Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capside. flagellated chambers, but most efficient for the vitally important function of keeping open the meshes of the dermal network: (2) That the geometrical forms of cubes, squares, or lines (bexactins, stauractins, am phidisks) arise in correspondence with the requirements for supperting cubical spaces, surfaces, or concentric laminge: (3) That the support of flagellated chambers and of the body as a whole was a later need, and was effected by the development of. microscleres into parenchymal and auxiliary surface macrosoleres: (4) That the identity of axes of the regular hexactin with those of the regular crystalline system is a coincidence, the real determining factor of the shape being a biological one: the axes of a geometrical system are pure abstractions. The concrete organic filament of the regular hexactiin round which alternating layers of spiculin and silex are formed is nothing more than a model of those abstractions. (It is not imp]ied, however, that the cylindrical shape of the axial tubes is to be regarded as an argument against the crystal theory; for crystals may have curved surfaces.) LXIT.-Descrivtions of Oriental Capsidae. By W. L. DISTANT. [Continued from p. 454.] Hyalopeplus clavatus, sp. n. Head, pronotum, scutellum, and corium bronzy ochraceous; head with three longitudinal black lines, the lateral ones converging anteriorly; antennae with the basal joint bronzy ochraceous, with a more or less distinct piceous line beneath, second joint black, with its base ochraceous (remaining joints mutilated in typical specimens); pronotal collar with the margins and three longitudinal lines black, the central line more prominent, posterior pronotal margin and the posterior angles black; clavus with the inner and outer margins and the suture black; corium, with the costal marginal area paler and bordered on each side with black, veins piceous; mem- scaffoldings. He resorts to the method of splicing with rope his radial and tangential axes (standards, putlogs, and ledgers), because, when sepa- rated, they are easier to transport in bundles. 509

Hyalopeplus sp.research.amnh.org/pbi/library/1836.pdfsumbing, 4700 feet (Mann). Allied to L. viridanus, Motsch. In somespecimens the apical angle of the cuneus is con. colorous, not

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Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capside.

flagellated chambers, but most efficient for the vitally importantfunction of keeping open the meshes of the dermal network:

(2) That the geometrical forms of cubes, squares, or lines(bexactins, stauractins, am phidisks) arise in correspondencewith the requirements for supperting cubical spaces, surfaces,or concentric laminge:

(3) That the support of flagellated chambers and of thebody as a whole was a later need, and was effected by thedevelopment of. microscleres into parenchymal and auxiliarysurface macrosoleres:

(4) That the identity of axes of the regular hexactinwith those of the regular crystalline system is a coincidence,the real determining factor of the shape being a biologicalone: the axes of a geometrical system are pure abstractions.The concrete organic filament of the regular hexactiin roundwhich alternating layers of spiculin and silex are formedis nothing more than a model of those abstractions. (It is notimp]ied, however, that the cylindrical shape of the axial tubesis to be regarded as an argument against the crystal theory;for crystals may have curved surfaces.)

LXIT.-Descrivtions of Oriental Capsidae.By W. L. DISTANT.

[Continued from p. 454.]

Hyalopeplus clavatus, sp. n.Head, pronotum, scutellum, and corium bronzy ochraceous;

head with three longitudinal black lines, the lateral onesconverging anteriorly; antennae with the basal joint bronzyochraceous, with a more or less distinct piceous line beneath,second joint black, with its base ochraceous (remaining jointsmutilated in typical specimens); pronotal collar with themargins and three longitudinal lines black, the central linemore prominent, posterior pronotal margin and the posteriorangles black; clavus with the inner and outer margins andthe suture black; corium, with the costal marginal area palerand bordered on each side with black, veins piceous; mem-

scaffoldings. He resorts to the method of splicing with rope his radialand tangential axes (standards, putlogs, and ledgers), because, when sepa-rated, they are easier to transport in bundles.


M0 M1r. MW. L. Distant on Oriental Capside.brane pale olivaceous, sublhyaline, the basal area reflCtingthe darker abdomen beneath, the cellular margins black;body beneath, rostrum, and legs ochraceous; antennas withthe basal joint moderately thickened and a little longer thanbead, second joint slightly thickened and nearly four times aslong as first ; rostrum reaching the posterior coxae; pronotum'with the anterior area subgranulose, the posterior area trans-versely striate and centrally longitudinally impressed, poste-rior angles slightly straightly pr~orninent; scutellum with thedisk very finely transversely striate.

Length 10 mm.Hab. Bengal; Lebong, 500 feet (Lefroy).Differs from, H. spinosus, Dist., by the less produced poste-

rior pronotal angles; and from H. vitripennis, St&l, by theabsence of the linear pronotal markings, different colour ofantenna3, &c.

DIOPHANTUS, gen. nov.Head somewhat large, longer than broad, the lateral margins

slightly sinuate, centrally slightly longitudinally ridged; eyeslarge, a little obliquely directed backward; antenna with thefirst joint scarcely as long as head, second about three times aslong as first, first and second longly pilose, third and fourthslender, third about half the length of second and distinctlylonger than fourth ; rostrum reaching the posterior coxoe; pro-notum nearly twice as broad at base as long, the basalmargin convex and about two and a half times as broad asanterior margin, transversely impressed near anterior margin,and behind this impression two transverse callosities, lateralmargins oblique; scutellum triangular; corium (includingcuneus) a little longer than posterior coxoe, the costal marginslightly convex; cuneus broad, elorigately triangular, thebasal margin towards inner apex obliquely deflected to mem-brane; membrane passing abdominal apex, with a short sub-quIadrate posteriorly subtruncate cell, to which is attached' a

smaller inner cell; legs of moderate size and length; posteriortarsi with the first and second joints subequal in length;body and legs thickly, more or less longly lilose.

In the Indian enumeration I place this genus betweenParacalccoris and Calocorts.

lDiopphantus Uiteratus, sp. n.

Body above brownish oclhraceous, thickly, somewhat longlypilose; cuneus castaneous, its basal margin ochraccous; headwith a central longitudinal line and the eves black ; aitennte

Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capsidae.: 511ochraceous, apex of second joint and the third and fourthjoints piceous; pronotum with the extreme basal marginpaler and with a small black spot at each posterior lateralangle ; scutellum and the interior area of corium distinctlydarker in hue; membrane fuscous, beyond middle mtottledwith greyish, the basal area reflecting the dark abdomenbeneath ; body beneath and legs pale ochraceous, mesostern urnlaterally piceous, legs annrulated with fuscous; pronotumfinely transversely wrinkled and punctate; scutellum punc-tate; other structural characters as in generic diagnosis.Length 52 mm.flab. Ceylon ; Ohiya (Green).

Calocoris rarna, sp. n.Above bright, shining, pale olivaceous green; body beneath

and legs paler; antenna black, the basal joint olivaceousgreen; eyes black; membrane fuscous, with a grey spot nearapex of cuneus, a little darker on basal area; rostrum ochra-ceous, its apex black and reaching the intermediate coxx;antenna with the basal joint about as long as head, secondjoint about three times as long as first and obscurely palelyannulate near base; hiead rather elongate anteriorly ; pro-notum with two small transverse callosities near anteriormargin, which is ridged; corium with the costal marginalarea a little paler in hue and with cuneus a little longer thanposterior tibiav; tibiai setose; tarsi apically black.Length 51 mm.flab. Daijiling.

Lygus ostensus, sp. n.Head and pronotum ochraceous; antenna and eyes black;

scutellurn black; clavus and inner area of corium black, baseof clavus and costal and lateral areas of corium ochraceous;cuneus castaneous; membrane pale fuscous, sublhyaline, tilebase blackish by reflecting the dark abdomen beneath; headbeneath, sternum, and legs ochraceous; abdomen beneathblack, with the basal angles ochraceous; femora obscurelyannulated with brownish ; antenn. with the basal joirtaboutas long as head, second joint about twice as long as first;pronotum witlh two transverse concolorous callosities behindaniterior margin; hemelytra very obscurely shortly pilose;membrane longly passing abdominal apex; apices of tarsiblack.

Length 31-4 mm.Bab. Calcutta (Ind. Mus.).Allied to L. pubens, Dist.

512 Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capsidm.Lygus patrius, sp. n.

Ilead, pronotum, scutellum, and corium ochraceous; eyes,apex of clavus, two transverse spots to corium (one before,the other behind middle), and a basal spot and extreme apexto cuneus black or blackish ; membrane pale fuscous, sub-hyalino, the basal area blackish by reflecting the dark abdomenbeneath ; body beneath and legs ochraceous; intermediateand posterior coxA and bases of femora and abdomen (ex-cluding apex) black; femora obscurely testaceously annulate,tibia obscurely fuscously annulate; antenna ochraceous, thebase and nearly the apical half of second joint black, thirdand fourth joints very pale fuscous, first joint about as longas head, second about twice as long as first; membrane longlypassing the abdominal apex.

Length 4 mm.Hab. East Himalayas; Kurseong.

Lygus annandalei, sp. D.Head reddish ochraceous, the eyes fuscous brown; antenna

with the first and second joints ochraceous, apical third ofsecond joint black, third and fourth joints pale fuscous.; pro-noturm pale ochraceous, slightly tinged with virescent, thebasal area blackish with the exception of the extreme basalmargin; scutellum and clavus black; corium very paleochraceons, sUbhyaline, the costal membrane a little darker,a transverse dark castaneous spot at inner posterior angle;cuneus with the lateral and posterior margins and a smallspot near its inner base dark castaneons; membrane hyaline,transversely trifasciately mottled with pale fuscous; bodybeneath and legs pale ochraceous, pro- and mesonota with a

sublateral black fascia, abdominal apex castaneous, centrallyblack; antennae with the basal joint slightly shorter thanhead, second joint more than twice as long as first, third littlemore than half as long as second, but much longer thanfourth; pronotum with two transverse callosities near ante-rior margin; corium shortly obscurely pilose; membranelongly passing the abdominal apex; apices of the tarsi black.

Length 3J mm.lab. L. Bengal; Sonarpur.

Lygus costatus, sp. n.

I-lead ochraceou's, the apex and eyes black; antenna withthe first and second joints ochraceous, apical area of thesecond black, third and fourth joints pale piceous ; pronotum

Mr. W. L. Distant on Orzental Capside.ochraceous, the disk frequently discoloured; scutellum ochra-ceous; corium ochraceous, its disk paler and obscurelygreyish; inner claval margin (broadly), margins of clavalsuture, costal margin, and a spot at base and apex of cuneusblack; membrane brownish ochraceous, with darker mottlings,the basal area darker by the reflection of tile abdomenbeneath; body beneath and legs ochraceous, disk of meso-notum and a spot at base of abdomen black; basal joint ofantennae about as long or very slightly shorter than head,second joint a little more than twice as long as first; pro-notum with two transverse callosities behind the anteriormargin; scutellum moderately. tumid; corium obscurely,thickly, shortly pilose; membrane considerably passing theabdominal apex; tibial spinules and apices of the tarsi black.

Var.-The black inner margin to clavus occupying thegreater part of its area and the costal black margin con,siderably widened towards apex.

Length 5 mm.Bab. Nepal; Chonebal, Katamanda (Ind. Mus.).

Lygus gemellus, sp. n.Ochraceous, possibly virescent in living or fresh specimens,

eyes black; antennae greenish ochraceous, apex of the secondand the whole of the third and fourth joints pale fuscous ;-cuneus with the apical area a little paler and the apical angleblack; membrane subhyaline, mottled with pale brownish;femora obscurely annulated with pale brownish near apices;antennae with the basal joint scarcely as long as head, secondjoint more than twice as long as first, third considerablyshorter than second and longer than fourth; pronotum veryfinely wrinkled and with two small obscure transverse callo-sities near anterior margin, scutellum moderately tumid;corium and clavus distinctly finely pilose, corium appearingpaler on marginal areas where the abdomen is not reflectedbeneath ; membrane longly passing the abdominal apex;rostrum with the apex black and very shortly passing theposterior coxae; apices of the tarsi black.

Length 5 mm.Hab. Kumaon; Bhim Tal (Annandale); Darjiling; Pas,

sumbing, 4700 feet (Mann).Allied to L. viridanus, Motsch.In some specimens the apical angle of the cuneus is con.

colorous, not black.


Al%. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capside.

Lygus valeridus, sp. n.Head reddish ochraceous, its apex and tie eyes black;

antenne with the first and second joints black, thlirdl andfonrth pale brownish, base of third ochraceous; pronotmlxochraceous, the anterior and lateral margins pale reddlishochraceous, behind the anterior margin two transverse blackcallose spots; scutellum, corium, and cunetis black; mnem-brane pale fuscous subhyaline, basal area darker, reflectingthe dark abdomen beneath; body beneath black) lateral areasof the sternum reddish ochraceous; legs ochraceous, thebasal areas and annulations to the apical areas of the feitnorpiceous or black; antenrie with the basal joint about aslong as head, second about twice as long as first; eyes proininent -and projecting beyond the anterior mnargin of thepronotum; scutellum foveately impressed at base; heemelytraobscurely, shortly, palely pilose; apices of the tarsi black.Length 3 to 3j mm.Hab. Kumaon; Bhim Tal, 4500 feet (Annandale).Allied to L. catullus, Dist.

LLygus devinctus, sp. n.Head ochraceous or pale castaneous, With the apex and the

eyes black; antenne with the basal joint ochraceous or palecastaneous, second joint black, third and fourth fuscous, baseof third ochraceous; pronotum lale ochraceous, with tswotransverse black callose spots behind the anterior margrinscutellum black; corium ochraceous, clavus with an innerblack fascia, widened posteriorly, but not occupying the apicalangle, coriuin with a large transverse black spot beyondmiddle; cuneus black, its basal margin ochlraceous ; mer--brane pale fuscous, subbyalizie, its basal area blackish byreflecting the dark abdomen beneath; body beneath black;prosternum, rostrum, and legs ochraceous, fermora obscurelyannulated with brownish, their bases black or piceous, apicesof the tibiae and tarsi narrowly black, in some specimens theanterior tibiq are centrally obscurely darkly annulate; anl-tennai with the basal joint as long as head, second joint abouttwice as long as first; cuneal fracture profound; membranelongly passing the abdominal apex.Length 4 mm.fab. Nepal; Soondrijal (Jld, MNIus.).

THErMUs, gen. nov.Head a little broader than long, the anterior margin longly


Mr. VW. L. Distant on Orgental Capsido.

pilose; eyes transverse, passing the anterior margin of thepronotum; antennae with the basal joint slightly thickened, alittle longer than head, somewhat longly pilose, second jointfour times as long as first, third almost half as long as secondand nearly twice as long as fourth ; pronoturn about twiceas broad as long, coarsely punctate, anteriorly declivous, thelateral margins a. little roundly oblique ; mesonotum exposed;scutellum subtriangular; corium with cuneus about as longas the second joint of the antennae; cuneus elongately angu-late; memnbrane longly passing the abdominal apex with twoshort, posteriorly truncate cells, the outermost smaller; poste-rior feniora very strongly thickened, shorter than the tibi;e,attenuated towards apices; tibiae spinalose; rostrum reachingthe posterior coxae, with the first joint shorter than the second.

Thermus adumzbratus, sp. n.Head dull oclhraceous, with three transverse fasciae (one

basal, one central, and the other apical) and a central longitu-dinal fascia sanguineous; antennae ochraceous; pronotumndull ochraceous, a sublateral fascia on each side, a transversefascia before middle, and a central longitudinal fascia (notreaching base) sanguineous ; scutellumn dull ochraceous, thelateral margins sanguineous; corium' dull ochraceous, withthe margins sanguineous, the inner and outer margins pre-ceded by small greyish spots, the apical margin broadest,costal margin (excluding apex) pale ochraceous, clavasgreyish, thickly spotted with brownish; cuneus pale ochra-ceous, the outer margin and apex sanguineous and with asmall fuscous spot near base; membrane pale fuscous, themargins of the cells sanguineous; body beneath and legs paleochraceous, lateral areas of the sternum and abdomen mode-rately infuscate; posterior femora with their apical halvesmore or less sanlguineous; structural characters as in genericdiagnosis.

Length 4 mm..flab. Ceylon; Maskeylina (G. B. de ltowbruy),

SAPINNIUS, gen. nov.

Bead somewhat small, perpendicularly deflected, sub-triangular, the lateral margins rounded, eyes broad, narrowtransverse, projecting beyond the anterior margins of thepronotum; antennae with the basal joint moderately thick,ened, longer than head, second joint more than. three timeslonger than first, third about half as long as second and con-"siderably longer than fourth; rostrum reaching the posterior


:56Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capside.

cox;; pronotum strongly declivous anteriorly, about twice asbroad at base as long, the lateral margins oblique, the poste-rior margin somewhat convex, the posterior lateral anglessubprominent; scutellum triangular, the basal angles a littlecallose; clavus, corium, and curiens thickly pilose, eoriuin(excluding cuneus) about as long as second joint of antenina;cuneus elongately subtriangular; membrane longly passingthe abdominal apex and with a basal, slightly curved, poste-riorly truncate cell; legs moderate, posterior femora notprominently thickened, posterior tarsi with the basal jointlongest.

Sapinniusfidelis, sp. n.Head ochraceous, longitudinally pale sanguineous before

each eye; eyes black; antenna pale ocbraceous ; pronotumochraceous, with four longitudinal, slightly curved, palesanguineous fascis ; scutellum ochraceous, with basal palesanguineous markings; corium and clavus pale brownishcchlraceous, the corium with the lateral areas irregularly pale

-ochraceous, cuneus with nearly the inner half pale brownish,the remaining area pale ochraceous; membrane hyaline, atbase reflecting the dark abdomen beneath; body beneathpale sanguineous; legs pale ochraceous, posterior femoratinted with pale sanguineous, structural characters as ingeneric diagnosis.

Length 5 mm.flab. Ceylon; Madulsima (BainbriggeFletcher, Brit.Mus.).

Carnptobrochis exornatus, sp. n.Head pale greenish ochraceous; eyes and first and second

Joints of antennae black (third and fourth joints of antennasmutilated in typical specimen); pronotum pale greenishochraceous, two small spots behind the anterior callosities, alarger spot at each posterior angle, and two subbasal trans-verse linear streaks black a corium pale greenish ochraceous,an obscure macular patch on clavus, two small longitudinallinear, and a transverse linear spot at apex of corium, black;ucuneus very pale greenish oclhraceous, the inner and outer

lateral margins and apical point black membrane pale fu0coushyaline, with darker mottlings and the basal area black byreflecting the dark abdomen beneath; body beneath and legspale greenish ochraceous, femora with two black linearannulations near apex; rostrum with the apex black andreaching the intermediate coxw; apices of the tarsi black;antenne with the basal joint almost as long as head, second


Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Cl(apsitla.

joint about twice as long as first; proniotum (excepting theanterior transverse callosity) somewhat coarsely punctate;clavus coarsely, corium less coarsely punctate, costal marginimpunctate; membrane longly passing the abdominal apex.Length 6 mm.Bab. Mussoorie.

Canptobroclzis qualis, sp. n.Head and pronotum ochlraceous, head suffased with san-

guineous; eyes black; antennme with the first and secondjoints ochraceous, extreme apes of second and the whole ofthird and fourth joints piceous; pronotuml with two trans-verse callosities near anterior margin and a subbasal linearmargin sanguineous ; rostrumn ochlraceous; corium ochra-ceous, the clavus and apical area of corium sanguineous ;caneus sanguineous, its basal margin pale ocliraceous; mem-brane hyaline, the cellular margins a little darker; bodybeneath, rostrum, and legs ochraceous; mesosternuin andapical areas of femora (more or less) sanguineous; abdomenwith a sublateral series of small black spots, in a secondspecimen these are only faintly visible ; antenatie with thefirst joint a little shorter than head, second nearly twice aslong as 'first; pronlotum coarsely punctate and slightlywrinkled, anteriorly deflected; clavas thickly punctate,corium punrctate, the outer area almost impunctate; membranelongly passing the abdominal apex; rostrum witli its apexblack and just passing the intermediate coxae.

Length 41 mm.Hub. Sinlla Rills; Theog, 8000 feet (Annandale).

PAcoRus, gen. nov.Allied to Cathptobrochis, but with the first joint of the

anxtenne considerably longer than the head, second jointabout twice as long as first and distinctly setose ; pronotuimtwice as broad at base as long and three times as broad asanterior margin; scutellum broad, the basal margin muchlonger than the lateral margins; corium very broad, ex-eluding cuneus about as long as posterior tibia ; cuneu3with its posterior margin nearly twice as long as its lateralmargin; posterior tarsi with the first and second joints sub-equal in length.

Pacorus polihtus) sp. n.Head and pronotum ochraceous, the latter somewhat dis-

coloured on disk and with its posterior margin distinctlyAnn. & Mag. N. Ifist. Ser. 8. Vol.' iv. 37


518 1Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capside.

paler ; eyes piceous; antenne with the first joint black-,thlesecond oclhraceous, with its apex black (remaining jointsmutilated in typical specimen) ; scutellum stramineous witha broad, central, longitudinal black fascia; corium black,base of costal 'margin dull ochraceous; cuneus pale stra-mnineous, its inner angular area and apex piceous; membranehyaline, slightly fuliginous, cellular margins and basal area(reflecting the dark abdomen beneath) blackish; sternum andabdomen beneath black; head beneath, rostrurm, anterior andlateral margins of prosternlum, and the legs ochraceous, poste-rior fesnora black, tibim biannulated with fuscous near basehead longer than broad, basal joint of antennoe considerablylonrger thian head, second joint sabout twice as long as first andfinely setose; pronotum coarsely punctate, with a transverseanterior callosity; clavus and corium thickly finely punctate;rostrum reaching the posterior coxe,.

Length 5 mm.Hab. Kurseong.

Gismrunda viodesta, sp. in.Brownish ochraceous; antenna with the basal joint

brownish ochraceous, second joint ochraceous, with its apicalhalf black and moderately thickened, third joint brownish, itsbase ochraceous; head strongly deflected in front of eyes;antenns3 with the first joint about as long as head, second alittle more thaP twice as long as first, its apical half distinctlyincrassate and pilose; rostrum reaching the posterior coxoepronotum short, transverse, strongly deflected, moderatelycoarsely punctate; scutellum slightly tumid ; corium shortlybut not prominently pilose, and thickly, finely punctate, onabout interior half, clavus thickly, coarsely punctate; cuneusbroader than long, its apex subacute; membrane pale' fuligi-nousS with darlker mottlings, the cellular areas pale fuscous,longly passing the abdominal apex; tibise finely spinulose.

Length 5 mrm.flab. DarJiling, 6000 feet.To be separated from G. chelonia, Dist., by its unicolorous

lue, much less pilose corium, less tumid scutellum, &e.

THAUMATURGUS, gen. nov.Bead strongly almost perpendicularly deflected, suibtrian-

gular, the lateral margins a little sinuate, the apex obtusely* In the dascrivtion of this genus for "rostrum about reaching the

intermediate coxs' read "posterior coxse."

Mr. WV'. L. Distant on Oriental Capsidx.angunlate, eyes moderately projecting beyond and sligltlybehind the anterior mnarg.ins of the pronotum ; anterinn withtle first joint considerably shorter than head, second jointabout three times as long as first, its apical area distinctlythickened, third and fourth joints subequal in lengthi andtogether shorter than second; rostrum not quite reaching theintermediate coxa ; pronotum subquadrate, broader thau.long, the lateral margins moderately oblique, the anteriormargin about one-fourth narrower than the posterior margin;scutellumn subtriangular, centrally, longitudinally, irregularlygibbous ; corium thickly, shortly pilose, with cuaeus a littlelonger than the posterior tibie, the lateral margins concavelysinuate, distinctly broadened at apex; cuneus short andbroad ; membrane passing the abdominal apex; leTs some-what long and slender, the femora moderately thickened, theposterior tibiae straight.

Allied to Pilophorns, Halhn.Thaurnottuqus typicns, sp. n.

Black ; third joint of antenrme with the basal half pall-stramineous ; clavus and the corium (excluding apical area)thickly, finely, palely pilose, a short, white, oblique, transverseline near middle of costal area and a continuous, curved,transverse, white line crossing coriunm and apex of clavusbefore the apical area of corium ; membrane fulicinots, thiebas'al area darker by reflecting tLe abdomen beneath; bodybeneatlh black ; femnora castaneous tibiae fuscous, apex ofanterior tibiTe, apical half of intermnediate tibia3, and base andapex of posterior tibiae pale ochraceous, larsi pale ochraceous,their apices black; structural characters as in genericdiagnosis.

Lengtth 3 mm.atb. Calcutta (Ind. Mus.). Ceylon; Peradeiniya (Green).

On chrysanthemum (C. A. Pa-via).

SIANus, gen. nov.

Head mnuch longer than broad, anteriorly obtusely angularlyproduced before bases of antennae :; eyes adpressed, theiposterior margins not quite reachinog base of head ; antennaewith the first joint (excluding base) a little thickened, shorterthan head, second about twice as long as first, third andfou'rth joints short, together about as long as first; rostrumreaching the posterior coxte; pronotum broader than long,the anterior marg-in scarcely hlalf as broad as the posterior



520 Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capsida3.margin, which is truncately sinuate, exposing the mesonotim,the anterior margin carinate, transversely impressed beforemiddle, the lateral margins concavely sinuate; scutellumtriangular-, moderately tumid; corium (including cuncius) aslong as posterior tibiae, cuneus small, broader than long;membrane passing the abdominal apex, and with a basal,posteriorly truncate cell ; legs somewhat long, posteriorfemora a little curved at base, all the femora distinctly butmoderately thickened ; posterior tarsi with the firqt jointshorter t1lan the second.

In the enumeration of the Capsidse of British India thisgenus is placed near Tyraquellus, Dist.

Silanus prcefectug, sp. n.Head, antenna, thorax, and scutellum black ; corium

brownish ochraceous, a small marginal spot at base and alarger marginal spot before cuneus ochraceous; clavusdarker and more fuscous in hue; cuneus brownish ochraceous,outwardly castaneous; membrane fuliginous ; head beneathand stern-um black; abdomen beneath piceous; femorablack, apices of posterior femora ochraceous; rostrum, tibia,and tarsi brownish ochraceous, apex of rostrum black ; headgranulose, with a pale, central, longitudinal spot at base;)ronotum punctate and shortly, palely pilose; clavus andcorium thickly, palely pilose; other -structural characters asin generic diagnosis.

Length 4 mm.HLab. Ceylon; Peradeniya (Green).

NJcostratus diversus, sp. n.Head and pronotum fuscous brown, eyes black; antennablack, basal joint brownish ochraceous, bases of third anld

fourth joints stramineous ; scutellum piceous With the]late al margins stramineous ; corium black, clavus andcorium crossed by a transverse white fascia near apex ofscutellum ; cuneas black, membrane dark piceous ; headbeneath, stern um, and legs brownish ochraceous, intermediateand posterior coxase and bases of femora wwhitish, apices oftibise and the tarsi pale ochraceous, apices of tarsi blackabdomen beneath black, with the base and a central longi-tudinal line ochraceous ; antennae somewhat stout, basaljoint much shorter than head, second about three times aslong as first third longer than fourth, third and fourth to-gether almost as long as second; rostrum passing theanterior coxwe; pronotum globosely tumid, deflected anteriorly,

Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capsida. 2where it is strongly constricted and behind a narrow anteriorcollar armed with two strong divergent spines ; scutellumdeveloped in a strong robust upright tuberculous spine;cuneus posteriorly deflected; membrane considerably passingthe abdominal apes.

Length 4 mm.Hab. Orissa.

ABIBALUS, gen. nov.Head longer than broad, globose, anteriorly broadly con-

vex, eyes a little esserted, nearer to anterior margin than tobase, behind eyes moderately obliquely attenuated; antenialwith the first joint slightly longer than head, second morethan twice as long as first, third joint about two-thirds thelength of second arnd a third longer than fourth; rostrumreaching the posterior coxae; pronotum longer than broadanterior margin about half the breadth of posterior margin,posterior margin concave, exposing the mesonotum, lateralmargins concavely oblique; scutelluum small, subtriangular;corium including cuneus very slightly longer than posteriortibie, excluding cuneus nearly three times longer than broad;cuneus elongate, mucli longer than. broad; membrane large,about as long as corium without the cuneus, a somewhat longcell on basal area ; legs finely spinulose, all the tibim sub-equal in length; posterior tarsi with the basal joint longest.

Abibalus regulus, sp. n.Head, pronotum, and scutellam black; anterior margin of

pronotum and a lateral fascia on each side of scutellum paleochraceous; corium. brownish ochraceous, a large spot nearbase, an elongate costal spot before cuneous, and somnesmaller irregular spots near membranal margin, greyish-white, clavus darker, with the margins grayish white;membrane pale fuliginous, the cellullar margins darker;body beneath black; legs and rostrum pale ochraceous;apical areas of the femora brownisl; structural charactersas in generic diagnosis.Length 4 mm.Ilab. Kurseong.

ANTIPHILUS, gen, nov.Elongate; head about as broad as long, anteriorly deflected;

eyes straightly transverse, distinctly removed from base ofhead; rostrum reaching the posterior coxo; antennr pilose,first joint a little longer than head and moderately thickened,


522 Mr. W. L. Distant on Oriental Capsidee.

second a little more than twice as long as first, third twiceas long as fourth, tlird and fourth together about as long as,second; pronotuin about twice as broad as long, basal margintwice as broad as anterior margin, distinctly transversely im-pressed before middle, and in frontofthiisimpression moderatelytransversely bi-callose, the lateral margins obliquely sinuate,the posterior angles obtuse; scatell um broadly subtriangular;corium (excluding curieus) almost as long as posterior tibime,about two and a half times as long as broad at greatestwidth, cuneus much longer than. broad at base, angularlynarrowed at apex; membiaile large, its greatest lenogth equalto that of corium without the cuneus, and with two elongatecellular areas not passing apex of ctineus ; legs of moderatelength, femora distinctly but not prlotninently thickened,tibia spinulose, posterior tarsi with th-e basal joint machshorter than the second.A genus of Cyllocoraria.

Antip7tilus amicus, sp. n.Head, antefflice, pronotum, scutellum, and clavas black

corium flavous, shortly, darkly, sparsely pilose and with asmall black spot near apical angle, cuneus flavous, apically(broadly) and marginally (narrowly) blackish membranepale shining fuliginous with iridescent reflections; the cellularmargins black; body beneath black; rostrum and legs paleochraceous, apices of tarsi (especially the anterior tarsi)blackish; structural characters as in generic diagnosis.Length 41 to 5 mm.Hucb. Darjiling, 6000 ft. (Ind. Mus.) ; Kurseong, East

himalaya, Ukhral, Manipur (Ind. Mus.).

ZONODORUS, gen. nov.

Eead short, broad, convex, not horizontally produced infront of eyes, which are placed somewhat midway betweenbalse and apex and thus longly removed from the anteriormnargin of the pronoturm, between the eyes obscurely longi.tudinally sulcate; antenna with tbe :irst joint moderatelythickened and about as long as head, second joint about fourtimes as long as first and a little longer than third, fourthscarcely shorter than third; rostrum about reaching theposterior coxae; pronotum much broader than. long, narrowedto head, the lateral margins oblique, distinctly transverselyimpressed a little before middle, the posterior margin con.cave and exposing the base of the inesonotumn; scutellumAubtriangular, a little convex; corium (excluding cuneus)

On the Agriotype of Domestic Asses.

considerably shorter than posterior tibia; membrane longlypassing abdominal apex with an elongate posteriorly truncatecell; legs somewhat long and slender, the posterior femoradistinctly thickened, the posterior tibim as long as coriumand cuneus together, posterior tarsi with the basal jointlongest.

In the enumeration of the Indian Capsidea I place this genusnear Zanchius, Dist., to which it is closely allied, but separatedby the structure of the head.

Zonodorus gubernator, sp. n.Head, antenne, pro- and mesonota, scutellum, body be-

neath, rostrum, and legs stramnineous or very pale ochraceous;base of first joint of anteunn and the basal areas of thefemora greyish white; clavas, corium, and cuneus greyishwhite, sublhyaline, macularly mottled with pale virescent,the costal area of corium (excluding base) and extreme apexpale ochraceous, the margins of clavus adjoining scutelluaialso pale ochraceous; membrane very pale brownish ochra-ceous, the basal area mottled with pale virescent and thenmembrarnal cells posteriorly margined with the same colour;the upper surface is distinctly, fitnely, palely pilose; structuralcharacters as in generic diagnl8osis.

Length 4 mm.Hab. Ceylon; Peradeniya (Green).

[To be continued.]

LXV.- On the Agriotype of Domestic Asses. By R. L.POCOCK, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Superintendent of the ZoologicalSociety's Gardens.

DoMESTIC asses are usually considered to be descended fromthe wild ass now found in the Eastern Soudan, to whichFitzinger's name Eqiuus asinus africanus has been restricted.Several examples of this local race have been fully described,namely: one from Yalalub and one from Kassala by Z. deWinton ( Mammals of Egypt,' pp. 329 & 330, 1902), andone from Nakheila, on the south bank of the Atbara River,by Mr. Lydekker (Nov. Zool. xi. pp. 593-595, 1904).These agree closely in coloration, being greyish fawn incolouir, with the muzzle, the area round the eyes, anId the legswhitish. The specimen, alleged to have corme from Nubia,which Dr. Sclater depicted on P1. L. fig. 2 of the P. Z. S. for