HP-PN71400-1_Lightwave Signal Analyzers Measure Relative Intensity Noise

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  • 8/14/2019 HP-PN71400-1_Lightwave Signal Analyzers Measure Relative Intensity Noise


    Lightw ave Signal AnalyzersMeasure Relative Intens ity Noise

    Product Note 71400-1

    HP 71400C/70401CApplicat ion Se ries

    Laser In tensity N oise

    RIN Definition

    RIN Measurement Lim its

    Laser RIN Personality

    The HP 71400C an d 71401Caut omatically subtract th ermal an d

    shot noise from RIN measu remen ts

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    Table of Con ten ts

    Introduction 3

    Chapter 1. Measuring Laser Intensity Noise 4

    Rela t ive In tensity Noise 4

    Noise Sources in a Fiber-Optic System 4

    Therm al Noise 5

    Shot Noise 5

    Laser Int ensity Noise 6

    RIN Measurement Limitat ions 6

    Finding RINLaser from RINSystem 7

    Sma ll Er rors May Cause Large Effects 8

    Summary 9

    References 10

    Chapter 2 . Measure Re la t ive Intens i ty Noise w i th the HP 71400C and 71401C 11

    HP 71400C an d 71401C Lightwa ve Signal Analyzers 11

    The 70810B Light wave Converter 11

    Noise Measur ement s 12

    Mark er Noise 12

    System RIN Measurements 12

    Measur ement Limits of RINSystem 13

    Laser RIN Measurements 13

    Measur ement Limits of RINLaser 14

    RIN Var iability 15

    Using th e Persona lity 15

    Exam ple 1: DFB 16

    Exam ple 2: DFB laser 17Exa mp le 3: Mini-YAG 17

    Appendix A. Electr ical-Optical Relat ionships 18

    Rela t ionship Between Opt ica l and Elect r ica l Powers 18

    Appendi x B. P ersonal ity Ins ta ll a ti on and Removal 19

    What is a Measur ement Persona lity? 19

    System Requirement s 19

    Reloading the Personality from the ROM Card 19

    Retrieving th e DLP Execute Key from a User Overwrite 20

    Er asing a DLP from th e Inst rum ents Memory 20Reloading the Personality from th e Floppy Disk 21

    Ap p e n di x C. R IN R e mo t e Co m m an d s 22

    Example: 23

    P age

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    Introduct ion

    As high-speed fiber-optic comm un icat ion becomes increa singly

    importan t, so does the n eed to perform precision m easur ement s on

    lasers a nd lightwave systems. Las er int ensity noise is one of th e

    limiting factors in t he t ra nsmission of an alog or digital signals overfiber an d mu st be char acterized. Intensity noise, or power fluctua -

    tions in the lightwave signal, reduces signal-to-noise ratios (S/N)

    an d increases bit err or rates. Int ensity noise degrades performa nce

    in h igh-speed direct-detection systems, th ereby increasing th e need

    for r epeaters or optical a mplifiers in long distance tr an smissions.

    At the sa me time, however, noise limits th e nu mber of repeat ers

    th at can be added to a distribution system.

    This product note describes techniques to measur e laser inten sity

    noise with t he H P 71400C and 71401C lightwave signal an alyzers.

    Chap ter 1 defines relative intensity n oise (RIN) and describes the

    cont ributions of laser, therma l, and sh ot noise to the total system

    noise. Chapter 2 describes the RIN mea sur ement fun ctions ava il-

    able in th e HP 71400C. Measur ement exam ples are included tha t

    illustrate RIN measurements with and without the sh ot-noise and

    thermal noise contributions. Also covered is the operation of a

    downloada ble program tha t deter mines th e RIN of only th e laser by

    subtr acting the th erma l noise of th e ana lyzer an d the sh ot n oise of

    the photodiode.

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    Chapter 1Measu ring Laser Intensi ty Noise

    Relative Intensity Noise

    The mea sur ement of relative intensity n oise (RIN) describes the

    laser s ma ximu m a vailable am plitude ra nge for signa l modulation

    an d serves as a qu ality indicat or of laser devices. RIN can beth ought of as a type of inverse carrier-to-noise-ratio measur ement .

    RIN is the r atio of the mean -squa re optical inten sity noise to the

    squar e of th e avera ge optical power:1,2

    RIN = dB/Hz ; (1)

    P 2

    where: is th e mean -squar e optical int ensity

    fluctuat ion (in a 1-Hz ba ndwidth ) at a specified

    frequency, and P is the average optical power.

    The r at io of optical powers squ ared is equivalent to th e ra tio of the

    detected electrical powers. Thu s, RIN can be expressed in t erms of

    detected electrical powers. Equat ion 1 can be rewritten as:

    N elecRIN = dB/Hz (2)

    P AVG(elec)

    where: Nelec is the power spectral den sity of the

    photocurrent at a specific frequency, and P AVG(elec)is the a verage power of th e photocurr ent.

    The ph otonic shot noise is not included in t he definition of Nelec.3 From

    th is point on, the (elec) subscript will be dropped, and a ll term s will be

    present ed in electrical units un less noted by an optical subscript.

    Noise Sou rces in a Fiber-Optic System

    A typical optical receiver consist s of a ph otodetector an d

    am plification. The n oise at the receiver output results from t hr ee

    fundam enta l cont ributions: laser inten sity noise primar ily due to

    spontan eous light emissions; th erma l noise from t he electr onics;

    an d ph otonic shot noise. The t ota l system n oise, NT(f), is t he linear

    sum mat ion of these th ree noise sources.

    NT(f) = NL(f) + Nq + N t h(f) W/Hz (3)

    where: NL(f) is the laser intensity n oise power per H z;

    Nq is th e photonic shot n oise power per H z;

    N th (f) is the cont ribution of therm al noise power per Hz;

    Therm al an d laser in tensity n oise vary with frequen cy. Shot noise

    is a function of the intensity of light incident on the photodiode.

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    Electr onic tools ar e often used t o determine lightwa ve system

    param eters. But, when actual electrical values are m easured to

    determ ine optical para meter s, car e must be ta ken to include the

    effects of photodiode r esponsivity, th e gain an d n oise effects of anyamplifier present, and the frequency response corrections of each


    While it is desirable to determ ine th e total system noise, it is also

    valuable to determine separ at ely the individual cont ributions of

    laser, shot, an d th erma l noise and to compa re each to a t otal system

    noise bu dget. A discussion of each of th ese n oise sour ces follows.

    Thermal Noise

    In a light wave system, th e amp lifier a nd electr onics th at follow th e

    photodiode produce thermal noise (N th). Therm al noise limits th e

    sensitivity of th e receiver an d restr icts th e distance between tra ns-

    mitter a nd receiver in both a na log and digita l systems. Therm al

    noise can be expressed in several wa ys. It is often described as a

    noise factor, or n oise figur e, expressed in d B relat ive to the room-

    temper at ur e lower limit of 174 dBm/Hz.

    To reduce th e th erm al noise cont ribu tion of th e receiver, very low

    noise amplifiers ar e often added after t he ph otodiode. As a n

    example, electrical spectru m a na lyzers a re often used in lightwa ve

    measu remen ts. But as figure 1 sh ows, most electrical spectru m

    analyzers have noise figures of 30 dB or higher. Adding a preampli-

    fier will improve the sensitivity of the analyzer by reducing the

    overall noise figure, and hence the ability of the analyzer to measure

    light wave signals.4 Typical noise figures for a mplifiers ra nge from a

    few dB (above 174 dBm/Hz) for na rr owband a mplifiers, 6 to 8 dB

    for low-noise, wider-ban d am plifiers, to as m uch a s 15 dB.

    Therefore, when choosing an amplifier, sensitivity often must be

    tr aded off for ban dwidth.

    Shot Noise

    For a system at a given temperat ure, therma l noise is usually

    const an t, but shot n oise varies with average power. Shot n oise (Nq)

    is produced by the qua ntu m na tu re of photons arr iving at th e

    detector, and related detection sta tistics. The noise produced is

    related directly to the amount of light incident on the photodetector.

    The mea n-squared n oise cur rent from th e photodetector is:

    = (2qIdcB) (4)

    where: q is the electron charge (1.60 x 1019 coulomb);

    Idc is the curr ent out of the diode due to the avera ge

    optical power input; and B is the electrical noise

    bandwidth of th e measu rement (typically

    normalized to 1 Hz).

    Figure 1. Noise l imits in electricalsystems are improved with apreamplifier.

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    The familiar equat ion P =I2RL, where RL is th e load r esistance of

    th e amplifier input , is used to convert th is noise curr ent int o units

    of power. Ther efore, t he s hot-noise power, Nq, in a one Hz bandwidth,


    Nq = (2qIdc)RL . (5)

    For example, if th e load r esistance is 50 ohms, a photocur rent of 1 mA

    will gener at e a s hot-noise power of 168 dBm /Hz (1.6 x 1017 mW).

    As figure 2 shows, for each decade of photocurrent increase, the

    shot-noise power will increase 10 dB. In some systems, the light

    (>0 dBm) str iking the photodetector is enough t o cau se th e shot

    noise to become lar ger tha n t he th erma l noise of the system .

    Laser Inten sity Noise

    Laser intensity n oise, NL, refers t o the noise genera ted by th e laser.

    Laser int ensity noise is caused by intensity fluctua tions due

    prima rily to spont an eous light emissions th at a re dependent on

    str uctur al par amet ers of the laser. Operating conditions, such a s

    bias level and modula tion frequen cy, also directly affect th e noise

    level.5 The presence of external feedback or reflections into the

    laser will increase t his n oise.6 As figure 3 sh ows, th e dominant

    noise featu re of the laser intensity n oise is th e inten sity-noise

    peaking at t he relaxation resonance point.

    RIN Measu remen t Limitations

    RIN is essentially a dyna mic ra nge measu remen t. It is a ra tio of

    noise to average power. If th e avera ge power is r educed, the RIN

    measurement ran ge is reduced. Figure 4 shows how measur ingRIN as a function of th e average power is limited by the th erma l

    noise. If the average p ower incident on the detector becomes large

    enough, th e shot n oise overcomes t he t herm al noise and becomes

    th e mea surem ent limit. Th is shot-noise-limited condition will have

    th e same noise value in an y lightwave system.

    Figure 2. Shot noise increases w ithaverage power and can becomelarger than the thermal noise .

    Figure 3. Laser intensi ty noise andthe re laxation resonance point varywith laser bias level .

    Figure 4. Direct RIN measu rementsare l imited by the thermal noise ,shot noise , and total detected pow er.

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    It is often valuable to determine er ror budgets for ea ch component .

    This requ ires separ at ing th e laser-int ensity-noise contribut ion from

    th e rest of th e system. For RIN measu remen ts of th e laser only,

    th erma l and shot n oise effects become u nwa nted errors an d mu stbe rem oved. To avoid confusion, laser-componen t RIN m easu remen ts

    are distinguished from system RIN measurements. RINSystem will

    refer to the t otal system measurement and RINLaser will refer to the

    RIN t ha t r esults from only excess noise genera ted by th e laser.

    The value of the laser in tensity noise is found from equat ion 3 by subtra ct-

    ing the values of shot a nd t herm al noise from th e total system n oise:

    NL(f) = NT(f) Nq N th(f). (6)

    When t he noise of the laser far exceeds th e shot or ther mal n oise

    term s, the t otal system noise is essentially equal to the laser

    intensity n oise. In su ch cases, RINLaser equals RINSystem. H owever,

    as laser quality improves and t he int ensity-noise level decreases,

    the effects of shot and thermal-noise sources become more

    significan t in RIN mea sur ement s. The contr ibution of any one of

    th e th ree noise terms will domina te if it is ap proxima tely 5 to 10 dB

    larger th an th e oth er term s. As equat ion 3 shows, the total noise is

    a sum ma tion of th ese three noise term s.

    An example of a system dominated by laser intensity n oise is

    provided by measur ement s ma de on a typical 1-mW Fa bry-Perot

    laser. The total system noise (N T) was mea sur ed at 145 dBm/Hz,

    th e ther mal noise (N th) was 168 dBm/Hz, an d th e shot n oise (Nq)

    is 169 dBm/Hz (for I = 0.8 mA). Converting to linear terms and

    subtr acting the shot and t herm al noise from the total gave the laser

    intensity n oise. It was only 0.04 dB less th an th e total system noise.

    For th is typical Fa bry-Perot laser, the t otal system noise is almost

    exclusively composed of laser intensity noise. For shot and thermal

    noise values t o contribute m ore tha n 1 d B to the t otal noise power,

    th e excess laser int ensity noise would ha ve to be reduced 15 dB to

    about 160 dBm /Hz. Thu s, improving th is system per forma nce only

    requires th e laser performan ce be addressed.

    Finding RINLaser from RINSystemRIN is th e ra tio of noise power to avera ge power. Equ ations 2 an d 3

    can be used to determ ine th e value of RINLaser.




    NthRI NSystem = = + + (7)


    Subtr acting ther mal a nd sh ot noise effects from th e total allows the

    excess noise of the laser to be determined.

    NL Nq N thRI NLaser = = RINSystem (8)


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    Chap ter 2 will describe measu remen ts of RINSystem and RINLaserperform ed using th e HP 71400C light wave signal an alyzer. The

    ta bles in chapt er 2 sum ma rize the specified RINSystem and RINLasercapabilities of the H P 71400C lightwa ve an alyzer for various

    frequency ranges. With th e correction factors a vailable in th e

    an alyzer, subtra ction of the t herm al-noise and shot-noise terms will

    provide up t o an additional 16 dB ran ge for m easur ement s of

    RI NLaser. A downloada ble program for t he 71400C th at

    au tomat ically performs t hese subtr actions a nd compu tes RINLaserwill be described in t he n ext chapt er.


    Work on improving laser intensity noise cont inues. In some cases,

    th e intensity n oise levels of the laser can appr oach t he n oise

    limita tions of measur ement system. To evalua te laser-intensity

    noise cont ributions a nd limita tions, the relative-intensity-noise

    specificat ion, RIN, was developed. This m easur ement is th e ra tio of

    th e laser int ensity noise to the avera ge power of th e laser, in

    equivalent electrical un its. This chapter described some limits t o

    measu ring th e noise cont ribution of the laser an d a discussed how

    to remove th e shot-noise a nd ther mal-noise components associated

    with determ ining the RIN of th e laser.

    -130 -140 -160



    -110 -120 -150














    Detected OpticalPower, mW:

    RIN dB/Hz



    Figure 5. RINLaser calculated from themeasured RINSystem, versus averagepower.

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    1 K. Y. Lau an d A. Yar iv, Ultr a-High S peed Sem iconductor La sers ,

    IEE E J . Quan tum Elect., QE-21, NO.2, pp. 121136, Februar y 1985.

    2 C. M. Miller, Intensity Modulation and Noise Characterization of

    High-Speed Semicondu ctor Lasers , IEE E LTS, pp. 4452, May 1991.

    3 G. P. Agrawal and N. K. Dutta. Long-Wavelength Semiconductor

    Laser s, pp. 248. AT&T Laborat ories, New York: Van Nostr an d

    Reinh old, 1986.

    4 See Application Note 150, Hewlett-Packard Publication no. 5952-

    0292, an d Appen dix A of Application Note 371.

    5 H. Sobol, The a pplication of microwave in light wave syst ems,

    J . Light wave Techn ology, vol. LT5, pp. 293299, Ma rch 1987.

    6 J.L. Gimlett and N.K. Chenug, Effects of phase-to-intensity noise

    conver sion by mu ltiple reflections on gigabit-per-second DFB la ser

    transmissions systems, J. Lightwave technology, vol. 7, pp. 888895,

    J une 1989.

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    Chapter 2Measu re Relat ive Intensi ty Noisew ith th e HP 71400C and 71401C

    This chapter presents measurements of relative intensity noise (RIN)

    perform ed specifically with t he H P 71400C and 71401C lightwave

    signal ana lyzers th at contain t he HP 70810B lightwa ve section.1

    Exam ples and limita tions ar e discussed, along with gu idelines forsetup, measurement, and operation of the two RIN measurement

    functions t ha t ar e built into these lightwa ve signal an alyzers.

    HP 71400C and 71401C Lightw ave Signal Analyzers

    The HP 71400C an d 71401C lightwave signa l ana lyzers were

    designed t o facilitat e developmen t a nd t estin g of fiber-optic commu -

    nications systems a nd component s. The ana lyzers mea sur e impor-

    ta nt lightwave cha racteristics such as signal stren gth, modulation

    bandwidth, signal distortion, effects of reflected light, and noise.

    Used with th e HP 11980A fiber-optic interferometer, th e HP 71400C

    an d 71401C can also measur e linewidth, chirp, and frequency

    modulat ion of single-frequ ency lasers. Th e HP 71400C operat es over

    th e frequency ra nge of 100 kHz to 22 GHz, while the H P 71401C

    covers the frequency range of 100 kHz to 2.9 GHz. The lightwave

    signal ana lyzers ha ve int erna l correction and calibration th at allow

    th em to display optical measur ements with 1 dB accur acy across

    th eir full bandwidth. Both cont ain th e same featur es and functions,

    including operat ion as h igh-performa nce electrical spectrum analyzers.

    The 70810B Lightw ave Conve rter

    The H P 70810B lightwa ve section serves as t he key component of the

    HP 71400C and 71401C lightwave signal ana lyzers an d is available

    in a choice of two modules t o cover t he optical wavelengt h r an ges

    from 1,200 nm to 1,600 nm (standa rd m odule), or 750 nm t o 870 nm

    (Option 850). As figure 6 shows, th e HP 70810B is compr ised of abroadband PIN photodiode, intern al optical at tenu at or, electrical

    preamplifier for improved sensitivity, and an optical power meter.

    1 The HP 70810B module is an update that allows down-loadable programs (DLP). The RIN

    function discussed in this chapter is such a DLP. If you have a system with a 70810A module,

    please contact your H P r epresentative for u pgrade details.

    Figure 6. Block diagram of theHP 71400C lightw ave sign al analyzer.

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    The optical power meter provides both digita l ann otation an d

    an alog graph ical readout s. It can display informat ion in eith er

    optical or electr ical u nits, indepen dent of th e un its selected for th e

    tr ace display. The chosen r eference level on t he displa y is also usedas t he r eference level for both th e power bar an d th e tra ce. This

    shared reference level allows for visual checks of the dynamic range

    of the laser (average-power to noise) and relative modulation levels

    over t he full bandwidth of the laser.

    With th e power m eter bu ilt-in, there is n o need to cha nge conn ec-

    tions between an extern al power meter an d th e signa l analyzer for

    measurements tha t require both instruments. Not having to chan ge

    conn ections rem oves conn ector u ncertaint y for relative mea sur e-

    ments. The factory provides calibration at both 1300 nm and 1550 nm,

    (or a t 850 n m for Option 850) selectible from t he m enu s. The power

    meter a lso may be calibrated to a tra nsfer stan dar d. If adjusted, all

    am plitu de readouts, including the modulation measur ement s, willreflect th e n ew r eference.

    Noise Measurements

    The lightwa ve signal an alyzer h as t hr ee noise fun ctions built in:

    ma rker noise; RINSystem; and RINLaser. Marker noise is used to mea-

    sur e the a bsolut e noise value at a selected frequency in either optical

    or electrical un its. The t wo RIN functions m ake use of the built-in

    average p ower m eter. Relat ive int ensity n oise of the laser describes

    th e maximum am plitu de ran ge available for signa l modulat ion.

    Marker Noise

    Mark er noise reads t he average value of th e noise present a t th ema rker location, norma lized to a 1-Hz ban dwidth. This measu re-

    ment is selected u sing MKNOISE on pa ge 2 of the mark er menu .

    For mea sur ing a lightwave signal, eith er optical un its, referenced

    to th e optical inpu t, or electrical un its, referenced to th e output of

    th e photodiode, ar e available. Marker noise adjusts for equ ivalent

    noise bandwidth , incorporat es proper sa mple-detection meth ods,

    averages 32 points around the marker, and normalizes the result

    to a 1-Hz ban dwidth.

    System RIN measurements

    RI NSystem the measurement that includes excess laser intensity

    noise, the detection sh ot noise, and t he th erma l noise of the inst ru -

    ment is pr ovided in th e HP 71400C or 71401C by th e functionRIN S YS , found in th e mar ker m enu. This function ut ilizes the

    built-in power meter, amplifier, lightwave corrections, and the

    ma rker-noise function t o compute t he r at io of th e total noise and

    average optical power. The a nswer is ret ur ned a s th e rat io of

    equivalent electrical terms , as in equ ation 2 of chapter 1, regardless

    of which u nits a re displayed. For example, in figur e 7 th e an alyzer

    shows both th e average power readout a nd t ra ce display in optical

    units. Pr essing RIN S YS gave 141 dB/Hz, the electrical ratio.

    2 For more information on noise measurements see Application Note 150, pp 3134.

    Figure 7. RINSystem display.

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    To use this function, set u p th e display for the desired ba ndwidth

    an d ma rker location before pr essing RIN S YS . After engaging th e

    function, th e mar ker is active and it ma y be moved to determ ine

    RI NSystem at various locations in th e noise response of the laser.

    A wide span is useful for viewing the full response of the laser and

    for det ermining frequencies for optimum system operat ion a nd

    signal-to-noise. However, reducing the span to about 400 MHz,

    cent ered ar ound a frequen cy location of int erest, can r eveal the

    presence and degree of reflection ripples (Fabry-Perot resonances)

    in the system.3 Reducing th e video bandwidth (VID BW) will help

    determ ine the a verage noise value. This mar ker function is usua lly

    adequa te for deter mining RIN of most Fa bry-Perot lasers.

    Measureme nt Limits of RINSystemWith a 0-dBm (1 mW) laser, RIN SYS is limited to about 145 dB/Hz.4

    The avera ge CW power of th e laser determ ines th e upper limit.

    Thus, the m easurement l imit ofRIN S YS is determined by th e

    available power of the laser an d t he n oise floor (therma l plus sh ot)

    of th e specific an alyzer u sed. It is best to mea sur e th e noise floor of

    th e actua l ana lyzer (to avoid th e guar d-ban ds necessary to account

    for wide t emperat ure ra nges an d other module-to-module variations).

    However it is possible to use the published sensitivity specifications

    for th e ana lyzer to determine a gener ic RIN mea surem ent limit.

    At th e limit, th e system can r eceive up t o 3 dBm of optical power

    before requiring attenuation. Although the internal attenuator

    allows power levels up to 30 dBm, adding a tt enua tion decreases t he

    sens itivity of th e an alyzer. Thus, with 3 dBm of optical power on

    th e photodiode, and th e att enua tor set to 0 dB, the HP 71400C

    achieves its best RIN ra nge, determined from th e data sheet, of

    149 dB/Hz (including the shot noise term). Table 1 lists various

    HP 71400C specificat ion limits in th e th ree key frequency ran ges

    for t hree a verage power values.

    Frequency Range +3 dBm Power 0 dBm Power 5 dBm power

    10 MHz100 MHz 141 dB/Hz 135 dB/Hz 125 dB/Hz100 MHz16 GHz 149 dB/Hz 143 dB/Hz 133 dB/Hz16 GHz22 GHz 137 dB/Hz 131 dB/Hz 121 dB/Hz

    Laser RIN Measu remen ts


    is th e ra tio of the laser noise to average power, with t he sh ot

    an d th erma l noise term s removed. Since all receivers ha ve shot and

    th erma l noise, RINLaser is determined by subtr acting the excess

    noise terms, as described in chapt er 1. The HP 71400C an d 71401C

    provides this capability with a RIN m easur ement personality (one

    of severa l downloada ble program s (DLPs) available from H P). While

    th e RIN persona lity is built into th e system, it is also provided on a

    ROM card an d a disk, for backup in case the program is erased.5

    3 For more information see Application Note 371, chapter 3.4 Based on displayed a verage noise specifications of the HP 71400C.5 See appendix B for instructions on loading a DLP into the MMS system.

    Table 1. RINSystem l imits for theHP 71400C from system s pecification

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    Measureme nt Limits of RINLaserMeasurements made with t he RIN DLP ar e subject to the sa me basic

    limits as t he RIN S YS function: avera ge power an d th e noise floor

    of th e an alyzer. However, the DLP subt ra cts th e cont ribut ions of shotan d th erma l noise up t o a limit of 16 dB over th e value obta ined with

    the RIN S YS fun ction. The limit is imposed because sma ll number s

    ar e subtra cting from small num bers. An err or in one term can cause

    disproportionat ly lar ge errors in th e results if pushed beyond t he

    capabilities and calibrat ion of the an alyzer. If th is limit is encount ered,

    a super script + symbol will be displayed after th e RIN (laser ) value,

    indicating that the instru ment h as reached its measurement l imits

    and th e RINLaser is this displayed value or bett er. Even with th is limit

    placed on the m easur ement , there can be considerable accur acy

    var iat ions (36 dB is not un comm on at low RIN valu es). Table 2 gives

    possible RINLaser values, calculat ed from specificat ion limit s.6

    Frequency Range +3 dBm Power 0 dBm Power 5 dBm power

    10 MHz100 MHz 157 dB/Hz 151 dB/Hz 141 dB/Hz100 MHz16 GHz 165 dB/Hz 159 dB/Hz 149 dB/Hz16 GHz22 GHz 153 dB/Hz 147 dB/Hz 137 dB/Hz

    The a ctu al value of these limits will var y from syst em t o system,

    based on actual thermal-noise values. For example, a best case module

    with an actual thermal-noise floor of 166 dBm/Hz could have a

    RI NLaser limit of 170 dB/Hz (with th e 3-dB maximu m ph otodiode

    illumina tion). Lower avera ge power input s will corr espondingly lower

    th e RIN measu remen t capability. For the m odule in t his example, a

    laser with 0 dBm inpu t power will lower th e RIN measu remen t

    limit t o 165 dBm. The graph in figure 8 su mma rizes th ese measure-

    ment limits. The graph plots th e cha racteristic RIN persona lity

    limits (calculated) along with the RIN S YS limits a s a fun ction of

    average power. It also plots t he t herm al an d shot n oise contr ibutions.

    6 Specifications su bject t o chan ge.

    Table 2. RINLaser l imits , using theRIN person ality, in the HP 71400Cfrom system s peci f ications

    Figure 8. Typical HP 71400C mea-surements l imits for RINSystem an dRI NLaser, given a no iseless las er.

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    value without the ther mal-noise or shot-noise terms. The second

    line provides the RINSystem value, which is th e same nu mber tha t

    the RIN S YS fun ction (under th e mar ker m enu) would give. The

    th ird and four th lines present t he th erma l-noise an d shot-noisecontributions that are subtracted to obtain the Laser RIN. These

    four t erms a re th e same as t hose in equa tion 11, cha pter 1. Note

    th at a lthough th e tota l shot noise increases with m ore avera ge

    power, the sh ot noise term decreases.

    The program is not a simple fun ction; cha nging any pa ra meter will

    halt the program a nd the RIN key will go from t he on state to the

    off sta te. However, the DLP maint ains th e window setup. The

    sta rt, stop, marker, and at tenu at ion keys are rea dily available from

    th e DLP men u. If you wish to use oth er functions, press t he MENU

    key, select a nd execut e the desired function, an d th en pr ess the

    USER key again. Reactivate t he RIN Laser calculations a gain by

    pressing th e RIN on key. If you want to exit the DLP, press theexi t key (also in t he DLP menu ). The RIN function will termina te

    an d the display will retu rn t o norma l.

    The personality indicates the sta te of th e measur ement values by

    brightness. As the DLP is first activated, the da ta values will be

    blank. As soon as th e progra m a cquires sufficient mea sur ement

    informa tion, the values will appear in th e window, with t he

    RI NLaser value displayed brighter th an t he cont ributing term s. If

    th e RIN program is h alted (by pressing an y key, or chan ging the

    mark er), the da ta update is stopped and a ll numeric values dim.

    The last m easured values remain displayed unt il either th e RIN

    measu remen t is turn ed back on, an d sufficient dat a is againobta ined, or t he pr ogram is exited.

    The RIN persona lity operat es by taking two sweeps, one with t he

    laser on a nd one with the light from th e laser blocked. The first

    sweep measu res th e average power a nd t otal noise of the laser. This

    is displayed in trace A. The second sweep blocks the light and

    measu res th e therm al noise of the a na lyzer an d places it in tra ce C.

    Both procedures a re visible while the pr ogram is run ning. Halting

    the program will blank trace C, leaving trace A active. A single-

    measu re key can be pressed th at will cause the an alyzer to take one

    sweep, update th e data window, and leave both st atic traces

    displayed. Th is function is useful when a plot is desired of both

    traces. Trace C may also be turned on or off from the trace menu.

    Example 1: DFB Laser

    Figure 11 shows the RIN DLP measu remen t resu lts for a distrib-

    ut ed feedback (DFB) laser an d th e effects of attenu at ion on t he

    measu remen t. The laser ha d less than 2 mW (3 dBm) of average

    power, so 0 dB att enuat ion was entered. The DLP measu red th e RIN

    of th e laser t o be 152 dB/Hz, while th e RINSystem was 149 dB/Hz. Figure 11. DFB laser

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    In figure 12, we added 5 dB of optical attenuation (10 dB electrical)

    to the laser. The th erma l noise rose 10 dB and th e RINSystemdegraded t o 143 dB/Hz. But, t he compu ted RIN Laser differed by

    just 0.7 dB. For th is measur ement we reduced the video band widthfor th erma l noise stability which resu lted in an increase in th e

    sweep time.

    Example 2: Fabry-Pe rot LaserFigure 13 shows a F abry-Perot laser that was measur ed using the

    RIN Per sonality. This laser ha s sufficient inten sity noise th at the

    RI NSystem fun ction gives the sa me resu lts as th e RINLaser. Using the

    DLP is n ot necessary. The RIN S YS mar ker function sh ould be

    used rath er tha n th e DLP because it performs th e RIN measurement

    mu ch faster, and it ha s th e ability to move the m ar ker location

    while th e RIN measur ement is in progress.

    Exa mp le 3: Min i-YAG Las er

    Figure 14 shows a m easur ement of a m ini-YAG laser perform ed

    using th e DLP. The laser has a large power output , requiring

    optical at tenu at ion t o keep the incident light on the p hotodiode to

    th e 3 dBm limit. With add ed att enua tion the shot noise is not

    determ ined by the total power of th e laser, but r ath er by the total

    power of the light illuminat ing th e photo diode. The DLP is able to

    determ ine corr ectly th e proper sh ot-noise contr ibution an d chan ge

    in therma l noise due to the att enuation, and determine the

    RIN value of th e laser (up to a limit of 16 dB better t ha n t he value

    foun d by RIN S YS ). Because of the low RIN value, t he r esolution

    an d video band widths h ave been set to optimize the n oise

    measurement stability.

    Figure 12. DFB laser with 5 dBattenuation added.

    Figure 13. Fabry-Perot laser

    Figure 14. Mini-yag lase r

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    Appen dix AElectrical-Optical Relation ship s

    Conversion between optical an d electrical values mu st t ake int o

    accoun t t he sp ecific valu es of resp onsivity, load r esista nce, and gain

    of th e conver ter. A simple 2:1 conversion ra tio is not su ffient . The

    equations presented in Table A-1 are for convenience.

    Relat ionship Between Optical and Electr ical Powers

    The detected output current from th e photodetector is a linear replica

    of th e optical power inp ut . A 1-dB cha nge in optical power to th e

    photodetector will produce a 2-dB change in the output electrical power.

    Convert ing from optical to electr ical power is eas y if you know th e

    responsivity a nd the load resistan ce. However, the electrical out put

    power will further be offset by the gain of any amplifier present.

    Table A-1 sum ma rizes these r elationsh ips.

    Note that voltage responsivity, r v , is commonly given at the refer-

    ence plan e of th e photodiode. However, if an a mplifier is integra l toth e converter, as in t he case of the H P 11982A, th e responsivity is

    given from th e reference plan e locat ed after th e am plifier. For t hese

    cases, the equa tion for responsivity should include t he gain, G v, of

    the amplifier: r v = rGvRL (rath er t ha n a s given below.)

    Relationship Units

    Optical Power PAVG(opt) = (RL PAVG)1/2rv watts

    Responsivity r = rv/RL amps/watt

    Electrical Gain Gv volts/volt

    Responsivity rv = r RL volts/watt(voltage )

    Detected Idc = r PAVG(opt) ampsCurrent

    Detected Vd = IdcRL voltsVoltage = r RLPAVG(opt)

    Amplified Vdc = r GvRLPAVG(opt) volts


    Average PAVG = Idc2 RL wattsElectrical power = (Vd)2/ RL

    = RL(r PAVG(opt))2

    = (rvPAVG(opt))2/ RLModulatedElectrical Power PM = 1/2(rvPM(opt))2/ RL watts

    Table A-1.

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    Appen dix BPe rsonal ity Insta llat ion an d Removal

    This appendix describes the HP 70810B laser RIN m easur ement

    pers onality. It t ells how to recall th e pers onality firmk ey, if over-

    written , and how to load the personality into the instr um ent from

    either th e ROM card or floppy disk.

    What is a Measu remen t Person ality?

    A measurem ent personality is a downloada ble progra m consisting

    of meas ur ement routines especially useful to a pa rt icular application.

    A downloadable program (DLP) is a software routine writt en

    with an external computer and downloaded (stored) int o non-

    volatile RAM in an instr umen t (in this case, the HP 70900 LO).

    Several DLPs will fit into instr umen t m emory simultan eously.

    However, too man y insta lled DLPs can use u p t he a vailable

    memory, which limits t he a bility of the an alyzer t o save inst ru ment

    sta tes, setups, or tr aces. Once downloaded, the DLP can be

    execut ed at the pr ess of a softkey from th e USER m enu, with out an

    externa l computer.

    Th e Laser RIN Pe rsonality is a DLP that m easures the relative

    intensity n oise of a laser. The RIN DLP may be removed (erased) to

    ma ke room for other DLPs or tr ace storage by purging the two

    files tha t a re in t he system memory. If the personality is acciden-

    ta lly erased, it can be reloaded into th e instr umen t; if th e key

    assigned (in th e USER menu ) is overwritt en, it can be reassigned

    using th e procedures described in t his appen dix.

    System Requirements

    To load a DLP int o the H P 71400C lightwave signal a na lyzer, an

    HP 70900B local oscillator must be configured into the system. Forth e RIN DLP t o be loaded, th e HP 70900B must h ave a da te code of

    910701 (Ju ly 1, 1991) or lat er. An H P 70810B light wave section

    mu st a lso be configured into the system. Th e HP 70810B mu st be

    operating in a slave configuration to the master HP 70900B.

    Released ea rlier, HP 70810A modules do not allow DLP applications

    and must be updated to permit usage with a DLP.

    Reloading the P ersona lity from the ROM Card

    Following are t he steps a nd key sequences used to load t he

    HP 70810B laser RIN measur ement personality into the H P 71400C

    from a ROM car d.

    Insert th e ROM car d, face up an d ar row end first , into the slot onth e HP 70004A display/ma infra me. Press th e MENU ha rd key on

    th e instr um ent. Then follow th e menu selection sequ ence:

    Press Misc, more 1 of 3, Catalog & MSI.

    The tr ace display will shrink an d th e list of th e cur rent

    Mass S tora ge Is ass ignmen t will be given a s in figur e B-1.Figure B-1. Display when se lect ingmass storage dest ination.

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    Reloading the P ersonal i ty from the Floppy Disk

    The DLP ma y also be loaded into the inst rum ent m emory with a n

    externa l HP-IB floppy disk dr ive and t he su pplied disk. The

    following equipment is required:

    HP -IB disk drive with 3.5 inch, CS80 compa tible, floppy

    media, such a s the HP 9122

    HP -IB cable to conn ect from th e disk dr ive to the H P 70004

    or H P 70001 manframe

    HP 70900 local oscillator m odule

    HP 70810B lightwave module

    Laser RIN P ersonality floppy disk

    Find t he H P-IB address of th e disk drive. Conn ect it t o the HP -IB

    socket on th e fram e (HP 70004 display or H P 70001 mainfram e)

    that contains the 70900 local oscillator module. Disconnect any

    externa l computers from th is same H P-IB line, as th ere can only be

    one controller on the MMS Bus at a time. Pr ess the MENU key and

    then press:

    Misc, more , Catalo g & MSI. The instr umen ts tr ace display

    will shrink an d th e list of th e cur rent Mass Stora ge Is

    assignment will be presented a s in figur e B-1.

    Press the HPIB disk key for t he cat alog of the floppy disk.

    Note: If you do not get a catalog of the floppy disk, check that

    the number displayed after pressing HPIB DISK matches

    the H P-IB address and un it num ber of the externa l disk

    drive. The unit nu mber is entered with the H P-IB address,

    separated by a period, with the numeric keypad. (Typically a

    dua l floppy disk r eferences the left drive as 0 an d th e right

    drive a s 1. A ha rd disk/floppy device t ypically r eferences

    the floppy drive as 1.)

    Locate th e DLP to be added to the instrument and determine

    its file number.

    Press the LOAD FILE key and ent er th e file num ber of th e


    The system will download t he program from t he disk into th e

    instr um ent memory, if ther e is sufficient r oom, an d assign t he DLP

    to a blank key on th e USER menu.

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    Appen dix CRemote RIN Comman ds

    This appendix contains t he remote, or programm ing, comman ds to

    opera te t he t wo RIN functions of the HP 70810B light wave section.

    These comman ds ar e different th an the r emote comman d for RIN

    th at is supported by th e HP 70810A module. For additional infor-ma tion on synta x, par am eters, or fun ctions, refer to the H P 70900

    Local Oscillator Pr ogra mming Man ua l. The H P 70900 is the

    cont roller an d system ma ster for H P 71400C and 71401C systems

    th at conta in the HP 70810B module.

    HP 71400C and 714001C lightwave an alyzers cont aining th e

    HP 70810B module ha ve two RIN functions available. The first is

    available in t he ma rker menu s. The second is a downloada ble

    program (DLP); see appendix B. Both functions are accessible by

    remote comma nds. P rior to intr oduction of th e HP 70810B module,

    th e 70810A module measu red only RINSystem with the remote

    command MKRIN. Program s writt en for t hese older m odules will

    need to cha nge any MKRIN comma nd used t o allow operation withth e HP 70810B module.

    Following are t he RIN H P 70810B comman ds.

    RIN System HP 70810B function

    Menu function: RIN S YS

    Remote comman d: MKRINSYS


    OF F

    Freq units



    For example the comman d MKRINSYS 1 GHz will place th e

    mark er at 1 GHz and a ctivate RIN S YS . Following t he RIN com-

    mand, an MKA? comma nd will retu rn t he value of th e mar ker,

    RI NSystem . The arr ow comma nds, DN and UP, ar e also available.

    Results will always be retur ned a s th e ra tio of the electrical values.

    RIN Laser DLP

    A downloadable program (DLP) is provided with each HP 70810B

    module for determ ining RINLaser.

    The DLP must be loaded into the instrum ent. Adjust the instr ument

    to th e requ ired sett ings (such as frequen cy location, r esolutionband width, video band width, an d ma rker location) before the DLP

    is run. The RIN? comman d will activate th e progra m, run a single

    measu remen t, and r etur n th e following four values in order:

    RINLaser, RINSystem, therm al noise term , and sh ot noise term .

    Fu th er infromat ion ma ybe obtained from the system programm ing

    manual .

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