeting to discuss the course experience, and make arrangements for any revisions needed.

After the course has run at least one time, it should be submitted for Quality Matters Review

Course Type

Service Level 2: Faculty Readiness

Hybrid Service Level 2 Hybrid Development Courses that typically require Level 2 service:

Hybrid revisions Conversion of on-ground or online course to hybrid New hybrid with fewer than 3 online modules

Faculty Readiness:

Faculty with previous experience teaching in D2L, a high level of technical proficiency with D2L and/or knowledge of hybrid course design. It is assumed the Faculty member will have completed the D2L training course, DOTS II, and T2C, or has mastery of the skills covered in these courses.

Development Timeframe:

14 weeks

Description of Level 2 Hybrid Development Services: ID Support for basic service level includes:

Creation of D2L Course Master with standard syllabus/module templates

included ID receives reviews and approves course blueprints Initial consultation with ID (best practice information, ideas for utilizing

D2L to support and enhance on-ground and online modules) Assistance/training with media and online learning resources Support with D2L, and D2L refresher training as needed Assistance/training with course copy, or activation of course the first time the

course runs.

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Shared Responsibilities

Upon completion of first run of course, Instructional Designer and Faculty member schedule follow-up meeting to discuss the course experience, and make arrangements for any revisions needed

After the course has run at least one time, it should be submitted for Quality Matters Review.

All other activities are Faculty responsibilities.

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Appendices and Resources Contents

Appendix A

1. SNL Faculty Training Checklist

2. SNL Course Blueprint Examples

3. SNL Hybrid Course Checklist Appendix B

Models of Blended Course Checklists:

1. Table A.1-Rationale for Blended Courses

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Appendix A

D2L Training Checklist

To be completed by SNL Faculty prior to hybrid course development to assess

readiness with teaching in D2L.

Name of the Instructor:

Course Name:

Email: Phone:

Please answer the questions below to help your Instructional Designer assess your level of comfort with D2L.

Training Inventory – Part 1 Yes No Comments

Have you taught any online courses previously?

Have you taken the FITS-led DOTS course?

Have you taken the SNL Online DOTS II course? (Building Engagement in an Online Class)

Have you completed any D2L training in the past?

Can you upload a document to D2L?

Can you post a news item (message to students) in the News area in D2L?

Can you create a content page in D2L?

Can you create a Discussion forum and topic in D2L?

Can you add due dates to your assignments from the Table of Contents or the Calendar?

Can you email your students from the Classlist in D2L?

Can you upload your profile picture and profile information in D2L?

Can you embed links to learning resources (websites, video, audio files)?

Can you insert images into D2L content pages?

Can you set up assignment Dropboxes?

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Can you set up the D2L gradebook?

Can you create groups in D2L?

Can you enable Turnitin plagiarism detection?

Training Inventory Part 2

Do you have any concerns about teaching in D2L? Please explain:

Are there any aspects of D2L that you would like to explore for developing course activities, or would like to learn more about? (Creating a short video greeting for students, embedding video, surveys, D2L quizzes, etc.)

Additional Questions or Comments:

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Example of Course Blueprint Worksheet

Course Number & Title:

Course Instructor:


As you develop each module of a hybrid course, it is imperative that your learning

objectives are measurable and that they align with the course competencies,

appropriate assessments, learning activities, and learning resources. As part of the

hybrid course development process, you will complete a course blueprint for each

week of instruction in your course. This blueprint will help ensure that your course

meets Quality Matters standards for hybrid course design while also serving as a

course development tool as you work with your instructional designer.

Characteristics of Effective Learning Objectives

Student-Centered (i.e., the language of the objectives is active and outlines student competencies)

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, doable within a set Time

period. Objectives should be written with active verbs to drive performance. (See

Bloom’s Verbs) Measurable Objective Verbs

Perhaps the biggest flaw in most instructors' learning objectives is that they don't

contain a measurable action verb. The following list includes some of the more

commonly used measurable verbs, grouped by their place in Bloom's Taxonomy of

Educational Objectives for the cognitive domain.

Creating compose, construct, create, design, develop, integrate, invent, make,

manage, modify, prepare, rewrite

Evaluating assess, choose, convince, critique, decide, determine, defend, estimate,

judge, justify, measure, predict, prioritize, prove, rate, recommend,

select, test

Analyzing analyze, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, infer, organize, select

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Applying apply, demonstrate, examine, interpret, predict, produce, relate, solve, use

Understanding distinguish, compare, contrast, explain, identify, summarize

Remembering define, describe, identify, list, name, recall, recognize

Instructions: Create a module by completing the table below. To demonstrate alignment,

add the learning objective number(s) in parentheses (i.e., Objs 1, 2) next to the assessment

strategies and learning activities. View the course blueprint examples document for sample

module blueprints.

Module #: Module Name


Objectives At the

end of this module

students will be

able to:

Assessment Strategies

I will know students

have achieved the

objectives because

they will successfully:

Student Tasks

Students do the

following activities, to

prepare for or complete

the assessment:


and Support

What I need to do,

post, prepare,

create, or provide

for students:


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SNL Hybrid Course Checklist

Course Element

Requirements YES NO

Course Competence

Instructor completes course proposal form (New Course) and submits to appropriate Campus Director

Receive approval for course development from appropriate Campus Director and Associate Dean

Schedule discussion with your Campus Director to identify the appropriate competencies for your course, or the competencies you have selected to build your course around

Course Overview and Introduction

Course includes a “Getting Started” Module. Getting started module must include:

Basic Technical Requirements

Logging in and out of D2L

Navigating in D2L- Instructions

Student Training and Getting Help – Instructions

Personalizing Your Views-Instructions

Online Learning Guidelines and Expectations-Customizable by Faculty

Course Syllabus in linked within D2L. Syllabus must include:

Course competence statements, course description, course

learning objectives, assessment information and basic

course structure

Faculty contact information for both the online and on- ground learning environment

Contact information for the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD)

De Paul University policies/links

Rationale for the hybrid design, and description of the way online components support learning

If Week 1 of hybrid course will take place online, Instructor should provide self-introduction (text and/or video)

If Week 1 of hybrid course will take place online, student- introduction forum should be included


Learning Objectives

Course includes SMART learning objectives that align with


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course competence statements. (SMART: Specific,

Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, doable within a set Time period.)

Course learning objectives are clearly written and measurable

Individual online and on-ground weeks (1-10) have clearly written, measureable weekly learning objectives that align with course learning objectives, and course competence statements

Assignments, activities and assessments align with weekly learning objectives, course learning objectives, and course competencies

Assessment and Measurement

Course activities/assessments align with competencies,

and learning outcomes (course level/module level) measure student competence

Course grading policy is clearly stated within the syllabus and where appropriate within D2L

Instructions and evaluative criteria for course assignments are clearly stated (course materials/dropboxes)

Assignment/assessment values are clearly stated and align with course grading policy (Syllabus/course materials/dropboxes)

Student assignments/assessments are varied, appropriate for the course level

Course includes a mix of low and high stakes assignments/assessments

Turnitin will be used to check for plagiarism, you must include a statement in your syllabus, or in the instructions for the assignment for which you will use Turnitin

Appropriate feedback (formative/summative assessment), with which students can gauge their progress, is provided

Students are given opportunities to assess their own progress (Self-evaluation)


Instructional Materials

Course instructional materials align with

course competencies, and learning objectives

Rationale for the design/presentation of course content (either online or on-ground) is provided to students

Course instructional materials and media follow fair-use guidelines

The distinction between mandatory and optional


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activities/assignments is clearly indicated

The distinction between mandatory an optional readings is clearly stated

Instructional materials for use within D2L are clearly labeled and accessible by students

All links to instructional materials function properly All links to external instructional

materials/resources (websites, webtools, documents) function properly

Learner Interaction and Engagement

Instructor communicates his or her timeframe for

providing feedback on student work Instructor communicates his or her timeframe for

answering student emails Instructor responds to student questions within

agreed upon timeframe Learning activities promote student engagement

with course content Learning activities foster the learning

community and communication between students

Learning activities promote collaborative learning Instructions, criteria and expectations for group

work are clearly stated Instructor provides netiquette guidelines for

acceptable online behavior


Course Technology

Course elements (e.g. modules, content pages,

discussion forums, dropboxes, and lockers) are clearly and consistently labeled

Course media aligns with course competencies, and learning objectives

Course design, learning tools, and media support engagement with course content and active learning

Student can access technologies within course, or technologies required to complete course assessments

Instructions are provided to students when technologies outside of D2L are required (3rd party webtools)

Course navigation is consistent, and order of course activities remains consistent within D2L for all modules of the course

Each week of hybrid course includes a module within D2L regardless of whether that week takes place on-ground or


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DePaul University The School for New Learning Hybrid Policy, Version 4

online (consistent course structure)

Learner Support

Course design follows DePaul hybrid template to provide

students with a consistent experience with D2L throughout the 10 weeks of the hybrid course. Weekly modules include information about required materials, assignments and due dates for each module.

Instructor completes D2L training course, or customized training with Instructional Designer and can provide basic technical support for students (logging in to D2L, discussion forums, dropboxes, groups)

Course contains a Question & Answer forum (Q &A) that is always visible to students, and that both students and the instructor can use to answer questions about the course and its administration.

Widget with link to De Paul University Technical Support Center (TSC) is included on course homepage.

Widgets with links to De Paul University Library, Writing Center and Career Center are included in on the course home page.

All policies including information for students seeking help with disability accommodations are included in the html version of the course syllabus.


Accessibility All images within the course are properly coded to include image tags readable by screen readers.

Instructor created course videos include linked transcripts. Course design facilitates readability The course design accommodates the use of

assistive technologies


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Appendix B

Rationale for Blended Courses

Best Practice Principle: A sound pedagogical rationale should form the basis of a blended course.

The typical rationales for a course to be structured/formatted to be blended rather than fully online or face-to-face are: pedagogical, professional skill development, course extension, and/or institutional considerations and rationales. The rationale for undertaking the development of blended course should be led by sound pedagogy and not driven merely by institutional grounds. Table A.1 provides a summary of common blending learning course rationales.

Table A.1. Rationales for Blended Learning (adapted from Higher Education Academy and Webjunction Blended Learning Guide)

Institutional Course Extension and Engaging Students out of class

Developing professional skills

Pedagogical Rationales

Flexibility in time and place

Learning extension activities

Discussions which structure and pace study between face to face sessions

Online collaborative work as a key skill for modern business practice

Associative learning occurs through practice, trial and error, repetition with the aim of accurate recall

Increased cost-effectiveness

Learning objects for working through difficult topics

Discussion boards for sharing experiences

The ability to bring together different groups of students to promote inter-professional learning

Constructivist learning occurs through exploratory and experimental activities which focus on real world, authentic tasks and often require collaboration with their peers

Enhanced student retention

Extension activities for subsets of students

For assessment activities to help students judge their progress

Connecting with an online ‘Community of Inquiry’ or Community of Practice

Situative learning occurs through participation in communities of practice.

Additional opportunities

Interactive tasks for


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for feedback students to use outside of class time

learning To test hypotheses and data.

Preparing students for practical work

Creating opportunities for dialogue in small groups (collaboration)

Promoting interactivity in class