This week- Yr. 12 Trials 26th August– Subject selecon 27th August- P & C Meeng 28th August- Ronnie Gibbs Bourke High School PO BOX 594, 34 Tarcoon Street, Bourke, NSW 2840 PHONE: 02 6872 2560 FAX: 02 6872 3267 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.bourke-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ BourkeHighSchool BHS Newsleer Term 3 Week 6 2013 We, at Bourke High, believe that all students can succeed. Bourke High School is a caring school and we acknowledge that effective learning takes place when students and teachers feel secure and safe, where morale is high, where people are happy and where a high value is placed on working together. Principal: Mr Robert Bourke Deputy Principal: Mr Geoff Michell Please visit the school website for up to date information on school activities www.bourke-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Principal’s Report Deputy Principal Posion The school has adversed for a second Deputy Principal to work with students and staff unl the end of this year. The adversement can be seen on SchoolBiz Western NSW. The link is hps//detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/western_nsw/2013-08-09/index.htm Having a second DP for the remainder of this year will strengthen the school’s focus on sup- porng students and staff in the planned follow-up to our NAPLAN results due later this term. The purpose will include developing an agreed whole school strategy in literacy and numeracy and idenfying focuses at both faculty and classroom levels. Other areas for development include building capacity of staff regarding data reflecon and transference to professional pracce and school based assessment pracces. The successful candidate will also support the school’s introducon of the Naonal Curriculum and mentoring of New Scheme Teachers. Applicaons are due to the Principal by 4.00pm on Friday 23 rd of August. Senior Leader Community Engagement – Connected Communies Aached in this bullen is the re-adversement of the above posion which originally was adversed and merit selecon held earlier this year. The posion has been re-adversed as the successful candidate ulmately declined the offer of the posion. The adversement will appear in the Western Herald on the 22 nd of August 2013 and the closing date is the 5 th of September 2013. The adversement will also appear on JobsNSW for that period. The posion will support strategic iniaves and programs at Bourke High School which is a Connected Communies school. This is a temporary full-me appointment up to the 30 th June 2018 and administrave hours and condions apply. Where community members have an inquiry about the posion they should contact the Principal on ph. 0268 722 522. Cont. Page 2.

HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

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Page 1: HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

This week-

Yr. 12 Trials

26th August–

Subject selection

27th August-

P & C Meeting

28th August-

Ronnie Gibbs

Bourke High School PO BOX 594, 34 Tarcoon Street, Bourke, NSW 2840 PHONE: 02 6872 2560

FAX: 02 6872 3267 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.bourke-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BourkeHighSchool

BHS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013

We, at Bourke High, believe that all students can succeed.

Bourke High School is a caring school and we acknowledge that

effective learning takes place when students and teachers feel secure and safe, where morale is high, where people are happy and where a high value is placed on

working together.

Principal: Mr Robert Bourke Deputy Principal: Mr Geoff Michell

Please visit the school website for up to date information on school activities www.bourke-h.schools.nsw.edu.au

Principal’s Report

Deputy Principal Position

The school has advertised for a second Deputy Principal to work with students and staff until

the end of this year. The advertisement can be seen on SchoolBiz Western NSW. The link is


Having a second DP for the remainder of this year will strengthen the school’s focus on sup-

porting students and staff in the planned follow-up to our NAPLAN results due later this term.

The purpose will include developing an agreed whole school strategy in literacy and numeracy

and identifying focuses at both faculty and classroom levels. Other areas for development

include building capacity of staff regarding data reflection and transference to professional

practice and school based assessment practices. The successful candidate will also support

the school’s introduction of the National Curriculum and mentoring of New Scheme Teachers.

Applications are due to the Principal by 4.00pm on Friday 23rd of August.

Senior Leader Community Engagement – Connected Communities

Attached in this bulletin is the re-advertisement of the above position which originally was

advertised and merit selection held earlier this year. The position has been re-advertised as

the successful candidate ultimately declined the offer of the position. The advertisement will

appear in the Western Herald on the 22nd of August 2013 and the closing date is the 5th of

September 2013. The advertisement will also appear on JobsNSW for that period.

The position will support strategic initiatives and programs at Bourke High School which is a

Connected Communities school. This is a temporary full-time appointment up to the 30th June

2018 and administrative hours and conditions apply. Where community members have an

inquiry about the position they should contact the Principal on ph. 0268 722 522.

Cont. Page 2.

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Principal’s report cont.

Dare to Lead Visit

In Week 4, Mr Ian Nebauer from Dare to Lead visited the school spending several days working with staff. Dare to

Lead is a Commonwealth funded National project with a focus on improving educational outcomes for Indigenous

students. It is an initiative of the Principal’s Australia Institute and has been providing advice and access to profes-

sional development activities and resources at Bourke High School for the last two years. Mr Nebauer and executive

teachers evaluated the school’s progress on the Dare to Lead collegial school snapshot recommendations completed

in June 2011. Areas considered were increasing parent engagement, cultural immersion programming, reviewing and

improving Personalised Learning Plans, supporting newly appointed staff, focussing on Quality Teaching, increasing

Aboriginal student leadership, student mobility, the Aboriginal Education Team, Aboriginal content in teaching and

learning programs, Positive Behaviour for Learning, raising expectations, the cultural centre, post school planning and

the partnership between Bourke Public and Bourke High Schools.

There will be another Dare to Lead visit in late October this year to undertake a second snapshot which will further

assist the school to reflect on our programs and practices in Indigenous Education.

Thank you to:

The Bourke Motor Club who generously donated $1317.00 to the school for the purchase of sporting equipment.

The Bourke Shire Council who donated $100.00 towards the costs incurred with the running of the school’s

Presentation Night to be held on Tuesday 17th December commencing at 6.30pm.

The Bourke Alcohol and Drug Working Group (BAWG) and BRICCS project, managed by Far West NSW Medicare Local who approved a funding request for $20400.00 from the school. This is for the development of a community garden project which will assist the school to make better community connections through the strengthening of learning, social and wellbeing programs. Next P & C Meeting

The next P & C meeting will be held in the school’s library on Tuesday 27th August commencing at 5.00pm. One of the

matters the school will raise is a revision of the Student Welfare System to make it easier for members of our

community to understand and for implementation purposes. Light refreshments will be available.

If you have asthma and you are a student at BHS you must provide the school

with an Asthma plan that has been created by your doctor. Please call the

school if you need more information. This could save your life!

Send us your photos

The annual Life & Light in the Western Catchment Photographic competition is now open.

Visit the Western CMA website to enter online or download an entry form. Theme: 'The beauty of the bush' Competition closes Monday 30th September. Up to $1,500 in prize money to be won. For further information contact the Western CMA: Freecall: 1800 032 101 Email: [email protected] Website: [email protected]

Page 3: HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

Senior Leader, Community Engagement - Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

Clerk Grade 7/8

Total remuneration package valued to: $100,283 p.a. (salary $82,098 to $90,877 p.a.) including employer’s contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading.

The position supports the implementation of strategic initiatives and programs in Large Connected Communities schools. This is a temporary full-time appointment up to 30 June 2018. Administrative hours and conditions apply Selection Criteria:


Proven high level knowledge, understanding and connection to local Aboriginal Community, including its histories, knowledges and contemporary issues.

Demonstrated strong track record in implementing Aboriginal educational programs and initiatives designed to improve Abo-riginal student performance.

Good knowledge and understanding of and the capacity to support the Connected Communities strategy as it relates to par-ent involvement, community input and key stakeholder participation.

Demonstrated high quality interpersonal, oral and written communication skills and the capacity to work cooperatively and collaboratively with local Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups and school staff in the implementation of the Aboriginal Education Policy and strategies.

Proven commitment to improving learning outcomes for students, with a clear vision of what it takes to achieve this.

Knowledge and commitment to the Department’s Aboriginal education policies. Notes: Aboriginality is a genuine occupational qualification and is authorised by Section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act, 1977.

This is a child-related position. If you are not currently employed in a child-related position in the Department of Education and Communities, you will be required to obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) Clearance number as a condition of employment (if you do not already have this). For more information, visit http://www.kids.nsw.gov.au/Working-with-children/New-Working-with-Children-Check. In addition, your employment may be subject to the Department’s National Criminal Records Check to determine your suitability for employment. Inquiries and Information Package: Mr Robert Bourke (02) 6872 2522 Applications can be posted to address below or you can apply online. PLEASE DO NOT DO BOTH ‘CONFIDENTIAL’: Mr Robert Bourke Executive Principal 34 Tarcoon Street BOURKE NSW 2840 OR apply on online at: https://jobsnsw.taleo.net/careersection/all_jobs/jobsearch.ftl and refer to keyword 171972.

Closing Date: Wednesday 5 September 2013 The Department is a non-smoking workplace. The successful applicant will be expected to show commitment to the princi-ples of Equal Employment Opportunities, Occupational Heath and Safety, Cultural Diversity policies and programs and Ethi-cal Practices.

Page 4: HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

Staying private on Facebook

Do you know how to untag photos and keep your Facebook page private? Read this and share

with your kids.

Find out more: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/how-to-stay-private-on-


Need a Tax File Number?? The School can apply for your tax file number. You just need to bring in your birth certificate.

Ms McCorkle will need to record the number on it and then you can take it home.

If you need more information Please see Ms McCorkle, she will be happy to help!

Page 5: HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

Clontarf Report - Term 3 So Far it’s been a busy term 3 for the Bourke Clontarf Academy with our boys undertaking and participating in various

activities within the community.

An ongoing program for the Bourke Academy is for all of our boys to have health checks and meet with the local GP and

Aboriginal Health Workers to discuss any health issues or concerns they may have and to have a general wellbeing check.

These checks have occurred and will continue in conjunction with our partners at the Far West Medicare Local, so a huge

thanks must go to Shane Boney and the team for their commitment and care given to our boys.

We have also continued to be involved in various community engagement activities in Bourke undertaking yard clean ups

and maintenance with the River Gum Lodge, St Vinnies, Home Care as well as continuing with the Meals on Wheels pro-


Another highlight as part of our community engagement strategy has been the development of a positive relationship with

the Bourke Police. Inspector Greg Moore and his staff have been visiting the Clontarf room, talking with the boys and

participating in our in-house activities over the last few weeks.

The first Camp for the term was a trip to Dubbo to have a Rugby League training session with the St Johns Rugby League

Club. The Bourke Boys really matched it with the Dubbo boys in regards to ball skills and fitness and it was obvious we have

a few stand out players in Bourke who have enormous potential. The trip also included a visit to the Cinemas and a few

hours of free time doing some shopping before we headed home.

The Bourke Academy recently attended a Cultural and Mentor Camp at Mt Gundabooka with Ricky Powell from Skywater

Solutions in Narromine - which was a great success and the boys really enjoyed the traditional storytelling and sing along.

We received very positive feedback from Ricky who really enjoyed the camp and the time spent with the boys – it was a

great trip and we thank Ricky for taking the time to come to Bourke and mentor our boys. Ricky did however have some

competition with his story telling, with Ernest Johnson receiving lots of votes for best yarn spinner and impersonator

around the camp fire! A big thanks must also go to Bruce Turnbull from the High School for assisting in the organising of the

camp. Up and Coming events We have some big activities planned for the rest of the term including a trip to Tamworth which will see the NSW Clontarf

All Stars take on the local Farrer Boarding School in a Rugby League match. Bourke boys Clynton Edwards, Mal Edwards and

Jamahl Smith were selected from the previous Sydney Carnival as outstanding performers and will be part of the NSW Clon-

tarf side.

An Employment Forum for our seniors (year 9 to 12) is occurring in Tamworth which will provide an opportunity for our

boys to look at various career prospects, trades and training so they can plan for their future and get more information

about jobs that interest them.

The Ronny Gibbs 7s are also coming up in Bourke which will include many of our boys playing in this school event - which

they are all looking forward to and have been training for.

The Brewarrina Clontarf Rugby League Carnival is also being held this term and all NSW Clontarf Academy’s will be attend-

ing this carnival. It is expected to be a huge day with Bre looking to defend their recently acclaimed title from the Sydney


We will be having an official Open Day for the Bourke Clontarf Academy Room which is planned to occur on the 13th of Sep-

tember and will include many honourable guests, community people, parents and citizens and various business representa-

tives in Bourke. It would be great to have as many people as possible attend this special event so please contact us for

more information.

Our end of term trip will be in Sydney and our best performers and school attendees will be invited to attend this trip as a

reward for their positive behaviour, Clontarf spirit and commitment.

Max Robinson

Operations Officer

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Is that



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Is that



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'Do you enjoy or are you good at…?' posters

The Bullseyes posters can help students to identify occupations that link with subjects they study at school and the level of education and training these occupations require. Click on the subject title (e.g. Art) for the four education and training levels and the matching occupation titles. You can click on an occupation title to access the corresponding myfuture occupation profile. Click on the PDF links underneath the subject title for a PDF version of the Bullseye poster. These posters display the occupation titles and their training and education requirements, in the “bullseye” format.


Page 10: HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

Mandatory Education till 17yrs


Education and Training Pathways

Page 11: HS Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2013 - Scappoose High School · 2020. 9. 1. · Senior Leader, Community Engagement -Connected Communities Bourke High School – Position Number 171923

Aim For the Stars! Layne Beachley and her Aim for the Stars Foundation, is inviting all Australian females aged 12 – 26 years who need funding to achieve goals in their sporting, academic, community, business, environmental or cultural pursuits to complete their appli-cations online. Any hard-working female who is committed to pursuing her passion and needs financial support deserves a helping hand and should apply for an Aim for the Stars 2014 grant by 15th November 2013. Purpose To help young women further their educational and/or professional development.


The Foundation will award a minimum of $60,000 worth of grants each year. Successful applicants will receive a financial

grant in accordance with the following amounts and conditions:

$1,500 – “Kickstart” Grant, 12 to 15 years

$2,000 – “Environmental” Grant, 12 years and above

$2,000 – “Academic” Grants, 12 years and above

$3,000 – “Individual” Grant, 16 years and above

$3,000 – “Business” Grant, 16 years and above

$1,500 – “Junior Athlete with a Disability” Grant, 12 to 15 years

$3,000 – “Senior Athlete with a Disability” Grant, 16 years and above

$6,000 – “Group” Grant, 2 or more people 12 years and above

“Individual”, “Business”, “Athletes with a Disability” and “Group” Grants will be paid in two instalments. The first instalment

will be paid once the successful applicants have been announced. The second instalment will be made upon the Foundation

receiving a mid year update of the applicants progress.

Grant recipients may be asked to contribute to the Aim for the Stars website by way of photos, interviews and stories about

their quest to reach their goals.


Who is eligible to apply?

Females, 12 years of age and above (core target is girls and women 12 – 26 years); and

Females who aim to achieve their goals in their field of choice

Grants will be awarded, at the discretion of the Foundation, to deserving applicants who meet the criteria and best demon-

strate their aspirations to further their educational and/or personal development.

Application methods: Online Website: http://www.aimforthestars.com.au/

Apply at: http://applications.aimforthestars.com.au/login.php?accesscheck=%2Fapplication.php

Contact Details

Aim for the Stars Foundation

Address: Megan McGrath Aim for the Stars Foundation PO Box 666 Forestville 2087 NSW

Phone: 0422600733

Email: [email protected]

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If you have moved or changed your phone number please call the

office and let us know.

If your child has medical information that is important to his/her

health please call us so we can update your file. This includes infor-

mation on allergies and medication.

If your child will be absent due to illness or family circumstances

please call the office and let us know.

Bourke High School Office: 6872 2522

Have your details changed? Bourke High School

PO BOX 594, 34 Tarcoon Street, Bourke, NSW 2840 PHONE: 02 6872 2560 FAX: 02 6872 3267 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.bourke-h.schools.nsw.edu.

School newsletters are online


Free iPhone and iPod Touch App for school newsletters http://ios.schoolenews.com.au

Any problems email the school [email protected]