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HRM practices of HSBC Bank

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A ppt presentation of Human Resource Practices of HSBC Bank

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Insert GPS number here1PUBLICHSBCWelcome To Our PresentationIMAGE AREA IMAGERY MAY BE INSERTED HERE (must be from approved source eg Stoc!" S#utterstoc! or approved HSB$ mager%& 'R GREY AREA DE(ETED AND (E)T B(AN* +HITEHIGHLY RESTRICTED(amend as appropriate)Human Resource Practices Of HSBC BankInsert GPS number here3PUBLICGroup 7ame IDTanbir Abedin 18-1!Ari" Hassan Ashra"u# $oor 18-1%8I&ba# Hossain 18-18Ananna 'aman 18-188$asrin A(ter 18-!%!Insert GPS number here)PUBLICC*+PA$, *-./-I.0.stab#ished in 18%12irst opened in 133% in Ban4#adesh13 o""i5es3!! emp#o6eesInsert GPS number here1PUBLICC*+PA$, *-./-I.0 !ission" Ha7in4 re4ard to ethi5a# 7a#ues8 to meet its 5ustomers "inan5ia# needs in the "astest and most appropriate 9a6: to 5ontinue inno7ati7e 9or(s in order to a5hie7e; human resour5e 9ith superior &ua#ities: te5hno#o4i5a# in"rastru5ture and ser7i5e pa5(a4es< #ision" To be 7a#ued b6 the emp#o6ees as the best 5ompan6 to 9or( "or and b6 the 5#ients as an e=5eptiona# business partnerGoals" To e=5eed 5ustomer e=pe5tations in ser7i5e &ua#it6< To be a pioneer in the imp#ementation o" te5hno#o4ies those 5reate distin5tion "or its 5ustomers: emp#o6ees and shareho#ders< To (eep its re#iabi#it6 at the utmost #e7e# 9ith the 5ontribution o" its stron4 5apita# stru5ture and #i&uid assets< To ma(e a positi7e 5ontribution to the 5ommunit6 To respe5t merito5ra56 durin4 hirin4 pro5esses: impro7in4 (no9#ed4e and s(i##s o" its emp#o6ees: 5reatin4 the most#6 pre"erred 9or( en7ironmentInsert GPS number here%PUBLICHSBCC$ica%oLon&onParisHon% 'on%Insert GPS number here7PUBLICC*+PA$, *-./-I.0Strate%(Peo)leE*ecutionCustomer centere&Efficienc(Profita+le %ro,t$Cre&it -ualit(Insert GPS number here8PUBLIC$o9 Presentin4; I&ba# HossainId no;18-18Insert GPS number here3PUBLICP./S*$$.> P>A$$I$G.o+ &escri)tionS#P/#PGeneral Bankin% De)t0Cre&it &e)t0/orei%n e*c$an%e &e)t0/orecastin% )ersonnel nee&sTren& anal(sisRatio anal(sisT$e scatter )lotInsert GPS number here1PUBLIC/.C/?IT+.$TInternal recruitment 1&2anta%es"It is %oo& for )u+lic relationsIm)ro2e t$e )ro+a+ilit( of selectin% %oo& em)lo(eeIt is less costl( t$an %oin% outsi&e to recruitT$ose c$osen internall( alrea&( kno, t$e or%ani3ation Disa&2anta%esE*cellent can&i&ates ma( a2aila+le in t$e outsi&e +ut t$e( cannot %et c$ance for internal recruitment0Internal em)lo(ees ma( not ,ork functionall(0Insert GPS number here11PUBLIC/.C/?IT+.$TE*ternal Recruitment1&2anta%esBenefits of ne, skills4 talents an& e*)eriences/res$ %ra&uate can %et t$e 5o+ an& t$e( are 2er( $ar& ,orkin%0Disa&2anta%esTime consumin%Costl(Insert GPS number here1!PUBLIC$o9 Presentin4; Tanbir Abedin Id no;18-1!Insert GPS number here13PUBLIC/.C/?IT+.$T P/*C.SSInsert GPS number here1)PUBLICTrainin% 6 Staff De2elo)mentO+5ecti2es of trainin%" To train or orient ne9 emp#o6ees To up4rade the (no9#ed4e@s(i##s o" e=istin4 sta"" To pro7ide #on4 term pro"essiona# de7e#opment To reso#7e operatin4 prob#emsIm)ortance of trainin%"Sa7in4 mone6Sa7in4 emp#o6eesSa7in4 5ustomers and ma(in4 ne9 onesSa7in4 time/edu5in4 Sta"" 5on5ernsInsert GPS number here11PUBLICST.PS *2 T/AI$I$G T1 or Define $o, 5o+ s$oul& +e &one 7Position 1nal(sis8 Plan t$e trainin% Present t$e trainin%" Grou) or In&i2i&ual Trainin% E2aluation" Back to t$e o+5ecti2esStaff &e2elo)ment"10 On t$e .o+ &e2elo)ment"90 Coac$in%:0 .o+ Rotation;0 Un&erstu&( 1ssi%nmentsine +ana4ers .mp#o6ee /e#ations in Ban(in4Insert GPS number here!3PUBLICThan( ,ou