How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines

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  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    How Transparent are

    Regulatory Agencies with

    regard to Review Timelines?

    Rosanna Melchior

    Sr Manager, Reg.Intelligence



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  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines





    Tranparency: legislated timelines (timeframes to be met) vs

    performance reports (timeframes actually met)

    Bench mark agencies (EMA, FDA, HC, PMDA, TGA and


    Other Agencies in

    Latin America

    Middle East Africa

    s a

    Focus on NCE standard applications


    Preliminary Considerations

    Agencys performance targets vs legislated

    review/ rocedural timelines

    Days, Calendar Days, Working Days (CD, WD)

    Review times may include applicants time to respond

    Review timelines vs time to obtain a marketing


  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    EU/EMA: centralised procedure

    ValidationD -10

    Compulsory for medicinal products

    derived from biotechnology, advanced

    Scientific evaluation(Co)-Rapporteurs AR,

    Comments from CHMP Members,

    List of Questions,

    Clock Stop (day 180)

    Answer to Questions

    Day 0

    Start ofprocedure

    D 210

    Adopt ion of


    substances for certain therapeutic

    areas and for orphan medicinal


    Applications are submitted directly to

    the European Medicines Agency.

    At the conclusion of the scientificCHMP Opinion

    Transmission of opinion (15)

    Draft EC opinion (15)

    Standing Committee (22)

    Adoption of EC opinion (15)D 277

    Adoption of ECDecision

    evaluation the CHMP opinion is

    transmitted to the European

    Commission to be transformed into a

    single Community marketingauthorisation applying throughout the

    European Union.


    EMA transparency initiative

    The submission deadlines and full procedural timetables are published on EMA website

    The published timetables identify the submission, start and finish dates of the procedures

    as well as other interim dates/milestones

    The submission/start/CHMP dates are generally fixed, other dates may be subject to

    adjustments until the CHMP Scientific committee proceeds to their adoption for every

    individual application.

    At the start of a procedure, the adopted final timetable will be formally notified in writing to


    According to EMA Annual report 2009, 99 % of applications have been reviewed within

    210 days


  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    EU MSs: national procedures

    Validation phase ranges

    between 10 and 60 da s

    (AT, ES, SW vs IRL, SLO)

    National Authority Review

    Times: 210 days (Ireland

    150, Slovakia 180).

    In practice it exceeds

    legislated timelines for

    some countries (the

    longest being Spain,Norway, Turkey)


    USA According to FDAs Guidance for Review Staff and Industry : Good Review Management

    Principles and Practices, FDA staff should establish and observe internal review timelines

    to help ensure efficiency and consistency in the review process.

    Timelines are established by the Prescription Drug User Fee Program (PDUFA).

    PDUFA IV goals, as reauthorized by FDAAA of 2007, are to review and act within 10

    months of receipt on 90% of standard BLAs and NDAs filed during fiscal years 2007 to

    2012 and within 6 months for priority applications.

  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    Performances for FY 2009 and 2010

    FY 2009 Submissions FY 2010 Submissions



    There are no legal time limits for review of submissions in Canada.

    The Guidance for the Management of Drug Submissions (MDSG)

    outlines the way in which the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD)

    and Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate (BGTD) manage

    information and material submitted by sponsors in accordance with the

    Food and Drugs Act and Regulations.

    Time frames referred to in the guidance are the current Health Canada

    Target Performance Standards

    within the time shown.

  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    Drug Submission Performance Reports

    TPD Jan-Mar 2010 Quarterly Drug

    Submission Performance Report

    BGTD, Jan-Mar 2010 Quarterly Drug

    Submission Performance Report

  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines





    Following open criticism, open transparency

    policy from MHLW/PMDA with regard to the

    review system for drugs and devices was

    Targeted review ti me in FY 2009 to 2013


    In 2004, the Pharmaceuticals and

    Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) was


    Substantial increase in the number of its

    staff including reviewers

    the process from clinical trial

    consultations until reviews conducted by

    the same team with the same staff

    members 24












    Standard Drugreview

    Reinforcement of personnel in key

    therapeutic areas

    Reinforcement and improvement in the

    transparency of the progressmanagement of reviews

    0FY2009(*) FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013

    * PMDA annual report from website

    JAPAN: Standard Products

    In FY 2009, the median total

    review time for standard

    products was shortened to 19.2

    , .

    months in FY 2008.

    The median regulatory review

    time was shortened by 0.8

    months compared with that in

    FY 2008, and the median

    applicants time was also

    shortened by 0.7 months.

    The number of approved

    increased from the previous

    fiscal year.

    In practice: Time needed for

    approval is about 19 - 21

    months in total

  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines





    The Therapeutic Goods Admini stration (TGA) is undergoing changes to the way thatthe submission and evaluation of prescription medici nes are made. Transitional

    arrangements are expected to l ast until end of 2011

    e s r eam ne su m ss on process cons s s o

    8 phases with 8 milestones, allowing effective

    planning and tracking by the TGA and sponsors.

    Depending on the type of submission different

    phases will be required which will affect the

    overall length of time to complete the regulatoryprocess.

    While the legislated TGA commitment of 40 WD

    between receipt of a submission and notification

    of acce tance/re ection will initiall remain, this

    The streamlined submission process is designed to

    take no more than 300 CD (10 months), including

    the time for sponsor activities.

    process will be replaced by a period of 15 CD.

    The legislated TGA commitment of 255 WD *

    between acceptance for evaluation through to

    decision on the application will also remain forthe time being but will not be used for planning

    or for target times.

    (* 255 WD = 357 CD = 12 months)


    TGA Transparency init iative

    Category 1 applications

    Standard route of application (40 + 255 WD)


    Category 2 applications

    Products that have been approved for marketing in at least two acceptable countries (UK,

    Canada, Sweden, USA, Netherlands), and for which 2 independent evaluation reports are

    provided (20 + 175 WD)

    Category 3 applications

    involving changes to the quality data of medicines already included on the ARTG (45 WD)

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    Medsafe has made changes to new medicine application processing times and the

    evaluation process. The follow ing process applies since August 2006:

    The initial evaluation should be completed with 200 CD, or less.

    Where a Request for Further Information (RFI) resulting from an initial evaluation is made,

    the applicant has a maximum of 200 CD to provide a complete response to this letter.

    The applicants RFI response will be evaluated within 120 CD or less, following

    receipt by Medsafe.

    If an additional RFI letter is required the applicant has a maximum of 120 CD to provide a


    The applicants second RFI response will be evaluated within 120 CD, during which

    time Medsafe will make a decision to accept, or decline the new medicine application.


    NEW ZEALAND:Processing Times

    Processing times (in calendar days):

    Times taken to complete the

    majority (80%) of appli cations

    and notifications during the 12-

    month period July 1999 to June


    These times are given to provide

    applicants with a general guide to

    the times that Medsafes

    processing of the different types of

    be expected to take.


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    Clock stop (7 + 3)

    Includes sponsors time

    Includes sponsors time



    Although Law 6.360 determines that the

    registration approval should be grantedwithin a period of 90 CD days from the

    date of filing, the actual time for a New

    Product Registration approval is rarelyshorter than 12 months.

    COLOMBIAAccording to Decree No. 677/95 the

    estimated review times are:

    210 WD for a new product (Includespharmacological and pharmaceuticalevaluation)

    30 WD for a medicinal product includedwithin the pharmacological regulations(Only pharmaceutical evaluation)

    Sponsor has 60 days to address requestfor additional information. Time for obtain a

    marketing authorization is then extended toinclude 20 + 10 WD for legal checking /


    Review timelines are established by

    Disposition 5755/96 (8 + 69 WD). Althoughmandatory, due to the notorious gap between

    workload and resources currently existing at

    ANMAT, these deadlines are usually never metand the whole process may take up to 12

    months and even longer.

    and contents of the Product

    Registration Dossier, PRD and as aconsequence the timetable for the

    Approval Procedure

    administrative purposes.

    PERUProducts classification defines the requirements

    for regulatory procedures and review timelines : Category 1 products: 60 CD

    (Products whose API or associations are in theNational List of Essential Drugs)

    Category 2 products: 45-90 CD (Productswhose API or associations are not in the NationalList of Essential Drugs but are registered in

    countries with a high health vigilance system.) Category 3 Products:12 months (Products

    whose API are not classified in Cat. 1 and 2)


    April 2011: Argentina's has developed a new

    strategy to generate timely national andinternational information about the products

    and processes within its remit. The so called

    ANMAT Observatory is expected to strengthenthe regulator's decision making process as it

    will co-ordinate for the first time such

    information and activities.


    Review timelines are identified by

    Decree 1876/95 (Art. 47): the PublicHealth Institute has 90 WD to approve

    or reject a MAA. Time for review can

    be extended of 30 additional days ifthe application includes a new API.

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    MIDDLE EAST AFRICAExpected Review Time for MAA Standard Review

    ISRAEL 360 Medicinal Products are evaluated and registered within 360 days, except for:- Generics which have been approved by the FDA/EMA (70 days).

    - Additional dosages of registered products (180 days).

    There are some contradictions in Guidelines timetables and it is advisable to clarify the

    s ua on w e par cu ar c er ea ng w e spec c pro em.

    EGYPT 255 WD(357 CD)

    Drug Registration process depends on the status of the product (Brand or generic; imported,

    locally or Toll manufactured). Generally, MA procedure takes around 12-18 months as an

    average. It includes: Pre-inquiry Notification (15), Pricing file Submission (60), Scientific

    Committee Review (60), Registration file Submission (15), Stability file Submission (60),

    NODCAR file Submission (45 ).



    10 + 245


    Target performance timeline from the date of acceptance to SFDA decision is of 290 days

    (10 days validation + 245 days assessments "pricing +testing + dossier review" + 35 days

    licensing). Applicant has 30 days to answer to inquiries raised during evaluation.

    UAE 365 There is no official text dealing with registration timelines. The registration procedure in theUAE is a long process lasting usually 6 to 12 months. It can be shortened to 3 to 6 months

    for New innovative drug, New therapeutic class, Products manufactured by GCC countries or

    having GCC certification.


    Registration timelines are sub-optimal.

    Delays are however not only caused by the


    trial applications are substandard.

    The MCC has committed to improve the

    evaluation time of applications and the

    Minister of Health appointed a task team to

    address the current back log at the MCC.

    A newly proposed process (adapted from

    us ra an an ngapore mo e s a ms toconduct a full r eview in 210 WD (+ 60 for

    regulatory decision making).

    In practice, lengthy process up to 40


  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    ASEAN COUNTRIES *THAILANDThe timeframe for

    new drugregistration is

    approximately210 WD + 70 ifsubmitted to

    VIETNAMWithin 6 months from the date of

    receiving the full legitimate dossier,the Ministry of Health shall issue

    registration number for the drugsregistered for the first time

    MALAYSIA12 months for

    hard copysubmissions,6

    months for onlinesubmissions.

    Average length

    subcommittee.The estimated

    actual time spentfor registration is

    ranging from 10-24 monthsdepending on the

    quality of theinformation and

    the completenessof the documents.


    is 6 to 12 months.

    (not officiallystated)

    * Excluding: Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei DarussalamSINGAPORE INDONESIA PHILIPPINESHave adopted a registration system that relies on product assessment

    and approval of other competent Drug regulatory Agencies

    INDONESIA SINGAPORE PHILIPPINES3 dist inct review processes and timelines



    Products that have not been approved

    by any competent regulatory agency

    Products that have not been approved

    by any drug regulatory agency at the

    time of submission

    Products that have not been approved

    by any agency

    Path II 150 days

    Products that have been already

    approved by one of the competent

    regulatory agencies with whom

    Indonesia has signed the mutual

    recognition agreement and other


    Abridged dossier 180 (NDA) or 240

    days (GDA)

    Products that have been evaluated and

    approved by at least one drug

    regulatory agency

    150-180 working days

    Products that have already received

    approval from other agencies with

    whom the Philippines signed a MRA

    Path I 100 days Verification dossier 60 (NDA) or 120 130 to 210 working days.

    For generic products/copy drugs(essential drug for Government

    program) that do not required non-

    clinical and clinical data to establish

    safety and efficacy

    days (GDA)Products that have been evaluated and

    approved by HASs reference drug

    regulatory agencies, which include EMA

    (for CP), US FDA, Health Canada,

    TGA, and UK MHRA (for MRP/DCP)

    For generics products/copyproducts/similar products which do not

    require clinical and non-clinical data


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    Expected RA Review Time for MAA Standard Review

    CHINA 30 + 250 WD Legislated MAA review timelines are of 250 days, however time for obtaining adecision from the authority varies from product to product. The total time to approve

    a dru is estimated to ran e between 26 to 40 months. Recentl March 2011 , the

    Guideline on Principles and Procedures for Drug Scientific Review introduced the

    principles of openness and transparency to be applied to pharmaceutical product

    review (Art. XLV). The information on review procedures (status reports on products

    reviews, the targeted review time) will be made public on government website.

    HONG KONG 1 + 180 WD The Pharmaceutical Service has a performance pledge to approve applications forregistration of pharmaceutical products within 5 months (Agency website) . The

    whole process is 6 months (including the evaluation and decision delivery)

    INDIA 270 CD India's new draft guidance on test licence applications aims to shorten reviewtimes. The Indian Central Drugs Standard Control Organization has issued revised

    draft guidance explaining the content and format of applications that companies

    need to submit for obtaining a licence to import drugs for examination, analysis and

    u . u u , w

    in turn would shorten the application processing time and facilitate uniform decisions

    by examiners/reviewers.

    SOUTH KOREA 203 CD 203 days as per regulation (60 days for S/E review, 120 for CMC).

    TAIWAN 10 + 360 CD According to the current practice, market authorization is granted within 90 to 270days. In Nov 2010 and in order to shorten the evaluation timeline, the Dept. of

    Health (DOH) has decided that a Letter of Approval will be issued as soon as the

    application has satisfactorily passed the review process without waiting for the

    results of the package insert review.25



    Agencys maturity and experience

    Reliance u on assessment conducted b bench mark

    agencies (FDA, EMA, etc) for several agencies (TGA,

    Asean, etc)

    Distinct evaluation processes (CTA + CMC + samples +

    pricing in parallel or sequential)

    Type of producttype of dossiertype of review

    . For each Agency/Country the granularity of information


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    How Transparent are Regulatory Agencies with regard to

    Review Timelines?



    Information on legislated review timelines is available for

    most of the Agencies considered

    Explicit information for some countries, customers practice-

    based for others

    Information on review performances is available for few


    Agencies willing to increase transparency and improve

    , ,China, CDSCO India, ANMAT Argentina, South Africa)

    How much do legislated/target and experienced/actual review

    times concorde?


  • 8/11/2019 How Transparent Are Agencies Wrt Review Timelines




    Argent ina: Disposition 5755/96 (Marketing Authorization Application Procedure for New Medicinal Products, 03-Feb-1997, as amended,29-Nov-2000); ANMAT Disposition 907/2011, Boletn Oficial de la Repblica Argentina, No 32.092, 15 February 2011

    Austr alia: Guideline: Transitional Prescription Medicine Streamlined Submission Process (Applicable to pre-submission planning forms

    received by the TGA from 1 March 2011 and submissions lodged under the streamlined submission process and received by the

    rom arc , an- ; erapeu c oo s egu a ons , onso a e ers o n as o - c -

    Canada: Guidance for Industry: Management of Drug Submissions, 16-Mar-2011; Agencys performance reviews info available through

    quarterly/annual submission performance reports, HC Website

    China: Guideline: Principles and Procedures for Drug Scientific Review, 23-Mar-2011, SFDA Order No. 28: Regulations on Drug

    Registration Administration, Revision, 10-Jul-2007

    Colombia: Decree 677: Regulates the Process of Registration, the Granting of Licences, Quality Control and Sanitary Surveillance of

    Medicinal Products, Cosmetics, Herbal Medicinal Products, Personal Hygiene Products and Other Products for Domestic Use, 26-Apr-1995

    Israel: Title Guideline 72: Medicinal Products Approval Schedule, 30-Jul-2007

    Mexico: Regulation of Health Sector Products, 03-Feb-1998 (Drug Law)

    New Zealand: Guideline: New Zealand Regulatory Guidelines for Medicines, Volume 1, Part F: Medsafes evaluation procedures,

    edition 6.13, Mar-2011

    - - - , ,


    Saudi Arabia: Guideline: Regulatory Framework for Drugs Approvals, Version 4, Jun-2009

    South Africa: Report Of The Ministerial Task Team On The Restructuring Of The Medicines Regulatory Affairs and Medicines ControlCouncil and Recommendations For The New Regulatory Authority For Health Products Of South Africa, 25-Feb-2008

    Singapore: Guidance on Medicinal Product Registration in Singapore, Revised version, Apr-2011

    USA: FDAs Guidance for Review Staff and Industry: Good Review Management Principles and Practices; The Food and Drug

    Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA)



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