How to Send Healing Energy from a Distance 5-23-11 This Ascension Teaching will explain a simple way to send healing energy to friends, family, pets, and natural disasters from a distance. This Teaching will also help you remember that you already, somewhere in your psyche, know how to ‘heal from a distance.’ All humans have this ability, but most do not recognize it or have any desire to use it. Humans are born with natural psychic abilities, but if you have never explored this realm of your being, you will not be cognizant of it. You could be very psychic, but have never paid much attention to it. How would you know that you are telepathic, if no one has ever sent you a telepathic message? Perhaps those of you who have developed your psychic abilities, could help your friends and family explore their psychic abilities. One person could ‘send’ a thought form or name of a certain color and see if the other, who is ‘receiving’, can determine what color you were thinking about. This ability is called Telepathy, and it is becoming ever more pronounced in our general population as we advance in our Ascension Process. If a person can recognize, without a doubt, that he or she has some psychic or healing abilities, they usually become totally excited and determined to expand and perfect their abilities. Let us help our friends, and encourage them to help others. We all need to know that we are capable of far more than we could have ever imagined. In this coming age, ‘collective intent’ will win all wars without one gun being fired, and it will help mend and heal the Earth and populations in general when so-called natural disasters happen. Just imagine what it would be like if an extremely large number of people would ‘send’ powerful healing energy to a certain place at the same time. This has been happening for sometime already, but we need many more people to help by adding their energy to this process. ‘Quite, Peaceful, Unseen, Whole Hearted People Power’ will be the new revolution. It will be the highest, easiest, and fastest way for us to collectively change the negative happenings on our Planet right now, and in the future. Are you willing to add your beautiful and powerful energy to the ‘Collective’, to help yourself, your loved ones, Mother Earth, and all life on this Planet? Do you hear the ‘Call’? How to Heal from a Distance:

How to Send Healing Energy From a Distance

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How to Send Healing Energy from a Distance 5-23-11

This Ascension Teaching will explain a simple way to send healing energy to friends, family, pets, and natural disasters from a distance.

This Teaching will also help you remember that you already, somewhere in your psyche, know how to ‘heal from a distance.’ All humans have this ability, but most do not recognize it or have any desire to use it.

Humans are born with natural psychic abilities, but if you have never explored this realm of your being, you will not be cognizant of it. You could be very psychic, but have never paid much attention to it. How would you know that you are telepathic, if no one has ever sent you a telepathic message?

Perhaps those of you who have developed your psychic abilities, could help your friends and family explore their psychic abilities. One person could ‘send’ a thought form or name of a certain color and see if the other, who is ‘receiving’, can determine what color you were thinking about. This ability is called Telepathy, and it is becoming ever more pronounced in our general population as we advance in our Ascension Process.

If a person can recognize, without a doubt, that he or she has some psychic or healing abilities, they usually become totally excited and determined to expand and perfect their abilities. Let us help our friends, and encourage them to help others. We all need to know that we are capable of far more than we could have ever imagined.

In this coming age, ‘collective intent’ will win all wars without one gun being fired, and it will help mend and heal the Earth and populations in general when so-called natural disasters happen.

Just imagine what it would be like if an extremely large number of people would ‘send’ powerful healing energy to a certain place at the same time. This has been happening for sometime already, but we need many more people to help by adding their energy to this process.

‘Quite, Peaceful, Unseen, Whole Hearted People Power’ will be the new revolution. It will be the highest, easiest, and fastest way for us to collectively change the negative happenings on our Planet right now, and in the future.

Are you willing to add your beautiful and powerful energy to the ‘Collective’, to help yourself, your loved ones, Mother Earth, and all life on this Planet? Do you hear the ‘Call’?

How to Heal from a Distance:

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First and foremost, you must have a well developed sense of integrity to do this kind of work.

Secondly, you will want to be in a balanced heart-centered state when you do your healing work.

Then you will…

Place yourself in a quiet beautiful setting where you will be undisturbed for a half hour.

Place a protective bubble of Light around you. You will use your personal choice of color.

Call in our Guides, Masters, Shamanic Animal Helpers, Angels, and whomever you choose, and ask for their assistance.

Determine what or whom you wish to work on.

Close your eyes, relax, breathe a few deep breaths, and get into that ‘sweet spot’ in your Consciousness.

Connect with your High Self and ask for guidance.

With your mind, or out loud, tell the Universe what you intend to do. For instance, you will say, “I am going to send healing energy to a person who is unconscious, or someone who is missing, or to a disaster area.” Then say,” If the energy is not needed or wanted by this person or place, please send it on to where it is needed.” If you wish to send healing energy to someone you know personally, get verbal permission from them before you work on them.

Make your mind a blank screen. And on this screen, Intend/Imagine the person or place you want to send healing energy to. You may get a clear picture, a fuzzy delicate impression, or nothing at all. If you get a fuzzy impression or nothing at all, do not give up, just ‘pretend’ that you can see what you want to see. When you pretend you are ‘seeing’ something, it is just as powerful as ‘seeing it clearly’. Don’t give up, just continue on.

Long-distance healing is possible because we are all connected to a Universal Fabric of Consciousness that runs through everything. You can, if you wish and are able, instantly send a psychic message or healing energy to someone on the other side of the planet and they will be able to hear you or feel you working on them at the same time as you are sending the message or energy. We are all connected to, and permeated by, this Fabric of Consciousness.

Now back to the Teaching…

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If you desire to send healing energy to a disaster area from a distance, you can get a picture of the place or picture the place in your mind, either way will work. You will simply make your fingers ‘long with Light’, (see last weeks teaching) then comb through the image in your mind, which you will project out about 12” from your face, or the actual picture, taking out the negative energy with your long fingers of Light, and handing it to an Angel to dispose of. Then you will send healing energy from your hands and fingers to the disaster area image or picture, to help heal and restructure it. This entire process is very simple.

If you are working on a person you will usually be looking at their back when you pull them up on your screen. I have no idea why this is, but it is how I ‘see’ them. Perhaps you will be different and see the front of a person. In any case, it doesn’t really matter which way they are facing, we will then ask to see the ‘dark energy’ in their body.

If you don’t get a clear picture of where the dark energy is, then just ‘intuitively feel’ around for it, or you can clear their entire body. When working on someone, I usually go in to clear the dark areas first. I then continue on to clear the person’s entire body and their aura and chakras.

When you have cleared the areas of dark energy from your client’s entire body, then go on to clear their aura. The aura is the energy field surrounding our body. In most people, it is usually seen extending out only a few inches.

You will use your hands to do the clearing work. Just make your ‘fingers long with Light’ as described in last week’s Teaching, and pull out the dark energy from the image of the person, which you will project out about a foot away from your face.

As you pull out the negative energy with your fingers of Light, you will hand off the dark energy to an Angel helper. My Angel Helper has a shiny golden bucket that I drop the negative energy into. When I am done working on a client, the Angel takes the energy to have it transformed into positive energy once again.

If you are clearing a part of a person’s body or aura and find a rip or tear, use your ‘Fingers of Light’ to mend the tear. You will use the light coming from the ends of your fingers like thread. Weave the light through and around the torn area till it is mended.

You can splint someone’s spinal area with Light and then wrap Light around the spine over the entire splinted area. I do this for myself and it lasts about 6 months to a year.

If you run into an implant, which will usually feel like something black, bad and alien is in the person’s body. DO NOT ATTEMPT to remove it yourself for a lot of them are booby-trapped. Just call on the ‘Demolition Crew of the Universe’, and They will come and remove it for you. Call in the ‘Physicians of the Universe next, to heal the area the Demolition Crew just worked on.

After you have cleared the person’s body of all dark energy, you will then use your ‘Fingers of Light’ to send healing energy to their entire body, including their aura.

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Don’t forget to send some extra light to their Heart, for we all appreciate a boost of positive energy in that area.

When you are finished with sending them light, let your client know that your are finished and say goodbye, then give ‘thanks’ to all of your helpers, and close the session.

Ground yourself by sending the light from the chakras in your feet, deep into the Earth. Don’t follow the light cords down into the Earth with your Consciousness, just send the cords into the Earth and hook them into a spot when you are ready, then continue on with your day.

After decades of doing healing work, I have found it to be more effective to do healing at a distance rather than in person. I believe that sometimes the energy fields of the practitioner and the client can possibly create a barrier to the energy being sent or the energy being cleared.

There are many different healing modalities to choose from if you want to be a trained healer. My favorite is Reiki. Reiki training will give you different sacred symbols to help you heal the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. The training will also give you a special symbol to use when you are doing distance healings or healings into the past.

During the initiation you will have certain energy channels opened by the Reiki Master. It is a very powerful experience and a most useful tool for you to use for friends, family, pets, and clients if you choose. Use your intuition when you are choosing a teacher.

It is not necessary for you to be formally trained. You have the natural ability already.

In the Aboriginal community of Australia, when someone is sick or hurt, all of the tribe ‘lays hands’ on the person, taking turns around the clock till the person is better. I have heard stories of broken bones automatically going back into place by doing this.

These wonderful people are living close to Nature in the same manner as their ancient ancestors and are able to know what another tribe member is thinking at any time because each individual is tapped into the group mind.

Each race of people on this Earth originally had Shaman men and women to take care of their People. We all contain the same genetic blueprint as the early Shamans. We can all tap into our dormant abilities to help ourselves, our loved ones and beautiful Mother Earth.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti


Universal Copyright: All and any of this Teaching may be shared as long as Amara Mahdhuri of www.Bluestarbornhealer.com is given credit.