HVRF Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Report

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  • 7/31/2019 HVRF Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Report


    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping


    July 2010

  • 7/31/2019 HVRF Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Report


    HVRF Job No. 362/10

    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping


    Prepared for:

    Professor John RodgerUniversity of Newcastle

    Bid Director: Cooperative Research Centre for Securing & Rebuilding


    Prepared by:

    Evan Steverson

    Research Fellow

    ABN 91 257 269 334

    PO Box 322

    Newcastle NSW 2300

    Telephone: (02) 4969 4566

    Facsimile: (02) 4969 4981

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.hvrf.com.au

    July 2010

    The information contained herein is believed to be reliable and accurate. However, no guarantee is given as to itsaccuracy or reliability, and no responsibility or liability for any information, opinions, or commentary contained herein,or for any consequences of its use, will be accepted by the Hunter Valley Research Foundation, or by any personinvolved in the preparation of this report.

  • 7/31/2019 HVRF Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Report


    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... iIntroduction ............................................................................................................................... 1Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 1Study Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 31 Commonwealth ............................................................................................................... 41.1 Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) ............................ 41.2 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) ........................... 61.3 Director of National Parks ................................................................................................. 71.4 Land and Water Australia (LWA) ....................................................................................... 81.5 Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (IA CRC) ................................................. 9

    2 States and Territories ................................................................................................... 102.1 Australian Capital Territory .............................................................................................. 102.1.1 Department of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) .................................................. 102.2 New South Wales ........................................................................................................... 112.2.1 Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) ................................................ 112.3 Northern Territory ........................................................................................................... 122.3.1 Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport ................................. 122.4

    Queensland .................................................................................................................... 13

    2.4.1 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) .......................................................................... 132.4.2 Department of Natural Resources and Water (DNRW) ..................................................... 142.4.3 Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) ................................ .... 152.5 South Australia ............................................................................................................... 162.5.1 Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH)............................................................. 16

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    2.6 Tasmania ....................................................................................................................... 172.6.1 Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (DEPHA) ................................. 172.7 Victoria ........................................................................................................................... 182.7.1 Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) ....................................................... 182.8 Western Australia ........................................................................................................... 192.8.1 Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)....................................................... 19

    3 Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) ...................................................................... 203.1 Greening Australia .......................................................................................................... 203.2 Conservation Volunteers Australia ................................................................................... 213.3 World Wide Fund for Nature Australia.............................................................................. 233.4 Greenpeace Australia Pacific .......................................................................................... 243.5 Landcare Australia .......................................................................................................... 253.6 The Wilderness Society .................................................................................................. 263.7 Australian Conservation Foundation ................................................................................ 273.8 Bush Heritage Australia .................................................................................................. 283.9 Australia Wildlife Conservancy ........................................................................................ 293.10 SEQ Catchments ............................................................................................................ 303.11 Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union .......................................................................... 313.12 National Parks Association of NSW ................................................................................. 32

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Executive Summary i

    Executive Summary

    This study has attempted to identify and collate any information related to the funding of activities(organisational or operational) that relate wholly or predominately to the conservation of terrestrial

    biodiversity by Australian Commonwealth and State Government departments, as well as relevantNon-Government Organisations (NGOs), during the 2008-09 financial year.

    An internet based search was conducted for any publicly available documentation related toexpenditure on the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity. Priority of investigation for this study wasgiven to those departments or organisations that had an obvious and direct link to terrestrialbiodiversity conservation activities, be they on-the-ground or policy focused. Once identified,further investigation was conducted to identify the groups within each of those departments ororganisations that focused primarily on terrestrial biodiversity conservation. The expenditure ofthose groups has been presented in this report.

    The total value of grants received by each State Government department and NGO has also been

    included in the report as a method of assessing the funding linkages between the tiers ofgovernment, and the NGOs, and also as a way of attempting to minimize the degree of doublecounting of expenditure. However, in most cases, the origin and the end use of the grant fundinglisted is not stated in the documents reviewed.

    Summary of approximate total expenditure on terrestrial biodiversityconservation activities

    ExpenditureFY 08-09

    Commonwealth $745,616,918

    States and Territories (Less Grants) $1,457,376,000

    NGOs (Less Grants) $127,519,033

    TOTAL $2,330,511,951

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Executive Summary ii


    Department / Authority / AgencyTotal Expenditure

    FY 08-09

    Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) -Outcome 1 - Environment - Output 1.2 - Conservation of the land andinland waters(Less activities identified as not relating to terrestrial biodiversity conservation)


    CSIRO - Environment Group $89,500,000

    Director of National Parks $61,180,000

    Land & Water Australia $29,546,303

    Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) -

    Outcome 1 - Environment - Output 1.5 - Response to the impacts of humansettlements - Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities (CERF)


    Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (IA CRC) $20,818,615

    TOTAL $745,616,918

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Executive Summary iii

    States and Territories

    State / Territory - Summaries of Departments /Authorities / Agencies

    Total ExpenditureFY 08-09

    Total GrantsFY 08-09

    Queensland $502,325,000 $17,899,000

    New South Wales $386,027,000 $54,830,000

    Victoria $213,364,000 $2,052,000

    Western Australia $191,666,000 $25,833,000

    Northern Territory $86,959,000 $8,365,000

    Australian Capital Territory $80,411,000 $1,616,000

    South Australia $72,986,000 $9,641,000

    Tasmania $45,063,000 $1,189,000

    TOTAL $1,578,801,000 $121,425,000

    TOTAL LESS GRANTS $1,457,376,000

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Executive Summary iv

    State / Territory - Details of groups within Departments /Authorities / Agencies

    Total ExpenditureFY 08-09

    Total GrantsFY 08-09

    ACT - Dept of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) -Output 1.4: Land Management

    $80,411,000 $1,616,00

    NSW - Dept of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) -Service Group 3 Parks and Wildlife

    $386,027,000 $54,830,00

    NT - Dept of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts andSport - Parks and Reserves

    $36,312,000 $170,00

    NT - Dept of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts andSport - Natural Resources

    $50,647,000 $8,195,00

    QLD - Environmental Protection Agency / Dept ofEnvironment and Resource Management (DERM) -Conservation and Environmental Services

    $249,920,000 $14,200,00

    QLD - Dept of Natural Resources and Water / Dept of

    Environment and Resource Management (DERM) - Landand Vegetation Services

    $252,405,000 $3,699,00

    SA - Dept for Environment and Heritage (DEH) - Activity 1:Nature Conservation

    $40,919,000 $9,620,00

    SA - Dept for Environment and Heritage (DEH) - Activity 2:Public Land - Visitor Management

    $32,067,000 $21,00

    TAS - Dept of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts(DEPHA) - Output Group 2 - Parks and Wildlife Management

    $45,063,000 $1,189,00

    VIC - Dept of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) -Biodiversity

    $48,411,000 $2,355,00

    VIC - Dept of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) - NaturalResources

    $164,953,000 -$303,00

    WA - Dept of Environment and Conservation (DEC) - NatureConservation

    $117,577,000 $22,392,00

    WA - Dept of Environment and Conservation (DEC) - Parksand Visitor Services

    $74,089,000 $3,441,00

    TOTAL $1,578,801,000 $121,425,00

    TOTAL LESS GRANTS $1,457,376,000

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study Executive Summary v


    OrganisationTotal Expenditure

    FY 08-09Total Grants

    FY 08-09

    Greening Australia $31,358,224 $21,629,202

    Conservation Volunteers Australia $25,702,120 $12,023,110

    World Wide Fund for Nature Australia $24,028,829 $4,777,506

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific $19,292,000 $0

    Landcare Australia $16,517,061 $2,175,631

    The Wilderness Society $15,900,697 $509,982*

    Australian Conservation Foundation $13,523,934 $1,815,334

    Bush Heritage Australia $12,122,000 $601,000

    Australia Wildlife Conservancy $10,269,354 $130,143

    SEQ Catchments $8,359,059 $8,921,818

    Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union $4,892,087 $2,576,891^

    National Parks Association of NSW $1,048,604 $334,319

    TOTAL $183,013,969 $55,494,936

    TOTAL LESS GRANTS $127,519,033

    * Grants identified as Non-Government ^ Grants includes Research Projects

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 1


    This study has attempted to identify and collate any information related to the funding of activities(organisational or operational) that relate wholly or predominately to the conservation of terrestrial

    biodiversity by Australian Commonwealth and State Government departments, as well as relevantNon-Government Organisations (NGOs), during the 2008-09 financial year.

    This project was a scoping study and was intended to provide insight into the potential for a moreexhaustive study aimed at calculating an approximate aggregate national expenditure on terrestrialbiodiversity conservation.

    It was not anticipated that this research would comprehensively approximate the expenditure, but itwould address the major sources of funding and would also serve to identify any information gapsor barriers, as well as any technical issues that may need to be addressed in any subsequentresearch.


    An internet based search was conducted for any publicly available documentation related toexpenditure on the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity by Commonwealth and State Governmentdepartments and Non-Government Organisations in the 2008-09 financial year.

    The documents were reviewed to: identify and collate the departments or organisations involved in biodiversity,

    identify any funding linkages between departments/organisations, and where possible categorise the expenditure i.e. organisational or on-the-ground project costs, what aspects of

    biodiversity the funding related to e.g. threatened species, etc.

    Priority of investigation for this scoping study was given to those departments or organisations thathad an obvious and direct link to terrestrial biodiversity conservation activities, be they on-the-ground or policy focused. Once identified further investigation was conducted to identify thegroups within each of those departments or organisations that focused primarily on biodiversityconservation. The expenditure of those groups has been included in this report.

    Activities related primarily to the marine environment, or the Antarctic, were not included in thisstudy. Additionally, activities related to both commercial forestry and water storage activities, while

    it could be argued have a connection to biodiversity conservation, have not been included due tothe difficulties in quantifying the value of expenditure of these activities that relate directly to thefocus of this study.

    Local government authorities have not been included in this scoping study due to the large numberof them across Australia (and therefore the amount of time required to investigate all of them), andalso because many of the biodiversity conservation activities completed by local governmentauthorities are supported through Commonwealth and/or State government funding programs,which have been included in this report.

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 2

    The departments and organisations considered in this study were as follows:

    Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) CSIRO - Environment Group Director of National Parks Land & Water Australia Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre.

    State ACT - Dept of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) NSW - Dept of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) NT - Dept of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport QLD - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) / Dept of Natural Resources and Water (DNRW)

    / Dept of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) SA - Dept for Environment and Heritage (DEH) TAS - Dept of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (DEPHA)

    VIC - Dept of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) WA - Dept of Environment and Conservation (DEC).


    Greening Australia Conservation Volunteers Australia World Wide Fund for Nature Australia Greenpeace Australia Pacific Landcare Australia The Wilderness Society Australian Conservation Foundation Bush Heritage Australia Australia Wildlife Conservancy SEQ Catchments Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union National Parks Association of NSW.

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 3

    Study Limitations

    There was a varying approach to the structure, and the range of responsibilities, of the various

    departments and also the NGOs. There were also differing approaches to the level of detailprovided when reporting expenditure, in particular of the detailed costs of projects conducted orsupported.

    These issues prevented a more focused collation of expenditure within the scope of this studyand would present a challenge in conducting any further investigations.

    The total value of grants received by each State Government department and NGO has beenincluded as a method of assessing funding linkages between the tiers of government andNGOs, and also as a way of attempting to minimize the degree of double counting ofexpenditure between the tiers. However, in most cases, the origin and the end use of the grantfunding listed is not stated in the documents reviewed.

    This situation would also present a challenge in conducting any further investigations.

    While the list of NGOs may not be considered as being exhaustive, it is the opinion of the authorthat the organisations selected represent the large majority of NGOs actively involved interrestrial biodiversity conservation activities within Australia, based on their level of activity,expenditure, and receipt of funding.

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 4

    1 Commonwealth

    1.1 Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts


    Output 1.2 - Conservation of the land and inland watersActual Expenses


    Administered items:

    Appropriation Bill 1

    A sustainable future for Tasmania - Mole Creek $139,000

    A sustainable future for Tasmania - Tourism Program $534,000

    A sustainable future for Tasmania - Private $14,826,000

    Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) Program $1,987,000

    Community Water Grants $11,030,000Environmental Stewardship Program $4,896,000

    Working on Country $7,750,000

    Scout Hall Water Saving Infrastructure Program $9,457,000

    Special Accounts

    National Heritage Trust (NHT) - Caring for our Country (CFOC)(Administered)


    Departmental Outputs

    Conservation of the land and inland waters $93,254,000

    Subtotal for Output Group 1.2 $540,229,000

    Source: Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) Annual Report 2008-09

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as relating primarily to terrestrial biodiversity conservation

    Note 16: Expenses administered on Behalf of Government2009

    Note 16B: Grants

    Caring for our Country (CFOC) $335,438,000

    NCERF Research Facility $25,364,000

    Tasmanian Forests $15,212,000

    Working on Country $7,639,000

    Stewardship Initiative $3,839,000

    Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) Participatory Program $1,818,000Source: Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) Annual Report 2008-09

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 5

    Caring for our Country Successful Applicants 2008-09 Summary of funding byState and program

    $ Value Grants 08-09

    Summary by State / TerritoryCommunity


    Landcare Open TOTAL

    ACT $694,359 $694,359

    NSW $6,252,543 $492,473 $4,615,763 $11,360,779

    NT $757,975 $614,239 $1,357,838 $2,730,052

    QLD $5,616,146 $2,116,284 $3,585,319 $11,317,749

    SA $2,364,735 $86,835 $2,216,112 $4,667,682

    TAS $2,099,512 $710,535 $856,083 $3,666,130

    VIC $3,510,371 $1,004,214 $2,012,644 $6,527,229

    WA $3,274,299 $789,173 $2,037,500 $6,100,972

    Commonwealth / Multi-State $494,145 $3,111,638 $2,260,990 $5,866,773

    TOTAL $24,369,727 $8,925,391 $19,636,608 $52,931,726


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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 6

    1.2 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


    Environment Group objectives:

    New knowledge of Australia's climate, which supports adaptation responses to increasing

    climate change and variability and informs mitigation strategies

    Continued development of the Australian Community Climate Earth Science Simulator

    (ACCESS) to provide climate predictions at a smaller scale and within shorter timeframes

    Improved national regulations and guidelines which protect human and ecosystem health and

    allow safe use of chemicals and disposal of wastes

    Development of predictive models to develop national and regional biodiversity management


    Sustainable and wealth-creating use of natural, built and human resources.

    GroupResearch Expenditure


    Environment Group $89,500,000

    Source: CSIRO Annual Report 2008-09

    Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC)

    Biological collections managed by CSIRO:

    Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC) Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) Australian National Herbarium (ANH)

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 7

    1.3 Director of National Parks

    Financial summary - Terrestrial reserves Operating expenditure2009

    OperationsTotal operating expenditure (a) $61,180,000

    (a) Also includes governance, corporate services, executive and the management contract forCalperum and Taylorville Stations which are not Commonwealth ReservesSource: Director of National Parks Annual Report 2008-09

    Reserve name - Jointly managed national parksOperating cost


    Kakadu NP $19,645,000

    Uluru-Kata Tjuta NP $11,408,000

    Australian National Botanic Gardens $9,562,000

    Booderee NP $6,772,000Christmas Island NP $4,126,000

    Norfolk Island NP and Botanic Garden $1,029,000

    Pulu Keeling NP $458,000

    Total $53,000,000Source: Director of National Parks Annual Report 2008-09

    Parks Australia manages the National Reserve System (NRS) element of Caring for our Country(CFOC). NRS program contributed over $24 million towards the purchase of 16 properties covering147,000 hectares. It also contributed just over $1.1 million to strategic projects for theestablishment of protected areas on private lands (through perpetual covenants).

    National Reserve SystemExpenditure


    Property purchases $24,000,000

    Perpetual covenants $1,100,000

    Total $25,100,000Source: Director of National Parks Annual Report 2008-09

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 8

    1.4 Land and Water Australia (LWA)

    After 19 years of operations, Land and Water Australia (LWA), ceased operations prior to 31December 2009, following a decision by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in April


    INCOME 2009

    Revenue from Government (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries andForestry)


    External contributions $10,517,724

    Interest $923,980

    Other revenue $55,181

    Total $24,514,885

    EXPENSES 2009Employee benefits $5,593,253

    Suppliers $8,018,115

    Depreciation and amortisation $418,105

    Write down and impairment of assets $468,474

    Research and development $15,048,356

    Total $29,546,303Source: Land and Water Australia Annual Report 2008-09

    LWA research expenditure estimates for 2008-09 across National

    Research Priorities


    2009A - An environmentally sustainable Australia

    5. Sustainable use of Australia's biodiversity $2,998,000

    D- Safeguarding Australia

    3. Protecting Australia from invasive diseases and pests $355,000

    Source: Land and Water Australia Annual Report 2008-09

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 9

    1.5 Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (IA CRC)

    Expenses from Ordinary ActivitiesExpenditure

    2009Commercialisation Program $1,958,963

    Terrestrial Research Program $1,649,965

    Freshwater Research Program $1,083,529

    Administration $782,148

    Education Program $776,008

    Detection & Prevention Program $561,002

    Expenditure of In-kind contributions $14,007,000

    Total Expenses from Ordinary Activities $20,818,615

    Source: Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (IA CRC) Annual Report 2008-09

    Successful grants 2009

    Caring for our Country (CFOC) $212,000

    CFOC - Australian Pest Animal Management Program (APAMP) $278,000

    Total $490,000

    Source: Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (IA CRC) Annual Report 2008-09

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 10

    2 States and Territories

    2.1 Australian Capital Territory

    2.1.1 Department of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS)

    Output 1.4: Land Management


    Planning and management of the ACT's parks, plantations, reserves and open space system. Thesingle land manager role includes management of recreational land use, pest and weed control, firemanagement, conservation management, and maintenance of the look and the feel of the city andits environs, including the urban forest.


    Total Cost $80,411,000

    Government Payment for Outputs $63,865,000

    Source: Department of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) Annual Report 2008-2009

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 11

    2.2 New South Wales

    2.2.1 Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC)

    Service Group 3- Parks and


    Operating expenses 2009

    Employee related $181,656,000

    Other operating expenses $144,562,000

    Depreciation and amortisation $53,409,000

    Grants and subsidies $4,174,000

    Finance costs $2,053,000

    Other expenses $173,000

    Total expenses excluding losses $386,027,000

    Revenue 2009

    Grants and contributions $54,830,000

    Sale of goods and services $31,721,000

    Investment revenue $18,871,000

    Retained fees and fines $1,557,000

    Other revenue $16,080,000

    Total revenue $123,059,000Source: Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) Annual Report 2008-09

    Transfer payments 2009

    Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) $38,130,000

    Zoological Parks Board $25,735,000

    Lord Howe Island Board $1,378,000

    Nature Conservation Trust $1,000,000

    Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife $50,000Source: Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) Annual Report 2008-09

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 12

    2.3 Northern Territory

    2.3.1 Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport

    Parks andReserves NaturalResources

    Expenses 2009 2009

    Employee expenses $14,907,000 $23,231,000

    Administrative expenses

    Purchases of Goods and Services $11,361,000 $16,639,000

    Repairs and Maintenance $4,648,000 $916,000

    Depreciation and Amortisation $3,044,000 $669,000

    Other Administrative Expenses $2,195,000 $3,128,000

    Grants and Subsidies Expenses Current $157,000 $5,741,000

    Community Service ObligationsInterest Expenses $323,000

    Total Expenses $36,312,000 $50,647,000

    Income 2009 2009

    Grants and Subsidies Revenue Current $170,000 $8,195,000

    Appropriation Output $28,354,000 $34,153,000

    Commonwealth $673,000

    Sales of Goods and Services $1,015,000 $2,342,000

    Interest Revenue $319,000Goods and Services Received Free of Charge $2,193,000 $3,127,000

    Assets Acquired at Nil Consideration $76,000

    Other Income $9,000 $118,000

    Total Income $31,741,000 $49,003,000

    Source: Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport Annual Report 2008-2009

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 13

    2.4 Queensland

    2.4.1 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    For the period 1 July 2008 to 26 March 2009

    Conservation andEnvironmental Services

    Expenses 2009

    Employee expenses $92,681,000

    Supplies and services $48,759,000

    Depreciation and amortisation $38,599,000

    Grants and subsidies $1,918,000

    Other $2,165,000

    Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment $249,000

    Total Expenses $184,371,000

    Income 2009

    Output revenue $160,427,000

    User charges $974,000

    Grants and other contributions $10,949,000

    Other revenue $12,770,000

    Total Income $185,120,000Source: Environmental Protection Agency Annual Report 1 July 2008 to 26 March 2009

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 14

    2.4.2 Department of Natural Resources and Water (DNRW)

    For the period 1 July 2008 to 26 March 2009

    Water andCatchment Services

    Land and VegetationServices

    Expenses 2009 2009Employee expenses $66,520,000 $115,549,000

    Supplies and services $39,160,000 $52,292,000

    Grants and subsidies $77,202,000 $10,072,000

    Rebates $45,774,000 $123,000

    Depreciation and amortisation $3,212,000 $7,310,000

    Other expenses $1,121,000 $5,907,000

    Total Expenses $232,989,000 $191,253,000

    Income 2009 2009

    Output revenue $170,905,000 $145,107,000

    User charges $4,347,000 $32,235,000

    Grants and other contributions $61,263,000 $3,472,000

    Royalties, property and other territorial revenue $70,000 $13,611,000

    Interest revenue $381,000 $32,000

    Other revenue $388,000 $417,000

    Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment $59,000 $115,000

    Total Income $237,413,000 $194,989,000Source: Department of Natural Resources and Water Annual Report 1 July 2008 to 26 March 2009

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 15

    2.4.3 Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM)

    For the period 27 March to 30 June 2009

    Water andCatchmentServices

    Land andVegetationServices




    Expenses 2009 2009 2009

    Employee expenses $22,257,000 $38,910,000 $32,415,000Supplies and services $13,690,000 $17,152,000 $18,611,000Grants and subsidies $26,566,000 -$427,000 $179,000Rebates -$6,952,000 $96,000Depreciation and amortisation $1,136,000 $2,573,000 $13,686,000Other expenses $334,000 $2,848,000 $658,000

    Total Expenses $57,031,000 $61,152,000 $65,549,000

    Income 2009 2009 2009

    Output revenue $40,584,000 $42,407,000 $57,097,000User charges $2,061,000 $16,328,000 $330,000Grants and other contributions $19,461,000 $227,000 $3,251,000Royalties, property and other territorialrevenue

    $31,000 $4,251,000

    Interest revenue $42,000 $13,000Other revenue $113,000 $165,000 $4,109,000Gain on sale of property, plant andequipment

    $4,000 $15,000 $211,000

    Total Income $62,296,000 $63,406,000 $64,998,000Source: Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Annual Report 27 March to 30 June 2009

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 16

    2.5 South Australia

    2.5.1 Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH)

    Activity 1: NatureConservation

    Activity 2: Public Land -Visitor Management

    Expenses 2009 2009

    Employee benefits $16,394,000 $11,747,000

    Supplies and services $14,168,000 $9,959,000

    Grants and subsidies $1,390,000 $57,000

    Depreciation and amortisation $8,939,000 $8,939,000

    Other expenses $28,000 $1,365,000

    Total Expenses $40,919,000 $32,067,000

    Income 2009 2009Fees and charges $2,006,000 $9,314,000

    Grants and contributions $9,620,000 $21,000

    Interest $21,000 $96,000

    Other income $66,000 $38,000

    Total Income $11,713,000 $9,469,000

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    2.6 Tasmania

    2.6.1 Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (DEPHA)

    Output Group 2 - Parks and Wildlife ManagementRevenue 2009 actual

    Appropriation revenue - recurrent $27,180,000

    Grants $1,189,000

    Sales of goods and services $8,915,000

    Fees and fines $1,320,000

    Gain on sale of non-financial assets $35,000

    Contributions received $1,073,000

    Other revenue $5,218,000

    Total revenue $44,930,000

    Expenses 2009 actual

    Employee entitlements $21,389,000

    Depreciation and amortisation $6,341,000

    Grants and subsidies $134,000

    Supplies and consumables

    Maintenance and property services $4,140,000

    Information technology $1,111,000

    Communications $582,000

    Travel and transport $3,043,000

    Advertising and promotion $183,000

    Sub-total supplies and consumables $9,059,000

    Other expenses $8,140,000

    Total expenses $45,063,000Source: Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (DEPHA) Annual Report 2008-09

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    2.7 Victoria

    2.7.1 Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE)

    Biodiversity Natural Resources

    Expenses from transactions 2009 2009Employee benefits $26,939,000 $16,954,000

    Depreciation and amortisation $1,225,000 $1,147,000

    Interest expense $140,000 $124,000

    Grants and other transfers $2,042,000 $118,952,000

    Capital asset charge $1,876,000 $386,000

    Other operating expenses $16,189,000 $27,390,000

    Total expenses from transactions $48,411,000 $164,953,000

    Income from transactions 2009 2009

    Output appropriations $34,450,000 $163,399,000

    Sales of goods and services $17,799,000 $471,000

    Grants $2,355,000 -$303,000

    Other income $12,000 $61,000

    Total income from transactions $54,616,000 $163,628,000Source: Department of Sustainability and Environment Annual Report 2009

    Grants and other transfers 2009

    Catchment Management Authorities (CMA) $136,526,000Parks Victoria $112,247,000

    Country Fire Authority $111,944,000Non-portfolio entities $56,203,000Sustainability Victoria $49,436,000Goulburn Murray Water $45,418,000Other portfolio entities $33,807,000External organisations $33,618,000Other State government $33,431,000Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project $21,242,000Local government $16,006,000Zoological Parks and Gardens Board $13,544,000Royal Botanic Gardens Board $10,649,000DPI - Catchment and Agricultural Services $9,267,000DPI - Primary Industries Research Victoria $2,961,000Individuals $808,000Commonwealth Government $794,000Other $859,000

    Total grants and other payments $688,760,000Source: Department of Sustainability and Environment Annual Report 2009

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    2.8 Western Australia

    2.8.1 Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)


    Parks and VisitorServices

    Expenses 2009 2009

    Employee benefits expense $67,658,000 $35,373,000

    Supplies and services $34,274,000 $23,027,000

    Depreciation and amortisation expense $4,575,000 $9,239,000

    Accommodation expenses $1,422,000 $918,000

    Grants and subsidies $455,000 $178,000

    Other expenses $9,193,000 $5,354,000

    Total Expenses $117,577,000 $74,089,000

    Income 2009 2009User charges and fees $3,070,000 $14,924,000

    Commonwealth grants and contributions $7,345,000 $198,000

    Other grants and contributions $15,047,000 $3,243,000

    Interest revenue $2,501,000 $173,000

    Other revenue $2,890,000 $3,216,000

    Gain on disposal of non-current assets $98,000 -$351,000

    Total income other than income from the StateGovernment

    $30,951,000 $21,403,000

    Income from State Government

    Service appropriation $81,248,000 $47,818,000Assets assumed (transferred) $29,000 $1,000

    Resources received free of charge $677,000 $454,000

    Total income from State Government $81,954,000 $48,273,000

    Total Income $112,905,000 $69,676,000

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    3 Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)

    3.1 Greening Australia

    Revenue Source 2009

    Federal Government $6,878,385

    State Government $4,012,391

    Local Government $1,146,398

    NRM / CMA Organisations $9,592,028

    Corporate and Business $16,584,049

    Fundraising and Membership $1,978,211

    Other Income $1,047,037

    Total revenue $41,238,498

    Expenditure 2009

    Direct project costs 2%

    Employment costs 74%

    Overheads 16%

    Motor Vehicle Costs 8%

    Total expenditure $31,358,224Source: Greening Australia Financial information 2008-09

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 21

    3.2 Conservation Volunteers Australia

    Income from Ordinary Activities 2009

    Donations $85,890

    Grants and Contract Income

    State Governments $537,333

    Commonwealth Government $11,485,777

    Interest $310,305

    Members' Fees $43,314

    Overseas Volunteer Receipts $997,164

    Project Sponsorship $6,198,693

    Rent Received $32,546

    Sundry Receipts $279,962

    Task Receipts $4,814,487

    Training Income $384,327

    Total Income $25,169,798

    Source: Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers Financial Report 2008-09

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 22

    Expenses from Ordinary Activities 2009

    Accountancy $19,746

    Advertising & Promotion $147,787

    Audit Fees $21,693

    Bank Fees $40,601

    Bad & Doubtful Debts $3,716

    Consultant's Fees $250,970

    Depreciation $135,907

    Electricity, Gas & Heating $96,489

    Insurance $304,705

    Interest $25

    Legal Fees & Debt Collection $22,285

    Long Service Leave $2,921

    Membership Expenses $4,107

    Minor Equipment $377,909

    Motor Vehicle Expenses $2,640,002

    National Program Expenses $535,521

    Office and Administration Expenses $118,977

    Other Operating Expenses

    Green Corps $2,674,524

    Postage $60,320

    Printing and Stationary $159,252

    Rent & Rates $866,333

    Repairs & Maintenance $59,334Seminars, Conferences & Staff Training $226,805

    Sundry Expenses $38,387

    Superannuation $828,538

    Task Expenses $1,642,009

    Telephone $305,971

    Traveling Expenses $480,816

    Uniforms $353,668

    Volunteer Program Expenses $129,547

    Wages $12,784,404

    Workers Compensation $368,851Total Expenses $25,702,120

    Source: Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers Financial Report 2008-09

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    National Biodiversity Expenditure Scoping Study 23

    3.3 World Wide Fund for Nature Australia

    Revenue 2009


    Supporters $11,640,693Corporate campaign

    Mutual benefit $1,925,358

    Philanthropic $48,690

    Legacies and bequests $336,288


    Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) $418,648

    Government (GVEHO grant) $9,000

    Government (Other) $4,349,858

    Major gifts $699,961

    Trusts and Foundations $563,826Other WWF entities $2,999,128

    Trading $272,757

    Other $23,036

    Other revenue $397,607

    Total $23,684,850

    Expenses 2009

    Depreciation - plant and equipment $129,830

    Provision for employee benefits $84,710

    Rental expense relating to operating leases - Minimum leasepayments


    Conservation expenditure:

    Community Education $1,134,988

    National Conservation Program $12,293,204

    International Conservation Program $2,630,881

    Total $16,059,073

    Unrealised loss on investments $850,750

    Other expenses $6,444,392

    Total $24,028,829

    Source: World Wide Fund for Nature Australia Annual Report 2009NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.4 Greenpeace Australia Pacific

    Income 2009

    Supporter Recruitment

    Auto payment $759,000Other $175,000

    Existing Supporters

    Auto payment $14,111,000

    Special Appeals $322,000

    Other $77,000

    Other Fundraising Income

    Major Donors & Foundations $825,000

    Bequest income $1,125,000

    Other $25,000

    Other IncomeInterest received $159,000

    Profit on sale of fixed assets -$28,000

    Other $160,000

    Total Income $17,710,000

    Expenditures 2009

    Total Fundraising Expenditure $5,257,000


    Contribution to International Campaigning $4,993,000

    Media & Communications $1,851,000Climate / Energy $1,272,000

    Marine Operations & Action support $1,194,000

    Forests $923,000

    Public Information $620,000

    Oceans $435,000

    Genetic Engineering $340,000

    Political, Science & Business $218,000

    Toxics $11,000

    Total Campaigning Expenditure $11,857,000

    Organisational Support $2,178,000

    Total Expenditure $19,292,000Source: Greenpeace Australia Pacific Limited Annual Financial Report 31 December 2009

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    3.5 Landcare Australia

    Revenue from continuing operations Consolidated 2009

    Corporate sponsorship, licence fees and donations $8,312,220

    Government grants $2,175,631Other revenue

    Bequest $6,626,608

    Interest $330,033

    Other revenue $27,503

    Total Revenue $17,471,995

    Expenses Consolidated 2009

    Employee benefits expense $1,995,323

    Depreciation and amortisation expense $96,195

    Project support, advertising and promotion $6,657,608Office expenses $306,893

    Contractor expenses $487,035

    Software systems maintenance $240,815

    Other expenses $1,164,394

    Total expenses $10,948,263Source: Landcare Australia Ltd Annual Report 2008-2009

    Project funding 2008-09 by State 2009

    VIC $1,980,938

    NSW $1,440,955QLD $708,458

    WA $519,956

    SA $442,478

    TAS $127,945

    ACT $75,020

    NT $48,224

    National $224,824

    Total $5,568,798Source: Landcare Australia Ltd Annual Report 2008-2009

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.6 The Wilderness Society

    Revenue 2009

    Donations $12,460,469

    Member subscriptions $1,534,401Grants - Non-Government $509,982

    Sales $242,958

    Interest income $162,196

    Expense re-imbursements $108,014

    Dividend income $11,772

    Other income $14,721

    Total Revenue $15,044,515

    Expenses 2009

    Wages salaries and on costs $6,448,296Campaign centre grants $3,640,790

    Consulting and professional fees $657,067

    Travel - Domestic $540,285

    Campaigning costs - other $356,502

    Donation to Forever Wild Trust $334,131

    Research and development costs $185,185

    Travel - Overseas $156,720

    Other expenses $3,581,721

    Total Expenses $15,900,697

    Source: The Wilderness Society Annual Review for the year ended 30 June 2009NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.7 Australian Conservation Foundation

    Revenue 2009

    Operating activities

    Donations $9,230,342Grants $1,815,334

    Subscriptions $907,137

    Legacies and bequests $687,255

    Other income $219,161

    Merchandise and licensing $108,043

    Total $12,967,272

    Non-operating activities

    Investment income $438,560

    Rental income from investment property $26,040

    Revaluation - investment property $20,000Total $484,600

    Total Revenue $13,451,872

    Expenses 2009

    Environmental programs expenses $6,745,374

    Fundraising expenses - service and communication $2,437,033

    Fundraising expenses - recruitment of new supporters $2,357,267

    Administration expenses $1,984,261

    Total Expenses $13,523,934

    Source: Australian Conservation Foundation Annual & Sustainability Report 2008-09NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.8 Bush Heritage Australia

    Revenue 2009


    Donations and giftsLarge project gifts $6,913,000

    Continuing community support $3,168,000

    Total donations and gifts $10,081,000

    Grants $601,000

    Bequests $627,000

    Total contributions $11,309,000

    Interest and investment income $488,000

    Reserve income $166,000

    Other income $71,000

    Total Revenue $12,034,000

    Expenses 2009

    Conservation management activities $6,534,000

    Fundraising and development activities $3,466,000

    Administrative expenses $1,352,000

    Loss on revaluation of shares $770,000

    Total Expenses $12,122,000Source: Bush Heritage Australia Annual Financial Report 2008-09

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.9 Australia Wildlife Conservancy

    Revenue 2009

    Donations, gifts and sponsorship $13,296,034

    Government Grants $130,143Sanctuary Income $1,331,686

    Other Revenue $897,717

    Total Revenue $15,655,580

    Expenditure 2009

    Administration and Development

    Administration $500,441

    Development (Fundraising) $960,362

    Total Administration and Development $1,460,803

    Conservation Programs

    Conservation Assessment and Policy $878,786

    Conservation Programs (Sanctuary Management):

    Queensland and Northern Territory (Brooklyn,Curramore, Mt Zero, Newhaven, Piccaninny Plains,Pungalina & Seven Emu, Taravale, Wongalara)


    Kimberley (Marion Downs & Mornington) $2,178,703

    Southeast Region (Buckaringa, Dakalanta, Kalamurina,Scotia, Yookamurra)


    Southwest Region (Faure Island, Karakamia, MtGibson, Paruna)


    Total Conservation Program Expenses $8,808,551Source: Australia Wildlife Conservancy Concise Financial Report For the year ended 30 June 2009

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.10 SEQ Catchments

    Revenue 2009

    Grant income $8,921,818

    Interest received - from financial institutions $360,415Other revenue $569,092

    Donations received $612

    Total Revenue $9,851,937

    Expenses 2009

    Employee expenses $4,398,732

    Operating costs $914,931

    Administration costs $252,607

    Depreciation expense $158,294

    Project expenses $2,634,495Total Expenses $8,359,059

    Source: SEQ Catchments Annual Report 2009

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.11 Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union

    Revenue 2009

    Subscriptions $583,906

    Donations $975,853Bequests $531,887

    Australian Government GVEHO $2,300

    Research Projects $2,574,591

    Sales (books and merchandise) $189,035

    Interest received $225,419

    Accommodation, tours, lectures and courses $240,582

    Rental income $13,387

    Other income $161,124

    Total Revenue $5,498,084

    Expenditure 2009

    Auditors' remuneration $39,793

    Finance costs $129

    Depreciation and amortisation expense $199,415

    Cost of goods sold (books and merchandise) $27,683

    Provision for employee entitlements $27,916

    Staff salaries and contract fees $1,921,276

    Emu and Wingspan production costs $236,373

    Communications, Insurance and Legal $536,907

    Research project expenses $1,211,431Rent paid $122,639

    Conferences and meetings $77,175

    Other expenses of Regional Groups, Observatories andGluepot


    Total Expenditure $4,892,087Source: Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Annual Report 2008-09

    NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding

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    3.12 National Parks Association of NSW

    Receipts 2009

    Donations $497,767

    Government Grants - Projects $192,357Membership Fees & Subscriptions $145,252

    Other Grants and Project Contributions $75,712

    Government Grants - General $66,250

    Merchandise and Event Sales $45,987

    Interest & Dividends $20,936

    Office Share Income $6,118

    Expenses Reimbursed $1,197

    Total Receipts $1,051,576

    Payments 2009Conservation Activities - Projects $538,523

    Conservation Activities - General $204,993

    Conservation Activities - Branch Support $111,377

    Direct Membership Servicing/Support $88,465

    Journal $79,000

    Activity Insurance $16,728

    Merchandise and Fundraising $8,997

    Reimbursement to Office Bearers $521

    Total Payments $1,048,604

    Source: National Parks Association of NSW Annual Report 2008-2009NB: Shaded items have been identified as grant based funding