Hse Plan - Aerb

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  • 8/17/2019 Hse Plan - Aerb


    is Safety Plan are as follows:To ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirementsrelated to environmental aspects of its operations.To meet expectations and to conduct all activities consistent with TPL applicable EHSPolicies.To prevent injur to an one and to safeguard human lives! propert and theenvironment.To promote and establish the highest standards of safet to benefit TPL through

    prevention of accidents and thereb promote increased productivit ! reduced scheduledisruptions and mitigate the effects of an accidents" incidents which do occur.

    To increase safet consciousness and awareness among TPL emplo ees andsubcontractors b uplifting the safet standards and setting the trend in safetexcellence through established goals and objectives! training programs! audits andmotivations.TPL shall ensure that all of its personnel and subcontractors engaged in these wor#scommit to these same $ualit % EHS principles and shall establish and utili&e

    programs that ensure the requirements are achieved.

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    1.1 EHS Policy



    To be 'ndia(s premier Engineering! Procurement and )onstruction )ompan and *+e ,head-of expectations of all its sta#eholders


    • To ma#e or clients successful! while creating sta#e holder value! with uncompromising

    qualit and safet standards.• To create a culture that excites our people in pursuit of excellence through innovation!

    differentiation and continued learning.• To uphold T,T, roup(s cherished value of contributing to the societ to improve the

    qualit of life.

    VALUES:• ood )orporate )iti&enship• Humilit and willingness to learn• )oncern for all sta#eholders• +usiness with ethics• Passion for excellence• Teamwor#

    2.0 Hazard Iden i!ica ion " #i$% A$$e$$&en

    Hazard Identification:P)"/)0"S1 to identif ha&ards associated with the new projects covering all t pes ofha&ards vi&. fire ha&ards! thermal ha&ards! radiation ha&ards! explosion ha&ards! accidentalha&ards! ergonomic ha&ards! chemical ha&ards! electrical ha&ards! travel and staarrangements! gravit ha&ards and other ha&ards.

    2or identification of ha&ards and ris# levels! the following steps are to be followed. 3 Select an activit ! product or service. The selected activit ! product or service should

    be large enough for meaningful examination and small enough to be sufficientlunderstood.

    3 'dentif as man ha&ard aspects as possible associated with the selected activit . 3 'dentif as man actual and potential ris#s as possible with each identified ha&ard. 3 'dentif legal concerns! domino concerns! emergenc concerns

    ,ssessment of /is#sP)"/)0"S1 to assess the identified ris# b considering the followingProbabilit /ating

    Probability ScoreVery Likely 4Likely 3

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    Unlikely 2Very unlikely 1

    Severity Rating

    Severity ScoreNegligible ( no injury, First aid) 1Minor(Non Re ortable) 2!e"ere (Re ortable) 3#$tre%e(Fatalities) 4

    /is# calculation is done as per the following.

    /is# Score 4 Probabilit Score x Severit Score

    The roup ris# assessment criteria is done as per the details in the format 5o6 TS27898/is# score greater than or equal to : is considered unacceptable ris#. /is# score less than :is considered as acceptable ris#.This allows decisions to be made about the extent and nature of controls required and

    about prioritiesRisk Risk Response Criteria

    Less than ;4:=

    Risk is not a''e table Mitigate t e risks byi% osing additional %anage%ent 'ontrols and

    a'tions at t e *un'tional le"el to redu'e t e riskbe*ore resu% tion o* a'ti"ities

    Legal Risk asso'iated it legal 'on'ern is 'onsidered Una''e table and t e a'ti"ities 'ontinues a*ter assuring

    total 'o% lian'e to t e re+uire%ents

    Practicable controls to treat the assessed ris#! to reducing the ris# will bedeveloped in line with the hierarch of controls principle6

    3 Elimination: Eliminate the ris# b avoiding the activit that gives rise to the ris#? 3 Su stitute: Substitute the activit with another which does not give rise to the

    identified ris#. )are has to be ta#en that an new ris#s introduced has to beassessed and controlled?

    3 Isolate: 'solate the source of the ris# from the target! such as providing permanentguarding! barrier or segregation?

    3 Introduce En!ineerin! "ontrols: which will prevent the ris# from arising! suchas installing shutdowns! interloc#s! and Shrouding ? 3 Introduce Si!na!e#$arnin!s and or Administrati%e "ontrols which will

    instruct on how to perform the activit safel ! such as safe wor# procedures andsupervision. ,dministrative controls should be used in conjunction with otherhigher order controls.

    3 Use of Personal Protecti%e E&ui'ment (PPE) is the lowest level of control andshould not be relied upon in isolation.

    ' .0 Le(al and O )er #e*+ire&en $

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    i) The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment andCondition of Ser ice) !ct" #$$% Central Rules" #$$' & Rules of respecti e states

    ii) otor Transport Workers !ct" #$%# and otor Transport Workers Rules" #$%*

    iii) The otor +ehicles !ct #$''" as amended in #$$* and otor +ehicle (Control)Rules" #$'$

    i ) The ,ndian E-plosi e !ct" #$'*

    E-plosi es su.stances act #$/' The ,ndian E-plosi e Rules" #$'0 The Static & o.ile 1ressure +essels (2n3red) Rules #$'# The 4as Cylinder Rules" #$'#

    ) The 1etroleum !ct" #$0*" the 1etroleum Rules" #$5%

    i) The ,ndian Electricity !ct" 6//0" the ,ndian Electricity Rules" #$7%

    ii) The En ironment (1rotection) !ct" #$'%Water !ct #$$7

    8oti3cation" Central ground 9ater .oard" !ct :anuary #$$5!ir (1re ention & Control of 1ollution) !ct #$'#" Rules ; #$'6Water (1re ention and control of pollution) !ct" #$5*

    The 8oise 1ollution (Regulation & Control) Rules" 6/// En ironment 1rotection Rules" #$'% anufacture" Storage and ,mport of

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    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Project 0anager )orporate Health % Safet


    0anage r Plant %


    ,dmin %,ccts Head

    2unctional/ep ,dministrative /

    .0 #e$o+rce$, #ole$, #e$/on$i ili y and A+ )ori y

    Safet is a fundamental to the operations of TPL and its primar objective is to have anaccident free project execution. 't is ever one(s responsibilit to understand the requirementsfor wor#ing safel and protecting themselves and others. To achieve this goal the followingaccountabilities are expressed! to assist all personnel in understanding their more specificresponsibilities.

    .0 +,AININ-

    Paramount to having an effective safet program is the #nowledge and corresponding training requiredto enable personnel to wor# safel . 't is TPL(s responsibilit to ensure that all personnel havesufficient #nowledge.

    TPL EHS @epartment shall ensure that all new recruits % subcontractors attend the mandatorEHS induction at TPL Safet @epartment prior to their deplo ment at wor#siteTPL S,2ETA 122')E/ shall then ensure that TPL emplo ees % Subcontractor personnel

    attend site 'nduction training.TPL shall ensure that appropriate EHS Trainings",wareness applicable to Project be

    provided"given to TPL emplo ees % subcontractor personnel for s#ill enhancement. Trainingrecords shall be maintainedTPL shall ensure that certificates for competenc " training have been obtained for criticalwor#force ;Electrician! drivers! operators= on site.

    Induction Training

    TPL ensures mandator Safet 'nduction programme to all wor# force on da one b EHS @ept. prior todeplo ing at wor# location. ,ll the emplo ees % Sub contractor personnel shall also undergo mandator

    *Safet 'nduction- prior to entering the wor# location.

    'nduction training shall be carried out as per the TPL induction training procedure i.e. displa and ensure theunderstanding of animated audio7video ;Hindi= film to all wor#forces.The module of induction )@ has been shown below6

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    Planning 0anger

    Health % Safet2rontline






    Health %Safet


    ortingHealth % Safet

    Engineer e ortin

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    Topics covered under the animated audio7video film are6,nduction4eneral Site safety rules11EsE-ca ationSca olding and @adder safetyDorm9ork and concretingElectrical safety

    1lant & achineryDa.rication yardaterial

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    .2 3re*+ency o! EHS Co&&i ee Mee in($

    The 1ro>ect Eect can.e considered" monitored and actions agreed for the e ecti e planning andmanagement of E

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    ErectionLiftin!,i!!in!Manual Material Handlin!,adio!ra'.yPressure testsElectrical Safety

    . AU7IT

    EHS Site Ins'ection#Performance Site Monitorin!# Audit Pro!ramme # Sc.edule

    • TPL H1! will conduct a s stem audits ever ear! a detailed program for the same will be sent toall sites prior to the audit.

    • TPL EHS )oordinator will conduct quarterl audit to chec# the performance of the EHS S stem.The finding shall be forwarded to TPL H1! EHS Head! Head 1perations! Project 0anager %/)0.

    • TPL Safet 1fficer shall conduct a monthl EHS ,udit Programme"EHS Performance Site

    0onitoring in accordance with TSP B.C.C. The findings shall be forwarded to the TPL H1 and/)0. S1 % /)0 shall follow7up all outstanding items. )orrective actions shall be implemented.

    • Dee#l )2T shall be organi&ed b TPL EHS @epartment. @eficienc notices are utili&ed andissued per group" discipline to ensure rectifications are made. )oncerned personnel are notified of an deviation with corresponding recommended corrective actions. EHS @epartment shall followup to ensure safe continuation of the construction activities.

    8.0 eneral )eal ) and $a!e y r+le$8.1 SITE O33ICE SA3ET9

    • Cooking of food in o ce units is prohi.ited" unless the unit 9as designed forsuch a purpose

    • O ce units shall .e pro ided 9ith adeHuate 3re protection" smoke detectorsG3re alarm system !larm systems and emergency assem.ly points shall .edesignated to suite site reHuirements

    • !ll 3-ed electrical eHuipment in o ce units shall .e an appro ed standardI nooccupant shall modify or interfere 9ith installed electrical eHuipment

    • !ll electrical eHuipment o9ned .y occupants and used in the o ce units shall.e correctly terminated and connected to the po9er outlets pro ided

    • ! pest control program shall .e implemented for site areas• 8o ru..ish shall .e allo9ed to accumulate around or under o ce units

    Ru..ish containers located around the o ce area shall .e pro ided 9ith asolid" tight 3tting co er and emptied daily Containers shall .e cleaned on aregular .asis

    • !isles should .e kept clear of tripping ha=ard• Serious in>ury may .e caused .y 3ling ca.inets" 9hich are not properly

    .allasted or anchored !s pre ention against tipping" hea y loads should .estored at the lo9er dra9er" close one dra9er .efore opening a second dra9er

    • Chairs" ta.les and shel es must not .e used as a means for clim.ing 1ropertype ladders or other safe supports must .e used to reach material at highele ations

    • ?esk dra9ers" ca.inet doors and 3les should .e closed 9hile not .eing used Page 8 of 15

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    • Small card inde- 3les should not .e placed on top of large correspondingca.inets" or near the edge of the ca.inets" desks" .ook cases" etc" as theymay easily o er.alance and fall

    • usted" oiled or repaired Stop

    the machine .efore attempting any 9ork of this nature• 1ins must not .e used to fasten papers together Staples or clips must .e

    pro ided for the purpose 1ointed stick 3les should not .e used as they maycause serious in>ury

    Broken glass" pins" .its of metal or their sharp edged o.>ects shall not .eplaced in 9aste paper .askets 9ithout 3rst .eing hea ily 9rapped

    • 1ointed o.>ects such as uncapped fountain pens" pencils" kni es" or scissorsshould not .e carried 9ith the points e-posed

    • !rrange telephone" type9riter other electric machine cords so that they 9illnot present a tripping ha=ard

    • 1aper cuts and punctured 9ounds such as those caused .y pens" pencils" pins"etc " must recei e 3rst aid at once

    4ummed strips of en elopes should .e moistened 9ith suita.le de ice" not9ith tongue ! oid opening en elopes 9ith 3ngers and sliding hands alongedges of paper

    • essenger carriages" trolleys or similar ehicles must not .e left in front of ele ators" doors or at .lind corners or hall9ays so that these 9ill notconstitute a ha=ard

    • Smoking materials or matches shall not .e discarded in 9aste .askets• !deHuate 3re protection and 3rst aid facility to .e ensured

    8.2 STO#ES• ! layout demarcating areas for stacking" storing and disposing the materials

    shall .e made• The materials are stacked 9ith passage to reach them The aisles shall .e

    marked aterials should not protrude .eyond the marked area posingtripping ha=ard

    • 8ame .oards shall .e displayed to mention the place for e ery item• The racks installed must .e supported 9ell to pre ent from falling•

    To reach the rack top" person should not clim. on the rack shelf" ladder should.e used

    • +ertical stacking of materials should not e-ceed the prescri.ed norms" posingfalling ha=ard .ecause of im.alance

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    • 1ipes shall .e stacked on solid" le el sills and contained in a manner topre ent spreading or rolling of the pile Where high Huantity storage isnecessary" suita.le packing shall .e placed .et9een succeeding layers toreduce the pressure and resulting spreading of the pile

    • 8ot more than three RCC pipes shall .e stacked o er one another" that toopro iding suita.le precaution to pre ent the spreading of pile

    • To remo e a pipe from the pile" start from the top pipe The pipes .elo9 shouldnot .e distur.ed until the pipes are remo ed from top

    • !deHuate lighting shall .e pro ided• Dlamma.le materials like ?issol ed acetylene" paints etc are stored under

    9ell entilated shed Electrical connection in these locations should .e properand maintained 9ell such that they do not cause short circuit Smoking"carrying match.o- or any other 3re causing materials is prohi.ited in theseareas

    • Su cient 3re e-tinguishers are kept at conspicuous places and the path toreach them shall not .e .locked at anytime

    To-ic materials are la.elled and kept at isolated place 9here only authorisedpersons shall handle the S?S of the chemicals• 8ail pullers shall .e used 9hene er possi.le to remo e nails from .o-es and

    crates etal strapping should .e cut 9ith proper safety tool• Barrels and drums shall prefera.ly .e placed on end ,f placed on their side"

    these shall .e pro ided 9ith racks or .locked from rolling o er• Oils" greases and paints shall not .e openly stored at any time• The scrap pile and >unk material shall .e kept as orderly as conditions 9ill

    permit E-treme care shall .e taken in handling scrap material to pre ent

    personal in>ury

    Site: @ayout of the site area shall .e created ,n that" the follo9ing areas shall .econsidered

    1assage for each 9ork area

    1lace for stacking the materials" 9ithout o.struction the passage

    Stacking area shall .e selected" .ased on soil rigidity" and ad>acent structurerigidity E g Soil uplifted at +isakhapatnam 1ort !rea due to stacking of

    anganese Ore

    Clearly marked aisles for permitting the cranes to enter the area" shall .epro ided .et9een each material stacking

    Separate 3re resistance area free from any source of ignition" such as .ut notlimited to Electrical Spark" 9elding spark" grinding spark" and etc" shall .eselected for stacking Jamma.le materials

    inimum clearance .et9een the top of the ehicle and the transmission lineshould .e maintained

    Voltage Rating: Safe ?istanceLow and ediu! "oltage line #$% trHig "oltage line' u( to and including ) ##*+++V #$, tr

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    Hig "oltage line' a-o"e ##*+++ "olt' %$. trE/tra ) Hig Voltage line' 0$+ tr

    1assages should .e 9ell planned for drain & grated" to a oid stagnation of Rain9ater in passages and other source

    ?ust and fumes e olutions" should .e minimum in the passages area This ine-cess may reduce the isi.ility of the passage 1refera.ly 9ater shall .e

    sprayed on the passages to pre ent the e olutions of dust

    1assages shall .e free from slippery

    Separate passage of pedestrian and ehicle mo ement should .e selected" inorder to a oid the ehicle accident

    Roads shall .e clearly marked" pro iding # mtr clearance from the e-tremeedge

    Clear site map shall .e kept on the entrance of the site ena.ling" ne9 comersto kno9 the e-act location and route of the specify area

    8.' S ora(e o! Cylinder$

    • O-ygen and acetylene cylinders should .e stored separately since any mi-tureof gas leakage could .e highly e-plosi e Storage should .e prefera.ly .e onhard standing in the open air under a shelter" .ut if interior storage isnecessary" rooms must .e 9ell entilated

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    • !deHuate num.ers of foam type e-tinguishers are installed• ect conform to the currentnational colour codes

    • Signs shall .e in English & @ocal language 9here located near pu.lic high9aysand facilities

    • Sign reHuired to .e seen at night shall .e illuminated Lerosene and open

    Jame pots shall not .e used for illumination

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    • The material handled in 24?S site mainly consists of SW4 & RCC 1ipes• Before starting the unloading N loading the machine must .e checked for

    competence as per the gi en checklist • Check the license and e aluate the skill of the dri er• The motor ehicles shall .e properly .locked 9hile .eing loaded or unloaded

    Brakes alone shall not .e dependent upon to hold them• Before starting the >o." organise all the men and .rief them the possi.le

    ha=ards and the respecti e precautions• Organise the tools and au-iliaries (slings" ? shackles" 9ooden packing and

    cro9.ars) and check them .efore staring the 9ork• Slightly lift one end of the pipe and pro ide a su cient packing Repeat the

    process on the other side of the pipe also• Once packing is pro ided on either side" pro ide single .asket hitch for lifting

    the pipe• 1ro ide tag lines on .oth sides of the pipe The persons holding the tag line

    must .e at safe distance from the machine• The pipes are released in the same manner as they 9ere hoisted N lifted


    • While handling the cement all the 11EFs must .e pro ided (eg nose mask"hand glo es and protecti e clothing)

    • Before starting the 9ork ensure that all la.our are 9earing full slee es 9hich9ill protect from direct contact 9ith the cement

    • Before starting the >o." organise all the men and .rief them the possi.leha=ards and the respecti e precautions (ergonomic ha=ards)

    • ?uring the 9ork" check that the handling is carried such that7 The strong leg and thigh muscles are used and7 5atural shape of the spine is maintained through out the lift.7 2eet must be apart! giving a balanced and stable base for lifting.7 Leading the leg as far forward is possible.7 @o not #neel or over flex the #nees.7 eep the bac# straight7 Lean forward a little over the load. 'f necessar tr to get a good grip.7 eep shoulders level and facing in the same direction as the hips.7 , hoo# grip is less fatiguing than #eeping the fingers straight. 'f it is necessar to var the grip as thelift proceeds! do this as slowl as possible.7 eep the load close to the trun# for as long as possible. eep the heaviest side of the load next to thetrun#. 'f a close approach to the load is not possible! tr sliding it towards ou before attempting to lift.7 0ove with natural! smooth! continuous and balanced motions while avoiding rapid! jer# or unbalanced lifts. 0ove the feet to avoid twisting the torso and to maintain balance and stabilit duringthe lift.7 0inimi&e twisting! bending! stretching and reaching with the trun# during the lift.7 Dhen turning to the side! move the feet % do not twist the trun#.7 ,fter the wor# is done! ensure that all the labour wash their hands with detergent sufficientl .

    • When the loading G unloading of the pipes is carried manually" adeHuate

    persons must .e used or no of persons must .e used such a 9ay that eachperson carries 07 kgs

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    8.? E@ca a ion:Trenc)in( Prior to excavation! a surve to determine the existence of underground services shall be performedand a permit to wor# obtained.Trench excavations in excess of 9.C metres shall be shored or! battered to the angle of repose or!stepped to prevent collapse of trench walls? spoil shall not be stored within 9"F of the depth of theexcavation.Ladders or steps shall provide suitable access and egress at G8 linear metre intervals.Darning barriers shall be erected around excavations with signs indicating the ha&ard! warning lightsshall be deplo ed during the hours of dar#ness.Hard +arricadition up to a height of 9.F meter to be done all around the pit.@uring Excavation care should be ta#en that other foundation of nearb building are not disturbed.)are to be ta#en that excavated mud does not pile on the road side or obstruct the passage! it should beimmediatel removed % send outside as per the approved procedure.Heav equipment shall not be operated in close proximit to the excavation while personnel are in theexcavation.'f required suitable secure crossing points shall be established to permit safe transit through theexcavation.

    Execution of wor# shall be in compliance to TPL safet instruction % TPL 1)P7: Excavation!Trenching % Shoring Procedure

    8.10 4LASTIN

    Trenches are generall narrow! which means roc# must be moved along the axis of the trench.Presentl two t pes of trench drilling and blasting technique are;i= )onventional and ;ii= )ontrolled.

    "ontrolled 2lastin!: This technique is used to bring down the noise level! control fl roc#! reduceground vibration and minimi&e over brea#. 2or this! proper drill and blast designs are developed basedon geolog and surrounding environment. 1perations are carried out in line with the designs.)ontrolled blasting holes are closel spaced! lightl loaded holes drilled along the plane of the finaldesign slope. )ontrolled blasting is either pre shear blasting with holes detonated before the

    production blasting or cushion ;trim= blasting with holes detonated after the production blasting. @rillholes parallel to each other and within 9F inches of the sta#ed slope plane.

    +rim ("us.ion) 2lastin!: , controlled blasting method involving the drilling of a single row of holeswhich are loaded with light! decoupled! well distributed charges and are fired either after the mainexcavation is removed or in the last dela of a single blast.

    Pre5s'littin!: , controlled blasting method involving a single row of drilled holes which are loadedand fired before an holes in the main excavation are fired.

    Line 3rillin!: , controlled blasting method! which includes a single row of closel spaced! unloaded!small diameter drilled holes providing a plane of wea#ness in the roc# mass to which the primar blastcan brea#.

    Controlled 1la't Line: The single row of holes used to achieve the results of all controlled blasting methods including trim blasting! line drilling! and pre7splitting

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