?r .1 ^^BUok»nn onWrtnl district V0t6d 811 VU OVKVVI ^Hfdditional 4-mill school tax yesterday. Miss Ruth Bunch of St Stephens visited Miss Mattie Miller here last j week. ! ( Miss Flora Myers of Charleston is visiting friends in town. Miss Mattie Watts of Savannah, Ga, is visiting her sister, Mrs William Epps, Sr. Miss Hattie Herlong of Paxville has been visiting Mrs L P Epps.near , Kingstree. i Hon P H Stoll left yesterday for j Glenn Springs, where he will spend a few days. ' Mr and Mrs Hugh McCutchen ! went to Raleigh,N C, thelatter's old < home, Friday. j Misses S A Smyth and Jean Flynn i / »# Phorioofnn nrp visitinc Mr- and VI Vimt ivwvv»« v > ......-Mrs L W Gilland. Mr Joseph R Walker will officiate at the Episcopal church next Sunday at the usual hours. Capt John AKelley returned from Glenn Springs Friday night, much improved in health. Mr Frank R Edmondson. of the New Star warehouse, Lake City,was noted in town Saturday. Miss Jennie Lee Stackley has entered upon her duties in Palmetto National bank, Columbia. Misses Marie McCutchen and Lela 1 May Thompson were guests of Miss ' Mattie Miller here last week. 1 Mr and Mrs S H Lane of Newbern, N C, came Saturday for a visit to their daughter, Mrs E J Hester. I Miss Pauline Gordon has returned home from Winthrop college, where she has been taking a summer course. Miss Ophelia Gross of Columbia has accepted a position with the Kingstree Dry Goods Co as saleslady. Sheriff Graham will sell five lots of land here Monday.three under execution and two for non-payment of £ces. *"Mr Edward Speigner of Fort i Oglethorpe came home today for a ] visit to his parents. Mr and Mrs R < W Speigaer. ] 1 Miss Florence Edwards of Latta returned home yesterday after spend- ; ing a few weeks with Mr W E Nesmith's family. Mr I W Swinson, of the U SS Connecticut, New York, spent a \ short time here as the guest of Miss Jennie Sullivan. ( Union services will be held at the \ Baptist church Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock. Rev G T Harmon will de- < liver the sermon. 1 We were pleased to have a call Tuesday from 'Mr W S Cromer of < Greensboro, N C, a former member 1 . of The Record force. f The Andrews Gin company has « been commissioned, with a capital of 1 k $2,000. The petitioners are J H t White and E L Powell. ] ' I The Williamsburg members of Co 1,2d S C Infantry,which is stationed , at Timmonsville, spent Sunday at . their respective homes. Miss bva uamDJe, wno nas Deen under treatment at the McLeod infirmary,Florence, has returned to her home at Indiantown much improved. J S Fulmore, a colored farmer living in the Cedar Swamp section, sold two loads of tobacco at Nelson's warehouse Wednesday, August 1, for $1,077.62 net. The last issue of the Hartsville Messenger contains the sermon delivered in the Episcopal church of that town July 15. The editor describes it as "a most excellent discourse." Our esteemed friend. L W Gilland. Esq, is all smiles again. He has an addition to his family.a son born Saturday, July 29,1927. Mother and youngster are getting along nicely. Mr S K Brockington.baggagemaster between Florence and Charleston, was incapacitated for duty several days this week,}a large milk can ! amiiuf Kim of Ton. naVlDJJ IBUCU agcuuav UIUI HV «VM Mile, above Charleston. i < Mr W H Godbold, of the Fleet Reserve Corps of Charleston, is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs 1 M A Ross. Mr Godbold was elec- trvfcan for the Kingstree Electric Light Co for two years and has mail friends here. E Edwards, presiding eWer I of the Charleston district, stopped over with his sister, Mrs W E "Nesmith, a few hours Wednesday night while passing through town. His daughters, Jtflia Moore and Rebecca, are visiting at Mr Nesmith's. Unprecedented Prices. It is with great pleasure and satis-< faction that we say to the farmers i of Williamsburg and adjoining coun- i ties, that the prices we are getting t for tobacco at CENTRAL WARE- i HOUSE cannot be surpassed by any t market or warehouse in the United i States. Morgan, the Hustler, is in his glory because he feels that he, 1 in a measure, is getting his friends i and customers prices they can live 1 at. In order to give you a better 1 idea of what we are doing for hun- 1 dreds of farmers, and will do for you we will quote only a few names I and prices they have received for c the passed two or three days: r B F Griffin sold 190 pounds at 1 $28.00, 212 at $28.00; S D Baylor, c -f »oo on K7K of too no- T c r Kelly, 312 at $26.00, 440 at $27.00; i J G McCullough, 410 at $28 00; 785 s at $26.00; B J Mouzon, 600 at $34.00, I 265 at $25.00; J C Buddin, 510 at t 535.00; J G Gibbons, 222 at $40.00, I 244 at $35.00; J K Smith, 740 at 528.00, 452 at $27.00; W J Smiley, 765 at $30.00, 575 at $26,00, 342 at 527.00; J W Chandler. 430 at $28.00, 536 at $28.00; C A Buddin, 260 ] at $34.00. [ If we had the space we could give c you the names of dozens of others t syho are getting just as good prices c as named above. 1 Mr W T Wilkins'is associated with t as. He, as well as we, are anxious that his old friends should come to 3ee us with their next load. Mr W 8 E Nesmith watches every pile sold and sees that your interest is looked j after. Morgan will be found in the c hottest of the fight,!seeing that your j tobacco is bringing the best price, v not only by talking but spending his j :ash, so you see we are obliged to c aret a little more than the other fel- t low, also do not forget the $300 to oe given away September 8 to those &Tho sell with us. Come, we will do you good. Your friends, adv Morgan & Nesmith. W R Scott Not A Candidate. This is to notify my friends and the public in general that I am not r a candidate for reelection to the of- s Pice of Mayor of Kingstree. My term of office expires October 1, 1917. W R Scott. \ . t The following people from out of s town attended the funeral of Dr R i Hlaude McCabe last Thursday: Mr s and Mrs Ernest Duvall, Cheraw; Mr and Mrs Sherfessee and children, Greenville; Mr Bruce Wallace, Charleston; Mrs Hutt, Atlanta, Ga; Dr Ray, Fayetteville, N C, Mr and Mrs J E L Montgomery, Cowards, Miss \ rheo Gregg, Sumter. i With Our Advertisers. r The Scott Drug Co offers for sale t turnip seed of every variety. I Mr S Marcus announces a great t tailoring opening tomorrow and Sat- J urday. t The Wee Nee Bank offers a most a excellent service to the soldiery of Williamsburg county. ' The Truluck-Cook Co has just re- :eived a load of choice mules. See them and take your choice. The Kingstree Furniture Co has . everything for the home and nameB i few of them in its new ad. The Bank of Hemingway invites pour patronage and gives four good reasons why you should extend it. As usual,the ad of Nelson's ware louse contains the names of a lot of nappy farmers that sold tobacco there. The old reliable Kingstree Hardware Co extends felicitations to our prosperous farmers and solicits their custom. Keep cool this hot weather by wearing those delightful garments idvertised by Kingstree Dity Goods Company. Mr W I Hodges of Cades is selling the famous Nissen wagon at the old price. He is also prepared to do cotton ginning. Dr R A Brown, Optician, will be it Drs Gamble G Jacobs' next Tues- iay and Wednesday. See ad elsewhere in this paper. Messrs Thompson & Irby, who are > operating the Andrews tobacco mar- . Icet, and are experts at the business, invite your patronage in a big ad on the back page of this paper. ' The People's Mercantile Co is sell- ' ing flour and other groceries at the lowest prices consistent with superior quality. In due season it will &lso be prepared to furnish you with ? everything for fall and winter wear. Sell your tobacco in Kingstree to the gentlemen that know the tobacco business. Four warehouses here. Do not forget to see us before you buy your furniture. We have the most complete lines of House Furnishings ever stored here. Rpmem- ber,we guarantee tonality tad price*. Kingstree Furniture Co, 7-12-tf Next Door to Fostoffice. The Timmonsville Tobacco Board of Trade has contributed $100 to the Red Cross fund. Automobile Accideet. What came near being a serious iccident occurred Tuesday night < ibout nine o'clock two miles from |) ;own, when Mr Harry Britton's car j an into a ditch smashing it up pret- y badly and cutting and bruising 1 ts occupants. 1 Mr Britton, accompanied by Misses t Pearle Marcus, Esther Berger and c 5am Caldwell, was going to Lane9. t Hr Boyle Singleton, accompanied by i Hisses Myer and Wise and Messrs * IVallace Mcintosh and Zeno Montgomsry, in another car was passing Mr f Britton when, somehow, the front ' if Mr Bntton's car struck the run- ' ling board of Mr Singleton's car. t This compact disabled Mr Britton's 5 :ar, causing it to land in a deep v litch throwing him and Miss Marcus 1 nto the broken windshield gashing ind bruising them pretty badly. J diss Berger and Mr Caldwell, with he exception of a few bruises, did lot sustain any injury. ^ Death of Mrs, "Ella Feagin. * (Reported for The County Record). J Trio, R F D, July 30:.Mrs Ella ^eagin died at her home here Wed- I lesday evening, July 25, at 6:30 | 'clock. The end was not a surprise _ o those who had watched with tenler care by her bedside for three e ong months. Although physicians j ised every jeffort to restore her to * iealth,it was not to be,and she pass- f (d peacefully away, surrounded by 1 lUIIUWIUg iciotivco. Mrs Feagin had been in declining * lealth for several years. Since the leath of her son, Dr H S Feagin, a { 'ear ago, she failed rapidly, and | vhen at last the divine call came,she N esponded with the same dalm obe- t iience to His will which had charac- 1 ;erized her life. Six children survive her, viz: Mes-11 lames Morgan Russell of Russell- * rille.J Smith and S D Smith of Bloo- j ningvale, W W Hines, G C Gibson ind Mr J A Feagin, of this place. Besides these, twelve grandchildren j ind a host of relatives are left to nourn her loss. Mrs Feagin was a friend to the \ leedy and suffering. She will be mrely missed. , c jc Just received, car Stoves, Ranges, f A/ooKrvAfa TKpco ornnHfl wprp i ( >ought in January, therefore we can £ ave you money. All Stoves and ' Ganges guaranteed Nto give entire I atisfaction. 7-12-tf Kingstree Furniture Co. NOTICE! e F J Watts has the finest line of \ Jewelry in the county, at prices % 'ery low. 100 Watches from $1.50 ip, LaValliers Broaches, Sterling 7 Silver, Cut Glass, Bracelets, Watch " Jracelets, Rings, Chains, Studs, Specacles, Nose Glasses, Neck Chains, Im>orted China.in fact, everything 2 hat is to be found in a firs! class ^ fewelry store. I sell goods lower han any one in the State. Come ind see my stock. Yours to please, -12-tf F J Watts, Jeweler. . ( Visit Odom & Dennis' Cash Store, ® it People's Mercantile Co's old stand »n Academy street. GIVE THE BURGLA BANKER 01 SOU people externA invitation! to They carry on their penoni or i] A CHECK BOOK la of bo nae fro* it AH GOOD Ai CASE to th tonheld waata. If yea haven't a bai OPEN ONE BANK OF E used f( v.. .«, AlWiTl amm gr kill Medicine Is on« di«a. All oT®r th BIlUmrM Bill®*® Col CmIItmcii DfiKfila Red Cr Purely vrgretabl form; may be u The ctaalae Red CASH BROS D 3S Ceat® a hex, er 9.tn f A Fall Tailoring Opening. The advertisement of S Marcus, :he well-known outfitter of Kings;ree, appears in other columns of this ssue, calling attention to his Fall railoring Opening for men and young Tien. This Semi-Annual Tailoring Exhibit has come to be quite a fea;ure here, as indeed it has in huni 1 * -ai _. : litrus ui utiifr prugicoaive iwnnnuui;ies. Through his close connectiou with- the famous metropolitan stylenakers, Schloss Bros & Co, of New fork and Baltimore, Mr Marcus is >repared to show the latest things n Fine Custom-Tailoring by exact nodels and samples. So dress up, x>v8; you're only young once; and fou don't need us to tell you the votth of Up-to-Date Clothes for both business and pleasure. adv. SPECIAL NOTICES Left.At the home of the underigned. on the day of my wife s funeral, me nice lady's rain coat and one pracically new lady's umbrella, Owners vill please call and get same. A M >nider, Railroad Avenue. It For Sale Cheap-One medium sized dare, gentle and sound; also buggy in food condition. Apply to m n Jacobs, Cingstree.SC. It Save $165.00 for the boy's or girl's expenses nine months Horry Indusrial School, or $50 tuition Bookkeeping Department, or. perhaps, it's Civil Engineering, Stenography, etc. Write or plan to reduce expenses and cataogue. S C Morris, Horry, S C. Next ession begins September 11. A Pracical Education at Moderate Cost. For Sale.Baggett Hotel, Lanes, S D, furnished. Hotel contains 40 rooms, ncluding bathrooms. Water supplied >y gasoline engine and building lighted vitn acetylene plant. For price and erms, apply to Mrs M L Baggett, l.anes, S C. 7-26-tf For Sale.One lot in the best busies* lopAtion in the town of Hemincr- way. Size of lot 30x125 feet.« Will sell it a bargain. Apply to J Ellis & Co, iemingway, S C. 7-19-3tp For Salb..Second hand Ford Racer 'or sale cheap for cash. Apply to S J 3eery, Kingstree, S C. 7-12-tf For Rent.8-room flat on Main St. Vpply to Dr R J McCabe. 3-15-tf For Sale or Rent.Valuable tract tf land, mile and a quarter north of (ingstree, known as the Fulton tract, :ontaining 78 acres, 45 cleared and in food state of cultivation. Apply to R { Kellahan's Executors, Kingstree, 5 C. 2-1-tf Wanted! Wanted! Wanted! Men and half-grown boys (white or olored), carpenters, mechanics, laborirs, etc. Steady work and good wages. :ree house rent. Pay roll weekly in ash. Railroad fare refunded if work one reek. COLUMBIA CLAY CO., -19-tf Columbia, 3. C. LOST. A-- / J I -1- UamaI une open iaceu, screw uacn ouu uclci !5-year Crescent case, 17-jeweled Elgin Watch. Name on fob. Reward to inder. Laurence H McCullough. 8-2-2t Kingstree, S C. For SaleExcellent Brood Mare, perfectly gentle, in good condition, hearty and iasy to keep; works anywhere. Ap>ly to Laurence H McCullough, 8-2-2t Kings tree, S C. R THrHA.HAF SH WITH US ^ \ < th* mxr aid holduj :ux. i their homes larje rams «f money, to the professional thief. Mil, e * tradesman or for the immsdiate ik aeoonnt TODAY. IINGSTREE. 1 > ir Twenty Years ran satisfaction. Red Cross Llrar of the dependable old-time reiase South it ha* relieved eoCerere trom Lire* OMpUlat 1* Rkcanstlc Palm* Slek Headaches lm Iteaeth oss Livtr MedMfW e; does not sicken. Sold in powder ,sed dry or eaaliy made into liquid. Cress Ltrer Medietas I* made ealy by RUG 00., I*cM JaduoiTille, Fla. at dratvkk sails gsssial stereo, aid treat the maaafastarsra. 4 Points FOR THIS IOur Vaults i Fire Proof. 2 Our Officers. 3 Our Bank F Record. v. T .1 D 1 4lt 13 ine Ddni the House of I Give Us Your Account and The Bank of W. C HEMINGWAY, Pre.. FREE SEP TO SO . * Tine "Ronlr «nll stnrp in if « JL lilU JL/UHAk TV*** ww* w --- - I CHARGE, Jewelry, I Policies, Mortgages, Bonds, other valuable papers belor ing into camp or into activ We will be glad to rende in our power, Checks ma; for your credit in Saving^ wise, and insurance premii able at this Bank. Wee Nee King'stree, nm : Nissenl The Best Wa FOR SALE AT Tl I have a carload of these was bought before the war, $5 to $10 on each wagon, or a big reduction of present p COTTON C This is to notify my frie the plant of the Cades "Ginni three new gins, so will be ir good service when you gat patronage will be appreciate W.I. HOB FOR HUNGF The Farm Next to People*! Mei NEW. CLEAN AN . S !x.J 1 You are coraiauy mvueu i come to Kingstree. Will d< with breakfast, dinner or su] T L 7-26-4t * 1 1 11 11« I 1 FOR SAtEi-- H G Fine Kingstree 6-room residence. * Modern throughout, Easy payments if desired. v 6-28-6tp Green Realty Co., 1 Oeergttevai ». C. £ ..J 1 a of Merit > BANK: Vre Burglar Md III Are Reliable, las a Splendid '} t of All Classes; Accommodations Let Us Prove Our Merit Hemingway. D. G. HUGGINS. Cash. tVICE II iLDIERS! | js vaults FREE OF I Deeds, Wills, Insurance I , Certificates of Stock or I lging to any soldier go- I e service. I r any other assistance I y be mailed to direct 8 i Department or other- I ams may be made pay- I ' Bank, I c r I \-F. V^» | Wagons gon Made IE OLD PRICE celebrated wagons that and I can save you from will sell the entire lot at rices. ilNNERY nds that I have bought ng Co. and am installing 1 position to render you ;her your cotton. Your id. IGES cff- "" I people;! ers* Cafe *cantile Company fD UP-TO-DATE. :o visit our Cafe when yon a our best to serve you >per. joye <& co. drives Out Mdarit. BttHd» Sytwn he-Old Standard^rneral derMtftltendfe tonic, lROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. drWeo oat lalaria.enrichea the blood,tad boilda op tb« no* txa. A tree tonic. Pot odolU and children. 30c, To Cure a Cold la One Dav tke LAXATIVE BROHO Quinine. ILttopo ike »i(h sod Headache and work* the Cold, nnbu refund money if H fane to core. V. GROVE'S sicoAtore on each bos. 23c. / \ / \ / K V

huni fea;ure VU OVKVVI . IOur Fire Proof. Vre Md j Are las ... · ?r.1 ^^BUok»nn onWrtnl district V0t6d 811 ^HfdditionalVU 4-millOVKVVI school tax yesterday. Miss Ruth Bunch of St

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Page 1: huni fea;ure VU OVKVVI . IOur Fire Proof. Vre Md j Are las ... · ?r.1 ^^BUok»nn onWrtnl district V0t6d 811 ^HfdditionalVU 4-millOVKVVI school tax yesterday. Miss Ruth Bunch of St


^^BUok»nn onWrtnl district V0t6d 811VU OVKVVI

^Hfdditional 4-mill school tax yesterday.Miss Ruth Bunch of St Stephens

visited Miss Mattie Miller here last jweek. ! (

Miss Flora Myers of Charleston isvisiting friends in town.

Miss Mattie Watts of Savannah,Ga, is visiting her sister, Mrs WilliamEpps, Sr.

Miss Hattie Herlong of Paxvillehas been visiting Mrs L P Epps.near ,

Kingstree. i

Hon P H Stoll left yesterday for jGlenn Springs, where he will spenda few days.


Mr and Mrs Hugh McCutchen !went to Raleigh,N C, thelatter's old <

home, Friday. jMisses S A Smyth and Jean Flynn i

/ »# Phorioofnn nrp visitinc Mr- andVI Vimt ivwvv»« v >

......-MrsL W Gilland.Mr Joseph R Walker will officiate

at the Episcopal church next Sundayat the usual hours.

Capt John AKelley returned fromGlenn Springs Friday night, muchimproved in health.Mr Frank R Edmondson. of the

New Star warehouse, Lake City,wasnoted in town Saturday.

Miss Jennie Lee Stackley has enteredupon her duties in PalmettoNational bank, Columbia.

Misses Marie McCutchen and Lela 1May Thompson were guests of Miss 'Mattie Miller here last week. 1

Mr and Mrs S H Lane of Newbern,N C, came Saturday for a visit totheir daughter, Mrs E J Hester.


Miss Pauline Gordon has returnedhome from Winthrop college, whereshe has been taking a summer course.

Miss Ophelia Gross of Columbiahas accepted a position with theKingstree Dry Goods Co as saleslady.

Sheriff Graham will sell five lotsof land here Monday.three under executionand two for non-payment of

£ces.*"Mr Edward Speigner of Fort i

Oglethorpe came home today for a ]visit to his parents. Mr and Mrs R <

W Speigaer. ]1

Miss Florence Edwards of Lattareturned home yesterday after spend- ;ing a few weeks with Mr W E Nesmith'sfamily.Mr I W Swinson, of the U S S

Connecticut, New York, spent a \short time here as the guest of MissJennie Sullivan. (

Union services will be held at the \

Baptist church Sunday night at 8:30o'clock. Rev G T Harmon will de- <

liver the sermon. 1

We were pleased to have a callTuesday from 'Mr W S Cromer of <

Greensboro, N C, a former member 1

. of The Record force.

f The Andrews Gin company has «

been commissioned, with a capital of 1

k $2,000. The petitioners are J Ht White and E L Powell. ]' I

The Williamsburg members of Co1,2d S C Infantry,which is stationed ,at Timmonsville, spent Sunday at .

their respective homes.Miss bva uamDJe, wno nas Deen

under treatment at the McLeodinfirmary,Florence,has returned to herhome at Indiantown much improved.

J S Fulmore, a colored farmerliving in the Cedar Swamp section,sold two loads of tobacco at Nelson'swarehouse Wednesday, August 1,for $1,077.62 net.

The last issue of the HartsvilleMessenger contains the sermon deliveredin the Episcopal church ofthat town July 15. The editor describesit as "a most excellent discourse."Our esteemed friend. LW Gilland.

Esq, is all smiles again. He has an

addition to his family.a son bornSaturday, July 29,1927. Mother andyoungster are getting along nicely.Mr S K Brockington.baggagemasterbetween Florence and Charleston,was incapacitated for duty severaldays this week,}a large milk can

! amiiuf Kim of Ton.naVlDJJ IBUCU agcuuav UIUI HV «VM

Mile, above Charleston. i<

Mr W H Godbold, of the Fleet ReserveCorps of Charleston, is spendinga few days with his aunt, Mrs 1

M A Ross. Mr Godbold was elec-trvfcan for the Kingstree ElectricLight Co for two years and hasmail friends here.

E Edwards, presiding eWer Iof the Charleston district, stoppedover with his sister, Mrs W E "Nesmith,a few hours Wednesday nightwhile passing through town. Hisdaughters, Jtflia Moore and Rebecca,are visiting at Mr Nesmith's.

Unprecedented Prices.

It is with great pleasure and satis-<faction that we say to the farmers i

of Williamsburg and adjoining coun- i

ties, that the prices we are getting tfor tobacco at CENTRAL WARE- i

HOUSE cannot be surpassed by any tmarket or warehouse in the United iStates. Morgan, the Hustler, is inhis glory because he feels that he, 1in a measure, is getting his friends iand customers prices they can live 1at. In order to give you a better 1idea of what we are doing for hun- 1dreds of farmers, and will do foryou we will quote only a few names Iand prices they have received for c

the passed two or three days: r

B F Griffin sold 190 pounds at 1$28.00, 212 at $28.00; S D Baylor, c

-f »oo on K7K of too no- T c r

Kelly, 312 at $26.00, 440 at $27.00; iJ G McCullough, 410 at $28 00; 785 s

at $26.00; B J Mouzon, 600 at $34.00, I265 at $25.00; J C Buddin, 510 at t535.00; J G Gibbons, 222 at $40.00, I244 at $35.00; J K Smith, 740 at528.00, 452 at $27.00; W J Smiley,765 at $30.00, 575 at $26,00, 342 at527.00; J W Chandler. 430 at $28.00,536 at $28.00; C A Buddin, 260 ]at $34.00. [

If we had the space we could give cyou the names of dozens of others tsyho are getting just as good prices cas named above. 1Mr W T Wilkins'is associated with t

as. He, as well as we, are anxiousthat his old friends should come to3ee us with their next load. Mr W 8E Nesmith watches every pile soldand sees that your interest is looked jafter. Morgan will be found in the chottest of the fight,!seeing that your jtobacco is bringing the best price, v

not only by talking but spending his j:ash, so you see we are obliged to caret a little more than the other fel- tlow, also do not forget the $300 tooe given away September 8 to those&Tho sell with us.

Come, we will do you good.Your friends,

adv Morgan & Nesmith.

W R Scott Not A Candidate.

This is to notify my friends andthe public in general that I am not ra candidate for reelection to the of- sPice of Mayor of Kingstree. My termof office expires October 1, 1917.

W R Scott. \. t

The following people from out of s

town attended the funeral of Dr R iHlaude McCabe last Thursday: Mr s

and Mrs Ernest Duvall, Cheraw;Mr and Mrs Sherfessee and children,Greenville; Mr Bruce Wallace, Charleston;Mrs Hutt, Atlanta, Ga; DrRay, Fayetteville, N C, Mr and Mrs JE L Montgomery, Cowards, Miss \rheo Gregg, Sumter. i

With Our Advertisers. r

The Scott Drug Co offers for sale tturnip seed of every variety. IMr S Marcus announces a great t

tailoring opening tomorrow and Sat- Jurday. t

The Wee Nee Bank offers a most a

excellent service to the soldiery ofWilliamsburg county. '

The Truluck-Cook Co has just re-

:eived a load of choice mules. Seethem and take your choice.The Kingstree Furniture Co has .

everything for the home and nameBi few of them in its new ad.The Bank of Hemingway invites

pour patronage and gives four goodreasons why you should extend it.As usual,the ad of Nelson's ware

louse contains the names of a lot ofnappy farmers that sold tobaccothere.The old reliable Kingstree HardwareCo extends felicitations to our

prosperous farmers and solicits theircustom.Keep cool this hot weather by

wearing those delightful garmentsidvertised by Kingstree Dity GoodsCompany.Mr W I Hodges of Cades is selling

the famous Nissen wagon at the oldprice. He is also prepared to do cottonginning.Dr R A Brown, Optician, will be

it Drs Gamble G Jacobs' next Tues-iay and Wednesday. See ad elsewherein this paper.Messrs Thompson & Irby, who are >

operating the Andrews tobacco mar- .

Icet, and are experts at the business,invite your patronage in a big ad onthe back page of this paper. '

The People's Mercantile Co is sell- 'ing flour and other groceries at thelowest prices consistent with superiorquality. In due season it will&lso be prepared to furnish you with ?everything for fall and winter wear.

Sell your tobacco in Kingstree tothe gentlemen that know the tobaccobusiness. Four warehouses here.Do not forget to see us before youbuy your furniture. We have themost complete lines of House Furnishingsever stored here. Rpmem-ber,we guarantee tonality tad price*.

Kingstree Furniture Co,7-12-tf Next Door to Fostoffice.

The Timmonsville Tobacco Boardof Trade has contributed $100 to theRed Cross fund.

Automobile Accideet.

What came near being a seriousiccident occurred Tuesday night <ibout nine o'clock two miles from |);own, when Mr Harry Britton's car jan into a ditch smashing it up pret-y badly and cutting and bruising 1

ts occupants. 1Mr Britton, accompanied by Misses t

Pearle Marcus, Esther Berger and c

5am Caldwell, was going to Lane9. tHr Boyle Singleton, accompanied by i

Hisses Myer and Wise and Messrs *

IVallace Mcintosh and Zeno Montgomsry,in another car was passing Mr fBritton when, somehow, the front '

if Mr Bntton's car struck the run- '

ling board of Mr Singleton's car. tThis compact disabled Mr Britton's 5:ar, causing it to land in a deep v

litch throwing him and Miss Marcus 1nto the broken windshield gashingind bruising them pretty badly. Jdiss Berger and Mr Caldwell, with

heexception of a few bruises, didlot sustain any injury. ^

Death of Mrs, "Ella Feagin. *

(Reported for The County Record). J

Trio, R F D, July 30:.Mrs Ella^eagin died at her home here Wed- Ilesday evening, July 25, at 6:30 |'clock. The end was not a surprise _

o those who had watched with tenlercare by her bedside for three e

ong months. Although physicians jised every jeffort to restore her to *

iealth,it was not to be,and she pass- f(d peacefully away, surrounded by 1lUIIUWIUg iciotivco.

Mrs Feagin had been in declining *

lealth for several years. Since theleath of her son, Dr H S Feagin, a {'ear ago, she failed rapidly, and |vhen at last the divine call came,she N

esponded with the same dalm obe- t

iience to His will which had charac- 1

;erized her life.Six children survive her, viz: Mes-11

lames Morgan Russell of Russell- *

rille.J Smith and S D Smith of Bloo- jningvale, W W Hines, G C Gibson

indMr J A Feagin, of this place.Besides these, twelve grandchildren jind a host of relatives are left tonourn her loss.Mrs Feagin was a friend to the \

leedy and suffering. She will bemrely missed. ,


jcJust received, car Stoves, Ranges, fA/ooKrvAfa TKpco ornnHfl wprp i (

>ought in January, therefore we can £ave you money. All Stoves and '

Ganges guaranteed Nto give entire Iatisfaction. 7-12-tf

Kingstree Furniture Co.NOTICE! e

F J Watts has the finest line of \Jewelry in the county, at prices %

'ery low. 100 Watches from $1.50ip, LaValliers Broaches, Sterling 7

Silver, Cut Glass, Bracelets, Watch "

Jracelets, Rings, Chains, Studs, Specacles,Nose Glasses, Neck Chains, Im>ortedChina.in fact, everything 2hat is to be found in a firs! class ^fewelry store. I sell goods lowerhan any one in the State. Comeind see my stock.

Yours to please,-12-tf F J Watts, Jeweler.

. (Visit Odom & Dennis' Cash Store, ®

it People's Mercantile Co's old stand»n Academy street.


SOU people externA invitation! toThey carry on their penoni or i]A CHECK BOOK la of bo nae

fro* it AH GOOD Ai CASE to thtonheld waata. If yea haven't a bai


used f(v.. .«,

AlWiTl amm gr

kill Medicine Is on«di«a. All oT®r th

BIlUmrMBill®*® ColCmIItmciiDfiKfilaRed Cr

Purely vrgretablform; may be u

The ctaalaeRedCASH BROS D3S Ceat® a hex,

er 9.tn


A Fall Tailoring Opening.The advertisement of S Marcus,

:he well-known outfitter of Kings;ree,appears in other columns of thisssue, calling attention to his Fallrailoring Opening for men and youngTien. This Semi-Annual TailoringExhibit has come to be quite a fea;urehere, as indeed it has in huni1 * -ai _. :litrus ui utiifr prugicoaive iwnnnuui;ies.Through his close connectiouwith- the famous metropolitan stylenakers,Schloss Bros & Co, of Newfork and Baltimore, Mr Marcus is>repared to show the latest thingsn Fine Custom-Tailoring by exactnodels and samples. So dress up,x>v8; you're only young once; andfou don't need us to tell you thevotth of Up-to-Date Clothes for bothbusiness and pleasure. adv.

SPECIAL NOTICESLeft.At the home of the underigned.on the day of my wife s funeral,

me nice lady's rain coat and one pracicallynew lady's umbrella, Ownersvill please call and get same. A M>nider, Railroad Avenue. It

For Sale Cheap-One medium sizeddare, gentle and sound; also buggy infood condition. Apply to m n Jacobs,Cingstree.SC. It

Save $165.00 for the boy's or girl'sexpenses nine months Horry IndusrialSchool, or $50 tuition BookkeepingDepartment, or. perhaps, it's Civil Engineering,Stenography, etc. Writeor plan to reduce expenses and cataogue.S C Morris, Horry, S C. Nextession begins September 11. A PracicalEducation at Moderate Cost.For Sale.Baggett Hotel, Lanes, S

D, furnished. Hotel contains 40 rooms,ncluding bathrooms. Water supplied>y gasoline engine and building lightedvitn acetylene plant. For price anderms, apply to Mrs M L Baggett,l.anes, S C. 7-26-tf

For Sale.One lot in the best busies*lopAtion in the town of Hemincr-way. Size of lot 30x125 feet.« Will sellit a bargain. Apply to J Ellis & Co,iemingway, S C. 7-19-3tpFor Salb..Second hand Ford Racer

'or sale cheap for cash. Apply to S J3eery, Kingstree, S C. 7-12-tf

For Rent.8-room flat on Main St.Vpply to Dr R J McCabe. 3-15-tf

For Sale or Rent.Valuable tracttf land, mile and a quarter north of(ingstree, known as the Fulton tract,:ontaining 78 acres, 45 cleared and infood state of cultivation. Apply to R{ Kellahan's Executors, Kingstree,

5 C. 2-1-tf

Wanted! Wanted! Wanted!Men and half-grown boys (white or

olored), carpenters, mechanics, laborirs,etc. Steady work and good wages.:ree house rent. Pay roll weekly inash. Railroad fare refunded if work one

reek.COLUMBIA CLAY CO.,-19-tf Columbia, 3. C.

LOST.A-- / J I -1- UamaIune open iaceu, screw uacn ouu uclci

!5-year Crescent case, 17-jeweled ElginWatch. Name on fob. Reward toinder.

Laurence H McCullough.8-2-2t Kingstree, S C.

ForSaleExcellentBrood Mare, perfectlygentle, in good condition, hearty andiasy to keep; works anywhere. Ap>lyto

Laurence H McCullough,8-2-2t Kingstree, S C.


^ \ <

th* mxr aid holduj :ux.i their homes larje rams «f money,to the professional thief. Mil, e

* tradesman or for the immsdiateik aeoonnt


1 >

ir Twenty Yearsran satisfaction. Red Cross Llrarof the dependable old-time reiaseSouth it ha* relieved eoCerere trom

Lire* OMpUlat1* Rkcanstlc Palm*

Slek Headacheslm Iteaeth

oss Livtr MedMfWe; does not sicken. Sold in powder,sed dry or eaaliy made into liquid.Cress Ltrer Medietas I* made ealy byRUG 00., I*cM JaduoiTille, Fla.at dratvkk sails gsssial stereo,aid treat the maaafastarsra.

4 PointsFOR THIS

IOur Vaults iFire Proof.

2 Our Officers.

3 Our Bank FRecord.v. T .1 D 1

4lt 13 ine Ddni

the House of I

Give Us Your Account and

The Bank ofW. C HEMINGWAY, Pre..


.* Tine "Ronlr «nll stnrp in if« JL lilU JL/UHAk TV*** ww* w --- -

I CHARGE, Jewelry, IPolicies, Mortgages, Bonds,other valuable papers beloring into camp or into activWe will be glad to rende

in our power, Checks ma;for your credit in Saving^wise, and insurance premiiable at this Bank.

Wee NeeKing'stree,

nm :Nissenl

The Best Wa

FOR SALE AT TlI have a carload of these

was bought before the war,$5 to $10 on each wagon, ora big reduction of present p

COTTON CThis is to notify my frie

the plant of the Cades"Ginnithree new gins, so will be irgood service when you gatpatronage will be appreciate



The FarmNext to People*! Mei


. S !x.J 1

You are coraiauy mvueu i

come to Kingstree. Will d<with breakfast, dinner or su]

T L7-26-4t


1 1 11 11« I 1

FOR SAtEi-- HGFine Kingstree 6-room residence. *

Modern throughout, Easy paymentsif desired. v 6-28-6tp

Green Realty Co., 1Oeergttevai ». C. £..J 1


of Merit> BANK:Vre Burglar Md IIIAre Reliable,las a Splendid


t of All Classes;AccommodationsLet Us Prove Our Merit

Hemingway.D. G. HUGGINS. Cash.

tVICE IIiLDIERS! |js vaults FREE OF IDeeds, Wills, Insurance I, Certificates of Stock or Ilging to any soldier go- Ie service. Ir any other assistance Iy be mailed to u» direct 8i Department or other- Iams may be made pay- I

' Bank, Ic r I\-F. V^» |

Wagonsgon Made

IE OLD PRICEcelebrated wagons thatand I can save you fromwill sell the entire lot atrices.

ilNNERYnds that I have boughtng Co. and am installing1 position to render you;her your cotton. Yourid.

IGES cff-"" I


ers* Cafe*cantile CompanyfD UP-TO-DATE.

:o visit our Cafe when yona our best to serve you>per.

joye <& co.

drives Out Mdarit. BttHd»U»Sytwnhe-OldStandard^rneral derMtftltendfe tonic,lROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. drWeo oatlalaria.enrichea the blood,tad boilda op tb« no*txa. A tree tonic. Pot odolU and children. 30c,

To Cure a Cold la One Davtke LAXATIVE BROHO Quinine. ILttopo ike»i(h sod Headache and work* o» the Cold,nnbu refund money if H fane to core.V. GROVE'S sicoAtore on each bos. 23c.

/ \/ \/ K