How to Roll In Life

How To Roll In Life

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How to Roll In Life

About the Authors Stanley Jiang

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Dr. Stanley Thor Squirtle Bruce Tony Wayne Stark Yolo Brock Depp IV, was born August 24, 1997. He attended Bronx High School of Science and graduated from MIT in 2021 with Ph.Ds in every subject available. He currently lives in his mansion on his 1.5

acres of property, with his 9 mistresses and servants. He spends his free time doing whatever he wishes to do. His hobbies include: protecting New York City from the

forces of evil, catching all 649 Pokémon, and being a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

Lily NongAn Award winning Food Judge and Author, Lily is a talented eater and writer. She

occasionally likes to bake some sweets but burns them anyways. She is a big big big big fan of Super Junior and secretly likes Big Bang and 2NE1. An alumnus from The

Bronx High School of Science and majored in Culinary and also psychology, she occasionally pretends to be Oprah Winfrey and talks to people about their lives and their


Dedicated to…

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This Book is dedicated to our friends and family, to

Sra. Olmedo, andalso to our hardworking SM

members Super Junior Oppas and Girls'

Generation Noonas! Fighting!!~     


From Lily, Stanley, Ben and Jackie

General Health and Wellness 1. Be HAPPY!

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- Not only will staying bright sun-shiny happy help your mental health, it will generally enhance your overall health as well—your immune systems and other systems in your body will also be bubbly happy when you are. Ladies—studies have shown being happy will give your complexion a boost, giving you beautiful, clear skin!

Go Hug A Tree

2. Stick To Your Plans! - Whatever your plans may be, it is very important to stick to them. Whether it may be diet plans or

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school-related plans, once you’ve carried them through, you will be totally stress-free—thus even your mental health will have benefits.

3. The Cup is Always Half Full - Even if in particularly stressful and/or unbearable situations, being optimistic will always help you. “I

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have ten homeworks tonight, there’s cake for dessert tonight. GoGoGo!” is much better than “I have ten homeworks tonight, I only did three.” Be the optimistic one and maybe things will turn out to be better than you think.

4. Keep Busy!!- Sitting in front of a computer will most likely not get you anywhere. Weekends? Get up and go for a

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jog. Listen to the birds sing and see the sun shine (not directly, though). Trying new things will enlighten your life and experiences and maybe you will find a new hobby or meat some new acquaintances. The joy in life is not found on the computer screen but in the world around you.

“The more that you readThe more things you will know.The more that you learnThe more places you’ll go.”

- Dr. Seuss

Social Health 1. Be Sociable—Don’t Be Shy

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- Breaking away from your shy habit is the number one thing you need to do! It is okay to be a little shy and say little when someone first approaches you, say, at the first day of school, but then when they realize you aren’t willing to make a conversation with them, they’ll most likely leave, which leads to you having little friends.

2. Family and then Friends! - Families and Friends and your life go hand in hand! Be nice to people around you and you will notice

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the presence around you is much lighter. When you are feeling stressed, talk to a close friend or family member and they will most likely try to ease your stress. Really, what is life if there are no friends or family?

3. Don’t Criticize Too Much- No one likes to be criticized to an extreme point—even if they really need the criticism. Criticizing

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people is like disagreeing with them and even pointing out their mistakes and telling them how to do it correctly. Really like rubbing in their faces. Doing this too much will make people dislike you, which will harm you in one way or another.

4. Keep Yourself Presentable- For the most part, all humans have felt self-conscious at some point in their lives. People tend to care

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about what others see them as—especially ladies. If you don’t shower daily or whatever it is that you don’t do, people will most likely react by keeping away from you. Soon, you will lose all your friends and stress will being to pile as you move further and further away from society. O__O

Physical Activity & Fitness

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1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day!Physical activity can improve a person's overall health. It can lower high blood pressure,

depression, and can prevent an early death. Physical activity can also improve bone health and reduce amounts of body fat. Studies show that 27% of the adult population in

the US, are obese. Walking, running, mowing the lawn, taking your dog out for a stroll are all examples of simple physical activities.

2. Try out different types of sports to find one that you would enjoy doing.Trying out different types of sports can increase efficiency for different components of

the body. For example, playing soccer would increase leg muscles since you are running and kicking. It would also increase lung function. laying football can increase

your overall muscle mass as football requires a lot of different muscles.

3. Before exercising, you must warm up.It is recommended that you perform 5-10 minutes performing warm ups. If you don’t

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exercise before warming up, you can pull a tendon or suffer from cramps. Warm ups increase blood flow and help “lubricate” the joints.

4. Decide the amount of sets and reps you would do for the exercise.A set is the number of times you repeat the exercise. The repetition or “rep”  is the

amount of times you perform the exercise for each set. Decide on a safe amount of sets and reps depending on what you feel like you can do.

Nutrition & Healthy Weight

1. Keep your BMI in a healthy weight range.BMI or (Body Mass Index) is a key index for relating weight to height.  BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness and is used to screen for weight categories that may

lead to health problems. To calculate your BMI, use this formula:

2. Follow the food pyramid.Add right amounts of grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, oils, and meats to your meals.

Grains are breads, pasta, and rice. Vegetables can be broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, etc.

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The fruits can be apples, bananas, oranges, or grapes. Dairy means milk, yogurt, or cheese. Oils are separated into saturated and unsaturated.

3. Try to drink at least 8 cups of water a day.Water is essential for all of our daily functions. Without water, we can only survive for

about 3 days. We lose water from our bodies every day due to sweating and excreting, so it is necessary to replenish the water lost. A shortage of water in our bodies can

cause us to be dehydrated. Out of all the water on earth, only 2.75% of it is fresh water.

4. Satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way.Instead of eating sweets to satisfy your cravings, enjoy naturally sweetened desserts such as fresh fruit cocktails or fruit parfait with yogurt or apple pie. Chocolate is also nice sometimes; it contains many helpful antioxidants, and can help clear up blood

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vessels. You can have ice- cream one in a while to reward yourself.


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Get enough rest . To have good mental and emotional health, it’s important to take care of your body. That includes getting enough sleep. Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep each night in order to function optimally.

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Exercise to relieve stress and lift your mood. Exercise is a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. Look for small ways to add activity to your day, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going on a short walk. To get the most mental health benefits, aim for 30 minutes or more of exercise per day.

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Get a dose of sunlight every day. Sunlight lifts your mood, so try to get at least 10 to 15 minutes of sun per day. This can be done while exercising, gardening, or socializing.

Manage your stress levels . Stress takes a heavy toll on mental and emotional health, so it’s important to keep it under control. While not all stressors can be avoided, stress management strategies can help you bring things back into balance.

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Appeal to your senses. Stay calm and energized by appealing to the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Listen to music that lifts your mood, place flowers where you will see and smell them, massage your hands and feet, or sip a warm drink.

Do things that positively impact others. Being useful to others and being valued for what you do can help build self-esteem.

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Practice self-discipline. Self-control naturally leads to a sense of hopefulness and can help you overcome despair, helplessness, and other negative thoughts.

Get a pet . Yes, pets are a responsibility, but caring for one makes you feel needed and loved. There is no love quite as unconditional as the love a pet can give. Animals can also get you out of the house for exercise and expose you to new people and places.

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Eating Disorders and Body Image

Be proud of your body! You should always be proud of your body and not worry about what others think. A positive outlook can save you from a lot of problems. Some teens become obsessed with their body image, and they think that they are ugly. They then begin to develop anorexia and bulimia, some serious eating disorders.

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Never Try to Starve Yourself to Lose Weight

That is never the way to go; you cause so much damage to your body. You could even kill yourself through malnutrition. There are other ways to lose weight. If you know someone who starves themselves to lose weight, help him or her find help right away. You don’t mess around with your life.

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Never Try Purging After Eating

Purging after eating can lead to bulimia nervosa, a serious eating disorder that affects many people around the world. Believe it or not, the purging becomes addictive, and it could even lead to death. Bulimia leads to serious nutritional problems and serious complications could arise from these problems. Purging and starving are some of the worst ways to lose weight.

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No Matter What You Look Like, There Will Still Be People Who Love You

Everyone has someone who loves them. No one’s going to hate you because of the way you look. Don’t be embarrassed about the way you look, and don’t try to please others if it’s going to hurt you. Worry about your health, because others also worry about your health and your person. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way.

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Things That You Should Avoid

The man who played Kevin in “Home Alone” started doing drugs later on in his life, and those drugs caused his face to rapidly age.

Avoid All Types of Drugs

They aren’t good for you, and it doesn’t matter if your friends do drugs. You should never try them. If you take drugs, you’ll slowly be killing yourself. Not only is it dangerous to take drugs, but it’s also illegal. Don’t ever give in to temptations.

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Just about the worst thing you could do to yourself. The dangers of cigarettes go without saying. They slowly and painfully kill you. They’re addictive and dangerous. Cigarettes are just not worth the risk. Avoid them as much as you can, and never accept cigarettes from other people. Be abstinent. Be safe. Avoid cigarettes.

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Stress is a huge problem with teenagers nowadays. Being a teenager isn’t easy, especially being a teenager in Bronx Science. One must learn to manage his or her time wisely and not procrastinate. Stress is a dangerous thing, and it causes a lot of problems. Just plan ahead and spare yourself the trouble of getting sick because of stress.

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You have to sleep, get as much rest as you can. Not sleeping can lead to more stress, and it could lead to health problems. If you don’t sleep, you’ll be tired, and sleeplessness affects your everyday performance. Take a nap every once in a while. Instead of playing a video game, go catch up on some z’s.

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Get Out and Play

It’ll do you a lot of good to just go outside and play with your friends and/or family. You’ll be fit, and it helps you relieve a lot of stress. Going outside to laugh and play can do wonders for your health. It’ll keep you healthy, and it’ll get your mind off things. Go to your nearest park with your friends and just have a good time.

About the AuthorsBenjamin Delcid

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Ben was born on November 24th, 1996. An all around cool guy, he attended the Bronx High School of Science and graduated in 2014. While there, he picked up a couple of

tricks, got through his awkward phase, and became jack-of-all trades. In his spare time, he likes to do a lot of things, from the athletic to the geeky. Sometimes he’ll be outside playing Frisbee or Soccer, other times he’ll be inside playing a Legend of Zelda game.

Sometimes he’ll be outside and adventuring the city with his friends, other times he’ll be inside reading a book. He sometimes hangs out with his friends and jams to The

Beatles Rockband. Most of the time, he’s planning his next great adventure.

Jackie Liang

I am Jackie Liang, currently a student in Bronx Science. I attended middle school and elementary

in Queens. My best subject or subject that I am mostly strong in is Math, Chinese and Gym. I

am a sports type of person, so I like being completive and getting challenges from others. As for

what sport I play or what’s my favorite sport would be basketball. There many other things that

I like. For example I like eating fruit and North Asian’s food. I use my spare time to do stuff I’m

interested in like play my piano or do song covers. I am really social able and chill so if you ever

want to be a friend with me, I wouldn’t mine. However I don’t like retards and haters. And this is

all you need to know about me.