Hsp70 and Hsp90 Multichaperone Complexes Sequentially Regulate Thiazide-sensitive Cotransporter Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated Degradation and Biogenesis * Received for publication, January 21, 2013, and in revised form, March 7, 2013 Published, JBC Papers in Press, March 12, 2013, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M113.455394 Bridget F. Donnelly , Patrick G. Needham § , Avin C. Snyder , Ankita Roy , Shaheen Khadem ‡¶ , Jeffrey L. Brodsky § , and Arohan R. Subramanya ‡¶1 From the § Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, and Department of Medicine, Renal-Electrolyte Division, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 Background: An incompletely defined system of cytoplasmic chaperones mediates thiazide-sensitive cotransporter (NCC) ER quality control. Results: Hsp70 and Hsp90 select NCC for cochaperone-regulated ERAD or biosynthetic maturation. Conclusion: Hsp70 and Hsp90 sequentially monitor early stages of NCC biogenesis. Significance: Differential interaction of aberrantly folded NCC with these chaperones likely contributes to the molecular basis of hereditary salt wasting and hypertension resistance. The thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC) is the pri- mary mediator of salt reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule and is a key determinant of the blood pressure set point. Given its complex topology, NCC is inefficiently processed and prone to endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD), although the mechanisms governing this process remain obscure. Here, we identify factors that impact the ER quality control of NCC. Analyses of NCC immunoprecipitates revealed that the cotransporter formed complexes with the core chaperones Hsp90, Hsp70, and Hsp40. Disruption of Hsp90 function accelerated NCC degradation, suggesting that Hsp90 promotes NCC folding. In addition, two cochaperones, the C terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP) and the Hsp70/ Hsp90 organizer protein, were associated with NCC. Although CHIP, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, promoted NCC ubiquitination and ERAD, the Hsp70/Hsp90 organizer protein stabilized NCC turnover, indicating that these two proteins differentially remodel the core chaperone systems to favor cotransporter deg- radation and biogenesis, respectively. Adjusting the folding environment in mammalian cells via reduced temperature enhanced NCC biosynthetic trafficking, increased Hsp90-NCC interaction, and diminished binding to Hsp70. In contrast, cotransporters harboring disease-causing mutations that impair NCC biogenesis failed to escape ERAD as efficiently as the wild type protein when cells were incubated at a lower tem- perature. Instead, these mutants interacted more strongly with Hsp70, Hsp40, and CHIP, consistent with a role for the Hsp70/ Hsp40 system in selecting misfolded NCC for ERAD. Collec- tively, these observations indicate that Hsp70 and Hsp90 com- prise two functionally distinct ER quality control checkpoints that sequentially monitor NCC biogenesis. The thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC) 2 is a mem- ber of the SLC12 family of electroneutral cation chloride cotransporters that regulate cell volume and ion homeostasis in diverse tissues (1). Other members of this family include the Na-K-2Cl cotransporters NKCC1 and NKCC2 and four K-Cl cotransporters (KCC1– 4). NCC is expressed at the apical sur- face of the renal distal convoluted tubule, where it mediates the reabsorption of 5–10% of filtered sodium chloride and regu- lates blood pressure. The medical relevance of this process is evidenced by the utility of thiazide diuretics, which inhibit NCC and reduce blood pressure (2). Moreover, loss of function mutations in NCC cause Gitelman syndrome, an autosomal recessive salt wasting disorder (3). Population-based genetic studies indicate that the carrier state for this Mendelian disease confers lifelong protection from the development of hyperten- sion and its associated complications (4). Thus, factors that regulate NCC function and synthesis play an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension in the general population. Like other SLC12 cation chloride cotransporters, NCC pos- sesses a complex topology, consisting of 12 transmembrane helices, a glycosylated extracellular loop, and large intracellular N and C termini. As is evident for nearly all membrane proteins in eukaryotes, NCC folds and assembles in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during or soon after it is translated. Conse- quently, an extensive ER quality control system must be in place to ensure that NCC adopts its correct conformation. Indeed, loss of function NCC mutations that cause Gitelman syndrome * This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of Health Grants DK79307 (to the Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research, Model Organisms Core) and GM75061 (to J. L. B.). This work was also supported by a Mid-Level Career Development Award from the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs (to A. R. S.) and Grant 10BGIA3890010 from the James A. Shaver Fund of the American Heart Association (to A. R. S.). 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: 3550 Terrace St., S832 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. Tel.: 412-648-9399; Fax: 412-647-6222; E-mail: [email protected]. 2 The abbreviations used are: NCC, thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ERAD, endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation; Hsp, heat shock protein; MDCK, Madin-Darby canine kidney; TPR, tetratricopep- tide; HOP, Hsp70/Hsp90 organizer protein; CHIP, C terminus of Hsp70-in- teracting protein; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; 17-AAG, 17-N-allylamino- 17-demthoxy-geldanamycin. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 288, NO. 18, pp. 13124 –13135, May 3, 2013 Published in the U.S.A. 13124 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 288 • NUMBER 18 • MAY 3, 2013 by guest on November 3, 2020 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from

Hsp70andHsp90MultichaperoneComplexesSequentially ...Hsp70 and Hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains topromoteproductivefolding(18).Ontheotherhand,quality control of misfolded

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Page 1: Hsp70andHsp90MultichaperoneComplexesSequentially ...Hsp70 and Hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains topromoteproductivefolding(18).Ontheotherhand,quality control of misfolded

Hsp70 and Hsp90 Multichaperone Complexes SequentiallyRegulate Thiazide-sensitive Cotransporter EndoplasmicReticulum-associated Degradation and Biogenesis*

Received for publication, January 21, 2013, and in revised form, March 7, 2013 Published, JBC Papers in Press, March 12, 2013, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M113.455394

Bridget F. Donnelly‡, Patrick G. Needham§, Avin C. Snyder‡, Ankita Roy‡, Shaheen Khadem‡¶, Jeffrey L. Brodsky§,and Arohan R. Subramanya‡¶1

From the §Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, and ‡Department of Medicine, Renal-Electrolyte Division,University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and ¶Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261

Background:An incompletely defined system of cytoplasmic chaperones mediates thiazide-sensitive cotransporter (NCC)ER quality control.Results: Hsp70 and Hsp90 select NCC for cochaperone-regulated ERAD or biosynthetic maturation.Conclusion: Hsp70 and Hsp90 sequentially monitor early stages of NCC biogenesis.Significance:Differential interaction of aberrantly folded NCC with these chaperones likely contributes to the molecular basisof hereditary salt wasting and hypertension resistance.

The thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC) is the pri-mary mediator of salt reabsorption in the distal convolutedtubule and is a key determinant of the blood pressure set point.Given its complex topology, NCC is inefficiently processed andprone to endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation(ERAD), although the mechanisms governing this processremain obscure. Here, we identify factors that impact the ERquality control of NCC. Analyses of NCC immunoprecipitatesrevealed that the cotransporter formed complexes with the corechaperones Hsp90, Hsp70, and Hsp40. Disruption of Hsp90function accelerated NCC degradation, suggesting that Hsp90promotes NCC folding. In addition, two cochaperones, the Cterminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP) and the Hsp70/Hsp90 organizer protein, were associated with NCC. AlthoughCHIP, anE3ubiquitin ligase, promotedNCCubiquitination andERAD, the Hsp70/Hsp90 organizer protein stabilized NCCturnover, indicating that these two proteins differentiallyremodel the core chaperone systems to favor cotransporter deg-radation and biogenesis, respectively. Adjusting the foldingenvironment in mammalian cells via reduced temperatureenhanced NCC biosynthetic trafficking, increased Hsp90-NCCinteraction, and diminished binding to Hsp70. In contrast,cotransporters harboring disease-causing mutations thatimpair NCC biogenesis failed to escape ERAD as efficiently asthe wild type protein when cells were incubated at a lower tem-perature. Instead, these mutants interacted more strongly withHsp70, Hsp40, and CHIP, consistent with a role for the Hsp70/Hsp40 system in selecting misfolded NCC for ERAD. Collec-tively, these observations indicate that Hsp70 and Hsp90 com-

prise two functionally distinct ER quality control checkpointsthat sequentially monitor NCC biogenesis.

The thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC)2 is amem-ber of the SLC12 family of electroneutral cation chloridecotransporters that regulate cell volume and ion homeostasis indiverse tissues (1). Other members of this family include theNa-K-2Cl cotransporters NKCC1 and NKCC2 and four K-Clcotransporters (KCC1–4). NCC is expressed at the apical sur-face of the renal distal convoluted tubule, where it mediates thereabsorption of 5–10% of filtered sodium chloride and regu-lates blood pressure. The medical relevance of this process isevidenced by the utility of thiazide diuretics, which inhibitNCCand reduce blood pressure (2). Moreover, loss of functionmutations in NCC cause Gitelman syndrome, an autosomalrecessive salt wasting disorder (3). Population-based geneticstudies indicate that the carrier state for thisMendelian diseaseconfers lifelong protection from the development of hyperten-sion and its associated complications (4). Thus, factors thatregulate NCC function and synthesis play an important role inthe pathogenesis of hypertension in the general population.Like other SLC12 cation chloride cotransporters, NCC pos-

sesses a complex topology, consisting of 12 transmembranehelices, a glycosylated extracellular loop, and large intracellularN andC termini. As is evident for nearly all membrane proteinsin eukaryotes, NCC folds and assembles in the endoplasmicreticulum (ER) during or soon after it is translated. Conse-quently, an extensive ERquality control systemmust be in placeto ensure that NCC adopts its correct conformation. Indeed,loss of function NCCmutations that cause Gitelman syndrome

* This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of HealthGrants DK79307 (to the Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research, ModelOrganisms Core) and GM75061 (to J. L. B.). This work was also supported bya Mid-Level Career Development Award from the U.S. Dept. of VeteransAffairs (to A. R. S.) and Grant 10BGIA3890010 from the James A. ShaverFund of the American Heart Association (to A. R. S.).

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: 3550 Terrace St., S832Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. Tel.: 412-648-9399; Fax: 412-647-6222;E-mail: [email protected].

2 The abbreviations used are: NCC, thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter; ER,endoplasmic reticulum; CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductanceregulator; ERAD, endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation; Hsp,heat shock protein; MDCK, Madin-Darby canine kidney; TPR, tetratricopep-tide; HOP, Hsp70/Hsp90 organizer protein; CHIP, C terminus of Hsp70-in-teracting protein; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; 17-AAG, 17-N-allylamino-17-demthoxy-geldanamycin.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 288, NO. 18, pp. 13124 –13135, May 3, 2013Published in the U.S.A.


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or carrier state hypertension resistance frequently lead toimpaired biosynthetic trafficking and plasma membraneexpression (5–7), and many of these variants shift the steadystate balance of NCC expression toward the immature, ER-lo-calized, and core-glycosylated state. These data strongly sug-gest that misfolded forms of the cotransporter are recognizedby the biosynthetic machinery that targets NCC for ER-associ-ated degradation (ERAD). Generally, this selection process ismediated by molecular chaperones, which interact in a sub-strate-specific manner to facilitate the quality control of aber-rant proteins (8, 9).Based on the importance of defining how NCC is subject to

quality control and regulated, we sought to define the mecha-nisms underlying the ERAD of this protein. As an initialapproach, we employed the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as amodel eukaryotic expression system to identify evolutionarilyconserved factors that regulateNCCbiogenesis. These findingswere then verified in mammalian expression systems. Thisanalysis revealed that NCC is subject to an ER quality controlprocess that is primarily dependent on cytoplasmic rather thanER luminal chaperones (10). Specifically, we found that a cyto-plasmic heat shock protein, the stress-inducible isoform ofHsp70 (Hsp72), binds to NCC and selects it for ubiquitinationand proteasomal degradation. In contrast, chaperones residingin the ER lumen, such as the Hsp70 Kar2/BiP, had no effect onNCC turnover. These findings are reminiscent of other mem-brane proteins that undergo inefficient biosynthetic processingbecause of their complex fold, such as the cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator (CFTR) (11).Hsp70 is a ubiquitously expressed multifunctional chaper-

one that mediates a variety of biological processes, includingprotein degradation, folding, targeting, and protein-proteininteractions between its clients and other regulators (12–14).The capacity of cytoplasmic Hsp70 to perform these diversetasks requires ATP binding and hydrolysis, which is facilitatedby other chaperones or cofactors (i.e., “cochaperones”).According to current models, an unfolded polypeptide is cap-tured by a chaperone that recognizes exposed hydrophobicpatches. This chaperone could be Hsp70 itself or a J-domaincochaperone that forms a complex with Hsp70, such as anHsp40. The Hsp40/Hsp70 machinery then guides the clientthrough cycles of binding and release, in which successiverounds of folding are coupled to Hsp70-mediated ATP hydrol-ysis. Although this process most commonly results in the for-mation of a fully folded client, a terminally misfolded or slowlyfolding species may be generated, which can be targeted fordegradation to clear the cell of potentially toxic aggregates. Incontrast, if the folding pathway is followed, the Hsp70-clientcomplex can recruit Hsp90, a central regulator of proteinhomeostasis that also chaperones protein folding via an ATP-dependent hydrolytic cycle (15–17). Formation of these “inter-mediate complexes” may be augmented by the Hsp70/Hsp90organizer protein (HOP), which connects the C termini ofHsp70 and Hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domainsto promote productive folding (18). On the other hand, qualitycontrol of misfolded Hsp70- and Hsp90-bound clients can bemanaged by a different TPR domain-containing cochaperone,the C terminus of Hsc70 interacting protein (CHIP). CHIP is a

Ubox E3 ubiquitin ligase that associates with Hsp70 or Hsp90via its TPR domain and ubiquitinates misfolded substrates, tar-geting them for ERAD (19).In this study, we employed a combination of proteomic and

biochemical strategies to identify additional factors that medi-ate NCC quality control. We found that the cotransporterresided in a cytoplasmic chaperone-containing complex thatincluded Hsp90, Hsp70, and Hsp40. We also found that NCCdegradation was sensitive to drugs that inhibit Hsp90 functionand that CHIP and HOP influence NCC turnover in an oppos-ing manner; namely, CHIP promoted NCC degradation,whereas HOP favoredNCC folding. Finally, we established thatthe quality control ofNCC is a temperature-dependent process.Low temperature incubation enhanced wild type NCCmatura-tion. In contrast, two Gitelman syndrome mutants were insen-sitive to temperature downshift and instead interacted morestrongly with the Hsp70/Hsp40 system, likely resulting in per-sistent ER trapping and selection for ERAD. Combined withother data, our results indicate that Hsp70 andHsp90 comprisefunctionally distinct ER quality control checkpoints thatsequentially monitor the early stages during cation chloridecotransporter biogenesis.


Molecular Methods—All of the NCC clones used in thesestudies were derived from previously described and character-ized cDNAs, including untagged mouse NCC (6), N-terminalhemagglutinin-tagged wild type mouse NCC (HA-NCC) inpcDNA3.1 (20), and two previously studied N-terminal HA-tagged Gitelman mutants, R948X and R989X (10). Myc-taggedwild type, �UBox, and �TPR C terminus of Hsc70 interactingprotein (CHIP/STUB1) were gifts of Ray Frizzell (University ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA). The untagged Hsp70/Hsp90 orga-nizer protein (HOP/STIP1; NM_006819) was purchased as acomplete cDNA in pINCY fromOpen Biosystems, excisedwithEcoRI and NotI, and ligated into the same sites in pcDNA3.1.All of the sequences were verified by automatedDNA sequenceanalysis performed at the University of Pittsburgh Genomicsand Proteomics Core Laboratories prior to use.Antibodies and Reagents—The following commercial anti-

bodies were used: mouse monoclonal anti-Hsp70 (Hsp72)(C92F3A-5; Enzo), mouse monoclonal anti-Hsp90 (16F1;Enzo), rabbit polyclonal anti-Hsp40 (Hdj1; Cell SignalingTech-nology), rabbit polyclonal anti-HOP (Cell Signaling Technol-ogy), mouse monoclonal anti-p23 (JJ3; Thermo), rabbit poly-clonal anti-CHIP (C-terminal; Sigma), rabbit polyclonal anti-ubiquitin antibody (FL-76; Santa Cruz), mouse monoclonalanti-HA (HA-11; Covance), mouse monoclonal anti-Myc (4A6Millipore), rabbit polyclonal anti-c-Myc (A-14; Santa Cruz),HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse and goat anti-rabbit antibod-ies (Jackson ImmunoResearch), and HRP-conjugated ratmonoclonal anti-HA high affinity (3F10; Roche Applied Sci-ence). Polyclonal rabbit anti-mouse NCC antibody was pur-chased from Stressmarq. 17-N-Allylamino-17-demthoxy-geldanamycin (17-AAG), MG-132, and cycloheximide werepurchased from Sigma. 17-Dimethylaminoethylamino-17-de-methoxygeldana-mycin was purchased from Tocris.

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Cell Culture and Transfection—MadinDarby Canine Kidney(MDCK) cells andHEK293T cells were cultured in high glucoseDMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, L-glutamine, and penicil-lin/streptomycin at 37 °C. Transient transfections were per-formed using either FuGENE 6 (Roche Applied Science) orLipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) per the manufacturers’ rec-ommendations, and cells were subjected to analysis 24–48 hpost-transfection.Preparation of Mammalian Cell Lysates and Immunoblot

Analysis—The cells were washed twice with PBS, scraped, col-lected, and isolated by centrifugation at 1000 � g for 5 min.Postnuclear lysate supernatants were obtained by passing thepellets 25 times through a 20–200-�l pipette tip in one of twolysis buffers, depending on the experiment: cell lysis buffer (20mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM Na2EDTA, 1 mM

EGTA, 1% Triton X-100, 2.5 mM sodium pyrophosphate, 1 mM

�-glycerophosphate, 1 mM Na3VO4, 1 �g/ml leupeptin, 1 mM

PMSF, and 10 �g/ml pepstatin) or detergent solution (50 mM

Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 1%Nonidet P-40, 0.4% sodium deoxycholate,and 62.5mMEDTA, supplementedwith 1 tablet of RocheCom-plete Protease Inhibitor Mixture, 1 mM PMSF, and 10 �g/mlpepstatin). The samples were incubated on ice for 15 min, andinsoluble material was removed by centrifugation at 16,000� gfor 5 min. The protein concentrations were determined by theBradford method (Bio-Rad protein assay kit). The lysates werediluted according to the instructions of the manufacturer, sothat the detergents in the lysis buffers would not interfere withthe protein assay. For samples subjected to SDS-PAGE, thelysates were denatured in Laemmli buffer, maintained at roomtemperature for 30 min, and loaded onto 10% polyacrylamidegels preincubated with chilled SDS buffer, and the proteinswere resolved at 4 °C on the polyacrylamide gels. Immunoblotanalysis was performed as described previously (20), with theexception of the anti-ubiquitin immunoblots. For those studies,following transfer to nitrocellulose, themembraneswere boiledin distilled water for 10 min and cooled to room temperatureprior to the blocking step.Mass Spectrometry andAnalysis—HEK293T cells transiently

expressing HA-tagged NCC or untagged NCC (negative con-trol) were lysed in detergent solution, described above. A totalof 300 �g of the whole cell lysate was diluted to 300 �l, pre-cleared with 30 �l of Sepharose CL6B slurry (Sigma), and sub-jected to immunoprecipitation with 30 �l of anti-HA-conju-gated agarose resin (Sigma) overnight at 4 °C. The next day, theresins were washed four times with PBS, immunoprecipitatedproteins were eluted by incubating the beads at room temper-ature for 30 min in 5� Laemmli buffer, and proteins wereresolved by SDS-PAGE on 12% polyacrylamide gels. The pro-teins were visualized using a MALDI-safe silver staining kit(Sigma) per themanufacturer’s recommendations.Gel bands ofinterest were excised as 1-mm2 pieces, and correspondingmolecular weight gel pieces in the negative control sampleswere processed for comparison. Protein in-gel trypsin digestionwas carried out as described previously, with minor modifica-tions (21). The digests were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using alinear trap quadrupole Velos Orbitrap (Thermo Fisher, SanJose, CA) using a 90-min LC gradient. Thermo Fisher Discov-erer Daemon 1.3 was used for batch submissions of acquired

.raw files from the linear trap quadrupole Velos Orbitrap toThermo Fisher Proteome Discoverer 1.3. Database searcheswere performed against the Uniprot human complete canoni-cal isoform database downloaded November 2012 (84,874sequences, 34,774,549 residues) appended to a contaminantdatabase from ABScies (Foster City, CA) with the Sequestsearch engine, for a trypsin digest with two missed cleavagesand two dynamicmodifications (carbamidomethylation of cys-teines and oxidation of methionines). The mass tolerance wasset at 10 ppm for precursor mass and 0.5 Da for collision-in-duced dissociation fragment ionmasses. Peptide identificationswere filtered with a q value cutoff of 0.05 (5% global false dis-covery rate) using Percolator.Assays to Monitor NCC ER-associated Degradation—Yeast

cycloheximide chase assays were performed as described pre-viously (10). For cycloheximide chase studies in mammaliancells, MDCK cells transiently expressing HA-tagged NCC in6-well plates were assayed 24 h post-transfection. To stop pro-tein translation, the cells were placed in fresh high glucoseDMEM containing 10% FBS, L-glutamine, and cycloheximide(Sigma) to a final concentration of 100 �g/ml. The cells werethen chased in a 37 °C 5% CO2 incubator for the indicatedtimes. The cycloheximide-containing medium was aspirated,and the samples were washed on ice twice with ice-cold PBS.The cells were then lysed, proteinwas quantified, andHA-NCCturnover was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting asdescribed above. For chase assays performed in the presence ofproteasome inhibitors, the samples were first incubated withMG-132 (10 �M) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) control for 4 hprior to initiation of the chase, followed by the addition of 100�g/ml cycloheximide for the indicated chase times.Coimmunoprecipitation Analysis—Cells transiently express-

ing the indicated constructs were lysed in cell lysis buffer asdescribed above. A total of 250–300�g of the lysate was dilutedto a total of 300 �l and used in the immunoprecipitation assay.The lysate was then precleared with 50 �l of Sepharose CL6Bslurry by end over end rotation at 4 °C for 2 h. For HA-NCCimmunoprecipitations, the cleared lysates were rotated in fresh20–30-�l aliquots of anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin(Sigma) overnight at 4 °C. For CHIP immunoprecipitations, 1�g of anti-Myc antibody was added to the cleared lysates, andthe samples were rotated in fresh 30-�l aliquots of protein A/Gbeads overnight at 4 °C. The samples were centrifuged at lowspeed, and the beads were washed once in 500 �l of PBS, twicein 500 �l of PBS containing 0.5% Triton X-100, and once morein 500 �l of PBS. Immunoprecipitated proteins were eluted byincubating the beads at room temperature for 30 min in 5�Laemmli buffer, separated by SDS-PAGE, and analyzed byimmunoblotting as described above.Data Analysis—For Western blot quantification, densitom-

etry was carried out with NIH ImageJ software. The data fromyeast cycloheximide chase analyses were analyzed on a Kodak440CF Image Station and the associated Kodak 1D software.GraphPad Prism software was used for statistical analyses.Comparisons between two groups were determined by a Stu-dent’s t test.

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A Cytoplasmic Multichaperone Complex Coimmunoprecipi-tates with NCC inMammalian Cells—We recently identified arole for cytoplasmic Hsp70 during NCC selection for ERAD inyeast and in mammalian epithelial cells (10). Because Hsp70rarely works alone to facilitate client degradation or folding(12–14), we reasoned that other cytoplasmic chaperones orcochaperones function with Hsp70 during the NCC ER qualitycontrol process. To begin to evaluate this possibility, weemployed coimmunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry toperform an unbiased assessment of proteins that form com-plexes with NCC. Given the high abundance of heat shock pro-teins in cytosol and the significant effect of Hsp70 in targetingNCC for degradation via the ERAD pathway (10), we hypothe-sized that this approach would identify additional ER qualitycontrol components that interact with NCC. HA-tagged NCCwas expressed in HEK293T cells, the cells were lysed, NCCwasimmunoprecipitated on anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin, andthe bound proteins were fractionated by SDS-PAGE. Coimmu-noprecipitating proteins were then visualized by silver staining.As shown in Fig. 1A, we identified several proteins that coim-munoprecipitated with HA-NCC; these species were absent incontrol HA-agarose immunoprecipitations from cell lysatesthat contained the untagged cotransporter. Of these proteins,four major signals at �85, 70, 50, and 40 kDa were selected forfurther analysis. These gel bands were excised, the protein wasextracted, and the identities of the potential NCC binding part-ners were determined by peptide mass fingerprinting of trypticdigests by LC-MS/MS. Using this shotgun proteomicsapproach, we identified cytoplasmic Hsp90 (Hsp90�) and thetwo cytoplasmic Hsp70s, Hsp70 and Hsc70, as the major spe-cies migrating at 85 and 70 kDa, respectively. Although �-actinwas identified at �40 kDa, the Hsp40 DNAJA1 was alsodetected with high confidence. Several tubulin isoforms werealso identified in the �50-kDa range, consistent with priorreports that cation chloride cotransporters undergo microtu-bule-dependent protein trafficking (22). The mass spectrome-try protein identification data for Hsp90, Hsp70/Hsc70, andHsp40 are provided in Table 1. As a second approach, we useda previously validated panel of antibodies to probe HA-NCCimmunoprecipitates for the same chaperones that were identi-fied by mass spectrometry. As shown in Fig. 1B, Hsp90, Hsp70,and Hsp40 were specifically detected in anti-HA immunopre-cipitates from HEK293T cell lysates expressing the taggedcotransporter. Together, these observations suggested thatNCCassociates with several cytoplasmic chaperones, includingHsp90, Hsp70, and Hsp40.Hsp70 andHsp90 Cochaperones CHIP andHOPCoimmuno-

precipitate with NCC—Depending on the substrate, Hsp70 andHsp90 have the capacity to facilitate either client folding ordegradation during ERAD (23). The tendency of these corechaperone systems to perform one function versus the othermay be influenced by cochaperones. Because both Hsp90 andHsp70 coimmunoprecipitated with NCC, we reasoned thattheir associated cochaperones might also interact with NCC toregulate its maturation or ERAD. Cochaperones containingTPR domains would be ideal candidates to carry out such a

function, because all members of this protein family have thecapacity to interact with both Hsp70 and Hsp90. Among thebest studied of these ubiquitously expressed cochaperones arethe E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP, which is required for the ERADofsome substrates (24–27), andHOP, which transitions clients tothe Hsp90 chaperone cycle by connecting Hsp70-bound sub-

FIGURE 1. Cytoplasmic Hsp90, Hsp70, and Hsp40 immunoprecipitatewith NCC. A, HEK293T cells were transfected with either HA-NCC or control,untagged NCC, and whole cell lysates were subjected to immunoprecipita-tion (IP) with anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin. The immunoprecipitatedproteins were fractionated by SDS-PAGE, and proteins were visualized byMALDI-safe silver staining. The experiment was repeated five times with iden-tical results. Shown are major proteins identified by LC-MS/MS from 1-mm gelslices excised at �85, 70, 50, and 40 kDa. B, vectors for the expression ofHA-NCC or of control, untagged NCC were transiently transfected intoHEK293T cells. 24 h post-transfection, the cell lysates were incubated withHA-conjugated agarose beads as described under “Experimental Proce-dures,” and proteins in the immunoprecipitates were fractionated by SDS-PAGE and subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. TheNCC immunoblots were performed with a rabbit anti-NCC antibody that rec-ognizes both the tagged and untagged forms of the cotransporter.

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strates toHsp90 (28, 29). As predicted, coimmunoprecipitationstudies indicated that both of these TPR cochaperones associ-atedwithNCC in protein complexes that also containedHsp90,Hsp70, and Hsp40 (Fig. 1B). In contrast, p23, a well character-ized non-TPR cochaperone that facilitates the biogenesis of anumber of Hsp90 clients (30), was abundantly expressed inHEK293T cells but did not coimmunoprecipitate with NCC.Hsp90 Facilitates NCCBiogenesis inMammalianCells—The

finding that a complex containingHsp90, CHIP, andHOPasso-ciates with NCC suggests that the Hsp90 system may regulateNCC quality control. To address this hypothesis, MDCK cellsexpressing the cotransporter were treated with a geldanamycinanalog, 17-AAG, which blocks Hsp90 chaperone activity byinterfering with its ATP hydrolysis cycle (31). As shown in Fig.2A, 4 h of 17-AAG treatment decreased the abundance of boththe high mannose core and mature glycosylated forms of NCC(10) in a dose-dependentmanner; treatment of cells with 10�M

17-AAG resulted in a 53% decrease in total NCC protein abun-dance (Fig. 2B; n � 4, p � 0.0032). Consistent with priorreports, 17-AAG also increased Hsp70 abundance, a molecularsignature of effective Hsp90 inhibition (Ref. 32 and Fig. 2A).Similar effects on both the core and mature NCC glycoformswere seen when HA-NCC-expressing MDCK cells were incu-bated with lower doses of 17-AAG (0.5 �M) over a longer (12 h)time course, compared with the Me2SO vehicle-treated con-trols (Fig. 2,C andD). In addition, treatment ofNCCexpressingcells with a different Hsp90 inhibitor, 17-dimethylaminoethyl-amino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin, resulted in a similar dose-dependent decrease in the steady state amount of NCC (datanot shown). Collectively, these data indicate that Hsp90 aug-ments NCC biogenesis and that this effect requires an intactATP-dependent Hsp90 chaperone cycle.CHIP Stimulates the Chaperone-dependent ERAD of NCC—

CHIP is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that converts Hsp70 and Hsp90from foldingmachines into degradation factors that targetmis-folded clients for ERAD (24). Because NCC interacts withCHIP, we reasoned that it might stimulate NCC ubiquitinationand degradation by the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. To testthis hypothesis, we determined whether wild type CHIP andCHIPmutants lacking critical functional domains differentiallyaffect NCC turnover. The cDNAs employed for this experi-ment encode full-length Myc epitope-tagged CHIP, Myc-

CHIP-�TPR (a mutant lacking the TPR domain that binds theextreme C termini of Hsp70 and Hsp90 (33)), or Myc-CHIP-�UBox (a deletion mutant lacking the E3-ligase domain thatcatalyzes substrate ubiquitination) (Fig. 3A). In analyses ofsteady stateNCC expression inHEK293T cells, coexpression offull-length wild type CHIP decreased the levels of both the

TABLE 1Identification of NCC-interacting chaperones by mass spectrometryHEK293T cells were transfected with either HA-NCC or control untagged NCC, and whole cell lysates were subjected to immunoprecipitation (IP) with anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin. Following visualization by MALDI-safe silver staining, three bands of different molecular masses (85, 70, and 40 kDa) were excised from theHA-NCC IP or the corresponding control IP. The gel pieces were subjected to trypisinization and mass spectrometry analysis as described under “Experimental Proce-dures.” Peptides: number of peptide sequences unique to the identified protein; PSMs: total number of identified peptide sequences (peptide spectral matches) for theprotein, including those redundantly identified; Coverage: percentage of the protein sequence that was covered by identified peptides; Score: the protein score determinedby an algorithm in the ThermoFisher ProteomeDiscoverer program. Derived from SEQUEST results, this number is the sum of all peptide cross-correlation (XCorr) valuesabove a calculated threshold.

Band molecularmass Protein IP Peptides PSMs Coverage Score

%85 kDa Hsp90a (HSP90AA1; molecular mass � 84.6 kDa) HA-NCC 54 215 58.47 647.68

Control 19 21 23.50 63.6770 kDa Hsp70 (HSPA1A; molecular mass � 70 kDa) HA-NCC 43 191 68.02 662.24

Control 24 43 42.28 147.08Hsc70 (HSPA8; molecular mass � 70.9 kDa) HA-NCC 36 149 65.02 543.05

Control 23 32 41.02 105.6640 kDa Hsp40 (DNAJA1; molecular mass � 44.8 kDa) HA-NCC 20 37 55.92 97.51

Control 2 2 5.04 3.47

FIGURE 2. Hsp90 facilitates NCC biogenesis in mammalian cells. A, MDCKcells were transiently transfected with HA-NCC and 24 h post-transfectionwere treated with increasing doses of 17-AAG from 0.1 to 10 �M for 4 h. Thecell lysates were analyzed by immunoblotting with anti-HA antibodies. Par-allel immunoblots for Hsp90 and Hsp70 were performed to evaluate theeffects of Hsp90 inhibition, and immunoblots for tubulin were performed as aloading control. Core, high mannose-glycosylated (immature) NCC is indi-cated with an asterisk, maturely glycosylated NCC is indicated with an arrow-head, and a NCC oligomer is shown with a bracket. The figure is representativeof four independent experiments. B, quantification of the change in total NCCprotein abundance following treatment with 10 �M 17-AAG for 4 h (n � 4, p �0.0032). C, effect of 0.5 �M 17-AAG treatment over a 12-h time course onHA-NCC protein abundance in MDCK cells. The cells were incubated with17-AAG 24 h following transient transfection with HA-tagged NCC. D, quan-tification in the change in NCC protein abundance during the time course,compared with dimethyl sulfoxide-treated controls (DMSO). *, p � 0.011 foreach time point comparison by Student’s t test (n � 3 dimethyl sulfoxide-treated controls and seven experimental replicates).

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mature and core-glycosylated forms of NCC; this effect wasabsent when the �UBox mutant was expressed (Fig. 3B). Incycloheximide chase assays, CHIP coexpression accelerated thedisappearance of core-glycosylated NCC, indicating that this

effect was due to enhanced post-translational turnover (Fig.3C). Consistent with this finding, NCC degradation in the pres-ence of extra copies of CHIP was attenuated by the proteasomeinhibitor MG-132 (Fig. 3D).

FIGURE 3. The TPR cochaperone/E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP stimulates the chaperone-dependent ERAD of NCC. A, domain architecture of CHIP and the�Ubox and �TPR deletion mutants used for these studies. B, analysis of steady state HA-NCC expression by immunoblotting in HEK293T cells coexpressingeither full-length Myc-tagged CHIP, the �Ubox Myc-CHIP mutant, or empty vector (pcDNA3.1). Mature and core NCC glycoforms are indicated with arrow-heads. Parallel immunoblots of Hsc70 were performed as a loading control. C, cycloheximide chase analysis of NCC degradation. MDCK cells transientlyexpressing HA-NCC with either empty pcDNA3.1 vector or Myc-CHIP were treated for 3 h with 100 �g/ml cycloheximide as described under “ExperimentalProcedures.” At the indicated time points, cells were lysed, and whole cell lysates were subsequently probed for HA-NCC using anti-HA antibodies. Top panel,quantification of core-glycosylated NCC degradation in the absence and presence of CHIP. *, p � 0.012 by Student’s t test (n � 3). Representative immunoblotsfor both experimental groups are shown below the graph. D, effect of the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 on NCC degradation. MDCK cells transiently expressingHA-NCC and full-length CHIP were incubated in either 10 �M MG-132 or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) vehicle control. 4 h later, 100 �g/ml cycloheximide wasadded, and the samples were chased for 90 min. On the left are anti-HA immunoblots for NCC and anti-Myc immunoblots for CHIP; quantification of NCCdegradation observed during the chase period is shown on the right. E, analysis of NCC polyubiquitination by CHIP. HEK293T cells transiently expressingHA-NCC with either full-length Myc-tagged CHIP or the Myc-tagged �UBox CHIP mutant were assayed 24 h post-transfection. Following 4 h of pretreatmentwith 10 �M MG-132, HA-NCC was immunoprecipitated from the lysates with anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin, and the immunoprecipitates were subjectedto SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting (IB) with the indicated antibodies. In the total ubiquitin immunoblots, the immunoreactive signal corresponding topolyubiquitinated NCC is indicated in brackets. In both the ubiquitin and NCC immunoblots, a lower intensity signal corresponding to an NCC proteolyticfragment is indicated with an asterisk. An anti-Myc immunoblot from whole cell lysates (WCL, 15 �g; 5% input) is presented below the immunoprecipitations,demonstrating equivalent expression of both the full-length and mutant CHIP constructs. The figure is representative of four independent experiments. F,reciprocal TPR domain-dependent coimmunoprecipitation of NCC and CHIP. Left panels, whole cell lysates of HEK293T cells transiently expressing HA-NCC withMyc-CHIP, Myc-CHIP �TPR, or Myc-CHIP �Ubox were immunoprecipitated with anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin and immunoblotted (IB) with anti-HAantibody (top panel) or anti-Myc antibody (bottom panel). Middle panels, the same whole cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with polyclonal anti-Mycantibody and probed with anti-HA antibody (top panel) or monoclonal anti-Myc antibodies (bottom panel). Right panels, 5% of the whole cell lysate inputs (15�g/sample) for the immunoprecipitations were immunoblotted for HA-NCC (top panel) and Myc-CHIP (bottom panel) with the indicated antibodies.

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To confirm thatCHIPpolyubiquitinatesNCC,weperformeda coimmunoprecipitation experiment in HEK293T cells trans-fected with HA-tagged NCC and a second plasmid encodingeither Myc-tagged wild type CHIP or the E3 ligase deficient�UBox mutant. For these studies, both sets of transfected cellswere pretreated with 10 �M MG-132 for 4 h prior to lysis topreserve the polyubiquitinated pool of cotransporters thatwould normally be targeted for ERAD. Whole cell lysates fromthe cells were then immunoprecipitated with anti-HA-conju-gated agarose resin, and the bound protein was fractionated bySDS-PAGE and subjected to immunoblotting with anti-ubiqui-tin antibody. In HA-NCC expressing cells cotransfected withwild typeCHIP, anti-HA immunoprecipitation yielded a robustimmunoreactive smear that was strongest at a molecular massof 110 kDa and higher (Fig. 3E). An additional lower intensitysignal was seen at�75 kDa (Fig. 3E, asterisks) that, based on theNCC migration pattern in the whole cell lysates, most likelycorresponded to the ubiquitination of a low abundance NCCproteolytic fragment. In contrast, the intensity of this smearwas significantly reduced in cells cotransfected with HA-NCCand the �UBox mutant. Collectively, these observations indi-cate that CHIP stimulates NCC polyubiquitination and ERADin mammalian cells.To determine whether chaperone binding is required for

CHIP to associate withNCC, we performed coimmunoprecipi-tation experiments in HEK293T cells expressing HA-NCC andeither wild type CHIP or the aforementioned �UBox or �TPRdeletion mutants. As shown in Fig. 3F (left panels), an anti-HAantibody coimmunoprecipitated theMyc-tagged CHIP proteinonly in cell lysates where either wild type or UBox-deficientCHIP were coexpressed. Similar results were seen in the recip-rocal direction (Fig. 3F, middle panels). We also noted thatCHIP preferentially interacted with the 110-kDa immaturecore-glycosylated form of NCC. This pattern of immunoreac-tivity is compatible with previous observations that Hsp70interacts primarily with immature NCC species (10). Together,these observations provide strong evidence that NCC associ-ates with CHIP in a TPR domain-dependent manner, mostlikely via the Hsp70 and/or Hsp90 chaperones.HOP Stabilizes NCC—We next asked whether HOP, the

other TPR cochaperone that we identified in NCC coimmuno-precipitation assays, also regulates NCC protein abundance.Unlike CHIP, HOP consists of three TPR domains. Thesedomains have different binding affinities for the C termini ofHsp70 and Hsp90, and this allows HOP to link the chaperones,providing a mechanism for client transfer from one chaperonesystem to the other (28, 34). Because Hsp70 stimulates NCCERAD (10), whereas Hsp90 facilitates productive NCC folding(Fig. 2), we reasoned thatHOPmight divertNCCaway from theHsp70 ERAD pathway, increase steady state NCC abundance,and attenuate its post-translational turnover. To test thehypothesis that HOP stabilizes NCC, we coexpressed the HOPcochaperone with NCC inHEK293T cells to evaluate its effectsonNCCabundance.We observed a 38% increase in steady stateNCC expression when the levels of HOPwere increased (n� 4,p � 0.0029; Fig. 4A). Both the mature and core forms of thecotransporter (which tend to migrate closely together inHEK293T cells (10)) were equally increased uponHOP overex-

pression, suggesting thatNCCexport beyond the cis-Golgi rosebecause of decreased ERAD. Consistent with an increase inNCC levels when HOP was overexpressed, HOP coexpressionsignificantly attenuated NCC turnover in cycloheximide chaseassays in MDCK cells (Fig. 4B). Collectively, the data implicateHOP in stabilizing NCC, likely by attenuating Hsp70-depen-dent ERAD.Low Temperature Enhances NCC Association with Hsp90—

Protein folding is a temperature-sensitive process. For example,reduced temperature rescues both wild type and mutant formsof immature CFTR, resulting in increased steady state CFTRabundance, enhanced ER export, and delivery to the cell surface(35). A recent study found that incubation of cells at 25 °C alsoincreasedwild typeNKCC2protein abundance, indicating that,likeCFTR,members of the cation chloride cotransporter familyare processed in a temperature-sensitive manner (35, 36). Cur-rent evidence suggests that altered client-chaperone interac-tions are partly responsible for the beneficial effect of low tem-perature on protein biogenesis (37). Thus, we reasoned that we

FIGURE 4. HOP stabilizes NCC. A, effect of HOP on steady state NCC proteinabundance. Left panel, HEK293T cells transiently expressing HA-NCC withhuman HOP or vector pcDNA3.1 (4 �g of DNA total per 10-cm2 well) werelysed, and whole cell lysates (10 �g) were subjected to immunoblotting withthe indicated antibodies. Right panel, quantification of total NCC proteinabundance, expressed as a percentage of the control. *, p � 0.0029 by Stu-dent’s t test (n � 4). B, effect of HOP on NCC degradation in MDCK cells. Toppanel, cells transiently expressing HA-NCC in the presence of HOP orpcDNA3.1 vector (Control) for 24 h were treated with cycloheximide (100�g/ml) and chased for various times as indicated. Whole cell lysates weresubjected to SDS-PAGE and anti-HA immunoblotting as described under“Experimental Procedures.” Bottom panel, plot of NCC abundance measuredby densitometry at various points during the time course and expressed as apercentage of the starting material at time zero. *, p � 0.05 (n � 4).

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could temperature shift NCC-expressing cells to detect func-tional interactions between NCC and biologically relevantchaperones that facilitate NCC folding and/or ERAD. To beginto test this idea, we first sought to determine whether NCCprocessing is temperature-sensitive. When NCC-expressingHEK293T cells were incubated for 14 h at 25 °C, we observed astatistically significant increase in steady state NCC levels (p �0.0066, n � 3; Fig. 5A). Comparable results were noted inMDCK cells (data not shown). These data strongly suggest thatreduced temperature shunts wild type NCC away from a deg-radation pathway and thus increases its abundance.Next, we asked whether low temperature correction is asso-

ciated with changes in chaperone or cochaperone binding.Cells transiently expressing HA-tagged NCC were incubatedfor 14 h at either 37 or 25 °C, and the association of the coreHsp90/70/40 chaperones and the cochaperones CHIP andHOP was measured. In these experiments, higher amounts ofprotein lysate and lower amounts of anti-HA-agarose affinityresin were used to ensure that the HA-conjugated beads wereequally saturatedwith theHA-tagged cotransporter under bothconditions. Using this approach, equal immunoprecipitation ofthe HA-tagged cotransporter was achieved, despite highersteady state NCC expression in whole cell lysates that wereobtained from cells incubated at 25 °C (Fig. 5B, top panel). Asshown in Fig. 5 (B and C), the low temperature shift was asso-ciated with decreased NCC coimmunoprecipitation withHsp40 and Hsp70. In contrast, more Hsp90 associated withNCC at 25 °C. Because the low temperature shift enhanced thesteady state levels of NCC protein, these data indicate that thestabilizing effects of reduced temperature aremost likely due todiminishedNCCERADvia theHsp70/Hsp40-based chaperonesystem and via enhanced NCC folding, which is mediated byHsp90. We also observed decreased association between NCCand HOP at low temperatures. Because these same NCC coim-munoprecipitateswere relatively enriched inHsp90,we suggestthat themajority of NCC in temperature-shifted cells was pres-ent in chaperone-bound conformers that had advanced beyondthe HOP-mediated, Hsp70 to Hsp90 transfer step. The out-come of this phenomenon results in enhanced binding toHsp90, productive folding, and protection from ERAD.Gitelman Mutants That Are Resistant to Temperature Shift-

ing Exhibit EnhancedAssociationwith theHsp70/Hsp40 Systemand CHIP—In Gitelman syndrome, loss of function mutationsof NCC commonly result in reduced cotransporter plasmamembrane expression and a shift of the equilibrium of NCCexpression toward its core-glycosylated form (6). This impliesthat most Gitelman syndrome mutations instigate NCC mis-folding, resulting in enhanced recognition by ER quality controlmechanisms and ERAD. Because our data indicate that Hsp70and Hsp90 select NCC for either disposal or folding, we rea-soned that mutant forms of NCC might interact differentlywith these systems. To test this hypothesis, we chose to studytwoGitelman sequence variants harboring nonsensemutationsat the C terminus of the NCC protein: R948X and R989X (Fig.6A). Both of these mutations likely alter NCC protein confor-mation and promote chaperone-dependent ERAD, becausethey introduce a premature stop codon within a structurallycompact and phylogenetically conserved cytosolic domain (38).

The mutations also reduce NCC plasma membrane delivery,thiazide-sensitive sodium transport activity, and steady statemature glycosylation (6, 10, 39). In initial tests of the severity ofthese mutations on NCC processing in HEK293T cells, we

FIGURE 5. Low temperature stabilizes NCC and enhances association withHsp90. A, effect of reduced temperature on steady state HA-NCC proteinabundance. Left panel, 24 h post-transfection, HEK293T cells transientlyexpressing HA-NCC were maintained at 37 °C or shifted to 25 °C for 14 h, andcell extracts were subsequently processed for anti-HA immunoblotting. Rightpanel, quantification of steady state total HA-NCC protein abundance,expressed as percentages of the NCC protein abundance at 37 °C. p � 0.0066by Student’s t test (n � 3). B, effect of reduced temperature on NCC-chaper-one interactions. 24 h post-transfection, the cells transiently expressing HA-NCC or control untagged NCC were shifted to 25 °C or maintained at 37 °C for14 °C. Whole cell lysates were prepared, HA-NCC was immunoprecipitated(IP) with anti-HA antibodies, and the washed immunoprecipitates were sub-jected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting for the indicated proteins asdescribed under “Experimental Procedures.” Anti-HA immunoprecipitationsat physiologic and low temperature are shown on the left, whereas the cor-responding whole cell lysates (5% input) are presented on the right. Theanti-HA blot shown here was developed after a short exposure to demon-strate equal immunoprecipitation of the cotransporter on anti-HA beadsunder both temperature conditions, despite the differences in steady stateprotein abundance observed in the whole cell lysates. The values are repre-sentative of four experiments. C, quantification of coimmunoprecipitationdata in B. The densitometry values are expressed as the percentages ofchange in chaperone protein abundance at 37 °C. Statistically significant dif-ferences in chaperone abundance at 25 °C are noted with an asterisk (p �0.05) or a closed circle (p � 0.01); all analyses were by paired Student’s t test(n � 3– 4 replicates per experimental group).

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found that both mutations reduced steady state NCC proteinexpression and mature glycosylation, both at physiologic tem-perature and at 25 °C (Fig. 6B). As shown in the graph in Fig. 6B,low temperature incubation increased wild type NCC abun-dance by 75%, but the same maneuver had little effect on thebiosynthetic processing of the two nonsense mutants (n � 5,p � 0.01 for each mutant compared with wild type NCC byone-way analysis of variance, Dunnett’s post hoc test). Thesedata suggest that the R948X and R989X Gitelman mutationsintroduce severe folding defects into the cotransporter thatresult in obdurate selection for chaperone-dependent ERADand resistance to low temperature rescue.Consistent with this interpretation, coimmunoprecipitation

studies performed in HEK293T cells expressing NCC at 25 °Crevealed that both Gitelmanmutants exhibited enhanced asso-ciation with Hsp70 and Hsp40 compared with the wild typeprotein. Relative to the wild type cotransporter, the R948X and

R989X mutants exhibited a 100% increase in association withHsp70 and an even greater increase in coimmunoprecipitationwith Hsp40 (Fig. 6, C and D). We also found that the twomutants associated with CHIP more strongly than wild typeNCC (n � 3, p � 0.05 for both mutants by one-way analysis ofvariance, Dunnett’s post hoc test). Collectively, these findingsstrongly suggest that disease-causing mutant forms of NCCthat exhibit impaired biosynthetic trafficking from the ER areselected by the Hsp70/Hsp40 system for disposal. Moreover,these defective cotransporters appear to be more highly associ-ated with CHIP, a cochaperone that triages misfolded Hsp70-bound substrates for ERAD.


In this study, we identified several molecular chaperones andcochaperones that participate in the ER quality control of NCC,a protein that is closely linked to blood pressure homeostasis.

FIGURE 6. Mutations that cause Gitelman syndrome are resistant to low temperature rescue and associate more strongly with Hsp70, Hsp40, andCHIP. A, putative two-dimensional topology diagram of NCC, based on the five transmembrane helix inverted symmetric repeat common to members of theamino acid-polyamine-organocation superfamily (52). The R948X and R989X Gitelman mutations evaluated in this study are located within the structuredcytosolic C terminus and are indicated with stars. B, comparative effect of reduced temperature on wild type and mutant HA-NCC steady state proteinabundance. Top, 24 h post-transfection, HEK293T cells transiently expressing WT HA-NCC or mutant HA-NCC were maintained at 37 °C or shifted to 25 °C for14 h, and 20 �g of the whole cell extracts were subsequently fractionated by SDS-PAGE and processed for anti-HA immunoblotting. The same nitrocellulosemembrane was cut and immunoblotted for actin as a loading control. Mature and core NCC glycospecies are indicated with arrowheads. The R948X Gitelmanmutation truncates the 1001-amino acid NCC sequence by 53 residues, resulting in a lower molecular weight protein that migrates slightly faster than wildtype. Bottom panel, quantification of steady state total HA-NCC protein abundance, expressed as the percentage of NCC protein abundance at 37 °C. *, p � 0.01by one-way analysis of variance, Dunnett’s post hoc test, using wild type NCC as the control (n � 5 replicates per group). C, comparison of wild type and mutantNCC-chaperone interactions at permissive temperature. 24 h post-transfection, HEK293T cells expressing wild type, R948X, or R989X HA-NCC were shifted to25 °C for 14 h. Whole cell lysates were prepared, and NCC was immunoprecipitated with anti-HA-conjugated agarose resin, and the washed immunoprecipi-tates were subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting for the indicated proteins as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Anti-HA immunoprecipita-tions (IP) for WT and mutant NCC are shown on the left, whereas the corresponding whole cell lysates (5% input) are presented on the right. The values arerepresentative of four experiments. D, quantification of the coimmunoprecipitation data in C. The densitometry values are expressed as the percentages ofdifference in chaperone association with mutant NCC, relative to the amount of chaperone coimmunoprecipitation with wild type NCC. Statistically significantdifferences in chaperone abundance compared with coimmunoprecipitation with the wild type protein are noted with an asterisk (p � 0.05) or a closed circle(p � 0.01). Comparisons of chaperone binding between WT (control) and mutant cotransporters were carried out by one-way analysis of variance, Dunnett’spost hoc test (n � 3– 4 replicates per experimental group).

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To this end, we used a proteomic approach to establish that thecotransporter associates with cytoplasmic Hsp90, Hsp70, andHsp40 andwith the TPR cochaperones CHIP andHOP. In con-trast to Hsp70, which stimulates NCC ERAD (10), we find herethat Hsp90 facilitates NCCmaturation, most likely by enhanc-ing protein folding. This conclusion is supported by studies inmammalian cells subjected to pharmacologicHsp90 inhibition,which enhances NCC turnover. Moreover, we find thatreduced temperature stabilizesNCC, an effect that is associatedwith increased Hsp90 binding and diminished Hsp70 interac-tion. In contrast to thewild type protein, twoGitelmanmutantswere resistant to temperature shifting and exhibited increasedassociation with the Hsp70/Hsp40 system. Finally, we reportthat CHIP and HOP exert opposite effects on NCC proteinabundance. Specifically, CHIP stimulates NCC ERAD via amechanism that requires intact E3 ligase activity and the bind-ing of its TPR to Hsp70 and/or Hsp90. In contrast, HOPincreases NCC protein abundance, suggesting that it helpsNCC transition from an Hsp70-dependent degradation com-plex to Hsp90-dependent folding complex.According to the current paradigm, Hsp70/Hsp40 and

Hsp90 act sequentially to facilitate client folding or degrada-tion. Among the most extensively studied proteins that adhereto such amodel is the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) (18). DuringGR biogenesis, the nascent, unfolded polypeptide containshydrophobic regions that become cytosol-exposed. Hsp40 rec-ognizes these motifs and prevents them from aggregating.Hsp40 then associates with Hsp70 to form a preliminary chap-erone-client complex, which augments GR folding. HOPmedi-ates the subsequent transfer of GR toHsp90 for additional fold-ing; prior to doing so, its TPR domains link Hsp40/Hsp70 andHsp90 to form an “intermediate” heterocomplex (28, 40). Oncethe GR nears its native steroid binding-competent conforma-tion, other cochaperones associate with the complex, includingp23 and certain immunophilins (41). Some cytosolic proteinsadhere to a similar model of chaperone-dependent proteinfolding (for example, see Ref. 18). Indeed, the Hsp90 clienteleincludes a large number of proteins (42), but only a few of themare ERAD substrates (43–46). The data presented here add amember of the SLC12 cation chloride cotransporter family tothis list of Hsp90-regulated ERAD substrates.Several observations strongly suggest that Hsp90, Hsp70,

and Hsp40 do not necessarily regulate NCC biogenesis in pre-cisely the samemanner as theGR or CFTR. For example, unlikepolytopic membrane proteins such as CFTR (45, 47) or theepithelial sodium channel (48), we have found that both thecytoplasmic and ER luminal Hsp40s are dispensable for NCCquality control (10). On the other hand, cytoplasmic Hsp70strongly influences NCC turnover in both yeast and mamma-lian renal epithelial cells, but this default role appears to beopposite to its role in the selection of clients such as the GR,because it stimulates NCC ERAD (10). Taken together, theseobservations support a model in which the Hsp70 and Hsp90chaperone systems play key roles in the ER quality control of avariety of substrates, but their default functions may vary dras-tically depending upon the client with which they interact (23).How can the Hsp40/Hsp70 and Hsp90 chaperone systems

exert such a broad range of effects on a diversity of clients? The

specificity of these core systems to mediate folding or degrada-tion is defined by cochaperones, such as CHIP and HOP (24).Indeed, once CHIPwas overexpressedwithNCC, it acceleratedNCC turnover through TPR-dependent interactions withHsp70 and/or Hsp90, indicating that it remodeled both chap-erone systems to favorNCCERAD.Conversely,HOPprotectedNCC from degradation, likely by catalyzing the transfer of non-native forms of NCC to Hsp90 for additional folding attempts.In all likelihood, complex membrane proteins with large cyto-solic and transmembrane domains that are difficult to fold,such as NCC, are intimately monitored by the Hsp70 andHsp90 chaperone systems, and during ATP-dependent cyclingthey are bound to cochaperones that either try to facilitate aproductive fold (such as HOP) or triage misfolded conformersfor degradation (such as CHIP). Thus, we propose that eachHsp70 andHsp90 substrate possesses an individualized balanceof cochaperones that differs at steady state and that thesecochaperone profiles vary depending on the structure andintrinsic folding properties of the client.Despite the aforementioned differences between NCC and

other substrates, our data indicate that NCC is similar to GR inthat itundergoesanHsp70-dependentqualitycontrol stepprior toHsp90 engagement (18). Three pieces of evidence support thissequentialmodel. First, we found that the rapid rate ofNCC turn-over in yeastwas strongly stabilized in strainsdeficient in cytoplas-micHsp70 (10); in contrast, the rate ofNCCdegradationwas onlyslightly accelerated in yeast lacking functional Hsp90 (data notshown). This suggests that most of the overexpressed cotrans-porter becomes terminally misfolded shortly after translation inyeast and thatHsp70 immediately triages this defectiveNCCpoolfor ERAD via the E3 ubiquitin ligases Hrd1 and to a lesser degreeDoa10 (10). Because only a small fraction of the total NCC poolprogresses to theHsp90-dependent checkpoint, we observed onlya mild effect of Hsp90 deletion on NCC turnover. Second, HOP,which mediates the sequential transfer of substrates from Hsp70to Hsp90, increased NCC protein abundance and protected thecotransporter fromERAD.Finally,we found that reduced temper-ature incubation in HEK293T cells diminished wild type NCCinteraction with Hsp40/Hsp70 and HOP and simultaneouslyenhanced NCC interaction with Hsp90. This suggests that a lowtemperature shift increases NCC maturation beyond steps thatrequire Hsp70, including HOP-mediated Hsp70 to Hsp90 trans-fer. Because low temperature incubation diminishes the interac-tionofHOPwithNCC,our findings suggest that this cochaperoneinteracts to a lower degreewithwild type cotransporters that haveadvanced further along the Hsp90-dependent folding pathway.Taken together, our data suggest that the early stages ofNCC

quality control require sequential Hsp70- and Hsp90-depen-dent checkpoints (Fig. 7). We propose that shortly after mem-brane integration, Hsp70 associates with NCC in an “early rec-ognition complex” that targets cotranslationally misfoldedforms of the cotransporter for ERAD via CHIP, and perhapsother E3 ligases, including HRD1 and the human Doa10 hom-olog TEB4 (49). Although Hsp40 is bound to Hsp70 within thiscomplex, our data suggest that it does not influence NCCERAD, because we have found that the cytoplasmic Hsp40s donot alter the rate of NCC degradation (10). TheHsp40/70 com-plex then binds to HOP, which assembles an “intermediate

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Page 11: Hsp70andHsp90MultichaperoneComplexesSequentially ...Hsp70 and Hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains topromoteproductivefolding(18).Ontheotherhand,quality control of misfolded

complex” that includes Hsp90. From this intermediate state,NCC can either advance into an exclusively Hsp90-bound“folding complex” that is relatively shielded from ERAD, possi-bly because of currently unidentified cochaperones that pro-mote NCC biogenesis. Alternatively, unsuccessful foldingattempts at this stagemay be subject toCHIP-dependent ERADaswell, because its TPRdomain has been shown to interactwithHsp90 and regulate Hsp90-bound substrates (24, 50).By adding to the list of factors that regulate NCC ER quality

control, the work presented here provides a new and deeperunderstanding of the NCC quality control pathway. In Gitel-man syndrome and carrier state hypertension resistance,muta-tions that alter the NCC coding sequence cause the cotrans-porter to misfold, resulting in enhanced recognition by qualitycontrol machinery that targets the cotransporter for ERAD (6,7, 10, 39). Our data indicate that the cytoplasmic Hsp70 andHsp90 systems, and their associated cochaperones, are directlyinvolved in selecting NCC for either ERAD or productive fold-ing during the early stages of NCC biogenesis. Thus, we antic-ipate that our efforts will begin to lay the groundwork for futurestudies to identify themolecular basis of hereditary salt wastingconditions that cause hypotension, or, in a milder phenotype,protect patients from the deleterious consequences of highblood pressure. In addition, our observations that Hsp70/Hsp40 interact with mutant misfolded forms of NCC differ-ently suggest that conformationally defective cotransportersselected for ERAD may be responsive to small molecule “cor-rectors” that can enhance cellular folding machineries (51).These agents may ultimately serve as a therapy for severe salt-wasting diseases associated with defects in cation chloridecotransporter processing, such as Gitelman syndrome.

Acknowledgments—We thank Ray Frizzell for cDNAs, Guy Uechi andManimalha Balasubramani (University of Pittsburgh Genomics andProteomics Core Laboratories) for technical advice and assistance withthe proteomic studies, and Tom Kleyman and Becky Hughey for helpfuladvice.

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Page 13: Hsp70andHsp90MultichaperoneComplexesSequentially ...Hsp70 and Hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains topromoteproductivefolding(18).Ontheotherhand,quality control of misfolded

Khadem, Jeffrey L. Brodsky and Arohan R. SubramanyaBridget F. Donnelly, Patrick G. Needham, Avin C. Snyder, Ankita Roy, Shaheen

and BiogenesisThiazide-sensitive Cotransporter Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated Degradation

Hsp70 and Hsp90 Multichaperone Complexes Sequentially Regulate

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.455394 originally published online March 12, 20132013, 288:13124-13135.J. Biol. Chem. 

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