Robert G. Allen Inner Wealth: How to Think Yourself Rich 1

How to Think Yourself Rich - Akademija Panta Reipanta-rei.si/allen/Allen_InnerGame.pdf ·  · 2016-03-08How do I overcome the fears and the hesitations and the ... areas of my life,

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Page 1: How to Think Yourself Rich - Akademija Panta Reipanta-rei.si/allen/Allen_InnerGame.pdf ·  · 2016-03-08How do I overcome the fears and the hesitations and the ... areas of my life,

Robert G. Allen

Inner Wealth: How to Think Yourself Rich


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Who is Robert G. Allen? Robert G. Allen is one of the most influential public speakers in the world. He has been teaching ordinary people how to achieve extraordinary success and financial freedom for over 30 years by using Multiple Streams of Income. He is the author of some of the best selling financial books of all time including the New York Times bestsellers Creating Wealth, Nothing Down, Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire which he co-authored with Mark Victor Hansen. Today there are literally thousands of millionaires all around the world who attribute their success to his systems and strategies. He is a popular television and radio guest, appearing on hundreds of radio and television programs including Larry King, Good Morning America, Regis Philbin. He has also been featured in publications as The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Barron's, Money Magazine, Redbook, and Reader's Digest. More info about Multiple Streams of Income seminar (25th of September 2014): http://www.panta-rei.si/allen/


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Welcome to Inner Wealth: How to Think Yourself Rich!

It is night to me. I’m actually calling you from Shenzhen, China, just over the border from Hong Kong. I got a chance to speak to a wonderful group of people here today. Now it’s ten o’clock at night for me. This is going to be a webinar on how to get really wealthy in your life. Thank you for joining with me. I want you to get a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil because you’re going to be taking some notes. Of course, I want you to have a place where you can take some aha’s, and aha is when the light bulbs go on, you go, “Aha!” I’ll also be giving you some homework assignment. Obviously, my name is Robert Allen. I’m the best-selling author of a whole bunch of books you might have heard of. Nothing Down was my first book on real estate investing. Millions of copies sold. Over a million copies sold. Nothing Down for Women, Creating Wealth, over a million copies sold, Multiple Streams of Income approaching a million, Cracking the Millionaire Code, Multiple Streams of Internet Income, Cash in a Flash. One Minute Millionaire, which is approaching a million copies, sold as well. Close to four million copies of my books are out there in the world these days. I was speaking to an audience in Shenzhen, China. A lot of them came up to me and showed me my book in Chinese. I asked, “How many of you have read a copy of one of my books in Chinese?” Two-thirds of the audience raised their hands. It’s kind of stranger when a Chinese audience reads a book that you’ve written. It’s not strange, but it’s wonderful. These books all talk about the systems for making money. Taking for instance Multiple Streams of Income, the one on the top right hand corner, is a very detailed book. It’s very, very nitty-gritty detailed, do-this-don’t-do-that strategies on making money on all kinds of ways—Internet, stock market, infopreneuring, licensing. I try to give specifics and product-detailed way. But frankly, the problem with a book like this is that it teaches you what to do. But the problem with most people is they know they can learn what to do, in fact, what you need to do to achieve success in any of your life. You probably got books in your library this very second. You have enough information right now. You don’t need to listen to me.


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There’s enough information in the books you already possess and your links to the Internet Information is everywhere. It’s overwhelming us. It’s too much. When you read a book like Multiple Streams of Income, you come away with saying, “Oh my gosh. There’s so much to learn about wealth and wealth creation and detailed techniques, strategies.” That’s not what our subject matter is here today. Frankly, if you know what to do, most people can’t get themselves to do it or they can’t persuade other people to help them do it. Therefore, it doesn’t get done. There’s two pieces that are always missing. It’s not the how-to, but it’s “How do I get myself to do the how-to? How do I overcome the fears and the hesitations and the doubts that I have about myself? How do I get other people to help me?”

The conversation we’re going to have on Inner Wealth now is how you take the information about all these techniques and strategies in all these books that I’ve written and how do you use it in such a way that it causes you to think in such a way that you actually do what you need to. One of the books that we’re going to be tapping into from time to time over this week and next week is Brian Tracy’s book Maximum Achievement. If you don’t have a copy of that book, you’ll find it’s a classic. Written in the early 90s I think. It’s just filled with so much wisdom. I guarantee you cannot read this book in one sitting in a couple of hours. It’s extremely detailed, concepts about how to have maximum achievement, strategies and skills that will unlock your hidden powers to succeed. It’s all about mindset stuff. It’s about how you think yourself wealthy. He talks about maximum achievement. This is a standard bell curve. In school, you were either at the far left of that scale which would be the worst of the worst or you’re in the middle which is

It’s not the how-to, but it’s “How do I get myself to do the how-to? How do I overcome the fears and the hesitations and the

doubts that I have about myself?


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the average person or you’re at the far right-hand side which is the 2.14 percent of the people who are the best of the best. I like you to set a goal for yourself right now that whatever you set as a goal for yourself to achieve. You can have maximum achievement and you can reach the 2.14 percent, the best of the best. In some areas of my life, I am the best of the best. In other areas of my life, I’m at the far left-hand side of that scale. I’m the worst of the worst. But when it comes to succeeding and making money, I’m at the far right-hand scale, and I want all of you to get there as quickly as possible. On this road to wealth, there are people who are on the far left-hand side and they are in the poverty scale, and then you have people who are in the middle class of our economies and the end of people who are in the emerging affluent, and then there are the millionaires who are at the far right-hand side of the scale. Those are your 2.14 percent. Actually it’s 3-5 percent of folks in our country North America are millionaires. The real question is what do you need to do in order for you to move yourself from the middle class or from poverty class, the emerging affluent to the millionaire status if that’s important to you? For some of you, that’s not an important goal for you. It was a goal for me. Maybe your goal is for you to be extremely healthy. Maybe your goal is to be the best of the best when it comes to relationships. Maybe you want to lose weight, and you want to be on that 2.14 percent on the far right-hand side of the scale. Maybe you want to succeed at anything, not just money. It’s going to require certain steps to get you across this mountain, the bell curve mountain as what I call it, to get over to the far right-hand side of the scale. It’s going to take some secrets. I’ll show you some things that I think are secret. They’re really not secret for me because they’re things that I believe that I have figured out over the sixty-three years of my life. For some of you, when you’ll hear some of these things, you’ll say, “Well, that’s amazing. I never knew that before.” For you, it’s a secret. It’s hidden for you. That’s what happens when you learn stuff, right?


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It all starts with inner wealth. If you don’t have inner wealth, you’re never going to get outer wealth. If you don’t have inner success, you’re not going to get outer success. Certainly, if you learn how to tap into your inner wealth, your outer wealth will happen much more quickly. That’s what we’re talking about.

We want this to happen quickly. We want you to have the shortcut as if there is such a thing as a shortcut. It’s obviously short when you discover a path that you didn’t know existed, and you start taking that path. That’s a shortcut. It causes you to blow through the walls of fear and doubt that held you back to get the cheese, the things you’ve always wanted in your life. Referring back to Brian Tracy’s book Maximum Achievement on page 179, he says, “There is a story told by the ancient Greeks about when the world was young. The gods on Mount Olympus, having created the Earth and man and birds, the animals, creatures, the sea, the plants and flowers and all the living things, had one thing left to do. That was to hide the secret of life where it would not be found until the man had grown and evolved in consciousness to the point where he was ready for it. The gods argued back and forth over where the secret of life should be hidden. One said, ‘Let’s hide it on the highest mountain. Man will never find it there.’ Another god replied, ‘We have created man with insatiable curiosity and ambition. He will eventually climb even to the highest mountain.’ Then one suggested that they should hide the secret of life at the bottom of the deepest ocean. To this, another replied, ‘We have created man with boundless imagination and a burning desire to explore this world. Sooner or later, man will reach even the greatest ocean depths.’ Finally, one of the gods came up with a solution. ‘Let us hide the secret of life in the last place that man will ever look, the place that he only will come to when he has exhausted all other possibilities and is finally ready.’ ‘Where is that?” asked the other gods. To which the first god replied, ‘We will hide it deep in the human heart.’” So they did. It’s the last place that most of us look. It’s in our own inner wealth. Inside us, there already exists the answer to your inner wealth, to your outer wealth, to

If you learn how to tap into your inner wealth, your outer wealth will happen much more quickly.


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your success in all areas of your life. You already possess it. It’s inside you right now. Unfortunately, it has been layered over with layers and layers of beliefs that are not true—not true about you and not true about the way the world works. Therefore since you operate your computer, your brain, it’s layered over with all kinds of mis-programming, the truth that’s hidden deep inside you gets pushed even deeper. It’s hidden even further inside you. I want us all to start our conversation today that you are already wealthy. You already possess the answer to your own success. The answers are being constantly presented to you, to your mind and to your heart. You’re being whispered to every second of every day. You have invisible guides that are trying to nudge you in the right direction.

I might get a little spiritual here with you but I personally believe in a higher power. Do you? I believe that you have a spirit of unbelievable wisdom. That spirit came with you when you came to this Earth. Born in the tiny, little baby body and eventually growing to a human being as you are now, but that spirit has endless wisdom. Most of the time, we refuse to acknowledge it. We’re always looking for the wealth outside of us. We’re looking for the secrets to life that other people have and reading their books. But frankly, you need to write your own book about what you did to succeed. You can read my books and it’ll talk about what I did to succeed and what I think you might do to succeed. But each of us writes our own best-selling book. Then eventually, you might write a book about your experience as you went on to achieve success, as you discovered how to uncover the wisdom you already possess. You start to listen to your own intuition, your own truth, whispering to you, trying to nudge you to do what you already know. Then to be inspired from your higher power or from the invisible messengers that are all around us although we can’t see them. At least, that’s my belief. It may not be your belief, but I believe that they’re constantly trying to nudge us in the right direction. We’re constantly refusing to listen, so it’s time for us to listen.

You already possess the answer to your own success.


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I was speaking on the stage with Oprah. She was on the main stage and I was on the side rooms of the big convention for the California Women’s Conference. She stood on the stage. I’ll never forget it. She said, “You got to get it in the whisper.” What she was talking about was the whisper that all of us hear from time to time. It’s that inner whispering, that inner voice of truth. Unfortunately, most of us don’t listen to the inner voice of truth. We listen to the inner voice of lies. There is a voice inside all of us that is also a liar that doesn’t want us to win. A psychiatrist would call that the ego, but I think it’s more than the ego. I think there is a part of us that wants to talk us out of our dreams and sometimes we listen to that liar inside of us. There is also a truth teller inside of us that’s whispering to us the direction for us to go. So Oprah said on the stage, “You got to get it in the whisper.” She was talking about the whisper of truth. She says, “If you don’t get it in the whisper, you get it when the brick falls on your head. If you won’t get it when the brick falls on your head, then you get it when the wall of bricks collapses on you. If you won’t get it when the wall of bricks collapses on top of you, then you get it when the whole house crushes you. It’s just easier and faster to get it in the whisper.” If you would listen, the brick wouldn’t fall on your head. The brick would miss you. If you would listen, the wall of bricks wouldn’t collapse on you. If you would listen, the whole house wouldn’t crush you. Have you ever had the brick hit you on the head where you realize “Oh my gosh. If I had just listened to what I already knew was true…” But most of us don’t listen, therefore, if you’re like me, the whole house just collapsed around me a couple of times. I had to rebuild myself from the rubble. Eventually, if you live long enough, the same brick keeps hitting you on the head, trying to wake you up. Eventually, you stop falling into that hole that you’ve been falling into all of your life. You walk around the hole because you finally recognize it. “Oh! I got to stop stepping into that hole.” You keep having to climb back out all the time. Finally, you moved around the hole. You start moving forward in your life. Things happen a lot more quickly when that happens for you. So let’s get it in the whisper, shall we? Let’s talk about how that’s going to happen for you.


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Obviously, one of the books that talks about getting it in the whisper, in fact, his 13th principle of Think and Grow Rich is the sixth sense. That’s another way of saying your intuition is whispering to you. Think and Grow Rich is a book that’s helped a lot of people achieve success. It was written in 1937. There are thirteen principles of growing rich—desire, faith, autosuggestion, what do you say to yourself, specialized knowledge, imagination, decision, organized planning, persistence. Which of those is your strong suit? Which is the best one for you, the one you’re good at? Which is your weak link, the one that stops you from moving forward? One of the things I like to do as an author, it’s just my habit, is I just can’t look at a list of thirteen principles and not want to simplify it. As Einstein said, “You must simplify everything but don’t make it too simple. You have to simplify but not too simple.” How would you simplify this list? Why are there thirteen principles? Can’t we do it in seven or nine or four or whatever?

Just to make it easier for me, I tried to combine all these into five and eventually combining down into three. But the five for me was to combine desire and decision and make it decisive desire to create imagination in the process of creating the vividness and make it into vivid vision. Create the sixth sense and combine it with intuition and make that inspired intuition. By the way, he doesn’t talk about inspired or anything. This book doesn’t talk too much about his belief in the higher power but he was a very, very spiritual man. There’s no doubt about that. He talks about the mentors. Actually, he talks about the mastermind. I talk about enlightened mentors and enlightened mastermind, enlightened teams and people and then specialized knowledge. But I say it’s more important for you not just to have knowledge, but you got too much knowledge. You need to have a system and the system’s got to be simple. When I look at that list, I say, “Which ones are my strong ones and which are my weak ends?” Look at the list. I wonder if there’s a way to make it even

“You must simplify everything but don’t make it too simple. You have to simplify but not too simple.” A. Einstein


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simpler. You look at my book The One Minute Millionaire, that’s even simpler. See, you got to have a dream. It’s about you inside. It’s about your inner wealth. I just boiled that down to the word “dream.” Then you have to have a team. No doubt about it. The team must consist of not only your peers, the people who are going with you towards your dream, but it’s got to consist of mentors and coaches and guides that can help you one-on-one. Then you get to pick a theme. Which are you going to use? Are you going to use real estate? Are you going to use investments, business, Internet? What is the specialized knowledge you’re going to require? The first thing is you got to dream that you can get there, then you have to have a team that will help you get there, then you got to pick a theme. Which specialized knowledge are you going to pursue? Are you going to do real estate? Are you going to do investment mountain? Are you going to do marketing mountain and all kinds of different ways and all the streams of income in multiple ways, building to what we call the reservoir of your increasing prosperity. Of course, if money is your goal, then this is the specialized system mountain or mountain range. Now like I said, not everybody on this call is interested in money, not interested in real estate or stock market or Internet or whatever. You might be interested in having help or relationships or being successful in launching another kind of business. It’s not mentioned here. Maybe it’s how to raise money for your favorite charity. Maybe it’s a spiritual goal that you have for yourself. Regardless of what it is, it’s going to require specialized knowledge. It’s going to require a team of people. It’s going to require a dream or inner stuff that you learned about in Think and Grow Rich. This is one of the tallest mountains in North America. It’s actually in Alaska. It’s Mt. McKinley. Denali is the way the natives in there call it. It’s the tallest mountain in North America. A friend of mine, Werner Berger, has climbed the top of that mountain. He’s also climbed the top of six other mountains in the seven other continents of the world. He’s actually climbed the top of Mt. Everest. He made it to almost a couple hundred feet of the top of the mountain. The weather came in and he had to climb all the way back down. Can you imagine walking to climb to the top of this mountain and spending


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days and days and days in extremely excruciating climate to get to the top of that and miss it by 300 feet? He had to come back and go back another year and climb it again because his goal was to climb the seven tallest mountains in the seven continents of the world. The one in Antarctica, the one in South America, and the one in Mt. Everest obviously. Well you’re going to be climbing mountains. Whatever you say that you want to succeed at, it’s going to be a mountain to you.

You’re going to have a dream, a team, and a theme. Since your dream is for you to have decisive desire, you decide “I’m going to climb this mountain and nothing is going to keep me off of it.” I want you to see yourself at the top of the mountain, imagining before you step foot on that mountain that you’re going to make it and being driven by your decisive desire and finding a team of people you can organize yourself with. Mastermind team you meet with on a weekly basis and then finding enlightened mentors to guide and coach you. Before you ever step foot on that mountain, you should have these two pieces of the equation, your dream and your team. And then what are you going to use to reach the top? What kind of a specialized system are you going to use to get you there? Finally, as you’re climbing this mountain, you’re going to have constant inspiration, constantly nudged, “Don’t take this path. Take that path. Watch out for this cliff. There’s danger there.” You’ll be constantly prospered and protected. I believe if you’re a giver, if you’re an enlightened entrepreneur, if you want to make the world a better place starting with your world, if the purpose of your life is for you to try to help other people have a better life, then I believe you become inspired. The higher power wants you to succeed and wants to prosper you in all areas of your life. He wants to inspire you and motivate you and surround you with invisible guides to help you and nudge you.

Whatever you say that you want to succeed at, it’s going to be a mountain to you.


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Unfortunately, most of us don’t listen. We end up falling off a lot of the cliffs on the way to the top of these mountains because we don’t listen. We should be prospered and protected but we don’t listen to it. That’s why inspired intuition, in my opinion, is one of the most important skills. In the book Cash in a Flash, I take all of that same concepts and I boil it down into three words. Same kind of theme. I just keep saying it over and over in different ways. I’m a creative guy, so I say, “If you want to talk about dreaming, then it’s what I call Wow Now. It’s how you wow the future and bring the vision of the future to today.” Wow Now deals with your mind. How do you get your mind to wrap itself around you achieving what it is you really want? Your inner winner relates to your heart. It relates to feeling your way to what it is you really want. Dream team is harnessing the minds and the hearts of a team of people and directing them as the leader towards the ultimate goal that you have for yourself. Whether you call it by Napoleon Hill’s thirteen principles of Think and Grow Rich—desire, faith, autosuggestion, etc—or whether you boil it down to the five that I mentioned earlier—decisive desire, vivid vision, etc—or whether you simplify it even more into Wow Now, inner winner, dream team. I’ve got another one for you because for me this is just what my passion is. My passion is to constantly make things so simple that anybody can get it and they can remember it. That’s what I just love to do. Just speaking to this audience here in Shenzhen, China. I said, “You don’t need to learn lots about how to succeed in this business. You just need to learn how to do a few simple things.” So I taught them something that I won’t teach you tonight but I’ll teach you next week about what I call the four steps that you need to have clarity on.

As a matter of fact, we’re going to talk about the three Cs that I think are absolutely critical—clarity, confidence, and commitment. But once again,

“You don’t need to learn lots about how to succeed in this business. You just need to learn how to do a few simple



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they’re just another way of me saying the exact same thing. I don’t know which one reaches you. Maybe I’ve confused you more than made it simple. It’s all about making it simple enough so that people get it. This is another way that I think about it because there are three kinds of knowledge that you need if you want to really succeed. You have to have a system knowledge. Of course that would be what Napoleon Hill talks about, specialized knowledge or specific how-to information on how you succeed. You need to have mindset, and then you need to have people skills. I boiled it down to my way of saying it, a simpler way. A system would be what I call V how. V how means vehicle knowledge. In other words, you want to get where you want to go, you got to get in the vehicle that would get you there and you need to know how to drive that vehicle. You need specific knowledge. When it comes to real estate, you need specific knowledge on how to find deals and how to fund those deals and how to farm those deals. You need how-to knowledge, but I call it V how which is vehicle knowledge. How to drive the car? In order to drive the car, you also need to have a mindset what I call the B how and people knowledge or what I call we how. Constantly, I’m just coming up with this stuff all the time. Maybe it’s just for me to really simplify my own experience and for me to remember what it takes to succeed. Which of these is most important when it comes to succeeding in anything in life? Is the V how, the system knowledge, is that the most important? Is it mindset knowledge or is it people-skill knowledge? Which is the most important kind of successful knowledge? Of course, you need all three. You see they all interact with each other. But what is predominantly, preeminently, without question the most important kind of knowledge? It’s the knowledge that most of us never get taught in school. We get taught how to do math, but we don’t get taught how to think that we can learn math. How to think needs to come first, then I can teach you how to do math. Anybody can learn how to do math. Most people have these critical voices in their mind, this little liar that says you’re not good at math. They listen to that little voice instead of the teacher.


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By listening to their critical voice constantly, having the wrong mindset about the schooling that they’re going through, they don’t learn the systems, therefore they fail. In my opinion, this is the percentages that I would put to those three. By the way, there’s the system logo, the people logo, and the mindset logo. I think you know by now what I think the most important kind of knowledge is. These three kinds are not equal. This chart shows that you need to learn a third knowledge, a third mindset, a third people. That’s not I believe what really is necessary that’s why we’re having these series of calls on inner wealth, how to think yourself wealthy. This is the way I think it is. This is just my opinion. You may have a different opinion. All this knowledge is important but the system knowledge is not nearly as important as the mindset and the people knowledge, the people skills. Read my book Multiple Streams of Income, and guess what it consists of? It’s 100 percent system knowledge. I teach very little mindset, very little people skills. Yet 90 percent of the success comes from having the mindset skills and the people skills to be able to apply towards the system skills.

Once again in school, guess what? We don’t teach mindset skills or people skills. Just tragic, in my opinion. There may be some teachers who do this. Maybe breaking rank with what they’re supposed to teach. But if they would teach these mindset people skills first, there would be so many problems eliminated. Kids should spend a year learning how to think, learning how to listen to their intuition, learning how to turn off their critical voice, learning how to love people and learn how to listen, those skills that really create success in life. But no, that’s not the way our public school system works. Once again, when we talk about my summary of Napoleon Hill’s thirteen principles, those top three—decisive desire, vivid vision, inspired intuition—those are about the mindset stuff, the inner stuff that you got to get right. Then you bring in some other people, your mentors and your team members and your mastermind team groups. Then you start talking about people skills, and then let’s go get some knowledge and specialized system stuff.

... the system knowledge is not nearly as important as the mindset and the people knowledge, the people skills.


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When it comes to your inner wealth, how do you make decisions that are decisive? Has anybody ever said something to you that inspired you and you said, “Yeah, I’m going to do that” and you just did it? Wow. How did you learn how to do it by just listening and somebody inspired you to do something? I remember “How do you create decisive desire” was the question I was asking. Six or seven years ago, I took a group of my inner circle. Mark Victor Hansen and I formed a group. Took them around the world. I was a missionary in Tahiti for a couple of years so I learned how to speak Tahitian and French. I wanted to take some of my friends, my inner circle, to one of my favorite places in the world which is Tahiti. We brought them there. We were on the Paul Gauguin cruise ship all around the islands of Tahiti. Awesome group of people. Amazingly wonderful group of people. We went to Bora Bora. What a wonderful experience. You got to go one of these days. Here’s Werner Berger who I mentioned earlier who climbed the top seven highest peaks in the seven continents of the world. He said, “You know, you should climb one of these mountains with me.” I put the backpack on. This is on a cruise ship in Tahiti by the way. He brought this backpack all the way to Tahiti and he inspired me. He said, “Why don’t we climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?” I said, “Wow. How can I climb that mountain? That’s 19400 ft tall. It’s the tallest mountain in Tanzania.” It inspired me. I just got a decisive desire. I just said, “I’m going to do it whatever it takes.” It just touched into my heart and my mind. He said, “I’ll be your mentor. Let’s go climb.” So I had to practice first on some smaller mountains, Mt. Baldy in California, 10000 ft high. Clinton Swayne and Lynn Rose. Clinton was one of my climbing gurus or guides. He says, “Let’s go.” This is the very first mountain that I was going to climb to get to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. It was a beautiful day. It’s a high mountain. We had a lot of fun climbing it. We got higher and higher and then we were at the very top of Mt. Baldy. There’s the proof, 10064 ft. Was it easy to do? No, it was really tough. Actually, I thought I was going to die. On my way back, it was kind of worse. After having done something difficult like that, again I’m wondering myself, “Should I climb a big mountain, Mt Kilimanjaro?” Each of us has these doubts that assail us all the time. These doubts are usually placed in our minds by that critical voice, that inner liar.


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It’s the inner whiner, instead of your inner winner. Your inner winner is that true part of you that encourages you and whispers to you and cheers you on. It’s your inner cheerleader. You can do it. Unfortunately, this part of us called your inner whiner doesn’t want you to climb mountains, doesn’t want you to succeed. As you heard me saying maybe on Breakfast with Bob many, many times, your inner whiner wants you to lose. It’s happy when you lose. When you lose it, not only does it talk you out of winning, talk you out of continuing, but then when you quit, it beats you up for quitting. You can’t win. It either beats you up for trying to succeed or it beats you up for having quit. Your inner whiner is constantly nagging at you. It was nagging at me as I reached the top of this mountain like “Oh my gosh. Do I have it in me to climb a bigger mountain?” I had decisive desire. I said I was going to do it. I’m going to do it. There are a hundred people on the boat there that day that said they were going to climb that mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro. But only a handful of us reached the top. Maybe 95 percent of the people didn’t go. They all said they wanted to. They had desire, but they didn’t have decisive desire which means when I decide that I want this, nothing can dissuade me. That’s what I want you to tap into, your inner desire. When you really want something, you find a way. You just figure it out. When you really don’t want something or when you don’t really want something, when you have to really want it, if you don’t really, really, really want it, you’re going to find an excuse. You’ll say, “That’s too hard for me. I’m too busy now. You might have one of these three excuses: I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough belief. If you have enough belief, you’ll find the time and the money. Most of us don’t have enough belief, and that kind of works on our desire.

When you really want something, you find a way. You just figure it out.


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So I said, “Let’s go climb Mt. Whitney which is the tallest mountain in the lower forty-eight states of America. It’s in Eastern California. This is what it looks like. It was the 11th of October, 2005 when that mountain as the sun came up that morning. This was the night before. This is the next morning as we’re climbing to the top of this mountain. It’s magnificent. It’s beautiful out there. We slept that night in that craggy rock stuff down there. We slept in a tent. Ted Lignell and me slept in one of those tents. It was cold that night. It was freezing cold. We got up the next morning. The sun came up. Here we are starting to go up the switchbacks and there are like a hundred switchbacks. We got to get to the top of that mountain. It looks from this distance as if there’s no way in the world you’ll ever get there. That’s what it is with most goals. You set a real hard goal. It’s almost like you’ll just never do it. How can I possibly get to the top of that mountain? Where is the path? It’s got to be dangerous. It’s got to be frightening. Can I make it? Well, there were some switchbacks up to the left-hand side. They were all covered with snow, and they were kind of scary as we had to wear these pitons on our feet to grab into the snow. But when we got to the top there up these real steep spots. If you slipped off there and went down, it would have been curtains. As you see all the switchbacks go all the way down the lake. Right down by the lake is about where we slept, so you can see all the switchbacks running all the way to the top. When you get to the top there, they’re all covered with snow. I say to myself, “Wow.” It’s sunny now. But when the sun goes down, when we start heading back down again, it’s going to be icy. It’s going to be scary. You slip off that, you’re dead. We got up there with a team of people. I couldn’t have climbed this by myself. You have to have a team of people to help. But you see, the back side of the mountain is not as steep. See that trail over the far right side? That’s the trail on the back side. This is the front side. It looks almost impossible. But this is the back side. It is not that bad.


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As soon as you go around the corner, anybody can do it. Brian Tracy, who wrote the book Maximum Achievement, he and Clinton Swaine have been to the top of this mountain and they did it up and down in less than a day. They started early in the morning, and by nighttime, they were back down at the base of the mountain. For me, there was no way I could have done that. It took me three full days to get to the top of this mountain. There’s Eric Delabarre who was the co-author of Cash in a Flash. He’s the one who wrote the right hand story of Cash in a Flash. If any of you have read the right hand side of the sequel to The One Minute Millionaire, he’s authoring. He’s got his own books, a children’s book that just came out. He was also a writer on Law and Order. He was a television scriptwriter. He’s got his own books. Eric Delabarre. Look him up. Great guy. I met him there on this mountain. Because of that meeting, I found out he was a writer, and eventually, we invited him to be our co-writer with Cash in a Flash. Here’s the mountain. This is the backside. There’s the log. It’s stone at the very top. Here are my team, some of the members of my inner circle. Down the far right, kneeling down, is Jose Espana from Guatemala. I think he now lives in El Salvador. He had never seen snow in his life. He climbed to the top of this mountain the same day he showed up and saw this. Never climbed a mountain in his life. We reached the top. In everything you do, you’re going to have little mountains and bigger mountains and big mountains you’re going to climb. The goal for you is to do whatever it takes to get there.

The very last mountain I climbed before I went to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro was Mt. Timpanogos just outside of Provo, Utah. I went to BYU, Brigham Young University, just below this mountain here. My wife and I lived just below that mountain, but I never climbed it. She had climbed it, but I’d never climbed it. On July 2nd, the month before we climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, I did one more climb. I had one more push, one more attempt to get to the very top. That’s where the very top is. There are the trails, and right at the very top, there’s my

The goal for you is to do whatever it takes to get there.


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guide. Couldn’t have made it without him. My son knew him. He said, “Dad, he’ll take you to the top.” You need mentors. You just do. Finally, the decisive desire forced me to just take it to the bigger mountain. How do you turn the switch on of decisive desire? What if there was a switch inside you that when you switched it from off to on, you couldn’t turn it off? You just were driven to succeed. Some people are just driven. Some people have learned how to not listen to their critical voice and to trust their inner winner. It whispers to them, “You can do it. You can do it. You can do it.” Yet some people are diverted and not driven. They’re discouraged and not driven. I am driven. I don’t know why. I honestly don’t. Maybe I think it’s some of my heritage, some of my genealogy. Some of the people who share their DNA with me were pioneers who left England and came to America. They didn’t know they were going to survive. I had one of my ancestors who was living in Wales. He brought his family all the way across in 1865. Got to the end of the railroad which was in Iowa and literally had the hike with his family all the way 1300 miles to get to Utah where he was immigrating to. Unfortunately, his family made it. But in Iowa, he got a fever and he died. His family had to go on without him. I guess I come from the kind of stock that were pioneers. We like risks. We like challenges. We like to be pushed. I don’t know if it’s you. But it is me. As I joked before, challenge is my middle name. Ch-allen-ge. It’s stuck right in the middle there. I love the challenge and I love to be pushed. I love to try to push myself up to the next level. I’m driven that way. I don’t know if you are or not, but I know that you can be. I know you have it in you. I want you to turn on that inner drive that you possess. I want you to flip the switch and turn it on and connect yourself up to the power that you need.

Climb the mountain that you need to climb. It may not be Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. This is where I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. I’ve climbed other mountains. I’d climbed the best-seller mountain on New York Times best-seller list. I’d climbed the mountain of being a millionaire in four or five different areas and different kinds of things. I’d made millions in the stock

I want you to turn on that inner drive that you possess.


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market. Actually, I have not—yet. That’s my next one, but I’m working on it. Millions in the stock market is on the way. It’s a mountain I’m going to climb. Millions in infopreneuring, marketing information. Millions on the Internet. Millions in real estate. Millions in lots of different things. Millions in network marketing. I’d climbed lots of mountains when it comes to the money mountains. I’m working on the marriage mountain. We’ve been married for thirty-four years. I think we’re probably going to make it. I love this woman that I’ve been married to for thirty-four years. It’s not easy being married. There are mountains to climb in marriage. It’s difficult. A lot of times, both of us want to give up. A lot of times, neither one of us liked each other very much. Hate is a strong word but it was getting close. I love her more today than I ever loved her. I miss her so much. I’m on a trip around the world without her right now. I left ten days ago and flew to Malaysia. Taught a three-day seminar in Malaysia. Two days ago, I arrived in Hong Kong. I spent time talking with a group of people in Hong Kong. Then just today, I’m in Shenzhen, China. Tomorrow morning, I get up at 5:45. For me now, it’s quarter to eleven. I have another call to make after this one, so I’m not going to get much sleep tonight. I’m driven. Then I have to fly to Amsterdam and on to Birmingham in England for seminars there and then Manchester and then London. My boys are flying over for their birthdays. We’re going to go to a soccer game, football game, in London together because it’s their birthdays. I wanted them to have experience. I want to make memories. As I’ve often said, good parents create good memories. Bad parents create bad memories. It all boils down to memories. I just knew that although I would be tired from a trip around the world, talking to thousands of people, that this was a perfect opportunity for me to create a memory with my boys. That’s what we’re doing. I’ll be flying back. I’ve been gone eighteen days all the way around the world. I want to know that I miss this woman. I’ve been gone for eighteen days. I can hardly wait to see her. She’s a beautiful woman. She’s incredible. She’s the love of my life. We’ve created a lot of wonderful memories together.


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When I climbed Kilimajaro, I sent her home with my other son, Hunter, and my son Aaron and his girlfriend hung around while I climbed the mountain. They met me at the bottom when I came back. This is the actual photo I’ve taken in Mt. Kilimanjaro as we were flying in. Above the clouds, this mountain pokes way above the clouds. It’s a magnificent mountain. When there are no clouds, this is what it looks like in Africa. When you’re climbing, you have this most spectacular views of smoke-covered peaks that you’re going to climb. We sleep in tents. There were thirteen of us who tried to climb that mountain. Eight of us made it to the top. Some of us couldn’t because they got altitude sickness. But eight of us made it. It was tough. We hiked through the fog. We had them carry our baggage for us. Kevin and I couldn’t have made it without that. We finally made it to the base camp. Here’s one of the members of my inner circle who climbed this far. He made it to the top. This is where our base camp is. That’s what the mountain looks like. We’re sleeping there at night and seeing the mountain and still hiking to get to the very top above the clouds. It takes six days to do this. This is where base camp is right here. We get up at midnight. We go to bed at eight and they wake us up about eleven thirty. So we have two or three hours of sleep. All night long it’s pitch dark. You’re walking in single file behind other groups of people. Several hundred people attempted to reach the top of the mountain that night. The very last person to get to the top of this mountain was me, but I would not be stopped. This is what the crater looks like on the inside of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This is what the snow looks like on the outside of the crater. So this is the inside of the crater. Just over to the left is the snow. It’s hundreds of foot. This is about a mile away, so this is a long distance away. There’s my mentor, Werner. Thank god for a mentor like Werner. On the way to the top, we made it to the very, very top of the tallest mountain and the world’s largest volcano as well. What I’m trying to do by sharing some of these stories with you is I want you to imagine yourself at the top of what you want. This is what I wanted. Haven’t climbed any mountain since by the way. I checked that off my list. I’ve gathered the mountains I’m working on. It’s all about climbing


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mountains. It’s about reaching the peaks that you’ve always wanted. You’re not going to go by yourself. People come with you. What mountain do you want to climb? What dream and what team are you going to assemble? What theme, what system are you going to use to get you there? Frankly, it boils down to just these simple kinds of things. If you’ve ever failed to reach the summit on any mountain you tried to climb or anything you’ve ever tried to achieve, which leg of the journey was the reason for your failure? Why did you fail? We’ve all failed. Why did you fail? Was it because your desire wasn’t strong enough? Your vision wasn’t vivid enough? Or to simplify that, your dream wasn’t real enough? Did you allow your inner whiner to talk you out of it? Did you allow somebody else to talk you out of it? Did the critical voice inside somebody else’s mind whisper to them then they spoke the words they were listening to in their own mind, they spoke those words out loud to you? They spoke their words of skepticism, their words of doubt, their words of rejection to you, and you heard them. Did you believe it? Did you allow them to talk you out it? Did you allow the liar in their head to speak through their mouth to touch you in such a way that your inner liar cause you to believe that you couldn’t do it? See, it’s all about the mindset. Did you not have a team of people that encourage you and guide you and help you? We all need teams. We don’t do this by yourself. Most of us are very independent. We want to do it by ourselves. The reason we do it is we don’t want other people to know when we fail, so we’d rather try ourselves and fail. Some of us just don’t have the right systems. Which of those was the one that stopped you? I’m going to guarantee that 90 percent of you will have said that the reason you didn’t make it was the first two. You didn’t have a dream and you didn’t have a team. It might have been the theme. It might have been the specialized systems that you are missing. But generally speaking, no. This is your life. This is today. This is five years in the future. Of course, you see the two ends of the scale there on the far left-hand side. That’s when you


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entered this life. You’re here for such a short period of time. That other line at the right-hand side, that’s your graduation day when you get to go to the next life.

I personally believe that we came from a previous life, that we came in what I call the pre-existence where we learn and grew to prepare to come to this world. When we came into the baby body, we forgot everything. This is my own personal spiritual belief. It may not be yours. I personally don’t believe in reincarnation where we come back again. That may be your belief and I certainly honor whatever you personally believe. I believe that when we come to this Earth though that this is you and me, and we’ve been together before. We are brothers and sisters here on this Earth in a brand new experience to learn and to grow and to be challenged and pushed, to have experience on this life, to see what it’s like, to be inspired or to be demotivated, to learn what it’s like to be talked out of our dreams. You may not believe in evil. I do. A lot of people don’t. They believe that everything is spirit. I personally believe that critical voice in your mind doesn’t want you to win, and that’s an evil spirit. It doesn’t want you to learn. This is, once again, just my own personal beliefs. Maybe that’s too strong. But the bottom line is I believe that in this lifetime, we get one shot at it and we want to climb as many mountains as we can. We want to climb the spiritual mountain. We want to climb the relationship mountain. We want to climb the body mountain. Have a better body and health. We want to climb the financial mountain and the personal growth mountain. We want to climb them all. I want you to have multiple mountains that you climb, that you win at. One of the ways you do that, of course our conversation today is about how you imagine yourself from today, seeing yourself achieving success three, four, five years from today. Can you imagine yourself doing that, having vivid vision of what you want? As we learn in Jonathan Livingston Seagull, “To fly as fast as thought to be anywhere that is, you must first begin by knowing that you’ve already arrived.” I’m going to challenge you to already arrive, to be there in your mind

This is your life. This is today.


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now. “When the will comes in conflict with the imagination, the imagination invariably carries the day,” said Emile Coue in the 1920s. This is my favorite quote when it comes to personal growth.

When you talk somebody into changing their life, most of the time they rely on their will like “I want to do it.” They think they have will, but the imagination is not in agreement. The imagination always rules. If you can’t imagine yourself successful, if on the other hand you imagine fear and failure, what it fear and failure but vivid imagination of loss. That’s what fear is. It’s imagining in advance your losing in the future, your failing in the future, your stumbling in the future. That’s what fear is. You imagine yourself failing. You bring it to today. You step into it and feel it. You feel all five senses. You smell it, taste it, touch it, feel it, hear it. Your fear becomes real and it grips you. Well guess what? The only way you’re ever going to reach the top of the mountains you want is when you get gripped by fear, you must imagine the future the way you want it to be in all five senses. That future dream must be more real than your fear. In other words, when the will comes in conflict with the imagination, the vivid imagination, the positive, vivid imagination is what you want. That’s what will carry the day. You must make your dreams more real than your fears.

Every time you feel a fear, where did that come from? More than likely, that came from your mind. How did it get there? You have a very creative mind. A lot of times, not every time but much of the time, that little critical voice of yours is planting doubts. “Who do you think you are? You can’t do it. It’s going to be too hard. You’re not worthy. There’s no way. Impossible.” When you have that nagging little voice that you don’t recognize and you don’t really listen to, subliminally and

“When the will comes in conflict with the imagination, the imagination invariably carries the day.” E. Coue

You must make your dreams more real than your fears.


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unconsciously you hear this nagging little doubt. Here’s what it’s going to do. It’s going to create these fears in you. These little seeds of fear start to build in you. You start to imagine the worse and worse scenarios until you imagine the ultimate failure. It starts with just a little seed of doubt, but ultimately it will go to ultimate catastrophic failure. When you’re feeling this catastrophic failure, your heart gets seized with its fear and you stop. It caused you to cease. That’s what’s happening all around the world today. People are frozen with fear. They want to succeed. They want to have a job. They want the economy to work again. Because they’re frozen, they’re hanging on to their wallets and they’re zipping up their purses. Nobody’s spending money. Therefore this fear is gripping everybody. It cannot grip you. You see all the bad news that get planted. As a matter of fact, when you see the critical voices in all those newscasters, they’re speaking the negative things about what’s going on with the world, you just kind of turn it off. When they say these negative things, you got to think about your dream. I know this sounds like Pollyanna thinking. It isn’t. It’s real. When you make your dreams more real than your fears, your dreams start to grow. It becomes a seed of a greater and greater good. Eventually, it grows into the dream of an ultimate lifestyle. You see it. Hear it. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it. You need to know it. You need to just know internally that you are destined for greatness. Touch yourself at your heart level and say, “I am destined for greatness. I am a winner.” You know how I know you’re a winner? Because you’re here on this planet. We can joke and say that you’re a winner because the sperm won and you started to grow from the union of the egg and the sperm. As I told you earlier, I believe more than that. I believe your spirit that was placed inside that growing body and cells was a winner before it came here. Before you came here, you were you. Maybe not with the same name, but you were you. To come to this Earth, in my opinion, just to come here means that you were the best of the best. Just to be here at this time in this century, living where you’re living, means you won the lottery of life, not just the sperm and the egg lottery. I’m talking about the lottery of life just to be here.


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Although some of you may not believe that, your critical voice might try to talk you out, just listen to your true voice. Did your true voice tell you that? Does it whisper to you that you’re already a winner? Just being here taking a breath on this planet is proof that you won the lottery. You are the winningest winner of all. You’re it. You’ll say, “How can that be? Other people don’t think I’m a winner.” I do.

I want you to assume five years from today that you’ve reached the mountain that you set for yourself to climb. I want you to experience it in all five senses. Imagine what your life could be like if you really succeeded. I want you to imagine in all five senses. I want you to pick some scenario right now, a scene as if we were zip forwarding over top of all the walls of fear that slow you down. I want you to get the ladder on the wall of fear and climb up over and peak over the wall of fear to your future. Imagine a scenario in the future where you are celebrating with others your success. I want you to go over the wall of fear and climb down on the other side and walk towards your dream and enter your dream as if it was real. I want you to actually experience it as if you’re there. You’re feeling it. You’re seeing it through your own eyes. Imagine seeing the imagined success that you would like to experience. If you’re experiencing now, if you’re there and you’ve seen it, notice the way people look at you differently. Why? Because you earned it. Notice the way you feel about yourself because you worked for it. Notice the trappings of success all around you. Because of your achievement, you have reached a lifestyle of your dreams. I want you to smell what that smells like. Feel what that feels like. Hear the sounds of success all around you. The smells and the tastes and the touches. I want you to experience it because that is a fundamental secret to success. This is your life. This is the way you are today.

You are the winningest winner of all.


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But remember, the past contains some seeds of failure that you need to eliminate, seeds that you keep constantly planting, memories of things that you keep constantly remembering in the wrong way. It keeps constantly replanting the same seeds of doubt in you. Sometimes you not just need to go forward five years in the future to imagine the way it is as you succeed. You need to go back and remember some certain things and remember them in a positive way. Remember the lessons you learn.

Some of us have had failures. I’ve had bankruptcies. It was devastating, but I don’t remember my bankruptcy the way I felt it at that time. So I go back to my bankruptcy, I can remember how foolish I felt. I can remember how horrific it was to read my name at the front page of the San Diego Tribune, announcing to the world of my bankruptcy. This was devastating. I can remember how that hurt my self-esteem. I felt like I was a big loser. I’ve succeeded so much. I had New York Times best-sellers, but frankly, wow, what an idiot I had been. I had literally not listened to my true voice. I had been talked into things by my critical voice. Now I was paying the price of it because that’s what happens when you listen to your critical voice. It takes you to fields of failure. You want to be taken to fields of success, pastures of prosperity, goodness, and wonder. If you listen to your critical voice, it takes you where it took me. Frankly, the only way that I ever got out of this catastrophic failure was acknowledging it and falling on my face in prayer in my closet in San Diego. When we moved there in 1986 to start again from scratch, $3 million in debt, I never was going to get out. I fell on my face in my closet. I’ve told you this story perhaps before, but it’s part of my story. It’s part of how I turned this bankruptcy into success. It’s how I transformed the way I think about myself. I don’t think of myself as a bankrupt person. I think of myself as a person who fell, but I got up because that’s what I do. I just get up. I had a profound spiritual experience in that closet that day where I had a connection with my Heavenly Father, Higher Power, however you want to refer to it. I just knew that I was loved. I knew that He knew my name. I knew

The past contains some seeds of failure that you need to eliminate.


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that I was going to accomplish greater things if I could just stop listening to my critical voice. I knew that I was going to make it. I just knew it. Although the whole house had collapsed around me and I was in a catastrophic failure, I knew that I could dig myself out of the rubble. I could see my dreams and I could reach them. I want you to go back over your life as well. I want you to see the times that you failed and I want you to heal those wounds. If you’re living today, it’s a good thing no matter what failure you experienced. We all have. It’s just part of life. I know that sound simplistic, but I thank God for my failures. They’ve been some of the best things that ever happened to me. They drove me to my knees where I needed to be because I’m a pretty independent cuss and very cocky at times. I need to be humble. I need to realize that if you try to do things, there’s an equation and it goes something like this. If you try to do it by yourself, you try to do it without the infinite powers, if you multiply the one that you have, the who-you-are by nothing, guess what the answer is. It’s zero. One times zero is zero. You may not feel that you’re all that good. You might have a low esteem of yourself. You can be 1 percent, not 100 percent. But who you are, no matter what you think of yourself, at 1 percent when you multiply yourself times infinity, 0.0001 x infinity = infinity. It means if you multiply yourself by Higher Power, you can do anything. If you multiply yourself by nothing, you get nothing. I got nothing. I made a lot of money and I lost it all and then some. Part of my inner wealth was learning how to trust my inner soul and to give credit and to give praise and to give gratitude for the life that I live. Every hurt in the past needs to be healed little by little so that when you think about your past, you’ll think you’re even blessed. With your breathing now, you’ve been blessed. You’re blessed enough. There are a lot of things and memories that you submerged and hidden in your unconscious, subconscious mind. I need you to send a signal to the deepest part of yourself right now. Find those parts of hurt and disgust. We all have things we’ve done in our life we’re not proud of. I need you to just start clean and heal those parts of yourself. Don’t drag them into today every single day by remembering them. If you’re going to remember them and drag those memories into today, then drag them into your life today the way you want to remember them. See the wisdom that


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came from the failures you had. See the humility that came from those stumblings. See the gratitude that you have that you’re still around to have one more shot at it. Just take those spots that reside in your memory and heal them. Send signals from the part of your mind, your inner winner, and send signals to the part of your brain that contains those negative memories and just change them into positives. Just grateful for the fact that you have a brain at all, right? Your brain is a very funny machine. I accidentally listened to my motivational tapes backwards and became a failure. You want to make sure you’re using this brain properly. The problem with most of us is we think backwards when it comes to our brain, our mind. We go backwards. We find all the failures and we bring them to the day. Well, quit thinking backwards. Start thinking forward. If you think backwards, then think positively.

Pick something you find harder that you failed at and ask yourself this question, “I thought about doing that but I just did not. I wanted to do that but I did not. I was on my way to but… I tried but…” That word “but” is a word you got to get out of your vocabulary. You want to say, “I thought about it and I did it. I wanted to and I succeeded. I was on my way and I went all the way. I tried and I tried and I tried until I reached the summit of my life.” I had some of the members of the previous call on Breakfast with Bob a couple of years ago write down what I call the tree of lies or the tree of life. In your life, you have these lies that you’ve been believing about yourself. They’re beliefs that don’t work. I had everybody draw a tree and I had them draw on each tree the branches of the lies that they’ve been believing and living that took them to the failure that they’re now experiencing. Each person wrote down their tree of lies and their tree of truths. The trunk of the tree of lies for that person was lack of confidence. Here’s the way somebody else described it. I guess Alma was the person who did this, one of my favorites. Look at that. Where the tree of lies comes from your brain, the tree of truths come from your heart. That’s where truth is.

If you think backwards, then think positively.


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You’ll always find whatever you’re trying to find the truth that you’re going to feel it in your heart. Whenever you find yourself feeling fear, you’re going to experience it in your brain first. That’s where this tree of lies start to form, to build. Here’s Mafe’s tree. “I’m alone.” Look at her tree of lies. “I’m alone.” But her tree of life is “I am loved beyond measure.” Isn’t that a belief you want to have instead of a belief that I’m alone? It’s a lie. If your mind is telling you that you’re alone that you can’t do it, it’s a lie. It comes from a tree of lies that you’ve allowed to grow inside your mind. You need to cause that tree to starve that tree so that it shrivels. You need to plant a tree of truths. Here’s another one. Tree of lies. Distractions. It says “overwhelmed” is the trunk of the tree. The tree of truth for him or her, I’m not sure… So it’s Saquinna! I know Saquinna. Hi, Saquinna. For her, it was the tree of truth. It was vision. I am the source. She can do it. What I like you to do throughout this next week is I want you to take a little piece of paper. Here’s another one by the way. This was Cristy. Look at Cristy’s tree of lies. See how it’s like a wasteland. She’s not good enough. From that core belief of not being good enough, she became a dummy. She sucked at business. She was a perfectionist. She was wrong. Not deserving. She’s a sloth. These beliefs are lies. None of us are like that unless we believe it. She changed it into a belief. Tree of truths. Look at the core. “I am divine.” How about that as a belief? “I’m a child of God.” She’s the fullest expression of my highest potential. Can you imagine feeding this tree, fertilizing this tree, watering this tree so that more and more beliefs can come from this core of your divineness?

You’re divine. You’re wonderful.

You’re magnificent. You’re amazing.

You’re creative, profound. You’re awesome.


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As you go back to “I’m not good enough” which means you’re not worthy. Most people live their life like this. They wonder why they have poverty. Their tree of lies is whispering to them all kinds of lies. It doesn’t want them to live. It doesn’t want them to breathe. It wants them to die, shrivel up, go away. You’re divine. You’re wonderful. You’re magnificent. You’re amazing. You’re creative, profound. You’re awesome. When I autograph books, I may autographed it to you, but most of the time, I’ll either write one or two things. Usually I’ll say, “Do it.” But I’ll say, “You’re awesome.” Why? Because I see your awesomeness. I know beneath the layers of lies that have built up over your life, I know beneath all of those layers is a diamond of truth, a tree of truths, the best of the best, a spirit of unlimited wisdom and wealth, success, worth. I see that. I see that in you. I hope you begin to feel that. I want you to take a blank piece of paper like this. I want you to draw some sticks like them in the bottom. There’s a trunk in the middle and then there’s these branches of the truths that you want to build. I want you to have two of them—one that’s your tree of lies and the other one is your tree of truths. Keep two pieces of paper. The one on one side is your tree of lies and the other one is on the tree of truth. I want you to begin to think about some of the beliefs you thought about yourself that have not been empowering, that have slowed you down, that have discouraged you. I want you to just start feeling. What is the source of all of those lies? What would be the fundamental trunk of it and the roots of it? I want you to just ponder because there’s a very, very deep question. What are the roots of your worthlessness? Why would you think you’re not worthy if that is your thing? What are the roots of your failure? I want you to analyze the failures you’ve had before. Go back and remember them again and say, “What are the roots of that?” Did that grow into a trunk from which the branches eventually branched out and began to attract more beliefs that were lies? As you believe those beliefs and start applying those beliefs in your life, your life shrivels. But when you plant the roots of the true life that you want to live, you build the trunk of truth in your life and attract the truths that are out there, true beliefs, you can succeed. You can do anything you put your mind to. If you follow your heart, you can achieve it.


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All of these beliefs I want you to write down the kind of beliefs that you want to believe. Maybe you don’t believe but at least you’re going to write them down and say, “If I can figure out somehow to believe that, I want to believe that.” Do you know the word “belief” is, in the middle of it be-lie-f. The word “lie” is in the middle of it. I want you to cross out those lies. I want you to be a be-truth. I want you to truth it. Don’t lie it. When you turn your beliefs into truth, I want you to find the things that are true about you. Believe them. That’s your homework assignment. You say to yourself you’re not worthy. Well, how would you behave differently if you’re told you’re worth at least $10 million? What if this is your bank vault and it was really true that you had this kind of money? Well, guess what? Your Higher Power knows your worth. You just see yourself as God sees you. You have a belief in the Higher Power. You think your Higher Power sees the worst in you? Your Higher Power knows that nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all do stupid things. But your Higher Power sees the best in you. He sees who you can become and He’s constantly nudging, whispering to you for you to believe that you are a child of God. You can do it. You have divine DNA in you. There’s only one thing that can come from divine DNA. That’s the person you’re growing into. This final story will say there’s a lesson from a Turkey man teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me between two wolves.” He says, “One wolf is evil—his fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, anxiety, self-pity, guilt, resentmenet, inferiority, lies, competition, and superiority.” He says, “The other wolf is good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, faith, and laughter.” Then he tells his grandchildren that the same fight is going on inside each of them. The children think about this for a moment, and then one of them asks his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” His answer is simple. “The one that

You can do anything you put your mind to. If you follow your heart, you can achieve it.


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you feed.” If you start noticing anything negative inside you, any belief that you had, don’t feed that. Feed the good wolf. One that has love and hope and desire and magnificence inside you. That’s what you feed. Feed your dreams. Starve your doubts.

We’ve been at this for an hour and a half. Forgive me for going so long tonight. I just want you to know that I love you. I see your success and I desperately want it for you maybe more than you do. That’s the reason I do what I do. I hope something that I said tonight might be of help and of value to you. I hope that you tap in to something tonight that will realize that you were destined to great things. I hope that’s something in you tonight that realizes that every one of us is destined and DNA coded to do something good. Touch yourself at your heart level and say, “I was DNA coded to do something good.” I want to inspire you and empower you to do that to proceed forward. Even if you in this lifetime don’t reach the top of this mountain, you want to be on the climb. You want to be reaching it for the last breath you breathe. You want to do something great. When you came in this life, you had so much hope. Each baby has so much hope. Some of them do great things. Each baby has so much potential, and some of them do great things. Each baby has so much potential, and some of them do spectacular things. I believe you have this in you. Some of us start out as babies and some of us do remarkable things that change the world. Some of us start out as babies and some of us do remarkable things. We start off as babies. Some of us do remarkable things. We start out as babies. The seed is in us. The DNA is there. The only human existence entity on the planet that gets a chance to choose what we believe. We get to choose if somebody else tells us that we’re a failure. We get to choose to believe that or not. Dogs can’t believe that. Cats can’t believe that. Ants cannot believe that. They have to follow their program. They have to grow into an ant or dog or cat.

Feed your dreams. Starve your doubts.


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We get to grow into by our own choices what we determine that we were destined to grow into. We get to do great things. We start off as babies and we wonder what’s going on. But frankly, some of us turn into geniuses. We think what we’ve been given and we make good things happen. We get made over from a caterpillar inside the dark cocoon. Eventually, we start to grow. We leave the dark cocoon behind. We shed the beliefs that have held us back like an old cocoon. Emerging from that old cocoon are beliefs that no longer tell the truth about us. We start to fly. We become a butterfly.


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