How to Remove Wga

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Computer Troubleshooting

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dit you bought Windows XP and have been unlucky enough to fail the validation (which isn't uncommon) then you might just want to remove the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA). This is a non-vital Windows component, which means that without it your copy of Windows XP will continue to work.If you have tried to delete WgaTray.exe and it says "Access is denied"then1. Launch Windows Task Manager.2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager and retry. if it doesn't work then3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.4. Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\ start, click on Run then type regedit then click OK2.expand hkey_local_machine3.expand software4.expand microsoft folder5.scroll down then expand windows nt6.expand current version7.scroll down then expand winlogon8.go to folder NOTIFY then right click then delete it9.then click yes10. restart the computer11. go to my computer12 double click local disk c13.then open windows folder14.then open system 32 folder15.then look for wgatray.exe16. right click then delete click yesSolve