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    Hurting oneself and others

    Chennai, June 2002


    had my rst satsangwith Guruji in Tirumala in May 1999, when I went with

    my family for his darshanto get blessings on our wedding anniversary.During the satsang, Guruji turned to me and said out of the blue, Why

    do you stare at Baba with unblinking eyes? You can let your eyes blink

    naturally and can happily enjoy looking at Baba. What is important is that

    we keep him always in our hearts and minds.

    I was slightly puzzled and thought he had made a casual or general

    remark. About ve minutes later the penny dropped and I gaped at Guruji

    in awe. How did he know? I had the habit of staring at Babas picture with

    unblinking eyes and would keep doing this even if my eyes were burning and

    watering, spurred on by the hope that this effort would raise my devotion to

    greater heights. The tears caused by the strain were the proof for me that

    this technique was working. I had never told anybody about it; even my

    close family was oblivious of my efforts.

    This was the rst example of something that I came to experience manytimes that Guruji knows everything and that we cannot hide anything

    from him. I also understood that Guruji doesnt endorse articial means to

    increase devotion. He likes things to grow naturally, for he wants the path

    of Sai to be a happy one for us.

    SRI BABUJI: Dont try to imitate the great saints in the name of tapas [ascetic

    practices]. When Ramana Maharshi came to Tiruvannamalai andsat for weeks in the basement of the temple not eating and not

    moving, he was totally absorbed in meditation not minding his

    clothes, not minding his food or any of the physical comforts. He

    wasnt trying to torture his body; he wasnt practising asceticism.

    He was so happy, he was so absorbed in the bliss of his own Self,

    that he was oblivious of those things.

    He was not doing tapas. It may have looked like he was doing

    tapas, but in fact it was a natural response to the profoundexperience that had taken hold of him.


    My wife, Lakshmi, has a good singing voice. During our Chennai satsangs

    she often sings the beautiful Baba songs that were written by Guruji. I

    would get angry with her if I judged that she was singing mechanically,without the proper feeling.

    One day I lost my temper and shouted at her, You are too proud of your

    voice, thats why you are singing to Baba without devotion.

    My wife didnt say a word to me but I saw her go to Gurujis photo and

    cry. She was deeply hurt.

    The next day our family got permission to go to Tirumala to see Guruji.

    I couldnt go because of pressing work commitments but my wife and

    daughters stayed for a whole week in Tirumala. During this time, Gurujis

    wife asked Lakshmi to sing a song written by Guruji:

    Devude puttithe Sai rupam

    Manishi daivamga peragatam Baba matam

    Ananda jeevanam Sai jagam

    (If God takes birth it will be in the form of Sai.

    To uplift human beings into divinity is Babas way;

    To live in bliss is to live in Sais world.)

    She listened and praised Lakshmi for her beautiful rendition, telling her

    that Guruji had asked her to call her and listen to her singing. My wife

    was deeply touched and happy because she felt that Guruji had somehowheard her singing and appreciated it. She also felt that her earlier prayers

    at Gurujis photo had been heard.

    I was truly ashamed to learn that Guruji heard clearly the love in my wifes

    voice, while I was deaf to it. I saw that I had better check my temper and

    my judgements as they were clouding my perceptions severely and hurting

    others. I pray to Guruji to remove my anger, hastiness and criticizing of


    Subba Rao Bonigam, born in 1950, is a government employee who lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

    BABA: If anybody comes and abuses1 you or punishes you, do not

    quarrel with them. If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or

    two, or else leave the place. But do not battle with them and give

    tit for tat. I feel sick and disgusted when you quarrel with others.

    (Charters and Sayings, No. 210)

    DEVOTEE: Do some behaviour patterns please you, Guruji, and some

    displease you?

    SRI BABUJI: There is no question of displeasing. But I will be pleased if you

    behave in another way.

    DEVOTEE: Which way?

    SRI BABUJI: Dont ght among yourselves; be harmonious. Just live like one

    family. Dont mind small discomforts. Always be focused on the

    object of your love. And try to do what you say. Then I love it.

    1 Here, abuse means scoldings or harsh speech.