The Parent Source is composed by: Upside Down Ministries www.ud4christ.com Teen Culture Specialist Robert Smith P O Box 232 Lawton, Ok 73502 [email protected] Pg.2 Joe Jonas Pg.3 TV Dads Pg.4 Movie Night Pg.5 Questions 1 THE NEW TREND- Every few months a news story breaks about the newest/ legal way for teens to get high. This summer, strong warnings and emergency bans were issued for over the counter bath salts. ABC News reported that huffing Freon, the gas found in air conditioning systems, has become the newest way to get a buzz amongst teens who are looking for a quick high. THE DANGER- Huffing Freon freezes the lungs and causes a rapid high that resembles alcohol intoxication. Doctors say that this is so dangerous because even a single use can result in sudden death. The latest American Association of Poison Control Centers report says Freon huffing killed at least two teens in 2009 and sent more than 2,000 others to the hospital. HOW THEY GET IT- According to officials, teens are stealing Freon out of existing air conditioning units and then huffing it. Air Conditioning business owners say this is a common occurrence. People think they have a leak but what really is going on may be a theft. WHAT CAN YOU DO?- Parents can have a locking cap installed to prevent Freon from being taken. Only an air conditioning service person can install one on the compressor. This will prevent Freon from being let out without a key. The caps cost about $25. HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH

HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH · The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new

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Page 1: HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH · The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new

The Parent Source is composed by:

Upside Down Ministries www.ud4christ.com

Teen Culture Specialist Robert Smith

P O Box 232 Lawton, Ok 73502

[email protected]

Pg.2 ♦ Joe Jonas Pg.3 ♦ TV Dads Pg.4 ♦ Movie Night Pg.5 ♦ Questions


THE NEW TREND- Every few months a news story breaks about the newest/ legal way for teens to get high. This summer, strong warnings and emergency bans were issued for over the counter bath salts. ABC News reported that huffing Freon, the gas found in air conditioning systems, has become the newest way to get a buzz amongst teens who are looking for a quick high.

THE DANGER- Huffing Freon freezes the lungs and causes a rapid high that resembles alcohol intoxication. Doctors say that this is so dangerous because even a single use can result in sudden death. The latest American Association of Poison Control Centers report says Freon huffing killed at least two teens in 2009 and sent more than 2,000 others to the hospital. HOW THEY GET IT- According to officials, teens are stealing Freon out of existing air conditioning units and then huffing it. Air Conditioning business owners say this is a common occurrence. People think they have a leak but what really is going on may be a theft.

WHAT CAN YOU DO?- Parents can have a locking cap installed to prevent Freon from being taken. Only an air conditioning service person can install one on the compressor. This will prevent Freon from being let out without a key. The caps cost about $25.


Page 2: HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH · The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new



The Jonas Brothers name has become synonymous with family friendly entertainment. They were the stars of their own short-lived Disney TV Show “Jonas L.A.” and were featured in several made for TV Disney movies. Over the years, their music has been fun, and lyrically clean. Not to mention that these guys have been very outspoken about their faith in God and appeared to hold themselves to a high moral standard. In fact, they all received much media attention for wearing purity rings that they said “symbolized their commitment to God and their future spouses.” As you can imagine, they have a huge teenage and kid following. They have also earned the approval of many parents. However, it seems as if the Jonas Brothers are going off in separate directions. They have not made an album as a band in several years. Each of the brothers seems to be pursuing their own personal careers at the moment.

It also appears that they may be headed in different directions morally as well. The oldest brother Kevin, married his long time girlfriend and he says he remained true to the purity vow he made. However, middle brother, Joe just released his new music video for his single “Just in love with you.” In a recent interview published on MTV.com this is what Joe said about his new video “I think it's a little bit, well, I'll just say it's a little bit older than anything I've done before." The video features several scenes where he and a girl he just met are passionately kissing and undressing each other. They are seen almost naked in the bed and in the

bathtub. The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new CD has yet to release, but he definitely seems to be shedding his “innocent image.” In fact, MTV news reported that he intends to “play into a sex-symbol role” on his new album. This may be an attempt to gain a new audience but parents should know that Joe Jonas still has a large teen and kid following and they will be interested in his new CD.

This could spark a great conversation with your kid about purity. According to culture it is strictly a “Sex thing.” It also appears to be

something that many of these stars say they have “outgrown.” See what your teen has to say about this.

Page 3: HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH · The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new


The Evolution of Dad according to TV. The 1950’s-1960’s— These Dad’s were the classic image of what a good father looked like. They worked a steady 9-5 job to provide for their families. While they were at work their wives stayed at their middle-class suburban homes and took care of the kids. In the days of “Father Knows Best” and “Leave it To Beaver,” the fathers were the head of the house. They were involved in the nurturing, advising and disciplining of their kids. At this point in television the kids valued their fathers. The 1960’s-1970’s — introduced a different version of Dad that reflected what was happening in many homes across America. After the Vietnam War, the American dream was shattered for many families. Fathers were no longer portrayed as strong and respectable. Take Archie Bunker of “All In The Family” as an example. He was flawed and carried bitter prejudices. This was accurately portraying many fathers across the country. In the late 70’s early 80’s, shows like “The Brady Bunch” and “The Cosby Show” began to showcase the diversity of fathers and families. The role of the wife had drastically changed and these shows reflected that. Bill Cosby maintained the role of a wise and loving father. However, unlike the fathers of the 50’s and 60’s, he was not portrayed as perfect and he was not the only spouse who worked outside of the house.

The 1980’s– 2000’s —- Introduced us to the idiot Dad. At this point, TV Moms became the heads of their homes and fathers were made to look like morons. “The Simpsons” started the trend of moronic fathers that need the mothering of their wives just as much as their kids did. Homer Simpson, Al Bundy and many other fathers were searching for opportunities to be anywhere else other than with their family. This role evolved a little in the early 2000’s but it still portrayed fathers as relatively clueless. In the past, Dads ruled the roost but in many shows they come home and are like ‘Oh man, what have I come home to?” Modern Day— we’ve gone from wise Dads to clueless Dads. As

television attempts to portray reality TV, Dads of today are very diverse. Shows like “Modern Family” portray a mixture of fathers, one who is clueless, yet highly involved in his kids life. A same sex couple that struggles through adoption and fatherhood and an older father with a start-over family. Many shows also portray Dad as the primary parent and the mother as the bread winner. Most Dads are portrayed as willing, loving fathers who may not know what they’re doing, but they’re willing to give it a try. We often talk about how culture affects teens view of reality. This is true but, in this case these shows influence the adults who watch just as much. If television is trying to reflect what is going on in the real world, then we should examine this message and see what parts of it measure up and what parts do not. Even though cultures view of parenting and fathering may change God’s expectations of Fathers does not. Circumstances may change exactly what this looks like for a Dad, but it does not change his God-given responsibility and privilege to raise his kids.

Page 4: HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH · The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new


5 TIPS TO MAKE FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT A SUCCESS It's important to get involved in your kids media lives -– and your kids love it too. But helping them become critical media consumers can be easier said than done. What’s a sure-fire way to stay involved with your kids' media picks and create an opportunity to discuss them? Host a family movie night! Some tips for making it work:

Schedule it. Make it a regular date and time and don't break it. Turn off cell phones and ban multi-tasking during the show.

Take turns choosing the movie. If you've got little kids, pre-select a group to choose from (to avoid watching Care Bears IV over and over again). If you've got teens, tell them you'll watch anything they choose as long as

they return the favor when it's your turn. Enforce a "no complaining" rule.

Location, location, location. Hang a sheet in the backyard, rent a projector or borrow one from the church, and sit on beach chairs to celebrate a classic like “The Wizard of Oz.” Or take family movie night on the road during vacations or at the grandparents’ house.

Make it a theme night. This can be simple or elaborate, depending on what you can handle. Eat popsicles with “March of the Penguins” or try an exotic

cheese with “Ratatouille.”

Talk about it. When credits roll or the next day, make time to chat about what you watched. Kids might

be interested in learning more about animation or Hollywood history. Visit the library to follow up on interests piqued by the movie. Talking with kids about how movie characters handled fictional situations can be a subtle way to reinforce your family's values or get kids to open up about their lives. Adapted from commonsensemedia.org


Page 5: HUFFING FREON: THE NEWEST WAY TO GET HIGH · The lyrics to this song seem relatively innocent and not very sexual. But, the video gives it a completely different meaning. His new

Parent Discussion questions: 1. How often do kids at your school talk about using drugs? 2. Why is it dangerous to use drugs? 3. What is your definition of purity? 4. Is purity something you can out grow? 5. Other than movie night what are some things you would like for us to do together as a
