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  • Can you remember what this is called ? The Church calendar or Liturgical calendar
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  • The priest wears different colour vestments at Mass. Ordinary time Advent or Lent There are different seasons of the Liturgical Year During these seasons the church uses different colours. Green,red,gold and purple
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  • On the Feast of Christ the King the Church celebrates that Christ is king of all. The love and care that He has for us is everlasting and all-powerful. Yesterday was our schools special day- It was the Feast Day of Christ the King
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  • Yesterday the Feast of Christ the King was the last Sunday of the Liturgical year Next Sunday the new Church year will start with the first Sunday of Advent.
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  • The Feast of Christ the King In 1925 Pope Pius X1 said that on the last Sunday of November the Church would celebrate the feast of Christ the King. He did this to help people remember that Jesus is king of the whole world, and our king. He shares our lives, our joys, our sadness and He loves us.
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  • What do you think of when we hear the word king? Royal Powerful Rich Has servants Tells other people what to do Is ruler of a country or kingdom
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  • Jesus - King of Kings Jesus did not live like a king. He cared for others. He was a good leader and a teacher. He was humble. He came to serve others not to be served. He showed people by His example. His kingdom is universal.
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  • Reflection The Servant King
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  • We praise Jesus Christ our king for the wonderful things he has done for us. May we always trust in his goodness and love. Lord in Your Mercy All: Hear our Prayer As we come to the end of the Year of Faith we thank you Lord for the wonderful gift of our faith. Guide us today and always as we learn, grow and pray together. May we always follow in your footsteps Lord in Your Mercy All: Hear our Prayer REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER Prayer for all those who have died Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon them, May they rest in peace. Amen