How To Spot Bogus Weight Loss Claims By Robert Dave Johnston Amazing Health Publishing Fitness Through Fasting.com Health, Life, Freedom

How To Spot Bogus Weight Loss Claims · 2010. 7. 23. · program, the Author, ... weight loss claims are made in all channels of mass media in the hope of getting ... lose weight

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Page 1: How To Spot Bogus Weight Loss Claims · 2010. 7. 23. · program, the Author, ... weight loss claims are made in all channels of mass media in the hope of getting ... lose weight

How To Spot Bogus Weight Loss Claims


Robert Dave Johnston Amazing Health Publishing

Fitness Through Fasting.com

Health, Life, Freedom

Page 2: How To Spot Bogus Weight Loss Claims · 2010. 7. 23. · program, the Author, ... weight loss claims are made in all channels of mass media in the hope of getting ... lose weight

A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

Page 2

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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If you have navigated the Internet much at all, then you likely have come across the insane plethora of weight loss products, services, programs, foods, promises and gimmicks. And, if you are like me, then it is probable that you have become quite incredulous anytime a website promises weight loss results doing this or that.

Indeed, there are a lot of scams and a lot of exaggerated promises made. That is why I wrote this report. Prior to starting the Fitness Through Fasting website, I spent nearly 25 years in obesity and compulsive overeating. I was always on the lookout for anything that would help me get out of this hell. So I fell for a lot of garbage and suffered numerous disappointments. Nothing quite like the cartoon above, but pretty darn close! It got to the point where I lost faith in everything and everyone. Most of all, I lost faith my myself. I felt doomed to a life of obesity.

I don't want you to go through anything like this. And, if you already have faced similar problems, then you know just how disheartening it can be. Furthermore, since I am now in the weight loss field myself (who would have thunk it!

), I felt that creating this report would be a good way for you to get to know me. I really do care, and my greatest gift and reward is knowing that I can somehow comfort, help and/or encourage you in your fasting, weight loss and/or health-improvement journey. So what is this report all about, Robert?

Well, this guide is designed as a "training" to help you screen ads, products and services for false weight loss claims. This is the type of document I wish I would have had 20 years ago. It is comprised of all of my experience with products that boost extraordinary claims yet - in some cases - cause more problems than they solve. As the old saying says: If it seems too good to be true then it probably is!

You may be shocked to know that misleading weight loss advertising is still a part of the mainstream media. As a matter of fact, some of these products also manage to find ad slots on major TV stations during prime time. Extraordinary weight loss claims are made in all channels of mass media in the hope of getting attention from consumers looking for an easy solution. The key words here are "easy solution". Truthfully, there is no such thing.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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The "easiest" solution - in my experience - is accepting that weight loss will not be easy. Once this is accepted and internalized, then you will be in a much stronger position to take the action needed to attain the results that you want.


The bottom line is this: There is no magic solution when it comes to losing weight. I looked for it for twenty years. It does not exist.

Perhaps one day science will come up with a true magical potion for weight loss. But, last time I checked, it still has not done so. Just like obtaining any other objective in life, losing weight requires dedication and consistent effort.

Now tell me: how does this make you feel? Do you become irritated when you realize that there is no easy way out? I know that I did. It is very painful to be overweight and feel that nothing is ever going to help. I know how it feels because I was there for a long, long time. But it is important that, in our desire to lose weight and improve our health, we do not fall prey to dubious marketers.

Weight loss claims that promise permanent weight loss without sacrifice or effort are mostly bogus and, in some cases, can even be dangerous. However, if you do see a product or service that you ARE

interested in, then I strongly encourage you to research it.

Did this product or service "just come on" the market? Does the website that sell it have any articles or forum areas where people can interact? To me that is very important. A stand alone "sale page" without consumer presence and interaction is something that I usually stay away from. You may have noticed in Fitness Through Fasting there are THREE forums and a social networking area. I want to make sure that EVERYONE

can come online and speak their minds.

Your online research must also go beyond visiting the company website. Try conducting some search queries for terms such as “Product name scam” or “Product name testimonials” (Replace “Product name” with actual product name). Chances are good that you'll find links to several real customer testimonials, in the search results. Any red flags related to the product can be easily identified by trying such queries. One consumer website that I search often is Rip-Off Report. Enter the name of the product or company in the search box and click away.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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You may also want to read posts related to the industry, even if they do not pertain to the specific product you are considering. You will be amazed at the stories you will read. In addition, if the company is in the US or Canada, look them up in the Better Business Bureau for any unresolved consumer claims.

Anyone consumer can be dissatisfied with any product at any time. NOBODY can always please EVERYBODY. The important part is HOW

the company that sold the product responds to the customer and how the claim was resolved.

Was the company prompt in addressing the issue? The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the government agency responsible for monitoring

advertising for deception. If the company or product that you are considering is based overseas, you may want to check out the FTC's list of Consumer Protection Authorities Worldwide.

As mentioned earlier, misleading advertising is pervasive in the mainstream media. I personally grow weary of the ceaseless stream of super-hyped commercials hard selling products in thirty seconds. "Have your credit card ready, dial 1-800..."

Sometimes the offers are so ridiculous that I just want to smash the TV to pieces! Yeah, this second unit is "free," but you have to pay "separate shipping" to

receive it. Huh? Separate shipping? Why can't they just ship them both in one package?

And don't even get me started on the plethora of "male enhancement" ads that pop up at all hours of the day. What about children watching? Is there no limit? Is there no respect? I'm telling you. It makes me downright angry sometimes. So that's my little rant about excessive commercialism.

Yes, I do sell various products in the website. Products that I have created myself and that are designed to enhance and improve the quality of people's lives. But I have also given to my readers.

There are pages and pages of free content, forums, ezine emails and blogs. The best way to receive is by "giving". But with phoney weight loss claims, it's all about taking, taking, taking. There is little or no desire to be of true service and benefit.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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What irks me the most about false weight loss claims is that they take advantage of people who are genuinely struggling. I recall that, in my desperation to get healthy, I would succumb to exaggerated claims "in hopes" that "maybe" they would come true. It was a very insidious "true or false" test. But the game was rigged in favor of the marketers. The house always wins, they say. In this case, however, the loss was not monetary. With each false claim I would lose a little bit of my hope, faith, dreams and - worst of all - my health.

The only sure way to avoid these scams is by training yourself to recognize what I have identified as "common false claims" in the weight loss industry. In fact, I put together a list of the top SEVEN

to share with you here. This infamy list is comprised of bogus weight loss claims, as well as ways in which these are "re-worded" to sound different when in reality they're one and the same.

PLEASE NOTE: The phony claims listed apply to non prescription diet products such as non prescription drugs, skin patches, creams, dietary or nutritional supplements, wraps, earrings or other products that are rubbed into the skin or worn on the body. These bogus claims DO NOT

apply to other diet products and services such as prescription drugs, low calorie foods, meal replacement products, special diets, hypnosis and/or exercise equipment.

I'll give you examples of extreme weight loss product claims. What is most amusing to me is how the same claim is often conveyed in different ways. Read the section “Reality Check” in each chapter to better understand the reasoning as to why such a claim should raise a “red-flag”.

Almost all the bogus claims, covered in this guide, refer to “substantial weight”. This would mean a “Lot of weight” and would include weight loss of a pound a week for more than four weeks or total weight loss of more than 15 Pounds in any given time. The advertisements of such products may also signify “substantial weight loss” by making direct or indirect references to body fat, dress size or waist measurement. However, this impression of “substantial weight loss” may be created with or without using specific numbers.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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In case you're viewing an ad in print media such as a newspaper or a magazine then look at the overall structure of the ad.

Note the headlines, pictures, bolded texts and captions which are generally more powerful than body copy or footnotes and try to “gauge” the impact, this is having on your expectations. READ THE FINE PRINT!

Yes, I know... that may be overwhelming. Some of those "disclaimers" are longer than the US Constitution! But it is important for you to read them. Some false claims are also endorsed through experts or well known celebrities, with or without their permission.

A recent and well known example in this regard is the “endorsement” of acai berry by Oprah Winfrey. Back in 2008, Oprah and Columbia University heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz talked about the acai berry product on the famous “Oprah Winfrey show”.

As a result, several companies started marketing acai berry based products through internet creating an impression (through their product ads) that Oprah and Dr Oz endorse this new “miracle” berry. Several companies even used their names and logos right in their advertisements.

All of this happened on such a huge scale that both Dr Oz and Oprah were compelled to file a trademark infringement complaint against 40 Internet marketers related with acai berry and some other products. Further, in an article available on oprah.com, the following statement is sufficient to put things into perspective: “Neither Ms. Winfrey nor Dr. Oz has ever sponsored or endorsed any acai berry, Resveratrol, colon cleanse or dietary supplement product.”

The article also quotes Dr. Oz as making the following statement: “The companies that are using my name to hawk these products are duping the public. I do not endorse any of these products.

By falsely presenting products as ‘scientifically proven’ and endorsed by well-known figures, these companies do a gross disservice to the public health and could even pose a danger to those who believe their false and unproven claims. I am taking this step in the interest of public safety. I feel compelled to stand up against these companies and their deceitful practices. ”

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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The subliminal message is: Don't trust everything that you see in a weight loss advertisement even if it communicates “Approval” of your favourite celebrity. Conduct your due diligence over the net and protect yourself from fraud.

Of course this guide cannot list all


of the deceptive claims out there since weight loss scammers are constantly “fine tuning” the same. However, with the information in the following pages, you're sure to get started in the right direction, on your own and as soon as possible. The central message is: Cease accepting weight loss advertising messages on their face value and develop habit of critical reasoning based on due diligence and research.

CLAIM: Lose two pounds or more per week (for a month or more), without diet or exercise.

REALITY CHECK: Healthy and meaningful weight loss requires consuming fewer calories and/ or increasing exercise. These are the most basic and essential components of any program with any potential chance of producing a long term result. Simply put, ads that promote results without any of these components are false.

The claim is also false because most often the ads suggest (bluntly or subtly) that participants can expect to lose weight without changing their lifestyle. Ads which make use of such claims may or may not mention specific amounts of weight loss or time periods. Four common measurements used in several weight loss ads are inches, pounds, body fat and dress size, and any one or combination of them, may be used to convey the message of substantial weight loss. COMMON VARIATIONS OF THIS CLAIM

*“Today there exists a safe, all natural, bio active weight loss compound so powerful, so effective, so relentless in its awesome attack on bulging, fatty deposits that it has virtually eliminated the need to diet.” [Next to, before and after pictures with quote, “I lost 36 pounds in 5 weeks.”]

* “I lost 30 pounds in 30 days even though I ate all my favourite foods.”

* “Lose up to 2 pounds daily without diet or exercise.”

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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* “I lost 15 pounds in 30 days without having to change my eating habits or lifestyle in any way. See results fast without back-breaking exercise.”

* “Go from a size 12 to a size 6; lose inches QUICKLY, and do absolutely nothing but take this pill.”

CLAIM: Substantial weight loss to the participant, completely independent of what or how much the same eats.


REALITY CHECK: This is perhaps the biggest load of crap that you'll ever see. Simple common sense is enough to suspend this claim since it's impossible to eat unlimited amounts of “any” kind of food and still lose weight. Simply put, such claims are completely non-scientific and utterly false.

However, there are certain products available in the market which help in curbing appetite or cravings of an individual. In case you're viewing an ad for such products, then it's fine so long as it's clear that using such a product will help people to not want to eat as much food as before they started using the product. COMMON VARIATIONS OF THIS CLAIM

*“This breakthrough ingredient has patients losing one full pound every 12 hours, two pounds or more each day, and all without counting calories, without missing a single meal, and without giving up those delicious, mouth-watering foods they love the most.”

*“My ‘formula for living’ lets you eat hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, steak, ice cream, sausage, bacon, eggs and cheeses! And STILL LOSE WEIGHT!”

* “Eat all the foods you love, and still lose weight (pill does all the work).”

* “I lost nine pounds during my first week eating just as I always do — going to parties, even eating gobs of vacation goodies, including my favourite food: ice cream. Four weeks later, and I’ve lost another 27 pounds.”

* “Eat any mouth-watering food you want, and still blast away dress sizes and belt notches lightning fast.”

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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: Permanent weight loss even after the participant stops using the product.


Without such changes, it's highly unlikely that the lost weight will not reappear once product use stops. However, there does exists a class of permanent or long term weight loss programs which clearly indicate the continued use of the product for permanent loss. They might use a tag line to the tune of “Lose it and keep it off as long as you use our product.”

Permanent weight loss inevitably calls for permanent lifestyle changes. This includes moving to a more healthy diet as well as leading a more active lifestyle usually coupled with light exercise regime.


*“Take it off! And keep it off! ” *“Thousands of dieters are already using it and losing weight faster than they have before…and keeping the weight off.” * “For 15 years, Mary yo-yo dieted without success. Fed up and desperate, she discovered a new miracle product to lose weight easily and permanently.” * “The amazing ‘Fat-Sponge in a Pill’ that lets you eat more, weigh less and finally…yes, finally…slim down for good for the rest of your life.” * “Tired of yo-yo diets without success? This miracle product lets you lose the weight easily and permanently.” * “It can help you quickly lose the weight, and keep it from returning.” * “People who use this product say that even when they stop using the product, their weight does not jump up again.” BOGUS WEIGHT LOSS CLAIM #4 CLAIM

: Lose substantial weight by blocking the absorption of fats or calories.

REALITY CHECK: This claim tries to capitalize on the ignorance of the consumer. You must know that no blocker exists which can block enough fats or calories to cause substantial weight loss. However, there does exists certain legitimate fat blockers but they must be used in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet so as to produce a substantial effect.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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* "Lose up to two pounds daily…Apple Pectin is an energized enzyme that can ingest up to 900 times its own weight in fat. That’s why it’s a fantastic FAT BLOCKER

* “Brindall berries cause very rapid and substantial weight loss by reducing fat absorption by 76%.”


* “Super Fat-Fighting Formula guarantees rapid weight loss. Shortly after ingesting small amounts of the component, it dissolves into a gel that absorbs and surrounds excess fat and calories, preventing them from forming body fat.” * “This product blocks fat before your body absorbs it; the pounds will melt away effortlessly.” * “The Super Fat-Fighting Formula inhibits fats, sugars and starches from being absorbed in the intestines and turning into excess weight, so that you can lose pounds and inches easily.” * “Mulletwood (or some other strange-sounding word) is an ‘all-natural ingredient’ designed to attract and absorb excess calories and transport them out of your system. Watch the weight come off your body.” WEIGHT FANTASY #5 CLAIM

: You can safely lose more than three pounds per week for a period of more than four weeks.


: Unless you are fasting, very rarely have I seen anyone lose more than three pounds per week. This claim is total hogwash. The only other option to see these weight loss figures is Bariatric surgery.

* “Lose 30-40-50 pounds. Yes! You can lose three pounds per week, naturally and without side effects.”


* “Neptune’s Potion is safe and effective,” with customer testimonials claiming more than 12 pounds of weight loss per month.”

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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: The product causes substantial weight loss for all users.

REALITY CHECK: When it comes to weight loss, there is essentially no one size fit all solution. Different products will work in different manner depending upon several factors such as past health history, motivation or interest, current physical state, body type etc. No product can claim to work for EVERYBODY


* “Lose excess body fat. You cannot fail, because no will power is required.” COMMON VARIATIONS OF THIS CLAIM

* “Lose 10-15-20 pounds. Works for everyone, no matter how many times you’ve tried and failed before.”

* “Everyone in our study lost substantial weight. Failure is impossible.”

* “Melt away ugly body fat. The product targets fat and eliminates it, regardless of body type and size.”


: You can achieve substantial weight loss by simply wearing our products such as wraps, earrings etc. Similar results can also be obtained by rubbing our products onto your skin such as special creams, diet patches (which stick to your body like band-aids) etc.


: This is apparently a product category in itself. This category is filled with a huge range of products such as body wraps, rings, shoe inserts, topical creams and lotions, body belts, special clothing and diet patches etc. Although such products may appear a dieter's dream come true, there is no clinical evidence that they actually work. Further, claims that people can lose even a pound or more a week using such devices is entirely false.

* “Lose two to four pounds daily with the Neptune Diet Patch.” COMMON VARIATIONS OF THIS CLAIM

* “Neptune Reducing Cream drops pounds and inches from your thighs.”

I won't bore you with more, but I can literally go on and on and on. So then, in view of all of these scams, what is one to do? I have the answer for you and it comes in two words: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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Losing weight and improving our health is never easy, especially when we have eaten poorly and/or have been overweight for a long time. And, as they say: Old habits die hard.

They kick, scream and fight … BUT THEY DO DIE! You’re moving in the right direction by reading this eBook. But, if you wish to achieve your goals, you will have to take assertive action.

The only thing that comes easy is staying the same. There is no pain in change, only in resistance to change. Relapsing back into destructive eating comes naturally for many of us So, to a great extent, what you have to do is - in many ways - “unnatural”. Yet I tell you this: There is NOTHING more important than losing excess weight and/or cleansing our bodies.

Many of us were going down the road of sickness, overweight, overeating and obesity. We were feeling dissatisfied, our lives were unfulfilled and our self esteem was in tatters. Well guess what? A brand new road is now open before you! It is the road that leads to weight loss, health, wellness and freedom. This is the path that can choose STARTING TODAY! One that will lead you to where you’ve always wanted to be: Feeling good about yourself, happy with life and NOT afraid to look in the mirror.

You have to ask yourself: When all is said and done, do I want to leave this planet in regret, or do I want to smile with the realization that I reached my fullest potential? Can you think of anything more tragic than a life cut short that didn’t have to be? No matter what it takes, and how much temporary discomfort you have to go through, I implore you to make up your mind once and for all to take action!

For starters, read through the Fitness Through Fasting website. If you are new to fasting, give it a try. Visit Forum I, Forum II or the Fasting Social Network... put up posts, blogs, articles... speak your mind and heart. There are many who will respond and help you along the way.

You are not alone. Don't listen to all of the negative crap your mind may tell you. Don't evaluate your value and reality based on what you "feel." You are of great value and your life is MUCH MORE than what you can imagine.

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A Fitness Through Fasting.com Report: How to Spot Phony Weight Loss Claims

© 2007-2010 Robert Dave Johnston. http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com All Rights Reserved

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So take action... determine that this will be your moment of truth and that NOTHING will stand in your way. Start slow, and then move on to longer fasts. Work at breaking the fasts appropriately and then maintaining a clean and healthy diet. It won't be easy. But we offer you plenty of encouragement and tools that will help you get there. Don't ever give up and, remember... the best is yet to come! God bless you richly. If you have any comments or questions, please write me at [email protected]. Warm Regards, Robert Dave Johnston Publisher FastingOlogy™